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Score ↓ | Exp/Site/Hole | Year | Author/Title | Full text |
100% | | 1981 | Fenner, J.: Diatoms in the Eocene and Oligocene sediments off NW-Africa, their stratigraphic and paleogeographic occurrences | |
94% | | 1981 | Mountain, Gregory Stuart: Stratigraphy of the western North Atlantic based on the study of reflection profiles and DSDP results | |
94% | | 1989 | Rothe, P.: Mineral composition of sedimentary formations in the North Atlantic Ocean | |
92% | | 1976 | Gombos, Andrew M., Jr.: Neogene and Paleogene diatom stratigraphy in the region of the Falkland Plateau | |
87% | | 1982 | Maillot, Henri: Les Paleoenvironnements de l'Atlantique sud; apport de la geochimie sedimentaire Paleoenvironments of the South Atlantic; sedimentary geochemistry's contribution | |
87% | 158 | 1995 | Active hydrothermal system drilled at the Mid-Atlantic Ridge | |
87% | | 2000 | Keigwin, Lloyd D.: Millennial scale climate change in the western North Atlantic | |
87% | | 2008 | Searle, Roger: Mantle extrusion on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge near 13 degrees N | |
87% | | 1993 | Krumenaker, Larry: Works in progress; under the boardwalk | |
83% | 207 | 2010 | Blair, Stacie A.: Cenomanian-Santonian calcareous nannofossil biostratigraphy of Demerara Rise, Western Equatorial Atlantic (ODP Leg 207); black shales and a better refined biostratigraphic framework | |
83% | 177 | 1997 | Gersonde, Rainer; Hodell, David: JOIDES Resolution returns to the Southern Ocean | |
83% | 207 | 2006 | Friedrich, Oliver; Erbacher, Jochen et al.: IODP; evidence for warm saline bottom waters in the Cretaceous tropical Atlantic Ocean | |
83% | 175 175-1078 | 2009 | Hessler, Ines; Dupont, Lydie M.: Response of tropical African vegetation to periods associated with North Atlantic Heinrich events | |
83% | 207 | 2006 | Beckmann, B.; Hofmann, P. et al.: Biomarker evidence from Demerara Rise for surface and deep water redox conditions in the Mid Cretaceous western Equatorial Atlantic | |
82% | | 1982 | Roca, Henri Joseph, III: The Oligocene foraminiferal biostratigraphy of the South Atlantic, 30 degrees South latitude | |
82% | | 1969 | Benson, William E.: Lithology and mineralogy of cores from western Atlantic, Leg 4, Deep Sea Drilling Project | |
79% | | 1971 | Cita, M. B.; Gartner, S., Jr.: Deep Sea Upper Cretaceous from the western North Atlantic | |
79% | 45 46 | 1980 | Kuo, Lung-Chuan Joseph: Morphology and zoning patterns of plagioclase in phyric basalts from DSDP legs 45 and 46, Mid-Atlantic Ridge | |
79% | | 1979 | Hall, J. M.: A model for the structural state of the upper half kilometer of North Atlantic Ocean layer 1 | |
79% | 37 | 1978 | Andrews, Anthony James: Petrology and geochemistry of alteration in Layer 2 basalts, DSDP Leg 37 | |
79% | 36 | 1978 | Busen, Karen E.: Silicoflagellate stratigraphy, Leg 36, Deep Sea Drilling Project | |
79% | 2 | 1969 | Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 2 | |
79% | | 1989 | Riegraf, W.; Luterbacher, H.: Oberjura-Foraminiferen aus dem Nord- und Suedatlantik (Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 1-79) Upper Jurassic foraminifers of the North and South Atlantic Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 1-79 | |
79% | 37 | 1977 | Puchelt, H.; Emmermann, R.: REE characteristics of ocean floor basalts from the MAR 37 degrees N (Leg 37 DSDP) | |
79% | | 1980 | Gruver, Nancy: Structural complexities of DSDP basement cores from the North Atlantic Ocean | |
79% | | 1980 | Rona, P. A.: The central North Atlantic ocean basin and continental margins; geology, geophysics, geochemistry, and resources including the Trans-Atlantic Geotraverse (TAG); NOAA ATLAS 3 | |
79% | 154 | 1995 | Exploring an active seafloor hydrothermal system | |
79% | | 2008 | Jansen, Eystein; Kleiven, H. F.: EuroMARC CRP; Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation During Interglacials (AMOCINT) | |
79% | | 1987 | Gard, G.: Observation of a dimorphic coccosphere | |
79% | | 1979 | Habib, D.: Sedimentary origin of North Atlantic Cretaceous palynofacies | |
78% | | 1981 | Manheim, Frank T.; Paul, C. K.: Patterns of groundwater salinity changes in deep continental-oceanic transect off the southeastern Atlantic coast of the U.S.A. | |
78% | 39 39-354 | 1981 | Fodor, R. V.; Hekinian, R.: Petrology of basaltic rocks from the Ceara and the Sierra Leone aseismic rises in the equatorial Atlantic Ocean | |
78% | 71 71-511 | 1985 | Wise, S. W.; Gombos, A. M. et al.: Cenozoic evolution of polar water masses, Southwest Atlantic Ocean | |
78% | 81 | 1982 | Beiersdorf, H.: Entstehungsgeschichte des Rockall-Plateaus (Oestlicher Nordatlantik) History of the formation of the Rockall Plateau, Northeast Atlantic | |
78% | | 1987 | Saint-Marc, P.: Donnees paleoceanographiques sur le Paleocene de la partie nord-orientale de la Walvis Ridge, Atlantique Sud Paleo-oceanographic data on the Paleocene of the north-eastern part of the Walvis Ridge, South Atlantic | |
78% | 154 | 1994 | Hagelberg, Teresa King; deMenocal, Peter et al.: Variations in terrigenous sedimentation on the Ceara Rise, western Equatorial Atlantic as inferred from core and log data integration | |
78% | 108 | 1988 | Barg, Eunjoo; Tauxe, Lisa et al.: A lower Jaramillo transition record from the eastern Qquatorial Atlantic; comparison with the North Atlantic | |
78% | 41 41-370 | 1986 | Kotova, I. Z.: Palinologicheskoye izucheniye nizhnemelovykh otlozheniy tsentral'noy chasti Atlanticheskogo okeana Palynology of Lower Cretaceous deposits of the central Atlantic Ocean | |
78% | 155 | 1996 | Maslin, M.: Last glacial equatorial western Atlantic circulation; the Amazon Fan and Heinrich events | |
78% | | 1979 | Prevot, M.; Lecaille, A. et al.: Magnetism of the Mid-Atlantic Crest near 37 degrees N from FAMOUS and DSDP results; a review | |
78% | 162 | 1996 | Bout-Roumazeilles, V.; Lehman, B.: Passages Arctique-Atlantique, deuxieme campagne; Leg ODP 162 (Atlantic-Arctic Gateways II) Second expedition of the Arctic and Atlantic; ODP Leg 162, Atlantic-Arctic Gateways II | |
78% | 43 43-384 | 1992 | Nishimura, Akiko: Paleocene radiolarian biostratigraphy in the Northwest Atlantic at Site 384, Leg 43, of the Deep Sea Drilling Project | |
78% | 94 94-609 | 2008 | Obrochta, Stephen Phillip: Glacial North Atlantic millennial variability over the last 300,000 years | |
78% | 172 | 1999 | Franz, Sven-Oliver; Tiedemann, Ralf: Changes in deep water circulation and current intensities of the DWBC in the NW-Atlantic during marine isotope stages 8 to 10 (250-350 ka) | |
78% | 207 | 2007 | Junium, C. K.; Arthur, M. A. et al.: A compound specific nitrogen isotope record utilizing multiple geoporphyrins and chlorins for Oceanic Anoxic Event 2 at Demerara Rise | |
78% | 113 113-689 208 | 2005 | Thomas, D. J.; Via, R. K.: Early Oligocene onset of deep-water production in the North Atlantic | |
78% | 155 | 1995 | Piper, D. J. W.: ODP Leg 155 on the Amazon deep-sea fan; amazingly like the Meguma Group | |
78% | 207 207-1258 | 2010 | Adams, Derek D.; Hurtgen, Matthew T. et al.: Volcanic activation of biogeochemical cascade regulates Oceanic Anoxic Event 2 | |
78% | 207 207-1258 | 2011 | Joachim, Christian; Mutterlose, Joerg et al.: Diversity and abundance patterns of marine primary producers across the Paleocene-Eocene boundary | |
75% | | 2000 | Monteverde, D. H.; Miller, K. G. et al.: Correlation of offshore seismic profiles with onshore New Jersey Miocene sediments | |
75% | 11 12 41 48 | 1981 | Leroy, Philippe: Contribution a l'etude de la sedimentation argileuse sur les marges de l'Ocean atlantique nord depuis le Jurassique superieur Clay sedimentation on the northern Atlantic Ocean margin since the Upper Jurassic | |
73% | 108 108-657 108-658 108-659 108-660 108-661 108-662 108-663 108-664 108-665 108-666 108-667 108-668 | 1989 | Ruddiman, William F.; Sarnthein, Michael et al.: Eastern tropical Atlantic, covering Leg 108 of the cruises of the drilling vessel JOIDES Resolution, Marseille, France, to Dakar, Senegal, Sites 657-668, 18 February 1986-17 April 1986 | download |
72% | | 1983 | Logvinenko, N. V.; Popova, E. A.: Clinoptilolite from the Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous of the North Atlantic (based on DSDP data) | |
72% | 82 82-556 82-558 | 1983 | Hill, I. A.: Downhole physical property measurement in Atlantic oceanic crust from wireline logging results | |
72% | | 1981 | Summerhayes, Colin P.: Organic facies of Middle Cretaceous black shales in deep North Atlantic | |
72% | 36 36-330 | 1981 | Scheibnerova, V.: Palaeographical implications of Cretaceous benthic foraminifera recovered by the Deep Sea Drilling Project in the western South Atlantic | |
72% | 3 39 | 1981 | Robert, C.: Santonian to Eocene palaeogeographic evolution of the Rio Grande Rise (South Atlantic) deduced from clay-mineralogical data (DSDP legs 3 and 39) | |
72% | 153 | 1998 | Pilot, Joachim; Werner, Carl-Dietrich et al.: Palaeozoic and Proterozoic zircons from the Mid-Atlantic Ridge | |
72% | 75 75-532 | 1985 | Dean, W.; Gardner, J.: Cyclic variations in calcium carbonate and organic carbon in Miocene to Holocene sediments, Walvis Ridge, South Atlantic Ocean | |
72% | | 1985 | Benson, R. H.; Chapman, R. E. et al.: Evidence from the Ostracoda of major events in the South Atlantic and worldwide over the past 80 million years | |
72% | | 1994 | Edmonds, Henrietta N.; Gamo, T. et al.: Sampling of hydrothermal fluids from the TAG Mound, Mid-Atlantic Ridge, by Shinkai 6500; preliminary results of fluid chemistry characterization prior to ODP drilling | |
72% | 41 41-366 | 1986 | Saint-Marc, Pierre: Qualitative and quantitative analysis of benthic foraminifers in Paleocene deep-sea sediments of the Sierra Leone Rise, central Atlantic | |
72% | 81 81-552 | 1992 | Harland, Rex: Dinoflagellate cyst biostratigraphy of the last 2.3 Ma from the Rockall Plateau, Northeast Atlantic Ocean | |
72% | | 1982 | Anonymous: Heterogenitaet des Erdmantels durch Krustenbohrungen am Mittelatlantischen Ruecken nachgewiesen; Glomar Challenger, Fahrtabschnitt 82 Heterogeneity of the mantle proved by boreholes in the crust of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge; Glomar Challenger, Leg 82 | |
72% | 158 | 1996 | Petersen, S.; Herzig, P. M. et al.: Fluid temperature history of the TAG hydrothermal mound, Mid-Atlantic Ridge, 26 degrees N | |
72% | | 1977 | Grow, J. A.; Markl, R. G.: IPOD-USGS multichannel seismic reflection profile from Cape Hatteras to the Mid-Atlantic Ridge | |
72% | 37 37-332 | 1977 | Flower, M. F. J.; Robinson, P. T. et al.: Magma fractionation systems beneath the Mid-Atlantic Ridge at 36-37 degrees N | |
72% | | 1987 | Blanc-Vernet, L.: Foraminiferes benthiques et paleoenvironnements pliocenes et quaternaires dans l'Atlantique nord-occidental d'apres les donnees de forages DSDP (Legs 76 et 93) Benthic foraminifera and Pliocene and Quaternary paleoenvironments in the Northwest Atlantic from DSDP, legs 76 and 93 drilling data | |
72% | 44 | 1989 | Fourcade, Eric; Granier, Bruno: Age des carbonates de plate-forme du Site 392A DSDP (Leg 44), arge atlantique du continent nord-americain Age of the platform carbonates from DSDP Site 392A (Leg 44), Atlantic margin of North America | |
72% | 79 79-546 | 1988 | Holser, William T.; Clement, Gail P. et al.: Evaporite deposits of the North Atlantic Rift | |
72% | 80 80-548 | 1988 | Loubere, Paul: Gradual late Pliocene onset of glaciation; a deep-sea record from the Northeast Atlantic | |
72% | 158 | 1996 | Bruegmann, G. E.; Hofmann, A. W. et al.: Os isotopic composition and Os distribution in the active mound of the TAG-hydrothermal system, Mid-Atlantic Ridge | |
72% | 40 40-362 | 1986 | Duffield, Susan L.; Stein, Jeffrey A.: Biostratigraphy and taxonomy of Neogene dinoflagellate cysts in sediments from Walvis Ridge, eastern Atlantic Ocean (Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 40) | |
72% | 41 41-366 | 1982 | Sarnthein, M.; Schneider, R. et al.: Cyclic eolian and carbonate sedimentation at the Sierra Leone Rise, equatorial Atlantic | |
72% | | 1968 | Funnell, B. M.; Smith, A. Gilbert: Opening of the Atlantic Ocean | |
72% | 12 12-116 | 1980 | Blanc, P. L.; Rabussier, D. et al.: North Atlantic deep water formed by the later middle Miocene | |
72% | 37 37-334 | 1976 | Helmstaedt, H.; Allen, J. M.: Metagabbro from DSDP hole 334; an example of high-temperature deformation and recrystallization near the Mid-Atlantic Ridge | |
72% | 79 | 1986 | Jansa, Lubomir F.: Paleoceanography and evolution of the North Atlantic Ocean basin during the Jurassic | |
72% | | 1986 | Premoli-Silva, Isabella; Boersma, Anne: Paleogene biofacies of the western North Atlantic Ocean | |
72% | 158 | 2000 | Fujioka, Kantaro; Chiba, Hitoshi et al.: Large change of architecture and fluid passway at the TAG hydrothermal mound, Mid-Atlantic Ridge | |
72% | 82 82-563 | 1985 | Melillo, Allan Joseph: Late Oligocene to Pliocene sea-level cycle events in the Baltimore Canyon trough and western North Atlantic Basin | |
72% | | 1985 | Vergnaud Grazzini, C.; Saliege, J. F.: Les evenements isotopiques en milieu oceanique a la transition Eocene-Oligocene dans le Pacifique et l'Atlantique; paleocirculations profondes en Atlantique sud Isotope occurrences in oceanic environment at the Eocene-Oligocene boundary in the Pacific and Atlantic; deep-seated paleocirculation in the southern Atlantic | |
72% | 37 45 76 | 1996 | Floury, L.; Dupont, J. et al.: NADIA, the logging shuttle developed by IFREMER which made the DIANAUT and OFM campaigns technologically successful | |
72% | | 1989 | Swift, Stephen A.; Stephen, Ralph A.: Lateral heterogeneity in the seismic structure of upper oceanic crust, western North Atlantic | download |
72% | 175 175-1085 | 2004 | Foote, J. R.; Christensen, B. A. et al.: Pleistocene North Atlantic Deep Water production; a Southern Hemisphere perspective | |
72% | 150 | 1996 | Deconinck, J. F.: Glacioeustatic control of terrigenous clay mineral fluxes off New Jersey during the Cenozoic (NW Atlantic, ODP Leg 150) | |
72% | 39 39-357 | 1986 | Patterson, Roy Timothy: Late Oligocene to Pleistocene benthic foraminifera from DSDP Site 357 (Leg 39) on the Rio Grande Rise in the South-west Atlantic Ocean | |
72% | 80 80-548 | 1986 | Loubere, Paul; Moss, Kevin: Late Pliocene climatic change and the onset of Northern Hemisphere glaciation as recorded in the Northeast Atlantic Ocean | |
72% | 81 81-552 | 1986 | Hooper, P. W. P.; Funnell, B. M.: Late Pliocene to Recent planktonic foraminifera from the North Atlantic (DSDP Site 552A); quantitative palaeotemperature analysis | |
72% | | 1979 | Drever, J. I.; Lawrence, J. R. et al.: Gypsum and halite from the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, DSDP Site 395 | |
72% | | 1984 | Bair, John; Hart, George F.: Palynology of some Lower Cretaceous sediments from the Malvinas area, South Atlantic | |
72% | 41 41-368 | 1978 | Simoneit, B. R. T.; Brenner, S. et al.: Thermal alteration of Cretaceous black shale by basaltic intrusions in the eastern Atlantic | |
72% | 94 94-607 | 1993 | Kameo, Koji; Sato, Tokiyuki: Late Pliocene nannofossil biostratigraphy at Site 607, DSDP-IPOD Leg 94 (North Atlantic Ocean) and its oceanographic significance | |
72% | 108 | 1991 | Latouche, C.; Maillet, N. et al.: Impact des echanges paleohydrologiues et des paleoclimats sur la sedimentation argileuse (Leg 108, Atlantique N.E.) The impact of paleohydrologic exchanges and paleoclimate and their impact upon clay sedimentation, Leg 108, Northeast Atlantic | |
72% | 43 43-386 | 1979 | McNulty, C. L.: Meridionally ornamented hedbergellid foraminifers from western Atlantic, Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 43, Site 386 | |
72% | 74 74-525 | 1993 | Boltovskoy, Esteban; Watanabe, Silvia: Cenozoic monothalamous foraminifers from DSDP Site 525 (southern Atlantic) | |
72% | 94 94-606 | 1993 | Frances, G.; Sierro, F. J. et al.: Effects of the late Pliocene glaciation on the benthic and planktonic communities in the North Atlantic (DSDP Site 606) | |
72% | 76 76-533 76-534 | 1981 | Challenger drills at sites off East Coast | |
72% | 40 40-362 | 1986 | Stein, Jeffrey A.; Duffield, Susan L.: Dinoflagellate cyst assemblages related to the Neogene history of the Benguela upwelling system at Deep Sea Drilling Project Site 362 (Leg 40), Walvis Ridge, southeastern Atlantic Ocean | |
72% | 41 41-368 | 1986 | Simoneit, Bernd R. T.: Effects of igneous intrusions on sedimentary organic matter; Cretaceous black shales in the Atlantic Ocean (DSDP Site 368) | |
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