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Score ↓ | Exp/Site/Hole | Year | Author/Title | Full text |
100% | | 1984 | Nyong, Eyo E.: Campanian to lower Maastrichtian paleobiogeography of the Western North Atlantic region | |
100% | | 1996 | Chamley, Herve: The tectonics, sedimentation and palaeoceanography of the North Atlantic region; book review | |
94% | 79 79-547 | 1998 | Nederbragt, Alexandra J.; Erlich, Robert N. et al.: Palaeoecology of the biserial planktonic foraminifer Heterohelix moremani (Cushman) in the late Albian to middle Turonian Circum-North Atlantic | |
94% | 104 104-642 105 105-646 | 1994 | Willard, Debra A.: Palynological record from the North Atlantic region at 3 Ma; vegetational response to a period of global warmth | |
83% | 15 15-149 | 1982 | Alvarez, Walter; Asaro, Frank et al.: Iridium anomaly approximately synchronous with terminal Eocene extinctions | |
83% | 79 | 1986 | Jansa, Lubomir F.: Paleoceanography and evolution of the North Atlantic Ocean basin during the Jurassic | |
83% | | 1986 | Premoli-Silva, Isabella; Boersma, Anne: Paleogene biofacies of the western North Atlantic Ocean | |
83% | | 1986 | Tucholke, Brian E.; McCoy, Floyd W.: Paleogeographic and paleobathymetric evolution of the North Atlantic Ocean | |
83% | 24 24-233 | 1989 | Keppie, J. D.; Dallmeyer, R. D.: Late Precambrian-Paleozoic tectonostratigraphic terranes in the Circum-Atlantic, Phanerozoic orogens; a 1:5,000,000 compilation map | |
83% | 104 | 1990 | Eldholm, Olav: Magmatic-tectonic evolution of a volcanic rifted margin | |
83% | 150 | 1993 | Mountain, Gregory S.; Miller, Kenneth et al.: New Jersey sea level; Mid-Atlantic transect | |
83% | | 1979 | Hall, J. M.: The oceanic crust; investigations by Canadian groups on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge crest and other areas | |
83% | | 1980 | Lewis, B. T. R. (ed.); Rabinowitz, P. D. (ed.): Regional geophysical studies associated with IPOD site surveys | |
83% | 76 76-534 | 1987 | Sheridan, Robert E.: Pulsation tectonics as the control of continental breakup | |
83% | 47 48 | 1978 | Latouche, C.; Maillet, N.: Mineralogie des depots cenozoiques des sites D.S.D.P. I.P.O.D. 398 (Leg 47B) et 403, 404, 405, 406 (Leg 48); implications paleoclimatiques et paleohydrologiques Mineralogy of sediments at D.S.D.P./I.P.O.D. 398 (Leg 47B) and 403, 404, 405, 406 (Leg 48); paleoclimatologic and paleohydrologic implications | |
83% | 47 48 50 | 1978 | Chamley, H.; Debrabant, P. et al.: Mineralogie et geochimie des sediments secondaires et cenozoiques de la marge atlantique nord-orientale (Leg 47B, 48, 50, D.S.D.P.) Mineralogy and geochemistry of Mesozoic and Cenozoic sediments of the northeastern Atlantic margin; Leg 47B, 48, and 50 of DSDP | |
83% | | 1986 | Tucholke, Brian E.; Mountain, Gregory S.: Tertiary paleoceanography of the western North Atlantic Ocean | |
83% | | 1988 | Shackleton, N. J.; Imbrie, J. et al.: The evolution of oceanic oxygen-isotope variability in the North Atlantic over the past three million years; discussion | |
83% | | 2001 | Holbourn, Ann; Kuhnt, Wolfgang et al.: Atlantic paleobathymetry, paleoproductivity and paleocirculation in the late Albian; the benthic foraminiferal record | |
83% | 47 48 | 1978 | Renard, M.: Teneurs en strontium, manganese, fer et composition isotopique de l'oxygene et du carbone des carbonates des Legs 47B (site 398D) et 48 (site 400A) Amount of strontium, manganese, iron and oxygen and carbon isotopic composition of carbonates of legs 47B (Site 398D) and 48, Site 400A | |
67% | 39 39-356 43 43-384 | 1978 | Thierstein, H. R.; Berger, W. H.: Injection events in ocean history | |
67% | 47 47-398 | 1978 | Deroo, G.; De Graciansky, P. C. et al.: L'origine de la matiere organique dans les sediments cretaces du site I.P.O.D. 398 (haute-fond de Vigo); correlations entre les donnees de la sedimentologie, de la geochimie organique et de la palynologie Origin of organic material in Cretaceous sediments of I.P.O.D. Site 398 (Vigo Seamount); correlations between sedimentology, organic geochemistry and palynology | |
67% | 12 12-112 | 1979 | Miller, K. G.; Gradstein, F. M. et al.: Cretaceous to early Tertiary agglutinated benthic foraminifera in the deep ocean and Atlantic margin; biostratigraphy and paleoceanography | |
67% | 47 47-398 | 1978 | De Graciansky, P. C.; Muller, C. et al.: Reconstitution de l'evolution des milieux de sedimentation sur la marge continentale iberique au Cretace; le flanc sud du haut-fond de Vigo et le foraage D.S.D.P.-I.P.O.D. 398D; problemes concernant la surface de compensation des carbonates Reconstruction of the sedimentation-environment evolution of the Cretaceous Iberian continental margin; south side of Vigo Seamount and D.S.D.P.-I.P.O.D. 398D site; problems concerning the compensation surface of carbonates | |
67% | 94 94-609 108 108-664 | 1991 | Clement, Bradford M.: Geographical distribution of transitional VGPs; evidence for non-zonal equatorial symmetry during the Matuyama-Brunhes geomagnetic reversal | |
67% | 94 94-609 108 108-658 | 1995 | Haslett, Simon K.: Pliocene-Pleistocene radiolarian biostratigraphy and palaeoceanography of the North Atlantic | |
67% | 44 44-391 | 1980 | Bryan, G. M.; Markl, R. G. et al.: IPOD site surveys in the Blake-Bahama Basin | |
67% | 12 12-111 39 39-357 40 40-365 93 93-605 | 1992 | Nederbragt, Alexandra J.: Paleoecology of late Maastrichtian Heterohelicidae (planktic foraminifera) from the Atlantic region | |
67% | 104 104-642 105 105-646 | 1994 | Willard, Debra A.: Palynological record from the North Atlantic region at 3 Ma; vegetational distribution during a period of global warmth | |
67% | 162 162-980 162-982 | 2003 | Helmke, Jan P.; Bauch, Henning A.: Comparison of glacial and interglacial conditions between the polar and subpolar North Atlantic region over the last five climatic cycles | download |
67% | 103 | 1995 | Reston, T. J.; Krawczyk, C. M. et al.: Detachment tectonics during Atlantic rifting; analysis and interpretation of the S reflection, the West Galicia margin | |
67% | 39 39-356 43 43-384 | 1978 | Boersma, A.: Some oxygen and carbon isotope variations from late Campanian across the Cretaceous/Tertiary boundary at five Atlantic Ocean DSDP sites | |
67% | 44 48 | 1978 | Auffret, G. A.; Pastouret, L.: Evolution sedimentaire comparee des marges armoricaines et de Blake-Bahama depuis le Cretace superieur, d'apres les resultats des Legs 48 et 44 du "Glomar Challenger" Comparative sedimentary evolution between the Armorican and Blake-Bahama Plateau continental margins of the Upper Cretaceous, after the results of legs 48 and 44 of Glomar Challenger | |
67% | 43 43-384 | 1978 | Rabinowitz, P. D.; Cande, S. C. et al.: Grand Banks and J-anomaly ridge; discussion and reply | |
67% | 174A 174A-1073 | 2002 | Dugan, B.; Olgaard, D. L. et al.: Compaction state and excess fluid pressure of sediments from ODP Site 1073, US Mid-Atlantic continental margin | |
59% | 307 307-U1317 | 2012 | Thierens, M.; Pirlet, H. et al.: Ice-rafting from the British-Irish ice sheet since the earliest Pleistocene (2.6 million years ago); implications for long-term mid-latitudinal ice-sheet growth in the North Atlantic region | |
58% | 51 51-417 52 52-417 52-418 53 53-418 102 102-418 | 1980 | Purdy, G. M.; Ewing, J. I. et al.: A deep-towed hydrophone seismic-reflection survey around IPOD sites 417 and 418 | |
58% | 75 75-530 82 82-557 93 93-603 95 95-603 | 2010 | Kraal, Peter; Slomp, Caroline P. et al.: Phosphorus cycling from the margin to abyssal depths in the proto-Atlantic during oceanic anoxic event 2 | |
58% | 81 81-552 | 1984 | Shackleton, N. J.; Blackman, J. et al.: Oxygen isotope calibration of the onset of ice-rafting and history of glaciation in the North Atlantic region | |
58% | | 2009 | Peron-Pinvidic, Gwenn; Manatschal, Gianreto: The final rifting evolution at deep magma-poor passive margins from Iberia-Newfoundland; a new point of view | |
58% | 11 11-105 41 41-367 | 1984 | Chamley, Herve; Debrabant, Pierre: Paleoenvironmental history of the North Atlantic region from mineralogical and geochemical data | |
58% | 171B | 2001 | Sloan, Lisa Cirbus; Huber, Matthew: North Atlantic climate variability in early Palaeogene time; a climate modelling sensitivity study | |
58% | 94 94-607 94-610 104 104-644 151 151-907 162 162-907 | 2002 | Kleiven, H. Flesche; Jansen, E. et al.: Intensification of Northern Hemisphere glaciations in the circum Atlantic region (3.5-2.4 Ma); ice-rafted detritus evidence | |
58% | 159 159-959 159-962 | 2006 | Katz, Barry Jay: Significance of ODP results on deepwater hydrocarbon exploration; eastern Equatorial Atlantic region | download |
58% | | 2009 | Cannat, Mathilde; Manatschal, Gianreto et al.: Assessing the conditions of continental breakup at magma-poor rifted margins; what can we learn from slow spreading mid-ocean ridges? | |
50% | 93 93-603 95 95-603 105 105-645 | 2000 | Head, Martin J.: Geonettia waltonensis, a new goniodomacean dinoflagellate from the Pliocene of the North Atlantic region, and its evolutionary implications | |
50% | 11 114 | 1999 | Wolf-Welling, T. C. W.; Mienert, J. et al.: A stratigraphic database for the Atlantic Ocean sediment record; SYNATLAN (SYNthesis ATLANtic); bioevents and hiatuses in the Meso- and Cenozoic Atlantic, age-depth models, (DSDP/ODP drillsite data) | |
50% | 173 173-1067 173-1068 173-1069 173-1070 210 210-1277 | 2007 | Jagoutz, Oliver; Muentener, Othmar et al.: The rift-to-drift transition in the North Atlantic; a stuttering start of the MORB machine? | |
50% | 93 93-603 94 94-610 95 95-603 105 105-646 | 1998 | Head, Martin J.; Norris, Geoffrey: Chronostratigraphic applications of Pliocene and lower Pleistocene dinoflagellates and acritarchs in the North Atlantic region | |
50% | | 2003 | Horst, Peter A.; Maurrasse, Florentin J. M. R.: Astronomical tuning of Cenomanian sediments in the Atlantic section of the Tethys | |
50% | 161 161-976 | 2007 | Baudin, Francois; Combourieu-Nebout, Nathalie et al.: Signatures of rapid climatic changes in organic matter records in the western Mediterranean Sea during the last glacial period | |
50% | 113 113-689 113-690 119 119-738 119-744 120 120-748 | 2003 | Bohaty, Steven M.; Zachos, James C.: Significant Southern Ocean warming event in the late middle Eocene | |
50% | 177 177-1094 | 2006 | Kanfoush, Sharon L.; Washburn, Michael W.: Preliminary study of morphology of ice-rafted debris in the Southeast Atlantic across Termination V | |
50% | 162 162-980 162-984 | 2002 | Wright, Amy K.: Subpolar North Atlantic surface and deep ocean circulation during the mid Pleistocene revolution | |
50% | 303 303-U1302 303-U1303 | 2012 | Crocket, Kirsty C.; Vance, Derek et al.: Continental weathering fluxes during the last glacial/interglacial cycle; insights from the marine sedimentary Pb isotope record at Orphan Knoll, NW Atlantic | |
33% | 38 38-336 38-344 38-348 | 1976 | Mohr, M.: Additional petrographic studies of basalts, DSDP, Leg 38 | download |
33% | 68 68-502 78 78-541 79 79-546 80 80-548 81 81-552 93 93-603 94 94-606 94-609 94-610 95 95-603 108 108-659 108-661 108-667 110 110-672 | 2006 | Dowsett, Harry J.; Robinson, Marci M.: Stratigraphic framework for Pliocene paleoclimatic reconstruction; the correlation conundrum | |
33% | 24 24-237 36 36-328 40 40-362 48 48-400 74 74-525 81 81-553 93 93-605 112 112-688 113 113-690 114 114-702 120 120-748 121 121-752 149 149-897 198 198-1209 199 199-1220 | 2013 | Arreguin-Rodriguez, Gabriela J.; Alegret, Laia et al.: Glomospira acme during the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum; response to CaCO (sub 3) dissolution or to ecological forces? | |
32% | 152 | 1998 | Larsen, Lotte Melchior; Fitton, J. Godfrey et al.: Volcanic rocks of the Southeast Greenland margin in comparison with other parts of the North Atlantic Tertiary igneous province | download |
31% | 119 119-738 119-738C | 1991 | Huber, Brian T.: Maestrichtian planktonic foraminifer biostratigraphy and the Cretaceous/Tertiary boundary at Hole 738C (Kerguelen Plateau, southern Indian Ocean) | download |
29% | 94 94-606 | 1987 | Backman, Jan; Pestiaux, Pierre: Pliocene Discoaster abundance variations, Deep Sea Drilling Project Site 606; biochronology and paleoenvironmental implications | download |
29% | 104 104-642 | 1989 | LeHuray, Anne P.: Native copper in ODP Site 642 tholeiites | download |
29% | 81 | 1984 | Backman, Jan; Westberg-Smith, Jean et al.: Biostratigraphy of Leg 81 sediments; a high latitude record | download |
28% | 114 114-698 114-700 | 1991 | Huber, Brian T.: Planktonic foraminifer biostratigraphy of Campanian-Maestrichtian sediments from Sites 698 and 700, southern South Atlantic | download |
25% | 152 163 | 1996 | Larsen, Hans Christian; Duncan, Robert A.: Introduction; Leg 163 background and objectives | download |
25% | 114 | 1988 | Brenner, Carl; LaBrecque, John L.: Bathymetry of the Georgia Basin and environs | download |
23% | | 1997 | Miller, Kenneth G.; Browning, James V. et al.: Cenozoic evolution of the New Jersey coastal plain; changes in sea level, tectonics, and sediment supply | download |
22% | 149 149-897 149-899 | 1996 | Zhao, Xixi: Magnetic signatures of peridotite rocks from sites 897 and 899 and their implications | download |
21% | 38 | 1976 | Raschka, H.; Eckhardt, F.-J.: Geochemistry of basalts from the Norwegian-Greenland Sea, Leg 38, DSDP | download |
21% | 17 17-167 | 1973 | Coplen, T. B.; Schlanger, S. O.: Oxygen and carbon isotope studies of carbonate sediments from Site 167, Magellan Rise, Leg 17 | download |
21% | 145 | 1993 | Rea, David K.; Basov, Ivan A. et al.: Introduction to Leg 145; North Pacific Transect | download |
21% | 105 105-645 105-646 105-647 | 1987 | Srivastava, Surat P.; Arthur, Michael A. et al.: Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program, Baffin Bay and Labrador Sea, covering Leg 105 of the cruises of the drilling vessel JOIDES Resolution, St. John's, Newfoundland, to St. John's, Newfoundland, sites 645-647, 23 August 1985-27 October 1985; Introduction | download |
21% | 152 | 1998 | Scherer, Reed P.: Data report; No significant occurrences of diatoms, silicoflagellates, or ebridians in lower Eocene through lower Miocene sediments of the Southeast Greenland margin | download |
21% | 124 124-768 124-769 | 1991 | Linsley, Braddock K.: Carbonate sedimentation in the Sulu Sea linked to the onset of Northern Hemisphere glaciation, 2.4 MA | download |
21% | 138 | 1991 | Bloomer, Steven F.; Mayer, Larry A. et al.: Underway geophysics | download |
21% | 49 49-407 49-408 49-409 | 1979 | Duffield, W. A.: Significance of contrasting vesicularity in basalt from DSDP sites 407, 408, and 409 on the west flank of the Reykjanes Ridge | download |
21% | 113 113-697 | 1990 | Burckle, Lloyd H.; Gersonde, Rainer Erich et al.: Late Pliocene-Pleistocene paleoclimate in the Jane Basin region; ODP Site 697 | download |
21% | 105 105-646 | 1989 | Head, Martin J.; Norris, Geoffrey et al.: Palynology and dinocyst stratigraphy of the upper Miocene and lowermost Pliocene, ODP Leg 105, Site 646, Labrador Sea | download |
21% | 103 | 1988 | Meador, Karen J.; Austin, James A., Jr.: A seismic comparison of the early stratigraphic evolution of conjugate passive continental margins; the Newfoundland/Flemish Basin and the eastern Iberian abyssal plain south of Galicia Bank | download |
21% | 124 124-767 | 1991 | Kaminski, Michael A.; Huang, Zehui: Biostratigraphy of Eocene to Oligocene deep-water agglutinated foraminifers in the red clays from Site 767, Celebes Sea | download |
20% | 162 | 1996 | Jansen, Eystein; Raymo, Maureen E.: Leg 162; new frontiers on past climates | download |
20% | 105 105-645 105-646 105-647 | 1989 | Arthur, Michael A.; Srivastava, Surat P. et al.: Seismic stratigraphy and history of deep circulation and sediment drift development in Baffin Bay and the Labrador Sea | download |
18% | 113 113-689 113-689B 113-689C 113-690 | 1990 | Barrera, Enriqueta; Huber, Brian T.: Evolution of Antarctic waters during the Maestrichtian; foraminifer oxygen and carbon isotope ratios, Leg 113 | download |
18% | 152 | 1998 | Clausen, Lene: Late Neogene and Quaternary sedimentation on the continental slope and upper rise offshore Southeast Greenland; interplay of contour and turbidity processes | download |
18% | 48 | 1979 | Roberts, D. G.; Montadert, L.: Margin paleoenvironments of the Northeast Atlantic | download |
18% | 130 130-806 | 1993 | Jansen, Eystein; Mayer, Larry A. et al.: Evolution of Pliocene climate cyclicity at Hole 806B (5-2 Ma); oxygen isotope record | download |
18% | 105 105-645 105-646 105-647 | 1989 | Srivastava, Surat P.; Arthur, Michael A.: Tectonic evolution of the Labrador Sea and Baffin Bay; constraints imposed by regional geophysics and drilling results from Leg 105 | download |
18% | 161 161-976 161-977 | 1999 | von Grafenstein, Rita; Zahn, Rainer et al.: Planktonic delta (super 18) O records at sites 976 and 977, Alboran Sea; stratigraphy, forcing, and paleoceanographic implications | download |
18% | 152 | 1994 | Larsen, Hans Christian; Saunders, Andrew D. et al.: Introduction; Breakup of the southeast Greenland margin and the formation of the Irminger Basin; background and scientific objectives | download |
18% | 49 | 1979 | Cann, J. R.; Tarney, J. et al.: Mantle heterogeneity in the North Atlantic; evidence from Leg 49 geochemistry | download |
18% | 94 94-606 | 1987 | Keigwin, Lloyd D., Jr.: Pliocene stable-isotope record of Deep Sea Drilling Project Site 606; sequential events of (super 18) O enrichment beginning at 3.1 MA | download |
18% | 94 94-606 94-607 94-608 94-609 94-610 94-611 | 1987 | Ruddiman, William F.; Backman, J. et al.: Leg 94 paleoenvironmental synthesis | download |
18% | 202 202-1233 202-1234 | 2006 | Lund, Steven P.; Stoner, Joseph S. et al.: Late Quaternary paleomagnetic secular variation and chronostratigraphy from ODP Sites 1233 and 1234 | download |
17% | 114 | 1988 | Raymond, Carol A.; LaBrecque, John L.: Geophysical signatures of the Angulhas Ridge and Meteor Rise, Indo-Atlantic Basin | download |
17% | 106 106-648 106-649 109 109-648 109-669 109-670 | 1988 | Detrick, Robert S.; Fox, P. J. et al.: Geologic and tectonic setting of the MARK area | download |
17% | 117 117-722 | 1991 | Beets, C. J.: The late Neogene (super 87) Sr/ (super 86) Sr isotopic record in the western Arabian Sea, Site 722 | download |
17% | 101 101-632 | 1988 | Reymer, John J. G.; Schlager, Wolfgang et al.: Site 632; Pliocene-Pleistocene sedimentation cycles in a Bahamian Basin | download |
17% | 12 | 1972 | Laughton, Anthony S.; Berggren, William A.: Summary and conclusions | download |
17% | 104 104-642 104-643 | 1989 | Qvale, Gunnbjorg; Spiegler, Dorothee: The stratigraphic significance of Bolboforma (algae, Chrysophyta) in Leg 104 samples from the Voring Plateau | download |
17% | 114 114-704 | 1991 | Hodell, David A.; Mueller, Daniel W. et al.: Synthesis of oxygen and carbon isotopic results from Site 704; implications for major climatic-geochemical transitions during the late Neogene | download |
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