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Score ↓ | Exp/Site/Hole | Year | Author/Title | Full text |
100% | | 1988 | Behrmann, J. H.: Projekte geowissenschaftlicher Forschung in der Karibik in den neunziger Jahren im Rahmen des Ocean Drilling Program Geological research projects in the Caribbean region in the 90's within the framework of the Ocean Drilling Program | |
98% | | 1987 | Speed, Robert C.: Background and introduction to Caribbean tectonic evolution | |
98% | 67 | 1979 | Anonymous: The Caribbean connection | |
82% | 84 | 1983 | Baltuck, Miriam: Intersection of a strike-slip and subducting plate boundary; Guatemala and the Middle America Trench | |
82% | | 1994 | Denny, Walter M., III; Austin, James A., Jr. et al.: Seismic stratigraphy and geologic history of Middle Cretaceous through Cenozoic rocks, southern Straits of Florida | |
82% | 156 156-948 | 1996 | Leitch, Evan C.: ODP Leg 156; a third probe into the Barbados accretionary prism | |
82% | 15 165 | 1999 | Diebold, John; Driscoll, Neal W.: New insights on the formation of the Caribbean basalt province revealed by multichannel seismic images of volcanic structures in the Venezuelan Basin | |
82% | | 2006 | Spadea, Piera (ed.); Montanini, Alessandra (ed.): Modern and fossil oceanic lithosphere | |
82% | | 1993 | Bourgois, J.: La fosse d'Amerique centrale; convergence, accretion, erosion tectonique The Middle America Trench; convergence, accretion, tectonic erosion | |
82% | 156 | 1994 | Yin, Hezhu; Goldberg, David: How much is fluid pressure responsible for +/-seismic reflections in the accretionary prism of the northern Barbados Ridge? | |
82% | 67 | 1980 | Aubouin, Jean; Azema, Jacques: A propos de l'origine de la plaque caraibe; la face pacifique de l'Amerique centrale The origin of the Caribbean Plate; the Pacific side of Central America | |
82% | 64 65 66 67 68 | 1985 | Moore, David G.: Plans for future Caribbean and Latin American deep sea drilling | |
82% | | 2004 | Helenes, J.; Carrillo-Berumen, R. M. et al.: Biogeography of upper Tertiary dinoflagellate assemblages from the southern Gulf of Mexico | |
82% | 156 156-948 | 1999 | Fitts, Tina G.; Brown, Kevin M.: Stress-induced smectite dehydration; ramifications for patterns of freshening and fluid expulsion in the N. Barbados accretionary wedge | |
82% | 15 | 1999 | Driscoll, Neal W.; Diebold, John B.: Tectonic and stratigraphic development of the eastern Caribbean; new constraints from multichannel seismic data | |
82% | | 2001 | Jackson, Jeremy B. C.; Johnson, Kenneth G.: Measuring past biodiversity | |
82% | 165 | 1998 | Sigurdsson, H.; Kelley, S. P. et al.: The Cenozoic record of Caribbean explosive volcanism; 40Ar/39Ar dating of tephra | |
82% | 15 165 | 1997 | Mauffret, A.; Leroy, S.: Seismic stratigraphy and structure of the Caribbean igneous province | |
81% | | 1988 | Wackler, Jeri Dea: Microstructures and fabrics of sediments from the Lesser Antilles accretionary complex | |
80% | 165 165-999 | 2002 | Schmidt, M. W.; Spero, H. J. et al.: Hydrological and temperature changes in the western Caribbean during the last glacial cycle | |
69% | | 1969 | Pessagno, E. A., Jr.: Mesozoic planktonic foraminifera and radiolaria | |
69% | | 1982 | Bergen, James Alan: Calcareous nannoplankton from Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 78A; evidence for imbricate underthrusting at the Lesser Antillian active margin | |
69% | | 1980 | Schnitker, Detmar; Tjalsma, Leonard R. C.: New genera and species of benthic foraminifers from Paleocene and Eocene deep-water deposits | |
69% | 110 | 1989 | Leonard, John Nicholas: Consolidation, permeability, and geotechnical properties of Ocean Drilling Program Leg 110 sediments from the Barbados Forearc | |
69% | 66 | 1985 | Lucas, Stephen Ernest: Progressive cataclastic deformation in accretionary prisms; DSDP Leg 66, southern Mexico and onland examples from Barbados and Kodiak Islands | |
69% | | 1987 | Barker, Leslie; Payne, Phillip: A South Caribbean transect | |
69% | | 1987 | Klitgord, Kim D.: ODP objectives for the Gulf of Mexico-Caribbean region | |
69% | | 1991 | Speed, Robert: Buried accretionary prism drilled on Barbados | |
69% | | 1999 | Saffer, Demian Michael: Hydrogeology of subduction zones; flow pathways and fluid budgets | |
69% | 172 | 1998 | Davies, Thomas A.; Fox, Paul J.: The (W)hole story | |
69% | 110 | 1987 | In the Lesser Antilles; Accretionary complex penetrated, defined | |
69% | | 1988 | Sanfilippo, A.: The early evolution of the genus Cyclampterium | |
69% | | 1997 | Goldberg, Dave: Detection of in situ physical properties using logging-while-drilling | |
69% | | 1984 | Cochran, Wendell: New drillship replaces Challenger | |
69% | 156 | 1995 | Corking a plate boundary fault | |
65% | | 1987 | Edgar, N. Terence; Ave Lallemant, Hans G. et al.: Tectonics panel report | |
65% | 11 15 17 34 37 | 1978 | Schweitzer, E. L.; Papike, J. J. et al.: Clinopyroxenes from deep sea basalts; a statistical analysis | |
65% | 15 15-151 15-153 77 77-536 77-540 | 1991 | Smit, J.; Alvarez, W.: Is the "Mid-Cretaceous unconformity?" in the Gulf of Mexico a Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary impact-wave erosion surface? | |
65% | 10 10-94 | 1995 | Saint-Marc, P.: Paleoceanographie du Golfe du Mexique (site DSDP 94) au Paleogene basal; les implications geodynamiques Paleo-oceanography of the Gulf of Mexico (DSDP Site 94) during the basal Paleogene; geodynamic implications | |
65% | 165 165-998 165-999 165-1000 165-1001 165-1002 | 1996 | Deep-sea cores from the Caribbean reveal history of volcanism, tectonics, and oceanic change | |
65% | 66 67 84 | 1986 | Finley, Patrick; Krason, Jan: Geological evolution and analysis of confirmed or suspected gas hydrate localities; Volume 9, Formation and stability of gas hydrates of the Middle America Trench | |
65% | | 2001 | Mauffret, Alain; Leroy, Sylvie et al.: Prolonged magmatic and tectonic development of the Caribbean igneous province revealed by a diving submersible survey | |
65% | 165 165-1000 | 1999 | Duncan, David S.; Hine, Albert C. et al.: Tectonic controls on carbonate sequence formation in an active strike-slip setting; Serranilla Basin, northern Nicaragua Rise | |
65% | 156 156-948 156-949 | 1995 | Seismic images and drilling tell the story of fluids in a plate-boundary fault | |
65% | 15 | 2002 | Kerr, Andrew C.; Tarney, John et al.: Pervasive mantle plume head heterogeneity; evidence from the Late Cretaceous Caribbean-Colombian oceanic plateau | download |
65% | 16 16-162 22 22-216 | 2004 | Simonson, Bruce M.; Glass, Billy P.: Spherule layers; records of ancient impacts | |
58% | | 1983 | Lundberg, Neil: Deformational styles in active margins; upper slope extension and lower slope shortening seen in DSDP cores | |
58% | 11 | 1974 | Renz, Otto: A Dwarf Fauna of Upper Jurassic Age in the Western Atlantic. Deep Sea Drilling Project, Leg 11-Site 99 A | |
58% | 171A | 2000 | Stauffer, Philip: Modeling stress and flow in the toe region of an accretionary prism | |
58% | | 1983 | Moore, J. Casey; Lundberg, N.: Macro- to microfabrics of modern convergent margins | |
58% | 101 115 | 1988 | Droxler, A. W.; Peterson, L. C.: Late Cenozoic periplatform carbonate ooze; a record of variations of sea level and (possibly) of carbonate saturation level in the offbank carbonate input | |
58% | 110 | 1988 | Moore, J. C.; Mascle, A. et al.: Plumbing accretionary prisms; results from drilling and diving in contrasting hydrotectonic regimes | |
58% | 110 | 1990 | Karig, Daniel E.: Experimental and observational constraints on the mechanical behaviour in the toes of accretionary prisms | |
58% | 101 | 1985 | Austin, James A., Jr.; Schlager, Wolfgang: Seismic stratigraphy in the Bahamas; highlights from Ocean Drilling Program Leg 101 | |
58% | 78 78-541 78-542 | 1985 | Langseth, Marcus G.; Westbrook, Graham et al.: Geothermal anomalies near the deformation front of the Barbados accretionary complex | |
58% | | 1987 | Behrmann, J. H.: Drilling at near-trench positions east of Lesser Antilles forearc | |
58% | 101 | 1987 | Guzikowski, Michael Vincent: Evolution of pore fluid chemistry during the recrystallization of periplatform carbonates, Bahamas | |
58% | 101 101-630 | 1987 | Lavoie, Dawn: Geotechnical properties of sediments in a carbonate slope environment; Ocean Drilling Site 630, northern Little Bahama Bank | |
58% | 110 | 1987 | Fisher, Andrew T.; Hounslow, Mark W.: Heat flow through the toe of the Barbados accretionary complex; implications for sediment dewatering | |
58% | 95 95-612 | 1988 | Koeberl, Christian: Extension of the North American tektite strewn field | |
58% | 101 | 1986 | Dix, George R.; Mullins, Henry T.: Burial diagenesis of periplatform carbonates, ODP Leg 101, Bahamas | |
58% | 2 4 | 1976 | Hertling, M. M.: Origin of the Layer A and A' Eocene cherts and their correlatives from the Jicara Formation of Puerto Rico | |
58% | 101 | 1986 | Austin, James A., Jr.; Schlager, Wolfgang: Ocean Drilling Program Leg 101 explores the Bahamas | |
58% | | 1986 | Dix, G. R.; Mullins, Henry T.: Oceanographic controls on shallow-burial diagenesis of periplatform carbonates, Bahamas | |
58% | 101 | 1986 | Sager, William W.: Paleomagnetism of Ocean Drilling Program Leg 101 sediments | |
58% | 101 | 1986 | Droxler, Andre W.; Watkins, David K.: Plio-Pleistocene evolution of climatically-induced aragonite cycles in the Bahamas Periplatform carbonate ooze | |
58% | | 2000 | Kindler, Pascal; Hearty, Paul J.: Elevated marine terraces from Eleuthera (Bahamas) and Bermuda; sedimentological, petrographic and geochronological evidence for important deglaciation events during the middle Pleistocene | |
58% | | 2000 | Henry, Pierre: Fluid flow at the toe of the Barbados accretionary wedge constrained by thermal, chemical, and hydrogeologic observations and models | download |
58% | | 1973 | Bernoulli, Daniel: Sedimentation pelagique dans l'ouest de l'Atlantique central; modele actualiste de la Tethys Pelagic sedimentation in the west-central Atlantic; an actualistic model for the Tethys | |
58% | 95 95-612 | 1989 | Obradovich, John D.; Snee, Lawrence W. et al.: Is there more than one glassy impact layer in the late Eocene? | |
58% | 110 | 1989 | Behrmann, J. H.; Prior, D. J.: Mudstone microfabrics, deformation mechanisms and fluids in the Lesser Antilles Forearc | |
58% | 110 | 1989 | Lallemant, S. J.; Henry, P. et al.: Near-surface fluid flow paths at the toe of the Barbados accretionary prism (ODP Leg 110 area) | |
58% | 11 101 | 1988 | Dix, George Roger: Shallow-burial diagenesis of deep-water Neogene and Quaternary periplatform carbonates, northern Bahamas | |
58% | 78 78-541 | 1995 | Clark, Murlene W.; Jessick, Dacia: Watermass related changes in the size distribution of Nuttallides umbonifera | |
58% | 110 | 1989 | Faugeres, J. C.; Griboulard, Roger et al.: Diagenetic indurated marine bottoms in the southern part of Barbados wedge; evidence of deep fluid circulation | |
58% | | 1983 | Winterer, E. L.: Progress and prospect in scientific ocean drilling | |
58% | 110 | 1994 | Bekins, Barbara; McCaffrey, Anne M. et al.: Influence of kinetics on the smectite to illite transition in the Barbados accretionary prism | download |
58% | 101 101-627 | 1985 | Schlager, W.; Austin, James A., Jr.: Ocean Drilling Program Leg 101; Bahama carbonate platforms and basins | |
58% | 3 | 1972 | Garrison, Louis E.; Cooper, Alan K. et al.: USGS-IDOE Leg 3 | |
58% | | 1978 | Biju-Duval, Bernard; Mascle, A. et al.: Seismic investigations in the Colombia, Venezuela and Grenada basins, and on the Barbados Ridge for future IPOD drilling | |
58% | 166 | 1998 | Rendle, R.; Alexander, I. et al.: Mineralogy and sedimentology of the Pliocene/Pleistocene on the leeward side of Great Bahama Bank (ODP Leg 166) | |
58% | 15 15-153 | 1979 | Stoffa, P. L.; Mauffret, A. et al.: Subcrustal layering in the Aruba Gap | |
58% | 101 | 1989 | Dix, George R.: Shallow-burial diagenesis of Neogene deep-water periplatform carbonates, Bahamas; providing a new prospective for petroleum-prospective ancient carbonate slopes | |
58% | | 1980 | Ladd, J. W.; Watkins, J. S.: Seismic stratigraphy of the western Venezuela Basin | |
58% | | 1987 | Meschede, Martin; Frisch, Wolfgang: Proposal to drill in the Caribbean Sea; scientific objectives | |
58% | 110 | 1990 | Brueckmann, Warner: Stress induced modification of sediment mass physical properties during accretion; a reconstructional approach | |
58% | 15 15-153 | 1990 | Maurrasse, Florentin J. M. R.: The Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary impact site in the Caribbean | |
58% | 170 171A | 1998 | Saito, Saneatsu; Goldberg, David: Physical and hydrologic properties in the Costa Rica and Barbados subduction zones; estimates from ODP downhole logging | |
58% | 156 | 1994 | Housen, Bernard A.; Labaume, Pierre et al.: Strain decoupling across the Barbados accretionary prism decollement indicated by anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility | |
58% | 101 | 1987 | Freeman-Lynde, R. P.; McClain, W. R. et al.: Deep-marine origin of equant spar cements in Oligocene-Miocene forereef boundstones, ODP Leg 101, Site 635, NE Providence Channel, Bahamas | |
58% | 152 | 1999 | Revillon, S.; Arndt, N. T. et al.: Petrogenesis of picrites from the Caribbean Plateau and the North Atlantic magmatic province | |
58% | | 1987 | Speed, Robert C.: Caribbean scientific drilling targets (in priority) | |
58% | 156 | 1996 | Ogawa, Y.; Takizawa, S.: Decollement zone of the Barbados accretionary prism; SEM, TEM and thin section study of the scaly cleaved radiolarian-rich clayey sediments | |
58% | 156 | 1996 | Steiger, T.: Die Diagenese der miozaenen Radiiolarien vom Northern Barbados Ridge The diagenesis of Miocene Radiolaria from the northern Barbados Ridge | |
58% | 79 79-547 | 1996 | Boomer, Ian; Ballent, Sara: Early-Middle Jurassic ostracod migration between the Northern and Southern hemispheres; further evidence for a proto Atlantic-Central America connection | |
58% | | 1989 | Reymer, John J. G.; Haak, Alfred B. et al.: Calciturbidite composition, a sea-level indicator | |
58% | | 1990 | McNeill, Donald F.: Biogenic magnetite from surface Holocene carbonate sediments, Great Bahama Bank | download |
58% | 101 115 | 1990 | Droxler, A. W.: Results of ODP Legs 101 and 115: Cenozoic evolution of two carbonate systems in the Bahamas and in the Maldives: effects of subsidence and sea level variations | |
58% | | 1990 | Droxler, A. W.; Haddad, G. A. et al.: Plio-Pleistocene aragonite (0.5 Ma) supercycles in periplatform sequences from the Maldives and the Bahamas: a comparison with the CaCO (sub 3) deep oceanic preservation records | |
58% | | 1995 | Donnelly, Thomas W.; Sinton, Chris et al.: The Caribbean Cretaceous plateau basalt; a major LIP | |
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