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Score ↓ | Exp/Site/Hole | Year | Author/Title | Full text |
100% | | 1993 | Kastner, M.; Brown, K. A. et al.: Gas hydrates and bottom simulating reflectors in the Cascadia Margin | |
100% | 168 | 2005 | Underwood, Michael B.; Hoke, Kimberley D. et al.: Provenance, stratigraphic architecture, and hydrogeologic influence of turbidites on the mid-ocean ridge flank of northwestern Cascadia Basin, Pacific Ocean | |
94% | 18 18-174 18-175 18-176 | 1984 | Kulm, L. D.; Louhere, P. W. et al.: Geology of continental margin and Cascadia Basin | |
87% | 168 | 1998 | Underwood, Michael; Hoke, Kim et al.: Turbidite sedimentology near the northwestern edge of Cascadia Basin, Pacific Ocean | |
83% | 18 18-174 | 1975 | Carson, B.: Carbonate dissolution in "offscraped" deep-sea sediments; an integral part of the subduction process? | |
83% | 146 146-889 | 2000 | Willoughby, E. C.; Edwards, R. N.: Gas hydrate exploration in north Cascadia using seafloor compliance measurements | |
83% | 146 | 2000 | Hyndman, R. D.; Spence, G. D. et al.: Geophysical studies of marine gas hydrate in northern Cascadia | |
83% | 146 146-892 | 1993 | He, J.; Wang, C. Y. et al.: BSR as a flow meter for discharge along faults; results from the Oregon Cascadia margin | |
83% | | 1995 | Carson, Bobb: Fluid expulsion on the Cascadia margin; partial control of a complex carbon budget | |
83% | 146 146-892 | 1993 | Screaton, E. J.; Carson, B.: Results from ODP Leg 146 sealed boreholes; shipboard- and submersible-based hydraulic tests | |
83% | | 2005 | Davis, E. E.; Becker, K.: Fluid pressure, sediment compressibility, and secular and transient strain in subduction prisms; results from ODP CORK borehole hydrologic observatories | |
83% | | 2005 | Cowen, J. P.; Glazer, B. et al.: Improved access to aging ocean basement biosphere for microbial geochemical studies | |
83% | 146 146-892 | 1998 | Schlueter, Michael; Linke, Peter et al.: Geochemistry of a sealed deep-sea borehole on the Cascadia margin | |
83% | 311 311-U1328 | 2007 | Riedel, Michael: 4D seismic time-lapse monitoring of an active cold vent, northern Cascadia margin | |
83% | 168 168-1026 | 1998 | Monnin, Christophe; Buatier, Martine: Calcium carbonate stability in oceanic ridge flank sediments | |
83% | 146 146-892 | 1994 | Carson, B.; Moore, J. Casey: Structural control of modern fluid migration and expulsion on the Cascadia accretionary margin | |
83% | 146 | 1991 | Carson, Bobb; Holmes, Mark L.: Fluid expulsion sites imaged on Cascadia margin | |
83% | 168 | 2006 | Galy, A.; Carder, E. et al.: Insights from magnesium isotopic compositions on the oceanic hydrothermal circulation; is seamount weathering the solution? | |
83% | 311 311-U1328 | 2011 | Kaneko, Masanori; Kitajima, Fumio et al.: Stable hydrogen isotope measurement of archaeal ether-bound hydrocarbons | |
71% | 18 18-174 | 2006 | Prytulak, Julie; Vervoort, J. D. et al.: Astoria Fan sediments, DSDP Site 174, Cascadia Basin; Hf-Nd-Pb constraints on provenance and outburst flooding | download |
67% | 146 146-889 164 164-994 164-995 164-997 | 2000 | Collett, Timothy S.: Natural gas hydrate as a potential energy resource | |
67% | 146 146-888 | 1994 | Yuan, T.; Spence, G. D. et al.: Seismic velocities and inferred porosities in the accretionary wedge sediments at the Cascadia margin | download |
67% | 162 162-986 168 168-1026 | 1996 | Fisk, Martin; Giovannoni, Stephen et al.: ODP recovers "live" volcanic rocks | |
67% | 146 146-889 146-890 | 1998 | Ganguly, N.; Spence, G. D. et al.: Heat flow, and seismic studies of marine gas hydrates on the Cascadia margin | |
67% | 146 146-889 146-890 | 1998 | Barnes, Stephen P.; Bradbrook, Samuel D. et al.: Isolation of sulfate-reducing bacteria from deep sediment layers of the Pacific Ocean | |
67% | 146 146-889 146-892 | 1993 | MacKay, M. E.; Jarrard, R. D. et al.: Origin of bottom simulating reflectors; geophysical evidence from the Cascadia accretionary prism | |
67% | 146 146-891 146-892 | 1994 | Sample, J. C.: Isotopic evidence from diagenetic carbonates for fluid flow in the Cascadia accretionary wedge; results from ODP Leg 146 | |
67% | 146 146-889 146-892 | 1993 | Schlueter, M.; Linke, P. et al.: Geochemistry and fluid flow observed at deep-sea boreholes (CORK) on the Cascadia accretionary wedge (ODP Sites 889 and 892) | |
67% | 146 146-892 | 1995 | Screaton, Elizabeth J.; Carson, Bobb et al.: Hydrogeologic properties of a thrust fault within the Oregon accretionary prism | download |
67% | 107 108 110 111 112 117 | 1988 | Suess, Erwin: Role of fluid circulation in the crust and the prospects for future ocean drilling | |
67% | 146 146-892 | 1996 | Carson, Bobb; Paskevich, Valerie F. et al.: Discrimination of fluid seeps on the convergent Oregon continental margin with GLORIA imagery | |
67% | 76 76-534 | 1996 | Bradley, Christopher R.; Dorman, LeRoy M. et al.: Correlation of seafloor noise directionality with seafloor topography; evidence from LFAS and NOBS experiments | |
67% | 311 | 2009 | Wortmann, Uli G.; Chernyavsky, B. M. et al.: (super 34) S/ (super 32) S and (super 18) 0/ (super 16) 0 ratios of dissolved sulfate from interstitial water samples above gas hydrate bearing sediments of IODP Expedition 311, Cascadia margin | |
67% | 204 | 2004 | Pinero, E.; Gracia, E. et al.: Sedimentologia y magnetismo de sedimentos ricos en hidratos de gas de Hydrate Ridge (margen de Oregon - ODP Leg 204); aplicacion en estudios paleoclimaticos Sedimentology and magnetism of sediments rich in gas hydrates from Hydrate Ridge (Oregon margin-ODP Leg 204); application to paleoclimate studies | |
67% | 168 168-1026 169 | 2008 | Walker, Brett D.; McCarthy, Matthew D. et al.: Dissolved inorganic carbon isotopic composition of low-temperature axial and ridge-flank hydrothermal fluids of the Juan de Fuca Ridge | |
67% | 18 18-174 146 146-888 | 2003 | Underwood, Michael B.: Spatial and temporal variations of sediment input to the Cascadia subduction zone | |
67% | 146 146-889 | 2005 | Hobro, J. W. D.; Minshull, T. A. et al.: A three-dimensional seismic tomographic study of the gas hydrate stability zone, offshore Vancouver Island | download |
67% | 168 | 2000 | Becker, Nathan C.; Wheat, C. Geoffrey et al.: A geological and geophysical investigation of Baby Bare, locus of a ridge flank hydrothermal system in the Cascadia Basin | download |
67% | 146 146-889 146-890 | 2005 | Schwalenberg, Katrin; Willoughby, Eleanor et al.: Marine gas hydrate electromagnetic signatures in Cascadia and their correlation with seismic blank zones | |
67% | 146 146-892 | 2005 | Lanoil, Brian D.; La Duc, Myron T. et al.: Archaeal diversity in ODP legacy borehole 892b and associated seawater and sediments of the Cascadia Margin | |
67% | 146 146-892 | 2000 | McNeill, Lisa C.; Goldfinger, Chris et al.: Tectonics and depositional history of the Neogene Cascadia forearc basin; investigations of a deformed late Miocene unconformity | |
67% | 146 146-888 | 2000 | Yuan, J.; Edwards, R. N.: The assessment of marine gas hydrates through electrical remote sounding; hydrate without a BSR? | download |
67% | 146 146-889 146-890 | 2004 | Chapman, Ross; Pohlman, John C. et al.: Thermogenic gas hydrates in the northern Cascadia margin | |
67% | 168 168-1023 168-1025 168-1026 168-1028 | 2001 | Rudnicki, Mark D.; Elderfield, Henry et al.: Fractionation of sulfur isotopes during bacterial sulfate reduction in deep ocean sediments at elevated temperatures | |
67% | 204 311 | 2006 | Max, Michael D.; Johnson, Arthur H. et al.: State of development of gas hydrate as an economic resource | |
67% | 146 146-889 | 2004 | Schwalenberg, K.; Edwards, R. N. et al.: Marine controlled source electromagnetics for gas hydrate evaluation on the Cascadia margin; correlation between resistivity anomalies and seismic blank zones | |
67% | 146 146-888 | 2008 | Knudson, K. P.; Hendy, I. L.: Post-depositional diagenetic carbonate precipitation, methane production and climate-driven sedimentary processes in the northeastern Pacific Nitinat Fan | |
67% | 18 18-174 18-175 | 1977 | Carson, B.: Tectonically induced deformation of deep-sea sediments off Washington and northern Oregon; mechanical consolidation | |
67% | 146 146-888 168 168-1027 | 2010 | Carpentier, M.; Weis, D. et al.: Chemical and isotopic constraints on sedimentary input into the northern Cascades arc system | |
58% | 146 146-891 146-892 | 1994 | Gray, William Geoffrey Douglas: Sediment consolidation and permeability at the central Oregon margin, Ocean Drilling Program sites 891 and 892 | |
58% | 146 164 164-994 164-995 164-997 | 2000 | Goldberg, David S.; Collett, Timothy S. et al.: Ground truth; in-situ properties of hydrate | |
58% | 146 146-888 146-889 146-890 | 2000 | Bottrell, S. H.; Parkes, R. J. et al.: Isotopic evidence for anoxic pyrite oxidation and stimulation of bacterial sulphate reduction in marine sediments | |
58% | 146 146-892 | 2003 | Gei, Davide; Carcione, Jose M.: Acoustic properties of sediments saturated with gas hydrate, free gas and water | |
58% | 301 | 2003 | Kenig, Fabien; Simons, Dirk-Jan H. et al.: Branched aliphatic alkanes with quaternary substituted carbon atoms in modern and ancient geologic samples | |
58% | 18 18-174 168 170 170-1039 190 190-1175 | 2007 | Underwood, Michael B.: Sediment inputs to subduction zones; why lithostratigraphy and clay mineralogy matter | |
58% | 168 168-1023 168-1027 168-1030 168-1031 | 1996 | Mottl, M. J.; Elderfield, H. E. et al.: Sediment pore water from the ODP Leg 168 hydrothermal transect, eastern flank of the Juan de Fuca Ridge | |
58% | 311 | 2007 | Jackson, Peter; Long, Dave et al.: Investigating methane hydrates | |
58% | 18 18-174 146 146-892 168 | 2002 | Underwood, Michael B.: Strike-parallel variations in clay minerals and fault vergence in the Cascadia subduction zone | |
53% | 146 | 1994 | Cochrane, Guy R.; MacKay, Mary E. et al.: Consolidation and deformation of sediments at the toe of the central Oregon accretionary prism from multichannel seismic data | download |
50% | 311 | 2006 | Chen, Marc-Andre Paul: Northern Cascadia marine gas hydrate; constraints from resistivity, velocity, and AVO | download |
50% | 18 18-174 18-175 | 1973 | Kulm, La Verne D.; Prince, Roger A. et al.: Appendix I, Part A; Site survey of the northern Oregon continental margin and Astoria Fan | download |
50% | 146 146-892 | 2003 | Carson, Bobb; Kastner, Miriam et al.: Implications of carbon flux from the Cascadia accretionary prism; results from long-term, in situ measurements at ODP Site 892B | download |
50% | 146 | 1995 | MacKay, Mary E.; Jarrard, Richard D. et al.: Technical notes and additions to: Origin of bottom-simulating reflectors; geophysical evidence from the Cascadia accretionary prism | |
50% | 131 131-808 196 196-808 | 2004 | Suppe, John; Connors, Christopher D. et al.: Shear fault-bend folding | |
50% | 311 311-U1327 | 2006 | Riedel, Michael; Collett, Tim et al.: Gas hydrate transect across northern Cascadia margin | |
50% | 146 146-888 146-889 146-890 146-891 146-892 | 2001 | Chamov, N. P.; Kurnosov, V. B.: Epigenesis of sediments in the Cascadia accretionary prism, western continental margin of United States | |
50% | 311 311-U1325 311-U1326 | 2008 | Torres, M. E.; Trehu, A. M. et al.: Methane hydrate formation in turbidite sediments of northern Cascadia, IODP Expedition 311 | download |
50% | 204 204-1244 | 2006 | Spicer, M. D.; Borowski, W. S.: A preliminary comparison of the sulfur geochemistry within shallow, continental-rise sediments overlying two gas hydrate terranes | |
50% | 201 204 | 2006 | Inagaki, Fumio; Nunoura, Takuro et al.: Biogeographical distribution and diversity of microbes in methane hydrate-bearing deep on the Pacific Ocean margin | |
50% | 146 146-889 311 311-U1327 | 2011 | Dash, Ranjan; Spence, George: P-wave and S-wave velocity structure of northern Cascadia margin gas hydrates | |
48% | 146 146-892 | 1995 | Carson, Bobb; Westbrook, Graham K.: Modern fluid flow in the Cascadia accretionary wedge; a synthesis | download |
47% | 146 | 1994 | Westbrook, Graham K.; Carson, Bobb et al.: Leg 146 introduction; Cascadia margin | download |
46% | 168 | 2000 | Underwood, Michael B.; Hoke, Kimberly D.: Composition and provenance of turbidite sand and hemipelagic mud in northwestern Cascadia Basin | download |
42% | 155 155-936 155-941 | 2011 | Nelson, C. Hans; Escutia, Carlota et al.: Interplay of mass-transport and turbidite-system deposits in different active tectonic and passive continental margin settings; external and local controlling factors | |
42% | 146 146-889 | 2011 | Roach, L. A.; Edwards, R. N.: Seafloor compliance analysis reveals an apparent temporal trend in the mass of gas hydrate system near Bullseye Vent, Cascadia margin | |
40% | 18 18-174 18-175 18-176 18-178 18-180 18-181 | 1973 | von Huene, Roland; Kulm, La Verne D.: Tectonic summary of Leg 18 | download |
37% | 146 | 1994 | Westbrook, Graham K.: Growth of accretionary wedges off Vancouver Island and Oregon | download |
33% | 146 146-889 311 311-U1325 311-U1326 311-U1329 | 2011 | Bhatnagar, Gaurav; Chatterjee, Sayantan et al.: Analytical theory relating the depth of the sulfate-methane transition to gas hydrate distribution and saturation | download |
31% | 146 | 1995 | Chamov, Nickolai P.; Murdmaa, I. O.: Coarse fraction minerals of sands in Cascadia Margin sediments | download |
31% | 204 | 2005 | Underwood, Michael B.; Torres, Marta E.: Composition of clay minerals from hemipelagic sediments at Hydrate Ridge, Cascadia subduction zone | download |
30% | 146 | 1994 | Hyndman, R. D.; Spence, G. D. et al.: Regional geophysics and structural framework of the Vancouver Island margin accretionary prism | download |
29% | | 1970 | Vallier, Tracy L.: The mineralogy of some turbidite sands from sites 32 and 35, Chapter 25 | download |
29% | 146 | 1995 | Behrmann, Jan H.; Bauer, Peter et al.: Data report; Provenance analysis of Quaternary sands and sandstones from Cascadia margin | download |
29% | 146 146-892 | 1995 | Moran, Kate; Gray, W. G. D. et al.: Preliminary and stress history of sediment from the Cascadia margin | download |
28% | 146 146-888 | 1994 | Westbrook, Graham K.; Carson, Bobb et al.: Summary of Cascadia drilling results | download |
28% | 168 | 1997 | Davis, Earl E.; Chapman, D. S. et al.: Seafloor heat flow on the eastern flank of the Juan de Fuca Ridge; data from "flankflux" studies through 1995 | download |
25% | 18 18-174 18-175 18-176 18-177 | 1973 | Scheidegger, Kenneth F.; Kulm, La Verne D. et al.: Heavy mineralogy of unconsolidated sands in northeastern Pacific sediments; Leg 18, Deep Sea Drilling Project | download |
25% | 311 | 2005 | Riedel, Michael; Willoughby, E. C. et al.: Gas hydrate on the northern Cascadia margin; regional geophysics and structural framework | download |
25% | 327 327-U1027 | 2011 | Fisher, Andrew; Tsuji, Takeshi et al.: Site 1027 | download |
24% | 139 | 1992 | Davis, Earl E.; Villinger, Heinrich W.: Tectonic and thermal structure of the Middle Valley sedimented rift, northern Juan de Fuca Ridge | download |
23% | 146 | 1995 | Camerlenghi, Angelo; Lucchi, R. G. et al.: Grain-size analysis and distribution in Cascadia Margin sediments, northeastern Pacific | download |
22% | 168 | 2000 | Cavin, Amanda; Underwood, Michael B. et al.: Relations between textural characteristics and physical properties of sediments in northwestern Cascadia Basin | download |
21% | 168 | 1996 | Davis, Earl; Fisher, Andrew et al.: Leg 168 scientific prospectus; hydrothermal circulation in the oceanic crust; eastern flank of the Juan de Fuca Ridge | download |
21% | 56 57 | 1980 | Shephard, Les E.; Bryant, William R.: Consolidation characteristics of Japan Trench sediments | download |
21% | 146 | 1995 | Owens, W. H.: Data report; Anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility of a set of samples from the Cascadia margin | download |
21% | 146 146-891 | 1995 | Moore, J. Casey; Moran, Kate et al.: Frontal thrust, Oregon accretionary prism; geometry, physical properties, and fluid pressure | download |
19% | 146 146-888 146-889 146-890 311 | 2005 | Riedel, Michael; Collett, Timothy S. et al.: Integrated Ocean Drilling Program, Expedition 311 scientific prospectus; Cascadia margin hydrates | download |
19% | 168 | 1997 | Davis, Earl E.; Fisher, Andrew T. et al.: Introduction and summary; Hydrothermal circulation in the oceanic crust and its consequences on the eastern flank of the Juan de Fuca Ridge | download |
19% | 139 | 1994 | Davis, Earl E.; Fisher, Andrew T.: On the nature and consequences of hydrothermal circulation in the Middle Valley sedimented rift; interferences from geophysical and geochemical observations, Leg 139 | download |
18% | 146 | 1995 | Cragg, Barry A.; Parkes, Ronald John et al.: The impact of fluid and gas venting on bacterial populations and processes in sediments from the Cascadia margin accretionary system (sites 888-892) and the geochemical consequences | download |
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