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Score ↓ | Exp/Site/Hole | Year | Author/Title | Full text |
100% | 67 | 1980 | Aubouin, Jean; Azema, Jacques: A propos de l'origine de la plaque caraibe; la face pacifique de l'Amerique centrale The origin of the Caribbean Plate; the Pacific side of Central America | |
100% | 165 | 1996 | Sigurdsson, H.; Carey, S.: Episodes of explosive volcanism in Central America; new evidence from ODP Leg 165 | |
98% | 67 | 1979 | Anonymous: The Caribbean connection | |
98% | | 1987 | Donnelly, Thomas W.: Proposal for Caribbean scientific drilling | |
98% | | 1987 | Gose, Wulf A.: Deep sea drilling in the Caribbean | |
82% | | 1983 | Winterer, E. L.: Progress and prospect in scientific ocean drilling | |
82% | | 1981 | von Huene, Roland; Uyeda, S.: A summary of results from the IPOD transects across the Japan, Mariana, and Middle-America convergent margins | |
82% | 112 112-682 | 1997 | Ibaraki, Masako: Closing of the Central American Seaway and Neogene coastal upwelling along the Pacific Coast of South America | |
82% | 202 | 2004 | Schmittner, A.: Changes in Southeastern Pacific circulation and productivity on tectonic, orbital and millennial timescales in simulations with a global climate model | |
82% | | 2001 | Jackson, Jeremy B. C.; Johnson, Kenneth G.: Measuring past biodiversity | |
82% | | 2000 | Yuguchi, Shiho; Murakami, Teizou et al.: Latest Cenozoic palaeoceanography of the Pacific Ocean based on the analysis of nannofossil assemblages | |
82% | | 1991 | Cambray, Herve: Etude des tephra des sediments marins; comparaison entre les episodes d'activite volcanique des arcs et l'evolution tectonique Tephra among marine sediments; a comparison between episodes of arc volcanic activity and tectonic evolution | |
82% | | 2010 | Vannucchi, Paola; Ranero, Cesar R. et al.: Drilling the seismogenic zone in Central America; IODP Costa RIca Seismogenesis Project CRISP | |
70% | 165 | 2003 | Lundin, B. Scott; Sigurdsson, Haraldur et al.: Petrology of Tertiary ignimbrite province in Central America | |
69% | | 1970 | Hays, James D.; Cook, Harry et al.: Deep sea drilling project - leg 9 | |
69% | 66 | 1982 | Lundberg, Neil Scott: Evolution of the forearc landward of the Middle America Trench, Nicoya Peninsula, Costa Rica and southern Mexico | |
69% | | 1990 | Hesse, R.: Pore-water anomalies in gas hydrate-bearing sediments of the deeper continental margins; facts and problems | |
69% | | 2003 | Meschede, Martin: The Costa Rica convergent margin; a textbook example for the process of subduction erosion | |
69% | | 1999 | Smit, J.: The global stratigraphy of the Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary impact ejecta | |
69% | | 1986 | Von-Huene, R.: To accrete or not accrete, that is the question | |
69% | | 1999 | Saffer, Demian Michael: Hydrogeology of subduction zones; flow pathways and fluid budgets | |
69% | 165 | 2006 | Jordan, Benjamin R.; Sigurdsson, Haraldur et al.: Geochemical correlation of Caribbean Sea tephra layers with ignimbrites in Central America | |
69% | | 1971 | Heath, G. Ross: Preliminary results of JOIDES deep sea drilling project leg 16 in the eastern equatorial Pacific | |
69% | | 1971 | Cita, M. B.: Paleoenvironmental aspects of DSDP Legs I-IV | |
69% | | 2000 | Smolka, P.: Reconstruction, mapping and modeling of Neogene oceans | |
65% | 68 68-502 68-503 | 1980 | Zimmerman, Herman B.; Prell, Warren L. et al.: Mineral stratigraphy of the western Caribbean and eastern Equatorial Pacific, DSDP Leg 68 | |
65% | 66 67 84 | 1990 | Cadet, J. P.; Pouclet, A. et al.: Les cendres volcaniques sous-marines du Pacifique oriental, enregistrement du volcanisme explosif de l'Amerique centrale (large du Mexique et de Guatemala; Legs 66, 67 et 84 du Deep Sea Drilling Project) Submarine volcanic ash in the East Pacific; a record of explosive volcanism in Central America, largely Mexico and Guatemala, Deep Sea Drilling Project legs 66, 67 and 84 | |
65% | 9 9-84 15 15-154 16 16-158 | 1977 | Wilkens, R. H.: Windborne volcanic ash from DSDP sites 84, 154A, and 158 | |
65% | 68 68-502 68-503 | 1980 | Ledbetter, Michael T.; Stormer, John C., Jr.: Tephrachronology of late Miocene to Recent Central American explosive eruptions using DSDP Leg 68 hydraulic piston cores | |
65% | 170 170-1039 170-1040 205 205-1254 205-1255 | 2004 | Li, L.; Bebout, G. E.: Characterizing sedimentary carbon and nitrogen subduction fluxes in the Central America convergent margin (ODP Legs 170, 205) | |
65% | 67 67-495 | 2000 | Patino, Lina C.; Carr, Michal J. et al.: Local and regional variations in Central American arc lavas controlled by variations in subducted sediment input | |
65% | 170 205 | 2010 | Fueri, Evelyn; Hilton, David R. et al.: Carbon release from submarine seeps at the Costa Rica fore arc; implications for the volatile cycle at the Central America convergent margin | download |
65% | 170 170-1039 170-1040 | 1998 | Wagner, Jason L.; Griffin, J. R. et al.: Composition and stratigraphy of volcanic ashes at a convergent margin, Ocean Drilling Program Leg 170, Costa Rica | |
65% | 125 129 170 170-1039 185 185-1149 205 | 2003 | Li, Long; Sadofsky, Seth J. et al.: Carbon and nitrogen input fluxes in subducting sediments at the Izu-Bonin and Central America convergent margins | |
65% | | 2009 | Barnes, J. D.; Sharp, Z. D. et al.: Chlorine isotope variations along the Central American volcanic front and back arc | download |
65% | 40 40-364 | 1984 | Hussler, G.; Connan, J. et al.: Novel families of tetra- and hexacyclic aromatic hopanoids predominant in carbonate rocks and crude oils | |
65% | | 2012 | Kutterolf, Steffen; Jegen, Marion et al.: A detection of Milankovitch frequencies in global volcanic activity | |
60% | 165 | 2001 | Jordan, Benjamin R.; Sigurdsson, Haraldur et al.: Geochemical correlation of volcanic ash layers in the Caribbean Sea with ignimbrites of Nicaragua and Honduras | |
60% | 165 | 2003 | Jordan, Benjamin R.; Sigurdsson, Haraldur et al.: Petrogenesis of Central American ignimbrites and associated tephra in the Caribbean Sea | |
58% | 84 | 1983 | Baltuck, Miriam: Intersection of a strike-slip and subducting plate boundary; Guatemala and the Middle America Trench | |
58% | | 1985 | Nigrini, Catherine A.; Johnson, David A.: Biostratigraphic diachroneity; new evidence from equatorial Neogene Radiolaria of the Indo-Pacific | |
58% | | 1982 | Lundberg, Neil; Moore, J. Casey: Brittle versus ductile forearc areas; synthesis of macroscopic structural features from DSDP cores | |
58% | | 1982 | Aubouin, J.; Bourgois, J. et al.: La marge pacifique du Guatemala; un modele de marge extensive en domaine convergent The Pacific margin of Guatemala; a model of an extension margin in a convergent domain | |
58% | 84 | 1982 | von Huene, Roland; Aubouin, J. et al.: Preliminary results, DSDP Leg 84, Middle America Trench off Guatemala | |
58% | 170 | 1999 | Meschede, Martin; Zweigel, Peter et al.: Melange formation by subduction erosion; the case of the Osa melange in southern Costa Rica | |
58% | 170 | 2000 | Gettemy, Glen L.; Tobin, Harold J.: Elastodynamic and physical properties of subduction zone sediments; a case study of the Costa Rica convergent margin | |
58% | 170 | 2000 | Kopf, A.; Deyhle, A. et al.: Evidence for deep fluid circulation and gas hydrate dissociation using boron and boron isotopes of pore fluids in forearc sediments from Costa Rica (ODP Leg 170) | |
58% | 170 | 2000 | Deyhle, A.; Kopf, A. et al.: Fluid processes and gas hydrate dissociation as a response to forearc uplift | |
58% | 170 | 2000 | Ruppel, C.; Kinoshita, M.: Fluid, methane, and energy flux in an active margin gas hydrate province, offshore Costa Rica | |
58% | | 2006 | Spadea, Piera (ed.); Montanini, Alessandra (ed.): Modern and fossil oceanic lithosphere | |
58% | 170 205 | 2004 | Hays, T. D.; Screaton, E. J. et al.: Permeability measurements of Ocean Drilling Program samples collected from the Costa Rican subduction zone | |
58% | 205 | 2004 | Chavagnac, V.; Font, L. et al.: Plume-ridge interaction on the Cocos Plate (ODP Leg 205, Costa Rica); implication for fluid circulation | |
58% | | 1984 | Bourgois, J.; Desmet, A. et al.: Petrology and geochemistry of mafic and ultramafic rocks drilled during DSDP Leg 84 (landward slope of the Middle America Trench off Guatemala) | |
58% | 67 | 1984 | Faas, R. W.: Plasticity and compaction characteristics of the Quaternary sediments penetrated on the Guatemalan Transect; DSDP Leg 67 | |
58% | | 1996 | Anonymous: 3D seismic reflection studies on the Pacific active continental margin of Costa Rica | |
58% | 25 27 | 1983 | Origlia Devos, Isabelle: Radiolaires du Jurassique superieur; Cretace inferieur; taxonomie et revision stratigraphique (zone du Pinde-Olonos, Grece; zone du Sciacca, Italie; complexe de Nicoya, Costa-Rica et forages du DSDP Upper Jurassic-Lower Cretaceous radiolarians; taxonomy and stratigraphic revision; Pinde-Olonos Zone, Greece; Sciacca Zone, Italy; Nicoya Complex, Costa Rica and DSDP drillings | |
58% | 84 84-565 | 1983 | Baltuck, Miriam; Taylor, Elliott et al.: Sedimentary mass movement along the inner wall of the Middle America Trench, Costa Rica | |
58% | 84 | 1985 | Desmet, A.; Tournon, J. et al.: Ophiolites de Santa Elena (Costa Rica) et Leg 84; etude chimique des clinopyroxenes Ophiolites of Santa Elena (Costa Rica) and Leg 84; geochemistry of clinopyroxenes | |
58% | 165 | 1998 | Carey, S. N.; Sigurdsson, H.: Modeling of volcanic ash dispersal in the western Caribbean; implications for the nature and location of explosive volcanism | |
58% | 170 | 1998 | Meschede, M.; Barckhausen, U. et al.: New cause for abandoned spreading ridges discounts Galapagos origin for the Cocos Ridge | |
58% | | 1981 | Coulbourn, W. T.: Geologic structure and sedimentation along the convergent margins of Guatemala and Peru-Chile at the Arica Bight | |
58% | 67 | 1980 | Hesse, Reinhard; Harrison, William E.: Abnormally low pore-water salinities in deep marine sections of the continental margins related to gas-hydrate (clathrate) occurrence | |
58% | | 1990 | Weinrebe, W.; Flueh, E. R. et al.: A deep reflection line across the Middle-American Trench, offshore Guatemala | |
58% | 170 | 1997 | Silver, Eli: Complete sediment subduction and implications of fluid flow in the Middle America Trench off Costa Rica | |
58% | 170 | 1997 | Saffer, Demian; Silver, Eli et al.: Consolidation, pore fluid pressures, and implications for dewatering pathways of subducted sediments, offshore Costa Rica | |
58% | 170 171A | 1998 | Saito, Saneatsu; Goldberg, David: Physical and hydrologic properties in the Costa Rica and Barbados subduction zones; estimates from ODP downhole logging | |
58% | 67 67-497 67-498 | 1980 | von Huene, R.; Aubouin, J.: Summary of Deep Sea Drilling Project; Leg 67, The Mid-America Trench transect off Guatemala | |
58% | | 2003 | Voelker, David; Meschede, Martin: Eingrenzung der Randbedingungen der tektonischen Erosion durch Finite Elemente Modellierung am Fall der Nicoya-Halbinsel (noerdliches Costa Rica) Containment of the boundary conditions of tectonic erosion using finite element modelling; the case of Nicoya Peninsula, northern Costa Rica | |
58% | 84 84-570 | 1988 | Finley, Patrick D.; Krason, Jan: Review of proposed massive gas hydrate formation processes | |
58% | 79 79-547 | 1996 | Boomer, Ian; Ballent, Sara: Early-Middle Jurassic ostracod migration between the Northern and Southern hemispheres; further evidence for a proto Atlantic-Central America connection | |
58% | 170 | 1996 | Bangs, N. L.; McIntosh, K. et al.: Predictions from seismic modeling of physical properties and fluid effects at plate-boundary faults to be drilled offshore Costa Rica and within the Barbados Ridge | |
58% | 61 83 84 86 88 90 91 | 1983 | Salisbury, Matthew H.: In the Pacific, Deep-sea drilling tallies gains | |
58% | | 1995 | Donnelly, Thomas W.; Sinton, Chris et al.: The Caribbean Cretaceous plateau basalt; a major LIP | |
58% | 170 205 | 2008 | Vannucchi, Paola: Shallow decollements and outer wedges in subduction EQ cycles | |
58% | | 2008 | Harris, Robert N.; Henke, Thomas et al.: The thermal structure of the Costa Rica margin along the Middle America Trench | |
58% | | 2008 | Davis, Earl: Using pressure as a proxy for strain; a review of ODP/IODP "CORK" technology and observations | |
58% | 170 170-1042 | 1999 | Meschede, Martin; Zweigel, Peter et al.: Subsidence and extension at a convergent plate margin; evidence for subduction erosion off Costa Rica | |
58% | | 2008 | Ranero, C. R.: Costa Rica Seismogenesis Project (CRISP), a complex drilling proposal at the IODP | |
58% | 170 170-1042 | 2005 | Steiger, T.; Meschede, M. et al.: Evidence of Nicoya Ophiolite materials drilled at ODP Site 1042 | |
58% | | 2005 | Davis, E. E.; Becker, K.: Fluid pressure, sediment compressibility, and secular and transient strain in subduction prisms; results from ODP CORK borehole hydrologic observatories | |
58% | | 1986 | Moore, J. Casey; Lundberg, Neil: Tectonic overview of Deep Sea Drilling Project transects of forearcs | |
58% | 170 | 1997 | Meschede, Martin; Barckhausen, Udo et al.: The abandoned spreading system of the Cocos and Malpelo ridges in the eastern Pacific | |
58% | 170 | 1999 | Voelker, David; Meschede, Martin: Finite element modelling of convergent margin wedge dynamics | |
58% | 67 67-497 67-498 | 1980 | Hesse, Reinhard: Gas-hydrates (clathrates) as a cause of pore-water freshening and possible retardation of diagenetic reactions in deep-water sedimentary sections of the continental margins | |
58% | 170 | 1998 | Zuleger, Evelyn; Deyhle, Annette: Boron and boron isotope determinations in pore fluids and sediments from ODP Leg 170, Costa Rica | |
58% | 67 67-495 | 1997 | Patino, Lina Claudia: Geochemical characterization of Central American subduction zone system; slab input, output from the volcanoes, and slab-mantle interactions | |
58% | | 2000 | Scholl, David William; von Huene, Roland: The tectonic process of subduction erosion and the selective removal of middle and lower crustal rocks at convergent margins | |
58% | 170 205 | 2005 | Vannucchi, P.; Leoni, L. et al.: Dynamic interaction between pore fluids and faulting along the Costa Rica decollement (ODP Legs 170 and 205) | |
58% | 190 | 2007 | Skarbek, R. M.; Saffer, D. M.: Pore pressure development in sub-decollement sediments in subduction zones; insights from laboratory data and numerical modeling | |
58% | 165 | 2009 | Fero, Julie Ann: Simulating widespread tephra dispersal from explosive volcanic eruptions | |
58% | 67 84 | 1984 | Aubouin, Jean; Bourgois, Jacques et al.: A new type of active margin; the convergent-extensional margin, as exemplified by the Middle America Trench off Guatemala | |
58% | 206 206-1256 | 2004 | Teagle, Damon A. H.; Wilson, Douglas S. et al.: The "Road to the MoHole" four decades on; deep drilling at site 1256 | |
58% | 84 | 1984 | Desmet, A.; Tournon, J. et al.: Ophiolites de Santa Elena (Costa Rica) et Leg 84; etude chimique des clinopyroxenes Ophiolites of Santa Elena (Costa Rica) and Leg 84; chemical study of clinopyroxenes | |
58% | 205 | 2004 | Cardace, D.; Morris, J. D. et al.: Methane production in forearc sediments at the Costa Rican convergent margin | |
58% | 170 | 2004 | Ercegovac, M.: Microscopical characteristics of organic facies and palynofacies of active upwelling systems of the continental margin of Costa Rica (ODP Leg 170) | |
58% | 195 195-1200 | 2005 | Wei, W.; Kastner, M. et al.: Chlorine stable isotopes in three subduction zones, with inferences for serpentinization and fluid flow | |
58% | | 1998 | Boissonnas, R.; Goldberg, D. et al.: Gas hydrates education using downhole electromagnetic measurements on the Costa Rican margin | |
58% | 170 | 2000 | Tryon, Michael D.; Brown, Kevin M.: Results from long-term aqueous flux measurements on the Costa Rican convergent margin | |
58% | 84 84-568 | 1993 | Kvenvolden, K. A.; Ginsburg, G. D. et al.: Worldwide distribution of subaquatic gas hydrates | |
58% | | 1994 | Deng, Xinhua: Canyon evolution in active continental margins; potential sea level change control | |
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