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Score ↓ | Exp/Site/Hole | Year | Author/Title | Full text |
100% | 6 7 16 19 25 28 33 34 37 38 39 49 | 1981 | Nazarova, Ye. A.: Magnitnyye svoystva bazal'tov okeanskogo lozha Magnetic properties of basalts on the ocean floor | |
80% | 1 1-3 1-5 2 2-10 3 3-14 3-18 3-22 4 4-27 4-29 4-30 4-31 10 10-89 10-94 11 11-101 11-102 11-103 11-104 12 12-113 12-114 12-116 12-118 12-119 13 13-129 13-132 14 14-135 14-136 14-139 15 15-149 15-150 15-151 15-153 36 36-329 38 38-341 39 39-357 39-359 40 40-360 40-361 40-362 41 41-368 41-369 41-370 47 47-397 49 49-407 49-408 49-410 | 1982 | Malmgren, Bjorn A.; Haq, Bilal U.: Assessment of quantitative techniques in a paleobiogeography | |
78% | 65 65-483 65-485 | 1985 | Zolotarev, B. P.: Geokhimiya bazal'tov Kaliforniyskogo zaliva i raspredeleniye v nikh redkozemel'nykh elementov Geochemistry and distribution of rare earth elements in basalts of the Gulf of California | |
78% | 39 39-356 43 43-384 74 74-527 | 1989 | Malmgren, Bjorn A.: Coiling patterns in terminal Cretaceous planktonic foraminifera | |
78% | 41 41-370 | 1986 | Kotova, I. Z.: Palinologicheskoye izucheniye nizhnemelovykh otlozheniy tsentral'noy chasti Atlanticheskogo okeana Palynology of Lower Cretaceous deposits of the central Atlantic Ocean | |
77% | 101 101-626 101-627 101-628 101-630 101-631 101-632 101-633 101-634 101-635 101-636 | 1985 | From the Bahamas; Megabank found? Flanks record sea level | |
76% | 3 3-20 10 10-94 12 12-111 12-118 12-119 39 39-358 41 41-366 41-370 43 43-384 43-386 43-387 44 44-390 47 47-398 48 48-400 48-401 48-403 48-404 48-405 48-406 77 77-536 77-538 77-540 80 80-548 80-549 80-550 81 81-552 81-553 93 93-605 95 95-612 95-613 105 105-647 | 1995 | Aubry, Marie-Pierre: From chronology to stratigraphy; interpreting the lower and middle Eocene stratigraphic record in the Atlantic Ocean | |
76% | 7 7-64 8 8-69 8-70 8-71 9 9-77 15 15-146 15-151 16 16-160 17 17-167 22 22-216 22-217 30 30-289 33 33-315 33-317 41 41-366 59 59-448 78 78-543 85 85-573 85-574 | 1995 | Sanfilippo, Annika; Nigrini, Catherine: Radiolarian stratigraphy across the Oligocene/Miocene transition | |
75% | 22 22-211 22-212 22-213 22-214 22-215 22-216 26 26-253 26-254 26-256 26-257 27 27-259 27-260 27-261 | 1978 | Thompson, G.; Bryan, W. B. et al.: Basalts and related rocks from deep-sea drilling sites in the central and eastern Indian Ocean | |
75% | 38 38-336 38-337 38-338 38-339 38-342 38-343 38-344 38-345 38-346 38-348 38-349 38-350 38-352 | 1990 | Aleksandrova, A. N.; Prozorov, Yu. I.: Geodinamicheskiye protsessy i paleogeografiya rannego kaynozoya Norvezhsko-Grenlandskogo basseyna Geodynamic processes and lower Cenozoic paleogeography of the Norwegian-Greenland Basin | |
73% | 3 3-15 6 6-44 7 7-62 8 8-71 9 9-77 9-83 9-84 12 12-116 16 16-157 16-158 21 21-206 21-207 21-208 24 24-238 29 29-281 29-284 30 30-289 31 31-292 31-296 32 32-310 36 36-329 39 39-357 41 41-366 47 47-397 47-398 49 49-408 68 68-502 68-503 | 1981 | Moore, T. C., Jr.; Pisias, N. G. et al.: Ocean basin and depth variability of oxygen isotopes in Cenozoic benthic Foraminifera | |
73% | 26 26-250 26-251 26-253 26-254 26-256 26-257 | 1973 | Kempe, D. R. C.: Basalts from the southern Indian Ocean; DSDP Leg 26 | |
73% | 93 93-604 95 95-613 | 1996 | Kawamura, Hiroshi: Pleistocene planktonic foraminifera from Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 95, Site 613, New Jersey transect | |
73% | 22 22-214 22-216 22-217 23 23-219 23-220 23-223 24 24-236 24-237 24-238 | 1992 | Gupta, Anil K.: Benthic foraminifera and deep-sea water masses in the tropical Indian Ocean | |
73% | 63 63-469 63-470 63-471 63-472 63-473 64 64-474 64-477 64-478 64-481 | 1983 | Verma, Surendra P.: Strontium and neodymium isotope geochemistry of igneous rocks from the North East Pacific and Gulf of California | |
72% | 7 7-61 7-62 13 13-120 13-121 13-134 14 14-136 14-137 14-138 14-141 17 17-165 17-169 17-170 22 22-215 22-216 34 34-321 36 36-330 39 39-353 42 42-373 45 45-395 45-396 46 46-396 58 58-443 60 60-453 63 63-471 64 64-476 65 65-482 65-483 65-485 78 78-395 109 | 1983 | Pertsev, N. N.: Metamorfizm v okeanskom fundamente po dannym glubokovodnogo bureniya Metamorphism in the oceanic basement according to data from deep-water drilling | |
72% | | 1982 | Melguen, M.: La banque des donnees DSDP-IPOD The DSDP-IPOD data bank | |
72% | 11 11-105 14 14-137 41 41-369 41-370 43 43-386 44 44-392 47 47-398 48 48-400 48-402 50 50-415 | 1980 | Guerin, S.; Moullade, M.: Les association de Foraminiferes benthiques de l'Albien de l'Atlantique Nord (Legs DSDP, 11, 14, 41, 43, 44, 47 B, 48, 50) Assemblages of benthic foraminifera from the Albian of the North Atlantic; DSDP legs 11, 14, 41, 43, 44, 47B, 48 and 50 | |
72% | | 1984 | Peterson, Curt D.; Duncan, Robert A. et al.: Downcore variation and sequence of hydrothermal mineralization in massive sea-floor basalts, DSDP Site 597 | |
71% | 6 6-55 8 8-71 9 9-77 16 16-158 18 18-173 21 21-206 21-207 21-208 29 29-278 29-281 29-284 30 30-289 31 31-292 31-296 32 32-310 33 33-317 34 34-319 | 1981 | Lohmann, G. P.; Carlson, J. J.: Oceanographic significance of Pacific late Miocene calcareous nannoplankton | |
71% | 2 2-10 2-12 5 5-32 6 6-52 6-53 6-57 6-58 6-59 6-60 7 7-66 8 9 14 14-136 16 17 17-164 17-165 17-166 17-167 17-168 18 18-173 | 1974 | Shcherbakova, M. N.: Vulkanogenno-osadochnyy litogenez po dannym glubokovodnogo bureniya Volcanogenic-sedimentary lithogenesis, based on data from deep-sea drilling | |
69% | | 1983 | Logvinenko, N. V.; Popova, E. A.: Clinoptilolite from the Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous of the North Atlantic (based on DSDP data) | |
69% | 82 82-556 82-558 | 1983 | Hill, I. A.: Downhole physical property measurement in Atlantic oceanic crust from wireline logging results | |
69% | | 1981 | Melguen, Marthe: La banque des donnees DSDP-IPOD au Bureau national des donnees oceaniques The DSDP-IPOD data bank at the French National Oceanic Data Bureau | |
69% | 65 65-483 | 1981 | Barker, Steven E.: Mineral chemistry and crystallization history of basalts from holes 483, 483B, and 485A, DSDP Leg 65, East Pacific Rise, Gulf of California | |
69% | 42 42-372 42-374 42-376 | 1977 | Hamilton, N.; Hailwood, E. A.: Late Neogene magnetic stratigraphy evidence from DSDP Mediterranean Sea sites 372, 374 and 376 | |
69% | 18 18-173 19 19-183 | 1978 | Denere, Thomas Ashley: Pliocene to middle Pleistocene siliceous microfossil biostratigraphy of D.S.D.P. sites 173, 183 and 47.2, North Pacific Ocean | |
69% | 78 78-543 | 1981 | Carter, J. A.; Hussong, D. M. et al.: Downhole temperature and tilt results from three DSDP holes | |
69% | 13 13-125 13-132 | 1975 | Chamley, H.: Enseignement du Leg XIII DSDP sur la sedimentation argileuse Plio-Pleistocene en mers Tyrrhenienne et Ionienne Data of Leg XIII of DSDP on the Plio-Pleistocene clay sedimentation in the Tyrrhenian and Ionian seas | |
69% | 96 96-614 96-615 96-616 96-617 96-618 96-619 96-620 96-621 96-622 96-623 96-624 | 1985 | Bouma, Arnold H.; Coleman, James M. et al.: Recent results of the Deep-Sea Drilling Program on the Mississippi Fan, Gulf of Mexico | |
69% | 38 38-336 38-337 38-338 38-339 38-340 38-343 38-345 38-346 38-348 38-350 38-352 | 1982 | Dzhinoridze, R. N.; Zhuze, A. P. et al.: Biostratigrafiya otlozheniy kaynozoya Norvezhskogo morya po diatomeyam, radiolyariyam i silikoflyagellyatam Biostratigraphy of Cenozoic strata in the Norwegian Sea according to diatoms, radiolarians and silicoflagellates | |
69% | 68 68-502 72 72-516 75 75-532 85 85-573 86 86-577 89 89-586 90 90-587 90-588 90-590 90-592 94 94-606 | 1988 | Dowsett, Harry James: A biochronological model for correlation of Pliocene marine sequences; application of the graphic correlation method | |
69% | 6 6-60 7 7-63 30 30-285 30-287 30-288 30-289 32 32-313 33 33-315 33-316 33-318 | 1976 | Klein, G. DeV.: Resedimentation of biogenic carbonate sediments in DSDP cores from Pacific Ocean | |
69% | 18 18-173 55 55-433 56 56-436 57 57-438 57-440 63 63-469 63-470 63-472 86 86-577 86-578 86-579 | 1993 | Spencer-Cervato, Cinzia; Lazarus, David B. et al.: New calibration of Neogene radiolarian events in the North Pacific | |
69% | 12 12-112 12-116 12-117 38 38-338 38-345 41 41-369 48 48-406 77 77-540 79 79-547 80 80-549 95 95-612 | 1993 | Damassa, Sarah P.; Williams, Graham L.: Provincialism and current events; North Atlantic Eocene-Oligocene dinoflagellates | |
69% | 25 25-239 25-240 25-241 25-242 25-243 25-244 25-245 25-246 25-247 25-248 25-249 | 1975 | Schlich, R.: Structure et age de l'ocean Indien occidental The structure and age of the western Indian Ocean | |
69% | 12 12-111 12-112 12-113 12-116 12-117 12-118 12-119 48 48-400 | 1983 | Miller, Kenneth G.; Tucholke, Brian E.: Development of Cenozoic abyssal circulation south of the Greenland-Scotland Ridge | |
69% | 38 38-338 38-339 38-340 38-341 38-342 38-343 | 1981 | Froget, C.: La sedimentation argileuse depuis l'Eocene sur le plateau Voering et a son voisinage, d'apres le Leg 38 DSDP (Mer de Norvege) Argillaceous sedimentation since the Eocene on the Voring Plateau and vicinity from DSDP Leg 38, Norwegian Sea | |
69% | 6 6-47 6-55 17 17-167 17-171 29 29-277 29-279 29-281 39 39-357 41 | 1981 | Borzenkova, I. I.: O global'nom trende temperatury v kaynozoye Global temperature trends in the Cenozoic | |
69% | 10 10-91 16 16-160 16-161 16-163 31 31-293 31-298 31-299 31-302 | 1981 | Bryant, William R.; Bennett, Richard H. et al.: Shear strength, consolidation, porosity, and permeability of oceanic sediments | |
69% | 82 82-556 82-557 82-558 82-559 82-561 82-562 82-563 82-564 | 1983 | Jenner, G. A.; Hertogen, J. et al.: Leg 82 basalts; (super 143/144) Nd, rare earth and trace element variations | |
69% | 15 47 47-398 49 49-410 54 54-419 54-420 54-424 56 56-436 57 57-438 | 1985 | Clarke, W. Brian; Barnes, Ross O.: Fluid kinematics, fluid residence times and rock degassing in oceanic crust, determined from noble gas contents of DSDP pore waters | |
69% | 21 21-203 21-204 21-205 21-206 21-207 21-208 21-209 21-210 | 1974 | Andrews, J. E.: Deep Sea Drilling Project; leg 21; Tasman Sea-Coral Sea; (Preliminary Results) | |
69% | 18 18-178 19 19-183 19-184 19-185 19-186 19-191 19-192 | 1985 | Rea, David K.; Schrader, Hans: Late Pliocene onset of glaciation; ice-rafting and diatom stratigraphy of North Pacific DSDP cores | |
69% | 21 21-203 21-204 21-205 21-206 21-207 21-208 21-209 21-210 | 1974 | Van der Lingen, G. J.: Lithostratigraphy of Eight Drill Sites in the South-west Pacific; Preliminary Results of Leg 21 of the Deep Sea Drilling Project | |
69% | 7 7-63 7-64 7-65 7-66 19 19-183 19-192 56 56-436 57 57-438 | 1990 | Oreshkina, Tatiana T.; Radionova, Eleonora P.: The transition of Pacific Ocean diatom complexes at the middle-late Miocene boundary and the palaeoceanographic implications | |
69% | 13 13-122 13-123 13-124 13-125 13-127 13-129 13-132 13-134 | 1973 | Cita, M. B.: Mediterranean evaporite; paleontological arguments for a deep-basin desiccation model | |
68% | 5 5-40 5-42 6 6-44 6-59 7 7-62 7-63 7-64 7-65 7-66 7-67 8 8-69 8-70 8-71 8-72 8-73 8-75 9 9-77 9-78 16 16-160 16-161 16-162 16-163 17 17-164 17-165 17-166 17-167 17-168 17-170 17-171 20 20-199 30 30-288 30-289 32 32-307 32-313 33 33-314 33-317 33-318 61 61-462 85 85-573 85-574 89 89-462 89-585 92 92-597 92-598 129 129-800 129-801 129-802 130 130-803 130-807 136 136-842 143 143-865 143-869 185 185-801 199 199-1215 199-1216 199-1217 199-1218 199-1219 199-1220 199-1221 199-1222 | 2004 | Moore, T. C., Jr.; Backman, Jan et al.: Paleogene tropical Pacific; clues to circulation, productivity, and plate motion | download |
68% | 77 77-535 77-536 77-537 77-538 77-540 | 1984 | McNulty, C. L.; Premoli Silva, I.: Aspects of foraminiferal biostratigraphy, DSDP Leg 77, southeastern Gulf of Mexico | |
68% | 94 94-606 94-607 94-608 94-609 94-610 94-611 | 1987 | Whatley, R.; Coles, G.: The late Miocene to Quaternary Ostracoda of Leg 94, Deep Sea Drilling Project | |
68% | 84 84-565 84-566 84-567 84-568 84-569 84-570 | 1982 | On Leg 84, Challenger drills again off Guatemala | |
68% | 25 25-248 25-249 26 26-250 26-251 | 1982 | Thompson, Geoffrey; Bryan, Wilfred B. et al.: Petrology, geochemistry and original tectonic setting of basalts from the Mozambique Basin and Ridge (DSDP sites 248, 249 and 250), and from the Southwest Indian Ridge (DSDP Site 251) | |
68% | 36 36-326 36-327 36-328 36-329 36-330 36-331 | 1976 | Gombos, A. M., Jr.: Diatom investigations in the South Atlantic | |
68% | 23 23-220 23-221 23-223 23-224 24 24-238 | 1976 | Hamilton, N.: Magnetic properties of DSDP basalts for the NW Indian Ocean | |
68% | 22 22-211 22-212 22-213 22-214 22-215 22-216 | 1973 | Hekinian, R.: Petrology of rocks from the northeastern Indian Ocean basins and the Ninety East Ridge | |
68% | 77 77-535 77-536 77-537 77-538 77-539 77-540 | 1981 | Challenger probes past in the Gulf | |
68% | 10 10-97 77 77-536 77-539 77-540 | 1993 | Rodriguez-Saavedra, Alfredo: Sedimentation biogene et paleoenvironnement dans la plaine de Floride du Pliocene inferieur au Pleistocene superieur; nannofossiles calcaires et signaux sedimentaires appliques a la biostratigraphie; sites IPOD 536, 539, 540 et site DSDP 97 du golfe du Mexique Biogenic sedimentation and paleoenvironment of the Florida Plain from the lower Pliocene to the upper Pleistocene; calcareous nannofossils and sedimentary markers applied to biostratigraphy, IPOD Sites 536, 539, 540 and DSDP Site 97, Gulf of Mexico | |
68% | 11 11-105 43 43-384 79 79-546 79-547 | 1985 | Debrabrant, P.; Delbert, S. et al.: Microanalyses geochimiques de minerho aux argileus ce sediments preleves et Atlantique Nord (forages de DSDP) Geochemical analyses of clay minerals from sediment samples and the North Atlantic, DSDP boreholes | |
68% | 58 58-442 58-443 58-444 58-445 58-446 | 1978 | Arai, F.; Furuta, T. et al.: Petrographic nature of tephras in DSDP Leg 58 cores, northern Philippine Sea | |
68% | 92 92-597 92-598 92-599 92-600 92-601 | 1988 | Barrett, T. J.; Jarvis, I.: Rare-earth element geochemistry of metalliferous sediments from DSDP Leg 92; the East Pacific Rise transect | |
68% | 58 58-442 58-443 58-444 58-445 58-446 | 1978 | Kinoshita, H.: Paleomagnetism of DSDP Leg 58 sediment cores from Shikoku Basin and Daito region | |
67% | 3 3-13 13 13-120 14 14-135 14-136 14-137 14-138 14-140 41 41-366 41-367 41-368 41-369 41-370 47 47-397 50 50-415 50-416 | 1982 | Pflaumann, Uwe; Cepek, Pavel: Cretaceous foraminiferal and nannoplankton biostratigraphy and paleoecology along the West African continental margin | |
67% | 2 2-10 3 3-14 3-19 3-20 3-22 10 10-94 10-95 12 12-119 14 14-144 36 36-329 39 39-357 40 40-360 40-362 40-363 41 41-366 48 48-400 72 72-516 73 73-522 74 74-526 80 80-548 80-549 82 82-558 82-563 114 114-703 150 150-902 150-903 150-904 150-906 | 2003 | Katz, Miriam E.; Tjalsma, R. C. et al.: Oligocene bathyal to abyssal benthic Foraminifera of the Atlantic Ocean | |
66% | 80 80-549 80-550 82 82-558 82-563 94 94-606 94-607 94-608 94-609 94-610 94-611 | 1994 | Coles, G. P.; Whatley, R. C. et al.: The ostracod genus Krithe from the Tertiary and Quaternary of the North Atlantic | |
66% | 80 80-549 80-550 82 82-558 82-563 94 94-606 94-607 94-608 94-609 94-610 94-611 | 1990 | Whatley, Robin C.; Coles, Graham P.: Global change and the biostratigraphy of North Atlantic Cainozoic deep water Ostracoda | |
66% | 11 11-100 11-105 15 15-146 15-151 15-153 17 17-165 17-169 34 34-319 34-321 37 37-332 | 1979 | Schweitzer, E. L.; Papike, J. J. et al.: Statistical analysis of clinopyroxenes from deep-sea basalts | |
66% | 11 11-102 11-103 11-104 11-105 11-106 44 44-388 44-391 76 76-533 76-534 93 93-603 95 95-603 | 1985 | Mountain, Gregory S.; Tucholke, Brian E.: Mesozoic and Cenozoic geology of the U.S. Atlantic continental slope and rise | |
66% | 30 30-288 30-289 33 33-317 40 40-363 40-364 48 48-400 48-402 62 62-463 79 79-545 | 1988 | Tarduno, John A.: Brief reversals within the Cretaceous normal polarity superchron recorded in Pacific and Atlantic DSDP sediments | |
66% | 1 1-2 1-3 7 7-62 7-65 7-66 9 9-77 28 28-266 32 32-310 62 62-463 85 85-572 89 89-586 | 1984 | Chaboudy, Louis R., Jr.: Long-term phosphorus flux to Neogene Antarctic and Pacific deep sea sediments | |
66% | 26 26-250 26-256 26-257 27 27-259 28 28-269 30 30-287 31 31-290 41 41-367 43 43-382 43-385 | 1984 | Gottfried, M. D.; Doyle, P. S. et al.: Stratigraphic interpretations of pelagic sequences revised on the basis of ichthyoliths | |
66% | 11 11-99 11-101 11-105 14 14-135 14-136 43 43-386 43-387 44 44-391 47 47-397 47-398 | 1982 | Habib, D.: Sedimentary supply origin of Cretaceous black shales | |
65% | 12 12-112 14 14-140 14-141 29 29-283 35 35-323 36 36-328 38 38-346 38-347 38-349 38-350 39 39-355 39-358 41 41-367 41-368 | 1981 | Gradstein, Felix M.; Berggren, W. A.: Flysch-type agglutinated Foraminifera and the Maestrichtian to Paleogene history of the Labrador and North Seas | |
65% | 11 11-105 14 14-137 14-141 15 15-150 16 16-163 18 18-172 20 20-196 20-198 22 22-212 22-213 22-215 23 23-221 25 25-239 25-241 | 1981 | Kaneps, A. G.; Doyle, P. S. et al.: Further ichthyolith age determinations of otherwise unfossiliferous deep sea cores | |
64% | 30 30-285 30-286 31 31-297 31-299 58 58-445 58-446 60 60-453 | 1983 | Lee, Yong Il: Diagenesis of sandstones in back-arc basins, western Pacific Ocean | |
64% | 73 73-519 73-520 73-521 73-522 73-523 73-524 | 1983 | Poore, Richard Z.; Tauxe, Lisa et al.: Late Cretaceous-Cenozoic magnetostratigraphic and biostratigraphic correlations of the South Atlantic Ocean; DSDP Leg 73 | |
64% | 21 21-206 21-207 21-208 29 29-284 90 90-588 90-590 90-593 | 1992 | Wei, Kuo-Yen: Evolution of planktic foraminiferal clade Globoconella during the late Neogene; paleoceanographic modulation | |
64% | 9 9-84 16 16-157 16-158 21 21-206 21-207 21-208 29 29-284 | 1977 | Kennett, J. P.: Late Neogene paleoceanography of the South Pacific | |
64% | 12 12-118 14 14-135 14-136 50 50-415 50-416 | 1987 | Flores Villarejo, J. A.: El grupo Sphenolithus abies en el Neogeno de las cuencas del Guadalquivir, Espana y Surrifena, Marruecos y sondeos DSDP del Atlantico Nororiental Neogene Sphenolithus abies of the Guadalquivir Basin, Spain and Surrifena Basin, Morocco and DSDP boreholes of the Northeast Atlantic | |
64% | 1 1-1 1-2 1-3 1-4 1-5 1-6 1-7 | 1969 | Anonymous: Appendix I; Time stratigraphic framework | |
64% | 12 12-118 12-119 47 47-398 48 48-400 48-403 48-405 48-406 | 1980 | Latouche, C.; Maillet, N.: Mineraux argileux et evolution des environnements sedimentaires du domaine atlantique nord-oriental durant le Paleogene Clay minerals and evolution of sedimentary environments in the Northeast Atlantic realm during the Paleogene | |
64% | 9 9-77 9-79 9-80 9-81 9-82 9-83 9-84 | 1976 | Ridley, I.; Reid, A. M. et al.: Petrochemistry of volcanic basement from Pacific and Cocos plates | |
64% | 1 1-6 11 11-108 43 43-384 43-385 43-386 43-387 | 1982 | Palmer, Andrew J. M.: The diatom biostratigraphy of the (Eocene) Bermuda Rise Formation | |
64% | 30 30-289 72 72-516 85 85-572 85-573 85-574 90 90-590 90-593 | 1996 | Richter, Frank M.: Models for the coupled Sr-sulfate budget in deep-sea carbonates | |
64% | 30 30-285 30-286 31 31-297 31-299 58 58-445 58-446 60 60-453 | 1984 | Lee, Yong Il: Petrology and diagenesis of medium-grained clastic sediments in the back-arc basins of the western Pacific Ocean | |
64% | 17 17-165 17-166 17-167 33 33-315 33-316 36 36-327 | 1979 | Cockerham, R. S.: A paleomagnetic and magnetic property study of DSDP Pacific basalts and sediments of Cretaceous age | |
64% | 92 92-597 92-598 92-599 92-600 92-601 92-602 | 1983 | Rea, D. K.; Leinin, M. et al.: Post middle Oligocene history of deep ocean hydrothermal activity, results of DSDP Leg 92 | |
64% | 39 39-356 43 43-384 62 62-465 72 72-516 74 74-525 74-527 80 80-548 | 1993 | Henriksson, Anders S.: Biochronology of the terminal Cretaceous calcareous nannofossil zone of Micula prinsii | |
64% | 30 30-285 30-286 31 31-297 31-299 58 58-445 58-446 60 60-453 | 1986 | Lee, Yong Il; Klein, George DeVries: Diagenesis of sandstones in the back-arc basins of the western Pacific Ocean | |
64% | 30 30-285 30-286 31 31-297 31-299 58 58-445 58-446 60 60-453 | 1986 | Lee, Yong Il: Effect of thermal circulation and burial rate on sandstone diagenesis in Pacific Ocean back-arc basins | |
64% | 15 47 47-398 49 49-410 54 54-419 54-424 56 56-436 57 57-438 | 1980 | Barnes, R. O.; Clarke, W. B.: (super 3) He/ (super 4) He, Ne and Ar concentrations in pore fluids of DSDP sites 398 to 438 | |
64% | 76 76-534 77 77-535 77-540 | 1984 | Cotillon, P.; Rio, M.: Cyclicite comparee du Cretace inferieur pelagique dans les chaines subalpines meridionales (France S.E.), l'Atlantique central (Site 534 D.S.D.P.) et le Golfe du Mexique (Sites 535 et 540 D.S.D.P.); implications paleoclimatiques et application aux correlations stratigraphiques transtethysiennes Comparative cyclicity of the pelagic Lower Cretaceous in the southern Sub-Alpine Range (SE France), central Atlantic (DSDP Site 534) and the Gulf of Mexico (DSDP sites 535 and 540); paleoclimatic implications and application to trans-Tethysian stratigraphic correlation | |
64% | 10 10-94 15 15-149 17 17-166 17-167 22 22-216 | 1981 | Glass, B. P.; Crosbie, Jill R.: Age of the Eocene/Oligocene boundary based on extrapolation from the North American microtektite layer | |
64% | 93 93-603 93-604 95 95-603 95-612 95-613 | 1987 | Scott, D. B.; MacKinnon, K. D. et al.: Quaternary bottom water paleoceanography from the western North Atlantic | |
64% | 5 5-33 5-36 5-42 8 8-69 8-70 8-71 8-72 | 1989 | Yefimov, A. V.; Ivankin, A. N. et al.: Spectral characteristics of irregularities of density of marine sediments as indicated by deep-sea drilling data | |
64% | 8 8-71 9 9-77 21 21-206 21-208 29 29-279 29-281 30 30-289 | 1983 | Loutit, T. S.; Kennett, James P. et al.: Miocene equatorial and Southwest Pacific paleoceanography from stable isotope evidence | |
64% | 90 90-587 90-588 90-589 90-590 90-591 90-592 90-593 | 1983 | In the Southwest Pacific, Leg 90 makes latitudinal traverse | |
64% | 22 22-218 23 23-222 24 24-233 26 26-257 26-258 27 27-259 27-260 | 1975 | Kidd, Robert B.: Sediment facies in the Indian Ocean | |
64% | 8 8-70 8-71 9 9-77 30 30-289 41 41-366 85 85-573 85-574 | 1996 | Sanfilippo, Annika; Nigrini, Catherine: Radiolarian biostratigraphy at the Oligocene/Miocene boundary | |
63% | 8 8-69 10 10-94 16 16-162 17 17-166 22 22-216 31 31-292 95 95-612 | 1999 | Glass, Billy P.; Koeberl, Christian et al.: Trace element study of upper Eocene clinopyroxene-bearing spherules; preliminary results | |
62% | 5 5-33 18 18-173 63 63-469 63-470 63-471 63-472 63-473 66 66-493 | 1986 | Domack, C. R.: Reconstruction of the California Current at 5, 8, and 10 million years b.p. using radiolarian indicators | |
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