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Score ↓ | Exp/Site/Hole | Year | Author/Title | Full text |
100% | 11 11-105 | 1977 | Steiner, M. B.: Magnetization of Jurassic red deep-sea sediments in the Atlantic (DSDP Site 105) | |
71% | 11 11-105 | 1980 | Azbel', A. Ya.: Nekotoryye miliolidy iz skvazhiny 105 proyekta glubokovodnogo bureniya Miliolidae from Site 105 of the Deep Sea Drilling Project | |
71% | 11 11-105 | 1975 | Steiner, M.: Thermal demagnetization of red Jurassic deep-sea sediments (DSDP 5) | |
71% | 11 11-105 44 44-391 | 1977 | Habib, D.: Comparison of Lower and Middle Cretaceous palynostratigraphic zonations in the western North Atlantic | |
71% | 11 11-105 76 | 1987 | Mixon, Martha; Habib, Daniel: Dinoflagellate stratigraphy of the North Atlantic Jurassic | |
57% | 11 11-100 11-105 | 1975 | Bryan, W. B.; Thompson, G. et al.: Mesozoic basalts associated with early stages of Atlantic rifting | |
57% | 11 11-99 11-100 11-101 11-105 | 1975 | Habib, D.: Neocomian dinoflagellate zonation in the western North Atlantic | |
57% | 11 11-105 26 26-257 27 27-259 27-261 | 1977 | Scarfe, C. M.; Muehlenbachs, K.: Low temperature alteration of old oceanic crust; secondary minerals in basalts from DSDP Legs 11, 26 and 27 | |
57% | 11 11-105 41 41-367 149 149-901 | 2000 | Aschwer, Ute; Mutterlose, Joerg: Palaeobiogeography of Early Cretaceous calcareous nannofossils; sea-level versus palaeoclimate | |
57% | 11 11-105 44 44-391 76 76-534 | 1982 | Katz, Barry J.; Pheifer, Raymond N.: Characteristics of Cretaceous organic matter in the Atlantic | |
57% | 6 6-49 6-50 11 11-105 | 1975 | Thierstein, H. R.: Calcareous nannoplankton biostratigraphy at the Jurassic-Cretaceous boundary | |
57% | 11 11-105 41 41-367 75 75-530 | 1986 | Dean, Walter E.; Arthur, Michael A.: Origin and diagenesis of Cretaceous organic-carbon-rich lithofacies in the Atlantic Ocean | |
57% | 11 11-105 43 43-386 44 44-391 | 1982 | Habib, Daniel; Knapp, Susan D.: Stratigraphic utility of Cretaceous small acritarchs | |
57% | 11 11-105 11-106 11-107 44 44-388 | 1978 | Minck, Robert J.: A seismic study of the Atlantic outer continental shelf, slope, and upper rise east of Delaware | |
57% | 11 11-105 76 76-534 | 1991 | Reale, Viviana; Monechi, Simonetta: New biostratigraphic data based on calcareous nannofossils of the Middle-Upper Jurassic interval in the Northwest Atlantic (Sites 534A and 105) and in the Umbria-Marche area | |
57% | 11 11-100 11-105 | 1976 | Ayuso, R. A.; Bence, A. E. et al.: Upper Jurassic tholeiitic basalts from DSDP Leg 11 | download |
57% | 11 11-105 12 43 43-386 44 44-391 | 1980 | Knapp, Susan: The stratigraphic utility of Cretaceous small acritarchs | |
57% | 11 11-105 43 43-384 79 79-546 79-547 | 1985 | Debrabrant, P.; Delbert, S. et al.: Microanalyses geochimiques de minerho aux argileus ce sediments preleves et Atlantique Nord (forages de DSDP) Geochemical analyses of clay minerals from sediment samples and the North Atlantic, DSDP boreholes | |
57% | 11 11-100 11-105 | 1977 | Bryan, W. B.; Frey, F. A. et al.: Oldest Atlantic seafloor; Mesozoic basalts from western North Atlantic margin and eastern North America | |
57% | 11 11-105 41 41-367 | 1980 | Chamley, H.; Debrabant, P. et al.: Contribution de la mineralogie et de la geochimie a l'histoire des marges nord-atlantiques depuis le Jurassique superieur (sites 105 et 367 DSDP) Contribution of mineralogy and geochemistry to the history of North Atlantic margins since the Upper Jurassic; DSDP sites 105 and 367 | |
57% | 11 11-98 11-99 11-100 11-101 11-105 | 1975 | Brenneke, J. C.; Anderson, T. F.: Stable isotopic studies of Leg XI carbonates; implications for diagenesis and lithification in the deep sea | |
57% | 11 11-105 41 41-367 43 43-387 | 1984 | Chamley, Herve: Les paleoenvironnements a la lumiere des donnees oceanologiques modernes Paleoenvironments deduced from modern oceanographic data | |
49% | 11 11-105 11-106 42 42-376 43 43-387 44 44-391 | 1981 | Rothe, Peter; Tucholke, Brian E.: Mineralogy of sedimentary formations in the western North Atlantic Ocean; preliminary results | |
49% | 11 11-105 41 41-367 44 44-391 75 75-530 76 76-534 | 1986 | Katz, Barry J.; Pheifer, Raymond N.: Organic geochemical characteristics of Atlantic Ocean Cretaceous and Jurassic black shales | |
49% | 11 11-105 43 43-386 43-387 93 93-603 95 95-603 | 1995 | van Buchem, F. S. P.; de Boer, P. L. et al.: The organic carbon distribution in Mesozoic marine sediments and the influence of orbital climatic cycles (England and the western North Atlantic) | |
49% | 11 11-105 11-106 44 44-388 | 1983 | Starky, T. J.; Phillips, J. D. et al.: Possible Moho reflections off the U.S. East Coast continental margin; LASE line 2 | |
49% | 11 11-105 58 58-442 58-446 | 1981 | Chamley, H.; Bonnot-Courtois, C.: Argiles authigenes et terrigenes de l'Atlantique et du Pacifique NW (Legs 11 et 58 DSDP); apport des terres rares Authigenic and terrigenous clay of the Atlantic and Northwest Pacific (Legs 11 and 58, DSDP); rare earth studies | |
49% | 11 11-105 37 37-332 52 52-418 53 53-418 102 102-418 | 1978 | Hart, S. R.; Staudigel, H. et al.: Oceanic crust; age of alteration | |
49% | 11 11-105 41 41-367 | 1984 | Chamley, Herve; Debrabant, Pierre: Paleoenvironmental history of the North Atlantic region from mineralogical and geochemical data | |
42% | 11 11-105 14 14-137 41 41-369 41-370 43 43-386 44 44-392 47 47-398 48 48-400 48-402 50 50-415 | 1980 | Guerin, S.; Moullade, M.: Les association de Foraminiferes benthiques de l'Albien de l'Atlantique Nord (Legs DSDP, 11, 14, 41, 43, 44, 47 B, 48, 50) Assemblages of benthic foraminifera from the Albian of the North Atlantic; DSDP legs 11, 14, 41, 43, 44, 47B, 48 and 50 | |
42% | 11 11-100 11-105 15 15-146 15-151 15-153 17 17-165 17-169 34 34-319 34-321 37 37-332 | 1979 | Schweitzer, E. L.; Papike, J. J. et al.: Statistical analysis of clinopyroxenes from deep-sea basalts | |
42% | 11 11-102 11-103 11-104 11-105 11-106 44 44-388 44-391 76 76-533 76-534 93 93-603 95 95-603 | 1985 | Mountain, Gregory S.; Tucholke, Brian E.: Mesozoic and Cenozoic geology of the U.S. Atlantic continental slope and rise | |
42% | 11 11-105 41 41-367 76 76-534 | 2003 | Bornemann, Andre; Aschwer, Ute et al.: The impact of calcareous nannofossils on the pelagic carbonate accumulation across the Jurassic-Cretaceous boundary | download |
42% | 11 11-105 41 41-367 93 93-603 95 95-603 | 2004 | Kuypers, Marcel M. M.; Lourens, Lucas J. et al.: Orbital forcing of organic carbon burial in the proto-North Atlantic during oceanic anoxic event 2 | download |
42% | 11 11-99 11-101 11-105 14 14-135 14-136 43 43-386 43-387 44 44-391 47 47-397 47-398 | 1982 | Habib, D.: Sedimentary supply origin of Cretaceous black shales | |
35% | 11 11-105 14 14-137 41 41-367 41-369 41-370 43 43-386 44 44-391 51 51-417 52 52-417 | 1982 | Brosse, Etienne: Contribution a la mineralogie et a la geochimie des sediments pelagiques profonds; comparaison des "black-shales" du Cretace dans l'Atlantique central Nord et des depots du Malm et du Cretace en Brianconnais Contribution to the mineralogy and geochemistry of deep-lying pelagic deposits; comparison between the Cretaceous black shales from North Central Atlantic and the Malm and Cretaceous deposits from the Briancon region | |
35% | 11 11-105 41 41-367 43 43-387 44 44-391 93 93-603 95 95-603 | 1998 | Frank, Tracy D.; Arthur, Michael A. et al.: Interpreting geochemical signals in pelagic carbonates; controls on diagenetic signatures | |
35% | 11 11-105 14 14-137 14-141 15 15-150 16 16-163 18 18-172 20 20-196 20-198 22 22-212 22-213 22-215 23 23-221 25 25-239 25-241 | 1981 | Kaneps, A. G.; Doyle, P. S. et al.: Further ichthyolith age determinations of otherwise unfossiliferous deep sea cores | |
35% | 11 11-100 11-105 41 41-367 43 43-384 43-386 43-387 51 51-417 52 52-417 52-418 53 53-418 76 76-534 78 78-543 102 102-418 | 2001 | Janney, Philip E.; Castillo, Paterno R.: Geochemistry of the oldest Atlantic oceanic crust suggests mantle plume involvement in the early history of the central Atlantic Ocean | |
35% | 11 11-105 41 41-367 43 43-387 44 44-391 93 93-603 95 95-603 | 1999 | Frank, Tracy D.; Arthur, Michael A. et al.: Diagenesis of Lower Cretaceous pelagic carbonates, North Atlantic; paleoceanographic signals obscured | |
18% | 10 10-92 11 11-105 | 1974 | Simoneit, B. R.: Appendix; IV, Complex triterpanoidal acids and hydrocarbons in DSDP core samples and their geochemical significance | download |
18% | 11 11-100 11-105 44 44-390 44-392 76 76-534 | 1983 | Oertli, Henri J.: Jurassic ostracodes of Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 76, Hole 534A, Blake-Bahama Basin | download |
15% | 93 93-603 95 95-603 | 1987 | Holmes, Mary Anne: Clay mineralogy of the Lower Cretaceous deep-sea fan, Deep Sea Drilling Project Site 603, lower continental rise off North Carolina | download |
14% | 103 103-638 103-641 | 1988 | Drugg, Warren S.; Habib, Daniel: Palynology of the Valanginian-Barremian in Hole 638B, Barremian-Albian in Hole 641C, and Turonian in Hole 641A, Ocean Drilling Program Leg 103 | download |
14% | 44 44-390 44-391 | 1978 | Roth, P. R.: Cretaceous nannoplankton biostratigraphy and oceanography of the northwestern Atlantic Ocean | download |
12% | 76 76-534 | 1983 | Gradstein, Felix M.: Paleoecology and stratigraphy of Jurassic abyssal foraminifera in the Blake-Bahama Basin, Deep Sea Drilling Project Site | download |
11% | 11 11-105 37 37-332 51 51-417 52 52-417 52-418 53 53-418 69 69-504 70 70-504 83 83-504 92 92-504 102 102-418 111 111-504 137 137-504 140 140-504 148 148-504 | 1985 | Staudigel, Hubert; Hart, Stanley R.: Dating of ocean crust hydrothermal alteration; strontium isotope ratios from Hole 504B carbonates and reinterpretation of Sr isotope data from Deep Sea Drilling Project Sites 105, 332, 417, and 418 | download |
11% | 93 93-603 95 95-603 | 1987 | Rullkotter, Jurgen; Mukhopadhyay, Prasanta K. et al.: Geochemistry and petrography of organic matter from Deep Sea Drilling Project Site 603, lower continental rise off Cape Hatteras | download |
11% | 44 44-391 | 1978 | Wind, F. H.: Western North Atlantic Upper Jurassic calcareous nannofossil biostratigraphy | download |
11% | 2 2-9 11 11-105 43 43-386 43-387 51 51-417 52 52-417 | 1980 | Donnelly, T. W.: Chemistry of sediments of the western Atlantic; Site 417 compared with sites 9, 105, 386, and 387 | download |
9% | 93 93-603 93-604 93-605 95 95-603 | 1987 | Wise, Sherwood W., Jr.; van Hinte, Jan E.: Mesozoic-Cenozoic depositional environments revealed by Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 93 drilling on the continental rise off the Eastern United States; cruise summary | download |
9% | 76 76-534 | 1983 | Ogg, James G.: Magnetostratigraphy of Upper Jurassic and lowest Cretaceous sediments, Deep Sea Drilling Project Site 534, western North Atlantic | download |
9% | 89 89-585 | 1986 | Ogg, James G.: Paleolatitudes and magnetostratigraphy of Cretaceous and lower Tertiary sedimentary rocks, Deep Sea Drilling Project Site 585, Mariana Basin, western Central Pacific | download |
9% | 93 93-604 | 1987 | Moullade, Michel R.: Distribution of Neogene and Quaternary planktonic foraminifers from the upper continental rise of the New Jersey margin (western North Atlantic), Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 93, Site 604; sedimentary and paleoceanographic implications of the biostratigraphy | download |
9% | 76 76-534 | 1983 | Habib, Daniel: Sedimentation-rate-dependent distribution of organic matter in the North Atlantic Jurassic-Cretaceous | download |
9% | 41 41-367 41-370 | 1978 | Williams, G. L.: Palynological biostratigraphy, Deep Sea Drilling Project sites 367 and 370 | download |
9% | 11 11-105 41 41-367 | 1977 | Brenneke, J. C.: A comparison of the stable oxygen and carbon isotope composition of Early Cretaceous and Late Jurassic carbonates from DSDP sites 105 and 367 | download |
9% | 11 11-100 11-101 11-105 43 43-387 44 44-391 76 76-534 | 1983 | Habib, Daniel; Drugg, Warren S.: Dinoflagellate age of Middle Jurassic-Early Cretaceous sediments in the Blake-Bahama Basin | download |
9% | 14 | 1972 | Pimm, A. C.; Hayes, D. E.: General synthesis | download |
7% | 76 76-534 | 1983 | Roth, Peter H.: Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous calcareous nannofossils in the western North Atlantic (Site 534); biostratigraphy, preservation, and some observations on biogeography and paleoceanography | download |
7% | 93 93-603 95 95-603 | 1987 | Sarti, Massimo; von Rad, Ulrich: Early Cretaceous turbidite sedimentation at Deep Sea Drilling Project Site 603, off Cape Hatteras (Leg 93) | download |
7% | 103 103-637 103-638 103-639 103-640 103-641 | 1987 | Boillot, Gilbert; Winterer, Edward L. et al.: Explanatory notes; ODP Leg 103 | download |
7% | 107 107-650 107-651 107-652 107-653 107-654 107-655 107-656 | 1987 | Kastens, Kim A.; Mascle, Jean et al.: Explanatory notes | download |
7% | 44 | 1978 | Gradstein, F.: Biostratigraphy of Lower Cretaceous Blake Nose and Blake-Bahama Basin foraminifers, DSDP Leg 44, western North Atlantic Ocean | download |
7% | 11 11-105 93 93-603 95 95-603 | 1987 | Herbin, J. P.; Masure, E. et al.: Cretaceous formations from the lower continental rise off Cape Hatteras; organic geochemistry, dinoflagellate cysts, and the Cenomanian/Turonian boundary event at sites 603 (Leg 93) and 105 (Leg 11) | download |
7% | 40 | 1978 | Natland, J. H.: Composition, provenance, and diagenesis of Cretaceous clastic sediments drilled on the Atlantic continental rise off Southern Africa, DSDP Site 361; implications for the early circulation of the South Atlantic | download |
6% | 76 76-534 93 93-603 95 95-603 | 1987 | Ogg, James G.: Early Cretaceous magnetic polarity time scale and the magnetostratigraphy of Deep Sea Drilling Project sites 603 and 534, western Central Atlantic | download |
6% | 11 11-105 | 1972 | Hollister, Charles D.; Ewing, John I. et al.: Site 105; lower continental rise hills | download |
6% | 27 27-261 123 123-765 123-766 | 1992 | Ogg, James G.; Kodama, Kazuto et al.: Lower Cretaceous magnetostratigraphy and paleolatitudes off Northwest Australia, ODP Site 765 and DSDP Site 261, Argo abyssal plain, and ODP site 766, Gascoyne abyssal plain | download |
6% | 75 75-530 | 1984 | Dean, Walter E.; Arthur, Michael A. et al.: Origin and geochemistry of Cretaceous deep-sea black shales and multicolored claystones, with emphasis on Deep Sea Drilling Project Site 530, southern Angola Basin | download |
6% | 93 93-603 95 95-603 | 1987 | van Hinte, Jan E.; Wise, Sherwood W., Jr. et al.: Site 603 | download |
5% | 95 | 1987 | Poag, C. Wylie: The New Jersey Transect; stratigraphic framework and depositional history of a sediment-rich passive margin | download |
5% | 103 | 1988 | Thurow, Juergen; Moullade, Michel et al.: The Cenomanian/Turonian boundary event (CTBE) at Hole 641A, ODP Leg 103 (compared with the CTBE interval at Site 398) | download |
4% | 76 76-534 | 1983 | Ogg, James G.; Robertson, Alastair H. F. et al.: Jurassic sedimentation history of Site 534 (western North Atlantic) and of the Atlantic-Tethys Seaway | download |
4% | 93 93-603 95 95-603 | 1987 | Dean, Walter E.; Arthur, Michael A.: Inorganic and organic geochemistry of Eocene to Cretaceous strata recovered from the lower continental rise, North American Basin, Site 603, Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 93 | download |
3% | 61 61-462 89 89-462 | 1981 | Site 462; Nauru Basin, western Pacific Ocean, Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 61 | download |
3% | 123 123-765 | 1990 | Gradstein, Felix M.; Ludden, John N. et al.: Site 765 | download |
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