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Score ↓ | Exp/Site/Hole | Year | Author/Title | Full text |
100% | 14 14-137 | 2012 | Granot, Roi; Dyment, Jerome et al.: Geomagnetic field variability during the Cretaceous Normal Superchron | |
80% | 14 14-137 41 41-370 | 1982 | Butt, A.: Micropaleontological bathymetry of the Cretaceous of western Morocco | |
80% | 14 14-137 14-144 | 1976 | Swain, F. M.: Lower and middle Cretaceous Ostracoda from the Atlantic Ocean off Guiana and off West Africa | |
80% | 14 14-137 41 47 47-397 | 1978 | Wiedmann, V. J.; Butt, A. et al.: Vergleich von marokkanischen Kreide-Kuestenaufschluessen und Tiefseebohrungen (DSDP); Stratigraphie, Palaeoenvironment und Subsidenz an einem passiven Kontinentalrand Comparison of data from Cretaceous outcrops in the Morocco coastal area and from Deep Sea Drilling Project sites; stratigraphy, paleoenvironment, and subsidence at a passive continental margin | |
70% | 14 14-136 14-137 14-138 14-140 14-144 | 1975 | Kozlova, G. E.: Novyye dannyye o stratigrafii melovykh i paleogenovykh donnykh osadkov Atlantichecheskogo okeana po rezul'tatam izucheniya radiolyariy New data on the stratigraphy of Cretaceous and Paleogene bottom sediments of the Atlantic Ocean, based on radiolarians | |
70% | 14 14-137 41 41-369 41-370 47 47-397 50 50-415 50-416 | 1982 | Wiedmann, Jost; Butt, Arif et al.: Cretaceous stratigraphy, environment, and subsidence history at the Moroccan continental margin | |
70% | 2 2-12 14 14-137 14-138 14-140 14-141 | 1975 | Lomova, O. S.: Glubokovodnyye palygorskitovyye gliny Vostochnoy Atlantiki i geneticheskaya svyaz' ikh s shchelochnym vulkanizmom (polymaterialam 2-go i 14-go reysov NIS "Glomar Chellendzher) Deep-water palygorskite clays in the East Atlantic and its genetic relationship with alkalic volcanism, based on results from Leg 2 and Leg 14 of the DSDP | |
70% | 14 14-137 41 41-367 41-369 43 43-386 43-387 93 93-603 95 95-603 | 2000 | Hofmann, Peter; Ricken, Werner et al.: Carbon-sulfur-iron relationships and delta (super 13) C of organic matter for late Albian sedimentary rocks from the North Atlantic Ocean; paleoceanographic implications | |
60% | 11 11-105 14 14-137 41 41-369 41-370 43 43-386 44 44-392 47 47-398 48 48-400 48-402 50 50-415 | 1980 | Guerin, S.; Moullade, M.: Les association de Foraminiferes benthiques de l'Albien de l'Atlantique Nord (Legs DSDP, 11, 14, 41, 43, 44, 47 B, 48, 50) Assemblages of benthic foraminifera from the Albian of the North Atlantic; DSDP legs 11, 14, 41, 43, 44, 47B, 48 and 50 | |
60% | 3 3-13 13 13-120 14 14-136 14-137 14-138 14-140 41 41-367 41-369 50 50-415 | 1982 | Wolfart, Reinhard: Cretaceous Radiolaria from the Northwest African continental margin | |
60% | 14 14-137 14-138 47 47-398 51 51-417 52 52-417 79 79-545 93 93-603 95 95-603 103 103-638 103-641 | 1998 | Erbacher, Jochen; Thurow, Juergen: Mid-Cretaceous radiolarian zonation for the North Atlantic; an example of oceanographically controlled evolution processes in the marine biosphere? | |
60% | 1 1-4 14 14-137 36 36-327 51 51-417 52 52-417 | 1984 | Sartori, Renzo: Relationship between carbonate content of deep-sea sediments and oceanic hypsometric curves since Late Jurassic | |
60% | 14 14-137 74 74-525 74-527 74-528 | 2005 | Katz, Miriam E.; Wright, James D. et al.: Biological overprint of the geological carbon cycle | download |
60% | 14 14-137 41 41-367 41-369 43 43-387 93 93-603 95 95-603 | 1999 | Hofmann, P.; Ricken, W. et al.: Coupled oceanic effects of climatic cycles from late Albian deep-sea sections of the North Atlantic | |
60% | 14 14-137 40 40-363 41 41-370 47 47-398 71 71-511 79 79-545 80 80-550 122 122-763 171B 171B-1050 | 2009 | Sexton, Philip F.; Wilson, Paul A.: Preservation of benthic Foraminifera and reliability of deep-sea temperature records; importance of sedimentation rates, lithology, and the need to examine test wall structure | download |
60% | 14 14-137 14-138 47 47-398 51 51-417 52 52-417 79 79-545 | 1994 | Erbacher, J.: Entwicklung und Palaeoozeanographie mittelkretazischer Radiolarien der westlichen Tethys (Italien) und des Nordatlantiks Development and paleo-oceanographic Middle Cretaceous Radiolaria of the western Tethys (Italy) and the North Atlantic | |
50% | 11 11-105 14 14-137 41 41-367 41-369 41-370 43 43-386 44 44-391 51 51-417 52 52-417 | 1982 | Brosse, Etienne: Contribution a la mineralogie et a la geochimie des sediments pelagiques profonds; comparaison des "black-shales" du Cretace dans l'Atlantique central Nord et des depots du Malm et du Cretace en Brianconnais Contribution to the mineralogy and geochemistry of deep-lying pelagic deposits; comparison between the Cretaceous black shales from North Central Atlantic and the Malm and Cretaceous deposits from the Briancon region | |
50% | 3 3-13 13 13-120 14 14-135 14-136 14-137 14-138 14-140 41 41-366 41-367 41-368 41-369 41-370 47 47-397 50 50-415 50-416 | 1982 | Pflaumann, Uwe; Cepek, Pavel: Cretaceous foraminiferal and nannoplankton biostratigraphy and paleoecology along the West African continental margin | |
50% | 11 11-105 14 14-137 14-141 15 15-150 16 16-163 18 18-172 20 20-196 20-198 22 22-212 22-213 22-215 23 23-221 25 25-239 25-241 | 1981 | Kaneps, A. G.; Doyle, P. S. et al.: Further ichthyolith age determinations of otherwise unfossiliferous deep sea cores | |
50% | 14 14-137 14-144 143 143-865 144 144-872 | 2007 | Coxall, Helen K.; Wilson, Paul A. et al.: Iterative evolution of digitate planktonic Foraminifera | |
40% | 7 7-61 7-62 13 13-120 13-121 13-134 14 14-136 14-137 14-138 14-141 17 17-165 17-169 17-170 22 22-215 22-216 34 34-321 36 36-330 39 39-353 42 42-373 45 45-395 45-396 46 46-396 58 58-443 60 60-453 63 63-471 64 64-476 65 65-482 65-483 65-485 78 78-395 109 | 1983 | Pertsev, N. N.: Metamorfizm v okeanskom fundamente po dannym glubokovodnogo bureniya Metamorphism in the oceanic basement according to data from deep-water drilling | |
20% | 51 | 1980 | Borella, P. E.; Adelseck, C.: Manganese micronodules in sediments; a subsurface in-situ origin, Leg 51, Deep Sea Drilling Project | download |
17% | 44 44-390 44-391 | 1978 | Roth, P. R.: Cretaceous nannoplankton biostratigraphy and oceanography of the northwestern Atlantic Ocean | download |
8% | 103 | 1988 | Thurow, Juergen; Moullade, Michel et al.: The Cenomanian/Turonian boundary event (CTBE) at Hole 641A, ODP Leg 103 (compared with the CTBE interval at Site 398) | download |
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