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Score ↓ | Exp/Site/Hole | Year | Author/Title | Full text |
100% | 3 3-13 14 14-138 14-140 41 41-366 41-369 | 1979 | Fenner, J. M.: Eocene-Oligocene diatoms in the eastern equatorial Atlantic; their stratigraphy and the diversity of their assemblages | |
88% | 14 14-136 14-137 14-138 14-140 14-144 | 1975 | Kozlova, G. E.: Novyye dannyye o stratigrafii melovykh i paleogenovykh donnykh osadkov Atlantichecheskogo okeana po rezul'tatam izucheniya radiolyariy New data on the stratigraphy of Cretaceous and Paleogene bottom sediments of the Atlantic Ocean, based on radiolarians | |
88% | 14 14-138 29 29-280 120 120-748 | 2000 | Funakawa, Satoshi: Internal skeletal structures of the Cenozoic genera Gondwanaria, Lipmanella, and Lithomelissa (Plagiacanthidae, Nassellaria) and their taxonomy | |
88% | 2 2-12 14 14-137 14-138 14-140 14-141 | 1975 | Lomova, O. S.: Glubokovodnyye palygorskitovyye gliny Vostochnoy Atlantiki i geneticheskaya svyaz' ikh s shchelochnym vulkanizmom (polymaterialam 2-go i 14-go reysov NIS "Glomar Chellendzher) Deep-water palygorskite clays in the East Atlantic and its genetic relationship with alkalic volcanism, based on results from Leg 2 and Leg 14 of the DSDP | |
75% | 3 3-13 13 13-120 14 14-136 14-137 14-138 14-140 41 41-367 41-369 50 50-415 | 1982 | Wolfart, Reinhard: Cretaceous Radiolaria from the Northwest African continental margin | |
75% | 14 14-137 14-138 47 47-398 51 51-417 52 52-417 79 79-545 93 93-603 95 95-603 103 103-638 103-641 | 1998 | Erbacher, Jochen; Thurow, Juergen: Mid-Cretaceous radiolarian zonation for the North Atlantic; an example of oceanographically controlled evolution processes in the marine biosphere? | |
75% | 14 14-137 14-138 47 47-398 51 51-417 52 52-417 79 79-545 | 1994 | Erbacher, J.: Entwicklung und Palaeoozeanographie mittelkretazischer Radiolarien der westlichen Tethys (Italien) und des Nordatlantiks Development and paleo-oceanographic Middle Cretaceous Radiolaria of the western Tethys (Italy) and the North Atlantic | |
63% | 3 3-13 13 13-120 14 14-135 14-136 14-137 14-138 14-140 41 41-366 41-367 41-368 41-369 41-370 47 47-397 50 50-415 50-416 | 1982 | Pflaumann, Uwe; Cepek, Pavel: Cretaceous foraminiferal and nannoplankton biostratigraphy and paleoecology along the West African continental margin | |
50% | 7 7-61 7-62 13 13-120 13-121 13-134 14 14-136 14-137 14-138 14-141 17 17-165 17-169 17-170 22 22-215 22-216 34 34-321 36 36-330 39 39-353 42 42-373 45 45-395 45-396 46 46-396 58 58-443 60 60-453 63 63-471 64 64-476 65 65-482 65-483 65-485 78 78-395 109 | 1983 | Pertsev, N. N.: Metamorfizm v okeanskom fundamente po dannym glubokovodnogo bureniya Metamorphism in the oceanic basement according to data from deep-water drilling | |
22% | 14 14-138 14-144 | 1973 | Simoneit, B. R.; Scott, E. S. et al.: Preliminary organic analyses of DSDP cores, Leg 14, Atlantic Ocean | download |
9% | 47 47-397 | 1979 | Arthur, M. A.; von Rad, U. et al.: Evolution and sedimentary history of the Cape Bojador continental margin, northwestern Africa | download |
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