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Score ↓ | Exp/Site/Hole | Year | Author/Title | Full text |
100% | 17 17-167 | 1987 | Boltovskoy, E.: Foraminifero bentonicos del Cenozoico del DSDP Sitia 167, Zona batial, Pacifico Central Benthonic Cenozoic foraminifera at DSDP Site 167, baythal zone, Central Pacific | |
100% | 17 17-167 | 1984 | Ferreira, Mauricio G.; Talman, Stephen J.: delta (super 18) O variations in deep-sea cherts; a reevaluation of data from DSDP Site 167 | |
71% | 17 17-167 | 1988 | Kolodny, Yehoshua; Halicz, Ludwik: Ge/Si ratios in cherts from the DSDP | |
71% | 17 17-167 | 1973 | Adelseck, Charles G., Jr.; Geehan, Gregory W. et al.: Experimental evidence for the selective dissolution and overgrowth of calcareous nannofossils during diagenesis | |
71% | 17 17-167 | 1988 | Kolodny, Yehoshua; Halicz, Ludwik: The geochemistry of germanium in deep-sea cherts | |
57% | 17 17-166 17-167 | 1982 | Glass, Billy P.: Nickel-iron octahedral crystals in North American microtektites | |
57% | 7 7-66 17 17-167 | 1976 | Saito, K.; Ozima, M.: (super 40) Ar/ (super 39) Ar ages of submarine rocks from the Line Islands; implications on the origin of the Line Islands | |
57% | 17 17-167 62 62-463 | 1999 | Clarke, Leon; Jenkyns, Hugh: New stable-isotopic evidence for long-term Cretaceous oceanographic and climatic change | |
57% | 17 17-166 17-167 17-169 17-170 | 1977 | Kaneoka, I.; Ozima, M.: (super 40) Ar/ (super 39) Ar ages of a diabase sill and a basalt in the central-Pacific Basin | |
57% | 17 17-167 62 62-463 | 1987 | Tarduno, John A.; McWilliams, Michael: Cretaceous absolute motion of Pacific oceanic rises; linking the accreted and deep sea records | |
57% | 17 17-166 17-167 26 26-253 33 33-317 | 1978 | Cockerham, R. S.: Magnetic properties of sediments from DSDP holes 166, 167, 317A, and 253 | |
57% | 17 17-167 62 62-463 | 2006 | Walczak, P. S.; Duncan, R. A. et al.: Cretaceous anoxic event 1a linked with submarine plateau volcanism; geochemical evidence from marine sedimentary sections | |
57% | 17 17-167 23 23-223 167 | 1998 | Hood, J. A.; Janik, A.: Using variations in geophysical properties as a proxy for climate change; results from ODP Leg 167 sediments | |
57% | 17 17-167 62 62-463 143 143-866 | 2007 | Duncan, R. A.; Tiraboschi, D. et al.: The Cretaceous OAE1a-submarine plateau link; additional geochemical evidence from marine sedimentary sections | |
57% | 17 17-167 31 31-292 31-296 | 1977 | Judd, J. B.: The potential effects of selective dissolution on Oligocene planktonic foraminiferal biostratigraphy in the western and central equatorial Pacific Ocean | |
49% | 6 6-47 6-55 17 17-167 17-171 29 29-277 29-279 29-281 39 39-357 41 | 1981 | Borzenkova, I. I.: O global'nom trende temperatury v kaynozoye Global temperature trends in the Cenozoic | |
49% | 17 17-167 32 32-306 32-307 129 129-800 129-801 129-802 144 185 185-801 | 1996 | Wallick, Brian P.; Ogg, James G.: Pacific Plate motion during the Late Jurassic and Early Cretaceous | |
49% | 16 16-162 17 17-167 31 31-292 | 2000 | Huber, H.; Koeberl, C. et al.: Geochemical study of microtektites, bediasites, and georgiaites from the upper Eocene North American tektite strewn field | |
49% | 17 17-165 17-166 17-167 33 33-315 33-316 36 36-327 | 1979 | Cockerham, R. S.: A paleomagnetic and magnetic property study of DSDP Pacific basalts and sediments of Cretaceous age | |
49% | 17 17-167 30 30-288 33 33-315 33-316 61 61-462 89 89-462 | 1993 | Hodych, Joseph Paul; Bijaksana, Satria: Can remanence anisotropy detect paleomagnetic inclination shallowing due to compaction? A case study using Cretaceous deep-sea limestones | download |
49% | 10 10-94 15 15-149 17 17-166 17-167 22 22-216 | 1981 | Glass, B. P.; Crosbie, Jill R.: Age of the Eocene/Oligocene boundary based on extrapolation from the North American microtektite layer | |
49% | 6 6-47 6-48 7 7-62 17 17-167 32 32-305 | 1978 | Douglas, R. G.; Savin, S. M.: Oxygen isotopic evidence for the depth stratification of Tertiary and Cretaceous planktic foraminifera | |
49% | 17 17-167 19 19-192 33 33-315 33-316 33-317 33-318 | 1975 | Jarrard, R. D.; Cockerham, R. S.: Reliability of paleolatitudes from Pacific Deep Sea Drilling sediment cores | |
49% | 17 17-167 41 41-366 130 130-803 130-807 | 1999 | Schrag, Daniel P.: Effects of diagenesis on the isotopic record of late Paleogene tropical sea surface temperatures | |
49% | 8 8-69 10 10-94 15 15-149 17 17-166 17-167 22 22-216 | 1984 | DuBois, David L.: The spatial and temporal relationships of the North American microtektite layer | |
49% | 8 17 17-167 20 20-195 20-196 62 62-463 129 129-801 144 185 185-801 | 1991 | Ogg, Gabi: Early Cretaceous palynomorphs of the Pacific Ocean | |
42% | 17 17-167 | 2002 | Kolodny, Yehoshua; Chaussidon, Marc: Boron isotopes in cherts; DSDP and on-land; fractionation and diagenesis | |
35% | 2 2-10 2-12 5 5-32 6 6-52 6-53 6-57 6-58 6-59 6-60 7 7-66 8 9 14 14-136 16 17 17-164 17-165 17-166 17-167 17-168 18 18-173 | 1974 | Shcherbakova, M. N.: Vulkanogenno-osadochnyy litogenez po dannym glubokovodnogo bureniya Volcanogenic-sedimentary lithogenesis, based on data from deep-sea drilling | |
35% | 17 17-167 22 22-214 48 48-400 73 73-522 90 90-590 130 130-807 | 2010 | Fantle, Matthew S.: Evaluating the Ca isotope proxy | |
35% | 7 7-64 8 8-69 8-70 8-71 9 9-77 15 15-146 15-151 16 16-160 17 17-167 22 22-216 22-217 30 30-289 33 33-315 33-317 41 41-366 59 59-448 78 78-543 85 85-573 85-574 | 1995 | Sanfilippo, Annika; Nigrini, Catherine: Radiolarian stratigraphy across the Oligocene/Miocene transition | |
28% | 3 3-15 3-16 3-21 4 4-31 6 6-44 6-47 6-55 16 16-157 16-158 17 17-167 17-171 21 21-208 29 29-277 32 32-305 32-310 85 85-572 85-573 85-574 115 115-709 130 130-805 130-806 130-807 154 154-925 154-926 154-927 154-928 154-929 | 2004 | Billups, K.; Rickaby, R. E. M. et al.: Cenozoic pelagic Sr/Ca records; exploring a link to paleoproductivity | download |
21% | 5 5-40 5-42 6 6-44 6-59 7 7-62 7-63 7-64 7-65 7-66 7-67 8 8-69 8-70 8-71 8-72 8-73 8-75 9 9-77 9-78 16 16-160 16-161 16-162 16-163 17 17-164 17-165 17-166 17-167 17-168 17-170 17-171 20 20-199 30 30-288 30-289 32 32-307 32-313 33 33-314 33-317 33-318 61 61-462 85 85-573 85-574 89 89-462 89-585 92 92-597 92-598 129 129-800 129-801 129-802 130 130-803 130-807 136 136-842 143 143-865 143-869 185 185-801 199 199-1215 199-1216 199-1217 199-1218 199-1219 199-1220 199-1221 199-1222 | 2004 | Moore, T. C., Jr.; Backman, Jan et al.: Paleogene tropical Pacific; clues to circulation, productivity, and plate motion | download |
18% | 17 17-167 | 1973 | Coplen, T. B.; Schlanger, S. O.: Oxygen and carbon isotope studies of carbonate sediments from Site 167, Magellan Rise, Leg 17 | download |
18% | 17 17-167 | 1973 | Renz, O.: Two Lamellaptychi (Ammonoidea) from the Magellan Rise in the central Pacific | download |
14% | 33 33-317 | 1976 | Bukry, D.: Coccolith stratigraphy of Manihiki Plateau, central Pacific, Deep Sea Drilling Project, Site 317 | download |
14% | 27 27-260 27-261 27-263 | 1974 | Jarrard, Richard D.: Paleomagnetism of some Leg 27 sediment cores | download |
14% | 44 44-390 44-391 | 1978 | Roth, P. R.: Cretaceous nannoplankton biostratigraphy and oceanography of the northwestern Atlantic Ocean | download |
12% | 17 17-167 17-171 | 1973 | Douglas, R. G.; Savin, S. M.: Oxygen and carbon isotope analyses of Cretaceous and Tertiary foraminifera from the central North Pacific | download |
12% | 39 39-357 | 1977 | Boersma, A.; Shackleton, N. J.: Tertiary oxygen and carbon isotope stratigraphy, Site 357 (mid latitude South Atlantic) | download |
12% | 17 17-167 20 20-195 20-196 62 62-463 | 1990 | Ogg, Gabi: Early Cretaceous palynomorphs of the western Pacific Ocean | download |
11% | 47 47-397 | 1979 | Cita, M. B.; Ryan, W. B. F.: Late Neogene environmental evolution | download |
11% | 47 47-397 | 1979 | Cita, M. B.; Spezzibottiani, G.: Late Neogene paleoenvironment studies on carbonate content, grain sizes, and dissolution, cores 1-57 (DSDP Site 397) | download |
10% | 75 | 1984 | Fenner, Juliane M.: Middle Eocene to Oligocene planktonic diatom stratigraphy from Deep Sea Drilling sites in the South Atlantic, Equatorial Pacific, and Indian oceans | download |
9% | 17 17-167 | 1973 | Schlanger, S. O.; Douglas, R. G. et al.: Fossil preservation and diagenesis of pelagic carbonates from the Magellan Rise, central North Pacific Ocean | download |
9% | 17 17-167 17-171 | 1973 | Douglas, R. G.: Planktonic foraminiferal biostratigraphy in the central North Pacific Ocean | download |
9% | 33 | 1976 | Jackson, E. D.; Schlanger, S. O.: Regional syntheses, Line Islands Chain, Tuamotu Island Chain, and Manihiki Plateau, central Pacific Ocean | download |
9% | 26 | 1974 | Riedel, W. R.; Sanfilippo, Annika: Radiolaria from the southern Indian Ocean, DSDP Leg 26 | download |
7% | 32 | 1975 | Bukry, D.: Coccolith and silicoflagellate stratigraphy, northwestern Pacific Ocean, Deep Sea Drilling Project, Leg 32 | download |
7% | 17 17-167 17-171 | 1973 | Douglas, R. G.: Benthonic foraminiferal biostratigraphy in the central North Pacific, Leg 17, Deep Sea Drilling Project | download |
6% | 17 17-167 | 1973 | Winterer, E. L.; Ewing, J. I. et al.: Site 167 | download |
5% | 117 117-731 | 1989 | Prell, Warren L.; Niitsuma, Nobuaki et al.: Site 731 | download |
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