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Score ↓ | Exp/Site/Hole | Year | Author/Title | Full text |
100% | | 1984 | Boltovskoy, E.: Paleocene and Pleistocene benthic foraminiferal faunas of DSDP Site 465; comparison | |
94% | 62 62-465 74 74-527 | 1996 | Henriksson, Anders S.: Calcareous nannoplankton productivity and succession across the Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary in the Pacific (DSDP Site 465) and Atlantic (DSDP Site 527) oceans | |
83% | 62 62-465 | 1983 | Kyte, Frank Thomas: Analyses of extraterrestrial materials in terrestrial sediments | |
71% | 62 62-465 171A 171A-1049 171B | 2005 | Alegret, Laia; Thomas, Ellen: Cretaceous/Paleogene boundary bathyal paleo-environments in the central North Pacific (DSDP Site 465), the northwestern Atlantic (ODP Site 1049), the Gulf of Mexico and the Tethys; the benthic foraminiferal record | download |
67% | 62 62-463 62-465 62-466 | 1985 | Lazur, Yu. M.; Varentsov, I. M. et al.: Copper-zinc mineralization in Mesozoic sediments in central areas of the Northwest Pacific (62nd voyage of the Glomar Challenger) | |
67% | 62 62-465 | 1985 | Varentsov, I. M.: Geokhimicheskaya istoriya postyurskoy sedimentatsii v yuzhnom rayone vozvyshennosti Khessa, skv. 465, 465A Geochemical history of post-Jurassic sedimentation in southern Hess Rise, Site 465; holes 465, 465A | |
67% | 62 62-464 62-465 62-466 | 1981 | Windom, K. E.; Seifert, Karl E. et al.: Igneous evolution of oceanic plateau; petrological evidence from Hess Rise | |
67% | 62 62-464 62-465 62-466 | 1981 | Windom, Kenneth E.; Seifert, Karl E. et al.: Igneous evolution of Hess Rise; petrologic evidence from DSDP Leg 62 | download |
67% | 32 62 62-463 62-465 62-466 | 1984 | Dean, Walter E.; Claypool, George E. et al.: Accumulation of organic matter in Cretaceous oxygen-deficient depositional environments in the central Pacific Ocean | |
67% | 62 62-463 62-464 62-465 62-466 | 1979 | Koporulin, V. I.: Drevniye ostrova Tikhogo okeana Ancient islands of the Pacific Ocean | |
67% | 62 62-463 62-464 62-465 62-466 | 1979 | Vallier, T. L.; Thiede, J. et al.: In the mid-Pacific; Leg 62 probes the paleoenvironments | |
67% | 62 62-464 62-465 | 1993 | Pringle, Malcolm S.; Dalrymple, G. Brent: Geochronological constraints on a possible hot spot origin for Hess Rise and the Wentworth seamount chain | |
67% | 43 43-384 62 62-465 | 1996 | Norris, Richard D.: Symbiosis as an evolutionary innovation in the radiation of Paleocene planktic foraminifera | |
67% | 62 62-465 74 74-525 74-527 | 1992 | Widmark, J. G. V.; Malmgren, B. A.: Benthic foraminiferal changes across the Cretaceous/Tertiary boundary in the deep sea; DSDP sites 525, 527, and 465 | |
67% | 62 62-465 | 1995 | Widmark, Joen G. V.; Henriksson, Anders S.: The "orphaned" agglutinated Foraminifera; Gaudryina cribrosphaerellifera n.sp. from the Upper Cretaceous (Maastrichtian) Central Pacific Ocean | |
67% | 62 62-465 | 1982 | Hein, James R.; Koski, Randolph A. et al.: Uranium and thorium enrichment in rocks from the base of DSDP hole 465A, Hess Rise, central North Pacific | |
67% | 62 62-465 73 73-524 | 1988 | Hsue, Kenneth J.: Cretaceous/Tertiary boundary sediment | |
67% | 62 62-465 74 74-525 74-527 | 1988 | Widmark, Joen G. V.; Malmgren, Bjorn A.: Cretaceous/Tertiary boundary; benthonic foraminiferal changes in the deep sea | |
67% | 62 62-465 123 123-766 | 1998 | Henriksson, Anders S.; Widmark, Joen G. V. et al.: Coccoliths as test-building material for Foraminifera ("Coccolithofera") | |
67% | 55 55-432 62 62-464 62-465 132 132-810 | 1998 | Smoot, N. Christian: The trans-Pacific Chinook Trough megatrend | |
67% | 62 62-465 | 1984 | DePaolo, D. J.; Kyte, F. T.: Isotopic and chemical characteristics of Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary sediments from DSDP Site 465A | |
67% | 62 62-465 | 1984 | Kastner, M.; Asaro, F. et al.: The precursor of the Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary clays at Stevns Klint, Denmark, and DSDP Hole 465A | |
67% | 62 62-463 62-465 62-466 | 1984 | Lazur, Yu. M.; Varentsov, I. M. et al.: Volcanogenic copper and zinc minerals of Early-Cretaceous deposits in the central northwestern Pacific, Deep Sea Drilling Project, Leg 62 | |
67% | 62 62-465 91 91-596 | 2003 | Lee, Cin-Ty Aeolus; Wasserburg, Gerald J. et al.: Platinum-group elements (PGE) and rhenium in marine sediments across the Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary; constraints on Re-PGE transport in the marine environment | |
67% | 62 62-463 62-465 | 1994 | Ratschbacher, Lothar; Wetzel, Andreas et al.: A neutron goniometer study of the preferred orientation of calcite in fine-grained deep-sea carbonate | |
67% | 62 62-465 74 74-525 74-527 | 1989 | Widmark, Joen G. V.: Deep-sea benthonic foraminiferal changes across the K/T boundary at DSDP sites 465A, 525A, and 527 | |
58% | 62 62-465 86 86-576 86-577 91 91-596 130 130-803 | 1994 | Kyte, F. T.; Bostwick, J. A. et al.: The KT boundary on the Pacific Plate | |
58% | 62 62-465 86 86-576 130 130-803 145 145-886 | 1998 | Wolbach, W. S.; Widicus, S. et al.: Is the soot layer at the KT boundary really global? | |
58% | 39 39-356 43 43-384 62 62-465 72 72-516 74 74-525 74-527 80 80-548 | 1993 | Henriksson, Anders S.: Biochronology of the terminal Cretaceous calcareous nannofossil zone of Micula prinsii | |
58% | 17 17-171 62 62-465 | 1998 | Widmark, Joen G. V.; Kucera, Michal: New species of the genus Parkiella (Foraminifera) from the Late Cretaceous Central Pacific Ocean; biostratigraphy, biogeography, and the Cretaceous-Palaeogene boundary | |
58% | 22 22-213 43 43-384 62 62-465 121 121-758 | 1997 | Berggren, William A.; Norris, Richard D.: Biostratigraphy, phylogeny and systematics of Paleocene trochospiral planktonic Foraminifera | |
58% | 32 32-305 62 62-463 62-465 113 113-689 113-690 122 122-761 | 1995 | Barrera, E.; Savin, S. M. et al.: Global oceanic circulation changes in the mid-Maastrichtian | |
58% | 39 39-356 43 43-384 62 62-465 72 72-516 74 74-526 74-527 | 1992 | Widmark, Joen G. V.; Malmgren, Bjorn A.: Biogeography of terminal Cretaceous deep-sea benthic foraminifera from the Atlantic and Pacific oceans | |
58% | 62 62-463 62-464 62-465 62-466 | 1985 | Varentsov, I. M.: Assotsiatsii glavnykh komponentov i tyazhelykh metallov-indikatory geokhimicheskoy zvolyutsii postyurskoy sedimentatsii tsentral'noy oblasti severo-zapadnoy chasti Tikhogo okeana Assemblages of the major components and heavy metals as indicators of geochemical evolution of post-Jurassic sedimentation in the central Northwestern Pacific | |
58% | 62 62-465 | 1983 | Montanari, Alessandro; Hay, Richard L. et al.: Spheroids at the Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary are altered impact droplets of basaltic composition | |
58% | 62 62-465 74 74-527 86 86-577 113 113-690 119 119-738 | 2011 | Hull, Pincelli M.; Norris, Richard D. et al.: Hypothesis testing with sediment mixing models; preliminary results from 'unmixing' the Cretaceous-Paleogene boundary | |
50% | 32 32-310 62 62-464 62-465 62-466 | 1983 | Vallier, Tracy L.; Dean, Walter E. et al.: Geologic evolution of Hess Rise, central North Pacific Ocean | |
50% | 17 17-171 32 32-305 32-306 32-310 33 33-317 62 62-463 62-465 62-466 | 1982 | Thiede, Jorn; Dean, W. E. et al.: Oxygen-deficient depositional paleoenvironments in the Mid-Cretaceous tropical and subtropical central Pacific Ocean | |
50% | 39 39-356 43 43-384 62 62-465 74 74-525 74-527 80 80-548 122 122-761 122-762 | 1996 | Kucera, Michal; Malmgren, Bjorn A.: Latitudinal variation in the planktic foraminifer Contusotruncana contusa in the terminal Cretaceous ocean | |
50% | 22 22-213 43 43-384 62 62-465 80 80-550 86 86-577 120 120-750 121 121-758 | 1993 | Berggren, William A.; Norris, Richard D.: Origin of the genus Acarinina and revisions to Paleocene biostratigraphy | |
50% | 62 62-465 86 86-576 86-577 91 91-596 130 130-803 145 145-886 | 1996 | Kyte, Frank T.; Bostwick, Jennifer A. et al.: The Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary on the Pacific Plate; composition and distribution of impact debris | |
50% | 62 62-465 113 113-690 122 122-761 | 2003 | Quillevere, Frederic; Norris, Richard D.: Ecological development of acarininids (planktonic Foraminifera) and hydrographic evolution of Paleocene surface waters | |
50% | 39 39-356 43 43-384 62 62-465 74 74-525 74-527 80 80-548 122 122-761 122-762 | 1995 | Kucera, M.; Malmgren, B. A.: Geographical variability of Contusotruncana contusa (planktonic Foraminifera) in the terminal Cretaceous ocean | |
50% | 62 62-465 | 2005 | Clouard, Valerie; Bonneville, Alain: Ages of seamounts, islands, and plateaus of the Pacific Plate | |
50% | 17 17-171 62 62-465 | 1997 | Kucera, Michal; Widmark, Joen G. V.: Gradual morphological evolution in a Late Cretaceous deep-sea benthic foraminifer | |
50% | 62 62-465 86 86-576 86-577 91 91-596 130 130-803 145 145-886 | 1996 | Bostwick, Jennifer A.; Kyte, Frank T.: The size and abundance of shocked quartz in Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary sediments from the Pacific Basin | |
50% | 19 19-192 62 62-464 62-465 145 145-883 145-884 198 198-1208 | 2012 | Hague, Ashley M.; Thomas, Deborah J. et al.: Convection of North Pacific Deep Water during the early Cenozoic | |
42% | 13 13-125 14 15 15-150 18 18-177 20 20-195 30 30-285 31 31-295 41 41-370 55 55-430 62 62-465 70 70-510 73 73-520 | 1978 | Mukhina, V. V.: Biostratigraficheskiye issledovaniya v subantarkticheskoy oblasti Tikhogo okeana (po diatomeyam i silikoflyagellyatam) A biostratigraphic study in a sub-Antarctic region of the Pacific Ocean; from diatoms and silicoflagellates | |
42% | 12 12-111 32 32-305 39 39-356 43 43-384 62 62-463 62-465 74 74-525 113 113-690 120 120-750 122 122-761 | 1999 | Barrera, Enriqueta; Savin, Samuel M.: Evolution of late Campanian-Maastrichtian marine climates and oceans | |
39% | 62 62-465 | 1981 | Varentsov, I. M.: Geochemical history of post-Jurassic sedimentation in the central northwestern Pacific, southern Hess Rise, Deep Sea Drilling Project Site 465 | download |
36% | 62 62-465 | 1981 | Fujii, Naoyuki: Down-hole temperature measurements and heat flow at Hess Rise, Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 62 | download |
33% | 2 2-10 3 3-20 6 6-47 12 12-111 17 17-171 21 21-208 22 22-216 22-217 32 32-305 39 39-356 40 40-363 43 43-384 62 62-465 72 72-516 74 74-525 74-527 80 80-548 93 93-605 113 113-689 114 114-698 114-700 119 119-738 120 120-750 121 121-758 | 1993 | Widmark, Joen G. V.: Biogeographic and paleoecological patterns among benthic foraminifera in the Late Cretaceous deep-sea; paleoceanographic implications | |
33% | 51 51-417 52 52-417 52-418 53 53-418 69 69-504 70 70-504 83 83-504 92 92-504 102 102-418 111 111-504 137 137-504 140 140-504 148 148-504 148-896 | 2003 | Davis, Amy C.; Bickle, Mike J. et al.: Imbalance in the oceanic strontium budget | download |
25% | 62 62-464 62-465 62-466 | 1981 | Rea, David K.; Harrsch, Eileen C.: Mass-accumulation rates of the non-authigenic inorganic crystalline (eolian) component of deep-sea sediments from Hess Rise, Deep Sea Drilling Project sites 464, 465, and 466 | download |
25% | 62 62-465 | 1981 | Christensen, N. I.; Wilkens, R. H. et al.: Seismic properties of volcanic rocks from Hess Rise | download |
21% | 6 6-45 6-46 6-47 6-48 6-49 6-50 6-52 62 62-463 62-464 62-465 62-466 | 1981 | Yamamoto, Satoshi: Metallic trace elements in some chert nodules of Pacific seamounts; a comparative study | download |
21% | 62 62-465 | 1981 | Giblin, Patrick: Mineralogy and geochemistry of the Cretaceous/Tertiary boundary in Deep Sea Drilling Project holes 465 and 465A | download |
21% | 62 62-465 | 1981 | O'Neil, James R.; Vallier, Tracy L.: Stable-isotope compositions and the origin of secondary minerals in altered volcanic rocks from southern Hess Rise, Deep Sea Drilling Project Site 465 | download |
21% | 62 62-465 | 1981 | Michel, H. V.; Asaro, F. et al.: Distribution of iridium and other elements near the Cretaceous/Tertiary boundary in Hole 465A; preliminary results | download |
21% | 62 62-463 62-465 | 1981 | Fujii, Naoyuki: Anisotropy in compressional-wave velocities and wet-bulk densities of calcareous sedimentary rocks, Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 62 | download |
21% | 62 62-463 62-464 62-465 62-466 | 1981 | Nagel, Ulrich; Schumann, Dieter: X-ray mineralogy of sediments, Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 62 | download |
17% | 62 62-465 | 1981 | Koski, Randolph A.; Hein, James R.: Petrographic and chemical characteristics of pyrite-marcasite mineralization in Hole 465A, southern Hess Rise | download |
17% | 62 62-463 62-465 | 1981 | Sayre, William O.: Preliminary report on the magnetic fabric of Aptian and Albian limestones from the Mid-Pacific Mountains and Hess Rise, drilled during Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 62 | download |
17% | 62 62-465 | 1981 | Scott, Robert B.: Geochemistry of igneous rocks in Deep Sea Drilling Project Hole 465A, Hess Rise; significance to oceanic plateau petrology and evolution | download |
17% | 62 62-465 | 1981 | Dean, Walter E.; Scott, Martha R. et al.: Geochemistry of rocks above trachyte basement at Deep Sea Drilling Project Site 465, southern Hess Rise | download |
17% | 62 62-463 62-465 | 1981 | Carlson, R. L.: Acoustic properties of limestones from the North-central Pacific, Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 62 | download |
17% | 62 62-463 62-464 62-465 62-466 | 1981 | Dean, Walter E.: Calcium carbonate and organic carbon in samples from Deep Sea Drilling Project sites 463, 464, 465, and 466 | download |
17% | 62 62-463 62-464 62-465 62-466 | 1981 | Rateev, M. A.; Timofeev, P. P. et al.: Clay minerals in Mesozoic and Cenozoic sediments of Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 62 | download |
15% | 62 62-463 62-464 62-465 62-466 | 1981 | Hein, James R.; Yeh, Hsueh-Wen: Oxygen-isotope composition of chert from the Mid-Pacific Mountains and Hess Rise, Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 62 | download |
15% | 62 62-463 62-465 62-466 | 1981 | Timofeev, P. P.; Bogolyubova, L. I.: Cretaceous sapropelic deposits of Deep Sea Drilling Project sites 463, 465, and 466 | download |
15% | 62 62-464 62-465 62-466 | 1981 | Seifert, Karl E.; Vallier, Tracy L. et al.: Geochemistry and petrology of igneous rocks, Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 62 | download |
15% | 73 73-524 | 1984 | Hsue, Kenneth J.: A scenario for the terminal Cretaceous event | download |
15% | 62 62-463 62-464 62-465 62-466 | 1981 | Vallier, Tracy L.; Jefferson, W. S.: Volcanogenic sediments from Hess Rise and the Mid-Pacific Mountains, Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 62 | download |
13% | 62 62-463 62-464 62-465 62-466 | 1981 | Thiede, Joern; Rea, David K.: Mass-accumulation rates of Barremian to Recent biogenic sediments from the Mid-Pacific Mountains (Deep Sea Drilling Project Site 463) and Hess Rise (sites 464, 465, and 466), central North Pacific Ocean | download |
13% | 62 62-463 62-464 62-465 62-466 | 1981 | Hein, James R.; Vanek, Eva: Origin and alteration of volcanic ash and pelagic brown clay, Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 62, north-central Pacific | download |
13% | 62 62-463 62-465 | 1981 | Boersma, Anne; Shackleton, Nicholas J.: Oxygen- and carbon-isotope variations and planktonic-foraminifer depth habitats, Late Cretaceous to Paleocene, central Pacific, Deep Sea Drilling Project sites 463 and 465 | download |
13% | 62 62-463 62-465 62-466 | 1981 | Dean, Walter E.; Claypool, George E. et al.: Origin of organic-carbon-rich mid-Cretaceous limestones, Mid-Pacific Mountains and southern Hess Rise | download |
13% | 62 62-463 62-465 | 1981 | Sayre, William O.: Preliminary report on the paleomagnetism of Aptian and Albian limestones and trachytes from the Mid-Pacific Mountains and Hess Rise, Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 62 | download |
13% | 86 86-576 130 130-803 145 145-886 | 1995 | Kyte, Frank T.; Bostwick, Jennifer A. et al.: Identification and characterization of the Cretaceous/Tertiary boundary at ODP sites 886 and 803 and DSDP Site 576 | download |
10% | 62 62-464 62-465 62-466 | 1981 | Timofeev, P. P.; Koporulin, Vladimir I.: Lithologic facies characteristics of Meso-Cenozoic deposits of Deep Sea Drilling Project sites 464, 465, and 466, Hess Rise | download |
10% | 62 62-463 62-464 62-465 62-466 | 1981 | Stout, Larry N. (ed.); Thiede, Joern et al.: Leg 62 of the cruises of the drilling vessel Glomar Challenger; Marjuro Atoll, Marshall Islands to Honolulu, Hawaii, July-September 1978 | download |
10% | 62 62-465 | 1981 | Comet, P. A.; McEvoy, J. et al.: Lipids of an upper Albian limestone, Deep Sea Drilling Project Site 465, Section 465A-38-3 | download |
10% | 62 62-463 62-464 62-465 62-466 | 1981 | Cepek, Pavel: Mesozoic calcareous-nannoplankton stratigraphy of the central North Pacific (Mid-Pacific Mountains and Hess Rise), Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 62 | download |
10% | 62 62-463 62-465 62-466 | 1981 | Krasheninnikov, Valery A.: Paleogene planktonic foraminifers from Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 62 sites and adjacent areas of the Northwest Pacific | download |
10% | 62 62-463 62-464 62-465 62-466 | 1981 | Thiede, Joern; Boersma, Anne et al.: Reworked fossils in Mesozoic and Cenozoic pelagic central Pacific Ocean sediments, Deep Sea Drilling Project sites 463, 464, 465, and 466, Leg 62 | download |
10% | 62 62-463 62-464 62-465 62-466 | 1981 | Boersma, Anne: Cretaceous and early Tertiary foraminifers from Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 62 sites in the central Pacific | download |
10% | 62 62-463 62-464 62-465 62-466 | 1981 | Thiede, Joern; Vallier, Tracy L. et al.: Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 62, North central Pacific Ocean; introduction, cruise narrative, principal results, and explanatory notes | download |
10% | 143 | 1995 | Paull, Charles K.; Fullagar, Paul D. et al.: Seawater ventilation of Mid-Pacific guyots drilled during Leg 143 | download |
8% | 62 62-463 62-464 62-465 62-466 | 1981 | Dean, Walter E.: Inorganic geochemistry of sediments and rocks from the Mid-Pacific Mountains and Hess Rise, Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 62 | download |
8% | 62 62-463 62-464 62-465 62-466 | 1981 | Roth, Peter H.: Mid-Cretaceous calcareous nannoplankton from the central Pacific; implications for paleoceanography | download |
8% | 62 62-464 62-465 62-466 | 1981 | Vallier, Tracy L.; Rea, D. K. et al.: The geology of Hess Rise, central north Pacific Ocean | download |
8% | 62 62-463 62-464 62-465 62-466 | 1981 | Hein, James R.; Vallier, Tracy L. et al.: Chert petrology and geochemistry, Mid-Pacific Mountains and Hess Rise, Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 62 | download |
7% | 62 62-463 62-464 62-465 62-466 | 1981 | Schaaf, Andre: Late Early Cretaceous Radiolaria from Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 62 | download |
7% | 208 208-1262 208-1263 208-1264 208-1265 208-1266 208-1267 | 2007 | Kroon, Dick; Zachos, James C.: Leg 208 synthesis; Cenozoic climate cycles and excursions | download |
6% | 62 62-464 62-465 62-466 | 1981 | Vincent, Edith: Neogene carbonate stratigraphy of Hess Rise (central North Pacific) and paleoceanographic implications | download |
6% | 62 62-465 | 1981 | Site 465; southern Hess Rise | download |
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