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Score ↓ | Exp/Site/Hole | Year | Author/Title | Full text |
100% | 86 86-577 | 1995 | Lu, G.; Keller, G.: Ecological stasis and saltation: species richness change in planktic foraminifera during the late Paleocene to early Eocene, DSDP Site 577 | |
100% | 86 86-577 | 2001 | Kyte, F. T.; Valulenko, M.: KT boundary impact debris from DSDP Site 577 | |
80% | 86 86-577 | 1996 | Lu, G.; Keller, G.: Separating ecological assemblages using stable isotope signals; late Paleocene to early Eocene planktic foraminifera, DSDP Site 577 | |
71% | 86 86-577 | 1993 | Robin, E.; Froget, L. et al.: Evidence for a K/T impact event in the Pacific Ocean | |
71% | 86 86-577 | 1990 | Zhao, Meixun; Bada, Jeffrey L.: Amino acids in Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary sediments | |
71% | 86 86-577 | 1991 | d'Hondt, Steven L.: Phylogenetic and stratigraphic analysis of earliest Paleocene biserial and triserial planktonic foraminifera | |
71% | 86 86-577 | 1993 | Lu, G.; Keller, G. et al.: Shell delta (super 13) C as a niche proxy of planktic foraminifers | |
71% | 86 86-577 | 1995 | Lu, Gangyi; Keller, Gerta: Planktic foraminiferal faunal turnovers in the subtropical Pacific during the late Paleocene to early Eocene | |
71% | 86 86-577 | 1995 | Maiorano, Patrizia; Marino, Maria et al.: Pleistocene calcareous nannofossil biostratigraphy of Site 577 Leg 86, northwestern Pacific Ocean | |
71% | 86 86-577 | 1994 | Maiorano, Patrizia; Marino, Maria et al.: Pleistocene calcareous nannofossil high resolution biostratigraphy of Site 577, northwestern Pacific Ocean | |
60% | 74 74-525 74-527 86 86-577 113 113-689 113-690 | 1992 | Corfield, Richard M.; Cartlidge, Julie E.: Oceanographic and climatic implications of the Palaeocene carbon isotope maximum | |
57% | 86 86-577 | 1988 | Galer, S. J. G.; MacDougall, J. Douglas et al.: Pb isotopic composition of sediments across the Cretaceous/Tertiary boundary, DSDP Site 577A | |
57% | 86 86-577 | 1986 | Bada, Jeffrey; Zhao, Meixun: Amino acids in K-T boundary sediments | |
57% | 86 86-577 | 1985 | Shackleton, N. J.; Corfield, R. M. et al.: Stable isotope data and the ontogeny of Paleocene planktonic foraminifera | |
57% | 86 86-577 | 1985 | Gerstel, Jennifer; Thunell, Robert: The Cretaceous/Tertiary boundary in the North Pacific; planktonic foraminiferal results from Deep Sea Drilling Site 577, Shatsky Rise | |
57% | 2 2-10 3 3-21 74 74-528 86 86-577 | 1985 | D'Hondt, Steven L.; Keller, Gerta: Late Cretaceous stepwise mass extinction of planktonic foraminifera | |
57% | 74 74-527 74-528 86 86-577 | 1986 | Backman, Jan: Late Paleocene to middle Eocene calcareous nannofossil biochronology from the Shatsky Rise, Walvis Ridge and Italy | |
57% | 86 86-577 | 1987 | Miller, Kenneth G.; Janecek, Thomas R. et al.: Abyssal circulation and benthic foraminiferal changes near the Paleocene/Eocene boundary | download |
57% | 6 6-47 86 86-577 113 113-690 | 1993 | Peleo-Alampay, Alyssa; Wei, Wuchang: Nannofossil response to the abrupt warming event near the Paleocene-Eocene boundary; its paleoceanographic and paleoclimatic implications | |
57% | 86 86-577 | 1993 | Lu, G.; Keller, G. et al.: Paleobiology and paleoecology of planktic foraminifers during the late Paleocene to early Eocene; inference from oxygen and carbon isotopes | |
57% | 33 33-317 86 86-577 | 1994 | Liu, Y. G.; Schmitt, R. A.: KT phenomena in the context of tectonic sea-floor rearrangements | |
57% | 74 74-528 86 86-577 | 1998 | D'Hondt, Steven; Donaghay, Percy et al.: Organic carbon fluxes and ecological recovery from the Cretaceous-Tertiary mass extinction | |
57% | 15 15-152 86 86-577 120 120-749 | 1995 | Li, Qianyu; McGowran, B. et al.: Early Palaeocene Parvularugeoglobigerina and late Eocene Praetenuitella; does evolutionary convergence imply similar habitat? | |
57% | 86 86-577 119 119-738 | 1994 | Lu, Gangyi; Keller, Gerta: Stasis and saltation; species richness change in low-latitude planktic foraminifera during the late Paleocene to early Eocene | |
57% | 86 86-577 | 1989 | Zachos, James C.; Arthur, Michael A. et al.: Geochemical evidence for suppression of pelagic marine productivity at the Cretaceous/Tertiary boundary | |
57% | 86 86-577 | 1989 | Galer, S. J. G.; Macdougall, J. D. et al.: Pb isotopic tracers of the Cretaceous-Tertiary extinction event | download |
57% | 74 74-527 86 86-577 | 1988 | Corfield, R. M.; Shackleton, N. J.: Productivity change as a control on planktonic foraminiferal evolution after the Cretaceous/Tertiary boundary | |
57% | 43 43-384 86 86-577 | 1996 | Corfield, Richard M.; Norris, Richard D.: Deep water circulation in the Paleocene ocean | |
57% | 86 86-577 91 91-596 | 1995 | Evans, Noreen Joyce; Ahrens, Thomas J. et al.: Fractionation of rutherium from iridium at the Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary | |
57% | 33 33-316 86 86-577 | 1990 | Schmitt, Roman A.: Reducing conditions in the Pacific Ocean before at, and after the K/T (Cretaceous/Tertiary) boundary; III | |
57% | 49 49-407 86 86-577 | 1990 | Pak, Dorothy K.; Miller, Kenneth G. et al.: Paleocene-Eocene deep-water sources; evidence from the Pacific, Southern, and Atlantic oceans | |
57% | 48 48-401 86 86-577 | 1992 | Pak, Dorothy K.; Miller, Kenneth G.: Paleocene to Eocene benthic foraminiferal isotopes and assemblages; implications for deepwater circulation | download |
57% | 86 86-577 119 119-738 | 1992 | Lu, Gangyi; Keller, Gerta: Planktic foraminiferal turnovers and paleoceanographic events during the late Paleocene and early Eocene in the tropical Pacific Ocean | |
57% | 86 86-576 86-577 86-578 86-580 | 1988 | Erb, Denise: An investigation of DSDP Leg 86 ash layers bearing on stratigraphy and volcanic history of the Northwest Pacific | |
57% | 86 86-577 | 1986 | Gerstel, Jennifer; Thunell, Robert C.: The Cretaceous/Tertiary boundary event in the North Pacific; planktonic foraminiferal results from Deep Sea Drilling Project Site 577, Shatsky Rise | download |
57% | 86 86-577 91 91-596 | 1994 | Evans, N. J.; Ahrens, T. J. et al.: New evidence for primary fractionation of ruthenium and iridium in the Chicxulub ejecta cloud | |
57% | 74 74-525 86 86-577 113 113-690 | 2006 | Robinson, N.; Ravizza, G.: Using a high resolution marine osmium isotopic record for the Late Cretaceous as a paleoclimate indicator | |
57% | 86 86-577 | 1994 | Robin, E.; Froget, L. et al.: Characteristics and origin of spinel-bearing spheroids at the KT boundary | |
57% | 86 86-577 115 115-709 | 2003 | Kyte, Frank T.: Comparison of distal impact spherules from KT boundary and late Eocene deposits | |
57% | 74 74-528 86 86-577 | 1991 | D'Hondt, Steven; Keller, Gerta: Some patterns of planktic foraminiferal assemblage turnover at the Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary | |
57% | 74 74-528 86 86-577 | 2004 | Adams, J. Brad; Mann, Michael E. et al.: The Cretaceous-Tertiary extinction; modeling carbon flux and ecological response | download |
57% | 86 86-577 91 91-596 | 1995 | Kyte, Frank T.; Bostwick, Jennifer A.: Magnesioferrite spinel in Cretaceous/Tertiary boundary sediments of the Pacific Basin; remnants of hot, early ejecta from the Chicxulub impact? | |
57% | 86 86-577 | 2010 | Thibault, Nicolas; Gardin, Silvia: The calcareous nannofossil response to the end-Cretaceous warm event in the tropical Pacific | |
57% | 39 39-356 43 43-384 74 74-528 86 86-577 | 1991 | Martin, E. E.; Macdougall, J. D.: Seawater Sr isotopes at the Cretaceous/Tertiary boundary | |
57% | 43 43-386 86 86-577 | 2000 | Ravizza, G.; Peucker-Ehrenbrink, Bernhard et al.: Seawater (super 187) Os/ (super 188) Os variations across the Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary | |
57% | 39 39-356 43 43-384 86 86-577 113 113-690 | 1993 | Bralower, T. J.; Mock, S. E. et al.: Towards morphometric biochronology | |
57% | 86 86-577 91 91-596 | 1995 | Kyte, Frank T.; Bohor, Bruce F.: Nickel-rich magnesiowuestite in Cretaceous/Tertiary boundary spherules crystallized from ultramafic, refractory silicate liquids | |
49% | 62 62-465 86 86-576 86-577 91 91-596 130 130-803 | 1994 | Kyte, F. T.; Bostwick, J. A. et al.: The KT boundary on the Pacific Plate | |
49% | 68 68-502 72 72-516 85 85-573 86 86-577 90 90-590 94 94-606 | 1986 | Dowsett, Harry J.: Application of graphic correlation to Pliocene deep sea Atlantic and Pacific records of planktonic microfossils | |
49% | 25 25-245 40 40-361 73 73-524 74 74-528 86 86-577 93 93-605 | 1989 | Wei, W.: Morphometry of Discoaster multiradiatus and its biochronological utility | |
49% | 80 80-550 86 86-577 113 113-690 171B 171B-1051 | 2003 | Cramer, Benjamin S.; Wright, James D. et al.: Orbital climate forcing of delta (super 13) C excursions in the late Paleocene-early Eocene (chrons C24n-C25n) | download |
49% | 86 86-577 113 113-690 119 119-738 | 1993 | Liu, Y. G.; Schmitt, R. A.: Geochemical evidences for two chondritic-like cometary or asteroid impact before and at the K/T boundary | |
49% | 74 74-528 80 80-550 86 86-577 113 113-690 121 121-752 | 1996 | Wei, Wuchang; Zhong, Shilan: Taxonomy and magnetobiochronology of Tribrachiatus and Rhomboaster, two genera of calcareous nannofossils | |
49% | 86 86-577 | 2003 | Marino, Maria; Maiorano, Patrizia et al.: Quantitative Pleistocene calcareous nannofossil biostratigraphy of Leg 86, Site 577 (Shatsky Rise, NW Pacific Ocean) | |
49% | 43 43-384 74 74-527 86 86-577 | 1997 | Thompson, Elisabet I.; Schmitz, Birger: Barium and late Paleocene delta (super 13) C maximum; evidence of increased marine surface productivity | download |
49% | 80 80-550 86 86-577 113 113-690 121 121-752 | 1995 | Wei, Wuchang; Clyde, William C. et al.: Chronology of the Wasatchian land-mammal age (early Eocene); magnetostratigraphic results from the McCullough Peaks section, northern Bighorn Basin, Wyoming; discussion and reply | |
49% | 74 74-528 86 86-577 | 2006 | Coxall, Helen K.; D'Hondt, Steven et al.: Pelagic evolution and environmental recovery after the Cretaceous-Paleogene mass extinction | |
49% | 43 43-384 86 86-577 113 113-690 122 122-761 | 2002 | Quillevere, Frederic; Aubry, Marie-Pierre et al.: Paleocene oceanography of the eastern subtropical Indian Ocean; an integrated magnetobiostratigraphic and stable isotope study of ODP Hole 761B (Wombat Plateau) | |
49% | 48 48-401 86 86-577 113 113-690 114 114-702 | 1991 | Pak, D. K.; Miller, Kenneth G. et al.: Early Paleocene deep and intermediate water sources; evidence from benthic foraminiferal isotopic and faunal changes | |
49% | 32 32-305 86 86-577 199 199-1221 208 208-1263 | 2007 | Paytan, A.; Averyt, K. et al.: Barite accumulation, ocean productivity, and Sr/Ba in barite across the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum | |
49% | 74 74-525 86 86-577 113 113-690 | 2008 | Robinson, Nicole; Ravizza, G. et al.: A high-resolution marine osmium isotopic record for the late Maastrichtian; the chemical fingerprints of Deccan volcanism | |
49% | 62 62-465 74 74-527 86 86-577 113 113-690 119 119-738 | 2011 | Hull, Pincelli M.; Norris, Richard D. et al.: Hypothesis testing with sediment mixing models; preliminary results from 'unmixing' the Cretaceous-Paleogene boundary | |
42% | 1 1-2 7 7-62 20 30 30-289 31 31-292 31-296 58 58-445 59 59-451 86 86-577 | 1994 | Wang Lujiang: Sea surface temperature history of the low latitude western Pacific during the last 5.3 million years | |
42% | 68 68-502 72 72-516 75 75-532 85 85-573 86 86-577 89 89-586 90 90-587 90-588 90-590 90-592 94 94-606 | 1988 | Dowsett, Harry James: A biochronological model for correlation of Pliocene marine sequences; application of the graphic correlation method | |
42% | 86 86-577 132 132-810 | 1993 | Polgreen, Evelyn Louise: Magnetic properties of Pleistocene-Pliocene sediments from Hole 810C, Shatsky Rise, and implications for the origin and correlatibility of their magnetic susceptibility variations | |
42% | 18 18-173 55 55-433 56 56-436 57 57-438 57-440 63 63-469 63-470 63-472 86 86-577 86-578 86-579 | 1993 | Spencer-Cervato, Cinzia; Lazarus, David B. et al.: New calibration of Neogene radiolarian events in the North Pacific | |
42% | 22 22-213 43 43-384 62 62-465 80 80-550 86 86-577 120 120-750 121 121-758 | 1993 | Berggren, William A.; Norris, Richard D.: Origin of the genus Acarinina and revisions to Paleocene biostratigraphy | |
42% | 62 62-465 86 86-576 86-577 91 91-596 130 130-803 145 145-886 | 1996 | Kyte, Frank T.; Bostwick, Jennifer A. et al.: The Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary on the Pacific Plate; composition and distribution of impact debris | |
42% | 86 86-577 | 2008 | Urrutia-Fucugauchi, Jaime; Perez-Cruz, Ligia et al.: Stratigraphy of the basal Paleocene carbonate sequence and the impact breccia-carbonate contact in the Chicxulub crater; stable isotope study of the Santa Elena borehole rocks | |
42% | 86 86-576 86-577 | 1998 | Rea, David K.: Changes in atmospheric circulation during the latest Paleocene and earliest Eocene epochs and some implications for the global climate regime | |
42% | 6 6-47 6-49 32 32-305 32-306 86 86-577 132 132-810 | 2002 | Kashintsev, G. L.: Magmatism of the Shatsky Rise | |
42% | 62 62-463 74 74-525 86 86-577 | 2003 | Abramovich, Sigal; Keller, Gerta et al.: Characterization of late Campanian and Maastrichtian planktonic foraminiferal depth habitats and vital activities based on stable isotopes | download |
42% | | 1999 | Kyte, Frank T.: Cretaceous-Tertiary impact ejecta; distribution, composition, and implications for impact and extinction mechanisms | |
42% | 62 62-465 86 86-576 86-577 91 91-596 130 130-803 145 145-886 | 1996 | Bostwick, Jennifer A.; Kyte, Frank T.: The size and abundance of shocked quartz in Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary sediments from the Pacific Basin | |
42% | 74 74-527 74-528 86 86-577 165 165-1001 | 2005 | D'Hondt, Steven: Consequences of the Cretaceous/Paleogene mass extinction for marine ecosystems | |
35% | 85 85-572 85-573 85-574 85-575 86 86-577 113 113-689 143 143-865 199 199-1218 199-1219 | 2006 | Turchyn, Alexandra V.; Schrag, Daniel P.: Cenozoic evolution of the sulfur cycle; insight from oxygen isotopes in marine sulfate | download |
35% | 80 80-550 82 82-557 | 1998 | Aubry, Marie-Pierre: Stratigraphic (dis)continuity and temporal resolution of geological events in the upper Paleocene-lower Eocene deep sea record | |
35% | 43 43-384 74 74-528 86 86-577 208 208-1262 | 2012 | Birch, Heather S.; Coxall, Helen K. et al.: Evolutionary ecology of early Paleocene planktonic Foraminifera; size, depth habitat and symbiosis | |
35% | 43 43-384 86 86-577 122 122-761 198 198-1209 208 208-1262 | 2013 | Monechi, Simonetta; Reale, Viviana et al.: The Danian/Selandian boundary at Site 1262 (South Atlantic) and in the Tethyan region; biomagnetostratigraphy, evolutionary trends in fasciculiths and environmental effects of the latest Danian event | |
28% | 7 7-62 20 20-200 22 22-214 30 30-289 31 31-292 31-296 57 57-438 57-440 58 58-445 59 59-451 68 68-502 81 81-552 86 86-577 94 94-606 117 117-722 130 130-806 138 138-846 138-847 159 159-958 165 165-999 165-1000 167 167-1014 175 175-1084 188 188-1165 202 202-1237 202-1239 202-1241 | 2010 | Robinson, Marci M.; Dowsett, Harry J.: ePRISM; a case study in multiple proxy and mixed temporal resolution integration | |
28% | 10 10-95 12 12-111 15 15-152 32 32-305 39 39-356 39-357 43 43-384 62 62-463 86 86-577 122 122-761 122-762 171A 171A-1049 171B 171B-1050 171B-1052 198 198-1212 | 2008 | Georgescu, M. Dan; Abramovich, Sigal: A new serial Cretaceous planktic foraminifer (family Heterohelicidae Cushman, 1927) from the upper Maastrichtian of the equatorial Central Pacific | |
28% | 31 31-292 86 86-577 94 94-606 94-608 94-609 94-611 125 125-782 127 127-796 130 130-806 138 138-844 138-846 138-847 138-850 145 145-881 145-882 145-883 145-887 165 165-998 165-999 167 167-1010 167-1016 167-1020 167-1021 | 2004 | Sato, Tokiyuki; Yuguchi, Shiho et al.: Drastic change in the geographical distribution of the cold-water nannofossil Coccolithus pelagicus (Wallich) Schiller at 2.74 Ma in the late Pliocene, with special reference to glaciation in the Arctic Ocean | download |
28% | 31 31-292 86 86-577 94 94-606 94-608 94-609 94-611 125 125-782 145 145-881 145-882 145-883 145-887 150 150-905 151 151-907 151-910 151-911 151-913 162 162-907 167 167-1010 167-1016 167-1020 167-1021 | 2007 | Sato, Tokiyuki: Late Pliocene climate change in the middle to high latitude region of Northern Hemisphere as seen from calcareous nannofossil assemblages | |
24% | 86 86-576 130 130-803 145 145-886 | 1995 | Kyte, Frank T.; Bostwick, Jennifer A. et al.: Identification and characterization of the Cretaceous/Tertiary boundary at ODP sites 886 and 803 and DSDP Site 576 | download |
20% | 86 86-577 | 1985 | Wright, Audrey A.; Bleil, Ulrich et al.: Summary of Cretaceous/Tertiary boundary studies, Deep Sea Drilling Project Site 577, Shatsky Rise | download |
18% | 86 86-577 | 1985 | Monechi, Simonetta; Bleil, Ulrich et al.: Magnetobiochronology of Late Cretaceous-Paleogene and late Cenozoic pelagic sedimentary sequences from the Northwest Pacific (Deep Sea Drilling Project, Leg 86, Site 577) | download |
18% | 86 86-577 | 1985 | Simoneit, Bernd R. T.; Beller, Harry R.: Lipid geochemistry of the Cretaceous/Tertiary boundary sediments, Hole 577, Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 86 | download |
16% | 113 113-689 113-689B 113-690 113-690B | 1990 | Kennett, James P.; Stott, Lowell D.: Proteus and Proto-Oceanus; ancestral Paleogene oceans as revealed from Antarctic stable isotopic results; ODP Leg 113 | download |
15% | 145 145-885 145-886 | 1995 | Ingram, B. Lynn: Ichthyolith strontium isotopic stratigraphy of deep-sea clays; sites 885 and 886 (North Pacific Transect) | download |
14% | 76 76-533 81 81-555 | 1984 | Backman, Jan; Morton, Andrew C. et al.: Geochronology of the lower Eocene and upper Paleocene sequences of Leg 81 | download |
12% | 86 86-577 | 1985 | Shackleton, Nicholas J.; Hall, M. A. et al.: Carbon-isotope stratigraphy, Site 577 | download |
12% | 86 86-576 86-577 86-578 86-579 86-580 86-581 88 88-581 | 1985 | McDuff, Russell E.: The chemistry of interstitial waters, Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 86 | download |
12% | 86 86-577 132 132-810 | 1993 | Polgreen, Evelyn L.; Sager, William W. et al.: Magnetic properties of Pliocene-Pleistocene sediments from Hole 810C, Shatsky Rise, and implications for the origin and correlatability of their magnetic susceptibility variations | download |
12% | 115 115-710 | 1990 | Backman, Jan; Schneider, David A. et al.: Neogene low-latitude magnetostratigraphy from Site 710 and revised age estimates of Miocene nannofossil datum events | download |
12% | 114 114-698 114-699 114-700 114-702 | 1991 | Katz, Miriam E.; Miller, Kenneth G.: Early Paleogene benthic foraminiferal assemblages and stable isotopes in the Southern Ocean | download |
11% | 86 86-577 | 1985 | Michel, Helen V.; Asaro, Frank et al.: Elemental profile of iridium and other elements near the Cretaceous/Tertiary boundary in Hole 577B | download |
11% | 86 86-576 86-577 86-578 86-579 86-580 | 1985 | Horai, Ki-iti; Von Herzen, R. P.: Measurement of heat flow on Leg 86 of the Deep Sea Drilling Project | download |
11% | 119 119-737 119-737A 119-738 119-738C 119-742 119-742A 119-745 119-745B 119-746 119-746A | 1991 | Sakai, Hideo; Keating, Barbara H.: Paleomagnetism of Leg 119; Holes 737A, 738C, 742A, 745B, and 746A | download |
11% | 130 | 1993 | Fornaciari, Eilana; Backman, Jan et al.: Quantitative distribution patterns of selected lower to middle Miocene calcareous nannofossils from the Ontong Java Plateau | download |
11% | 198 198-1212 | 2002 | Bralower, Timothy J.; Premoli Silva, Isabella et al.: Site 1212 | download |
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