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Score ↓ | Exp/Site/Hole | Year | Author/Title | Full text |
100% | | 2000 | Nogi, Yoshifumi: Report of workshop "Future research plans for solid earth sciences in the Antarctic Ocean" | |
98% | | 2008 | Arculus, Richard: Australia and the Integrated Ocean Drilling Program | |
98% | | 2002 | Hollamby, J. A.; Musgrave, R. J.: Investigations into the bacterially generated rock-magnetic properties of gas hydrate-bearing deep marine sediments | |
91% | 198 198-1209 | 2007 | Dawber, C. F.; Tripati, A. K.: Early Cenozoic glaciation; exploring the paradigm of an "ice-free" middle Eocene | download |
91% | 198 199 | 2007 | Tripati, A. K.; Dawber, C. F. et al.: Evidence for synchronous glaciation of Antarctica and the Northern Hemisphere during the Eocene and Oligocene; insights from Pacific records of the oxygen isotopic composition of seawater | download |
91% | 119 119-744 120 120-747 120-748 120-751 | 2007 | Johnson, K.: Kerguelen Plateau benthic Foraminifera as a proxy for late Neogene water mass history and Antarctic glacial-deglacial cycles | download |
87% | 113 189 | 2007 | Grube, Rene; Mohr, Barbara: Deterioration and/or cyclicity? The development of vegetation and climate during the Eocene and Oligocene in Antarctica | download |
87% | 178 178-1098 | 2007 | Shevenell, A. E.; Ingalls, A. E. et al.: Orbital and atmospheric forcing of western Antarctic Peninsula climate in the Holocene; the TEX (sub 86) paleotemperature record of Palmer Deep | download |
87% | | 2007 | Pekar, S. F.; Christie-Blick, Nicholas: Showing a strong link between climatic and pCO (sub 2) changes; resolving discrepancies between oceanographic and Antarctic climate records for the Oligocene and early Miocene (34-16 Ma) | download |
87% | 188 188-1166 | 2007 | van de Flierdt, Tina; Gehrels, George E. et al.: Pan-African age of the Gamburtsev Mountains? | download |
87% | 28 28-270 28-271 28-272 28-273 | 2007 | Loth, Audrey S.; Bartek, Louis R., III et al.: Scale of subglacial to sub-ice shelf facies variability, Eastern Basin, Ross Sea | download |
87% | | 2007 | Gray, Samuel W.; Bart, Philip J.: Sediment accumulation rates from the Ross Sea continental shelf and deepwater sites around Antarctica; a physical proxy for the onset of polar conditions | download |
87% | 188 188-1165 | 2007 | Villa, G.; Lupi, C. et al.: A Pleistocene warming event at 1 Ma in Prydz Bay, East Antarctica; evidence from ODP Site 1165 | download |
87% | 188 188-1165 | 2007 | Williams, T.; van de Flierdt, T. et al.: Insights into the East Antarctic ice sheet, 3.5 to 19 Ma, inferred from iceberg provenance | download |
87% | 177 177-1090 188 188-1165 | 2007 | Teitler, L.; Kupp, G. et al.: Evidence for a long warm interglacial during marine isotope stage 31; comparison of two studies at proximal and distal marine sites in the Southern Ocean | download |
82% | 23 23-219 23-220 | 1982 | De, Reena; Kaul, I. K. et al.: Thermoluminescence characteristics of the deep sea oozes from the Arabian Sea | |
82% | | 2008 | Opdyke, Bradley: Two new IODP paleoceanographic drilling opportunities in the Timor Sea; late Quaternary paleoceanography and tracking sea level change from the late Miocene | |
82% | | 2008 | Webster, Jody M.: Drowned reefs in the Great Barrier Reef and Hawaii; a new era in IODP coral reef drilling | |
82% | | 2003 | Hollamby, J. A.; Musgrave, R. J.: A rock-magnetic study of bacterially mediated iron sulfide diagenesis associated with gas hydrate-bearing sediments | |
81% | | 1984 | Berggren, W. A.: Among the earth sciences; Paleoceanography comes into its own | |
81% | | 1975 | Anonymous: Earth sciences | |
81% | | 1998 | Coe, Robert S.: Research opportunities in geomagnetism and paleomagnetism | |
80% | | 2005 | Sylvester, Paul; Hall, Jeremy et al.: Brainstorming about the future of solid earth sciences in Canada | |
69% | 178 | 1999 | Barker, P. F.; Camerlenghi, A.: Major results of ODP Leg 178; the Antarctic Peninsula continental rise | |
69% | 178 | 1999 | Barker, P. F.; Camerlenghi, A.: Major results of ODP Leg 178; the Antarctic Peninsula continental shelf | |
69% | | 1999 | Pearson, Paul N.; Palmer, Martin R.: Middle Eocene seawater pH and atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations | |
69% | | 1998 | O'Connell, Jacqueline M.: Holocene fossil fish remains from Saanich Inlet, southeastern Vancouver Island, British Columbia | |
69% | | 1998 | Sun, Xinhua; Frazer, L. Neil et al.: Inversion for S-wave velocity from ODP sonic logging data | |
69% | | 1985 | Aubouin, J.: Les grands programmes scientifiques internationaux et nationaux en cours dans les Sciences de la Terre Major international and national scientific programs in the earth sciences | |
69% | | 1996 | Smart, C. W.; Murray, J. W. et al.: New observations on Seabrookia rugosa Watanabe, 1989 (Foraminifera) | |
69% | 171A | 1997 | Stauffer, Philip: Coupled deformation and fluid flow in the toe of the Barbados accretionary prism | |
69% | | 2002 | Lees, Jackie A.: Nannofloral biogeographic patterns illustrate long-term climate change; warming/cooling trends in the Late Cretaceous Indian and Pacific oceans | |
69% | | 1981 | Beiersdorf, H.: Ein deutscher Beitrag zur Geoforschung A German contribution to research in the earth sciences | |
69% | | 1996 | van Harten, Dick: The case against Krithe as a tool to estimate the depth and oxygenation of ancient oceans | |
69% | | 1999 | Bruns, P. (ed.); Hass, H. C. (ed.): On the determination of sediment accumulation rates | |
69% | | 1999 | Jansa, L. F.: Paleogeography and paleoceanography of the North Atlantic during the Cretaceous; an overview | |
69% | | 1978 | Sancetta, C. A.: Neogene planktonic provinces; a synthesis of DSDP material | |
69% | | 1990 | Steinberg, Michel: Sedimentation oceanique et geodynamique; fluctuations des taux d'accumulation dans l'ocean Atlantique depuis 120 MA Ocean sedimentation and geodynamics; fluctuations in accumulation rates in the Atlantic Ocean during the last 120 million years | |
69% | | 2004 | Hollamby, Jennifer; Musgrave, Robert: A rock-magnetic investigation of bacterially mediated iron sulfide diagenesis associated with gas hydrate-bearing deep marine sediments | |
69% | | 1999 | Dickens, Gerald R.: The blast in the past | |
69% | | 1998 | Cramp, A. (ed.); MacLeod, C. J. (ed.) et al.: Geological evolution of ocean basins; results from the Ocean Drilling Program | |
69% | | 1998 | Maltman, Alex J.: Deformation structures from the toes of active accretionary prisms | |
69% | | 1998 | Saffer, Demian M.; Bekins, Barbara A.: Episodic fluid flow in the Nankai accretionary complex; timescale, geochemistry, flow rates, and fluid budget | |
69% | | 1994 | Murray, Richard W.: Chemical criteria to identify the depositional environment of chert; general principles and applications | |
69% | | 1991 | Stein, R.: Accumulation of organic carbon in marine sediments: results from the Deep Sea Drilling Project/Ocean Drilling Program (DSDP/ODP) | |
69% | | 1973 | Vine, F. J.: Continental Fragmentation and Ocean Floor Evolution during thh past 200 m.y | |
69% | | 1997 | Malpas, John G.; Robinson, Paul T.: The origin and evolution of oceanic lithosphere | |
69% | | 1998 | Palmer, M. R.; Pearson, P. N. et al.: Reconstructing past ocean pH-depth profiles | |
69% | 119 120 199 199-1218 | 2007 | Miller, K. G.; Wright, J. D. et al.: A view of Antarctic ice-sheet evolution from sea-level and deep-sea isotope changes during the Late Cretaceous-Cenozoic | download |
69% | | 2007 | Lisiecki, Lorraine E.; Herbert, Timothy D.: Automated composite depth scale construction and estimates of sediment core extension | download |
69% | | 1990 | Brett, Robin: International programs in the solid Earth sciences and the U. S. role | |
69% | | 1998 | Wallace, Glen; Moore, J. Casey: Quantification of densification mechanisms in a plate boundary fault, northern Barbados accretionary prism | |
69% | | 1993 | Morgan, Alan V. (ed.): The geosciences in Canada, 1992; annual report--La sciences de la terre au Canada, 1992; rapport annuel | |
69% | 130 | 1995 | Audet, D. Marc: Modelling of porosity evolution and mechanical compaction of calcareous sediments | |
69% | | 2000 | Yin, Wyss: International Geological Correlation Programme Project No. 396; continental shelves in the Quaternary | |
69% | | 2011 | Welsh, Kevin: From greenhouse to icehouse | |
69% | | 2011 | Cita, Maria Bianca: Georges Clauzon and the Messinian salinity crisis | |
69% | | 2011 | Babaie, Hassan A.: Modeling geodynamic processes with ontologies | |
65% | 194 194-1193 194-1194 194-1198 | 2010 | Kidane, T. B.; Fuller, M. et al.: Shipboard paleomagnetic age estimates for an acoustic basement emplacement in Marion Plateau, off northeast Australia | |
65% | 80 80-550 | 1998 | Charisi, Stella D.: Chemical paleoceanographic studies of the eastern Mediterranean-Middle East and eastern North Atlantic regions in the early Paleogene and late Quaternary | |
65% | 118 118-735 176 176-735 | 1998 | Robinson, Paul T.; Dick, Henry J. B. et al.: The structure and composition of oceanic layer 3 at the Southwest Indian Ridge, Indian Ocean | |
65% | 169 169-1033 169S 169S-1033 | 1998 | Kumar, Arun; Patterson, R.: Allochthonous Foraminifera as evidence of subaqueous debris flows from ODP Site 1033 B (Leg 169 S), Saanich Inlet, British Columbia | |
65% | 115 115-709 | 1995 | Nemethy, Sandor: Molecular paleontological studies of shelled marine organisms and mammal bones | |
60% | 89 89-586 90 90-589 90-590 90-591 90-592 90-593 90-594 | 1993 | Nelson, Campbell S.; Hendy, Chris H. et al.: Compendium of stable oxygen and carbon isotope data for the late Quaternary interval of deep-sea cores from the New Zealand sector of the Tasman Sea and Southwest Pacific Ocean | |
58% | 41 41-369 | 1983 | Boltovskoy, Esteban: Late Cenozoic deep-sea benthic foraminifera off the coast of Northwest Africa (DSDP Site 369) | |
58% | 146 | 1994 | Tobin, H. J.; Moore, J. C. et al.: Seismic velocity at an indicator of high fluid pressure in thrust faults of the Oregon accretionary prism; laboratory and modeling results | |
58% | 25 25-249 | 1985 | Seifert, Karl E.; Cole, Melanie R. W. et al.: REE mobility due to alteration of Indian Ocean basalt | |
58% | 56 56-435 | 1978 | Thompson, P. R.: Late Tertiary planktonic foraminiferal datum biostratigraphy of the western North Pacific | |
58% | 59 64 | 1986 | Bina, M. M.: Quelques proprietes magnetiques de basaltes sous-marins dans la region du Pacifique Magnetism of submarine basalts in the Pacific region | |
58% | 152 152-918 | 1996 | Nemoto, Naoki: Faunal changes of Neogene benthic foraminifers and paleoenvironment in the Irminger Basin, North Atlantic | |
58% | 191 191-1179 | 2000 | Downey, Warna Susanne: ODP Leg 191; an account as an undergraduate student trainee in the Northwest Pacific Ocean; a summary of radiolarian biostratigraphy | |
58% | | 1994 | Gill, J. B.; Hiscott, R. N. et al.: Turbidite geochemistry and evolution of the Izu-Bonin Arc and continents | |
58% | | 1999 | Turner, S. P.; Platt, J. P. et al.: Magmatism associated with orogenic collapse of the Betic-Alboran Domain, SE Spain | |
58% | 178 | 1999 | Barker, P. F.; Camerlenghi, A.: Major results of ODP Leg 178; the Holocene record from Palmer Deep, Antarctic Peninsula inner shelf | |
58% | 160 | 1999 | Cramp, Adrian; O'Sullivan, Gerard: Neogene sapropels in the Mediterranean; a review | |
58% | | 1999 | Musgrave, Robert J.; Firth, John V.: Magnitude and timing of New Hebrides Arc rotation; paleomagnetic evidence from Nendo, Solomon Islands | download |
58% | | 2000 | Okuyama, Takao; Kanzaki, Yutaka et al.: Early to middle Miocene palaeoceanography around Japanese Islands based on the analysis of calcareous nannofossil assemblages | |
58% | | 2000 | Kindler, Pascal; Hearty, Paul J.: Elevated marine terraces from Eleuthera (Bahamas) and Bermuda; sedimentological, petrographic and geochronological evidence for important deglaciation events during the middle Pleistocene | |
58% | 153 | 2000 | Meurer, William P.; Gee, Jeff: Evidence for the protracted construction of the lower oceanic crust at the MARK area by emplacement of small magma bodies | |
58% | | 2000 | Murray, R. W.; Knowlton, C. et al.: Export production and terrigenous matter in the central Equatorial Pacific Ocean during interglacial oxygen isotope stage 11 | |
58% | 160 | 2000 | Becker, J.; Hilgen, F. J. et al.: High-resolution climatic proxy records of oxygen isotope stages 100-99 from the Mediterranean | |
58% | 169 | 1998 | Karlin, Robert E.; Verosub, Kenneth L. et al.: High-resolution correlation and paleoclimate analysis of varved Holocene sediments from ODP Leg 169S, Saanich Inlet, British Columbia, Canada | |
58% | 169 169-1034 169S | 1998 | Mudie, Peta J.: Holocene records of dinoflagellates, red tides and climate change in varved sediments of ODP Hole 1034B, Saanich Inlet | |
58% | | 1998 | Blais-Stevens, Andree; Clague, John J. et al.: Holocene sedimentation in Saanich Inlet, B.C.; implications for prehistoric earthquake history | |
58% | 37 37-335 | 1979 | Baragar, W. R. A.; Plant, A. G. et al.: Diagenetic and postdiagenetic changes in the composition of an Archean pillow | |
58% | 115 115-716 | 1996 | Okada, Hisatake; Matsuoka, Mariko: Lower-photic nannoflora as an indicator of the late Quaternary monsoonal palaeo-record in the tropical Indian Ocean | |
58% | 178 178-1098 | 2011 | Bendle, James: Core data from the Antarctic margin | |
58% | | 1995 | Camerlenghi, A.; Rebesco, M. et al.: Site survey of ODP Proposal 2 (Antarctic glacial history and sea-level change) | |
58% | | 1996 | MacLeod, C. J.: Geodynamics of the Tonga subduction zone and Lau backarc basin | |
58% | 169 | 1996 | Duckworth, Rowena C.: High grade sediment-hosted sulphide deposits on the seafloor; preliminary results from ODP Leg 169 drilling, Middle Valley, Juan de Fuca Ridge | |
58% | 106 139 | 1996 | Duckworth, R. C.: Hydrothermal processes, sulphide deposits and the Ocean Drilling Program | |
58% | | 1992 | Arculus, Richard J.: Development of arc systems in the western Pacific; results from the 1989-'90 Ocean Drilling Program | |
58% | 94 94-607 | 2006 | Dwyer, G.; Cronin, T. M. et al.: North Atlantic deep ocean temperature variability during middle Pliocene (3-3.3Ma) warm period | |
58% | | 2006 | Robinson, S. A.; Clarke, L. J. et al.: Oceanic anoxic events in the Early Cretaceous Pacific Ocean; unique records from the Calera Limestone of Central California | |
58% | | 2006 | Jenkyns, H. C.: Oceanic anoxic events; 30 years on | |
58% | 195 195-1202 | 2005 | Wei, Kuo-Yen (ed.); Mii, Horng-Sheng (ed.) et al.: Okinawa Trough; sedimentary processes and paleoenvironment | |
58% | 308 | 2005 | Adatte, Thierry; John, C. M. et al.: Overview of the evolution of clay mineralogy in the Gulf of Mexico; implications for regional climate and drainage history of the Mississippi and Brazos-Trinity Rivers | |
58% | 168 169 | 1995 | Duckworth, Rowena C.: Australian participation in the Ocean Drilling Program; an economic geology perspective | |
58% | 115 115-711 | 1993 | Robinson, Simon G.: Lithostratigraphic applications for magnetic susceptibility logging of deep-sea sediment cores; examples from ODP Leg 115 | |
58% | 126 | 1993 | Zhou, Gouping; Tazaki, Kazue: Mineralogical assemblages and distribution trends of deep-sea sediments from Izu-Bonin Arc Leg 126, ODP | |
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