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Score ↓ | Exp/Site/Hole | Year | Author/Title | Full text |
100% | 108 | 1986 | On Leg 108; Paleoclimate studied in the East Atlantic | |
83% | | 1980 | Kozlova, G. E.: Radiolyarii iz nizhnemelovykh otlozheniy, vskrytykh skvazhinoy 398D (Vostochnaya Atlantika, Proyekt glubokovodnogo bureniya) Radiolarians from Lower Cretaceous deposits of Site 398D; East Atlantic, Deep Sea Drilling Project | |
71% | 103 | 1986 | ODP Leg 103 drills into rift structures | |
71% | | 1979 | Welte, D. W.; Cornford, C. et al.: Hydrocarbon source rocks in deep sea sediments | |
71% | | 1979 | Kodina, L. A.; Generalova, V. N. et al.: Komponentnyy sostav bitumoidov otlozheniy Marokkanskoy vpadiny Atlanticheskogo okeana Composition of bituminoids from deposits of the Morocco Basin, Atlantic Ocean | |
71% | | 1999 | Basov, I. A.: Okeanskaya i klimaticheskaya evolyutsiya v miotsene Oceanic and climatic evolution in Miocene | |
71% | | 1977 | Rowe, G. T.; Clifford, C. H. et al.: Nutrient regeneration in sediments off Cap Blanc, Spanish Sahara | |
71% | | 1980 | Sittler, Claude; Rauscher, Raymond et al.: Etude palynologique (pollenospores et dinoflagelles) des depots tertiaires de la marge ouest-africaine Palynology (miospores and dinoflagellates) of the Tertiary deposits from the West African margin | |
71% | | 1977 | Smith, S. L.; Whitledge, T. E.: The role of zooplankton in the regeneration of nitrogen in a coastal upwelling system off Northwest Africa | |
67% | 108 108-660 | 1993 | Sarnthein, M.; Faugeres, Jean-Claude: Radiolarian contourites record Eocene AABW circulation in the equatorial East Atlantic | |
67% | 108 108-658 108-659 | 2000 | Tiedemann, R.; Sarnthein, M.: Reconstruction of causal chains between African climate and East Atlantic palaeoceanography during the last 0.5 Ma | |
59% | | 1994 | Mascle, Jean; Lohmann, G. Patrick et al.: The Cote d'Ivoire-Ghana transform margin, eastern Equatorial Atlantic | |
59% | 75 | 1986 | Pauly, George G.; Van Vleet, Edward S.: Archaebacterial ether lipids; natural tracers of biogeochemical processes | |
59% | 40 40-362 | 1986 | Duffield, Susan L.; Stein, Jeffrey A.: Biostratigraphy and taxonomy of Neogene dinoflagellate cysts in sediments from Walvis Ridge, eastern Atlantic Ocean (Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 40) | |
59% | | 1973 | Monteiro, Jose H.: O programa de reconhecimento geologico da margem continental do Atlantico (EACM) da Decada Internacional da Exploracao dos Oceanos Program for the geologic exploration of the East Atlantic Continental Margin (EACM), as part of the international decade for ocean exploration | |
59% | | 1978 | Simoneit, Bernd R. T.; Brenner, Shmuel et al.: Thermal alteration of Cretaceous black shale by basaltic intrusions at DSDP Site 41-368 in the eastern Atlantic Ocean | |
59% | 41 41-366 | 1978 | Hekinian, R.; Bonte, P. et al.: Volcanics from the Sierra Leone Rise | |
59% | 108 108-658 | 1991 | Dupont, Lydie M.; Beug, Hans-Juergen: Marine palynological studies off NW Africa | |
59% | 14 40 41 | 1979 | Diester-Haass, L.; Schrader, H. J.: Neogene coastal upwelling history off Northwest and Southwest Africa | |
59% | 108 108-658 | 1995 | Maslin, M.; Sarnthein, Michael et al.: Evidence for climate variability during the Eemian/Marine Isotope Stage 5E | |
59% | 41 50 | 1980 | Lancelot, Y.: Geological setting and results of Legs 41, 47a and 50 off Northwest Africa | |
59% | 159 | 1996 | Schellpeper, Maija E.: Silicoflagellates from near the Paleogene-Neogene boundary, Ocean Drilling Program Leg 159, eastern Equatorial Atlantic | |
59% | 159 | 1995 | Allerton, Simon; Pickett, Elizabeth: Structural evidence for the evolution of the Cote d'Ivoire-Ghana transform margin from ODP Leg 159 | |
59% | 159 | 1995 | Scrutton, Roger A.; Allerton, Simon: The evolution of the marginal ridge at the Cote d'Ivoire-Ghana transform margin from ODP Leg 159 | |
59% | | 1998 | Fronval, Torben; Jansen, Eystein et al.: Variability in surface and deep water conditions in the Nordic seas during the last interglacial period | |
59% | 47 47-398 | 1980 | Danyushevskaya, A. I.; Zhukova, A. V. et al.: Evolyutsiya belkovo-uglevodnykh komponentov v nizhnemelovykh otlozheniyakh Vostochnoy Atlantiki The evolution of protein-hydrocarbon components of organic materials in Lower Cretaceous deposits of the East Atlantic | |
59% | 175 | 1998 | Berger, Wolfgang H.; Wefer, Gerold et al.: Benguela current and Angola-Benguela upwelling systems; preliminary results from Leg 175 | |
59% | 177 | 1998 | Gohl, Karsten; Seargent, Michael J. et al.: Seismic project "SETARAP"; sedimentary and tectonic evolution of the Agulhas Ridge and Agulhas Plateau, South-East Atlantic and South-West Indian Ocean | |
59% | 41 41-366 | 1984 | Sarnthein, Michael; Erlenkeuser, Helmut et al.: Stable-isotope stratigraphy for the last 750,000 years; "Meteor" core 13519 from the eastern equatorial Atlantic | |
59% | 159 159-960 | 1995 | Hisada, K.; Ishii, T. et al.: Detrital chrome spinels in Hole 960A, CIGMR | |
59% | 159 | 1995 | O'Brien, W. P.; Pontoise, B.: Crustal structure of the Ivory Coast Basin adjacent to a transform margin | |
58% | 2 2-12 14 14-137 14-138 14-140 14-141 | 1975 | Lomova, O. S.: Glubokovodnyye palygorskitovyye gliny Vostochnoy Atlantiki i geneticheskaya svyaz' ikh s shchelochnym vulkanizmom (polymaterialam 2-go i 14-go reysov NIS "Glomar Chellendzher) Deep-water palygorskite clays in the East Atlantic and its genetic relationship with alkalic volcanism, based on results from Leg 2 and Leg 14 of the DSDP | |
50% | 175 175-1085 | 2010 | Dickson, Alexander J.; Leng, Melanie J. et al.: Oceanic, atmospheric and ice-sheet forcing of South east Atlantic Ocean productivity and South African monsoon intensity during MIS-12 to 10 | |
47% | 108 108-658 108-659 | 1990 | Tiedemann, R.; Sarnthein, M.: Hochaufloesende Stratigraphie mit stabilen Isotopen fuer die letzten 4. 6 Mio Jahre (ODP-Sites 658 und 659, Ostatlantik) High precision stratigraphy with stable isotopes for the last 4.6 million years, ODP Sites 658 and 659, East Atlantic | |
47% | 41 48 48-402 | 1985 | Timofeev, P. P.; Bogolyubova, L. I.: Black shales of the eastern Atlantic and problems of oil and gas formation | |
47% | 41 41-367 75 75-530 | 1986 | Rau, Greg H.; Arthur, Michael A. et al.: Reoccurring (super 15) N depletion in Atlantic sedimentary sequences; implication for past variations in marine nitrogen biogeochemistry | |
47% | 105 105-645 108 108-658 | 1988 | Stein, R.: Ablagerungsbedingungen kohlenstoff-reicher Sedimente in der Baffin Bay (NW-Atlantik) und im Auftriebsgebiet vor Nordwest-Afrika (NE-Atlantik) Depositional conditions of the carbon-rich sediments of Baffin Bay, and in the upwelling zones off northwestern Africa | |
47% | 108 | 1986 | Ruddiman, W.; Sarnthein, M. et al.: Ocean Drilling Program; palaeoclimatic linkage between high and low latitudes | |
47% | | 1986 | Sarnthein, Michael; Ruddiman, W. et al.: ODP-Leg 108; investigating the development of Neogene climates and oceanic circulation in the low-latitude eastern Atlantic | |
47% | 149 149-897 173 173-1070 | 1999 | Ask, Maria: Mechanical tests on a claystone sample from the ocean-continent transition zone of West Iberia Margin, East Atlantic Ocean (ODP Hole 1070A) | |
47% | 162 162-983 162-984 | 2000 | Bianchi, G. G.; McCave, I. N.: Hydrography and sedimentation under the deep western boundary current on Bjorn and Gardar Drifts, Iceland Basin | |
47% | 3 3-13 14 14-138 14-140 41 41-366 41-369 | 1979 | Fenner, J. M.: Eocene-Oligocene diatoms in the eastern equatorial Atlantic; their stratigraphy and the diversity of their assemblages | |
47% | 47 47-397 157 | 1996 | Geisslinger, A.; Hirschleber, H. B. et al.: Mapping of volcanic apron and the upper crust between Gran Canaria and Tenerife (Canary Islands) with seismic reflection profiling | |
47% | 159 159-959 | 2005 | Beckmann, Britta; Floegel, Sascha et al.: Orbital forcing of Cretaceous river discharge in tropical Africa and ocean response | |
47% | 159 159-961 159-962 | 1995 | Clift, P. D.; Boullin, J. P. et al.: Apatite fission track dating of sediments from the Ghana-Cote d'Ivoire transform margin | |
47% | 159 159-959 | 1995 | Mascle, J.; Lohmann, G. P. et al.: Transform tectonics of the Cote d'Ivoire-Ghana margin; initial results of ODP Leg 159 | |
47% | 40 40-362 75 75-530 75-531 75-532 | 1996 | Abreu, Vitor S.; Condi, Francis J. et al.: Tectono-stratigraphic evolution of a volcanic rifted margin; offshore Namibia | |
47% | 108 108-661 117 117-721 | 1990 | Bloemendal, Jan; deMenocal, Peter: Application of whole-core magnetic susceptibility measurements to paleoclimatology; evidence for a shift in the periodicity of tropical climatic cycles at 2.4 Myr | |
47% | 159 | 1995 | Mascle, J.; Lohmann, G. P. et al.: La marge transformante de Cote-d'Ivoire-Ghana; premiers resultats de la campagne ODP 159 (janvier-fevrier 1995) The Ivory Coast-Ghana transform margin; results from ODP Leg 159, January-February 1995 | |
47% | 48 | 1977 | Montadert, L.; Roberts, D. G. et al.: Rifting and subsidence on passive continental margins in the North East Atlantic | |
47% | 104 104-642 | 1987 | Parson, L. M.: Continent-ocean transitions of the dipping reflector type in the North-east Atlantic | |
47% | 108 | 1986 | Ruddiman, W. F.; Sarnthein, M. et al.: L'enregistrement des paleocirculations et des paleoclimats dans les depots neogenes de l'Atlantique Est subtropical et equatorial; apports du Leg O.D.P. 108 (Ocean Drilling program) Neogene paleocirculation and paleoclimate record of O.D.P. Leg 108; tropical and subtropical East Atlantic | |
47% | 175 175-1085 | 2008 | Dickson, A. J.; Bendle, J. A. et al.: Surface water heat transport in the South east Atlantic Ocean during Marine Isotope Stage 11 | |
47% | 41 41-366 | 1981 | Dean, Walter E.; Gardner, James V. et al.: Tertiary carbonate-dissolution cycles on the Sierra Leone Rise, eastern equatorial Atlantic Ocean | |
47% | 108 108-658 | 2010 | Pierau, Roberto; Hanebuth, Till J. J. et al.: Late Quaternary climatic events and sea-level changes recorded by turbidite activity, Dakar Canyon, NW Africa | |
47% | 37 37-334 47 47-397 49 49-410 | 1987 | Flores, J. A.; Sierro, F. J.: Nannoflora and planktonic foraminifera in the Tortonian-Messinian boundary interval of East Atlantic O.D.P. sites and their relationship with Spanish and Moroccan sections | |
47% | 108 108-658 | 1990 | Sarnthein, Michael; Tiedemann, Ralf: Younger Dryas-style cooling events at glacial terminations I-VI at ODP Site 658; associated benthic delta (super 13) C anomalies constrain meltwater hypothesis | download |
47% | 159 | 1998 | Pletsch, T.; Wagner, T. et al.: Cretaceous depositional environments along the opening Equatorial Atlantic gateway (Cote d'Ivoire-Ghana transform margin, ODP Leg 159) | |
47% | 40 40-364 40-365 | 1999 | Kots, V. G.; Gusarova, L. V. et al.: Prognozirovaniye geologicheskogo razraza po geofizicheskim dannym v usloviyakh zon mirovogo okeana Predicting geological sections from geophysical data under zonal conditions of the world ocean | |
47% | 80 80-548 | 1996 | Schoenfeld, J.; Schmid, F. et al.: Biostratigraphical long-distance correlation of the lower Maastrichtian between Boreal and Tethyan oceanic realms; NW Germany, E Atlantic and Bavaria | |
47% | 108 108-658 | 1996 | Jordan, Richard W.; Zhao, Meixun et al.: Coccolith and alkenone stratigraphy and palaeoceanography at an upwelling site off NW Africa (ODP 658C) during the last 130,000 years | |
47% | 3 3-13 4 4-29 15 15-149 41 41-366 41-369 | 1980 | Fenner, Juliane: Eocene-Oligocene diatom-biostratigraphy and -paleogeography in the equatorial Atlantic | |
47% | 103 103-637 149 149-897 | 1998 | Alt, Jeffrey C.; Shanks, Wayne C., III: Sulfur in serpentinized oceanic peridotites; serpentinization processes and microbial sulfate reduction | download |
47% | 12 12-116 12-117 81 81-555 | 2002 | Edwards, J. W. F.: Development of the Hatton-Rockall Basin, North-east Atlantic Ocean | |
47% | 159 159-959 | 2001 | Giresse, P.; Wiewiora, A.: Stratigraphic condensed deposition and diagenetic evolution of green clay minerals in deep water sediments on the Ivory Coast-Ghana Ridge | |
47% | 159 159-959 | 2002 | Wagner, Thomas: Late Cretaceous to early Quaternary organic sedimentation in the eastern Equatorial Atlantic | |
47% | 157 157-955 157-956 | 1995 | Goldstrand, P. M.: Deep marine record of sea level fluctuations off northwestern Africa; data from ODP Leg 157 | |
47% | 159 159-959 159-960 159-961 159-962 | 1998 | Bellier, Jean-Pierre: Albian planktonic foraminifers from eastern Equatorial Atlantic (ODP Leg 159) | |
47% | 159 159-959 159-960 | 1995 | Goncalves, C. A.; Ewert, L.: Sedimentary and structural relationship of the Cote d'Ivoire-Ghana transform margin; ODP Leg 159; evidence from downhole log measurements | |
41% | 94 94-607 94-609 94-610 108 108-658 108-659 108-663 | 1989 | Hine, N.; Weaver, P. P. E.: Late Cenozoic nannoplankton from the North east Atlantic | |
41% | 94 94-609 108 108-659 108-664 108-665 | 1989 | Valet, Jean-Pierre; Tauxe, Lisa et al.: Equatorial and mid-latitude records of the last geomagnetic reversal from the Atlantic Ocean | |
41% | 37 37-334 47 47-397 49 49-410 79 79-544 | 1989 | Flores, Jose-Abel; Sierro, Francisco-Javier: Calcareous nannoflora and planktonic foraminifera in the Tortorian-Messinian boundary interval of East Atlantic DSDP sites and their relation to Spanish and Moroccan sections | |
41% | 178 | 2004 | Nielsen, Simon H. H.; Koc, Nalan et al.: Holocene climate in the Atlantic sector of the Southern Ocean; controlled by insolation or oceanic circulation? | |
41% | 108 108-658 146 146-893 150 160 | 1999 | Rinna, Joachim; Guentner, Ute et al.: Temperature-related molecular proxies; degree of alkenone unsaturation and average chain length of n-alkanes | |
41% | 175 175-1077 | 2004 | Schefuss, Enno; Sinninghe Damste, Jaap S. et al.: Forcing of tropical Atlantic sea surface temperatures during the mid-Pleistocene transition | download |
41% | 108 108-668 | 2006 | Hoenisch, B.; Hemming, N. G.: Quantitative pCO (sub 2) reconstructions across the mid-Pleistocene transition based on boron isotopes in planktic foraminifers | download |
41% | 108 108-668 | 2005 | Hoenisch, Baerbel; Hemming, N. Gary: Surface ocean pH response to variations in pCO (sub 2) through two full glacial cycles | download |
41% | 108 108-658 | 2006 | Wien, Katharina; Holz, Christine et al.: Age models for pelagites and turbidites from the Cap Timiris Canyon off Mauritania | download |
35% | 162 162-983 162-984 | 2000 | Austin, W. E. N.; Evans, J. R.: NE Atlantic benthic foraminifera; modern distribution patterns and palaeoecological significance | |
35% | 41 41-367 41-368 | 2007 | Jones, E. John W.; Bigg, Grant R. et al.: Distribution of deep-sea black shales of Cretaceous age in the eastern Equatorial Atlantic from seismic profiling | download |
35% | 149 149-899 149-901 173 173-1065 173-1070 | 2001 | Abe, Natsue: Petrochemistry of serpentinized peridotite from the Iberia abyssal plain (ODP Leg 173); its character intermediate between suboceanic and sub-continental upper mantle | |
35% | 155 | 2005 | Babonneau, Nathalie; Savoye, Bruno et al.: Large modern deep-sea fans; the Amazon Channel versus the Zaire Channel | |
35% | 149 149-897 149-899 173 173-1070 | 2001 | Zhao, Xixi: Palaeomagnetic and rock magnetic results from serpentinized peridotites beneath the Iberia abyssal plain | |
35% | 175 175-1087 | 2005 | McClymont, Erin L.; Rosell-Mele, Antoni et al.: Alkenone and coccolith records of the mid-Pleistocene in the South-east Atlantic; implications for the U (sub 37) (super K') index and South African climate | download |
35% | 40 40-364 | 2001 | Cole, Gary A.; Farrer, Bruce et al.: Source and charge risk in the deepwater Kwanza Basin, offshore Angola, West Africa | |
35% | 40 40-362 75 75-530 75-531 75-532 | 1997 | Abreu, Vitor S.; Condi, Francis J.: Geologic evolution of conjugate volcanic rifted margins; Pelotas Basin (offshore Brazil) and offshore Namibia | |
35% | 15 15-149 18 18-173 | 2001 | Minshull, T. A.; Dean, S. M. et al.: Anomalous melt production after continental break-up in the southern Iberia abyssal plain | |
35% | 103 149 149-897 173 173-1067 173-1070 | 2001 | Manatschal, Gianreto; Froitzheim, N. et al.: The role of detachment faulting in the formation of an ocean-continent transition; insights from the Iberia abyssal plain | |
35% | 157 | 1997 | Schneider, J. L.; Gerard, M. et al.: Du volcan au sediment; la dynamique du talus volcanoclastique sous-marin de Gran Canaria, Canaries (Atlantique oriental, Leg ODP 157) From volcano to sediment; dynamics of the submarine volcaniclastic apron of Gran Canaria, Canary Islands, East Atlantic, ODP Leg 157 | |
35% | 149 149-897 149-900 173 173-1069 | 2001 | Perez-Gussinye, M.; Reston, T. J. et al.: Serpentinization and magmatism during extension at non-volcanic margins; the effect of initial lithospheric structure | |
35% | 111 111-677 175 175-1077 | 2005 | Schefuss, Enno; Jansen, J. H. F. et al.: Tropical environmental changes at the mid-Pleistocene transition; insights from lipid biomarkers | |
35% | | 2002 | Miskelly, Thomas E., Jr.: Structural framework and depositional systems of a complex rift and strike-slip plate margin; blocks CI-104 and 105, Ivory Coast, West Africa | |
29% | 159 159-959 159-960 159-961 159-962 | 1998 | Mascle, Jean; Lohmann, G. P. et al.: Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program, scientific results, Cote d'Ivoire-Ghana transform margin, eastern Equatorial Atlantic; covering Leg 159 of the cruises of the drilling vessel JOIDES Resolution, Dakar, Senegal, to Las Palmas, Canary Islands, sites 959-962, 3 January-2 March 1995 | |
29% | 173 173-1068 173-1070 | 2001 | Hebert, Rejean; Gueddari, K. et al.: Petrology and geochemistry of exhumed peridotites and gabbros at non-volcanic margins; ODP Leg 173 West Iberia ocean-continent transition zone | |
29% | 108 108-663 111 111-677 175 175-1075 175-1077 | 2005 | Jahn, B.; Schneider, R. R. et al.: Response of tropical African and East Atlantic climates to orbital forcing over the last 1.7 Ma | |
29% | 103 103-638 103-639 103-641 | 2001 | Wilson, R. C. L.; Manatschal, Gianreto et al.: Rifting along non-volcanic passive margins; stratigraphic and seismic evidence from the Mesozoic successions of the Alps and western Iberia | |
29% | 80 80-548 | 2008 | Khelifi, Nabil; Sarnthein, Michael et al.: Pliocene changes in Mediterranean outflow water before and after Gibraltar | |
25% | 12 | 1972 | Roberts, D. G.: Site survey in Hatton-Rockall Basin (sites 116 and 117) | download |
24% | 50 50-415 50-416 | 1980 | Chamley, H.; d'Argoud, G. G. et al.: Clay mineralogy of Cretaceous and Cenozoic sediments off the Moroccan margin, Deep Sea Drilling Project sites 415 and 416 | download |
21% | 37 37-332 37-334 37-335 | 1977 | Yamaguchi, M.; Armstrong, R. L. et al.: Strontium and lead isotopic investigations of igneous rocks from the Mid-Atlantic Ridge; DSDP, Leg 37 | download |
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