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Score ↓ | Exp/Site/Hole | Year | Author/Title | Full text |
100% | | 2001 | Tracey, Joshua I., Jr.: Working in the Pacific | |
100% | | 1971 | Heath, G. Ross: Preliminary results of JOIDES deep sea drilling project leg 16 in the eastern equatorial Pacific | |
100% | | 1978 | Quilty, P. G.: Globorotalia galapagosensis replacement name for Globorotalia akersi Quilty, 1976 not Globorotalia akersi Snyder, 1975 | |
83% | | 1996 | Cashman, K. V.; Katz, Melissa G. et al.: Flow textures in LIPs; a key to flow emplacement? | |
83% | 70 | 1982 | Lalou, C.; Brichet, E. et al.: Chronologie et evolution des depots hydrothermaux des Galapagos (DSDP Leg 70) Chronology and evolution of hydrothermal deposits of the Galapagos, DSDP Leg 70 | |
83% | 70 | 1982 | Moorby, S. A.; Barrett, T. J.: The Galapagos Mounds | |
83% | | 1979 | Bryan, Wilfred B.: Episodic extrusion and collapse; a model for crustal accretion at a slow-spreading ridge | |
83% | | 1996 | Wallace, Paul; Anderson, Alfred et al.: Magma degassing at Kilauea Volcano; constraints from H (sub 2) O contents of melt inclusions and scoria glasses | |
83% | | 2002 | Dittert, Nicolas; Corrin, Lydie et al.: Management of (pale-)oceanographic data sets using the PANGAEA information system; the SINOPS example | |
83% | 32 33 | 1974 | Lancelot, Y.; Carpenter, G. et al.: Pacific Plate Absolute Motion Revisited | |
83% | 7 | 1971 | Winterer, Edward L.: Initial reports of the Deep Sea Drilling Project, volume VII, part 1, part 2 | |
83% | 54 | 1978 | Hekinian, R.; Rosendahl, B. R.: Preliminary results of DSDP Leg 54 | |
83% | | 1998 | Mitchell, Neil C.: Modeling Cenozoic sedimentation in the central Equatorial Pacific and implications for true polar wander | download |
83% | 122 122-762 122-763 | 1992 | Tang, Cheng: Preliminary paleointensities of the Matuyama-Brunhes transition in lava flows on Maui, Hawaii and paleomagnetism of Cenozoic sediments at sites 762B and 763A, Ocean Drilling Program, Leg 122 | |
83% | 117 | 1991 | Hermelin, J. Otto R.: Pleurostomella concava; a new benthic foraminifer in Oligocene and Miocene sediments from the Pacific and Indian oceans | |
83% | 54 | 1980 | Rosendahl, B.; Warren, N.: Velocity-density systematics of basalts from the East Pacific; correlation to iron content, and comparison to Mid-Atlantic Ridge basalts | |
83% | | 1995 | Channell, James E. T.; Erba, Elisabetta et al.: Late Jurassic-Early Cretaceous time scales and oceanic magnetic anomaly block models | |
83% | | 1998 | Sager, William W.; Harrison, Christopher G. A.: Paleomagnetic research, big science, and the future of ODP | |
83% | | 2008 | Webster, Jody M.: Drowned reefs in the Great Barrier Reef and Hawaii; a new era in IODP coral reef drilling | |
83% | 145 145-884 | 1997 | Tarduno, John A.; Cottrell, Rory D.: Paleomagnetic evidence for motion of the Hawaiian hotspot during formation of the Emperor Seamounts | |
83% | | 1998 | Wallace, Paul J.: Water partial melting in mantle plumes; interference from the dissolved H (sub 2) O concentrations of Hawaiian basaltic magmas | download |
83% | | 2006 | Fisk, M.; Storrie-Lombardi, M. et al.: Variety of microbial borings in oceanic basalt | |
83% | | 1979 | Corliss, J.; Gordon, L. I. et al.: Some implications of heat/mass ratios in Galapagos Rift hydrothermal fluids for models of sea water-rock interaction and the formation of oceanic crust | |
83% | 54 54-424 | 1987 | Varnavas, S. P.: Marine barite in sediments from Deep Sea Drilling Project sites 424 and 424A (Galapagos hydrothermal mounds field) | |
83% | | 1997 | Allan, James F.; Simkin, T.: Fernandina Volcano; mineralogical and petrological constraints on the nature of the Galapagos Plume | |
83% | | 1989 | Hedlin, Michael A. H.; Orcutt, John A.: A comparative study of island, seafloor, and subseafloor ambient noise levels | |
83% | 143 144 | 2001 | Flood, P. G.: The "Darwin point" of Pacific Ocean atolls and guyots; a reappraisal | |
83% | 200 | 2003 | Sherman, Sarah Bean; Garcia, Michael O.: Petrogenesis of the crystal vitric tuffs recovered 300 km northeast of Oahu, from ODP Leg 200; pyroclastic or landslide deposit? | |
83% | | 1979 | Edmond, J.; Corliss, J. et al.: Ridge crest-hydrothermal metamorphism at the Galapagos spreading center and reverse weathering | |
83% | 70 | 1983 | Moorby, S. A.; Cronan, D. S.: The geochemistry of hydrothermal and pelagic sediments from the Galapagos hydrothermal mounds field, D.S.D.P. Leg 70 | |
83% | | 1983 | Cole, T. G.; Shaw, H. F.: The nature and origin of authigenic smectites in some Recent marine sediments | |
83% | 197 | 2005 | Shafer, John T.; Neal, Clive R. et al.: The platinum group element and Re-Os isotopic composition of the Emperor Seamount Chain | |
83% | | 2008 | Tarduno, John A.: Hotspots entfesselt Hot spots unleashed | |
67% | 70 | 1985 | Varentsov, I. M.: Geokhimicheskiye assotsiatsii glavnykh komponentov, Ba i Sr kak indikatory protsessov osadkoobrazovaniya; gidrotermal'nyye otlozheniya zony Galapagosskogo rifta Geochemical assemblages of major components; Ba and Sr as indicators of depositional processes; hydrothermal deposits of the Galapagos rift zone | |
67% | 54 54-424 | 1982 | Malahoff, Alexander; Mcmurtry, Gary M. et al.: Geology and chemistry of hydrothermal deposits from active submarine volcano Loihi, Hawaii | |
67% | 70 | 1985 | Varentsov, I. M.; Sakharov, B. A. et al.: Gidrotermal'nyye otlozheniya zony Galapagosskogo rifta; aspekty mineralogii i geokhimii glavnykh komponentov Hydrothermal deposits of the Galapagos rift zone; mineralogy and geochemistry of major components | |
67% | 170 205 | 2004 | Dreyer, B.; Chavagnac, V. et al.: Plume-ridge interaction recorded in the subducting crust offshore Costa Rica; constraints from major, trace element, and isotopic data from ODP Legs 170 and 205 | |
67% | 54 54-424 | 1979 | Natland, J. H.; Rosendahl, B. et al.: Galapagos hydrothermal mounds; stratigraphy and chemistry revealed by deep-sea drilling | |
67% | | 1993 | Bougault, H.; Charlou, J. L. et al.: L'Hydrothermalisme oceanique Oceanic hydrothermalism | |
67% | 111 111-677 111-678 | 1993 | Kawahata, H.; Ishizuka, T.: Amino acids in the sediments and interstitial waters from ODP holes 677B and 678B in the Panama Basin | |
67% | 136 136-842 136-843 | 1991 | Dziewonski, Adam M.; Wilkens, Roy et al.: Ocean Drilling Program Leg 136 preliminary report; Ocean seismographic network pilot hole, Hawaiian Arch | |
67% | | 1990 | Buatier, M.; Honnorez, J.: Mecanismes de formation des argiles des halos noirs de basaltes oceaniques Formation mechanism of clays in the oceanic basaltic black halos | |
67% | 145 | 1994 | Keller, Randall A.; Fisk, Martin R. et al.: Sr, Nd, and Pb isotopic characteristics of Cretaceous volcanism from the Hawaiian mantle plume | |
67% | 54 70 | 2003 | Honnorez, Josacutee; Banerjee, Neil R. et al.: Early development of black halos during low-temperature alteration of young oceanic basalts | |
67% | 121 | 1988 | Frey, F. A.; Gibson, I. L. et al.: Results from ODP Leg 121 bearing on the origin and evolution of Ninetyeast Ridge; a 5000 km hotspot trace in the eastern Indian Ocean | |
67% | 200 200-1223 | 2003 | Acton, Gary; Duncan, Robert et al.: The age of large landslides from the Koolau Volcano, Oahu, from coring on the northern Hawaiian Arch | |
67% | 200 200-1223 | 2003 | Garcia, Michael O.; Sherman, Sarah Bean et al.: Frequent landslides from Ko'olau Volcano; results from cores 1 & 2 at ODP Site 1223 | |
67% | 121 121-753 176 | 2007 | Yaxley, Greg M.; Sobolev, A. V.: High pressure partial melting of gabbro and its role in the Hawaiian magma source | |
67% | 185 185-1149 | 2007 | Harris, Robert N.; McNutt, Marcia K.: Heat flow on hot spot swells; evidence for fluid flow | download |
67% | 197 | 2004 | Bonaccorsi, Rosalba; Mancinelli, Rocco L.: Model formation for volcanically derived sub-basement fossil soil (ODP Leg 197, N. Pacific); their usage as analogues for a possible subsurface deep biosphere on Mars | |
67% | 136 136-842 | 1999 | McMurtry, Gary M.; Herrero-Bervera, Emilio et al.: Stratigraphic constraints on the timing and emplacement of the Alika 2 giant Hawaiian submarine landslide | |
67% | 206 206-1256 | 2008 | Park, S.; Maclennan, J. et al.: Did the Galapagos Plume influence the ancient EPR? A geochemical study of basaltic rocks from Hole 1256D | |
67% | 136 136-842 136-843 | 2000 | Kanamatsu, Toshiya; Herrero-Bervera, Emilio: Magnetostratigraphy of piston cores from areas adjacent to the Hawaiian Islands | |
67% | 145 197 | 2005 | Shapiro, M. N.: Kinematics of the Campanian-Maastrichtian island arcs in northeastern Asia in light of drilling results on the Emperor Seamounts | |
67% | 108 108-658 | 2004 | Koutavas, Athanasios; Lynch-Stieglitz, Jean: Variability of the marine ITCZ over the eastern Pacific during the past 30,000 years; region perspective and global context | |
67% | 136 136-843 | 2004 | Constable, Steven; Heinson, Graham: Hawaiian hot-spot swell structure from seafloor MT sounding | |
67% | 145 145-884 | 2004 | Keller, R.: Hawaiian hotspot-spreading ridge interaction in the Late Cretaceous; a fair and balanced look at the evidence | |
67% | 197 197-1203 | 2005 | Kinman, W. S.; Neal, C. R.: A textural and microanalytical evaluation of magma mixing in Detroit Seamount lavas | |
67% | 197 197-1205 | 2005 | Shafer, John T.; Neal, Clive R. et al.: Petrogenesis of Hawaiian postshield lavas; evidence from Nintoku Seamount, Emperor Seamount Chain | download |
67% | | 2005 | Beaman, M. A.; Sager, W. W. et al.: Revised Late Cretaceous and early Cenozoic apparent polar wander path for the Pacific Plate | |
67% | 197 | 2005 | Kerr, Bryan C.; Scholl, David W. et al.: Seismic stratigraphy of Detroit Seamount, Hawaiian-Emperor seamount chain; post-hot-spot shield-building volcanism and deposition of the Meiji drift | download |
67% | 144 144-871 144-874 144-877 144-878 144-879 | 1994 | Holmes, Mary Anne: Paleosols of Pacific islands recovered during ODP Leg 144 | |
67% | 143 143-865 144 144-871 145 145-883 | 1998 | Tarduno, John A.; Cottrell, Rory D.: Evaluating hotspot fixity using paleomagnetism and ocean drilling | |
67% | 197 | 2009 | Tarduno, John A.: Geodynamo history preserved in single silicate crystals; origins and long-term mantle control | |
67% | 200 | 2005 | Bromirski, Peter D.; Duennebier, Fred K. et al.: Mid-ocean microseisms | download |
67% | 153 153-920 | 1998 | Brandon, A. D.; Walker, R. J. et al.: (super 190) Pt- (super 186) Os isotopic systematics of the upper mantle and some plumes | |
67% | 202 202-1239 202-1241 | 2005 | Tiedemann, R.; Steph, S. et al.: Permanent El Nino-like climate state during the warm Pliocene; evidence from changes in East Pacific equatorial upwelling | |
67% | 19 55 145 197 | 2002 | Kempton, P. D.; Thompson, P. M. E. et al.: Did the ancestral Hawaii Plume interact with a mid-ocean ridge? The isotopic evidence | |
67% | 86 86-576 | 2004 | Brandes, Horst G.: Time dependency of deep sea and island clays at room and elevated temperature | |
67% | 136 136-842 136-843 | 2002 | Leslie, Stephen C.; Moore, Gregory F. et al.: Seismic stratigraphy of the Frontal Hawaiian Moat; implications for sedimentary processes at the leading edge of an oceanic hotspot trace | |
67% | | 1988 | Embley, Robert W.; Jonasson, Ian R. et al.: Submersible investigation of an extinct hydrothermal system on the Galapagos Ridge; sulfide mounds, stockwork zone, and differentiated lavas | |
67% | 136 136-842 | 1996 | Garcia, Michael O.: Turbidites from slope failure on Hawaiian volcanoes | |
67% | 37 | 1978 | Wright, T. L.; Helz, R. T.: Generation of tholeiitic basalt; a comparative study of three provinces | |
67% | 54 | 1983 | Krasheninnikov, V. A.; Kazarina, G. Kh. et al.: Stratigrafiya pliotsenovykh i chetvertichnykh osadkov Vostochno-Tikhookeanskogo khrebta i Galapagosskoy spredingovoy zony po planktonnym mikroorganizmam Pliocene and Quaternary stratigraphy of the East Pacific Rise and Galapagos spreading zone using planktonic taxa | |
67% | 55 | 2006 | Sharp, Warren D.; Clague, David A.: 50-Ma initiation of Hawaiian-Emperor bend records major change in Pacific Plate motion | download |
58% | 37 | 1977 | O'Nions, R. K.; Hamilton, P. J. et al.: Variations in (super 143) Nd/ (super 144) Nd and (super 87) Sr/ (super 86) Sr ratios in oceanic basalts | |
58% | 197 197-1203 197-1204 197-1205 197-1206 | 2004 | Carvallo, Claire; Ozdemir, Ozden et al.: Palaeointensity determinations, palaeodirections and magnetic properties of basalts from the Emperor Seamounts | |
58% | 19 19-192 197 197-1203 197-1205 197-1206 | 2004 | Duncan, Robert A.; Keller, Randall A.: Radiometric ages for basement rocks from the Emperor Seamounts, ODP Leg 197 | download |
58% | 32 32-308 32-311 55 55-430 55-432 55-433 | 1995 | Hyatt, Ronda J.; Marsaglia, K. M.: Impact of mixed volcaniclastic/bioclastic sand composition on diagenesis; a study of shallow marine sands and sandstones from guyouts, seamounts and volcanic islands in the Hawaiian/Emperor seamount chain | |
58% | 143 144 | 2008 | Grigg, Richard W.: The Darwin Point; a conceptual and historical review | |
58% | 170 170-1039 170-1040 206 206-1256 | 2009 | Sadofsky, Seth; Hoernle, Kaj et al.: Geochemical variations in the Cocos Plate subducting beneath Central America; implications for the composition of arc volcanism and the extent of the Galapagos Hotspot influence on the Cocos oceanic crust | |
58% | 145 145-883 197 | 2007 | Tarduno, John A.: On the motion of Hawaii and other mantle plumes | download |
50% | | 1981 | Clague, David A.: Linear island and seamount chains, aseismic ridges and intraplate volcanism; results from DSDP | |
50% | | 1975 | Edsall, Douglass W.: Submarine geology of volcanic ash deposits; stratigraphy, age, and magmatic composition of Hawaiian and Aleutian tephra; Eocene to Recent | |
50% | 12 12-115 43 43-386 47 47-397 | 1982 | Sigurdsson, H.: Subaqueous volcanogenic sediments in ocean basins | |
50% | 6 6-54 6-57 7 7-61 7-63 16 16-163 17 17-164 19 19-192 | 1978 | Marshall, M.: The magnetic properties of some DSDP basalts from the North Pacific and inferences for Pacific plate tectonics | download |
50% | 17 17-165 33 33-315 33-316 | 1993 | Wang Gongnian: Geological interpretation of a high-order satellite gravity anomaly in the Central Pacific | |
50% | | 1977 | Rea, D. K.: Plio-Pleistoce pan-Pacific volcanic variations | |
50% | 62 62-465 | 2005 | Clouard, Valerie; Bonneville, Alain: Ages of seamounts, islands, and plateaus of the Pacific Plate | |
50% | 200 200-1223 | 2006 | Garcia, M. O.; Sherman, S. B. et al.: Frequent landslides from Koolau Volcano; results from ODP Hole 1223A | download |
50% | 30 30-288 30-289 32 32-305 33 33-317 130 130-803 130-807 | 1998 | Ito, Garrett; Clift, Peter D.: Subsidence and growth of Pacific Cretaceous plateaus | |
50% | | 1997 | Marsaglia, Kathleen M.; Hyatt, Ronda et al.: Development of a sand provenance model for volcaniclastic units associated with hotspot island chains and submarine plateaus and application to a possible accreted terrane in the Kamchatka forearc | |
50% | | 1978 | Prince, R.: Southward motion of the Hawaiian hotspot between 42 and 25 MYBP | |
50% | 136 136-843 | 2007 | Fekiacova, Z.; Abouchami, W. et al.: Origin and temporal evolution of Ko'olau Volcano, Hawai'i; inferences from isotope data on the Ko'olau Scientific Drilling Project (KSDP), the Honolulu Volcanics and ODP Site 843 | download |
50% | 183 | 2000 | Keszthelyi, Laszlo; Thordarson, Thorvaldur: Rubbly pahoehoe; a previously undescribed but widespread lava type transitional between aa and pahoehoe | |
42% | 15 15-146 15-151 15-152 69 69-504 70 70-504 83 83-504 92 92-504 111 111-504 137 137-504 140 140-504 148 148-504 165 165-1001 | 2004 | Thompson, P. M. E.; Kempton, P. D. et al.: Hf-Nd isotope constraints on the origin of the Cretaceous Caribbean Plateau and its relationship to the Galapagos Plume | download |
42% | 111 111-504 137 137-504 139 140 140-504 148 148-504 169 | 2002 | Franklin, James M.: Seafloor minerals research; supporting discovery of new ore deposits | |
33% | 167 167-1012 167-1017 167-1018 167-1019 167-1020 | 2002 | Muhs, Daniel R.; Simmons, Kathleen R. et al.: The last interglacial period on the Pacific Coast of North America; timing and paleoclimate | |
29% | 6 | 1971 | Melson, William G.: Volcanic rocks recovered on leg 6 | download |
21% | 55 | 1980 | Avdeiko, G. P.: On possible continuation of the Hawaiian-Emperor chain in Kamchatka | download |
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