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Score ↓ | Exp/Site/Hole | Year | Author/Title | Full text |
100% | | 1999 | Smolka, Peter: Reconstruction of Neogene oceans; results from IGCP-341 | |
83% | 153 | 1999 | Whitechurch, Hubert; Chatin, Fabienne: Mantle-melt interactions at low pressure producing high Mg-Al liquids beneath the MARK Zone (Atlantic Ocean) | |
83% | 119 120 183 | 1999 | Schlich, Roland; Schaming, Marc et al.: New multichannel seismic reflection data on the northern Kerguelen Plateau | |
83% | 171B | 1999 | Wilson, Paul A.; Lear, Carrie H. et al.: Palaeoceanographic responses to Mid-Cretaceous greenhouse forcing in the tropical western Atlantic | |
83% | 165 165-1002 | 1999 | Schuffert, Jeffrey D.; Herbert, Timothy D.: Paleotemperature and productivity variations at ODP Site 1002, Cariaco Basin | |
83% | 112 | 1999 | Pecher, Ingo A.; Kukowski, Nina: BSRs in Lima Basin; an indication for methane production below the gas hydrate stability zone? | |
83% | 160 | 1999 | Warning, Birgit; Wehausen, Rolf et al.: Trace element signatures of eastern Mediterranean sapropels; implications for the sapropel formation scenario | |
83% | 164 | 1999 | Tinivella, Umberta; Lukas, Dirk et al.: Two models for the quantitative estimation of gas hydrates concentrations based on borehole data; application to ODP Leg 164 results | |
83% | | 1999 | Jacquemont, Benoit; Honnorez, Jose: Present-day paragonite-smectite mixed layer phyllosilicate from the TAG active hydrothermal mound, Mid-Atlantic Ridge | |
83% | 157 | 1999 | Gurenko, Andrey A.; Chaussidon, Marc et al.: S and O isotopes in Cpx-hosted glass inclusions from Miocene submarine hyaloclastites of Gran Canaria (Canary Islands); constraints on magma degassing and contamination | |
83% | 125 125-782 | 1999 | Straub, Susanne M.; Layne, Graham D.: Elemental fractionation at convergent margins; evidence from glass compositions from the central Izu Arc (NW Pacific) | |
83% | 170 | 1999 | Voelker, David; Meschede, Martin: Finite element modelling of convergent margin wedge dynamics | |
83% | 168 | 1999 | Marescotti, Pietro; Vanko, David A. et al.: From oxidative to non-oxidative alteration; mineralogical variations in pillow basalts from eastern flank of Juan de Fuca Ridge (ODP Leg 168) | |
83% | 138 154 | 1999 | Shackleton, Nicholas J.; Palike, Heiko et al.: Improved astronomically tuned timescales for the late Neogene | |
83% | 63 64 | 1999 | van Lith, Yvonne; Vasconcelos, Crisogono et al.: Dolomite formation in the deep-sea subsurface biosphere; intra-crystalline organic matter as a tracer for microbial activity | |
67% | 122 122-762 122-763 | 1999 | Petrizzo, Maria Rose: Late Cretaceous planktonic Foraminifera from Exmouth Plateau (Indian Ocean, NW Australia) | |
67% | 154 154-925 | 1999 | Pfuhl, Helen A.; Shackleton, Nicholas J.: Late Miocene warming of surface and deeper waters in the tropical Atlantic; relation to Messinian events (ODP site 925, Ceara Rise) | |
67% | 149 149-897 173 173-1070 | 1999 | Ask, Maria: Mechanical tests on a claystone sample from the ocean-continent transition zone of West Iberia Margin, East Atlantic Ocean (ODP Hole 1070A) | |
67% | 17 17-167 62 62-463 | 1999 | Clarke, Leon; Jenkyns, Hugh: New stable-isotopic evidence for long-term Cretaceous oceanographic and climatic change | |
67% | 147 147-895 153 153-920 | 1999 | Rehkaemper, Mark; Halliday, A. N. et al.: Non-chondritic platinum-group element ratios in abyssal peridotites; petrogenetic signature of melt percolation? | |
67% | 157 157-951 | 1999 | Lindblom, Sten; Kruckenberg, Sofie et al.: Organic geochemistry of slope sediments and abyssal turbidites; a 15 million year continually catastrophic environment? | |
67% | 171A 171A-1049 171B 171B-1050 171B-1052 | 1999 | Majoran, Stefan: Palaeoenvironment of Maastrichtian ostracods from ODP holes 1049B, 1050C and 1052E in the western North Atlantic; preliminary results | |
67% | 171A 171A-1049 171B | 1999 | Erbacher, Jochen; Huber, Brian T. et al.: Paleoenvironmental changes during early Albian oceanic anoxic event 1b | |
67% | 171B | 1999 | Pletsch, Thomas; Reicherter, Klaus et al.: Petrography, geochemistry and preliminary stratigraphic correlation of Eocene ash layers from ODP Leg 171B (Blake Nose) and their relation to subduction volcanism in the Greater Antilles | |
67% | 160 160-967 160-969 | 1999 | Iijima, Koichi; Sakamoto, Tatsuhiko: Precession-scale variations of clay minerals in sediments of the eastern Mediterranean Sea, ODP Leg 160 | |
67% | 17 17-171 171A 171A-1049 171B | 1999 | Martinez-Ruiz, Francisca; Ortega-Huertas, Miguel et al.: Spherules from Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary sediments as a record of the impact event | |
67% | 172 | 1999 | Franz, Sven-Oliver; Tiedemann, Ralf: Submilankovitch climate variability in the subtropical Northwest Atlantic during marine isotope stages 8 to 10 (ODP Leg 172) | |
67% | 170 170-1039 170-1040 170-1041 170-1042 170-1043 | 1999 | Meschede, Martin; Zweigel, Peter: Subsidence and extension at a convergent plate margin; evidence for tectonic erosion off Costa Rica | |
67% | 152 152-917 152-918 163 163-988 163-990 | 1999 | Philipp, Harald; Eckhardt, Joerg-Detlef et al.: The distribution of the platinum group elements in a basaltic sequence; application to petrogenetic processes | |
67% | 167 167-1017 | 1999 | Ostertag-Henning, Christian: A high resolution record of late Pleistocene to Holocene climate variability from the California margin, ODP Site 1017E | |
67% | 73 73-523 113 113-689 171B 171B-1052 | 1999 | Lear, Carrie; Wilson, Paul et al.: Assessing Mg/Ca in benthic Foraminifera as a palaeotemperature proxy for the Cenozoic oceans | |
67% | 164 | 1999 | Naehr, Thomas H.; Rodriguez, Nancy M. et al.: Carbonate precipitation as the result of gas hydrate decomposition and fluid venting above the Blake Ridge diapir | |
67% | 162 162-984 | 1999 | Bout-Roumazeilles, Viviane; Davies, Gareth et al.: Variation in the main detrital clay input at the 6-5 transition in the North Atlantic Ocean revealed by a Nd-Sr-Pb study of clay particles | |
67% | 175 175-1082 | 1999 | Jahn, Britta; Donner, Barbara et al.: Environmental changes in the Benguela upwelling for the last 1.5 my (ODP Leg 175, Site 1082A) | |
67% | 183 | 1999 | Weis, Dominique; Damasceno, Dimitri et al.: Evidence for high-MgO basaltic Kerguelen Plume activity at bathymetric highs between the Kerguelen Archipelago and Heard Island, southern Indian Ocean | |
67% | 121 121-758 | 1999 | Burton, Kevin; Vance, Derek: Glacial-interglacial variations in the neodymium isotopic composition of seawater recorded by planktic Foraminifera | |
67% | 161 161-976 | 1999 | Nebout, Nathalie Combourieu; Turon, Jean-Louis et al.: High variability of the continental and marine environments during the last 70 ka in the western Mediterranean; ocean/continent correlations | |
67% | 72 72-516 122 122-762 | 1999 | Stoll, Heather; Schrag, Daniel: Coccolith Sr/Ca as an indicator of marine paleoproductivity | |
67% | 130 130-803 150 | 1999 | Pekar, Stephen; Kominz, Michelle et al.: Constructing a eustatic curve from western Equatorial Pacific oxygen isotopic records (Site 803D) and onshore New Jersey Oligocene sequence stratigraphy | |
67% | 115 115-709 115-711 | 1999 | Touchard, Yannick; Rochette, Pierre et al.: Correlation of the 30 Ma Ethiopian traps with the Oligocene marine record through the identification of tephra layers in Leg 115 (South Indian Ocean) | |
67% | 162 162-983 | 1999 | Kleiven, Helga F.; Jansen, Eystein: Coupling between high-frequency oscillations in North Atlantic Deep Water production and sea surface processes during the mid Pleistocene; evidence from the North Atlantic | |
67% | 149 149-900 173 173-1067 | 1999 | Gardien, Veronique; Beslier, Marie-Odile et al.: Crust-mantle boundary under a rift zone; results of the ODP legs 149 and 173 in the ocean-continent transition of the West Iberia passive margin | |
67% | 146 169 | 1999 | Nederbragt, Alexandra J.; Thurow, Juergen: Digital sediment colour analysis of marine laminated sediments along the western margin of North America and time series analysis of Holocene climate variability | |
58% | 107 107-653 160 160-963 160-964 | 1999 | Sprovieri, Mario; Bellanca, Adriana et al.: Paleoceanographic changes in the Neogene Mediterranean; geochemical and micropaleontological evidence | |
58% | 108 108-658 146 146-893 150 160 | 1999 | Rinna, Joachim; Guentner, Ute et al.: Temperature-related molecular proxies; degree of alkenone unsaturation and average chain length of n-alkanes | |
58% | | 2005 | Hay, William W.; Floegel, Sascha et al.: Is the initiation of glaciation on Antarctica related to a change in the structure of the ocean? | download |
58% | 188 188-1165 | 2005 | Junttila, Juho; Ruikka, Mattiina et al.: Clay-mineral assemblages in high-resolution Plio-Pleistocene interval at ODP Site 1165, Prydz Bay, Antarctica | download |
50% | 108 108-658 112 112-680 117 117-724 128 128-798 130 130-806 151 151-907 162 162-907 | 1999 | Tamburini, Federica; Adatte, Thierry et al.: Pleistocene glaciation-deglaciation cycles; mineralogy, phosphate and stable nitrogen isotopes from marine records (ODP sites 658, 680, 724, 798, 806, 907) | |
50% | 178 178-1095 178-1096 178-1097 178-1101 | 2005 | Hillenbrand, Claus-Dieter; Ehrmann, Werner: Late Neogene to Quaternary environmental changes in the Antarctic Peninsula region; evidence from drift sediments | download |
50% | 69 69-504 70 70-504 83 83-504 92 92-504 111 111-504 137 137-504 140 140-504 148 148-504 148-896 | 1999 | Furnes, Harald; Staudigel, Hubert: Biological mediation of basalt glass alteration in the ocean crust; how deep is the deep biosphere? | |
50% | 177 177-1088 178 178-1095 188 188-1165 | 2005 | Gruetzner, Jens; Hillenbrand, Claus-Dieter et al.: Terrigenous flux and biogenic silica deposition at the Antarctic continental rise during the late Miocene to early Pliocene; implications for ice sheet stability and sea ice coverage | download |
18% | 161 161-974 161-975 161-978 | 1999 | Iaccarino, Silvia Maria; Bossio, Alessandro: Paleoenvironment of uppermost Messinian sequences in the western Mediterranean (sites 974, 975, and 978) | download |
17% | 82 82-556 82-558 82-561 | 1985 | Dupre, Bernard; Goepel, C. et al.: Lead isotopic variations in old ocean crust near the Azores | download |
15% | 204 | 2005 | Riedel, Michael; Long, Philip E. et al.: Physical properties of near-surface sediments at southern Hydrate Ridge; results from ODP Leg 204 | download |
13% | 125 | 1992 | Girardeau, Jacques; Lagabrielle, Yves: Deformation history of peridotites from the Mariana forearc, Conical Seamount, Leg 125 | download |
13% | 166 166-1006 | 2000 | Kroon, Dick; Reijmer, John J. G. et al.: Mid- to late-Quaternary variations in the oxygen isotope signature of Globigerinoides ruber at Site 1006 in the western subtropical Atlantic | download |
10% | 134 | 1994 | Briqueu, Louis; Laporte, C. et al.: Temporal magmatic evolution of the Aoba Basin, central New Hebrides island arc; Pb, Sr, and Nd isotopic evidence for the coexistence of two mantle components beneath the arc | download |
10% | 129 129-802 | 1990 | Karpoff, Anne-Marie; France-Lanord, Christian et al.: Miocene tuff from Mariana Basin, Leg 129, Site 802; a first deep-sea occurrence of thaumasite | download |
10% | 129 | 1990 | France-Lanord, Christian; Michard, Annie et al.: Major element and Sr isotope composition of interstitial waters in sediments from Leg 129; the role of diagenetic reactions | download |
8% | 311 | 2005 | Riedel, Michael; Willoughby, E. C. et al.: Gas hydrate on the northern Cascadia margin; regional geophysics and structural framework | download |
8% | 160 | 1998 | Robertson, Alastair H. F.: Formation and destruction of the Eratosthenes Seamount, eastern Mediterranean Sea, and implications for collisional processes | download |
8% | 187 | 2004 | Christie, David M.; Pyle, Douglas G. et al.: Leg 187 synthesis; evolution of the Australian Antarctic discordance, the Australian Antarctic depth anomaly, and the Indian/Pacific mantle isotopic boundary | download |
7% | 198 | 2006 | Bralower, Timothy J.; Premoli Silva, Isabella et al.: Leg 198 synthesis; a remarkable 120-m.y. record of climate and oceanography from Shatsky Rise, Northwest Pacific Ocean | download |
5% | 160 | 1998 | Robertson, Alastair H. F.: Mesozoic-Tertiary tectonic evolution of the easternmost Mediterranean area; integration of marine and land evidence | download |
5% | | 2010 | Sager, William W.; Sano, Takashi et al.: Expedition 324 summary | download |
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