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Score Exp/Site/HoleYearAuthor/TitleFull text
100%1970Vallier, Tracy L.: Deep Sea Drilling Project; an opportunity for student involvement in current oceanographic research
100%1971Habib, Daniel: Cretaceous dinoflagellate zonation; Joides Deep Sea Drilling Project, Leg 11
100%1982Musich, Lillian F.; Freelander, Nancy A.: Computer storage of paleontologic data
100%1974Bukry, David: Stratigraphic Value of Silicoflagellates in Nontropical Regions
100%1971Riedel, William R.; Sanfilippo, Annika: Cenozoic radiolarian evolution and biogeography
100%1974Weser, O. E.: Sediment classification based on DSDP drilling
100%1972Fan, Pow-foong; Rex, R. W.: Mineralogy of deep-sea sediment cores from Atlantic and Pacific oceans
100%1971Cook, H. E.: Iron and manganese rich sediments overlying oceanic basaltic basement, equatorial Pacific, Leg 9, D.S.D.P.
86%1983Dunn, Dean A.: Carbonate dissolution events in the Miocene Pacific Ocean
86%1983Musich, Lillian F.: Computer classification of deep sea sediments
86%1983Burkle, Lloyd H.: Early late Miocene paleoclimatic event; evidence from the Southern Ocean and eastern Equatorial Pacific
86%1981Sloan, James L., II: Organic carbon accumulation in the world ocean
86%1974Kidd, R. B.; Weser, O. E.: A preliminary synthesis of sediments recovered by the Deep Sea Drilling Project in the Indian Ocean
86%281974Ford, A. B.: Basalts of the Southeast Indian Ocean, DSDP Leg 28
86%851982Nigrini, Catherine A.: High resolution stratigraphy and paleoceanography of the Equatorial Pacific; preliminary results of DSDP Leg 85
86%1994Guth, Peter L.; Smart, Scott D.: Teaching marine geology and geophysics with microcomputer labs
86%1987Pyle, Thomas E.; Kappel, Ellen S. et al.: The Ocean Drilling Program in 1987
86%1982Miskell, Kimberlee J.: Opaline silica deposition from the Cretaceous to the Recent, a paleocirculation indicator
86%1982Romine, Karen: Pacific late Miocene radiolarian biogeography
86%1973Theyer, F.; Mato, C. Y. et al.: The Neogene tropical radiolarian zonation; possibilities for its subdivision and paleomagnetic calibration
86%1985Louda, J. William; Baker, Earl W.: Tetrapyrrole pigments in the geologic record
86%1975Leinen, M.: Biogenic silica sedimentation in the central equatorial Pacific during the Cenozoic
86%1975van Andel, T. H.; Heath, G. R. et al.: Cenozoic history and paleoceanography of the central equatorial Pacific Ocean; a regional synthesis of Deep Sea Drilling Project data
86%1971Donnelly, Thomas W.; Rogers, John J. W. et al.: Basalt and dolerite from the central Caribbean; preliminary results from Deep Sea Drilling Project, Leg XV
86%1976Hunt, J. M.: Light hydrocarbons in deep sea sediments
86%1989Horrell, Mark A.: Oxygen isotope-based sea surface paleotemperatures; a question of reliability
86%1989D'Hondt, Steven; Keller, Gerta et al.: Phylogenetic and stratigraphic analysis of earliest Paleocene planktic foraminifera
86%1979Leinen, M.: Biogenic silica accumulation in the central equatorial Pacific and its implications for Cenozoic paleoceanography
86%1988Karig, D. E.: Shear bands from the toe of the Nankai accretionary prism; characteristics and implications for finite strain
86%1993Rabinowitz, Philip D.; Francis, Timothy J. G. et al.: Ocean Drilling Program; recent results and future drilling plans
86%1995D'Hondt, Steven; Zachos, James C.: 75 million years of photosymbiosis in planktic foraminifera
86%1983Woodruff, Fay: Pacific Miocene deep-sea benthic foraminiferal patterns; paleoceanographic implications
86%171974Shih, C.: Rare earth geochemistry of basaltic rocks from Leg 17 of the Deep Sea Drilling Project
86%301974Klein, G. deV.: Sedimentary tectonics in Southwest Pacific marginal basins based on Leg 30 DSDP sediment cores
86%1974Saito, T.; Thompson, P. R.: Integration of planktonic foraminiferal biostratigraphy of Deep Sea Drilling Project, Leg 1 to Leg 24
86%1991Rodda, Peter U.: Thermal regimes, continental barriers and marine biogeography; 1850 to JOIDES
86%1993Baker, Earl W.; Louda, J. W.: Aspects of porphyrin diagenesis
86%201972Hesse, R.: Waltherian sequences in deep-sea pelagic deposits of the Mesozoic-Cenozoic Pacific
86%1971Manheim, Frank T.; Sayles, F. L. et al.: Interstitial water studies in the deep sea drilling program
86%1995Jacobs, David K.; Lindberg, David L.: Episodic anoxic events in the Mesozoic, on shore-offshore patterns, and deep-sea refugia
86%1980Barnes, Ross O.: Anoxic methane consumption in marine sediments; some problems with current geochemical models
86%1989Miller, Kenneth G.; Katz, Miriam E.: An overview of Cenozoic deep-sea benthic foraminifera
86%1972Frey, Fred A.; Bryan, Wilfred B. et al.: Petrological and geochemical results for basalts from DSDP Legs 2 and 3
86%1977Donnelly, T. W.: Chemistry of Cenozoic sedimentation in the world ocean
86%1973Sclater, John G.; Detrick, Robert: Elevation of Midocean Ridges and the Basement Age of JOIDES Deep Sea Drilling Sites
86%1973Thompson, Peter R.; Saito, Tsunemasa: Equatorial Pacific climatic fluctuations during the last 500,000 years
86%1973Knauth, L. Paul; Epstein, Samuel: Hydrogen and oxygen isotope ratios in cherts from the JOIDES Deep Sea Drilling Project
86%1981Alt, J. C.; Honnorez, J. J.: A model for the aging of upper oceanic layer 2 at low temperature
86%1989Locker, Stanley D.: Interaction between submarine fans and bottom currents; examples from the middle U.S. Atlantic continental rise
86%1973Shih, Chi-yu; Ridley, W. Ian: Ba and REE abundances in basalts from leg 9 of the Deep Sea Drilling Project
86%1973Van Andel, Tjeerd H.; Bukry, David: Basement Ages and Basement Depths in the Eastern Equatorial Pacific from Deep Sea Drilling Project Legs 5, 8, 9, and 16
86%1987Mertz, Karl A., Jr.: Diagenetic signatures in organic-rich hemipelagites; towards improved facies recognition; a perspective from the Pacific Rim (Miocene)
86%1989Tabachnick, R. Elena: Evolving entities in populations of Miocene planktonic foraminifera (Globorotalia)
86%1977Tucholke, B. E.; Mountain, G. S.: Depositional patterns and depositional environment of Cretaceous black clays in the western North Atlantic
86%1988Arthur, M. A.; Barron, E. A. et al.: Response of the late Mesozoic-Cenozoic ocean to climatic forcing on tectonic time scales
86%1990Murray, Richard W.; Buchholtz-ten Brink, Marilyn R.: Rare earth element sources to fine-grained marine sediments; assessing the marine and terrestrial records
86%1992Rabinowitz, Philip D.; Francis, Timothy J. G. et al.: Ocean Drilling Program; eighth year of field operations
86%1983Kitchell, Jennifer A.; Hoffman, Antoni: A test of evolutionary models; survivorship and accretion analysis of species extinction and origination
86%1975Blank, R. G.; Suchland, C. H.: Cost-efficiency in biostratigraphy
86%1972Ellwood, B. B.; Watkins, N. D.: Application of low-field magnetic susceptibility anisotropy to the problem of distinguishing between extrusive and intrusive abyssal igneous drill cores
86%1992Perry, Joan; Meyer, Audrey W. et al.: Scientific ocean drilling; results of the seventh year of field operations and future drilling plains
86%1975Blechschmidt, G.; Worsley, T. R.: Inter-ocean provincialism of Oligocene calcareous nannofossils
86%1977Steinmetz, J. C.: New calcareous nannofossil zonations for the early Neogene
86%1977Sancetta, C. A.: Paleo-oceanography of the Miocene Pacific; a synthesis of DSDP microfossil data
86%1977Rafle, M. A.: Paleobiogeography of early Paleogene calcareous nannoplankton assemblages from the Pacific Ocean
86%1986Moore, J. Casey (ed.): Structural fabric in Deep Sea Drilling Project cores from forearcs
86%1987Kukla, George J.: 2.5 million year long record of global climate in Chinese loess
86%211972Burns, Robert E.: Deep Sea Drilling Project down under; leg 21
86%1999Romanowicz, Barbara: Towards permanent ocean bottom geophysical observatories; the conquest of the oceans
86%1991Julson, Amanda; Jordan, Kathy et al.: "In search of Earth's secrets"; a curriculum plan developed through "teacher-in-industry" internship at the Ocean Drilling Program
86%1973Lawrence, J. R.: Depleted O (super 18) /O (super 16) in DSDP pore waters
86%1992Murray, Richard W.: Identifying depositional environments of chert using chemical techniques; an overview of general principles and a synthesis of 45 published results
86%1973Ekdale, Allan A.: Burrowing patterns of abyssal infauna in Deep Sea Drilling Project cores (Cretaceous to Pleistocene); a preliminary report
86%1973Berger, Wolfgang H.: Cenozoic Sedimentation in the Eastern Tropical Pacific
86%1989Marsaglia, Kathleen M.: A revised, actualistic provenance model for arc-related sands and sandstones
86%1971Winterer, E. L.; Ewing, J. I, et al.: Preliminary results of Glomar Challenger leg 17, central Pacific
86%1971Cook, H. E.; Robinson, P. T.: Sea-floor basalts cored from the equatorial Pacific, Leg 9, Deep Sea Drilling Project
86%1977Bryan, W. B.: Stratigraphic and compositional variations in Atlantic basalts from DSDP and IPOD
86%1981Musich, Lillian F.; Woodbury, Peter B.: Coordinated computer management of ocean data
86%1975Worsley, T. R.; Blank, R. G.: Stratigraphic distribution of common calcareous nannofossils of the Pacific Ocean
86%1301991Tarduno, John A.: Rapid formation of Ontong Java Plateau and its implications for Cretaceous climatic dynamics
86%1995Malone, Mitchell J.; Baker, Paul A. et al.: Recrystallization of dolomite; an experimental study from 50 degrees to 200 degrees C
86%1983Klein, George deV.: Spatial and temporal distribution of depositional systems, back-arc basins, western Pacific
1983Janecek, Thomas R.: Cenozoic eolian input to the northwestern Pacific Ocean, data from DSDP Site 576
71%1983Woodward, Madison: Depositional environments and seismic character of progradational clinoforms in the southwestern Gulf of Mexico
1981Aubry, Marie-Pierre; Berggren, William A. et al.: Miocene magnetobiochronology of the Rio Grande Rise (IPOD Site 516); calcareous plankton
71%1981Kennett, J. P.; Srinivasan, M. S.: Miocene paleobiogeography of planktonic foraminiferal assemblages in the South Pacific
71%1981Thunell, Robert C.; Belyea, Paul R.: Neogene planktonic foraminiferal biogeography of the Atlantic Ocean; a synthesis of DSDP legs 1-53
71%341981Dungan, M. A.; Vance, Joseph A. et al.: Retention of primary MOR tholeiite geochemistry by Shuksan greenschists and blueschists, Easton Formation, North Cascades, Washington
71%1981Aguayo C., J. Eduardo: Sources of terrigenous sediments deposited in the Guaymas Basin, Gulf of California, NW Mexico
71%191978Hein, J. R.; Scholl, D. W.: Diagenesis and distribution of late Cenozoic volcanic sediment in the southern Bering Sea
1976Stewart, R. J.: Petrology and diagenesis of Neogene sediments, Komandorsky Basin, western Bering Sea
1976Ingersoll, R. V.; Suczek, C. A.: Petrology and provenance of Neogene sand from the Nicobar and Bengal fans, DSDP sites 211 and 218
1983Sancetta, Constance: Late Pleistocene (Brunhes) stepwise expansion of the North Pacific subarctic gyre
71%1985Nigrini, Catherine A.; Johnson, David A.: Biostratigraphic diachroneity; new evidence from equatorial Neogene Radiolaria of the Indo-Pacific
1985Barrera, Enriqueta; Savin, Samuel M.: Carbonate diagenesis and the utility of O (super 18) /O (super 16) ratios of Paleogene foraminifera in paleoclimatic studies
1985Schramm, Cynthia T.; Leinen, Margaret: Cenozoic history of eolian sedimentation in the North Pacific
71%431985Lee, Nancy C.; Bada, Jeffrey L.: Extraterrestrial amino acids at the Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary
71%341975Deutsch, E. R.; Patzold, R. R.: Magnetism of basalt cores from the Pacific Ocean and implications for magnetic anomaly interpretation
1975Eslinger, Eric V.; Savin, Samuel M.: Mineralogy and O (super 18) /O (super 16) of clay-size minerals from DSDP Site 323, southeast Pacific

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