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Score ↓ | Exp/Site/Hole | Year | Author/Title | Full text |
100% | 27 27-259 27-260 27-263 | 1974 | Speden, Ian G.: Cretaceous Bivalvia from cores, Leg 27 | download |
98% | 27 27-259 27-260 27-263 | 1974 | Scheibnerova, Viera: Aptian-Albian benthonic foraminifera from DSDP Leg 27, Sites 259, 260, and 263, eastern Indian Ocean | download |
59% | 123 123-766 | 1992 | Haig, D. W.: Aptian-Albian foraminifers from Site 766, Cuvier abyssal plain, and comparison with coeval faunas from the Australian region | download |
53% | 40 40-363 40-364 | 1978 | Scheibnerova, V.: Aptian and Albian benthic foraminifers of Leg 40, sites 363 and 364, southern Atlantic | download |
42% | 27 27-263 | 1974 | Stevens, Graeme R.: Leg 27 Cephalopoda | download |
40% | 29 29-280 29-281 29-282 29-283 29-284 | 1975 | Haskell, T. R.; Wilson, G. J.: Palynology of sites 280-284, DSDP Leg 29, off southeastern Australia and western New Zealand | download |
24% | 27 27-259 27-260 27-261 27-262 27-263 | 1974 | Bolli, H. M.: Synthesis of the Leg 27 biostratigraphy and paleontology | download |
21% | 40 40-361 | 1978 | Davey, R. J.: Marine Cretaceous palynology of Site 361, DSDP Leg 40, off southwestern Africa | download |
21% | | 1997 | Szabo, Zoltan; Pucci, A. A., Jr. et al.: Sr-isotopic evidence for leakage of pore water from clay-silt confining units to the Atlantic City 800-foot sand, Atlantic City, New Jersey | download |
21% | 17 71 71-511 | 1983 | Bratzeva, Greta M.: Spores and pollen from Cenozoic sediments of the Falkland Plateau, Site 511, Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 71 | download |
20% | 123 | 1992 | Baumgartner, Peter O.; Bown, Paul R. et al.: Early Cretaceous biogeographic and oceanographic synthesis of Leg 123 (off northwestern Australia) | download |
20% | 71 71-511 | 1983 | Krasheninnikov, Valery A.; Basov, Ivan A.: Stratigraphy of Cretaceous sediments of the Falkland Plateau based on planktonic foraminifers, Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 71 | download |
18% | 71 71-511 71-512 71-513 71-514 | 1983 | Basov, Ivan A.; Krasheninnikov, Valery A.: Benthic foraminifers in Mesozoic and Cenozoic sediments of the southwestern Atlantic as an indicator of paleoenvironment, Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 71 | download |
18% | 26 26-255 26-256 26-257 26-258 | 1974 | Herb, Rene C.: Cretaceous planktonic foraminifera from the eastern Indian Ocean | download |
18% | 33 33-317 | 1976 | Kauffman, E. G.: Deep-sea Cretaceous macrofossils; Hole 317A, Manihiki Plateau | download |
17% | 27 27-263 | 1974 | Heirtzler, James P.: Site 263 | download |
17% | 36 36-327 36-330 | 1977 | Sliter, W. V.: Cretaceous foraminifers from the southwestern Atlantic Ocean, Leg 36, Deep Sea Drilling Project | download |
15% | | 1992 | Quilty, Patrick G.: Data report; studies into the paleontology of the Cretaceous of the Indian Ocean Basin | download |
15% | 40 40-361 | 1978 | McLachlan, I. R.; Pieterse, E.: Preliminary palynological results; Site 361, Leg 40, Deep Sea Drilling Project | download |
15% | 107 107-652 107-652A 107-653 107-653B 107-654 107-654A | 1990 | Mueller, Daniel W.; Mueller, Paul A. et al.: Strontium isotopic ratios as fluid tracers in Messinian evaporites of the Tyrrhenian Sea (western Mediterranean Sea) | download |
15% | 120 120-750 | 1992 | Mohr, Barbara A. R.; Gee, Carole T.: An early Albian palynoflora from the Kerguelen Plateau, southern Indian Ocean (Leg 120) | download |
15% | 20 20-194 20-195 20-196 20-197 20-198 20-199 | 1973 | Krasheninnikov, Valeri A.: Cretaceous benthonic foraminifera, Leg 20, Deep Sea Drilling Project | download |
13% | 13 13-120 | 1973 | Maync, Wolf: Lower Cretaceous foraminiferal fauna from Gorringe Bank, eastern North Atlantic | download |
12% | 113 113-693 | 1990 | Harwood, David M.; Gersonde, Rainer Erich: Lower Cretaceous diatoms from ODP Leg 113 Site 693 (Weddell Sea); Part 2, Resting spores, chrysophycean cysts, an endoskeletal dinoflagellate, and notes on the origin of diatoms | download |
12% | 159 159-959 159-960 159-962 | 1998 | Holbourn, Ann E. L.; Moullade, Michel: Lower Cretaceous benthic foraminifer assemblages, Equatorial Atlantic; biostratigraphic, paleoenvironmental, and paleobiogeographic significance | download |
12% | 48 48-400 48-402 | 1979 | Davey, R. J.: Marine Apto-Albian palynomorphs from holes 400A and 402A, IPOD Leg 48, northern Bay of Biscay | download |
12% | 44 | 1978 | Gradstein, F.: Biostratigraphy of Lower Cretaceous Blake Nose and Blake-Bahama Basin foraminifers, DSDP Leg 44, western North Atlantic Ocean | download |
12% | 123 123-765 123-766 | 1992 | Kaminski, Michael A.; Baumgartner, Peter O. et al.: Magnetobiostratigraphic synthesis of Leg 123; sites 765 and 766 (Argo abyssal plain and Lower Exmouth Plateau) | download |
10% | 123 123-766 | 1990 | Gradstein, Felix M.; Ludden, John N. et al.: Site 766 | download |
10% | 71 71-511 | 1983 | Jeletzky, J. A.: Macroinvertebrate paleontology, biochronology, and paleoenvironments of Lower Cretaceous and Upper Jurassic rocks, Deep Sea Drilling Hole 511, eastern Falkland Plateau | download |
10% | 27 27-259 | 1974 | Heirtzler, James R.: Site 259 | download |
10% | 123 123-766 | 1992 | Gradstein, Felix M.; Ludden, John N. et al.: Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program, Argo abyssal plain/Exmouth Plateau; covering Leg 123 of the cruises of the drilling vessel JOIDES Resolution, Singapore, Republic of Sing., to Singapore, Republic of Sing., sites 765-766, 28 August 1988-1 November 1988 | download |
9% | 209 209-1274 | 2011 | Burton, Kevin W.; Cenki-Tok, Benedicte et al.: Ancient lead trapped in the Earth's upper mantle | download |
9% | 183 183-1140 | 2011 | Boehm, Florian; Eisenhauer, Anton et al.: Calcium isotope fractionation during dolomite formation | download |
9% | | 2011 | Brandl, P. A.; Regelous, M. et al.: Chemical evolution of MORB; new insights from old crust | download |
9% | 69 69-504 70 70-504 83 83-504 92 92-504 111 111-504 118 118-735 137 137-504 140 140-504 148 148-504 176 176-735 | 2011 | Barnes, J. D.: Chlorine chemistry of altered oceanic crust | download |
9% | 165 165-999 | 2011 | Badger, M. P. S.; Bowler, G. C. et al.: Orbital scale alkenone based CO (sub 2) records across the Pliocene intensification of Northern Hemisphere glaciation | download |
9% | 33 33-317 | 1976 | Schlanger, S. O.; Jackson, E. D. et al.: Site 317 | download |
6% | 113 113-693 | 1988 | Barker, Peter F.; Kennett, James P. et al.: Site 693 | download |
5% | | 2010 | Exon, Neville: Australia's involvement in IODP; what it means for our scientists | download |
5% | 322 | 2010 | Moreau, John W.; Lynch, Jill E. et al.: Biochemical and geomicrobiological evidence for an ultra-deep anaerobic methane oxidation zone in the Nankai Trough sub-seafloor | download |
5% | | 2010 | Heap, Andrew D.; Exon, Neville: Australia's new marine research vessel; geoscience implications | download |
5% | 318 | 2010 | Welsh, Kevin; Escutia Dotti, Carlota et al.: IODP 318 Cenozoic East Antarctica ice sheet evolution from Wilkes Land margin sediments; preliminary results | download |
5% | 323 | 2010 | Dadd, Kelsie A.; Aiello, Ivano et al.: IODP Expedition 323 in the Bering Sea; environmental change over 5 million years recorded in deep-sea sediment | download |
5% | 325 | 2010 | Abbey, Elizabeth; Webster, J. et al.: Morphological variation, composition and age of submerged reefs on the Great Barrier Reef | download |
5% | 317 317-U1351 | 2010 | Fulthorpe, C.; Hoyanagi, K. et al.: Preliminary results from IODP Expedition 317 (Canterbury Basin, New Zealand) | download |
5% | 324 324-U1346 | 2010 | Murphy, David: Sr, Nd and Pb isotope data from the Shirshov Massif of the Shatsky Rise, north-west Pacific | download |
5% | 118 118-735 176 176-735 | 2010 | Baines, Graham; Schwartz, J. et al.: The tectonic evolution of the Atlantis Bank oceanic core-complex, south-west Indian Ridge | download |
5% | 319 319-C0009 | 2010 | Huftile, Gary J.: Using soft-sediment deformation to date paleoseismic events in bore holes, IODP Leg 319, Kumano Basin, Nankai Trough, Japan | download |
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