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Score ↓ | Exp/Site/Hole | Year | Author/Title | Full text |
100% | 38 38-344 | 1986 | Savostin, L. A.; Baturin, D. G.: Seismic stratigraphy and Cenozoic history of the continental margin of the Greenland Sea near the south end of the Spitsbergen Archipelago | |
98% | 38 | 1981 | Belanger, Paul Edward: Late Cenozoic benthic foraminifera of the Norwegian-Greenland Sea | |
98% | | 1991 | Zehnder, Carolyn Marie: Magmatic processes attending the initiation of seafloor spreading in the Norwegian-Greenland Sea; a deep seismic study of conjugate margins | |
98% | 38 | 1978 | Manum, S. B.: Palynoevents and evolution of the Norwegian-Greenland Sea | |
82% | | 1983 | Verdenius, J. G.; Van Hinte, J. E.: Central Norwegian-Greenland Sea; Tertiary arenaceous foraminifera, biostratigraphy and environment | |
82% | 104 105 | 1988 | Bohrmann, G.; Hempel, P. et al.: North Atlantic and Norwegian-Greenland Sea Miocene to Pliocene paleoceanography | |
82% | 38 | 1986 | Thiede, Joern; Diesen, Geir W. et al.: Patterns of Cenozoic sedimentation in the Norwegian-Greenland Sea | |
82% | 38 | 1979 | Ziemianski, Wayne P.: Clay mineral changes associated with intensification of glaciation in the Norwegian-Greenland Sea | |
82% | 38 38-344 | 1979 | Ziemianski, P. W.: Clay mineral changes during intensification of glaciation in the Norwegian-Greenland Sea | |
82% | 104 104-642 104-643 | 1986 | Thiede, J.: Cenozoic paleoenvironments of the subarctic Norwegian-Greenland Sea | |
82% | 38 | 1979 | Bjorklund, K. R.; Goll, R. M.: Ice age climates of the Norwegian-Greenland Sea | |
82% | 151 | 1996 | Hull, Donna M.; Osterman, Lisa Ellen: Synthesis of biostratigraphic data from the Norwegian-Greenland Sea and Arctic Ocean proper; results from Ocean Drilling Program Leg 151 | |
82% | 104 | 1990 | Thiede, Joern; Pfirman, Stephanie et al.: Bathymetry of Molloy Deep; Fram Strait between Svalbard and Greenland | |
82% | 38 | 1975 | Ridley, W. I.; Perfit, M. R. et al.: Petrologic variation in basalts associated with the opening of the Norwegian-Greenland Sea | |
82% | 151 151-909 | 2005 | Kaminski, Michael A.; Silye, Lorand et al.: Miocene deep-water agglutinated Foraminifera from ODP Hole 909C; implications for the paleoceanography of the Fram Strait area, Greenland Sea | |
82% | 104 104-643 | 1994 | Bauch, Henning A.: Beella megastoma (Earland) in late Pleistocene Norwegian-Greenland Sea sediments; stratigraphy and meltwater implication | |
69% | 38 104 151 | 2008 | Thiede, Joern; Eldholm, Olav et al.: Deep-sea drilling in the Norwegian-Greenland Sea and Arctic Ocean a tribute to Manik Talwani | |
65% | 2 2-12 5 5-38 | 1981 | Belanger, Paul E.: Late Cenozoic paleo-oceanography of Norwegian Greenland Sea and Northeast Atlantic; benthic foraminiferal evidence | |
65% | 38 38-336 38-344 | 1982 | Warnke, Detlef A.: Pre-middle Pliocene sediments of glacial and periglacial origin in the Norwegian-Greenland seas; results of D.S.D.P. LEG 38 | |
65% | 38 38-346 38-347 38-349 | 1979 | Groenlie, Gisle; Chapman, Michael et al.: Jan Mayen Ridge and Iceland Plateau; origin and evolution | |
65% | 38 38-336 38-352 | 1979 | Groenlie, Gisle: Tertiary paleogeography of the Norwegian-Greenland Sea | |
65% | 38 38-336 38-343 38-344 38-345 38-348 | 1987 | Gieskes, Joris M.; Lawrence, J. R. et al.: Chemistry of interstitial waters and sediments in the Norwegian-Greenland Sea, Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 38 | |
65% | 38 151 151-913 | 1995 | Hull, Donna Meyerhoff: Paleoceanographic implications of Eocene-Oligocene radiolaria from the Norwegian-Greenland Sea; results from ODP Leg 151 | |
65% | 104 104-643 | 1990 | Kaminski, Michael A.; Gradstein, Felix M. et al.: Biostratigraphy and paleoecology of deep-water agglutinated foraminifera at ODP Site 643, Norwegian-Greenland Sea | |
65% | 151 151-909 151-911 151-913 | 1996 | Chow, N.; Al-Asam, I. S. et al.: Origin of authigenic carbonates in Cenozoic sediments from the Arctic Ocean and Norwegian-Greenland Sea, ODP Leg 151 | |
61% | 151 | 1996 | Thiede, Joern; Myhre, Annik M.: The paleoceanographic history of the North Atlantic-Arctic gateways; synthesis of the Leg 151 drilling results | download |
59% | 104 104-642 104-643 104-644 | 1987 | Eldholm, Olav; Thiede, Joern et al.: ODP Leg 104 (Norwegian Sea); explanatory notes | download |
58% | 152 152-918 152-919 | 1998 | Kudless, Kristen Ellen: Late Cenozoic ice-rafted debris studies of the SE Greenland margin and the North Pacific Ocean | |
58% | | 1986 | Ehrmann, W. U.; Thiede, J.: Sedimentzusammensetzung, Sedimentations- und Akkumulationsraten im Nordatlantik; Bohrergebnisse des Deep-Sea Drilling Project (Datensammlung) Sediment composition, sedimentation and accumulation rates in the North Atlantic Ocean; results of Deep Sea Drilling Project; data report | |
58% | 152 152-918 | 1996 | Nemoto, Naoki: Faunal changes of Neogene benthic foraminifers and paleoenvironment in the Irminger Basin, North Atlantic | |
58% | 152 | 1994 | Clift, P. D.; Turner, J.: Tectonic evolution of the NE Atlantic volcanic margins and the influence of the Icelandic hotspot | |
58% | 152 | 1994 | Karson, J. A.; Brooks, C. K. et al.: Tertiary faulting associated with dike intrusion and flexure on the East Greenland volcanic rifted margin | |
58% | | 1988 | Anonymous: Geologic history of the polar oceans; Arctic versus Antarctic | |
58% | 152 163 | 1996 | Philipp, H.; Eckhardt, J. D. et al.: ODP-Leg 163 (SE-Greenland volcanic rifted margin) first results of platinum- and trace element-investigations on basalts of the seawards dipping reflector sequences | |
58% | 38 | 1980 | Komeleva, V. A.: Litologicheskaya kharakteristika osadochnoy tolshchi Norvezhsko-Grenlandskogo basseyna Lithologic characteristics of sedimentary strata in the Norwegian-Greenland Basin | |
58% | 38 38-336 38-344 | 1976 | Warnke, D. A.; Hansen, M.: "Glacial" sediments in the Norwegian-Greenland seas (D.S.D.P. Leg 38); preliminary results | |
58% | | 1982 | Kharin, G. S.; Udintsev, G. B.: Tektonicheskaya struktura i osadochnyye porody khrebta Yan-Mayen The tectonic structure and sedimentary rocks of Jan Mayen Ridge | |
58% | 114 114-704 | 1990 | Gard, G.; Crux, Jason A.: Comparisons of late Quaternary climatic development between the Arctic and Antarctic through calcareous nannofossils | |
58% | 162 162-986 | 2000 | Eidvin, Tor: Late Cainozoic stratigraphy of the Norwegian continental shelf | |
58% | 152 | 1996 | Stax, R.: Marine vs. terrigenous organic matter accumulation in the Irminger Basin during Cenozoic times (ODP-Leg 152); paleoenvironmental implications | |
58% | 104 | 1990 | Eldholm, Olav: Magmatic-tectonic evolution of a volcanic rifted margin | |
58% | 151 151-909 | 1996 | Rinna, J.; Rullkoetter, Juergen et al.: Hydrocarbons as indicators for provenance and thermal history of organic matter in late Cenozoic sediments from Hole 909C, Fram Strait | |
58% | 162 | 1996 | Solheim, A.; Andersen, E. S. et al.: Late Cenozoic depositional history of the western Svalbard continental shelf, controlled by subsidence and climate | |
58% | 151 151-910 | 1996 | Spiegler, D.: Late Pliocene subtropical surface-water ingressions into northern high latitudes, Yermak Plateau, Leg 151, Site 910 | |
58% | | 1996 | Andersen, Espen S.; Dokken, Trond M. et al.: Late Quaternary sedimentation and glacial history of the western Svalbard continental margin | |
58% | 151 151-909 | 1995 | Grover, Rochelle; O'Connell, Suzanne: Arctic-Atlantic Miocene sediment history from Fram Strait; ODP Site 909 | |
58% | 151 | 1993 | Myhre, Annik M.; Thiede, Joern et al.: Ocean Drilling Program; Leg 151 scientific prospectus, North Atlantic Arctic Gateways 1 | |
58% | 151 | 1995 | Wolf-Welling, T. C. W.; Hird, R. et al.: The northernmost ODP drillsites; onset of Northern Hemisphere glaciation at 7.0 Ma; first sedimentological results (Leg 151 NAAG) | |
58% | 152 | 1994 | Hansen, H.; Nielsen, T. F. D. et al.: Magma types and stratigraphic variations in the earliest lavas of East Greenland during rifting of the North Atlantic | |
58% | 38 | 1979 | Kharin, G. S.: Magmaticheskiye porody Norvezhskogo i Grenlandskogo morey Magmatic rocks of the Norwegian and Greenland Seas | |
58% | 151 | 1993 | O'Connell, S.; Myhre, A. et al.: Arctic gateways; high latitude paleoenvironmental change; preliminary results from ODP Leg 151 | |
58% | 38 38-344 | 1993 | Eiken, Ola; Hinz, Karl: Contourites in the Fram Strait | |
58% | 45 | 1980 | Varentsov, I. M.: The metalliferous sediments of North Atlantic; geochemistry, features of formation | |
58% | 151 | 1995 | Hood, Julie A.; Floyd, Suzanne et al.: Heat flow in the North Atlantic-Arctic gateway | |
58% | 151 151-910 | 1995 | Flower, Benjamin P.: Late Quaternary Arctic Ocean paleoceanography on the Yermak Plateau; ODP Leg 151 Site 910 | |
58% | 152 152-918 | 1994 | Israelson, C.; Spezzaferri, S. et al.: Sr isotope dating of Cenozoic climate development as recorded in ODP Site 918, East Greenland | |
58% | 151 | 1995 | Stax, R.; Stein, R.: Organic carbon and biomarker at North Atlantic gateways sites (ODP-Leg 151); a 25 million years old record of paleoenvironment in high northern latitudes | |
58% | | 1996 | Meggers, H.; Baumann, K. H. et al.: Environmental changes in the northern Atlantic/Norwegian-Greenland Sea; evidence from Plio/Pleistocene calcareous plankton records | |
58% | 152 | 1996 | Spezzaferri, S.: Planktonic foraminifer biostratigraphy and paleoenvironmental implications of Leg 152 sites (East Greenland margin) | |
58% | 152 152-919 | 1996 | Krissek, L. A.; Kudless, K. E.: Pleistocene ice-rafting records from the Irminger Basin, SE Greenland margin; preliminary results | |
58% | 151 151-908 | 1996 | Winkler, A.; Cremer, M. et al.: Preliminary results of clay mineralogy and grain-size analyses of ODP Leg 151 Site 908 (NAAG) | |
58% | 38 38-336 | 1978 | Nilsen, T. H.: Lower Tertiary laterite on the Iceland-Faeroe Ridge and the Thulean land bridge | |
58% | 163 163-988 | 2001 | Philipp, H.; Eckhardt, J. D. et al.: Platinum-group elements (PGE) in basalts of the seaward-dipping reflector sequence, SE Greenland Coast | |
58% | 151 151-913 | 2007 | Eldrett, James S.; Harding, Ian C. et al.: Continental ice in Greenland during the Eocene and Oligocene | |
58% | 151 | 1994 | Myhre, Annik M.; Thiede, Jorn et al.: North Atlantic Arctic gateways | |
58% | 151 151-907 162 162-907 | 1994 | ODP drills in the Arctic Ocean | |
58% | 151 151-910 | 2007 | Mildner, Tanja; Matthiessen, Jens et al.: Variability in sediment supply to the Pleistocene eastern Arctic Ocean; a mineralogical perspective | |
58% | | 1997 | McIntyre, K.; Ravelo, A. C. et al.: Ground truthing the Cd/Ca-carbon isotope relationship in foraminifera of the Greenland-Iceland-Norwegian seas | |
58% | 152 163 | 2000 | Philipp, Harald: The behaviour of platinum-group elements in petrogenetic processes; a case study from the Seaward-Dipping Reflector Sequence (SDRS), Southeast Greenland volcanic rifted margin | |
58% | 152 152-918 | 2002 | St. John, Kristen E. K.; Krissek, Lawrence A.: The late Miocene to Pleistocene ice-rafting history of Southeast Greenland | |
58% | 104 104-644 | 1996 | Fronval, Torben; Jansen, Eystein: Rapid changes in ocean circulation and heat flux in the Nordic seas during the last interglacial period | |
58% | | 1984 | Udintsev, G. B.: Norwegian-Greenland basin; rifting and oceanization | |
58% | | 1982 | Yemel'yanov, Ye. M.; Kharin, G. S.: Rol' vulkanizma v formirovanii mineral'nogo sostava sovremennykh i pozdnechetvertichnykh osadkov Severnoy Atlantiki The role of volcanism in the formation of the mineral composition of modern and late Quaternary sediments in the North Atlantic | |
58% | 151 151-911 | 2008 | Junttila, Juho; Lahtinen, Taija et al.: Provenance and sea-ice transportation of mid-Pliocene and Quaternary sediments, Yermak Plateau, Arctic Ocean (ODP Site 911) | |
58% | 151 151-911 | 2002 | Ruikka, Mattiina; Strand, Kari: Clay minerals in response to the Pleistocene climate change on the Yermak Plateau, Arctic Ocean (ODP, Site 911) | |
58% | 151 151-910 | 2009 | Husum, Katrine; Knies, Jochen et al.: Pliocene paleoceanographic change in the Arctic; foraminifers and stable isotope evidence from ODP 910 | |
57% | 151 151-913 | 2008 | Tripati, Aradhna K.; Eagle, Robert A. et al.: Evidence for glaciation in the Northern Hemisphere back to 44 Ma from ice-rafted debris in the Greenland Sea | download |
57% | 38 104 151 151-913 | 2004 | Eldrett, James S.; Harding, Ian C. et al.: Magnetostratigraphic calibration of Eocene-Oligocene dinoflagellate cyst biostratigraphy from the Norwegian-Greenland Sea | download |
55% | 38 | 1976 | Mueller, C.: Tertiary and Quaternary calcareous nannoplankton in the Norwegian-Greenland Sea, DSDP, Leg 38 | download |
54% | 151 | 1996 | Thiede, Joern; Myhre, Annik M.: Introduction to the North Atlantic-Arctic gateways; plate tectonic-paleoceanographic history and significance | download |
49% | 38 104 151 162 306 | 2011 | Thiede, Jorn; Eldholm, Olav et al.: Scientific deep-sea drilling in high northern latitudes | |
48% | 151 | 1995 | Myhre, Annik M.; Thiede, Joern: North Atlantic-Arctic Gateways | download |
46% | 38 104 104-642 104-643 104-644 | 1989 | Eldholm, Olav; Thiede, Jorn et al.: The Norwegian continental margin; tectonic, volcanic, and paleoenvironmental framework | download |
46% | 152 152-918 152-919 | 1998 | Kuijpers, Antoon; Jensen, Jorn Bo et al.: Late Quaternary palaeo-oceanography of the Denmark Strait overflow pathway, South-East Greenland margin | |
46% | 38 | 1975 | Talwani, M.; Udintsev, G. et al.: Leg 38; Deep Sea Drilling Project | |
46% | 152 152-914 152-915 152-916 152-917 | 1994 | Larsen, H. C.; Saunders, A. D. et al.: Seven million years of glaciation in Greenland | |
46% | 38 38-336 38-344 | 1982 | Warnke, Detlef A.: Distribution of glacial-marine sediments and the beginning of ice rafting in the Norwegian-Greenland seas | |
46% | 152 163 | 2000 | Fitton, J. Godfrey; Larsen, Lotte M. et al.: Palaeogene continental to oceanic magmatism on the SE Greenland continental margin at 63 degrees N; a review of the results of Ocean Drilling Program Legs 152 and 163 | |
46% | 152 152-914 152-915 152-916 152-917 | 1994 | Larsen, H. C.; Sinton, C. et al.: Tectonic framework and implications of ODP Leg 152 drilling off SE Greenland | |
46% | 152 152-915 152-917 152-918 | 1994 | Sinton, C. W.; Larsen, H. C. et al.: The timing of volcanism at the Southeast Greenland margin, ODP Leg 152 | |
46% | 152 152-917 | 1994 | Demant, A.; Cambray, H. et al.: Volcanostratigraphy and tectonic evolution of the seaward dipping reflector sequences at Site 917 from cores and downhole measurements (ODP Leg 152, East Greenland margin) | |
46% | 38 38-338 38-342 | 1982 | Udintsev, G. B.: Primechaniye k razdelu "Tektonika dna okeana" A comment on the section, "Tectonics of the ocean floor" | |
46% | 49 49-407 | 1984 | Kossovskaya, A. G.; Petrova, V. V. et al.: Paragenesis of celadonite-glauconite minerals and cristobalite in altered oceanic basalts (based on data of DSDP Site 407) | |
46% | 152 152-915 152-917 152-918 | 1994 | Fitton, J. G.; Larsen, L. M. et al.: Magmatic evolution of the SE Greenland margin; results from ODP Leg 152 | |
46% | 38 38-348 | 1979 | Shevchenko, A. Ya.; Nesterova, M. P. et al.: Litologiya pozdnekaynozoyskikh otlozheniy Islandskogo plato (po skvazhine 348) The lithology of the lower Cenozoic deposits of the Icelandic Plateau; from Site 348 | |
46% | 38 | 1981 | Sigurdsson, Haraldur; Loebner, Benny: Deep-sea record of Cenozoic explosive volcanism in the North Atlantic | |
46% | 38 | 1976 | Talwani, M.; Udintsev, G. B. et al.: The 38th voyage of the drilling vessel Glomar Challenger | |
46% | 162 | 1995 | Elverhoi, Anders; Svendsen, John Inge et al.: Late Quaternary sediment yield from the high Arctic Svalbard area | |
46% | 151 151-908 151-909 | 1997 | Winkler, Amelie; Wolf-Welling, Thomas et al.: Clay mineral distribution in the Framstrait Sites 908A/909C, Arctic Gateway | |
46% | 152 152-918 152-919 | 1998 | Zhang, Libo; Chan, Lui-Heung et al.: Lithium isotope geochemistry of pore waters from Ocean Drilling Program sites 918 and 919, Irminger Basin | |
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