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Score Exp/Site/HoleYearAuthor/TitleFull text
100%1992Ling, Hsin Yi: Paleogene radiolarian events
100%2000Moore, T. C., Jr.: Scientific ocean drilling in the 21st century
86%1452000Gladenkov, A. Y.: North Pacific Cenozoic diatom zonation towards the next millennium; modern state and prospects of detailization
86%1984Benson, R. H.; Chapman, R. E. et al.: Identification of global paleoceanographic events using the Ostracoda
86%1980Cann, J. R.: Modelling of oceanic ridge crest processes in the light of IPOD drilling results
86%1980Medd, Alan: Nannofossil zonation of the Jurassic/Cretaceous boundary
86%1980Vuchev, Vassil: Numerical classification procedures in pattern recognition
86%1980Chamley, Herve; Robert, Christian: Paleoenvironmental significance of clay deposits in Atlantic black shales
86%1992Aubry, Marie-Pierre: Continental margins to deep sea correlations; the hiatus problem
86%1992Malpas, John: Contribution of ocean drilling to the understanding of processes of ocean lithosphere formation and ageing
86%1984Olsson, R. K.: Paleoslope models of foraminifera
86%1983Sheridan, Robert E.: Pulsation tectonics related to the breakup of continents
86%1976Schlich, R.: Structure and age of the western Indian Ocean; results of Deep Sea Drilling
86%1996Smolka, Peter P.: Stratabs; a new method for worldwide correlation
86%1101989Leonard, J.; Taylor, E.: Sediment accretion at the Barbados fore-arc; consolidation, permeability and physical properties
86%1992Kinoshita, H.; Kulinich, R. et al.: Tectonic feature of the Sea of Japan
86%1980Banerjee, S. K.: Rock magnetic techniques for deciphering the nature of alteration of the oceanic crust
86%1984Shipley, T. H.; Winterer, E. L. et al.: Equatorial Pacific seismic stratigraphy and the significance of seismic reflectors
86%1984Bogdanov, N. A.; Neprochnov, Yuri P.: Geology of the Bering Sea deep basins
86%1980Gruver, Nancy: Structural complexities of DSDP basement cores from the North Atlantic Ocean
86%291980Jenkins, Graham D.: Planktonic foraminifera and the Oligocene-Miocene boundary in the Southwest Pacific
86%1980Truswell, E. M.: Pollen deposition in offshore Antarctic sediments; implications for Tertiary climatic evolution and sub-ice geology
86%1992Nishimura, Akira; Murakami, Fumitoshi: Arc volcanism control on sedimentation of the rift basins of the Izu-Bonin Arc, western Pacific
86%1992Malyarenko, A. N.; S'edin, V. T.: Basaltoid magmatism of the Obruchev Elevation
86%1271992Brumsack, H. J.; Zuleger, E.: Boron and boron isotopes in pore waters from Leg 127 (Japan Sea)
86%1992Rabinowitz, Philip D.; Francis, Timothy J. G.: Ocean Drilling Program; scientific and technical highlights of eight years of operations
86%1992Austin, J. A., Jr.: ODP and rifted continental margins; past, present and future
86%1983Govorov, I. N.; Golubeva, E. D. et al.: Basalt geochemical types and provinces in the Pacific Ocean
86%2004Dalziel, Ian William Drummond: IGCP; the International Geosciences Programme (formerly the International Geological Correlation Programme)
86%1992Hay, William W.: Reversals of circulation in the central North Atlantic during the Eocene?
86%1992Jones, Gregory: Seamount sedimentary aprons; lithological nature and controlling mechanisms
86%1992Kominz, M. A.; Bond, G. C. et al.: Testing for Milankovitch-scale periodicity in the ancient record; application of the gamma method to cyclic sediments of Pleistocene and Cretaceous age
86%1992Davies, P. J.; Pigram, C. et al.: The effects of sea level change on the growth of the proto Barrier Reef and the Great Barrier Reef
86%2008Locklair, Robert; Hinnov, Linda et al.: Construction of the Cretaceous astronomical time scale; Part 2, Late Cretaceous
86%2004Prell, Warren L.: Understanding our planet through ocean drilling
86%2004Bartolini, Annachiara; Erba, Elisabetta et al.: Valanginian weissert oceanic anoxic event
86%1992Cambray, Herve; Cadet, Jean-Paul: Global synchronism of arc volcanism around Pacific Ocean
86%1992Coffin, Millard F.: LIPs and ODP
86%1980Sittler, Claude; Rauscher, Raymond et al.: Etude palynologique (pollenospores et dinoflagelles) des depots tertiaires de la marge ouest-africaine Palynology (miospores and dinoflagellates) of the Tertiary deposits from the West African margin
86%2000Hanada, Masaaki: The sea level changes estimated from the results of drillings on the deep sea
86%2000Goncalves, Carlos Augusto: Use of discriminant analysis and an artificial neural network in formation evaluation; a comparison study
86%2004Smolka, Peter Paul: The next decade of worldwide stratigraphy
86%1992Austin, James A., Jr.: Recent achievements and the future of ODP
86%1984Berggren, William A.: Oceanic event stratigraphy; correlation of biostratigraphic events and the evolution of the oceans
86%1983Kureshy, Ashfaq A.: Stratigraphic correlation of Cretaceous planktic foraminifera of Pakistan and Indian Ocean deep sea cores
86%2000Smolka, P.: Reconstruction, mapping and modeling of Neogene oceans
86%2000McKenzie, Judith A.: Searching for the deep sub-seafloor biosphere in the deep sediment habitat
1992Ogihara, Shigenori: Diagenetic clinoptilolite-heulandite group zeolite from ODP Site 795, Japan Sea
71%1992Kaiho, Kunio: Dissolved oxygen changes in intermediate and deep waters during the past 100 million years on foraminiferal morphology
1992Yano, Takao; Fujita, Yukinori: Dynamics of arc-trench genesis in Northeast Japan; slant upwelling of thermal plume
71%1261992Saito, Saneatsu; Kaiho, Kunio et al.: Evolution of the middle part of the Izu-Bonin Arc based on volcaniclastic sediments and benthic foraminifera
71%1311992Byrne, Tim; Maltman, Alex J. et al.: Evolution of the Nankai Trough deformation front; evidence for pervasive fluid flow and a presently sealed decollement
1996Nemoto, Naoki: Faunal changes of Neogene benthic foraminifers and paleoenvironment in the Irminger Basin, North Atlantic
71%1432000Iskhakov, Albert: Ocean floor secondary minerals in volcanoclastites; an attempt of thermodynamic analysis
2000Konovalov, Yu. I.: Petrology of basalts and tectono-magmatic evolution of the Japan Sea region
71%1292000Foellmi, Karl B.: Phosphogenesis, the phosphorus cycle, and environmental change
1980Timofeev, P. P.; Rengarten, N. V. et al.: On history of Meso-Cenozoic sedimentation and geological development of the north-eastern part of the Atlantic Ocean
1976McKirdy, D. M.; Cook, P. J.: Organic and inorganic geochemistry of sediments in a deep ocean trough (DSDP Site 262, Timor Sea)
71%1642000Paull, Charles K.: Drilling for gas hydrates; ODP Leg 164
71%1642000Paull, Charles K.: Gas hydrates; lessons from ODP Leg 164
71%1162000Gopala Rao, D.; Krishna, K. S. et al.: Geophysical studies of the intraplate deformation zone, central Indian Ocean
71%2000Alves, E. C.; Baptista Neto, J. A. et al.: Geophysical, geological and oceanographic parameters used in the selection of a marine area in Brazil to locate low radioactive waste
71%1842000Wang, P.; Prell, W. L. et al.: History of the South China Sea in sediment record
71%2000Zhirnov, E. A.; Cherkashev, G. A. et al.: Inner structure of the TAG active hydrothermal mound (by ODP materials)
71%1582000Fujioka, Kantaro; Chiba, Hitoshi et al.: Large change of architecture and fluid passway at the TAG hydrothermal mound, Mid-Atlantic Ridge
71%1261992Tazaki, Kazue; Tazaki, Koichi et al.: Characterization of clays with organics in the deep sea sediments using electron micro techniques
71%1391992Marumo, Katsumi: Clay mineralogy of hydrothermally altered sediment of Middle Valley seafloor hydrothermal system
71%1992Kirillova, Galina L.: Comparative characteristics of Cenozoic sedimentary basins of the East Asia-Pacific Ocean junction zone
1992Dehn, J.; Schmincke, H. U.: 40 Ma tephrochronology of Ninetyeast Ridge and Broken Ridge, eastern Indian Ocean
71%381992van Hinte, Jan E.: A Mediterranean moisture motor of global climate change
71%1992Berggren, William A.: A revised Neogene magnetobiochronology; framework for improved global marine-terrestrial correlations
71%1241992Oda, Hirokuni; Shibuya, Hidetoshi et al.: A short normal polarity record within Matuyama reversed chron from SE Sulu basin (ODP Leg 124)
1996Seifert, Karl: Mantle peridotites and derivative basalts; examples from the Iberia abyssal plain
71%1531996Gao, Dengliang; Karson, Jeffrey A. et al.: Microstructures of metagabbros at the eastern Kane Ridge-transform intersection in the MARK area; implications for extensional deformation of the oceanic crust
71%1141989Ciesielski, P. F.; Hodell, D. A. et al.: Late Cretaceous-Cenozoic paleoenvironment of Subantarctic South Atlantic
1989Emelyanov, E. M.; Trimonis, E. S. et al.: New Mesozoic and Cenozoic patholithological and geochemical maps and Atlantic development
2004Zhao, Xixi; Lippert, Peter et al.: Paleomagnetic and rock magnetic results from ODP Leg 203, eastern Equatorial Pacific
2004Villa, Giuliana; Lupi, Claudia et al.: Plio-Pleistocene calcareous nannofossils from ODP Leg 188 Site 1165 (Prydz Bay, Antarctica)
71%2012004Schippers, Axel; Neretin, Lev N. et al.: Quantification of Archaea and bacteria in marine deep sediments using CARD-FISH and real-time PCR
1992Taira, Asahiko: Convergent margin ODP drilling and its implications to the study of orogenic belts
71%1992Belyaeva, Natalia; Burmistrova, Irina: Datum levels and evolution of planktonic and benthonic foraminiferal assemblages in Pleistocene of the east equatorial Indian Ocean
71%1411992Behrmann, Jan H.; Lewis, Stephen D. et al.: Deep drilling in the hanging wall of a subducting active oceanic spreading ridge at the Chile triple junction; objectives and achievements of Leg 141 of the Ocean Drilling Program (ODP)
1989Larsen, B.; Cooper, A. K.: Early Antarctic glaciation; evidence from ODP Leg 119 drilling in Prydz Bay, Antarctica
1992Haggerty, J.; Premoli Silva, Isabella et al.: Preliminary results from drilling on western Pacific guyots
71%1992Wen, Renjun; Sinding-Larsen, Richard: Quantitative analysis of GLORIA side-scan sonar imaging; a comparison of theoretical and ground truth calibration in a study of the Mississippi deep sea fan
1996Vagina, Nataliya K.: The changes of vegetation under the influence of climate; on palynological data
71%1451996Gladenkov, Andrey Yu.: The Oligocene to early Miocene diatom stratigraphy and paleoenvironmental changes in the North Pacific
1992Pisias, N.: Understanding global climate change and its response to changes in the distribution of solar insolation; the role of the Ocean Drilling Program
1984Baker, P. A.; Stout, P. M.: Diagenesis of deep-sea carbonate sediments
1996Yin Yanhong; Zhou Moqing et al.: A possible catastrophic event of the Eastern Pacific in the end of Eocene
71%1171992Niitsuma, Nobuaki; Yasunari, Tetsuzo: Summer monsoon history and Tibet-Himalayan uplift as a key of the Quaternary glacial cycle
71%1992Kagami, Hideo; Mitusio, Taikou: Supply of trench-fill sediment through forearc basins along Nankai Trough, Southwest Japan
71%451980Varentsov, I. M.: The metalliferous sediments of North Atlantic; geochemistry, features of formation
71%1141989Hodell, D. A.; Ciesielski, P. F. et al.: Interhemispheric comparison of oceanographic changes between Southern Ocean and Northern Hemisphere during Matuyama Chron (2.47 to 0.97 MA.)
71%1984Zverev, S. M.; Yaroshevskaya, G. A. et al.: DSS data on the crustal and subcrustal lithosphere structure on the Angola Basin
1984Papavissiliou, C. T.: Geochemistry and mineralogy of Site 222 in N.W. Indian Ocean (Arabian Sea) Leg 23 Deep Sea Drilling Project (D.S.D.P.)
1989Belyaeva, N. V.; Burmistrova, I. I.: Some aspects of east equatorial Indian Ocean's Pleistocene paleocirculation (based on foraminifera)
1989Bourgois, J.: Tectonic history of the Peruvian margin with special reference to tectonic erosion
71%1211989Driscoll, N. W.; Peirce, J. W. et al.: History of Broken Ridge (Indian Ocean) from ODP Leg 121 drilling and seismic stratigraphy
71%701980Honnorez, J.; Von Herzen, R. P.: IPOD Leg 70; comparison between open and closed hydrothermal regimes in young and not so young oceanic crust

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