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Score Exp/Site/HoleYearAuthor/TitleFull text
100%1995Tectonics Panel white paper
88%1998JOIDES/ODP Directory
88%1997Suyehiro, Kiyoshi: Borehole observatories; global networking and 4-D monitoring
88%1992Ball, Mahlon M.: Ocean Drilling Program guidelines for pollution prevention and safety
88%1999Anonymous: A guide to the Ocean Drilling Program
88%1998Moran, Kate: Entering the 30-something years
88%1998Fox, P. Jeff: A dry dock for the JOIDES resolution
88%1998Chondrogianni, Christina: Through the Labyrinth of ODP's proposal cycle
75%1511994Bristow, James: Wireline logging in the Arctic Ocean
75%1521994Cambray, Herve: Logging the seaward-dipping reflectors on East Greenland margin
75%2003Bohlen, Steven R.: The JOI Alliance welcomes the inauguration of IODP
75%2004Janecek, Thomas: A quick-start guide to the Integrated Ocean Drilling Program
75%1999Reagan, Mary; Broglia, Cristina et al.: Bringing ODP log data to the World Wide Web
75%2003Groeschel, Henny: ODP/DSDP legacy holes; a review of reentry holes, CORKs and other borehole observatory installations
75%1998Takagawa, Shinichi: Riser drilling technology for an Integrated Ocean Drilling Program (IODP)
75%1998Humphris, Susan E.: The FY'OO ODP science plan; Legs 188-193
75%1998Johnson, Leonard: The Nansen Arctic Drilling Program
75%2002Peterson, Larry C. (ed.); Elderfield, H. (ed.) et al.: Achievements and opportunities of scientific ocean drilling; the legacy of the Ocean Drilling Program
75%2001Backman, Jan: Arctic Detailed Planning Group (ADPG) final report
75%1997Goldberg, Dave: Detection of in situ physical properties using logging-while-drilling
75%1984Marszalek, D. S.; Honnorez, J. J.: Ocean Drilling Program; Joint Oceanographic Institutions for Deep Earth Sampling (JOIDES)
75%1997Mountain, Gregory; Driscoll, Neal: Platforms for shallow water drilling
75%1998Bollfrass, Buddy; Miller, Jay: Activation of the drill string compensator on board the JOIDES resolution
75%1998Alverson, Keith: Focus on international geoscience initiatives PAGES; past global changes
63%841982Aubouin, Jean; von Huene, Roland et al.: Glomar Challenger operations; Leg 84, Middle America Trench
63%1581994Herzig, Peter; Humphris, Susan et al.: TAG hydrothermal system
1982Kagami, Hideo; Karig, Daniel E. et al.: Planned Challenger drilling; Leg 87, Japan margin; Leg 88, Northwest Pacific Basin; Leg 89, East Mariana Basin
1980Gardner, J.; Prell, W. L.: Leg 68/HPC
63%2000Coffin, Mike; Frey, Fred et al.: Development of an intraoceanic large igneous province; the Kerguelen Plateau and Broken Ridge, southern Indian Ocean
63%1862000Suyehiro, Kiyoshi; Sacks, Selwyn et al.: Japan Trench geophysical observatories; ODP Leg 186
63%2002Zahn, Rainer: Milankovitch and climate; the orbital code of climate change
63%1501993Mountain, Gregory S.; Miller, Kenneth et al.: New Jersey sea level; Mid-Atlantic transect
63%1561995Shipley, Thomas H.; Ogawa, Yujiro et al.: Barbados Ridge accretionary prism
63%174A1998Austin, James A., Jr.; Christie-Blick, Nicholas et al.: Miocene to Pleistocene sand-rich sequences and sea-level changes at the New Jersey outer shelf; results from Leg 174A
63%1701997Silver, Eli: Complete sediment subduction and implications of fluid flow in the Middle America Trench off Costa Rica
63%174B1998Becker, Keir; Richter, Carl et al.: Leg 174B revisits Hole 395A; logging and long-term monitoring of off-axis hydrothermal processes in young oceanic crust
1980von Huene, R.; Aubouin, J.: Summary of Deep Sea Drilling Project; Leg 67, The Mid-America Trench transect off Guatemala
63%1571995Schmincke, Hans-Ulrich; Weaver, Philip P. E. et al.: The clastic apron of Gran Canaria and the Madeira abyssal plain
1995Humphris, Susan E.; Herzig, Peter M. et al.: TAG hydrothermal field
1999Hovland, Martin; Francis, T. J. G. et al.: Strategy for scientific drilling of marine gas hydrates
63%1999Brueckmann, Warner; Cepek, Martin et al.: The ocean drilling stratigraphic network (
63%1501994Mountain, Gregory S.; Miller, Kenneth G. et al.: New Jersey continental slope and rise
63%1511994Myhre, Annik M.; Thiede, Jorn et al.: North Atlantic Arctic gateways
63%1952001Salisbury, M.; Shinohara, M. et al.: Leg 195; seafloor observatories and the history of the Kuroshio Current
63%2002Arndt, Nicholas; Weis, Dominique: Oceanic plateaus as windows to the Earth's interior; an ODP success story
63%1997Bollfrass, C. A. Buddy; Friedrichs, Michael W. et al.: Technological innovations for ODP; the Hard Rock Coring System (HRCS) and the Hard Rock Re-Entry System (HRRS)
63%1997Mountain, Gregory S.; Miller, Kenneth G.: The cause and effect of sea level change; unraveling the stratigraphic yarn
63%2002Pearce, Julian: The oceanic lithosphere
63%2002Miller, Kenneth G.: The role of ODP in understanding the causes and effects of global sea level change
63%2002Bralower, Timothy J.; Kelly, D. Clay et al.: Biotic effects of abrupt Paleocene and Cretaceous climate events
1999Flueh, E. R.; Grevemeyer, I. et al.: Investigating the crustal framework at the NERO Hole 1107A, Leg 179
63%2002Suess, Erwin: The evolution of an idea; from avoiding gas hydrates to actively drilling for them
63%1998Pirmez, Carlos; Brewer, Tim S.: Borehole electrical images; recent advances in ODP
63%171A1997Moore, J. Casey; Klaus, Adam: Initiation and evolution of fault zones; insights from Barbados accretionary prism logging while drilling ODP Leg 171A
63%1731997Whitmarsh, Bob; Beslier, Marie-Odile et al.: Leg 173 completes transect of West Iberia margin from continental to oceanic crust
63%1601995Robertson, Alistair; Emeis, Kay-Christian et al.: Mediterranean Sea Leg I
63%1611995Comas, Maria; Zahn, Rainer et al.: Mediterranean Sea Leg II
63%1801999Taylor, Brian; Huchon, Philippe et al.: Continental rifting, low-angle normal faulting and deep biosphere; results of Leg 180 drilling in the Woodlark Basin
63%2002Kroon, Dick; Norris, Richard D. et al.: Exceptional global warmth and climatic transients recorded in oceanic sediments
63%2002D'Hondt, Steven; Smith, David C. et al.: Exploration of the marine subsurface biosphere
63%2002Moore, Casey; Silver, Eli: Fluid flow in accreting and eroding convergent margins
63%2002Suyehiro, Kiyoshi: Illuminating Earth's mantle and core; a new challenge for ODP
63%1751998Berger, Wolfgang H.; Wefer, Gerold et al.: Benguela current and Angola-Benguela upwelling systems; preliminary results from Leg 175
63%2002Kennett, James P.; Peterson, Larry C.: Rapid climate change; ocean responses to Earth system instability in the late Quaternary
63%2002Piper, David J. W.; Migeon, Sebastien: Sedimentation processes on terrigenous continental margins
63%3022004Kingdon, Andrew; Brett, Colin: The Arctic coring expedition; a preview of the first IODP mission specific platform deployment
63%1511994Larsen, Hans Christian; Saunders, Andrew D. et al.: East Greenland margin
63%1551994Flood, Roger D.; Piper, David J. W. et al.: Amazon deep-sea fan
63%1541994Curry, William B.; Shackleton, Nicholas J. et al.: Ceara Rise
63%2002Plank, Terry: Subduction factory input and output
63%1621995Jansen, Eystein; Raymo, Maureen et al.: North Atlantic Arctic Gateways II
50%1791998Pettigrew, Tom L.; Holloway, G. Leon et al.: Hammer drill; an overview and post Leg 179 update
50%171B1997Kroon, Dick; Norris, Richard D. et al.: Critical boundaries in Earth's history; and the K-T boundary
50%1791998Goldberg, D.; Myers, Greg et al.: Measurement-while-coring in ODP; success during Leg 179 and the road ahead
1982Mayer, Larry; Theyer, Fritz: Site summaries; Leg 85, Equatorial Pacific
1993Carson, Bobb; Westbrook, Graham H. et al.: Cascadia margin
1993Gillis, Kathryn M.; Mevel, Catherine et al.: Hess Deep rift valley
1998Casey, John F.; Miller, Jay et al.: Leg 179; Hole 1105A and NERO Hole 1107A
50%2003Allan, James; Alt, Jeffrey C. et al.: Final report excerpts; Hard Rock Working Group of the JOIDES Scientific Measurements Panel (SCIMP)
50%1992003Lyle, Mitchell; Wilson, Paul et al.: Leg 199 investigates the "greenhouse" Eocene in the tropical Pacific Ocean
50%1972003Duncan, Robert; Tarduno, John et al.: ODP Leg 197; a paleomagnetic test for motion of the Hawaiian hotspot
50%1811999Carter, Robert; Carter, Lionel et al.: The DWBC sediment drift record from Leg 181; drilling in the Pacific gateway for the global thermohaline circulation
50%2072004Mosher, David C.; Erbacher, Jochen et al.: ODP Leg 207; causes and consequences of carbon cycle perturbations during the Cretaceous to Paleogene greenhouse; Demerara Rise, western Equatorial Atlantic
50%2082004Zachos, James C.; Kroon, Dick et al.: ODP Leg 208; the early Cenozoic extreme climates transect along Walvis Ridge
50%2092004Kelemen, Peter; Kikawa, Eiichi et al.: ODP Leg 209 drills into mantle peridotite along the Mid-Atlantic Ridge from 14 degrees N to 16 degrees N
50%2012003D'Hondt, Steven; Jorgensen, Bo Barker et al.: ODP Leg 201 explores microbial life in deeply buried marine sediments off Peru
2003Orcutt, John A.; Schultz, Adam et al.: ODP Leg 203; an Equatorial Pacific ION site
50%2042003Trehu, A. M.; Bohrmann, G. et al.: ODP Leg 204; gas hydrate distribution and dynamics beneath southern Hydrate Ridge
50%2052003Morris, Julie D.; Villinger, Heinrich W. et al.: ODP Leg 205; fluid flow and subduction fluxes across the Costa Rica convergent margin
2003Teagle, Damon A. H.; Wilson, Douglas S. et al.: ODP Leg 206; upper oceanic crust formed at a superfast spreading rate
50%1982002Bralower, Timothy J.; Premoli Silva, Isabella et al.: ODP Leg 198; new evidence for rapid climate change in the Cretaceous and Paleogene from the Shatsky Rise, Northwest Pacific Ocean
2002Stephen, Ralph A.; Kasahara, Junzo et al.: ODP Leg 200; drilling at the Hawaii-2 Observatory (H2O) and Nuuanu Landslide
1997Ellins, Kathy: The ODP Science Plan; legs 176 to 181 (FY 1998) & legs 182 to 183 (FY 1999)
50%1761998Natland, James H.; Dick, Henry J. B. et al.: A long gabbro section in the ocean crust; results of Leg 176 drilling, Southwest Indian Ridge
2001Mahoney, John; Fitton, Godfrey et al.: ODP Leg 192; basement drilling on the Ontong Java Plateau
2001Isern, Alexandra R.; Anselmetti, Flavio S. et al.: ODP Leg 194; sea level magnitudes recorded by continental margin sequences on the Marion Plateau, Northeast Australia
50%1171999Wang Pinxian; Prell, Warren et al.: Exploring the Asian monsoon through drilling the South China Sea
2002Fisher, A. T.: The dynamics and significance of fluids within the seafloor
50%1681997Davis, Earl; Fisher, Andy et al.: Hydrogeology of the upper oceanic crust
50%1691997Fouquet, Yves; Zierenberg, Robert et al.: Leg 169 drills a major massive sulfide deposit on a sediment-buried spreading center

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