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Score ↓ | Exp/Site/Hole | Year | Author/Title | Full text |
100% | 104 | 1987 | Henrich, R.: Glazial/Interglazial Sedimentationszyklen in der Norwegischen See; Palaeozeanographische Interpretation und langfristige Klimatrends - Leg 104, Norwegische See Glacial/interglacial sedimentation cycles in the Norwegian Sea; paleooceanographic interpretation and long-term climatic trends; Leg 104, Norwegian Sea | |
100% | 104 | 1990 | Hoelemann, J.; Henrich, R. et al.: Organische Substanzen in den Kaenozoischen Sedimenten der Norwegischen See (Voring Plateau, ODP Leg 104) Organic substances in the Cenozoic sediments of the Norwegian Sea, Voring Plateau, ODP Leg 104 | |
100% | 104 | 1987 | Thiede, J.: Palaeogene und neogene Ablagerungsgeschichte des Europaeischen Nordmeers (ODP Leg 104) Paleogene and Neogene depositional history of the European North Sea, ODP Leg 104 | |
100% | 104 | 1987 | Henrich, R.: Karbonat- und Opaldiagenese in untermiozaenen Sedimenten der Norwegischen See (ODP Site 643 A, Leg 104) Carbonate and opal diagenesis in lower Miocene sediments of the Norwegian Sea; ODP Site 643A, Leg 104 | |
100% | 104 104-643 | 1987 | Henrich, R.: Karbonat- und Opaldiagenese in untermiozaenen Sedimenten der Norwegischen See (ODP Site 643A, Leg 104) Carbonate and opal diagenesis of lower Miocene sediments of the Norwegian Sea, ODP Site 643A, Leg 104 | |
100% | 104 | 1994 | Hoelemann, Jens A.: Akkumulation von autochthonem und allochthonem organischem Material in den kaenozoischen Sedimenten der Norwegischen See (ODP Leg 104) Accumulation of autochthonous and allochthonous organic material in the Cenozoic sediments of the Norwegian Sea (ODP Leg 104) | |
82% | 104 105 | 1988 | Mudie, P. J.; de Vernal, Anne et al.: Neogene-Recent palynostratigraphy for sub-arctic basins; results of ODP Leg 104, Norwegian Sea, and Leg 105, Baffin Bay | |
82% | 104 | 1986 | Viereck, L.; Parson, L. et al.: Rift-andesites and drift-tholeiites; early Tertiary magmatic evolution of the NE-Atlantic, ODP Leg 104, Voring Plateau | |
82% | 104 104-642 104-643 | 1993 | Mueller, Carla; Spiegler, Dorothee: Revision of the late/middle Miocene boundary on the Voering Plateau (ODP Leg 104) | |
80% | 94 94-610 104 | 1986 | Jansen, Eystein; Kringstad, L. et al.: Paleo-oseanografiske endringer i Norskehavet og Nord-Atlanteren i Neogene og Kvartaer; DSDP Leg 94 & ODP Leg 104 Paleo-oceanographic alteration of the Norwegian North Atlantic Neogene and Quaternary; DSDP Leg 94 and ODP Leg 104 | |
80% | 104 104-642 104-643 | 1996 | Bruns, Peter: Geochemische und sedimentologische Untersuchungen ueber das Sedimentationsverhalten im Bereich biostratigraphischer Diskontinuitaetn im Neogen des Nordatlantik, ODP leg 104, sites 642B und 643A Geochemical and sedimentological investigations on the behavior of sediments in biostratigraphic discontinuities in the Neogene of the North Atlantic, ODP Leg 104, sites 642B and 643A | |
80% | 94 94-611 104 104-642 | 1986 | Mudie, Peta J.: Evolution of Atlantic-Arctic seaways; palynology of Cenozoic volcanic and glaciogenic sediments, Norwegian Sea ODP Leg 104 and Arctic Ocean | |
69% | 104 | 1986 | Reflector identified; glacial onset seen | |
65% | 104 105 | 1988 | Mudie, Peta J.; de Vernal, Anne et al.: Neogene-Recent palynostratigraphy for sub-Arctic basins; results of Leg 104, Norwegian Sea, and Leg 105, Baffin Bay | |
65% | 104 104-642 | 1986 | Eldholm, O.; Thiede, J. et al.: ODP LEG 104 drilling and early opening of the Norwegian Sea | |
65% | 104 104-642 | 1986 | Taylor, E.; Pittenger, A. et al.: Density and velocity analyses of dipping reflectors; ODP Leg 104, Norwegian Sea | |
65% | 104 | 1986 | Eldholm, O.; Thiede, Jorn et al.: Dipping reflectors in the Norwegian Sea; ODP Leg 104 drilling results | |
65% | 104 104-642 | 1985 | Phillips, J. D.; Winkler, H. et al.: Vertical seismic profile of seaward dipping reflector sequence; Voring Plateau, ODP Leg 104, Site 642 | |
65% | 94 94-611 104 105 | 1990 | Mudie, P. J.; de Vernal, A. et al.: Neogene to Recent palynostratigraphy of Circum-Arctic Basins; results of ODP Leg 104, Norwegian Sea, Leg 105, Baffin Bay, and DSDP Site 611, Irminger Sea | |
65% | 38 38-348 104 104-642 104-643 | 1987 | Manum, Svein B.; Boulter, Michael C. et al.: Palynology of the Eocene to Miocene sedimentary sequence of ODP Leg 104 (Norwegian Sea) | |
65% | 104 104-643 104-644 | 1994 | Henrich, R.; Baumann, K. H.: Evolution of the Norwegian Current and the Scandinavian ice sheets during the past 2.6 m.y.; evidence from ODP Leg 104 biogenic carbonate and terrigenous records | |
58% | 104 104-642 104-644 | 1988 | Jansen, E.; Sjoholm, J. et al.: Late Neogene-Pleistocene glaciation and paleoclimates of the Norwegian Sea | |
58% | 104 105 | 1988 | Bohrmann, G.; Hempel, P. et al.: North Atlantic and Norwegian-Greenland Sea Miocene to Pliocene paleoceanography | |
58% | 104 104-643 | 1988 | Osterman, Lisa E.: Norwegian Sea benthic foraminifera; faunal comparisons using different sieve sizes | |
58% | 104 | 1994 | Schreckenberger, B.; Roeser, H. A.: Seaward dipping reflector sequences as sources for high amplitude marine magnetic anomalies | |
58% | 104 104-643 | 1992 | Osterman, Lisa E.: Early, middle and late glacial paleoceanography of the Norwegian Sea; benthic foraminiferal record | |
58% | 104 104-643 | 1987 | Osterman, Lisa E.: Glacial-interglacial fluctuations in the Norwegian Sea | |
58% | 104 | 1986 | Viereck, L.; Hertogen, J. et al.: Andesites of Eocene age on the Voring Plateau, NE-Atlantic; evidence for melting of continental crust during continental break-up | |
58% | 104 | 1998 | Bruns, Peter; Dullo, Wolf-Christian et al.: Hiatuses on Voring Plateau; sedimentary gaps or preservation artifacts? | |
58% | 104 152 163 | 1996 | Buecker, C.; Delius, H. et al.: Magnetic properties of basaltic lava flows in relation to their structural features | |
58% | 104 | 1990 | Eldholm, Olav: Magmatic-tectonic evolution of a volcanic rifted margin | |
58% | 104 | 1987 | Morton, Andrew C.; Parson, Lindsay M. et al.: Basalt-peraluminous dacite association related to lithospheric extension and crustal separation, NE Atlantic | |
58% | 104 | 1993 | Poole, David A. R.; Vorren, Tore O.: Miocene to Quaternary paleoenvironments and uplift history on the mid Norwegian shelf | |
58% | 104 105 | 1985 | Taylor, Elliott; Bryant, William R.: Northern latitude scientific ocean drilling | |
58% | 104 104-642 104-643 | 1993 | Eldholm, Olav; Thomas, Ellen: Environmental impact of volcanic margin formation | |
58% | 104 104-642 | 1993 | Planke, S.: Geophysical response of flood basalts from analysis of wireline logs; ODP Site 642, Voring volcanic margin | |
58% | 104 | 1990 | Boulter, M. C.: The "Brito-Arctic Igneous Province Flora" around the Palaeocene/Eocene boundary | |
58% | 104 | 1990 | Nuernberg, D.: Spurenelemente in Foraminiferen als Anzeiger fuer palaeo-ozeanographische Aenderungen Trace elements in foraminifers as indicators for paleo-oceanographic changes | |
58% | 104 104-642 104-643 | 1988 | Krissek, Lawrence A.: Provenance history of detrital sediments at ODP sites 642 & 643, Norwegian Sea | |
58% | 38 104 | 1989 | Hempel, P.: Der Einfluss von biogenem Opal auf die Bildung seismischer Reflektoren und die Verbreitung opalreicher Sedimente auf dem Voring Plateau The influence of biogenic opal on the formation of seismic reflectors and the distribution of opal-rich sediments on the Voring Plateau | |
58% | 104 | 1990 | Thiede, Joern; Pfirman, Stephanie et al.: Bathymetry of Molloy Deep; Fram Strait between Svalbard and Greenland | |
58% | 104 104-642 | 1986 | Hintz, B.: Korrelation von Bohrlochdaten und Reflexionsseismischen Messungen mit Hilfe synthetischer Seismogramme Correlation of well logs and seismic reflection measurements with the help of synthetic seismograms | |
58% | 104 104-643 | 2003 | Head, Martin J.: Neogene occurrences of the marine acritarch genus Nannobarbophora Habib and Knapp, 1982 emend., and the new species N. gedlii | |
58% | 104 104-643 | 1988 | Osterman, L. E.: Benthic foraminiferal biostratigraphy of Site 643 in the Norwegian Sea | |
58% | 104 114 | 1988 | Ciesielski, P. F.; Hailwood, E. A. et al.: Calibration of Cenozoic paleomagnetic and microfossil stratigraphies of the northern and southern high latitudes | |
58% | 104 113 | 1988 | Spiess, V.; Bleil, U.: Cenozoic magnetostratigraphies in the Norwegian and Weddell Seas; results of ODP legs 104 and 113 | |
58% | 104 | 1986 | The petrology and geochemistry of the lavas constituting a section through the dipping reflectors of the Voring Plateau of the North Atlantic | |
58% | 104 | 1990 | Thiede, J.: Wann begann die Vereisung der nordpolaren Tiefseebecken und der angrenzenden Kontinente? When did the glaciation of the North Pole deep-sea basins and the adjacent continents begin? | |
58% | 104 119 | 1992 | Pittenger, Hugh Alan: Geotechnical properties of siliceous sediments from the Voring Plateau, Norwegian Sea and the Kerguelen Plateau, Southern Ocean | |
58% | 104 104-642 | 1988 | Winkler, H.; Phillips, J. D. et al.: Vertical seismic profile experiment; ODP Site 642, seaward dipping reflectors, interpretations and seismic correlations | |
58% | 104 104-643 | 1995 | Nuernberg, Dirk: Magnesium in tests of Neogloboquadrina pachyderma sinistral from high northern and southern latitudes | |
58% | 104 105 | 1989 | Kaminski, Michael A.: The use of Cenozoic deep-water agglutinated foraminifera for constraining the onset of thermohaline deep circulation; oceanic gateways in the North Atlantic | |
58% | 104 104-642 | 1997 | Manum, Svein B.: Decahedrella martinheadii gen. et sp. nov.; a problematic palynomorph from the northern Atlantic Miocene | |
58% | 104 104-644 | 1996 | Fronval, Torben; Jansen, Eystein: Rapid changes in ocean circulation and heat flux in the Nordic seas during the last interglacial period | |
58% | 104 | 1988 | Mudie, Peta J.; Saunders, K. et al.: TAS; a versatile computerized microscope system for automated image analysis and statistical study of palynomorphs | |
58% | 104 104-642 | 1991 | Boden, Per: Reproducibility in the random setting method for quantitative diatom analysis | |
58% | 104 104-643 | 1994 | Bauch, Henning A.: Beella megastoma (Earland) in late Pleistocene Norwegian-Greenland Sea sediments; stratigraphy and meltwater implication | |
58% | 104 151 | 1994 | Locker, S.: Biostratigraphy of Cenozoic high latitude sediments based on siliceous flagellates | |
58% | 104 105 | 1988 | Thiede, J.; Spielhagen, R. F. et al.: Cenozoic Northern Hemisphere paleoclimate; An enigma of correlation of oceanic and continental stratigraphic sequences | |
58% | 104 104-643 | 2003 | von Dobeneck, Tilo; Frederichs, Thomas et al.: Low-temperature antiferromagnetism of siderite, rhodochrosite, and vivianite | |
57% | 104 | 1986 | Eldholm, O.; Thiede, J. et al.: Resultats preliminaires de la campagne 104 du Joides-Resolution (Ocean Drilling Program) sur le plateau de Voering (Est de la Mer de Norvege): volcanisme lie aux premiers stades de distension d'une croute continentale. Fluctuations climatiques au Nord du Cercle Arctique au cours du Neogene et du Quaternaire Preliminary results of ODP Leg 104 to the Voring Plateau in the eastern Norwegian Sea; volcanism related to the rifting of continental crust; climatic fluctuations north of the Arctic Circle during Neogene and Quaternary time | |
49% | 104 | 1994 | Hoelemann, Jens A.; Henrich, Ruediger: Allochthonous versus autochthonous organic matter in Cenozoic sediments of the Norwegian Sea; evidence for the onset of glaciations in the Northern Hemisphere | |
49% | 38 104 151 | 2008 | Thiede, Joern; Eldholm, Olav et al.: Deep-sea drilling in the Norwegian-Greenland Sea and Arctic Ocean a tribute to Manik Talwani | |
49% | 38 104 151 162 306 | 2011 | Thiede, Jorn; Eldholm, Olav et al.: Scientific deep-sea drilling in high northern latitudes | |
48% | 104 104-642 104-643 104-644 | 1989 | Desprairies, Alain; Maury, R. C. et al.: Distribution, chemical characteristics, and organic of ash layers from ODP Leg 104, Voring Plateau, North Atlantic | download |
48% | 104 104-642 104-643 104-644 | 1987 | Eldholm, Olav; Thiede, Joern et al.: ODP Leg 104; underway geophysics | download |
46% | 104 151 151-909 | 1998 | Thiede, Joern; Winkler, Amelie et al.: Late Cenozoic history of the polar North Atlantic; results from ocean drilling | |
46% | 104 104-643 | 1990 | Goll, R. M.; Skarbo, O. et al.: High-resolution dating of Cenozoic sediments from northern North Sea using (super 87) Sr/ (super 86) Sr stratigraphy; discussion and reply | |
46% | 103 103-637 104 104-642 107 107-651 | 1988 | Austin, J. A., Jr.; Winterer, E. L. et al.: ODP and rifted continental margins; progress and prospects | |
46% | 104 104-642 | 1988 | Viereck, L. G.; Taylor, P. N. et al.: Origin of the Palaeogene Voring Plateau volcanic sequence | |
46% | 104 104-642 104-643 104-644 | 1988 | Mudie, Peta J.: Palynology and dinocyst biostratigraphy of upper Miocene to Pleistocene sediments, Norwegian Sea ODP sites 642 to 644 | |
46% | 104 104-642 104-643 | 1990 | Bitschene, P. R.; Schmincke, H. U.: Fallout tephra layers; composition and significance | |
46% | 104 104-642 | 1994 | Planke, Sverre; Eldholm, Olav: Seismic response and construction of seaward dipping wedges of flood basalts; Voring volcanic margin | download |
46% | 38 38-338 38-339 38-340 38-343 104 | 1994 | Amigo, Alejandro E.; Ciesielski, Paul F.: The Paleogene of the Norwegian Sea; a revised and integrated silicoflagellate stratigraphy and paleoecology | |
46% | 104 105 106 109 | 1986 | Kidd, Robert B.; Meyer, Audrey W. et al.: An overview of the first ten cruises of the Ocean Drilling Program | |
46% | 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 | 1986 | Kidd, R. B.; Rabinowitz, P. D.: Ocean Drilling Program legs 101 through 110; the first-phase Atlantic campaign | |
46% | 94 94-610 104 104-644 | 1996 | Head, Martin J.: Late Cenozoic dinoflagellates from the Royal Society borehole at Ludham, Norfolk, eastern England | |
46% | 81 104 105 | 1991 | Wolf, Thomas C. W.; Thiede, Joern: History of terrigenous sedimentation during the past 10 m.y. in the North Atlantic (ODP legs 104 and 105 and DSDP Leg 81) | |
46% | 104 104-642 | 1994 | Planke, Sverre: Geophysical response of flood basalts from analysis of wire line logs; Ocean Drilling Program Site 642, Voring volcanic margin | download |
46% | 38 38-338 104 104-642 | 1993 | Ciesielski, Paul F.; Amigo, Alejandro E. et al.: Eocene uplift and subsidence of the Fleina and Smola rifts (pre-Norwegian Sea opening) and the adjacent Voring Plateau marginal high; paleontologic evidence | |
46% | 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 | 1985 | Rabinowitz, P. D.; Garrison, L. et al.: The Ocean Drilling Program; I, Overview and science plans | |
46% | 104 113 115 129 143 151 | 1998 | Bruns, P.; Dullo, W. C. et al.: On sedimentation and fossil preservation | |
46% | 81 81-552 86 86-578 104 104-642 104-644 | 1992 | Boden, P.: Quantitative biostratigraphy of Neogene diatoms from the Norwegian Sea, North Atlantic and North Pacific | |
46% | 81 104 152 163 | 1997 | Saunders, Andrew D.; Fitton, J. Godfrey: Contribution of the Iceland Plume to Palaeogene rifting and volcanism in the N Atlantic | |
46% | 104 104-642 | 1993 | Planke, Sverre; Eldholm, Olav: Seismic properties of seaward dipping wedges of flood basalts; examples from the Voring volcanic margin | |
46% | 38 38-338 104 104-643 151 151-913 | 2003 | Eldrett, J.; Harding, I. C. et al.: Dinoflagellate and palaeomagnetic stratigraphy of Eocene to Oligocene sediments from the Norwegian-Greenland Sea | |
46% | 104 104-642 | 1987 | Parson, L. M.: Continent-ocean transitions of the dipping reflector type in the North-east Atlantic | |
46% | 104 | 1989 | Bitschene, P. R.; Schmincke, Hans-Ulrich: Composition and provenance of marine tephra from the Voring Plateau and the question of magmatic episodicity in the North Atlantic | |
46% | 104 104-643 | 1990 | Kaminski, Michael A.; Gradstein, Felix M. et al.: Biostratigraphy and paleoecology of deep-water agglutinated foraminifera at ODP Site 643, Norwegian-Greenland Sea | |
46% | 104 105 113 119 120 | 1990 | Domack, Eugene W.; Domack, Cynthia R.: Cenozoic glaciation; the marine record established by ocean drilling | |
46% | 104 104-642 152 152-918 | 1995 | Wei, Wuchang: The initiation of North Atlantic deep water as dated by nannofossils | |
46% | 103 104 107 122 123 | 1992 | Rabinowitz, Philip D.; Baldauf, J. G. et al.: Ocean drilling on passive continental margins | |
46% | 104 104-642 | 2003 | Abratis, Michael; Viereck-Goette, Lothar et al.: The role of silicic volcanism in the formation of LIPs | |
46% | 104 104-642 | 2004 | Abratis, Michael; Viereck-Goette, Lothar Georg et al.: Distribution of silicic volcanism in the North Atlantic igneous province | |
46% | 104 104-644 162 162-980 172 172-1059 | 2001 | Oppo, Delia W.; Keigwin, Lloyd D. et al.: Persistent suborbital climate variability in marine isotope stage 5 and Termination II | download |
46% | 104 105 113 114 | 1988 | Clement, B. M.: Contributions of the Ocean Drilling Program to sediment paleomagnetism | |
46% | 81 104 | 1988 | Parson, L. M.: Dipping reflector styles in the NE Atlantic Ocean | |
46% | 104 104-642 | 2007 | Meyer, R.; Hertogen, J. et al.: Crustal-mantle melt interactions during continental breakup at the early Paleocene Voring Plateau, North Atlantic igneous province | |
46% | 104 104-642 105 105-646 | 1994 | Willard, Debra A.: Palynological record from the North Atlantic region at 3 Ma; vegetational distribution during a period of global warmth | |
46% | 104 104-642 105 105-646 | 1994 | Willard, Debra A.: Palynological record from the North Atlantic region at 3 Ma; vegetational response to a period of global warmth | |
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