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Score ↓ | Exp/Site/Hole | Year | Author/Title | Full text |
100% | 155 | 1994 | Cisowski, S. M.; Hall, F. R.: Ultra-high resolution records of the Lake Mungo Excursion and the Blake Event from ODP Leg 155 cores drilled in the Amazon Fan | |
100% | 155 | 1996 | Hinrichs, K. U.; Rullkoetter, Juergen: Terrigenous and marine lipids in Amazon Fan sediments (ODP Leg 155); an approach to quantify the accumulation of terrigenous turbidites | |
100% | 155 | 1995 | Nanayama, Futoshi: Growth pattern of the Amazon deep-sea fan by glacio-eustatic sea-level changes; results of the ODP Leg 155 | |
100% | 155 | 1998 | Piper, David J. W.; Flood, Roger D.: Synthesis of results from ODP Leg 155, Amazon Fan | |
100% | 155 | 1994 | Burns, S. J.: Pore-water geochemistry and early diagenesis of Amazon Fan sediments, Leg 155 ODP | |
100% | 155 | 1994 | Pirmez, C.; Kronen, J. D., Jr. et al.: Preliminary results of core-log-seismic data integration; ODP Leg 155, Amazon Fan | |
100% | 155 | 1996 | Schluenz, B.; Mueller, P. J. et al.: Sedimentation of marine and terrigenous organic matter on the Amazon deep sea fan during the last 140.000 years (ODP Leg 155) | |
100% | 155 | 1995 | Piper, D. J. W.: ODP Leg 155 on the Amazon deep-sea fan; amazingly like the Meguma Group | |
85% | 155 | 1995 | Drilling the fantastic Amazon fan | |
80% | 155 | 1995 | Flood, R. D.; Piper, D. J. W. et al.: Initial results of ODP Leg 155 drilling on Amazon deep-sea fan; implications for depositional processes and distribution of reservoir sands in mud-rich submarine fans | |
80% | 155 155-936 | 1997 | Pirmez, Carlos; Flood, Roger D. et al.: Clay content, porosity, and velocity of Amazon Fan sediments determined from ODP Leg 155 cores and wireline logs | download |
80% | 155 155-934 | 1994 | Manley, P. L.; Flood, R. D. et al.: Correlation of sediment facies with seismic facies on Amazon Fan; initial results of ODP Leg 155 | |
80% | 155 155-931 155-936 155-944 155-946 | 1996 | Hiscott, R. N.; Pirmez, C. et al.: Amazon fan sand turbidites revealed in wire-line logs and cores from ODP Leg 155 | |
80% | 155 | 1995 | Burns, S. J.; Maslin, M. A.: delta (super 18) O values of glacial seawater estimated from sediment pore-waters, Amazon Fan, Leg 155 ODP | |
80% | 155 | 1997 | Piper, David J. W.; Flood, Roger D.: Preface; Depth below seafloor conventions | |
80% | 155 155-942 | 1998 | Maslin, Mark A.; Greig, Susan et al.: Amazon River discharge events; high resolution paleoclimate records of the last 12,000 years from ODP Leg 155 Site 942 | |
73% | 155 155-939 155-944 | 1998 | Audet, D. Marc: Mechanical properties of terrigenous muds from levee systems on the Amazon Fan | |
73% | 155 155-940 155-944 155-946 | 2001 | Hoorn, Carina: Pleistocene deposits of the Amazon Fan; a palynological analysis of holes 940A, 944A, and 946A (ODP Leg 155) | |
73% | 155 | 1996 | Normark, W. R.; Damuth, J. E. et al.: Sedimentary facies recovered from Amazon Fan during ODP Leg 155; I, Implications for depositional processes and sand-body distribution | |
73% | 155 | 1996 | Normark, W. R.; Damuth, J. E. et al.: Sedimentary facies recovered from Amazon Fan during ODP Leg 155; II, Synthesis of depositional processes from core and wire-line log data | |
73% | 155 | 1996 | Flood, R. D.; Pirmez, C. et al.: Sedimentary facies recovered from Amazon Fan during ODP Leg 155; III, Site-specific interpretation of sedimentary patterns and fan processes | |
71% | 155 | 1994 | McDaniel, D. K.; McLennan, S. M. et al.: Sediment mixing and recycling in the Amazon River basin as recorded by the geochemistry of muds from the Amazon continental shelf and deep-sea fan | |
71% | 155 155-932 | 1999 | Haberle, Simon G.; Maslin, Mark A.: Late Quaternary vegetation and climate change in the Amazon Basin based on a 50,000 year pollen record from the Amazon Fan, ODP Site 932 | |
71% | 155 | 1996 | Maslin, M.: Last glacial equatorial western Atlantic circulation; the Amazon Fan and Heinrich events | |
71% | 155 | 1995 | Hazelton, Happy: The use of grain size analysis in determining sediment transport of the Amazon deep-sea fan | |
71% | 155 | 1995 | Deptuck, M. D.: Amazon deep-sea fan facies classification scheme | |
71% | 155 | 1998 | Damuth, John E.; Kowsmann, Renato O.: New evidence for extensive sand distribution in "mud-rich" submarine fans; insights and fan models based on ODP drilling of Amazon Fan | |
71% | 155 | 1996 | Mikkelsen, N.; Maslin, M.: The late Quaternary history of the western Equatorial Atlantic; dynamics of the Amazon Fan complex | |
71% | 155 | 1993 | Flood, Roger D.: Piles of mud profiled on Amazon Fan | |
71% | 155 | 1995 | Mikkelsen, Naja: High resolution biostratigraphy of the Amazon Fan | |
71% | 155 | 1995 | Piper, D. J. W.: Fine grained turbidite facies from the Amazon deep-sea fan | |
71% | 155 | 1995 | Frinsko, Meredith L.: Grain size analysis of Amazon deep sea fan sediments and the relationship to physical properties in seismically inferred architectural units | |
71% | 155 155-940 | 2002 | Skene, Kenneth I.; Piper, David J. W. et al.: Quantitative analysis of variations in depositional sequence thickness from submarine channel levees | |
71% | 155 | 1998 | Erickson, Stephanie N.; Jarrard, Richard D.: Velocity-porosity relationships for water-saturated siliciclastic sediments | download |
71% | 155 | 2000 | Vilela, C. G.; Maslin, M. A.: Causation of the Quaternary catastrophic sediment failures of the Amazon Fan | |
71% | 155 | 1994 | Showers, William; Genna, Bernard et al.: Continental margin drilling on the Amazon Fan; high resolution paleoceanographic records of the last glacial and penultimate interglacial | |
71% | 155 155-934 | 1996 | Nanayama, F.; Tokuhashi, S.: Amazon deep-sea fan; an example of sedimentation of a large mud-rich fan | |
71% | 155 166 | 1996 | Kerr, Richard A.: Ancient sea-level swings confirmed | |
71% | 155 | 1998 | Mikkelsen, Naja; Maslin, Mark: Sea level controlled catastrophic sediment failures of the Quaternary Amazon Fan complex | |
71% | 155 | 1998 | Schluenz, B.; Schneider, R. R. et al.: Terrestrial oceanic carbon accumulation on the Amazon deep sea fan during the last glacial sea level low stand | |
71% | 155 | 1994 | Pratson, E. Lewis; Pirmez, C. et al.: Refining lithologic interpretation through mineral inversion on the Amazon Fan | |
71% | 155 | 1996 | Maslin, Mark; Mikkelsen, Naja: Sea level controlled catastrophic failures of the Amazon Fan | |
71% | 126 145 155 | 1995 | Cisowski, S. M.: Did the period from 30 to 45 k.y. BP represent a failed reversal? | |
71% | 155 | 1997 | Hiscott, Richard N.; Pirmez, Carlos et al.: Amazon submarine fan drilling; a big step forward for deep-sea fan models | |
71% | 155 | 2000 | Maslin, M. A.; Vilela, C. G.: Sea-level and gas hydrate controlled catastrophic sediment failures of the Amazon Fan | |
71% | 155 | 1994 | Flood, Roger D.; Piper, David J. W. et al.: Amazon deep-sea fan | |
71% | 155 | 1998 | Maslin, Mark; Mikkelsen, Naja: Timing of the late Quaternary Amazon fan complex mass-transport deposits | |
70% | 155 | 1998 | Damuth, John E.: New evidence from sediment cores for extensive sand distribution in "mud-rich" deep-sea fans; insights gained from drilling Amazon Fan during ODP Leg 155 | |
70% | 155 | 1998 | Vilela, Claudia Gutterres: Benthic foraminifera of mass-transport deposits (MTDs) in the Amazon Fan | |
63% | 155 | 1995 | Flood, Roger D.; Piper, David J. W. et al.: Underway geophysics | download |
60% | 155 | 1995 | Cisowski, Stanley M.: Synthesis of magnetic resonance correlation, Leg 155 | download |
60% | 155 | 2005 | Babonneau, Nathalie; Savoye, Bruno et al.: Large modern deep-sea fans; the Amazon Channel versus the Zaire Channel | |
60% | 155 | 2005 | Savoye, Bruno; Droz, Laurence et al.: New high-resolution seismic lines across ODP 155 sites and first images and coring of the Amazon distal lobes (Lobestory Project) | |
60% | 155 | 2009 | Maslin, Mark A.: Review of the timing and causes of the Amazon Fan mass transport and avulsion deposits during the latest Pleistocene | |
60% | 155 155-931 155-936 155-940 155-944 155-946 | 2003 | Pratson, Lincoln F.; Stroujkova, Anastasia et al.: Predicting seismic velocity and other rock properties from clay content only | |
60% | 155 | 2002 | Damuth, John E.; Pirmez, Carlos: The Amazon-HARP fan model; a key to sandy reservoir facies distribution in submarine fans and channel systems | |
60% | 155 155-942 | 2012 | Maslin, Mark A.; Ettwein, Virginia J. et al.: Amazon Fan biomarker evidence against the Pleistocene rainforest refuge hypothesis? | |
57% | 155 155-942 | 2000 | Maslin, M. A.; Durham, E. et al.: Palaeoreconstruction of the Amazon River freshwater and sediment discharge using sediments recovered at Site 942 on the Amazon Fan | |
57% | 155 155-942 | 1995 | Showers, William J.; Genna, Bernard et al.: Amazon continental margin high resolution records of the penultimate interglacial | |
57% | 155 155-931 155-935 155-936 155-940 | 1998 | Erickson, Stephanie N.; Jarrard, Richard D.: Porosity/formation-factor relationships for high-porosity siliciclastic sediments from Amazon fan | download |
57% | 155 | 1995 | Showers, William J.; Genna, Bernard et al.: Paleodischarge events on the Amazon Fan during the last glacial | |
57% | 155 | 1996 | Schluenz, B.; Mueller, P. J. et al.: Eintrag von organischem Kohlenstoff in den westlichen aequatorialen Atlantik durch den Amazonas Organic carbon in the western Equatorial Atlantic from the Amazon River | |
57% | 155 155-933 155-936 | 1999 | Vilela, Claudia Gutterres; Maslin, Mark: Amazon Fan sediment source during glacial and interglacial periods of the final Pleistocene; integrated results of benthic and planktonic Foraminifera | |
57% | 155 155-942 | 2005 | Ettwein, V. J.; Maslin, Mark A. et al.: Possible Antarctic forcing over Amazon Basin climate during the LGIT | |
57% | 155 155-942 | 2007 | Bendle, James A.; Weijers, Johan W. et al.: A 35,000 year record of climatic change recorded by bacterial membrane lipids in Amazon Fan sediments | |
57% | 155 155-942 | 2007 | Bendle, James A.; Weijers, J. W. et al.: A novel tetraether membrane lipid record from the Amazon Fan; the influence of changes in sediment supply on estimates of palaeo-temperature, pH and wetland extent | |
57% | 155 155-932 155-933 | 1998 | Maslin, Mark: Equatorial western Atlantic Ocean circulation changes linked to the Heinrich events; deep-sea sediment evidence from the Amazon Fan | |
57% | 155 | 2000 | Rimington, Nicola; Cramp, Adrian et al.: Amazon Fan sands; implications for provenance | |
57% | 155 155-942 | 2000 | Maslin, M. A.; Burns, S. J.: Amazon River discharge since the last glacial period; a combined lake and marine paleoclimate study | |
57% | 155 155-931 155-939 155-940 155-944 | 1998 | Burns, Stephen J.: Carbon isotopic evidence for coupled sulfate reduction-methane oxidation in Amazon Fan sediments | |
57% | 155 155-942 | 2006 | Bendle, James A.; Sinninghe Damste, J. S. et al.: A 35,000 year record of microbial membrane lipid proxies in Amazon Fan sediments; changes in terrigenous and marine temperatures and sources of organic carbon | |
57% | 155 155-942 | 2000 | Maslin, Mark A.; Burns, Stephen J.: Reconstruction of the Amazon Basin effective moisture availability over the past 14,000 years | |
57% | 155 155-942 175 175-1075 | 2010 | Handley, L.; Talbot, H. M. et al.: Novel records of past methane emission events from the Congo and Amazon Fans | |
56% | 155 | 1995 | Schneider, Ralph R.; Cramp, Adrian et al.: Color-reflectance measurements obtained from Leg 155 cores | download |
54% | 155 155-931 155-932 | 1997 | Cisowski, Stanley M.; Hall, Frank R.: An examination of the paleointensity record and geomagnetic excursions recorded in Leg 155 cores | download |
51% | 155 | 1997 | Piperno, Dolores R.: Phytoliths and microscopic charcoal from Leg 155; a vegetational and fire history of the Amazon Basin during the last 75 k.y. | download |
51% | 155 | 1997 | Wehmiller, John F.; Hall, Frank R.: Amino acid racemization geochronological studies of selected Leg 155 samples | download |
49% | 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 | 1993 | Baldauf, J. G.; Rabinowitz, P. D. et al.: Joides Resolution drilling returns to the Atlantic Ocean, ODP Leg 149-Leg 158 | |
49% | 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 | 1993 | Rabinowitz, P. D.; Francis, T. J. G. et al.: Ocean Drilling Program; recent results and future objectives | |
49% | 155 155-938 155-940 155-942 | 1999 | Schluenz, B.; Schneider, R. R. et al.: Terrestrial organic carbon accumulation on the Amazon deep sea fan during the last glacial sea level low stand | |
49% | 155 | 2003 | Pirmez, Carlos; Imran, Jasim: Reconstruction of turbidity currents in Amazon Channel | download |
49% | 155 155-942 | 2006 | Boot, C. S.; Ettwein, V. J. et al.: A 35,000 year record of terrigenous and marine lipids in Amazon Fan sediments | download |
49% | 155 155-939 155-944 | 1997 | Flood, Roger D.; Green, Mark: Analysis of FeS (acid volatile S) at sites 939 and 944, Amazon Fan | download |
47% | 155 | 1997 | Hall, Frank R.: Data report; Between-hole correlations of sites drilled during Leg 155 on the Amazon Fan | download |
43% | 155 | 1995 | Flood, Roger D.; Piper, David J. W. et al.: Leg synthesis | download |
42% | 155 | 1996 | Flood, R. D.; Piper, D. J. W.: ODP drilling on the Amazon Fan; initial results on growth pattern and timing of fan sedimentation | |
42% | 155 155-942 | 2003 | Ettwein, Virginia J.; Boot, Christopher S. et al.: Vegetation dynamics, aridity, and fire history within the Amazon Basin since the last glacial maximum | |
42% | 131 131-808 155 155-946 170 170-1040 170-1043 196 196-808 | 2004 | Maltman, Alex; Vannucchi, Paola: Insights from the Ocean Drilling Program on shear and fluid-flow at the mega-faults between actively converging plates | |
42% | 155 | 1997 | Flood, Roger D.; Pirmez, Carlos et al.: The compressional-wave velocity of Amazon Fan sediments; calculation from index properties and variation with clay content | download |
42% | 112 112-679 116 116-719 155 155-931 155-933 155-940 155-946 | 2001 | Prasad, Manika; Dvorkin, Jack: Velocity to porosity transform in marine sediments | |
42% | 41 41-367 155 155-942 175 175-1083 | 2004 | Pancost, Richard D.; Boot, Christopher S.: The palaeoclimatic utility of terrestrial biomarkers in marine sediments | download |
42% | 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 | 1995 | Rabinowitz, P. D.; Francis, T. J. G. et al.: Ocean Drilling Program; results from tenth year of drilling operations | |
42% | 108 108-658 155 155-932 175 175-1078 | 2010 | Hessler, Ines; Dupont, Lydie et al.: Millennial-scale changes in vegetation records from tropical Africa and South America during the last glacial | |
42% | 155 155-942 | 2011 | Maslin, M. A.; Ettwein, V. J. et al.: Dynamic boundary-monsoon intensity hypothesis; evidence from the deglacial Amazon River discharge record | |
41% | 155 | 1995 | Flood, Roger D.; Piper, David J. W. et al.: Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program, initial reports; Amazon Fan; covering Leg 155 of the cruises of the drilling vessel JOIDES Resolution, Bridgetown, Barbados, to Bridgetown, Barbados, sites 930-946, 25 March-24 May 1994 | download |
40% | 155 | 1995 | Flood, Roger D.; Piper, David J. W. et al.: Explanatory notes | download |
40% | 155 | 1997 | Mikkelsen, Naja: Upper Quaternary diatoms in the Amazon Fan of the Western Atlantic | download |
40% | 155 | 1997 | Hall, Frank R.; Cisowski, Stanley M. et al.: Magnetic hysteresis properties of fine-grained magnetic iron sulfide nodules and crusts on the Amazon Fan | download |
40% | 155 | 1997 | Hall, Frank R.; Cisowski, Stanley M. et al.: Data report; Environmental rock-magnetic evidence of authigenic-magnetic mineral formation/preservation (Amazon Fan) | download |
39% | 155 | 1997 | Balsam, William L.; Damuth, John E. et al.: Comparison of shipboard vs. shore-based spectral data from Amazon Fan cores; implications for interpreting sediment composition | download |
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