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Score ↓ | Exp/Site/Hole | Year | Author/Title | Full text |
100% | 28 | 1973 | Hayes, Dennis E.: Leg 28 deep-sea drilling in the southern ocean | |
86% | 28 | 1974 | McCollum, David W.: Antarctic Cenozoic diatoms, Leg 28, D.S.D.P. | |
86% | 28 | 1974 | Ford, A. B.: Basalts of the Southeast Indian Ocean, DSDP Leg 28 | |
86% | 28 | 1973 | Hayes, Dennis E.; Frakes, Lawrence: Preliminary Results from the first Deep Sea Drilling Project in Antarctic Waters; Glomar Challenger-Leg 28 | |
86% | 28 | 1974 | Hayes, Dennis E.: Leg 28 of Deep Sea Drilling Project | |
86% | 28 | 1975 | Kemp, E. M.: Southern Ocean; Leg 28 | |
71% | 28 28-265 | 1980 | Engelhardt, Nancy L.: Paleoecologic and biostratigraphic interpretations of late Miocene foraminifera at DSDP Site 265 (Leg 28), Southeast Indian Ocean | |
71% | 28 | 1977 | Hayes, D. E.; Frakes, L. et al.: The results of the Leg 28 Deep Sea Drilling Project and the late Cenozoic history of Antarctica | |
61% | 28 29 | 1978 | Kemp, E. M.: Tertiary climatic evolution and vegetation history in the Southeast Indian Ocean region | |
61% | 28 | 1975 | Burns, D. A.: Distribution, abundance, and preservation of nannofossils in Eocene to Recent Antarctic sediments | |
61% | 28 28-266 28-274 | 1975 | Kaneps, A. G.: Fecal pellets in Pliocene Antarctic deep-sea sediments, Leg 28, DSDP | download |
61% | 28 | 1975 | Barrett, P. J.: Glacial history of the Ross Sea | |
61% | 28 28-265 | 1988 | Driever, B.: The size of the coccoliths of Dictyococcites perplexa Burns | |
51% | 28 28-270 | 1981 | Barrett, P. J.: Late Cenozoic glaciomarine sediments of the Ross Sea, Antarctica | |
51% | 28 28-266 29 29-278 | 1977 | Keany, J.: Late Cenozoic Antarctic radiolarian distributions; their paleoclimatic and paleoceanographic implications | |
51% | 21 28 29 | 1977 | Burns, D. A.: Major features of oceanographic development of the Southeast Indian and Southwest Pacific oceans interpreted from microfossil evidence | |
51% | 28 | 1987 | Hampton, Monty A.; Kravitz, J. H. et al.: Geology of sediment cores from the George V continental margin, Antarctica | |
51% | 28 28-270 | 1980 | Leckie, R. Mark: Micropaleontology, biostratigraphy and paleoenvironmental studies of DSDP Site 270 (late Oligocene-Quaternary), Ross Sea, Antarctica | |
51% | 28 | 1974 | Chen, Pei-Hsin: Some new Tertiary Radiolaria from Antarctic deep-sea sediments | |
51% | 7 21 22 26 27 28 29 30 | 1975 | Anonymous: Bibliography of Deep Sea Drilling in Australasian waters | |
51% | 28 28-270 | 1976 | Faure, G.; Boger, J. L.: Geochemical and isotopic study of sediment from Unit I, DSDP Site 270, Ross Sea | |
51% | 28 28-270 | 1986 | Faure, Gunter; Lord, Brenda K.: Concurrent volcanic activity and glaciation in the Ross Embayment, Antarctica, recorded at DSD Site-270 by Sr isotopic data | |
51% | 28 28-274 | 1981 | Judson, Michelle H.; Williams, Douglas F. et al.: Early Miocene to Pleistocene fluctuations in ice rafted debris at DSDP Site 274 | |
51% | 28 29 35 36 | 1980 | Flohn, H.: A hemispheric circulation asymmetry during the late Tertiary | |
51% | 28 29 | 1977 | Margolis, S. V.; Kroopnick, P. M. et al.: Cenozoic and late Mesozoic paleoceanographic and paleoglacial history recorded in Circum-Antarctic deep-sea sediments | |
51% | 28 29 35 36 | 1977 | Kennett, J. P.: Cenozoic evolution of Antarctic glaciation, the Circum-Antarctic Ocean, and their impact on global paleoceanography | download |
51% | 28 29 35 36 | 1981 | Flohn, H.: A hemispheric circulation asymmetry during late Tertiary | |
51% | 28 29 | 1978 | Petrushevskaya, M. G.: Biostratigrafiya neogenovykh donnykh otlozheniy Antarktiki po radiolyariyam The biostratigraphy of Antarctic Neogene bottom sediments according to Radiolaria | |
51% | 28 29 35 36 | 1978 | Kennett, James P.: Cainozoic evolution of circumantarctic palaeoceanography | |
51% | 28 28-273 | 1980 | D'Agostino, A.; Webb, P. N.: Interpretation of mid-Miocene to Recent lithostratigraphy and biostratigraphy at DSDP site 273, Ross Sea | |
51% | 28 28-267 | 1980 | Styzen, Michael J.: Late Eocene foraminiferal systematics, biostratigraphy and paleoecology of DSDP Hole 267B, Southeast Indian Ocean | |
51% | 28 28-270 | 1996 | Fitzgerald, Paul G.; Baldwin, Suzanne L.: Detachment fault model for the evolution of the Ross Embayment, Antarctica | |
51% | 28 28-274 | 1996 | Fleming, R. Farley; Barron, John A.: Evidence of Pliocene Nothofagus in Antarctica from Pliocene marine sedimentary deposits (DSDP Site 274) | |
51% | 28 28-270 | 1985 | Khryanina, L. P.: Possible meteorite impact structures in the Ross Sea, Antarctica | |
51% | 28 28-268 | 1985 | Tsumuraya, Yuji; Tanahashi, Manabu et al.: Preliminary report of the marine geophysical and geological surveys off Wilkes Land, Antarctica in 1983-1984 | |
51% | 28 | 1990 | Anderson, John B.; Bartek, Louis R. et al.: Preliminary results of USAP 90 seismic reflection survey of the Ross Sea, Antarctica; implications for Antarctic glacial history | |
51% | 28 29 35 36 | 1986 | Petrushevska, M. G.: Evolution of the Antarctissa Group | |
51% | 28 28-265 | 1988 | Shemesh, A.; Mortlock, R. A. et al.: Determination of Ge/Si in marine siliceous microfossils; separation, cleaning and dissolution of diatoms and Radiolaria | |
51% | 28 29 | 1972 | Symonds, P. A.; Cameron, P. J.: BMR proposals for drill sites for legs XXVIII and XXIX of the Deep Sea Drilling Project | |
51% | 28 28-272 | 1987 | Steinhauff, D. M.; Webb, P. N.: Miocene foraminifera from DSDP Site 272, Ross Sea | |
51% | 28 28-273 | 1980 | D'Agostino, Anthony: Foraminiferal biostratigraphy, paleoecology, and systematics of DSDP Site 273, Ross Sea, Antarctica | |
51% | 28 | 1993 | Scherer, Reed P.: A Neogene stratigraphic model for the Ross Embayment, West Antarctica | |
51% | 28 28-266 29 29-277 | 1980 | Brewster, N. A.: Cenozoic biogenic silica sedimentation in the Antarctic Ocean | |
51% | 28 28-266 28-272 | 1978 | Sackett, W. M.: Stable carbon isotope paleoclimatology | |
51% | 28 28-270 | 1995 | Fitzgerald, P. G.: Cretaceous and Cenozoic exhumation of the Transantarctic Mountains; evidence from the Kukri Hills of southern Victoria Land compared to fission track data from gneiss at DSDP Site 270 | |
51% | 28 28-274 | 2004 | Whittaker, Joanne; Mueller, Dietmar et al.: From mantle convection to climate change; a multidisciplinary analysis of the sedimentary and igneous history of the Adare Trough area, Antarctica | |
51% | 28 28-270 | 2008 | Wilson, D. S.; Luyendyk, B. P.: Antarctic paleotopography estimates at the Eocene-Oligocene climate transition; implications for climate ice models | |
47% | 28 28-264 28-274 | 1975 | Kemp, E. M.: Palynology of Leg 28 drill sites, Deep Sea Drilling Project | download |
45% | 28 28-270 | 1977 | McDougall, I.: Potassium-argon dating of glauconite from a greensand drilled at Site 270 in the Ross Sea, DSDP Leg 28 | download |
43% | 28 28-270 | 1975 | Allis, R. G.; Barrett, P. J. et al.: A paleomagnetic stratigraphy for Oligocene and early Miocene marine glacial sediments at Site 270, Ross Sea, Antarctica | download |
43% | 28 28-274 | 2006 | Gray, Samuel; Bart, Philip: The middle Miocene climate shift on the Ross Sea continental shelf; a first order test of the marine oxygen isotope record | |
43% | 28 28-270 28-271 28-272 28-273 | 1994 | Scherer, Reed P.: A speculative stratigraphic model for the central Ross Embayment | |
40% | 28 28-266 29 29-278 36 36-329 | 1981 | Lazarus, David B.; Hays, James D.: Late Miocene history of the Southern Ocean | |
40% | 6 7 16 19 25 28 33 34 37 38 39 49 | 1981 | Nazarova, Ye. A.: Magnitnyye svoystva bazal'tov okeanskogo lozha Magnetic properties of basalts on the ocean floor | |
40% | 28 28-270 | 1983 | Leckie, R. Mark; Webb, Peter-Noel: Late Oligocene-early Miocene glacial record of the Ross Sea, Antarctica; evidence from DSDP Site 270 | |
40% | 28 28-270 | 1992 | Bartek, Louis R.; Sloan, Lisa Cirbus et al.: Evidence from the Antarctic continental margin of late Paleogene ice sheets; a manifestation of plate reorganization and synchronous changes in atmospheric circulation over the emerging Southern Ocean? | |
40% | 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 | 1977 | Heirtzler, J. R. (ed.); Bolli, H. M. (ed.) et al.: Indian Ocean geology and biostratigraphy; studies following Deep-Sea Drilling legs 22-29 | |
40% | 28 28-270 28-272 28-273 | 1987 | Karl, H. A.; Reimnitz, Erk et al.: Extent and nature of Ross Sea unconformity in the western Ross Sea, Antarctica | |
40% | 28 28-270 | 1987 | Davey, Frederick J.: Geology and structure of the Ross Sea region | |
40% | 28 28-270 | 1987 | Davey, Frederick J.; Cooper, Alan K.: Gravity studies of the Victoria Land Basin and Iselin Bank | |
40% | 28 28-271 28-272 28-273 | 1987 | Rapp, J. B.; Kvenvolden, K. A. et al.: Hydrocarbon geochemistry of sediments offshore from Antarctica | |
40% | 28 28-270 | 1987 | Cooper, Alan K.; Davey, Frederick J. et al.: Structure of extensionally rifted crust beneath the western Ross Sea and Iselin Bank, Antarctica, from sonobuoy seismic data | |
40% | 28 28-274 | 1988 | Robert, Christian; Caulet, J. P. et al.: Evolution climatique et hydrologique en mer de Ross (site DSDP 274) au Neogene, d'apres les associations de radiolaires, la mineralogie des argiles et la geochimie minerale Neogene evolution of climate and oceanic circulation in the Ross Sea, DSDP Site 274, from radiolarian microfaunas, clay mineral associations and inorganic chemical elements | |
40% | 28 28-270 28-272 28-273 | 1986 | Steinhauff, D. Mark; Webb, Peter N.: Paleoecologic and biostratigraphic analysis of Miocene foraminifera from DSDP Site 272, Ross Sea, Antarctica | |
40% | 28 28-270 28-274 119 119-741 | 1990 | Truswell, Elizabeth M.: Cretaceous and Tertiary vegetation of Antarctica; a palynological perspective | |
40% | 28 28-274 113 113-695 | 1996 | Fleming, R. Farley; Barron, John A.: Nothofagidites in Pliocene marine sediments around Antarctica | |
40% | 28 28-269 28-270 28-272 28-273 28-274 | 1984 | Sato, Shunji; Asakura, Natsuo et al.: Preliminary results of geological and geophysical surveys in the Ross Sea and in the Dumont d'Urville Sea, off Antarctica | |
40% | 26 26-257 26-258 28 28-264 | 2002 | Borissova, Irina: Naturaliste Plateau, a continental fragment | |
40% | 28 28-271 74 74-528 113 113-690 122 122-761 | 1993 | Ehrendorfer, Thomas Wolfgang: Late Cretaceous (Maestrichtian) calcareous nannoplankton biogeography with emphasis on events immediately preceding the Cretaceous/Paleocene boundary | |
40% | 28 29 | 1994 | Pyle, Douglas George: Geochemistry of mid-ocean ridge basalt within and surrounding the Australian-Antarctic Discordance | |
40% | 28 28-274 | 1974 | Wise, Sherwood W.; Ciesielski, Paul F. et al.: In situ diagenesis of diatom frustules in nearshore and deep marine environments | |
40% | 28 28-272 | 1985 | Steinhauff, D. Mark: Paleoecologic and biostratigraphic analysis of Miocene Foraminifera (Protozoa) from glacial-marine sediments, Ross Sea, Antarctica | |
40% | 28 29 | 1993 | Pyle, Douglas G.; Christie, D. M. et al.: Geochemical signature of Southeast Indian and Southwest Pacific seafloor; DSDP legs 28 and 29 basement revisited | |
40% | 28 28-270 | 1978 | Zinsmeister, W. J.: Review of the Neogene of the Pacific margin of Antarctica | |
40% | 28 28-274 | 1981 | Judson, M.; Ehrlich, R. et al.: Early Miocene to Pleistocene fluctuations in ice rafted quartz from DSDP Site 274; evidence from Fourier grain shape analysis | |
40% | 28 28-270 | 1980 | Leckie, R. Mark; Webb, Peter-Noel: A provisional late Oligocene-early Miocene foraminiferal zonation, Ross Sea continental shelf, Antarctica | |
40% | 28 28-266 29 29-277 | 1977 | Brewster, N. A.: Biogenic silica sedimentation and surface productivity in the Cenozoic Antarctic Ocean | |
40% | 28 28-268 28-269 28-274 | 1977 | Piper, D. J. W.; Pe, G. G.: Cenozoic clay mineralogy from D.S.D.P. holes on the continental margin of the Australia-New Zealand sector of Antarctica | |
40% | 28 28-272 28-273 28-274 | 1981 | Savage, Margaret L.; Ciesielski, Paul F.: A revised history of glacial sedimentation in the Ross Sea region | |
40% | 28 113 119 | 1991 | Wise, Sherwood W., Jr.; Breza, James R. et al.: Paleogene glacial history of Antarctica | |
40% | 28 28-266 114 114-699 120 120-747 120-751 | 1996 | Barron, John A.: Diatom constraints on the position of the Antarctic Polar Front in the middle part of the Pliocene | |
40% | 28 28-270 | 1989 | Barrett, Peter J.; Pyne, A. R. et al.: Antarctic glacial history from Ross Sea drilling | |
40% | 28 29 | 1995 | Pyle, D. G.; Christie, D. M. et al.: Geochemistry and geochronology of ancient Southeast Indian and Southwest Pacific seafloor | download |
40% | 28 28-270 28-271 28-272 28-273 | 1995 | Cooper, Alan K. (ed.); Barker, Peter F. (ed.) et al.: Geology and seismic stratigraphy of the Antarctic margin | |
40% | 28 28-270 28-271 28-272 28-273 | 1990 | Anderson, John B.; Bartek, Louis R.: Preliminary results of a high-resolution seismic reflection survey of the Ross Sea continental shelf | |
40% | 28 28-271 | 1992 | Alonso, Belen; Anderson, John B. et al.: Pliocene-Pleistocene seismic stratigraphy of the Ross Sea; evidence for multiple ice sheet grounding episodes | |
40% | 28 28-269 | 2003 | De Santis, L.; Brown, B. et al.: Tectonic evolution of the continental shelf of the Wilkes Land (East Antarctica) | |
40% | 28 29 35 36 71 113 114 119 120 | 1988 | Lazarus, D.: Cenozoic and Cretaceous Antarctic radiolarians | |
40% | 1 1-3 1-6 28 28-270 | 1978 | Barrett, P. J.; Froggatt, P. C.: Densities, porosities, and seismic velocities of some rocks from Victoria Land, Antarctica | |
40% | 28 28-270 28-272 | 1987 | Steinhauff, D. M.; Renz, M. E. et al.: Miocene diatom biostratigraphy of DSDP Hole 272; stratigraphic relationship to the underlying Miocene of DSDP Hole 270, Ross Sea | |
40% | 28 28-268 | 1991 | Oudin, E.; Pascal, M. L. et al.: Base and precious metal deposition processes in a submarine geyser; the Atlantis II Deep case | |
40% | 28 28-270 | 1991 | Ford, A. B.: Chemical characteristics of greywacke and Palaeosol of early Oligocene or older sedimentary breccia, Ross Sea DSDP Site 270 | |
40% | 28 | 1997 | Bartek, Louis R.; Andersen, Janel L. R. et al.: Substrate control on distribution of subglacial and glaciomarine seismic facies based on stochastic models of glacial seismic facies deposition on the Ross Sea continental margin, Antarctica | |
40% | 28 28-271 | 2006 | Chow, J. M.; Bart, P. J.: How old is LGM on the Ross Sea outer continental shelf (Antarctica)? A preliminary diatom-based analyses of surface sediments from eastern basin bathymetric ridges | |
40% | 28 28-272 28-273 | 2002 | Bart, Philip J.; Chow, Juan M.: Timing of West Antarctic ice sheet grounding events in Ross Sea during the middle Miocene; implications on the phase relationships with the East Antarctic ice sheet | |
40% | 28 28-274 113 113-693 113-695 119 119-742 119-745 | 1994 | Fleming, R. Farley; Barron, John A.: Evidence of Pliocene Nothofagus in Antarctica from DSDP/ODP cores | |
40% | 28 28-270 28-272 | 2002 | Taviani, Marco: Macropaleontological background of the Ross Sea region | |
40% | 28 28-270 28-272 28-273 | 1994 | Finetti, I.; Del Ben, A. et al.: Preliminary geophysical study of the Ross Sea (Antarctica) | |
40% | 28 28-271 | 2001 | Harwood, David M.; Bohaty, Steven M. et al.: Composite Cretaceous and Cenozoic diatom biozonation for the Antarctic Shelf, with correlations to the Southern Ocean | |
40% | 28 28-271 28-272 | 2002 | Hambrey, Michael J.: Historical review of drilling in the western Ross Sea | |
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