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Score ↓ | Exp/Site/Hole | Year | Author/Title | Full text |
100% | 29 | 1975 | Andrews, P. B.: New Zealand-Australia Subantarctic; Leg 29 | |
100% | 29 | 1974 | Kennett, J. P.: Development of the Circum-Antarctic Current | |
100% | 29 | 1974 | Margolis, S. V.; Kroopnick, P.: The history of ice-rafting and paleotemperatures in the Southern Ocean inferred from analysis of D.S.D.P. Leg 29 sediments | |
100% | 29 | 1975 | Erdman, J. G.; Schorno, K. S. et al.: Geochemistry of carbon and sulfur; DSDP Leg 29 | |
100% | 29 | 1975 | Houtz, R. E.; Aitken, T.: Seismic reflection survey of Leg 29 drill sites | |
100% | 29 29-278 | 1975 | McIver, R. D.: Organic-matter lean sediments of Site 278, Leg 29, DSDP | |
86% | 29 29-280 29-281 | 1996 | Crouch, E. M.; Hollis, C. J.: Paleogene palynomorph and radiolarian biostratigraphy of DSDP Leg 29, sites 280 and 281 South Tasman Rise | |
85% | 29 | 1974 | Kennett, James P.: Deep-sea drilling in the roaring 40s | |
85% | 28 29 | 1978 | Kemp, E. M.: Tertiary climatic evolution and vegetation history in the Southeast Indian Ocean region | |
85% | 29 | 1980 | Jenkins, Graham D.: Planktonic foraminifera and the Oligocene-Miocene boundary in the Southwest Pacific | |
83% | 29 | 1975 | Ovenshine, A. T.; Winkler, G. R. et al.: Chemical analyses and minor element composition of Leg 29 basalts | download |
80% | 29 29-284 | 1982 | Hornibrook, N. de B.: Late Miocene to Pleistocene Globorotalia (Foraminiferida) from DSDP Leg 29, Site 284, Southwest Pacific | |
80% | 29 29-277 29-279 | 1974 | Shackleton, N. J.; Kennett, J. P.: Palaeotemperature history of the Cenozoic from oxygen isotope studies in D.S.D.P. Leg 29 | |
71% | 29 29-284 | 1983 | Scott, George H.: Divergences and phyletic transformations in the history of the Globorotalia inflata lineage | |
71% | 22 22-216 29 29-275 | 1981 | Schrader, Hans-Joachim; Schuette, Gretchen: Marine diatoms | |
71% | 29 29-284 | 1981 | Malmgren, Bjorn A.; Kennett, James P.: Phyletic gradualism in a late Cenozoic planktonic foraminiferal lineage; DSDP Site 284, Southwest Pacific | |
71% | 29 29-284 | 1982 | Kennett, J. P.; Malmgren, B. A. et al.: Evolutionary biology of planktonic foraminifera | |
71% | 28 28-266 29 29-278 | 1977 | Keany, J.: Late Cenozoic Antarctic radiolarian distributions; their paleoclimatic and paleoceanographic implications | |
71% | 21 28 29 | 1977 | Burns, D. A.: Major features of oceanographic development of the Southeast Indian and Southwest Pacific oceans interpreted from microfossil evidence | |
71% | 29 29-284 | 1988 | Fluegeman, Richard H., Jr.: Fractal analysis of long range evolutionary data; the Globorotalia inflata lineage from DSDP Site 284 | |
71% | 29 29-284 | 1974 | Kennett, J. P.; Shackleton, N. J. et al.: Cenozoic paleo-oceanography and glacial history recorded in deep-sea drilled sites from the south Pacific | |
71% | 7 21 22 26 27 28 29 30 | 1975 | Anonymous: Bibliography of Deep Sea Drilling in Australasian waters | |
71% | 29 29-284 | 1986 | Hodell, David Arnold: Major events in Neogene paleoceanography; faunal and isotopic evidence | |
71% | 29 29-284 | 1982 | Malmgren, Bjoern A.; Kennett, James P.: The potential of morphometrically based phylo-zonation; application of a late Cenozoic planktonic foraminiferal lineage | |
71% | 29 29-284 | 1978 | Doake, C. S. M.: Climatic change and geomagnetic field reversals; a statistical correlation | |
71% | 29 29-284 | 1979 | Hornibrook, N. de B.: Globorotalia crassaformis and G. crassula in the Pliocene of New Zealand and a late Pliocene cool marine phase in the lower Nukumaruan stage | |
71% | 1 29 31 32 | 1978 | Iijima, Azuma: Zeolitic diagenesis | |
71% | 28 29 35 36 | 1980 | Flohn, H.: A hemispheric circulation asymmetry during the late Tertiary | |
71% | 29 29-284 | 1980 | Edwards, A. R.; Hornibrook, N. de B.: An integrated bio- and magnetostratigraphy of the late Miocene to Pleistocene of the New Zealand region | |
71% | 28 29 | 1977 | Margolis, S. V.; Kroopnick, P. M. et al.: Cenozoic and late Mesozoic paleoceanographic and paleoglacial history recorded in Circum-Antarctic deep-sea sediments | |
71% | 29 | 1977 | Kennett, J. P.: Cenozoic history of the Circumantarctic Current | |
71% | 28 29 35 36 | 1977 | Kennett, J. P.: Cenozoic evolution of Antarctic glaciation, the Circum-Antarctic Ocean, and their impact on global paleoceanography | download |
71% | 28 29 35 36 | 1981 | Flohn, H.: A hemispheric circulation asymmetry during late Tertiary | |
71% | 28 29 | 1978 | Petrushevskaya, M. G.: Biostratigrafiya neogenovykh donnykh otlozheniy Antarktiki po radiolyariyam The biostratigraphy of Antarctic Neogene bottom sediments according to Radiolaria | |
71% | 28 29 35 36 | 1978 | Kennett, James P.: Cainozoic evolution of circumantarctic palaeoceanography | |
71% | 29 | 1977 | Kroopnick, P. M.; Margolis, S. V. et al.: delta >13) C variations in marine carbonate sediments as indicators of the CO<2) balance between the atmosphere and oceans | |
71% | 29 29-284 | 1980 | Malmgren, B.; Kennett, J. P.: Phyletic gradualism in a late Cenozoic planktonic foraminiferal bioseries; DSDP, Southwest Pacific | |
71% | 29 29-284 | 1980 | Hornibrook, N. de B.: Progress in late Miocene to early Pleistocene foraminiferal biostratigraphy, East Coast Basin and DSDP Site 284 | |
71% | 28 29 35 36 | 1986 | Petrushevska, M. G.: Evolution of the Antarctissa Group | |
71% | 27 29 | 1975 | Hunt, J. M.: Hydrocarbon studies | |
71% | 28 29 | 1972 | Symonds, P. A.; Cameron, P. J.: BMR proposals for drill sites for legs XXVIII and XXIX of the Deep Sea Drilling Project | |
71% | 29 29-281 189 | 2002 | Wei, Wuchang: Opening of the Australia-Antarctica Gateway, as dated by nannofossils | |
71% | 14 21 26 29 30 | 1984 | Sharaskin, A. Ya.: Structure and tectono-magmatic evolution of the Philippine Sea floor | |
71% | 21 29 | 1973 | Kennett, J. P.: Development of the circum-Antarctic current revealed by deep-sea drilling in the Subantarctic | |
71% | 29 189 | 2003 | Exon, Neville F.; Kennett, James P. et al.: Antarctic-Australia separation | |
71% | 29 | 1975 | Margolis, S. V.; Kroopnick, P. M.: Oxygen and carbon isotopes from calcareous nannofossils as paleoceanographic indicators | |
71% | 29 | 1975 | Srinivasan, M. S.; Kennett, J. P.: Paleoceanographically controlled ultrastructural variation in Neogloboquadrina pachyderma (Ehrenberg) at DSDP Site 284, South Pacific | |
71% | 28 28-266 29 29-277 | 1980 | Brewster, N. A.: Cenozoic biogenic silica sedimentation in the Antarctic Ocean | |
71% | 29 29-277 | 1979 | Corliss, B. H.: Response of deep-sea benthonic foraminifera to development of the psychrosphere near the Eocene/Oligocene boundary | |
71% | 29 29-284 | 1977 | Dow, R. L.: Test porosity in Neogloboquadrina pachyderma in late Miocene to Recent, DSDP Site 284, South Pacific | |
71% | 29 29-275 | 2004 | Dumitrica, Paulian: Maastrichtian Challengeriidae (phaeodarian Radiolaria) from deep sea sediments of SW Pacific | |
67% | 29 | 1975 | Margolis, S. V.: Manganese deposits encountered during Deep Sea Drilling Project, Leg 29, in subantarctic waters | download |
61% | 29 | 1975 | Dudley, W. C.; Margolis, S. V.: Authigenic and detrital "glauconie" encountered in Leg 29 sediments | download |
60% | 29 29-277 | 1997 | Hollis, C. J.; Waghorn, D. B. et al.: Integrated Paleogene biostratigraphy of DSDP Site 277 (Leg 29); Foraminifera, calcareous nannofossils, Radiolaria, and palynomorphs | |
57% | 29 | 1975 | Jenkins, D. G.: Cenozoic planktonic foraminiferal biostratigraphy of the southwestern Pacific and Tasman Sea; DSDP Leg 29 | download |
57% | 28 28-266 29 29-278 36 36-329 | 1981 | Lazarus, David B.; Hays, James D.: Late Miocene history of the Southern Ocean | |
57% | 23 23-219 29 29-277 31 31-292 40 40-363 | 1983 | Aubry, M. P.: Late Eocene to early Oligocene calcareous nannoplankton biostratigraphy and biogeography | |
57% | 29 29-278 71 71-512 | 1985 | Hambos, S.; Burckle, Lloyd H.: Evidence for early late Miocene climate change | |
57% | 29 29-280 29-281 | 1975 | Adams, C. J. D.: K-Ar ages of glauconite from sites 280 and 281, DSDP | download |
57% | 21 21-207 21-208 29 29-284 90 90-588 | 1988 | Wei, Kuo-Yen; Kennett, James P.: Phyletic gradualism and punctuated equilibrium in a late Neogene planktonic foraminiferal clade | |
57% | 29 29-284 32 32-310 | 1978 | Keller, G.: Late Neogene biostratigraphy and paleoceanography of DSDP Site 310 central North Pacific and correlation with the Southwest Pacific | |
57% | 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 | 1977 | Heirtzler, J. R. (ed.); Bolli, H. M. (ed.) et al.: Indian Ocean geology and biostratigraphy; studies following Deep-Sea Drilling legs 22-29 | |
57% | 21 21-206 21-207 21-208 29 29-284 | 1977 | Kennett, J.; Malmgren, B. et al.: Late Neogene planktonic foraminifera and oxygen isotopes; paleoceanography in South Pacific DSDP sites | |
57% | 29 29-279 129 129-802 | 2000 | Tochilina, S. V.: On the problem of Turonian-Santonian boundary | |
57% | 7 7-65 9 9-77 21 21-206 29 29-278 71 | 1982 | Harwood, David Michael: Oligocene-Miocene diatom biostratigraphy from the equatorial to the Antarctic Pacific | |
57% | 29 29-277 29-279 29-281 29-284 | 1976 | Dudley, W. C.; Goodney, D. E.: Nannofossil paleotemperatures based upon non-equilibrium isotopic fractionation in coccoliths grown in culture | |
57% | 29 29-277 | 1976 | Kennett, J. P.; Shackleton, N. J.: Oxygen isotopic evidence for the development of the psychrosphere 38 Myr ago | |
57% | 29 189 | 2000 | Exon, N. F.; Kennett, J. P. et al.: Evolutionary and climatic consequences of opening the Tasmanian Seaway; results from ocean drilling | |
57% | 29 29-284 | 1979 | Kennett, J. P.; Shackleton, N. J. et al.: Late Cenozoic oxygen and carbon isotopic history and volcanic ash stratigraphy; DSDP Site 284, South Pacific | |
57% | 29 29-281 30 30-289 | 1983 | Loutit, Tom S.; Pisias, N. G. et al.: Pacific Miocene carbon isotope stratigraphy using benthic foraminifera | |
57% | 28 29 | 1994 | Pyle, Douglas George: Geochemistry of mid-ocean ridge basalt within and surrounding the Australian-Antarctic Discordance | |
57% | 28 29 | 1993 | Pyle, Douglas G.; Christie, D. M. et al.: Geochemical signature of Southeast Indian and Southwest Pacific seafloor; DSDP legs 28 and 29 basement revisited | |
57% | 29 29-284 | 1986 | Hodell, David A.; Wei, Kuo-Yen et al.: Climate change, faunal fluctuations, and evolution in the Globoconella lineage during the late Miocene-early Pliocene at DSDP Site 284 | |
57% | 29 29-284 90 90-593 | 1991 | Berryman, Kelvin: Progress in establishing Quaternary stratotypes in New Zealand | |
57% | 29 29-283 | 1996 | Seidl, Michele A.; Weissel, Jeffrey K. et al.: The kinematics and pattern of escarpment retreat across the rifted continental margin of SE Australia | |
57% | 6 7 21 29 30 44 48 80 82 94 95 | 1990 | Coles, Graham; Ayress, Michael A. et al.: A comparison of North Atlantic and Pacific Cainozoic deep-sea Ostracoda | |
57% | 29 29-280 29-281 29-282 29-283 | 1996 | Exon, Neville; Hill, Peter et al.: A proposal for ODP palaeoclimatic and palaeo-oceanographic drilling in the "southern gateway" off Tasmania | |
57% | 28 28-266 29 29-277 | 1977 | Brewster, N. A.: Biogenic silica sedimentation and surface productivity in the Cenozoic Antarctic Ocean | |
57% | 29 29-281 | 1979 | Loutit, T. S.; Kennett, J. P.: Late Miocene paleoclimatology; subantarctic water mass, Southwest Pacific | |
57% | 28 29 | 1995 | Pyle, D. G.; Christie, D. M. et al.: Geochemistry and geochronology of ancient Southeast Indian and Southwest Pacific seafloor | download |
57% | 29 29-284 90 90-592 | 1991 | Schneider, Cynthia E.; Kennett, James P.: Oxygen isotopic evidence for seasonal or vertical segregation of ancestor and descendant species within the Neogene planktonic foraminifera lineage Globorotalia (Globoconella) | |
57% | 14 20 26 27 29 | 1975 | Baker, E. W.; Smith, G. D.: Chlorophyll derivatives in DSDP Leg 14, 20, 26, 27, and 29 sediments | |
57% | 28 29 35 36 71 113 114 119 120 | 1988 | Lazarus, D.: Cenozoic and Cretaceous Antarctic radiolarians | |
57% | 29 29-277 90 90-592 90-593 | 1984 | Murphy, Margaret G.; Kennett, James P.: Oxygen isotopic evidence for the development of latitudinal thermal gradients in the Oligocene of the Southwest Pacific | |
57% | 29 29-277 29-279 29-281 29-284 | 1977 | Goodney, D. E.; Dudley, W. C. et al.: Non-equilibrium isotope fractionation in biogenic calcite | |
57% | 29 29-277 29-281 30 30-289 | 1984 | Kennett, James P.: Marine Cenozoic stratigraphy; recent advances and future prespectives | |
57% | 29 90 | 1998 | Buening, Nancy; Carlson, Sandra J. et al.: Evidence for the early Oligocene formation of a proto-subtropical convergence from oxygen isotope records of New Zealand Paleogene brachiopods | |
57% | 29 29-284 | 1997 | Edwards, Anthony R.: The Plio-Pleistocene boundary in New Zealand | |
57% | 29 29-277 31 31-292 | 1980 | Keigwin, Lloyd D., Jr.: Eocene-Oligocene stable isotope stratigraphy of high latitude Pacific Ocean DSDP Site 277 and low latitude Site 292 | |
57% | 21 21-206 21-208 29 29-284 30 30-289 | 1980 | Srinivasan, M. S.; Kennett, J. P.: Equatorial to temperate Neogene planktonic foraminiferal correlation and evolution; Southwest Pacific | |
57% | 29 | 1997 | Crawford, A. J.; Lanyon, R. et al.: Geochemistry and significance of basaltic rocks dredged from the South Tasman Rise and adjacent seamounts | |
57% | 29 29-277 | 1993 | Jenkins, D. Graham; Strong, P. et al.: Southwest Pacific Paleocene planktonic foraminifera | |
57% | 29 29-278 | 1998 | Schuur, Catherine L.; Coffin, Millard F. et al.: Sedimentary regimes at the Macquarie Ridge complex; interaction of Southern Ocean circulation and plate boundary bathymetry | download |
57% | 29 29-277 | 1979 | Corliss, B. H.: Response of deep-sea benthonic foraminifera to the development of the psychrosphere near the Eocene/Oligocene boundary | |
57% | 21 21-206 21-208 29 29-284 30 30-289 | 1984 | Kennett, James P.; Srinivasan, M. S.: Neogene planktonic foraminiferal datum planes of the South Pacific; mid to equatorial latitudes | |
57% | 29 29-277 31 31-292 90 90-592 90-593 | 1983 | Murphy, Margaret G.; Kennett, James P.: The Eocene/Oligocene boundary; new isotopic evidence from DSDP Leg 90, temperate South-west Pacific | |
55% | 36 36-328 | 1977 | Gombos, A. M., Jr.: Archaeomonads as Eocene and Oligocene guide fossils in marine sediments | download |
51% | 29 | 1975 | Kennett, J. P.; Houtz, R. E. et al.: Lyttleton, New Zealand to Wellington, New Zealand; March-April 1973 | download |
51% | 29 29-275 29-278 29-280 29-283 | 1975 | Bukry, D.: Silicoflagellate and coccolith stratigraphy, Deep Sea Drilling Project, Leg 29 | download |
50% | 29 | 1976 | Hajos, M.: Upper Eocene and lower Oligocene Diatomaceae, Archaeomonadaceae, and Silicoflagellatae in southwestern Pacific sediments, DSDP Leg 29 | download |
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