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Score ↓ | Exp/Site/Hole | Year | Author/Title | Full text |
100% | 31 31-302 | 1979 | Shimazu, M.: "Green tuff" in the core from DSDP Leg 31, Site 302; Kita-Yamatotai | |
100% | 31 | 1974 | Karig, Daniel E.: Implications for the origin of the Philippine Sea from DSDP Leg 31 and S.I.O. cruise Tasaday | |
100% | 31 31-292 | 1985 | Pettis, Rani Hathaway: Pleistocene benthic foraminifera of the Benham Rise, western Philippine Basin, western Pacific Ocean, DSDP Site 292 (Leg 31) and a taxonomic revision of the unilocular foraminifera | |
100% | 31 31-293 | 1975 | Fountain, David M.; Carlson, R. L. et al.: Possible lower crustal rocks recovered on Leg 31 by deep-sea drilling in the Philippine Sea | |
85% | 31 | 1976 | Ujiie, H.: Prosphaeroidinella, n. gen.; probable ancestral taxon of Sphaeroidinellopsis (foraminifera) | |
85% | 31 | 1974 | Ingle, J. C., Jr.: Marginal Western Pacific; results of deep sea drilling in the Philippine Sea and Sea of Japan | |
85% | | 1973 | Ingle, James C., Jr.: Leg 31; Western Pacific floor | |
80% | 31 31-292 31-293 31-294 | 1979 | Chen, J. C.; Chen, L. H.: Geochemistry of basalt from Leg 31 of the Deep Sea Drilling Project | |
71% | 31 59 60 | 1985 | Kirillova, G. L.: Razrez vulkanogenno-osadochnogo chekhla dna Filippinskogo morya vdol' 18 degrees s. sh. Volcano-sedimentary cover section of the Philippine Sea floor along 18 degrees N | |
71% | 31 31-292 | 1982 | Odin, Gilles S.: NDS 26; Late Eocene, K-Ar/whole-rock basalt, W Philippine Basin | |
71% | 31 31-298 | 1974 | Moore, J. C.; Karig, D. E.: Structural geology and tectonics of the Shikoku subduction zone | |
71% | 31 | 1974 | Ujiie, Hiroshi: Time-space variation of the post-Miocene planktonic foraminiferal faunas in the western Pacific region (preliminary note) | |
71% | 31 | 1976 | Shih, T.: Marine magnetic anomalies in the West Philippine Basin | |
71% | 31 31-298 | 1982 | Taylor, Julie M.; Sibley, Duncan F.: The composition of hemipelagic muds from the fore arc region of S.W. Japan; implications of provenance and tectonic activity | |
71% | 31 31-299 | 1979 | Koizumi, I.: DSDP Site 299, the Sea of Japan | |
71% | 31 31-301 | 1979 | Koizumi, I.: DSDP Site 301, the Sea of Japan | |
71% | 31 31-302 | 1979 | Koizumi, I.: DSDP Site 302, the Sea of Japan | |
71% | | 1973 | Karig, D.: Origin of the West Philippine Basin | |
71% | 1 29 31 32 | 1978 | Iijima, Azuma: Zeolitic diagenesis | |
71% | 17 31 | 1978 | Ozima, M.; Kaneoka, I. et al.: (super 40) Ar- (super 39) Ar geochronological studies of submarine rocks from the western Pacific area | |
71% | 6 31 59 60 | 1988 | Kirillova, G. L.: Stratigraphic zonation of sediments and basement rocks of the Philippine Sea floor and its tectonic interpretation | |
71% | 6 31 59 60 | 1981 | Blanchet, Rene: Episodicity in subduction; related processes; tectonics, sedimentation and volcanism in the western Pacific | |
71% | 31 | 1977 | Ozima, M.; Kaneoka, I. et al.: (super 40) Ar- (super 39) Ar age of rocks, and the development mode of the Philippine Sea | |
71% | 31 58 | 1987 | Vlasova, I. E.; Kashkarova, V. G. et al.: Dating of basalts from Ninetyeast Ridge area by fission track and thermoluminescence analyses | |
71% | 31 31-296 | 1979 | Keller, G.: Late Neogene planktonic foraminiferal biostratigraphy and paleoceanography of the Northwest Pacific DSDP Site 296 | |
71% | 31 58 | 1978 | Kobayashi, K.; Nakata, M.: Magnetic anomalies and tectonic evolution of the Shikoku inter-arc basin, northwestern Pacific margin | |
71% | 31 31-302 | 1988 | Iijima, Azuma; Tada, Ryuji et al.: Developments of Neogene sedimentary basins in the northeastern Honshu Arc with emphasis on Miocene siliceous deposits | |
71% | 31 31-292 | 1998 | Zho Quanhong; Whatley, Robin: Evolutionary events of Cainozoic Ostracoda of western Philippine Sea and paleoceanographical implications | |
71% | 31 31-299 | 1998 | Nakajima, Takeshi; Satoh, Mikio et al.: Channel-levee complexes, terminal deep-sea fan and sediment wave fields associated with the Toyama Deep-Sea Channel system in the Japan Sea | |
71% | 31 31-298 | 1997 | Takahashi, M.; Danhara, T.: Fission track age of Miocene Kn-3 tuff in central Japan; towards better age-control on magneto-biostratigraphic time scale | |
71% | 31 58 | 1980 | Konishi, Kenji,: Cenozoic reefs and island-arc tectonics | |
71% | 31 31-292 | 1984 | Glass, B. P.: Multiple late Eocene and early Oligocene tektite events? | |
57% | 31 31-292 | 1981 | Keller, Gerta: Origin and evolution of the genus Globigerinoides in the early Miocene of the northwestern Pacific, DSDP Site 292 | |
57% | 23 23-219 29 29-277 31 31-292 40 40-363 | 1983 | Aubry, M. P.: Late Eocene to early Oligocene calcareous nannoplankton biostratigraphy and biogeography | |
57% | 18 18-173 31 31-292 32 32-305 32-310 | 1981 | Leinen, Margaret S.: Implications of sediment geochemistry for the Cenozoic paleoceanography of the North Pacific | |
57% | 18 18-173 31 31-296 32 32-310 | 1978 | Keller, G.: Late Neogene climatic oscillations across the mid latitudes of the North Pacific | |
57% | 18 18-173 31 31-296 32 32-310 | 1978 | Keller, G.: Late Neogene paleoceanography and planktonic foraminiferal datum levels of mid latitudes of the North Pacific | |
57% | 31 31-292 31-296 | 1977 | Ujiie, H.: Late Cenozoic planktonic foraminiferal biostratigraphy in the subtropical region of the western North Pacific | |
57% | 31 31-292 32 32-305 32-310 62 62-463 | 1982 | Rea, David K.; Janecek, Thomas R.: Late Cenozoic changes in atmospheric circulation deduced from North Pacific eolian sediments | |
57% | 31 31-296 31-301 | 1982 | Shcheka, S. A.; Zabelin, V. V. et al.: Magnetites and ferric hydroxides in sediments of the Japan and Philippine seas and their genetic information | |
57% | 31 31-290 31-291 | 1976 | Louden, K. E.: Magnetic anomalies in the West Philippine Basin | |
57% | 31 31-294 31-295 | 1976 | Bonatti, E.; Kolla, V. et al.: Metallogenesis in marginal basins; Fe-rich basal sediments from the Phillipine Sea | |
57% | 21 21-210 30 30-286 31 31-297 31-299 | 1986 | Klein, George DeVries; Yang Baoxing: Periodicity of preserved turbidites in submarine fans as an indicator of tectonic uplift rate | |
57% | 22 22-216 31 31-292 113 113-689 | 1999 | Glass, B. P.; Koeberl, C.: North American microtektites in the Indian Ocean? | |
57% | 18 18-173 31 31-296 32 32-310 | 1979 | Keller, Gerta: Early Pliocene to Pleistocene planktonic foraminiferal datum levels in the North Pacific; DSDP sites 173, 310, 296 | |
57% | 31 31-297 31-298 87 87-582 87-583 | 1996 | Mountney, Nigel P.; Westbrook, Graham K.: Modelling sedimentation in ocean trenches; the Nankai Trough from 1 Ma to the present | |
57% | 19 19-192 31 31-302 57 57-438 | 1996 | Motoyama, Isao: Late Neogene radiolarian biostratigraphy in the subarctic Northwest Pacific | |
57% | 31 31-297 31-298 31-299 | 1976 | Moore, J. C.; Karig, D. E.: Sedimentology, structural geology, and tectonics of the Shikoku subduction zone, southwestern Japan | |
57% | 6 31 58 60 125 126 | 1995 | Hall, Robert; Fuller, Michael et al.: The Philippine Sea Plate; magnetism and reconstructions | |
57% | 31 56 57 58 86 87 124 127 128 | 1995 | Cambray, Herve; Pubellier, Manuel et al.: Volcanic activity recorded in deep-sea sediments and the geodynamic evolution of western Pacific island arcs | |
57% | 31 31-292 31-293 31-294 | 1991 | Chen, Ju-chin: Geochemical studies of basalts from the Philippine Sea | |
57% | 31 | 1983 | Bahk, K. S.; Chough, S. K.: Provenance of turbidites in the Ulleung (Tsushima) back-arc basin, East Sea (Sea of Japan) | |
57% | 21 21-210 31 31-299 | 1983 | Klein, G. de Vries: Relative rates of tectonic uplift in sediment sources as determined from preserved episodic turbidite deposition in marine basins | |
57% | 31 58 59 60 | 1991 | Hickey-Vargas, Rosemary: Isotope characteristics of submarine lavas from the Philippine Sea; implications for the origin of arc and basin magmas of the Philippine tectonic plate | |
57% | 31 31-291 31-294 31-295 | 1979 | Bonatti, E.; Kolla, V. et al.: Metallogenesis in marginal basins; Fe-rich basal deposits from the Philippine Sea | |
57% | 18 18-173 31 31-292 31-296 32 32-310 | 1979 | Keller, G.; Ingle, J. C. et al.: Middle to late Miocene correlations across the North Pacific with onshore extrapolations | |
57% | 31 31-292 31-294 58 58-445 58-446 | 1995 | Hickey-Vargas, R.: Early Tertiary volcanism in the northern West Philippine Basin; geochemical evidence for island arc and oceanic island magma sources | |
57% | 31 87 131 131-808 132 196 196-808 | 1990 | Karig, D. E.; Moran, K.: A dynamically sealed decollement; Nankai Prism | |
57% | 21 21-210 31 31-299 | 1984 | Klein, G. deV.: Determination of relative tectonic uplift rates in sediment source terrains from analysis of preserved turbidite frequencies occurring in submarine fans | |
57% | 18 18-173 31 31-296 32 32-310 | 1978 | Keller, G.: North Pacific biostratigraphy and paleoceanography of DSDP sites 173, 310, 296 | |
57% | 31 31-299 | 1992 | Gansey, Sergy S.; Pletnev, Sergy P.: Neogene-Quaternary boundary in Japan Sea (Site 299 DSDP) | |
57% | 31 31-299 | 1992 | Gansey, Sergy S.; Pletnev, Sergy P.: Pliocene-Pleistocene boundary in Japan Sea (Site 299 DSDP) | |
57% | 31 59 59-450 60 | 1982 | Sigurdsson, H.: Volcanogenic sediments in island arcs | |
57% | 31 31-291 31-294 | 1983 | Lalou, Claude: Genesis of ferromanganese deposits; hydrothermal origin | |
57% | 31 31-292 90 90-592 | 1986 | Keller, Gerta: Eocene-Oligocene boundary reference sections in the Pacific | |
57% | 31 31-292 195 195-1202 | 2010 | Wei, K.: Origin and evolution of Kuroshio; the last frontier of paleoceanography in Western Pacific | |
57% | 31 31-302 | 2008 | Schneider-Mor, Aya; Bowen, G. J.: Dynamics of carbon burial in the coastal oceans through the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum | |
57% | 31 31-302 302 | 2008 | St. John, K. E.; Passchier, S. et al.: Evaluating the input of iceberg-rafted vs. sea ice-rafted debris using surface texture analyses of quartz grains from the ACEX central Arctic middle Eocene marine sediment record | |
57% | 31 31-296 | 2005 | Pages, M.; Rebenack, C. et al.: Geochemistry of Oligocene volcaniclastic sediments from DSDP Site 296, Palau Kyushu Ridge | |
57% | 31 31-290 31-292 31-294 | 1977 | Louden, K. E.: Paleomagnetism of DSDP sediments, phase shifting of magnetic anomalies, and rotations of the West Philippine Basin | download |
57% | 31 31-290 31-292 31-294 | 1975 | Louden, K. E.: Paleolatitudes from DSDP sediments in the West Philippine Basin | |
57% | 31 87 | 2009 | Kuramoto, Shin'ichi: Outline of the Nankai Trough Seismogenic Zone Experiment | |
57% | 31 | 2002 | Deschamps, Anne; Lallemand, Serge: The West Philippine Basin; an Eocene to early Oligocene back arc basin opened between two opposed subduction zones | download |
57% | 29 29-277 31 31-292 | 1980 | Keigwin, Lloyd D., Jr.: Eocene-Oligocene stable isotope stratigraphy of high latitude Pacific Ocean DSDP Site 277 and low latitude Site 292 | |
57% | 31 87 131 190 190-1176 | 2002 | Saffer, D. M.: Differences in taper angle along strike of the Nankai accretionary complex; a consequence of lithostratigraphy? | |
57% | 19 31 32 56 57 | 1987 | Pushkar, Vladimir S.: Plio-Pleistocene boundary in sediments of Pacific Ocean | |
57% | 31 31-296 | 1993 | Liu Chuanlian: A comparative study of Tertiary calcareous nannofossils from marginal sea and open ocean | |
57% | 18 31 56 57 57-438 57-440 | 1980 | Shephard, Les E.; Chiou, Wen-An et al.: Consolidation characteristics and clay fabric of Japan Trench sediments | |
57% | 31 31-291 31-292 | 1988 | Seno, Tetsuzo: Tectonic evolution of the West Philippine Basin | |
57% | 25 25-242 31 31-292 | 1984 | Glass, B. P.; Keller, Gerta et al.: Multiple microtektite horizons in upper Eocene marine sediments?; discussion and reply | |
57% | 31 31-298 87 87-583 | 1983 | Karig, D. E.: Style and distribution of deformation across the lower slope of the Nankai Trough, Southwest Japan | |
57% | 29 29-277 31 31-292 90 90-592 90-593 | 1983 | Murphy, Margaret G.; Kennett, James P.: The Eocene/Oligocene boundary; new isotopic evidence from DSDP Leg 90, temperate South-west Pacific | |
57% | 17 17-167 31 31-292 31-296 | 1977 | Judd, J. B.: The potential effects of selective dissolution on Oligocene planktonic foraminiferal biostratigraphy in the western and central equatorial Pacific Ocean | |
57% | 31 196 | 2010 | Saffer, D. M.: Hydrostratigraphy as a control on subduction zone mechanics through its effects on drainage; an example from the Nankai margin, SW Japan | |
55% | 31 31-292 | 1975 | McKee, E. H.: K-Ar ages of deep-sea basalts, Benham Rise, West Philippine Basin, Leg 31, Deep Sea Drilling Project | download |
52% | 31 31-292 31-293 31-294 31-296 | 1975 | Christensen, N. I.; Carlson, R. L. et al.: Elastic wave velocities in volcanic and plutonic rocks recovered on DSDP Leg 31 | download |
52% | 31 31-297 31-298 31-301 | 1975 | Watanabe, T.; Von Herzen, R. P. et al.: Geothermal studies Leg 31, Deep Sea Drilling Project | download |
49% | 30 30-285 30-286 31 31-297 31-299 58 58-445 58-446 60 60-453 | 1983 | Lee, Yong Il: Diagenesis of sandstones in back-arc basins, western Pacific Ocean | |
49% | 9 9-77 13 13-128 23 23-219 26 26-253 31 31-292 40 40-363 | 1983 | Corliss, Bruce H.; Keigwin, Lloyd D., Jr.: Eocene-Oligocene benthonic foraminifera; implications for deep-water circulation history | |
49% | 10 10-91 16 16-160 16-161 16-163 31 31-293 31-298 31-299 31-302 | 1981 | Bryant, William R.; Bennett, Richard H. et al.: Shear strength, consolidation, porosity, and permeability of oceanic sediments | |
49% | 23 23-219 26 26-253 29 29-277 31 31-292 40 40-363 | 1982 | Keller, Gerta R.: Eocene-Oligocene temperature drop; a stepped cooling trend | |
49% | 31 31-297 131 131-808 132 190 190-1177 196 196-808 | 2000 | Brown, Kevin M.; Underwood, M. et al.: Evidence for extremely low-frictional strength materials entering the Nankai subduction system; consequences for the updip-limit controversy | |
49% | 16 16-162 17 17-167 31 31-292 | 2000 | Huber, H.; Koeberl, C. et al.: Geochemical study of microtektites, bediasites, and georgiaites from the upper Eocene North American tektite strewn field | |
49% | 30 30-285 30-286 31 31-297 31-299 58 58-445 58-446 60 60-453 | 1984 | Lee, Yong Il: Petrology and diagenesis of medium-grained clastic sediments in the back-arc basins of the western Pacific Ocean | |
49% | 30 30-285 31 31-297 31-299 58 58-445 58-446 60 60-453 | 1983 | Lee, Yong Il: Sandstone diagenesis in Pacific Ocean back-arc basins | |
49% | 30 30-285 30-286 31 31-297 31-299 58 58-445 58-446 60 60-453 | 1986 | Lee, Yong Il; Klein, George DeVries: Diagenesis of sandstones in the back-arc basins of the western Pacific Ocean | |
49% | 30 30-285 30-286 31 31-297 31-299 58 58-445 58-446 60 60-453 | 1986 | Lee, Yong Il: Effect of thermal circulation and burial rate on sandstone diagenesis in Pacific Ocean back-arc basins | |
49% | 31 31-299 31-301 | 1978 | Sibley, D. F.; Pentony, K. J.: Provenance variation in turbidite sediments, Sea of Japan | |
49% | 21 21-210 30 30-287 31 31-299 | 1984 | Klein, George de Vries: Relative rates of tectonic uplift as determined from episodic turbidite deposition in marine basins | |
49% | 31 31-297 31-298 87 87-582 87-583 | 1992 | Marsaglia, Kathleen M.; Ingersoll, Raymond V. et al.: Tectonic evolution of the Japanese Islands as reflected in modal compositions of Cenozoic forearc and backarc sand and sandstone | download |
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