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Score ↓ | Exp/Site/Hole | Year | Author/Title | Full text |
100% | 35 35-322 35-323 | 1976 | Kastner, M.; Gieskes, J. M.: Interstitial water profiles and sites of diagenetic reactions, Leg 35, DSDP, Bellingshausen abyssal plain | |
85% | 35 | 1982 | Craddock, Campbell: Antarctica and Gondwanaland | |
80% | 35 | 1976 | Hollister, C. D. (ed.); Craddock, C. (ed.) et al.: Initial reports of the Deep Sea Drilling Project covering Leg 35 of the cruises of the drilling vessel Glomar Challenger; Callao, Peru to Ushuaia, Argentina, February-March 1974 | download |
80% | 35 | 2007 | Barker, Peter F.: The history of Antarctic Peninsula glaciation | |
71% | 35 35-323 | 1975 | Eslinger, Eric V.; Savin, Samuel M.: Mineralogy and O (super 18) /O (super 16) of clay-size minerals from DSDP Site 323, southeast Pacific | |
71% | 35 | 1974 | Hollister, C.; Craddock, C. et al.: Deep drilling in the Southeast Pacific Basin | |
71% | 35 35-323 | 1976 | Sands, C. D.; Drever, J. I.: Authigenic laumontite in deep-sea sediments | |
71% | 8 25 35 | 1976 | McDuff, R. E.; Gieskes, J. M.: Calcium and magnesium profiles in DSDP interstitial waters; diffusion or reaction? | |
71% | 15 15-146 35 35-323 | 1976 | Sands, C. D.: Mineralogy and diagenesis in Deep Sea Drilling Project cores, Sites 146 and 323 | |
71% | 35 | 1976 | Tucholke, B. E.: Sedimentation processes and acoustic stratigraphy off West Antarctica | |
71% | 28 29 35 36 | 1980 | Flohn, H.: A hemispheric circulation asymmetry during the late Tertiary | |
71% | 28 29 35 36 | 1977 | Kennett, J. P.: Cenozoic evolution of Antarctic glaciation, the Circum-Antarctic Ocean, and their impact on global paleoceanography | download |
71% | 28 29 35 36 | 1981 | Flohn, H.: A hemispheric circulation asymmetry during late Tertiary | |
71% | 28 29 35 36 | 1978 | Kennett, James P.: Cainozoic evolution of circumantarctic palaeoceanography | |
71% | 35 | 1993 | Galushkin, Yu. I.; Dubinin, Ye. P. et al.: Printsipy chislennogo analiza termicheskoy evolyutsii litosfery i osadochnykh basseynov passivnykh kontinental'nykh okrain razlichnykh geodimamicheskikh tipov Principles of numerical analysis of thermal evolution of the lithosphere and sedimentary basins of passive continental margins of various geodynamic types | |
71% | 35 | 1977 | Tucholke, B. E.: Sedimentation processes and acoustic stratigraphy in the Bellingshausen Basin | |
71% | 2 34 35 | 1977 | Seidemann, D. E.: Effects of submarine alteration on K-Ar dating of deep-sea igneous rocks | |
71% | 28 29 35 36 | 1986 | Petrushevska, M. G.: Evolution of the Antarctissa Group | |
71% | 35 | 1997 | Elliot, D. H.: The planar crest of Graham Land, northern Antarctic Peninsula; possible origins and timing of uplift | |
70% | 35 35-322 35-323 35-325 | 1975 | Anderson, T. F.; Donnelly, T. W. et al.: Leg 35 DSDP; Mineralogical, chemical and isotopic results on sediments, basalts and pore fluids delineate reaction zones | |
70% | 35 35-322 35-323 35-324 35-325 | 1976 | Anderson, T. F.; Donnelly, T. W. et al.: Geochemistry and diagenesis of deep-sea sediments from Leg 35 of the Deep Sea Drilling Project | |
65% | 35 | 1976 | Cameron, D. H.: Grain-size and carbon/carbonate analyses, Leg 35 | download |
64% | 35 | 1976 | Weaver, F. M.; Roegl, F. et al.: Paleontological summary of deep sea drilling results from Leg 35, Southeast Pacific Basin | download |
61% | 35 | 1976 | Shishkina, O. V.; Shirshov, P. P.: Some results of the investigation of interstitial waters, DSDP Leg 35 | download |
57% | 35 35-322 35-323 35-324 35-325 | 1981 | Ishiwada, Y.: Revision of marine geology of Bellingshausen Sea, Antarctica | |
57% | 35 35-322 35-323 35-324 35-325 | 1974 | Craddock, C.: Crustal ages from deep sea drilling in the southeast Pacific Basin | |
57% | 35 35-323 | 1986 | Yeh, H. W.; Eslinger, E. V.: Oxygen isotopes and the extent of diagenesis of clay minerals during sedimentation and burial in the sea | |
57% | 35 35-323 | 1979 | Lawrence, J. R.; Drever, J. I. et al.: Importance of alteration of volcanic material in the sediments of Deep Sea Drilling Site 323; chemistry, (super 18) O/ (super 16) O and (super 87) Sr/ (super 86) Sr | |
57% | 35 35-325 178 | 2003 | Hernandez-Molina, F. J.; Larter, R. D. et al.: Evidence of Miocene bottom water flow reversal from a fossil patch drift plastered on seamounts on the continental rise west of the Antarctic Peninsula | |
57% | 35 35-323 198 198-1209 199 | 2010 | Schubert, J. A.; Thomas, D. J. et al.: Paleogene reconstruction of southern Pacific water mass composition using Nd isotope | |
57% | 28 29 35 36 71 113 114 119 120 | 1988 | Lazarus, D.: Cenozoic and Cretaceous Antarctic radiolarians | |
57% | 35 35-322 37 37-333 | 1975 | Rowlett, H.; McCamy, K. et al.: Refraction experiments using ocean bottom seismographs to derive a three-dimensional crustal model of an accreting plate margin | |
57% | 35 35-325 178 | 2004 | Hernandez Molina, Francisco Javier; Maldonado, Andres et al.: The stacking pattern of contourite deposits and late Miocene to Quaternary evolution of the continental rise of the Antarctic Peninsula offshore from Adelaide Island | |
57% | 25 25-239 30 30-285 35 35-323 38 38-336 | 1983 | Gieskes, Joris M.: The chemistry of interstitial waters of deep sea sediments; interpretation of deep sea drilling data | |
57% | 35 35-324 | 2012 | Uenzelmann-Neben, Gabriele; Gohl, Karsten: Amundsen Sea sediment drifts; archives of modifications in oceanographic and climatic conditions | |
56% | 35 | 1976 | Bukry, D.: Comments on some coccoliths and silicoflagellates from Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 35 | download |
55% | 35 35-322 35-323 | 1976 | Christensen, N. I.: Seismic velocities, densities, and elastic constants of basalts from DSDP Leg 35 | download |
53% | 35 | 1976 | Anonymous: Explanatory notes | download |
50% | 35 35-322 35-323 | 1976 | Seidemann, D.: K-Ar dates on Site 322 and Site 323 basalts | download |
49% | 35 35-325 178 | 2006 | Hernandez-Molina, F. J.; Larter, R. D. et al.: Miocene reversal of bottom water flow along the Pacific margin of the Antarctic Peninsula; stratigraphic evidence from a contourite sedimentary tail | download |
49% | 16 16-159 16-163 35 35-323 36 36-329 | 1984 | Gorbunova, Z. N.: Paleookeanologiya i vysokodispersnyye mineraly (na primere vostochnoy chasti Tikhogo okeana)--Paleo-oceanography and clay-sized minerals in the East Pacific | |
49% | 35 35-325 178 | 2004 | Hernandez-Molina, F. J.; Larter, R. D. et al.: Miocene changes in bottom current regime recorded in continental rise sediments on the Pacific margin of the Antarctic Peninsula | download |
49% | 25 29 35 39 113 114 119 120 141 177 178 | 2002 | Dmitrenko, O. B.: Biogeographic zonation of the nannoplankton of the Southern Ocean in the Pliocene | |
47% | 35 35-323 | 1976 | Roegl, F.: Danian Calcisphaerulidae of DSDP Leg 35, Site 323, Southeast Pacific Ocean | download |
47% | 35 35-325 | 1976 | Roegl, F.; Hochuli, P.: The occurrence of Bolboforma, a probable algal cyst, in the Antarctic Miocene of DSDP Leg 35 | download |
46% | 35 | 1976 | Hollister, C. D. (ed.); Craddock, C. (ed.) et al.: Introduction, principal results; Leg 35, Deep Sea Drilling Project | download |
42% | 35 35-324 38 38-338 38-341 38-342 38-343 38-345 38-348 38-350 | 1982 | Talvany, M.; Udintsev, G. B.: Tektonika dna okeana Tectonics of the ocean floor | |
42% | 35 35-325 178 178-1095 178-1096 178-1097 | 2002 | Lucchi, Renata G.; Rebesco, Michele et al.: Sedimentary processes and glacial cycles on the sediment drifts of the Antarctic Peninsula Pacific margin; preliminary results of SEDANO-II Project | |
41% | 35 | 1976 | Haq, B. U.; Riley, A.: Antarctic silicoflagellates from the Southeast Pacific, Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 35 | download |
40% | 35 35-323 35-325 | 1976 | Haq, B. U.: Coccoliths in cores from the Bellingshausen abyssal plain and Antarctic continental rise (DSDP Leg 35) | download |
40% | 35 | 1976 | Lawrence, J. R.; Gieskes, J. M. et al.: Oxygen isotope material balance calculations, Leg 35 | download |
40% | 35 | 1976 | Fenner, J.; Schrader, H.-J. et al.: Diatom phytoplankton studies in the southern Pacific Ocean, composition and correlation to the Antarctic convergence and its paleoecological significance | download |
40% | 35 | 1976 | Gieskes, J. M.; Lawrence, J. R.: Geochemistry, Leg 35; introduction and summary | download |
39% | 35 35-322 35-323 | 1976 | Vennum, W. R.: Petrology and geochemistry of DSDP Leg 35 basalts, Bellingshausen Sea | download |
38% | 35 | 1976 | Roegl, F.: Late Cretaceous to Pleistocene foraminifera from the Southeast Pacific Basin, DSDP Leg 35 | download |
35% | 35 35-323 38 38-344 38-348 69 69-504 70 70-504 83 83-504 92 92-504 111 111-504 137 137-504 140 140-504 148 148-504 | 1987 | Taviani, Marco; Lawrence, James R.: Unusual occurrence of methane-derived carbonates; delta (super 13) C depleted calcite veins in basalt bedrock of the Norwegian-Greenland Sea, DSDP Leg 38 | |
35% | 12 12-112 14 14-140 14-141 29 29-283 35 35-323 36 36-328 38 38-346 38-347 38-349 38-350 39 39-355 39-358 41 41-367 41-368 | 1981 | Gradstein, Felix M.; Berggren, W. A.: Flysch-type agglutinated Foraminifera and the Maestrichtian to Paleogene history of the Labrador and North Seas | |
35% | 19 19-192 35 35-323 62 62-464 91 91-596 145 145-883 | 2012 | Subt, Cristina; Thomas, Debbie: Pb isotopic composition of Late Cretaceous and early Paleogene Pacific water masses | |
35% | 35 | 1976 | Craddock, C.; Hollister, C. D.: Geologic evolution of the Southeast Pacific Basin | download |
34% | 35 | 1976 | Bogdanov, Yu. A.; Zhivago, V. N. et al.: Grain size and mineralogy of sediments and sedimentary rocks, DSDP Leg 35 | download |
34% | 35 | 1976 | Gieskes, J. M.; Lawrence, J. R.: Interstitial water studies, Leg 35 | download |
33% | 35 35-322 35-323 35-325 | 1976 | Gorbunova, Z. N.; Shirshov, P. P.: Clay-size minerals from cores of the Southeast Pacific Ocean, Deep Sea Drilling Project, Leg 35 | download |
33% | 35 | 1976 | Anderson, T. F.; Lawrence, J. R.: Stable isotope investigations of sediments, basalts, and authigenic phases from Leg 35 cores | download |
32% | 35 | 1976 | Tucholke, B. E.; Edgar, N. T. et al.: Physical properties of sediments and correlation with acoustic stratigraphy; Leg 35, Deep Sea Drilling Project | download |
32% | 35 | 1976 | Weaver, F. M.: Antarctic Radiolaria from the Southeast Pacific Basin, Deep Sea Drilling Project, Leg 35 | download |
31% | 51 51-417 52 52-417 52-418 53 53-418 102 102-418 | 1980 | Gieskes, J. M.; Reese, H.: Interstitial water studies, Legs 51-53 | download |
31% | 82 82-558 82-563 | 1985 | Echols, Dorothy J.: "Bolboforma"; a Miocene algae(?) of possible biostratigraphic and paleoclimatic value | download |
30% | 35 | 1976 | Peters, C. S.; Hollister, C. D.: Heavy mineral characteristics and dispersal patterns from DSDP Leg 35, Southeast Pacific Basin | download |
30% | 35 35-322 35-323 35-325 | 1976 | Donnelly, T. W.; Wallace, J. L.: Major- and minor-element chemistry of Antarctic clay-rich sediments; Sites 322, 323, and 325, DSDP Leg 35 | download |
30% | 49 | 1979 | Chroston, P. N.; Evans, C. J. et al.: Laboratory measurements of compressional wave velocities and electrical resistivity of basalts from DSDP Leg 49 | download |
30% | 35 | 1976 | Tucholke, B. E.; Hollister, C. D. et al.: Continental rise and abyssal plain sedimentation in the Southeast Pacific Basin; Leg 35, Deep Sea Drilling Project | download |
28% | 41 41-369 41-370 | 1977 | Couture, R.; Miller, R. S. et al.: Interstitial water and mineralogical studies, Leg 41 | download |
28% | 38 | 1978 | Gieskes, J. M.; Lawrence, J. R. et al.: Interstitial water studies, Leg 38 | download |
28% | 35 35-322 35-323 | 1976 | Kastner, M.: Diagenesis of basal sediments and basalts of Sites 322 and 323, Leg 35, Bellingshausen abyssal plain | download |
25% | 35 35-325 | 1976 | Schroeder, F. W.: A geophysical survey at Site 325 in the Bellingshausen Basin | download |
25% | | 1980 | Bolli, Hans M.: Ages of sediments recovered from the Deep Sea Drilling Project Pacific legs 5 through 9, 16 through 21, and 28 through 35 | download |
25% | 58 58-442 58-443 58-444 58-445 58-446 | 1981 | Gieskes, Joris M.; Johnson, Jeff: Interstitial-water studies, Leg 58 | download |
25% | 35 | 1976 | Zemmels, I.; Cook, H. E.: X-ray mineralogy data from the Southeast Pacific Basin; Leg 35 Deep Sea Drilling Project | download |
25% | 61 61-462 89 89-462 | 1981 | Gieskes, Joris M.; Johnson, Jeff: Interstitial-water studies, Leg 61 | download |
25% | 40 40-363 | 1978 | Bolli, H. M.: Cretaceous and Paleogene Calcisphaerulidae from DSDP Leg 40, southeastern Atlantic | download |
24% | 35 35-323 | 1976 | Drever, J. I.: Chemical and mineralogical studies, Site 323 | download |
24% | 43 43-386 43-387 | 1979 | Miller, R. S.; Lawrence, J. R. et al.: Interstitial water studies, sites 386 and 387, Leg 43 | download |
21% | 72 72-515 72-516 | 1983 | Gieskes, Joris M.; Sirocky, Frank X. et al.: Interstitial water studies, Leg 72 | download |
21% | 45 45-396 46 46-396 | 1979 | Muehlenbachs, K.; Hodges, F. N.: Oxygen isotope geochemistry of rocks from DSDP Leg 46 | download |
21% | | 1976 | Herron, E. M.; Tucholke, B. E.: Sea-floor magnetic patterns and basement structure in the southeastern Pacific | download |
21% | 35 39 39-354 | 1977 | Simoneit, B. R. T.: Search for terrigenous lipids in carbonate-rich samples from Site 39-354 | download |
21% | 59 | 1980 | Gieskes, Joris M.; Johnson, Jeff: Interstitial water studies, Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 59 | download |
21% | 94 94-606 94-607 94-608 94-609 94-610 94-611 | 1987 | Murray, John W.: Bolboforma from North Atlantic sites, Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 94 | download |
21% | 73 73-519 73-520 73-521 73-522 73-523 | 1984 | Gieskes, Joris M.; Sirocky, Frank X. et al.: Interstitial water studies, Leg 73 | download |
20% | 42 | 1978 | McDuff, R. E.; Gieskes, J. M. et al.: Interstitial water studies, Leg 42A | download |
20% | 74 74-525 74-526 74-527 | 1984 | Fuetterer, Dieter K.: Pithonelloid calcareous dinoflagellates from the Upper Cretaceous and Cenozoic of the southeastern Atlantic Ocean, Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 74 | download |
20% | 63 63-467 63-468 63-469 63-470 63-471 63-472 63-473 | 1981 | Gieskes, Joris M.; Nevsky, Brad et al.: Interstitial water studies, Leg 63 | download |
20% | 61 61-462 89 89-462 | 1981 | Windom, Kenneth E.; Book, Patricia: Vein minerals in basalt, Hole 462A, Leg 61 of the Deep Sea Drilling Project | download |
20% | 45 45-395 78 78-395 109 | 1984 | McDuff, Russell E.: The chemistry of interstitial waters from the upper ocean crust, Site 395, Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 78B | download |
20% | 35 | 1976 | Bogdanov, Yu. A.; Lisitzin, A. P. et al.: Chemical composition of sediments | download |
20% | 35 | 1976 | Tucholke, B. E.; Houtz, R. E.: Sedimentary framework of the Bellingshausen Basin from seismic profiler data | download |
18% | 62 62-465 | 1981 | Giblin, Patrick: Mineralogy and geochemistry of the Cretaceous/Tertiary boundary in Deep Sea Drilling Project holes 465 and 465A | download |
18% | 40 40-361 40-362 40-364 40-365 | 1978 | Sotelo, V.; Gieskes, J. M.: Interstitial water studies, Leg 40; shipboard studies | download |
18% | 82 82-558 82-563 | 1985 | Gieskes, Joris M.; Johnston, Kirk et al.: Interstitial water studies, central North Atlantic | download |
18% | 80 80-548 80-549 80-550 | 1985 | Gieskes, Joris M.; Johnston, Kirk: Interstitial water studies, Leg 80 | download |
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