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Score ↓ | Exp/Site/Hole | Year | Author/Title | Full text |
100% | 38 38-336 38-344 | 1976 | Warnke, D. A.; Hansen, M.: "Glacial" sediments in the Norwegian-Greenland seas (D.S.D.P. Leg 38); preliminary results | |
100% | 38 38-336 38-344 | 1980 | Warnke, D. A.: Initiation and evolution of Northern Hemisphere glaciations as indicated by sediments from sites 336 and 344, D.S.D.P. Leg 38, Norwegian-Greenland seas | |
100% | 38 38-336 | 1986 | Parra, M.; Puechmaille, C. et al.: Geochemistry of Tertiary alterite clay phases on the Iceland-Faeroe Ridge (Northeast Atlantic), Leg 38, Site 336 | |
86% | 38 38-338 38-339 38-340 38-341 38-342 38-343 | 1981 | Froget, C.: La sedimentation argileuse depuis l'Eocene sur le plateau Voering et a son voisinage, d'apres le Leg 38 DSDP (Mer de Norvege) Argillaceous sedimentation since the Eocene on the Voring Plateau and vicinity from DSDP Leg 38, Norwegian Sea | |
85% | 38 | 1981 | Belanger, Paul Edward: Late Cenozoic benthic foraminifera of the Norwegian-Greenland Sea | |
85% | 38 | 1982 | Udintsev, G. B. (ed.): Geologiya dna Mirovogo okeana; Atlantika; biostratigrafiya i tektonika (rezul'taty bureniya v 38-m reyse "Glomar Chellendzher") Geology of the floor of the world ocean; Atlantic; biostratigraphy and tectonics; results of drilling during the 38th voyage of the Glomar Challenger | |
85% | 38 | 1979 | Udintsev, G. B.: 38-y reys "Glomar Chellendzhera" The 38th leg of the Glomar Challenger | |
85% | 38 | 1978 | Manum, S. B.: Palynoevents and evolution of the Norwegian-Greenland Sea | |
85% | 38 | 1979 | Udintsev, G. B. (ed.): Rezul'taty glubokovodnogo bureniya v Atlanticheskom okeane v 38-m reyse "Glomar Chellendzhera"; litologiya i petrografiya The results of deep-water drilling in the Atlantic Ocean on the 38th leg of the Glomar Challenger; lithology and petrography | |
80% | 38 | 1975 | Talwani, M.; Udintsev, G. et al.: Leg 38; Deep Sea Drilling Project | |
80% | 38 38-336 38-344 | 1982 | Warnke, Detlef A.: Pre-middle Pliocene sediments of glacial and periglacial origin in the Norwegian-Greenland seas; results of D.S.D.P. LEG 38 | |
80% | 38 38-336 38-344 | 1977 | Warnke, D. A.; Hansen, M. E.: Sediments of glacial origins in the area of D.S.D.P. Leg 38 (Norwegian-Greenland seas); preliminary results from sites 336 and 344 | |
80% | 38 38-336 38-343 38-344 38-345 38-348 | 1987 | Gieskes, Joris M.; Lawrence, J. R. et al.: Chemistry of interstitial waters and sediments in the Norwegian-Greenland Sea, Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 38 | |
73% | 38 104 151 | 2008 | Thiede, Joern; Eldholm, Olav et al.: Deep-sea drilling in the Norwegian-Greenland Sea and Arctic Ocean a tribute to Manik Talwani | |
71% | 15 38 | 1981 | Dzhinoridze, R. N.; Golikova, G. S. et al.: Materialy k izucheniyu diatomey v pozdnepleystotsenovykh i golotsenovykh osadkakh Norvezhskogo morya The study of diatoms in upper Pleistocene and Holocene sediments of the Norwegian Sea | |
71% | 38 38-338 | 1986 | Boulter, M. C.: Pollen and spore events from the marine Tertiary of North Europe | |
71% | 38 38-336 | 1986 | Onishchenko, B. A.: Relative synchroneity of hiatuses in the Paleogene deposits of the Scythian Platform and ocean basins | |
71% | 38 38-344 | 1986 | Savostin, L. A.; Baturin, D. G.: Seismic stratigraphy and Cenozoic history of the continental margin of the Greenland Sea near the south end of the Spitsbergen Archipelago | |
71% | 38 38-341 | 1986 | Powell, A.: A new species of Bolboforma (Incertae Sedis) from the Miocene of the Voring Plateau, Northern Norway | |
71% | 38 | 1980 | Komeleva, V. A.: Litologicheskaya kharakteristika osadochnoy tolshchi Norvezhsko-Grenlandskogo basseyna Lithologic characteristics of sedimentary strata in the Norwegian-Greenland Basin | |
71% | 38 48 49 | 1980 | Timofeev, P. P.; Rengarten, N. V. et al.: On history of Meso-Cenozoic sedimentation and geological development of the north-eastern part of the Atlantic Ocean | |
71% | 38 | 1986 | Thiede, Joern; Diesen, Geir W. et al.: Patterns of Cenozoic sedimentation in the Norwegian-Greenland Sea | |
71% | 38 | 1992 | van Hinte, Jan E.: A Mediterranean moisture motor of global climate change | |
71% | 38 49 | 1979 | Wood, D. A.; Joron, J. L. et al.: Elemental and Sr isotope variations in basic lavas from Iceland and the surrounding ocean floor; the nature of mantle source inhomogeneities | |
71% | 38 38-338 | 1989 | Hulsbos, R. E.; Kroon, D. et al.: Lower Eocene benthic foraminifera and paleoenvironment of the outer Voring Plateau, Norwegian Sea (DSDP Site 338) | |
71% | 38 39 43 44 72 | 1989 | Emelyanov, E. M.; Trimonis, E. S. et al.: New Mesozoic and Cenozoic patholithological and geochemical maps and Atlantic development | |
71% | 38 | 1979 | Ziemianski, Wayne P.: Clay mineral changes associated with intensification of glaciation in the Norwegian-Greenland Sea | |
71% | 38 38-344 | 1979 | Ziemianski, P. W.: Clay mineral changes during intensification of glaciation in the Norwegian-Greenland Sea | |
71% | 36 38 38-336 | 1979 | Kharin, G. S.; Zangalis, K. P.: Clay minerals in the redbed on the Faeroe-Icelandic Ledge (northern Atlantic) | |
71% | 38 | 1979 | Bjorklund, K. R.; Goll, R. M.: Ice age climates of the Norwegian-Greenland Sea | |
71% | 38 38-350 | 1979 | Varentsov, I. M.; Drits, V. A.: Litologo-mineralogicheskoye izucheniye obrazovaniy osadochnogo chekhla po skvazhine 350 A lithologic-mineralogical study of formations of the sedimentary cover at Site 350 | |
71% | 38 38-336 | 1979 | Timofeyev, P. P.; Rengarten, N. V. et al.: Litologo-mineralogicheskoye opisaniye razreza osadochnykh otlozheniy po skvazhine 336 A lithologic-mineralogical description of a section of sedimentary deposits at Site 336 | |
71% | 38 38-337 | 1979 | Rengarten, N. V.; Rateyev, M. A. et al.: Litologo-mineralogicheskoye opisaniye razreza osadochnykh otlozheniy po skvazhine 337 A lithologic-mineralogical description of a section of sedimentary deposits at Site 337 | |
71% | 38 38-346 | 1979 | Rateyev, M. A.; Rengarten, N. V. et al.: Litologo-mineralogicheskoye opisaniye razreza osadochnykh otlozheniy po skvazhine 346 A lithologic-mineralogical description of a section of sedimentary deposits at Site 346 | |
71% | 38 | 1979 | Kharin, G. S.: Magmaticheskiye porody Norvezhskogo i Grenlandskogo morey Magmatic rocks of the Norwegian and Greenland Seas | |
71% | 38 38-345 | 1979 | Kossovskaya, G. G.; Drits, V. A.: Mineralogo-petrograficheskoye opisaniye porod skvazhiny 345 A mineralogical-petrographic description of rocks at Site 345 | |
71% | 38 38-344 | 1993 | Eiken, Ola; Hinz, Karl: Contourites in the Fram Strait | |
71% | 38 104 | 1989 | Hempel, P.: Der Einfluss von biogenem Opal auf die Bildung seismischer Reflektoren und die Verbreitung opalreicher Sedimente auf dem Voring Plateau The influence of biogenic opal on the formation of seismic reflectors and the distribution of opal-rich sediments on the Voring Plateau | |
71% | 38 38-336 | 1978 | Nilsen, T. H.: Lower Tertiary laterite on the Iceland-Faeroe Ridge and the Thulean land bridge | |
71% | 38 | 1978 | Faas, R. W.: Mass physical and engineering properties of "glacial" sediments of Voering Plateau, Norwegian Sea | |
71% | 38 | 1975 | Ridley, W. I.; Perfit, M. R. et al.: Petrologic variation in basalts associated with the opening of the Norwegian-Greenland Sea | |
71% | 38 38-341 | 1994 | Gading, Marita: Deepwater exploration on tap in Voring Basin I area of Norway | |
71% | 38 38-338 | 2009 | Eldrett, James S.; Harding, Ian C.: Palynological analyses of Eocene to Oligocene sediments from DSDP Site 338, outer Voring Plateau | |
71% | 38 38-342 | 2001 | Mork, M. B. E.; Leith, D. A. et al.: Origin of carbonate-cemented beds on the Naglfar Dome, Voring Basin, Norwegian Sea | |
71% | 38 38-338 | 1997 | Damassa, Sarah Pierce: Dinoflagellate cysts without walls; Evittosphaerula paratabulata Manum, 1979 and Chaenosphaerula magnifica gen. et sp. nov. from Deep Sea Drilling Project Site 338, Norwegian Sea | |
71% | 38 38-336 | 1979 | Bogolyubova, L. I.; Timofeyev, P. P.: Rastitel'noye organicheskoye veshchestvo v osadkakh skvazhiny 336 Distribution of organic materials in sediments at Site 336 | |
71% | 38 38-336 | 1991 | Krawczyk, C.; Theilen, F.: Sedimentary structures of the northern flank of the Iceland-Faeroer Ridge | |
69% | 38 | 1976 | Kvenvolden, K. A.: Organic geochemistry, Leg 38; introduction to studies | download |
61% | 38 38-336 38-337 38-352 49 49-407 | 2008 | Smolka, Peter: The Greenland-Scotland Ridge needs to be revisited | |
60% | 38 104 151 162 306 | 2011 | Thiede, Jorn; Eldholm, Olav et al.: Scientific deep-sea drilling in high northern latitudes | |
57% | 6 7 16 19 25 28 33 34 37 38 39 49 | 1981 | Nazarova, Ye. A.: Magnitnyye svoystva bazal'tov okeanskogo lozha Magnetic properties of basalts on the ocean floor | |
57% | 38 38-338 | 1983 | Talwani, Manik; Mutter, John et al.: Ocean continent boundary under the Norwegian continental margin | |
57% | 38 38-336 38-344 | 1982 | Warnke, Detlef A.: Distribution of glacial-marine sediments and the beginning of ice rafting in the Norwegian-Greenland seas | |
57% | 38 38-338 38-339 38-340 38-343 104 | 1994 | Amigo, Alejandro E.; Ciesielski, Paul F.: The Paleogene of the Norwegian Sea; a revised and integrated silicoflagellate stratigraphy and paleoecology | |
57% | 38 38-338 38-342 | 1982 | Udintsev, G. B.: Primechaniye k razdelu "Tektonika dna okeana" A comment on the section, "Tectonics of the ocean floor" | |
57% | 38 38-350 | 2000 | Hooft, Emilie; Brandsdottir, Bryndis et al.: KRISE-2000; constraining the dynamics of plume-ridge interaction to the north of Iceland | |
57% | 25 25-245 38 38-336 | 1978 | Hawkesworth, C. J.; Elderfield, H.: The strontium isotopic composition of interstitial waters from sites 245 and 336 of the Deep Sea Drilling Project | |
57% | 38 38-348 | 1979 | Shevchenko, A. Ya.; Nesterova, M. P. et al.: Litologiya pozdnekaynozoyskikh otlozheniy Islandskogo plato (po skvazhine 348) The lithology of the lower Cenozoic deposits of the Icelandic Plateau; from Site 348 | |
57% | 38 38-337 38-345 | 1979 | Kharin, G. S.; Shevchenko, A. Ya. et al.: Morphology of the smectites in the basalts on the Norwegian Sea floor | |
57% | 38 38-344 | 1993 | Eidvin, Tor; Jansen, Eystein et al.: Chronology of Tertiary fan deposits off the western Barents Sea; implications for the uplift and erosion history of the Barents shelf | |
57% | 38 38-338 104 104-642 | 1993 | Ciesielski, Paul F.; Amigo, Alejandro E. et al.: Eocene uplift and subsidence of the Fleina and Smola rifts (pre-Norwegian Sea opening) and the adjacent Voring Plateau marginal high; paleontologic evidence | |
57% | 38 | 1981 | Sigurdsson, Haraldur; Loebner, Benny: Deep-sea record of Cenozoic explosive volcanism in the North Atlantic | |
57% | 38 38-336 38-352 | 1979 | Groenlie, Gisle: Tertiary paleogeography of the Norwegian-Greenland Sea | |
57% | 38 | 1976 | Talwani, M.; Udintsev, G. B. et al.: The 38th voyage of the drilling vessel Glomar Challenger | |
57% | 25 25-245 38 38-336 | 1977 | Hawkesworth, C. J.; Elderfield, H.: >87) Sr/>86) Sr ratios in interstitial waters of deep-sea sediments | |
57% | 38 38-338 104 104-643 151 151-913 | 2003 | Eldrett, J.; Harding, I. C. et al.: Dinoflagellate and palaeomagnetic stratigraphy of Eocene to Oligocene sediments from the Norwegian-Greenland Sea | |
57% | 38 151 151-913 | 1995 | Hull, Donna Meyerhoff: Paleoceanographic implications of Eocene-Oligocene radiolaria from the Norwegian-Greenland Sea; results from ODP Leg 151 | |
57% | 38 38-341 | 1986 | Smalley, P. C.; Nordaa, A. et al.: Geochronology and paleothermometry of Neogene sediments from the Voring Plateau using Sr, C and O isotopes | |
57% | 38 38-338 302 302-M0002 302-M0004 | 2009 | Suto, Itsuki; Jordan, Richard W. et al.: Taxonomy of middle Eocene diatom resting spores and their allied taxa from the central Arctic Basin | |
57% | 38 38-348 104 104-642 104-643 | 1987 | Manum, Svein B.; Boulter, Michael C. et al.: Palynology of the Eocene to Miocene sedimentary sequence of ODP Leg 104 (Norwegian Sea) | |
57% | 38 38-338 56 56-436 57 57-438 | 2007 | Suto, Itsuki: The Oligocene and Miocene record of the diatom resting spore genus Liradiscus Greville in the Norwegian Sea | |
57% | 38 38-336 152 152-915 | 2004 | Kharin, G. S.: The lateritic weathering crust on prespreading basalts of the northwestern Atlantic and Norwegian-Greenland Basin | |
57% | 38 38-338 | 2006 | Suto, Itsuki: The explosive diversification of the diatom genus Chaetoceros across the Eocene/Oligocene and Oligocene/Miocene boundaries in the Norwegian Sea | download |
57% | 38 38-348 | 1982 | Saidova, Kh. M.: Raspredeleniye bentosnykh foraminifer v verkhnetretichnykh i chetvertichnykh otlozheniyakh Islandskoy kotloviny i nekotoryye paleogeograficheskiye vyvody Distribution of benthonic foraminifera in the upper Tertiary and Quaternary strata of the Iceland Basin and some paleogeographic conclusions | |
57% | 38 38-336 38-337 38-352 | 1983 | Eisma, D.; van der Gaast, S. J.: Terrigenous late Quaternary sediments components north and south of the Scotland-Greenland Ridge and in the Norwegian Sea | |
57% | 25 25-239 30 30-285 35 35-323 38 38-336 | 1983 | Gieskes, Joris M.: The chemistry of interstitial waters of deep sea sediments; interpretation of deep sea drilling data | |
57% | 12 38 105 151 152 162 302 | 2011 | Thiede, Jorn; Jessen, Catherine et al.: Millions of years of Greenland ice sheet history recorded in ocean sediments | |
55% | 38 38-339 38-345 | 1976 | Simoneit, B. R. T.: Sources of the solvent-soluble organic matter in the glacial sequence of DSDP samples from the Norwegian-Greenland Sea, Leg 38 | download |
53% | 38 | 1978 | Kent, D. V.; Opdyke, N. D.: Paleomagnetism and magnetic properties of igneous rock samples; Leg 38 | download |
52% | 38 | 1976 | Hood, A.; Castano, J. R. et al.: Petroleum-generating potential and thermal history of DSDP Leg 38 sediments | download |
51% | 38 39 40 41 | 1978 | White, S. M. (ed.); Supko, P. R. (ed.) et al.: Initial reports of the Deep Sea Drilling Project; Supplement to volumes XXXVIII, XXXIX, XL, and XLI | download |
50% | 35 35-323 38 38-344 38-348 69 69-504 70 70-504 83 83-504 92 92-504 111 111-504 137 137-504 140 140-504 148 148-504 | 1987 | Taviani, Marco; Lawrence, James R.: Unusual occurrence of methane-derived carbonates; delta (super 13) C depleted calcite veins in basalt bedrock of the Norwegian-Greenland Sea, DSDP Leg 38 | |
50% | 38 | 1976 | Raschka, H.; Eckhardt, F.-J.: Geochemistry of basalts from the Norwegian-Greenland Sea, Leg 38, DSDP | download |
50% | 38 38-344 | 1978 | Talwani, M.: Survey at Site 344, rift mountains east of Knipovich Rift | download |
50% | 38 38-338 81 104 152 152-917 163 | 1999 | Allan, James F.; Forsythe, Lance et al.: Determination of primitive melt composition in the North Atlantic seaward-dipping reflector sequences from Cr-rich spinel compositions | |
49% | 38 38-348 39 39-356 74 74-525 74-527 80 80-548 | 1988 | Malmgren, Bjorn A.: Planktonic foraminiferal biogeography at the Cretaceous/Tertiary boundary | |
49% | 38 38-339 38-340 38-341 38-342 38-343 | 1979 | Yemel'yanov, Ye. M.; Blazhchishin, A. I. et al.: Osnovnyye cherty geologii i paleogeografii rayona plato Voring, Norvezhskoye more (po dannym litologo-geokhimicheskogo isucheniya kernov iz skvazhin 339-343) The principal features of the geology and paleogeography in the region of the Voring Plateau, Norwegian Sea; according to data from a lithologic-geochemical study of cores from Sites 339-343 | |
49% | 38 38-336 38-338 38-345 38-346 38-348 | 1982 | Zaklinskaya, Ye. D.; Koreneva, Ye. V. et al.: Palinologicheskiye issledovaniya obraztsov iz skvazhin 336, 338, 345, 346, 348 Palynological studies of samples from sites 336, 338, 345, 346 and 348 | |
49% | 38 38-336 38-337 38-342 38-343 38-344 38-345 | 1979 | Kharin, G. S.; Udintsev, G. B. et al.: Absolyutnyy vozrast bazal'tov Norvezhskogo i Grenlandskogo morey (po materialam 38-go reysa "Glomar Chellendzhera") Absolute age of basalts from the Norwegian and Greenland seas; using data from the 38th leg of the Glomar Challenger | |
49% | 26 26-252 30 30-285 33 33-315 33-317 38 38-336 43 43-386 | 1981 | Gieskes, Joris M.; Lawrence, James R.: Alteration of volcanic matter in deep sea sediments; evidence from the chemical composition of interstitial waters from deep sea drilling cores | |
49% | 38 38-345 38-350 | 1977 | Nilsen, T. H.; Bartow, J. A. et al.: New occurrences of dish structure in the stratigraphic record | |
49% | 38 104 151 151-913 | 2004 | Eldrett, James S.; Harding, Ian C. et al.: Magnetostratigraphic calibration of Eocene-Oligocene dinoflagellate cyst biostratigraphy from the Norwegian-Greenland Sea | download |
49% | 38 38-336 | 2008 | Abelson, Meir; Agnon, Amotz et al.: Indications for control of the Iceland Plume on the Eocene-Oligocene "greenhouse-icehouse" climate transition | download |
49% | 38 38-336 94 94-609 105 105-646 114 114-704 | 1994 | Bjorklund, K. R.; Ciesielski, P. F.: Ecology, morphology, stratigraphy, and the paleoceanographic significance of Cycladophora davisiana davisiana; Part I, Ecology and morphology | |
49% | 38 38-343 104 104-642 | 2005 | Laberg, Jan S.; Dahlgren, K. I. T. et al.: The Eocene-late Pliocene paleoenvironment in the Voring Plateau area, Norwegian Sea; paleoceanographic implications | download |
49% | 38 38-348 49 49-407 49-408 49-409 152 163 | 2000 | Kempton, P. D.; Fitton, J. Godfrey et al.: The Iceland Plume in space and time; a Sr-Nd-Pb-Hf study of the North Atlantic rifted margin | |
49% | 38 38-338 56 56-436 57 57-438 | 2004 | Suto, Itsuki: Fossil marine diatom resting spore morpho-genus Gemellodiscus gen. nov. in the North Pacific and Norwegian Sea | |
49% | 38 38-336 38-344 38-348 | 1976 | Mohr, M.: Additional petrographic studies of basalts, DSDP, Leg 38 | download |
49% | 38 38-336 38-352 | 1978 | Talwani, M.: Geophysical surveys on the Iceland-Faeroe Ridge for selection of sites 336 and 352 | download |
47% | 38 | 1978 | Haq, B. U.; Lohmann, G. P.: Remarks on the Oligocene calcareous nannoplankton biogeography of the Norwegian Sea (DSDP Leg 38) | download |
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