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Score ↓ | Exp/Site/Hole | Year | Author/Title | Full text |
100% | | 1969 | Benson, William E.: Lithology and mineralogy of cores from western Atlantic, Leg 4, Deep Sea Drilling Project | |
88% | 4 | 1971 | Sayles, F. L.; Manheim, F. T. et al.: Interstitial water studies on small core samples, Leg 4 | |
88% | | 1970 | Gerard, Robert D.: Results of drilling and coring on Leg 4 of the Deep Sea Drilling Project | |
87% | 3 4 | 1969 | Joides Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 3 and Leg 4 | |
75% | | 1970 | Bader, Richard G.: Initial reports of the Deep Sea Drilling Project, volume IV | |
71% | 3 4 | 1969 | Maxwell, A. E.; Von Herzen, R. P. et al.: Deep Sea Drilling Project; Leg 3 and Leg 4 | |
63% | 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 | 1974 | Lange, Joachim: Geochemische Untersuchungen an pelagischen Sedimenten des Atlantischen und Pazifischen Ozean (DSDP, Leg 1-VII) Geochemical studies of pelagic sediments from the Atlantic and Pacific oceans; DSDP Leg 1-7 | |
63% | 2 4 | 1976 | Hertling, M. M.: Origin of the Layer A and A' Eocene cherts and their correlatives from the Jicara Formation of Puerto Rico | |
63% | 4 | 1986 | Matsuda, Jun-ichi; Nagao, Keisuke: Noble gas abundances in a deep-sea sediment core from eastern Equatorial Pacific | |
63% | 1 1-1 4 4-29 | 1982 | Shepley, Susan I.: Taxonomy and biostratigraphy of Paleogene age sediments from cores in the Northwest Atlantic and Caribbean using diatoms | |
63% | 1 2 4 | 1974 | Parker, F. L.: Late Cenozoic biostratigraphy (planktonic foraminifera) of tropical Atlantic deep-sea sections | |
63% | 4 | 1992 | Lyons, Timothy W.; Huston, Ted J.: Trace metal distributions in the uppermost sediments of the Black Sea; a metalliferous black shale analog? | |
63% | | 1971 | Bader, Richard G.; Gerard, Robert D. et al.: Leg 4 of the Deep Sea Drilling Project | |
54% | 15 15-146 15-147 15-148 15-149 15-150 15-151 15-152 15-153 15-154 | 1973 | Saunders, John B.; Beaudry, Fred M. et al.: Paleocene to Recent planktonic microfossil distribution in the marine and land areas of the Caribbean | download |
50% | 4 4-27 78 78-543 110 110-672 | 1989 | Behrmann, J. H.: Sediment subduction at the Lesser Antilles convergent margin | |
50% | 4 4-28 5 5-35 | 1984 | Anderson, John B.; Andrews, B. et al.: Development of glacial topography on the Antarctic continental shelf and cessation of deep sea fan development around the margin | |
50% | 118 118-735 176 176-735 | 1999 | Kikawa, Eiichi; Sakai, Hideo et al.: Paleomagnetic study of the deeper part of the oceanic crust and the upper mantle; results from ODP Leg 176, MODE98 Leg 4, and Oman Semail Ophiolite | |
50% | 1 2 3 4 10 11 12 13 14 15 40 41 | 1977 | Foreman, H. P.: Mesozoic Radiolaria from the Atlantic Basin and its borderlands | |
50% | 4 4-26 45 45-396 46 46-396 | 1977 | Udintsev, G. B.; Litvin, V. M. et al.: New data on the morphostructure of the central part of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge | |
50% | 4 4-29 15 15-149 | 1975 | Donnelly, T. W.; Merrill, L.: Scavenging of Mg and Na by biogenic opal in deep-sea sediments | |
50% | 3 3-13 4 4-29 15 15-149 41 41-366 41-369 | 1980 | Fenner, Juliane: Eocene-Oligocene diatom-biostratigraphy and -paleogeography in the equatorial Atlantic | |
50% | 1 2 3 4 15 | 1973 | Berggren, W. A.; Amdurer, M.: Late Paleogene (Oligocene) and Neogene planktonic foraminiferal biostratigraphy of the Atlantic Ocean (lat. 30 degrees N to lat. 30 degrees S) | |
44% | 1 2 3 4 5 6 | 1974 | Rees, A. I.; Frederick, D.: The magnetic fabric of samples from the Deep Sea Drilling Project, Legs I-VI | |
44% | 4 4-29 5 5-42 8 8-70 8-73 15 15-149 17 17-166 | 1977 | Donnelly, T. W.; Merrill, L.: The scavenging of magnesium and other chemical species by biogenic opal in deep-sea sediments | |
44% | 4 41 45 46 | 1999 | Krasheninnikov, V. A.; Bylinskaya, M. Ye.: Stratigrafiya i planktonnyye foraminifery pliotsen-chetvertichnykh otlozheniy teplovodnoy oblasti Severnoy Atlantiki Stratigraphy and planktonic foraminifers of Pliocene-Quaternary deposits from the low latitude North Atlantic | |
44% | 4 4-25 47 47-397 49 49-410 | 2005 | Bylinskaya, Marina E.: Range and stratigraphic significance of the Globorotalia crassaformis plexus | |
44% | 4 4-28 | 2005 | Ding, T. P.; Ma, G. R. et al.: Silicon isotope study on rice plants from the Zhejiang Province, China | download |
44% | 4 4-30 | 2003 | Nittler, Larry R.; Alexander, Conel M. O'D.: Automated isotopic measurements of micron-sized dust; application to meteoritic presolar silicon carbide | download |
44% | 4 4-27 | 2011 | Patriat, M.; Pichot, T. et al.: Evidence for Quaternary convergence across the North America-South America plate boundary zone, east of the Lesser Antilles | |
41% | 15 15-146 15-147 15-148 15-149 15-150 15-151 15-152 15-153 15-154 | 1973 | Bolli, Hans M.; Premoli Silva, Isabella: Oligocene to Recent planktonic foraminifera and stratigraphy of the Leg 15 sites in the Caribbean Sea | download |
41% | | 1970 | Bukry, David: Coccolith age determinations leg 4, Deep Sea Drilling Project, Chapter 17 | download |
41% | | 1970 | Presley, B. J.; Kaplan, I. R.: Interstitial water chemistry; Deep Sea Drilling Project, leg 4, Chapter 20 | download |
39% | | 1970 | Sayles, Fred L.: Preliminary geochemistry, Chapter 26 | download |
37% | 4 4-27 4-29 5 5-35 5-38 5-39 6 6-50 6-51 6-52 7 7-66 | 1977 | Edgerton, C. C.; Doyle, P. S. et al.: Ichthyolith age determinations of otherwise unfossiliferous Deep Sea Drilling Project cores | |
37% | 4 4-29 15 15-146 15-149 | 1997 | Nesbitt, H. Wayne; Young, Grant M.: Sedimentation in the Venezuelan Basin, circulation in the Caribbean Sea, and onset of Northern Hemisphere glaciation | |
37% | 4 110 156 171A | 2012 | Pichot, T.; Patriat, M. et al.: The Cenozoic tectonostratigraphic evolution of the Barracuda Ridge and Tiburon Rise, at the western end of the North America-South America Plate boundary zone | |
36% | 45 45-395 78 78-395 109 | 1979 | Melson, W. G.; Rabinowitz, P. D. et al.: Site 395; 23 degrees N, Mid-Atlantic Ridge | download |
31% | 4 4-27 27 27-262 76 76-534 114 114-701 129 129-801 185 185-801 | 2004 | Bouman, Claudia; Elliott, Tim et al.: Lithium inputs to subduction zones | download |
31% | 4 5 6 | 1971 | McIver, Richard D.: Appendix IV; Organic geochemical analyses of six frozen JOIDES core samples from legs 4, 5 and 6 | download |
31% | | 1970 | Bolli, Hans M.: The foraminifera of sites 23-31, leg 4, Chapter 25 | download |
31% | | 1970 | Pimm, A. C.: Carbon carbonate results, leg 4, Chapter 13 | download |
31% | | 1970 | Presley, B. J.; Goldhaber, M. B. et al.: Interstitial water chemistry, Deep Sea Drilling Project, leg 5, Chapter 21 | download |
31% | | 1970 | Pimm, A. C.: Leg 4 grain size results, Chapter 12 | download |
29% | 45 45-396 46 46-396 | 1979 | Melson, W. G.; Rabinowitz, P. D. et al.: Site 396; 23 degrees N, Mid-Atlantic Ridge | download |
28% | 4 20 20-199 89 89-585 | 1986 | Petersen, Lisa D.; Duennebier, Fred K. et al.: Site surveys in the western Pacific conducted aboard the Kana Keoki, Cruise KK810626 Leg 4 | download |
27% | 45 45-396 46 46-396 | 1979 | Dmitriev, L.; Heirtzler, J. et al.: Holes 396A and 396B | download |
27% | 4 | 1970 | Benson, W. E.; Gerard, R. D. et al.: Summary and conclusions, Chapter 27 | download |
27% | | 1970 | Baker, Earl W.: Tetrapyrrole pigments, Chapter 21 | download |
27% | 4 4-23 4-24 4-25 4-26 4-27 4-28 4-29 4-30 4-31 | 1970 | Bader, Richard G.; Gerard, Robert D. et al.: Introduction | download |
26% | 4 | 1970 | Kuykendall, W. E., Jr.; Hoffman, Buren W. et al.: MeV neutron activation analysis of selected Leg 4 core samples | download |
25% | 4 4-31 | 1970 | Bader, Richard G.; Gerard, Robert D. et al.: Site 31 | download |
25% | 4 4-25 | 1970 | Bader, Richard G.; Gerard, Robert D. et al.: Site 25 | download |
25% | 3 3-15 3-16 3-21 4 4-31 6 6-44 6-47 6-55 16 16-157 16-158 17 17-167 17-171 21 21-208 29 29-277 32 32-305 32-310 85 85-572 85-573 85-574 115 115-709 130 130-805 130-806 130-807 154 154-925 154-926 154-927 154-928 154-929 | 2004 | Billups, K.; Rickaby, R. E. M. et al.: Cenozoic pelagic Sr/Ca records; exploring a link to paleoproductivity | download |
25% | 7 7-61 7-66 | 1971 | Foreman, Helen P.: Cretaceous Radiolaria, Leg 7, Deep Sea Drilling Project | download |
24% | 15 15-146 15-147 15-148 15-149 15-150 15-151 15-152 15-153 15-154 | 1973 | Edgar, N. Terence; Saunders, John B. et al.: Initial reports of the Deep Sea Drilling Project, covering Leg 15 of the cruises of the drilling vessel Glomar Challenger, San Juan, Puerto Rico to Cristobal, Panama; December 1970-February 1971 | download |
24% | | 1970 | Sayles, F. L.; Manheim, F. T. et al.: Interstitial water studies on small core samples, leg 4, Chapter 19 | download |
24% | 15 15-145 15-146 15-147 15-148 15-149 15-150 15-151 15-152 15-153 15-154 | 1973 | Edgar, N. Terence; Saunders, John B. et al.: Introduction | download |
23% | 39 39-353 | 1977 | Perch-Nielsen, K.; Supko, P. R. et al.: Site 353; Vema fracture zone | download |
23% | | 1970 | Hay, W. W.: Calcareous nannofossils from cores recovered on leg 4, Chapter 23 | download |
22% | 6 | 1971 | Presley, Bob J.; Kaplan, I. R.: Interstitial water chemistry; Deep Sea Drilling Project, Leg 6 | download |
22% | 1 1-3 1-5 2 2-10 3 3-14 3-18 3-22 4 4-27 4-29 4-30 4-31 10 10-89 10-94 11 11-101 11-102 11-103 11-104 12 12-113 12-114 12-116 12-118 12-119 13 13-129 13-132 14 14-135 14-136 14-139 15 15-149 15-150 15-151 15-153 36 36-329 38 38-341 39 39-357 39-359 40 40-360 40-361 40-362 41 41-368 41-369 41-370 47 47-397 49 49-407 49-408 49-410 | 1982 | Malmgren, Bjorn A.; Haq, Bilal U.: Assessment of quantitative techniques in a paleobiogeography | |
22% | 15 15-147 15-148 15-150 15-151 15-152 15-153 15-154 | 1973 | Saunders, John B.; Edgar, N. Terence et al.: Cruise synthesis | download |
22% | | 1970 | Wood, G. V.: Sediment thin section data, Chapter 14 | download |
22% | 8 8-68 8-69 8-70 8-71 8-72 8-73 8-74 8-75 | 1971 | Beckmann, J. P.: The foraminifera of sites 68 to 75 | download |
22% | 4 4-26 | 1970 | Bader, Richard G.; Gerard, Robert D. et al.: Site 26 | download |
19% | 4 4-30 | 1970 | Bader, Richard G.; Gerard, Robert D. et al.: Site 30 | download |
19% | 4 4-27 | 1970 | Bader, Richard G.; Gerard, Robert D. et al.: Site 27 | download |
19% | 12 | 1972 | Roberts, D. G.: Site survey in Hatton-Rockall Basin (sites 116 and 117) | download |
19% | 52 52-418 53 53-418 102 102-418 | 1986 | Salisbury, Matthew H.; Scott, James H. et al.: Explanatory notes | download |
18% | 68 68-502 | 1982 | Kvenvolden, Keith A.; Blunt, David J.: Amino acids in sediments from Leg 68, Site 502 | download |
18% | 4 4-28 | 1970 | Bader, Richard G.; Gerard, Robert D. et al.: Site 28 | download |
18% | 15 15-150 | 1973 | Edgar, N. Terence; Holcombe, Troy et al.: Sedimentary hiatuses in the Venezuelan Basin | download |
18% | 4 4-24 | 1970 | Bader, Richard G.; Gerard, Robert D. et al.: Site 24 | download |
18% | 4 4-23 | 1970 | Bader, Richard G.; Gerard, Robert D. et al.: Site 23 | download |
18% | 15 15-147 15-149 | 1973 | Broecker, Wallace S.: Interstitial water studies, Leg 15, introduction and summary | download |
18% | 18 18-173 18-174 18-177 18-178 18-179 18-180 18-181 | 1973 | von Huene, Roland; Piper, David J. W. et al.: Measurements of porosity in sediments of the lower continental margin, deep-sea fans, the Aleutian Trench, and the Alaskan abyssal plain | download |
17% | 15 15-146 15-147 15-148 15-149 15-150 15-151 15-152 15-153 | 1973 | Donnelly, Thomas W.; Nalli, Gino: Mineralogy and chemistry of Caribbean sediments | download |
16% | | 1970 | Blow, W. H.: Deep sea drilling project, leg 4 foraminifera from selected samples, Chapter 18 | download |
16% | 15 | 1973 | Gieskes, Joris M.: Interstitial water studies, Leg 15, alkalinity, pH, Mg, Ca, Si, PO (sub 4) , and NH (sub 4) | download |
16% | 21 21-203 21-204 21-205 21-206 21-207 21-208 21-209 21-210 22 22-211 22-212 22-213 22-214 22-215 22-216 22-217 22-218 | 1974 | Presley, Bob J.; Trefry, John et al.: Appendix IV; Interstitial water chemistry; Deep Sea Drilling Project, legs 21 and 22 | download |
16% | 28 28-264 28-265 28-266 | 1975 | Kennett, J. P.: Neogene planktonic foraminiferal stratigraphy in deep-sea drilling sites, southeast Indian Ocean | download |
16% | 14 | 1972 | Beckmann, J. P.: The foraminifera and some associated microfossils of Sites 135 to 144 | download |
16% | 13 13-134 | 1973 | McIver, Richard D.: Geochemical significance of gas and gasoline-range hydrocarbons and other organic matter in a Miocene sample from Site 134, Balearic Abyssal Plain | download |
16% | 56 57 | 1980 | Reynolds, Richard; Sakai, Toyosaburo et al.: Synthesis of radiolarian results from DSDP legs 56 and 57 and their relation to other North Pacific sections | download |
16% | 10 10-86 10-94 10-95 10-96 | 1970 | Sanfilippo, Annika; Riedel, William R.: Cenozoic Radiolaria (exclusive of theoperids, artostrobiids and amphipyndacids) from the Gulf of Mexico, Deep Sea Drilling Project-Leg 10 | download |
16% | 7 7-61 7-62 7-63 7-64 7-65 7-66 7-67 | 1971 | Gealy, Elizabeth L.; Winterer, Edward L. et al.: Methods, conventions, and general observations | download |
15% | | 1970 | Rex, R. W.; Murray, B.: X-ray mineralogy studies, leg 4, Chapter 15 | download |
15% | 15 15-148 | 1973 | Edgar, N. Terence; Saunders, John B. et al.: Site 148 | download |
15% | 9 | 1972 | Jenkins, D. Graham; Orr, William N.: Planktonic foraminiferal biostratigraphy of the eastern Equatorial Pacific, Leg 9 | download |
14% | 4 4-29 | 1970 | Bader, Richard G.; Gerard, Robert D. et al.: Site 29 | download |
14% | 27 27-262 | 1974 | Rogl, Fred: The evolution of the Globorotalia truncatulinoides and Globorotalia crassaformis group in the Pliocene and Pleistocene of the Timor Trough, DSDP Leg 27, Site 262 | download |
13% | | 1970 | Riedel, W. R.; Sanfilippo, Annika: Radiolaria, leg 4, Deep Sea Drilling Project, Chapter 24 | download |
13% | 29 | 1975 | Gostin, V. A.; Moriarty, K. C.: Investigations of Tertiary clay mineral distributions around Tasmania, DSDP, Leg 29 | download |
13% | 61 61-462 89 89-462 89-585 | 1986 | Schaaf, Andre: Radiolaria from Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 89 | download |
13% | | 1971 | Presley, Bob J.: Appendix; Techniques for analyzing interstitial water samples; Part I, Determination of selected minor and major inorganic constituents | download |
13% | 21 | 1973 | Dumitrica, P.: Paleocene Radiolaria, DSDP Leg 21 | download |
13% | 130 130-803 130-807 | 1993 | Mao, Shaozhi; Wise, Sherwood W., Jr.: Mesozoic calcareous nannofossils from Leg 130 | download |
13% | 9 9-76 9-77 9-78 9-79 9-80 9-81 9-82 9-83 | 1972 | Sayles, Fred L.; Waterman, Lee S. et al.: Interstitial water studies on small core samples, Leg 9, Deep Sea Drilling Project | download |
13% | 15 15-149 | 1973 | Ramsey, Anthony T. S.; Schneidermann, Nahum et al.: Fluctuation in the past rates of carbonate solution in Site 149; a comparison with other ocean basins and an interpretation of their significance | download |
13% | 15 15-154 | 1973 | Olsson, Richard K.: Growth studies on Globorotalia exilis Blow and Globorotalia pertenuis Beard in the Site 154A section, Leg 15, Deep Sea Drilling Project | download |
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