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Score ↓ | Exp/Site/Hole | Year | Author/Title | Full text |
100% | 40 | 1980 | Maillot, H.: Geochimie des sediments cretaces et cenozoiques de la marge altantique sud-orientale (Leg 40; D.S.D.P.) Geochemistry of Cretaceous and Cenozoic sediments from the southeastern Atlantic margin; DSDP Leg 40 | |
82% | 40 40-362 | 1986 | Duffield, Susan L.; Stein, Jeffrey A.: Biostratigraphy and taxonomy of Neogene dinoflagellate cysts in sediments from Walvis Ridge, eastern Atlantic Ocean (Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 40) | |
82% | 40 40-362 | 1986 | Stein, Jeffrey A.; Duffield, Susan L.: Dinoflagellate cyst assemblages related to the Neogene history of the Benguela upwelling system at Deep Sea Drilling Project Site 362 (Leg 40), Walvis Ridge, southeastern Atlantic Ocean | |
82% | 40 40-362 | 1980 | Caratini, C.; Tissot, C.: Palynological study of Site 362 (DSDP, Leg 40); Walvis Ridge, Pleistocene | |
80% | 40 40-362 | 1983 | Caratini, C.; Tissot, C.: Persistance de l'aridite en Namibie au cours du Pleistocene d'apres l'etude palynologique de la ride de Walvis (DSDP, leg 40, site 362) Persistence of arid conditions in Namibia during Pleistocene from palynological study of Walvis Ridge; DSPP, Leg 40 Site 362 | |
70% | 40 40-360 40-361 40-362 41 41-367 41-369 41-370 | 1980 | Sittler, C.; Bonnefille, R. et al.: La matiere organique deposee sur la marge atlantique africaine au Cretace, au Tertiaire et au Quaternaire (Leg 40 et 41); aspect optique et interpretation Organic matter deposited on the African Atlantic margin during the Cretaceous, Tertiary and Quaternary (Leg 40 and 41); general aspect and interpretation | |
69% | 40 | 1978 | Hottman, W. E.: Physical properties of sediments from the continental margin of western Africa | |
65% | 40 40-362 | 1988 | Diester-Haass, L.: Sea level changes, carbonate dissolution and history of the Benguela Current in the Oligocene-Miocene off Southwest Africa (DSDP Site 362, Leg 40) | |
58% | 40 40-364 | 1983 | Hussler, G.; Albrecht, P.: C (sub D) 2 (sub D) 7-C (sub D) 2 (sub D) 9 monoaromatic anthrasteroid hydrocarbons in Cretaceous black shales | |
58% | 40 40-364 40-365 | 1976 | Siesser, W. G.: Native copper in DSDP sediment cores from the Angola Basin | |
58% | 21 40 41 42 43 | 1976 | Eberhart, J.: Of life and death and magnetism | |
58% | 40 40-364 | 2000 | Cunha, Armando A. Scarparo: Dry-wet climatic cycles in the Turonian sequences of the Sergipe (NE Brazilian continental margin) and Angola (SW African continental margin) Basins | |
58% | 14 40 41 | 1979 | Diester-Haass, L.; Schrader, H. J.: Neogene coastal upwelling history off Northwest and Southwest Africa | |
58% | 40 40-362 | 1980 | Siesser, W. G.: Late Miocene origin of the Benguela upwelling system off northern Namibia | |
58% | 36 40 | 1978 | Noel, D.; Manivit, H.: Nannofacies de "black shales" aptiennes et albiennes d'Atlantique sud (Legs 36 et 40); interet sedimentologique Nannofacies of Aptian and Albian black shale of the South Atlantic (legs 36 and 40); sedimentological interest | |
58% | 40 40-363 | 1990 | Miles, Nicholas H.: Three new dinoflagellate cysts from the Albian of the South Atlantic Ocean | |
58% | 3 39 40 | 1980 | Robert, C.: Climats et courants cenozoiques dans l'Atlantique Sud d'apres l'etude des mineraux argileux (legs 3, 39 et 40 DSDP) Cenozoic climate and currents from clay mineralogy studies; Deep Sea Drilling Project, legs 3, 39 and 40 | |
58% | 40 44 | 1977 | Baker, Earl W.; Palmer, S. E. et al.: Tetrapyrrole geochemistry of Cretaceous black shales of marine origin | |
58% | 40 40-362 | 1995 | Dmitrenko, O. B.: Nannoplankton neogen-chetvertichnoy chasti razreza skvazhiny 362 (Yuzhnaya Atlantika) Nannoplankton of the Neogene and Quaternary section of DSDP Site 362, South Atlantic | |
57% | 40 40-361 40-364 | 1978 | Hunt, J. M.: Light hydrocarbons in holes 361 and 364, Leg 40 | download |
46% | 11 14 36 40 41 43 44 | 1981 | Simoneyt, B. R. T.: Organicheskaya geokhimiya glinistykh porod i sapropeley melovykh otlozheniy Atlantiki The organic geochemistry of clay rocks and sapropel of Cretaceous deposits of the Atlantic Ocean | |
46% | 23 23-219 29 29-277 31 31-292 40 40-363 | 1983 | Aubry, M. P.: Late Eocene to early Oligocene calcareous nannoplankton biostratigraphy and biogeography | |
46% | 40 40-362 75 75-532 | 1988 | Meyers, Philip A.: Organic matter in sediments from Walvis Ridge, eastern South Atlantic; glacial-interglacial fluctuations in accumulation | |
46% | 40 40-363 74 74-527 | 1990 | Kelly, Daniel C.; Arnold, Anthony J. et al.: Evolutionary processes and patterns in the planktonic foraminiferal genus Morozovella Mcgowran | |
46% | 40 74 75 | 1982 | Maillot, H.; Chamley, H. et al.: Evolution du paleoenvironnement de la ride de Walvis (Atlantique sud-est) au Cretace superieur et au Cenozoique, d'apres la geochimie et la mineralogie des sediments (LEGS40, 74, 75DSDP) Evolution of the paleoenvironment of Walvis Ridge (Southeast Atlantic) in the Upper Cretaceous and Cenozoic, using geochemical and mineralogic data of sediments, Legs 40, 74, 75, DSDP | |
46% | 40 40-364 41 41-368 43 43-386 | 1982 | Quirke, J. M. E.; Eglinton, G. et al.: High-performance liquid chromatographic and mass spectrometric analyses of porphyrins from deep-sea sediments | |
46% | 40 40-362 75 75-532 | 1987 | Diester-Haas, L.: History of the Benguela Current off SW Africa (DSDP sites 362 and 532) | |
46% | 40 40-363 40-364 | 1982 | Moullade, M.; Guerin, S.: Le probleme des relations de l'Atlantique Sud et de l'Atlantique Central au Cretace moyen; nouvelles donnees microfauniques d'apres les forages D.S.D.P The problems of the relationships of the South Atlantic and the Central Atlantic during the Middle Cretaceous; new microfauna data from DSDP drill holes | |
46% | 5 5-40 40 40-362 | 1982 | Caratini, C.; Tissot, C.: Palynological study of Pleistocene sediment cores from Walvis Ridge | |
46% | 40 | 1975 | Bolli, H. M.; Ryan, W. B. F. et al.: Basins and margins of the eastern South Atlantic | |
46% | 36 36-327 36-328 36-329 36-330 40 40-361 | 1990 | Drinnan, Andrew N.; Crane, Peter R.: Cretaceous paleobotany and its bearing on the biogeography of austral angiosperms | |
46% | 39 40 | 1979 | Robert, C.; Herbin, J. P. et al.: L'Atlantique Sud au cretace d'apres l'etude des mineraux argileux et de la matiere organique (legs 39 et 40 DSDP) Cretaceous environment of the South Atlantic Ocean derived from studies of clay minerals and organic matter, legs 39 and 40 of DSDP | |
46% | 40 40-362 75 75-532 | 1987 | Diester-Haas, L.; Meyers, P. A.: Benguela current paleoproductivity zones; cyclical shifts since late Miocene times | |
46% | 40 40-364 71 71-511 79 79-545 79-547 122 122-763 | 1993 | Cashman, Richard E.; Leckie, R. Mark: Latitudinal variations of late Albian planktonic foraminiferal assemblages | |
46% | 16 16-162 40 40-361 | 1989 | Wei, Wuchang; Wise, Sherwood W., Jr.: Discoaster praebifax n. sp.; a possible ancestor of Discoaster bifax Bukry (Coccolithophoridae) | |
46% | 40 40-361 | 1992 | Dingle, Richard V.; Robson, Simon H.: Southwestern Africa continental rise; structural and sedimentary evolution | |
46% | 40 40-362 75 75-532 | 1990 | Diester-Haass, Liselotte; Meyers, Philip A. et al.: Miocene history of the Benguela Current and Antarctic ice volumes; evidence from rhythmic sedimentation and current growth across the Walvis Ridge (Deep Sea Drilling Project sites 362 and 532) | download |
46% | 40 40-362 75 75-530 75-531 75-532 | 1996 | Abreu, Vitor S.; Condi, Francis J. et al.: Tectono-stratigraphic evolution of a volcanic rifted margin; offshore Namibia | |
46% | 39 39-356 40 40-364 | 1976 | Mascle, J.; Renard, V.: The marginal Sao Paulo Plateau, comparison with the southern Angolan margin | |
46% | 21 21-206 21-208 40 | 1989 | Rigolot, Patrick: Evolution morphologique et structurale de la marge occidentale de la ride de Nouvelle-Caledonie (SW Pacifique) Structural and morphologic evolution of the western margin of the New Caledonia Ridge, Southwest Pacific | |
46% | 40 40-360 114 114-704 | 1999 | Flores, Jose Abel; Gersonde, Rainer et al.: Pleistocene fluctuations in the Agulhas Current retroflection based on the calcareous plankton record | |
46% | 40 40-362 75 75-532 | 1987 | Meyers, P. A.; Diester-Haass, L.: Carbonate dissolution cycles in sediments from DSDP sites 362 and 532, Walvis Ridge continental terrace | |
46% | 24 24-231 24-237 25 25-249 40 40-360 | 1979 | Scanlon, K.: Latest Miocene paleoclimate; new data from DSDP sites in the western Indian Ocean and the South Atlantic | |
46% | 40 40-362 75 75-532 | 1992 | Meyers, Philip A.: Organic matter variations in sediments from DSDP sites 362 and 532; evidence of upwelling changes in the Benguela Current upwelling system | |
46% | 12 12-111 39 39-357 40 40-365 93 93-605 | 1992 | Nederbragt, Alexandra J.: Paleoecology of late Maastrichtian Heterohelicidae (planktic foraminifera) from the Atlantic region | |
46% | 1 2 3 4 10 11 12 13 14 15 40 41 | 1977 | Foreman, H. P.: Mesozoic Radiolaria from the Atlantic Basin and its borderlands | |
46% | 40 48 62 | 1981 | Sayre, William O.; Hailwood, Ernest A.: The magnetic fabric of some marine sediments from the Atlantic and Pacific oceans | |
46% | 40 40-364 40-365 41 41-367 | 1981 | Hussler, G.; Chappe, B. et al.: C (sub 27) -C (sub 29) ring A monoaromatic steroids in Cretaceous black shales | |
46% | 40 40-362 75 75-532 | 1992 | Hay, William W.; Brock, John C.: Temporal variation in intensity of upwelling off Southwest Africa | |
46% | 40 40-362 75 75-532 | 1992 | Diester-Haass, Liselotte; Meyers, Philip A. et al.: The Benguela Current and associated upwelling on the Southwest African margin; a synthesis of the Neogene-Quaternary sedimentary record at DSDP sites 362 and 532 | |
46% | 14 36 40 41 43 44 | 1977 | Simoneit, Bernd R. T.: Organic geochemistry of the shales and sapropels of the Cretaceous Atlantic | |
46% | 40 40-364 | 2000 | Cole, Gary; Farrer, Bruce et al.: Assessing charge risk in the deepwater Kwanza Basin, offshore Angola, West Africa | |
46% | 40 40-364 40-365 | 1999 | Kots, V. G.; Gusarova, L. V. et al.: Prognozirovaniye geologicheskogo razraza po geofizicheskim dannym v usloviyakh zon mirovogo okeana Predicting geological sections from geophysical data under zonal conditions of the world ocean | |
46% | 39 39-356 40 40-364 75 75-530 | 2002 | Scarparo Cunha, Armando; Koutsoukos, Eduardo A. M.: Time average of black-shale deposition in the late Cenomanian-early Turonian of the southern South Atlantic (DSDP Sites 356, 364 and 530A); a cyclostratigraphic and biostratigraphic approach | |
46% | 40 40-360 114 114-704 177 177-1088 | 2000 | Flores, J. A.; Gersonde, R. et al.: Southern Ocean Pleistocene calcareous nannofossil events; calibration with isotope and geomagnetic stratigraphies | |
46% | 40 40-364 71 71-511 79 79-545 122 122-763 | 1992 | Cashman, Richard E.; Leckie, R. Mark: Reconstructing Albian oceans from the planktonic foraminiferal record | |
46% | 40 40-364 | 1984 | Hussler, G.; Connan, J. et al.: Novel families of tetra- and hexacyclic aromatic hopanoids predominant in carbonate rocks and crude oils | |
46% | 40 40-363 40-364 | 1981 | Moullade, M.; Guerin, S.: Correlations biostratigraphiques dans le Cretace moyen de l'Atlantique sud et de la marge africaine de l'Atlantique nord (Sites 137, 327A, 356, 363, 364, 369A, 370, 415A, legs D.S.D.P. 14, 36, 39, 40, 41, 50) Biostratigraphic correlations in the Middle Cretaceous of the South Atlantic and African margin of North Atlantic, Sites 137, 327A, 356, 363, 364, 369A, 370, 415A, DSDP legs 14, 36, 39, 40, 41, 50 | |
46% | 40 40-361 40-363 40-364 40-365 | 1978 | Foreman, H. P.: Cretaceous Radiolaria in the eastern South Atlantic, Deep Sea Drilling Project, Leg 40 | download |
42% | 40 40-360 | 1978 | Jenkins, D. G.: Guembelitria aff. stavensis Bandy, a paleooceanographic marker of the initiation of the Circum-Antarctic current and the opening of the Drake Passage | download |
41% | 40 40-361 40-362 40-363 40-364 40-365 | 1978 | Kendrick, J. W.; Hood, A. et al.: Petroleum-generating potential of sediments from Leg 40, Deep Sea Drilling Project | download |
40% | 9 9-77 13 13-128 23 23-219 26 26-253 31 31-292 40 40-363 | 1983 | Corliss, Bruce H.; Keigwin, Lloyd D., Jr.: Eocene-Oligocene benthonic foraminifera; implications for deep-water circulation history | |
40% | 39 39-354 40 40-360 40-361 40-362 40-363 | 1981 | Beckmann, Jean-Pierre; Bolli, Hans M. et al.: Major calcareous nannofossil and foraminiferal events between the middle Eocene and early Miocene | |
40% | 23 23-219 26 26-253 29 29-277 31 31-292 40 40-363 | 1982 | Keller, Gerta R.: Eocene-Oligocene temperature drop; a stepped cooling trend | |
40% | 25 25-245 40 40-361 73 73-524 74 74-528 86 86-577 93 93-605 | 1989 | Wei, W.: Morphometry of Discoaster multiradiatus and its biochronological utility | |
40% | 36 36-327 36-328 36-329 36-330 40 40-361 40-362 40-363 40-364 | 1979 | Noel, D.; Manivit, H.: Calcareous nannoplankton in upper Aptian and Albian black shales from South Atlantic (DSDP legs 36, 40); sedimentologic implications | |
40% | 26 26-258 40 40-364 48 48-402 51 51-417 52 52-417 | 1993 | Bralower, Timothy J.; Sliter, William V. et al.: Dysoxic/anoxic episodes in the Aptian-Albian (Early Cretaceous) | |
40% | 40 40-363 | 2003 | Kelly, D. C.; Norris, R. D. et al.: Deciphering the paleoceanographic significance of early Oligocene Braarudosphaera chalks in the South Atlantic | download |
40% | 40 | 1978 | Foresman, J. B.: Organic geochemistry DSDP Leg 40, continental rise of Southwest Africa | download |
40% | 23 23-219 26 26-253 29 29-277 31 31-292 40 40-363 | 1983 | Keller, Gerta: Biochronology and paleoclimatic implications of middle Eocene to Oligocene planktic foraminiferal faunas | |
40% | 36 36-327 36-329 39 39-357 40 40-360 41 41-369 | 1983 | Boltovskoy, Esteban; de Kahn, Graciela Guissani: Evaluation of benthic monothalamous foraminifers as guide fossils in Cenozoic deep-sea deposits of the South Atlantic | |
40% | 21 21-208 21-209 32 32-305 39 39-357 40 40-360 41 41-369 | 1988 | Boltovskoy, E.; Boltovskoy, D.: Cenozoic deep-sea benthic foraminifera; faunal turnovers and paleobiogeographic diffferences | |
40% | 40 40-363 73 73-522 | 1999 | Peleo-Alampay, Alyssa M.; Mead, Gregory A. et al.: Unusual Oligocene Braarudosphaera-rich layers of the South Atlantic and their palaeoceanographic implications | |
40% | 23 23-219 31 31-292 40 40-363 | 1984 | Corliss, Bruce H.; Aubry, Marie-Pierre et al.: The Eocene/Oligocene boundary event in the deep sea | |
40% | 40 40-362 | 2001 | Fourtanier, E.; Seyve, C.: Biostratigraphy of two offshore upper Miocene drilled sections from western Africa | |
38% | 40 | 1978 | Bolli, H. M.: Synthesis of the Leg 40 biostratigraphy and paleontology | download |
38% | 40 40-360 40-361 40-362 40-363 40-364 40-365 | 1978 | Siesser, W. G.: Petrography and geochemistry of pyrite and marcasite in DSDP Leg 40 sediments | download |
38% | 40 40-363 | 1978 | Bolli, H. M.: Calcareous spherules from the Albian of DSDP Leg 40, Site 363 | download |
37% | 40 | 1978 | Ryan, W. B. F.; Bolli, H. M. et al.: Objectives, principal results, operations, and explanatory notes of Leg 40, South Atlantic | download |
36% | 40 | 1978 | Bolli, H. M. (ed.); Ryan, W. B. F. (ed.) et al.: Initial reports of the Deep Sea Drilling Project covering Leg 40 of the cruises of the drilling vessel Glomar Challenger; Cape Town, South Africa to Abidjan, Ivory Coast, December 1974-February 1975 | download |
35% | 3 3-14 3-15 3-16 3-17 3-18 3-19 40 40-360 40-361 | 1980 | Maillot, H.; Robert, C.: Mineralogie et geochimie des sediments cretaces et cenozoiques dans l'Ocean Atlantique sud (marge africaine, dorsale medio-atlantique) Mineralogy and geochemistry of Cretaceous and Cenozoic sediments in the South Atlantic Ocean; African margin, Mid-Atlantic Ridge | |
35% | 40 40-360 41 41-366 71 71-511 71-513 72 72-516 73 73-522 73-523 113 113-689 | 1989 | Wei, Wuchang: Latitudinal thermal gradient of the middle Eocene/Oligocene South Atlantic Ocean; calcareous nannoplankton evidence | |
35% | 40 40-362 75 75-530 75-532 | 1983 | Meyers, Philip A.; Brassell, Simon C. et al.: Organic geochemistry of sediments recovered by DSDP/IPOD Leg 75 from under the Benguela Current | |
35% | 40 40-364 | 1978 | Simoneit, B. R. T.: Lipid analyses of sediments from Site 364 in the Angola Basin, DSDP Leg 40 | download |
35% | 40 40-361 71 71-511 75 75-530 113 113-690 122 122-763 123 123-765 123-766 | 2008 | Thomas, D. J.; Murphy, D. P.: The Nd isotopic composition of Southern Ocean Mid-Late Cretaceous deep waters | |
35% | 30 30-288 30-289 33 33-317 40 40-363 40-364 48 48-400 48-402 62 62-463 79 79-545 | 1988 | Tarduno, John A.: Brief reversals within the Cretaceous normal polarity superchron recorded in Pacific and Atlantic DSDP sediments | |
35% | 40 40-364 | 2001 | Cole, Gary A.; Farrer, Bruce et al.: Source and charge risk in the deepwater Kwanza Basin, offshore Angola, West Africa | |
35% | 40 40-362 75 75-530 75-531 75-532 | 1997 | Abreu, Vitor S.; Condi, Francis J.: Geologic evolution of conjugate volcanic rifted margins; Pelotas Basin (offshore Brazil) and offshore Namibia | |
35% | 14 14-137 40 40-363 41 41-370 47 47-398 71 71-511 79 79-545 80 80-550 122 122-763 171B 171B-1050 | 2009 | Sexton, Philip F.; Wilson, Paul A.: Preservation of benthic Foraminifera and reliability of deep-sea temperature records; importance of sedimentation rates, lithology, and the need to examine test wall structure | download |
35% | 40 40-364 71 71-511 75 75-530 | 2002 | Cunha, Armando A. Scarparo: Correlacao entre eventos transgressivos e erosivos do Neocenomaniano-Turoniano na parte sul do Atlantico Sul Correlation between transgression and erosion events in the late Cenomanian-Turonian of the southern South Atlantic | |
35% | 40 40-361 71 71-511 75 75-530 113 113-690 122 122-763 123 123-765 123-766 | 2009 | Murphy, D. P.; Thomas, D. J.: Mid-Late Cretaceous Nd isotopic composition of Southern Ocean deep waters | |
32% | 40 40-361 40-362 40-364 40-365 | 1978 | Sotelo, V.; Gieskes, J. M.: Interstitial water studies, Leg 40; shipboard studies | download |
32% | 40 40-361 40-364 | 1978 | Matsumoto, T.: Notes on Inoceramus, Mesozoic bivalves from the southeastern Atlantic, DSDP sites 361 and 364, Leg 40 | download |
32% | 50 50-415 50-416 | 1980 | Schorno, K. S.; Erdman, J. G.: Geochemistry of carbon; Deep Sea Drilling Project sites 415 and 416 | download |
31% | 40 40-361 40-362 | 1978 | Erdman, J. G.; Schorno, K. S.: Geochemistry of carbon; Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 40 | download |
30% | 40 40-363 | 1978 | Bolli, H. M.: Cretaceous and Paleogene Calcisphaerulidae from DSDP Leg 40, southeastern Atlantic | download |
30% | 40 40-363 40-364 | 1978 | Scheibnerova, V.: Aptian and Albian benthic foraminifers of Leg 40, sites 363 and 364, southern Atlantic | download |
30% | 40 40-363 40-364 | 1978 | Beckmann, J. P.: Late Cretaceous smaller benthic foraminifers from sites 363 and 364 DSDP Leg 40, Southeast Atlantic Ocean | download |
29% | 40 40-363 73 73-522 74 74-526 | 2000 | Kelly, Daniel C.; Zachos, James C. et al.: On the genesis of Oligocene-aged Braarudosphaera chalks in the South Atlantic Ocean | |
29% | 50 50-415 50-416 | 1980 | Palmer, S. E.; Baker, E. W.: Nickel porphyrins from Deep Sea Drilling Project sites 415 and 416 | download |
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