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Score ↓ | Exp/Site/Hole | Year | Author/Title | Full text |
100% | 55 | 1979 | Tosha, T.; Kono, M.: Paleointensity measurements on Leg 55 basalts in the early Cenozoic | |
83% | 55 | 1978 | Kono, M.; Morgan, W. J.: Paleolatitude of Emperor Seamounts from DSDP Leg 55 | |
83% | 55 | 1978 | Jackson, E. D.; Dalrymple, G. B.: DSDP Leg 55; summary of results from drilling in the Emperor Seamounts | |
71% | 55 | 1978 | Greene, H. G.: Vertical tectonics of the Emperor seamount chain | |
67% | 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 | 1980 | Peterson, M. N. A.; MacTernan, F. C.: Operations resumes, Leg 55 through Leg 70 | |
67% | 55 55-430 55-432 55-433 | 1978 | Clague, D.; Kirkpatrick, R. J.: Petrology of basalts; DSDP Leg 55 | |
59% | 55 | 1981 | Malz, H.: Palaeozaene Ostracoden von den Emperor Seamounts, NW-Pazifik Paleocene ostracods of the Emperor Seamounts, Northwest Pacific | |
59% | 55 | 1981 | Lommerzheim, A.: Palaeozaene Serpulidae und Spirorbidae (Polychaeta) von den Emperor Seamounts, NW-Pazifik Paleocene Serpulidae and Spirorbidae (Polychaeta) of Emperor Seamounts, Northwest Pacific | |
59% | 55 | 1981 | Hagn, H.; Malz, H.: Inseln versinken im Pazifik; Die Geschichte der Emperor Seamounts in den Tiefen des Stillen Ozeans Islands sinking in the Pacific; history of the Emperor Seamounts in the depths of the Pacific Ocean | |
59% | 55 | 1979 | Dalyrmple, G. Brent: DSDP Leg 55, a significant advance for the Hawaiian-Emperor hot spot experiment | |
59% | 51 52 53 55 | 1979 | Nishitani, T.: Grain size effect on the low-temperature oxidation of titanomagnetites | |
59% | 55 | 2004 | Baksi, A. K.: Critical evaluation of radiometric ages used for tracking hotspots in the Pacific Ocean | |
59% | 55 | 2005 | Gordon, R. G.: Pacific Plate apparent polar wander and latitudinal shift of the Hawaiian Hotspot; a brief review and future prospects | |
54% | 55 55-430 55-431 55-433 | 1980 | Greene, H. Gary: Geophysical observations taken underway on Glomar Challenger, Leg 55 | download |
47% | 19 55 61 65 68 69 70 | 1985 | Kurnosov, V.; Kholodkevich, I.: Conditions of the formation of clay minerals in the basaltic shell of the ocean | |
47% | 55 62 70 73 80 | 1986 | Karpoff, Anne-Marie: Marine alteration processes, authigenesis and early diagenesis in Cenozoic pelagic condensed sequences (DSDP-IPOD legs 55, 62, 70, 73 and 80) | |
47% | 19 55 61 65 67 69 70 | 1982 | Kurnosov, V. B.; Kholodkevich, I. V. et al.: The influence of secondary basalt alterations on sedimentation in an ocean | |
47% | 55 55-433 | 1985 | Zhivago, A. V.; Budanova, L. Ya. et al.: Morfostruktura yuzhnoy chasti Imperatorskogo razloma na severe Tikhogo okeana Morphostructure of the southern part of the Emperor fracture zone, North Pacific | |
47% | 55 | 1978 | Jackson, E. D.; Koizumi, I. et al.: Off Hawaii, drilling confirms hot-spot origins | |
47% | 55 55-433 | 1994 | Craddock, John P.; Pearson, Alene M.: Non-coaxial horizontal shortening strains preserved in twinned amygdule calcite, DSDP Hole 433, Suiko Seamount, Northwest Pacific Plate | |
47% | 55 55-432 197 197-1205 | 2002 | Cottrell, Rory D.; Tarduno, John A. et al.: Paleolatitude of Nintoku Seamount (ODP Leg 197, Site 1205); implications for motion of the Hawaiian hotspot | |
47% | 55 55-432 62 62-464 62-465 132 132-810 | 1998 | Smoot, N. Christian: The trans-Pacific Chinook Trough megatrend | |
47% | 19 55 145 197 | 2002 | Kempton, P. D.; Thompson, P. M. E. et al.: Did the ancestral Hawaii Plume interact with a mid-ocean ridge? The isotopic evidence | |
47% | 55 | 2006 | Sharp, Warren D.; Clague, David A.: 50-Ma initiation of Hawaiian-Emperor bend records major change in Pacific Plate motion | download |
47% | 19 55 62 143 144 | 2007 | Kurnosov, V. B.; Zolotarev, B. P. et al.: Sea water-basalt interaction in the Pacific seamounts; low temperature environments | |
46% | 55 55-430 55-431 55-432 55-433 | 1980 | Koreneva, E. V.: Palynological study of samples from Sites 430, 431, 432, 433 | download |
46% | 55 | 1980 | Jackson, E. Dale; Koizumi, Itaru et al.: Explanatory notes for DSDP Leg 55 site chapters | download |
42% | 55 55-430 55-432 55-433 | 1980 | Kono, Masaru; Tosha, Toshiyuki: Geomagnetic paleointensity measurements on Leg 55 basalts | download |
42% | 55 55-433 | 1980 | McKenzie, Judith: Stable isotopic study of carbonate minerals from the basalt flows on Suiko Seamount; DSDP Leg 55, Hole 433C | download |
41% | 32 32-308 32-311 55 55-430 55-432 55-433 | 1995 | Hyatt, Ronda J.; Marsaglia, K. M.: Impact of mixed volcaniclastic/bioclastic sand composition on diagenesis; a study of shallow marine sands and sandstones from guyouts, seamounts and volcanic islands in the Hawaiian/Emperor seamount chain | |
41% | 1 1-2 17 17-171 20 32 32-308 55 55-430 55-433 | 1993 | Larwood, Jonathan; Whatley, Robin C.: Tertiary to Recent evolution of Ostracoda in isolation on seamounts | |
41% | 19 19-192 32 32-308 55 55-433 145 145-882 197 197-1203 197-1206 | 2005 | Sugiyama, Akira: Emperor Seamount chain; discovery, naming and enigma of its formation | |
41% | 55 55-430 55-432 55-433 | 1980 | Kono, Masaru; Hamano, Yozo et al.: Physical properties of basalts from DSDP Leg 55 | download |
40% | 55 | 1980 | Murdmaa, Ivar O.; Avdeiko, G. P.: Volcaniclastic constituents in the Leg 55 sediments | download |
39% | 55 55-433 | 1980 | Kono, Masaru: Magnetic properties of DSDP Leg 55 basalts | download |
39% | 55 55-430 55-431 55-433 | 1980 | Murdmaa, Ivar O.; Gordeev, V. V. et al.: Geochemistry of the Leg 55 sediments | download |
36% | 55 | 1980 | Shambach, James (ed.); Jackson, Everett Dale et al.: Initial reports of the Deep Sea Drilling Project covering Leg 55 of the cruises of the drilling vessel Glomar Challenger, Honolulu, Hawaii to Yokohama, Japan; July-September 1977 | download |
35% | | 1981 | Clague, David A.: Linear island and seamount chains, aseismic ridges and intraplate volcanism; results from DSDP | |
35% | 18 18-173 55 55-433 56 56-436 57 57-438 57-440 63 63-469 63-470 63-472 86 86-577 86-578 86-579 | 1993 | Spencer-Cervato, Cinzia; Lazarus, David B. et al.: New calibration of Neogene radiolarian events in the North Pacific | |
35% | 55 55-432 55-433 | 1980 | Ling, Hsin Yi: Silicoflagellates and ebridians from Leg 55 | download |
35% | | 1978 | Prince, R.: Southward motion of the Hawaiian hotspot between 42 and 25 MYBP | |
33% | 55 | 1980 | Avdeiko, G. P.: On possible continuation of the Hawaiian-Emperor chain in Kamchatka | download |
32% | 55 55-430 55-432 55-433 | 1980 | Kono, Masaru; Clague, David et al.: Fe-Ti oxide mineralogy of DSDP Leg 55 basalts | download |
32% | 55 55-431 55-432 55-433 | 1980 | Jackson, Everett D.; Koizumi, Itaru et al.: Introduction and summary of results from DSDP Leg 55, the Hawaiian-Emperor hot-spot experiment | download |
31% | 55 55-430 55-431 55-433 | 1980 | Greene, H. Gary; Clague, David A. et al.: Seismic stratigraphy and vertical tectonics of the Emperor Seamounts, DSDP Leg 55 | download |
30% | 55 55-430 55-431 55-432 55-433 | 1980 | Takayama, Toshiaki: Calcareous nannofossil biostratigraphy, Leg 55 of the Deep Sea Drilling Project | download |
29% | 55 55-430 55-431 55-432 55-433 | 1980 | Koizumi, Itaru: Neogene diatoms from the Emperor seamount chain, Leg 55, Deep Sea Drilling Project | download |
29% | 13 13-125 14 15 15-150 18 18-177 20 20-195 30 30-285 31 31-295 41 41-370 55 55-430 62 62-465 70 70-510 73 73-520 | 1978 | Mukhina, V. V.: Biostratigraficheskiye issledovaniya v subantarkticheskoy oblasti Tikhogo okeana (po diatomeyam i silikoflyagellyatam) A biostratigraphic study in a sub-Antarctic region of the Pacific Ocean; from diatoms and silicoflagellates | |
29% | 55 55-430 55-431 55-432 55-433 | 1980 | Ling, Hsin Yi: Radiolarians from the Emperor Seamounts of the Northwest Pacific; Leg 55 of the Deep Sea Drilling Project | download |
27% | 55 55-430 55-432 55-433 | 1980 | Bence, A. E.; Taylor, S. R. et al.: Major- and trace-element geochemistry of basalts from Ojin, Nintoku, and Suiko seamounts of the Emperor Seamount chain; DSDP-IPOD Leg 55 | download |
27% | 55 55-430 55-432 55-433 | 1980 | Kono, Masaru: Paleomagnetism of DSDP Leg 55 basalts and implications for the tectonics of the Pacific Plate | download |
27% | 55 55-430 55-432 55-433 | 1980 | Cambon, P.; Joron, J. L. et al.: Leg 55, Emperor Seamounts; trace elements in transitional tholeiites, alkali basalts, and hawaiites; mantle homogeneity or heterogeneity and magmatic processes | download |
26% | 55 | 1980 | Clague, David A.; Dalrymple, G. Brent et al.: Bathymetry of the Emperor Seamounts | download |
25% | 82 | 1985 | Etoubleau, J.; Bougault, Henri et al.: Analysis of trace elements in basalts by shipboard X-ray fluorescence spectrometry; a discussion of niobium | download |
25% | 55 55-430 55-432 55-433 | 1980 | Dalrymple, G. Brent; Lanphere, Marvin A. et al.: Conventional and (super 40) Ar/ (super 39) Ar K-Ar ages of volcanic rocks from Ojin (Site 430), Nintoku (Site 432), and Suiko (Site 433) seamounts and the chronology of volcanic propagation along the Hawaiian-Emperor chain | download |
22% | 55 55-433 | 1980 | Karpoff, Anne Marie: The sedimentary deposits of Suiko Seamount (Leg 55, Site 433); from the reef environment to the pelagic sedimentation | download |
21% | 55 55-430 55-432 55-433 | 1980 | Kirkpatrick, R. James; Clague, David A. et al.: Petrology and geochemistry of volcanic rocks, DSDP Leg 55, Emperor seamount chain | download |
21% | 55 55-432 | 1980 | Karpoff, Anne Marie: The claystone layer between two basalt flows in Hole 432A; an argument for the emergence of Nintoku Seamount | download |
21% | 55 | 1980 | Dalrymple, G. Brent; Lanphere, Marvin A. et al.: K-Ar minimum age for Meiji Guyot, Emperor seamount chain | download |
18% | 55 | 1980 | Butt, Arif: Biostratigraphic and paleoenvironment analyses of the sediments at the Emperor Seamounts, DSDP Leg 55, northwestern Pacific; Cenozoic foraminifers | download |
18% | 143 143-865 143-866 144 144-872 144-874 144-875 144-878 | 1995 | Kurnosov, Victor; Zolotarev, B. et al.: Alteration of basalts from the West Pacific guyots, legs 143 and 144 | download |
18% | 55 55-430 55-432 55-433 | 1980 | Avdeiko, G. P.; Khubunaja, S. A. et al.: Petrography and chemical composition of the lava flows from the Emperor Seamounts, DSDP Leg 55 | download |
18% | 55 55-430 55-431 55-432 | 1980 | Karpoff, Anne Marie; Peterschmitt, Irene et al.: Mineralogy and geochemistry of sedimentary deposits on Emperor Seamounts, Sites 430, 431, and 432; authigenesis of silicates, phosphates, and ferromanganese oxides | download |
18% | 55 55-431 | 1980 | Shambach, James; Jackson, E. Dale et al.: Site 431; Yomei Seamount | download |
17% | 55 55-430 55-431 55-432 55-433 | 1980 | Clague, David A.; Fisk, Martin R. et al.: Mineral chemistry of basalts from Ojin, Nintoku, and Suiko seamounts; Leg 55 DSDP | download |
17% | 55 | 1980 | Dalrymple, G. Brent; Garcia, Michael O.: Age and chemistry of volcanic rocks dredged from Jingu Seamount, Emperor seamount chain | download |
17% | 115 115-706 115-707 115-713 115-715 | 1990 | Hargraves, Robert B.: Magnetic properties, iron-titanium oxides, and petrology of four Leg 115 basalts | download |
17% | 55 55-432 | 1980 | Shambach, James; Jackson, E. Dale et al.: Site 432; Nintoku Seamount | download |
16% | 55 | 1980 | Dalrymple, G. Brent; Greene, H. Gary et al.: Pre-Leg 55 site survey geophysical data from R/V S.P. Lee Cruise LEE8-76-NP | download |
16% | 55 | 1980 | McKenzie, Judith; Bernoulli, Daniel et al.: Shallow-water carbonate sediments from the Emperor Seamounts; their diagenesis and paleogeographic significance | download |
16% | 55 55-430 | 1980 | Shambach, James; Jackson, E. Dale et al.: Site 430; Ojin Seamount | download |
15% | 55 | 1980 | Lanphere, Marvin A.; Dalrymple, G. Brent et al.: Rb-Sr systematics of basalts from the Hawaiian-Emperor volcanic chain | download |
13% | 55 55-433 | 1980 | Clague, David A.; Frey, Fred A.: Trace-element geochemistry of tholeiitic basalts from Site 433C, Suiko Seamount | download |
12% | 197 197-1205 | 2002 | Tarduno, John A.; Duncan, Robert A. et al.: Site 1205 | download |
12% | 69 70 | 1983 | Karato, Shun-ichiro; Wilkens, Roy H. et al.: Shipboard physical properties measurements of basalts from the Costa Rica Rift Deep Sea Drilling Project legs 69 and 70 | download |
12% | 120 | 1992 | Heider, Franz; Geiss, Christoph et al.: Rock-magnetic investigation of basalts from the southern Kerguelen Plateau (Leg 120) | download |
10% | 70 70-506 70-507 | 1983 | Honnorez, Jose; Karpoff, Anne-Marie et al.: Sedimentology, mineralogy, and geochemistry of green clay samples from the Galapagos hydrothermal mounds, holes 506, 506C, and 507D, Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 70 | download |
10% | 145 145-883 145-884 | 1995 | Basov, Ivan A.: Paleogene planktonic foraminifer biostratigraphy of sites 883 and 884, Detroit Seamount (subarctic Pacific) | download |
10% | 129 129-801 144 185 185-801 | 1990 | Larson, R. L.; Steiner, M. B. et al.: Paleolatitudes and tectonic reconstructions of the oldest portion of the Pacific Plate; a comparative study | download |
10% | 330 330-U1372 330-U1373 330-U1374 330-U1375 330-U1376 330-U1377 | 2013 | Koppers, Anthony A. P.; Yamazaki, Toshitsugu et al.: IODP Expedition 330; Drilling the Louisville Seamount Trail in the SW Pacific | download |
10% | 66 | 1982 | Butt, Arif: Syndepositional tectonics along the Middle America Trench, with special reference to foraminiferal bathymetry; Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 66, offshore Mexico; geological processes along an active margin | download |
10% | 130 130-807 | 1993 | Mayer, Helmut; Tarduno, John A.: Paleomagnetic investigation of the igneous sequence, Site 807, Ontong Java Plateau, and a discussion of Pacific true polar wander | download |
10% | 144 144-873 144-878 144-879 | 1995 | Ito, Hisao; Nogi, Yoshifumi: Magnetic structures of seamounts in the western Pacific Ocean deduced from Leg 144 downhole magnetometer logs | download |
10% | 153 | 1997 | Gee, Jeffrey S.; Lawrence, Roisin May et al.: Remanence characteristics of gabbros from the MARK area; implications for crustal magnetization | download |
10% | 58 58-442 58-443 58-444 | 1980 | Chamley, Herve: Clay sedimentation and paleoenvironment in the Shikoku Basin since the middle Miocene (Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 58, North Philippine Sea) | download |
9% | 62 62-464 | 1981 | Karpoff, Anne-Marie; Hoffert, Michel et al.: Sedimentary sequences at Deep Sea Drilling Project Site 464; silicification processes and transition between siliceous biogenic oozes and brown clays | download |
9% | 90 90-594 | 1986 | Bukry, David: Miocene silicoflagellates from Chatham Rise, Deep Sea Drilling Project Site 594 | download |
9% | 115 115-707 115-715 | 1990 | Burns, Stephen J.; Swart, Peter K. et al.: Geochemistry of secondary carbonates in Leg 115 basalts; tracers of basalt/seawater interaction | download |
9% | 145 | 1995 | Shilov, V. V.: Eocene-Oligocene radiolarians from Leg 145, North Pacific | download |
9% | 104 | 1989 | Love, David A.; Frape, S. K. et al.: The delta (super 18) O and delta (super 13) C isotopic composition of secondary carbonates from basaltic lavas cored in Hole 642E, Ocean Drilling Program Leg 104 | download |
9% | 145 | 1995 | Keller, Randall A.; Duncan, Robert A. et al.: Geochemistry and (super 40) Ar/ (super 39) Ar geochronology of basalts from ODP Leg 145 (North Pacific Transect) | download |
9% | 90 90-588 90-591 90-594 | 1986 | Locker, Sigurd; Martini, Erlend: Ebridians and actiniscidians from the Southwest Pacific | download |
9% | 123 123-766 | 1992 | Buffler, Richard T.; Rowell, Philip et al.: Seismic stratigraphy of the Site 766 area, western margin of the Exmouth Plateau, Australia | download |
9% | 115 | 1990 | Duncan, Robert A.: The volcanic record of the Reunion hotspot | download |
9% | 197 197-1203 197-1204 197-1205 197-1206 | 2002 | Tarduno, John A.; Duncan, Robert A. et al.: Leg 197 summary | download |
9% | 125 | 1992 | Stokking, L. B.; Merrill, D. L. et al.: Rock magnetic studies of serpentinite seamounts in the Mariana and Izu-Bonin regions | download |
8% | 62 62-464 62-465 62-466 | 1981 | Vallier, Tracy L.; Rea, D. K. et al.: The geology of Hess Rise, central north Pacific Ocean | download |
8% | 121 | 1991 | Smith, Guy M.; Gee, Jeffrey S. et al.: Magnetic petrology of basalts from Ninetyeast Ridge | download |
8% | 144 | 1995 | Gee, Jeffrey S.; Nakanishi, Masao: Magnetic petrology and magnetic properties of western Pacific guyots; implications for seamount paleopoles | download |
8% | 121 121-756 121-757 121-758 | 1991 | Frey, Frederick A.; Jones, William B. et al.: Geochemical and petrologic data for basalts from sites 756, 757, and 758; implications for the origin and evolution of Ninetyeast Ridge | download |
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