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Score ↓ | Exp/Site/Hole | Year | Author/Title | Full text |
100% | 6 | 1969 | Fischer, A. G.; Heezen, B. C. et al.: Deep Sea Drilling Project; Leg 6 | |
100% | 6 | 1971 | Fischer, Alfred G.: Initial reports of the Deep Sea Drilling Project, volume VI | |
85% | 6 | 1982 | McCaslin, John C.: Southwest Pacific search moves to Palau | |
80% | 6 6-54 6-57 | 1974 | Ridley, W. Ian; Rhodes, J. M. et al.: Basalts from Leg 6 of the Deep-Sea Drilling Project | |
71% | | 1973 | Ridley, W. Ian; Reid, Arch M. et al.: The Geology and Petrology of Basalts from Leg 6 of the Deep Sea Drilling Project | |
71% | 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 | 1974 | Lange, Joachim: Geochemische Untersuchungen an pelagischen Sedimenten des Atlantischen und Pazifischen Ozean (DSDP, Leg 1-VII) Geochemical studies of pelagic sediments from the Atlantic and Pacific oceans; DSDP Leg 1-7 | |
71% | | 1970 | Fischer, Alfred G.; Heezen, Bruce C. et al.: Geological history of the western north Pacific | |
71% | 6 7 11 | 1973 | Ellwood, B. B.; Watkins, N. D.: Anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility and emplacement modes of submarine igneous rocks | |
71% | 6 31 59 60 | 1988 | Kirillova, G. L.: Stratigraphic zonation of sediments and basement rocks of the Philippine Sea floor and its tectonic interpretation | |
71% | 2 6 | 1986 | Broda, J. E. (ed.); Andrew, P. J. (ed.): Descriptions of W.H.O.I. rock dredge samples; Volume II | |
71% | 6 31 59 60 | 1981 | Blanchet, Rene: Episodicity in subduction; related processes; tectonics, sedimentation and volcanism in the western Pacific | |
71% | 6 | 1973 | Swain, Frederick M.: Upper Cretaceous Ostracoda from the northwestern Pacific Ocean | |
71% | 5 5-42 6 | 1976 | Hofker, J.: The importance of the Globoconusa daubjergensis-kozlowskii gens as a time-marker in the lower Tertiary | |
71% | 6 6-47 6-48 | 1982 | Swain, Frederick M.: Upper Cretaceous Ostracoda from the northwestern Pacific Ocean | |
63% | 6 6-45 6-46 6-50 6-51 6-52 6-53 | 1971 | Kuykendall, W. E., Jr.; Hoffman, Buren W. et al.: 14 MeV neutron activation analysis of selected Leg 6 core samples | download |
59% | 6 | 1971 | Presley, Bob J.; Kaplan, I. R.: Interstitial water chemistry; Deep Sea Drilling Project, Leg 6 | download |
57% | 6 7 16 19 25 28 33 34 37 38 39 49 | 1981 | Nazarova, Ye. A.: Magnitnyye svoystva bazal'tov okeanskogo lozha Magnetic properties of basalts on the ocean floor | |
57% | 6 6-44 17 17-171 22 22-214 | 1996 | Larwood, Jonathan G.; Whatley, Robin C. et al.: Ostracod evolution on seamounts; evidence from Horizon Guyot, Central Pacific Ocean (DSDP sites 44 & 171) and the Ninetyeast Ridge, East Indian Ocean (DSDP Site 214). | |
57% | 5 5-36 6 6-57 9 9-77 9-84 | 1974 | Weeks, R. A.; Lowrie, William: Ferromagnetic Resonance Spectra of D.S.D.P. Basalt Samples | |
57% | 6 6-49 6-50 11 11-105 | 1975 | Thierstein, H. R.: Calcareous nannoplankton biostratigraphy at the Jurassic-Cretaceous boundary | |
57% | 2 6 7 15 16 32 33 | 1976 | Ellwood, B. B.; Watkins, N. D.: Experimental emplacement mode analysis in DSDP igneous cores using anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility measurements; inferences derived from comparison of results with percentage intrusive changes with depth in ophiolite complexes | |
57% | 6 16 17 | 1979 | Douglas, R. G.: Cretaceous foraminifera from the Shatsky Rise, western North Pacific Ocean | |
57% | 6 6-55 7 7-63 9 9-77 | 1979 | Bjoerklund, K.; Goll, R. M.: Internal skeletal structures of Collosphaera and Trisolenia; a case of repetitive evolution in the Collosphaeridae (Radiolaria) | |
57% | 6 6-53 6-54 | 1993 | Lee, Jongman; Stern, Robert J.: Major-element geochemistry of glasses from sites 53 and 54, Parece Vela Basin | |
57% | 6 6-47 86 86-577 113 113-690 | 1993 | Peleo-Alampay, Alyssa; Wei, Wuchang: Nannofossil response to the abrupt warming event near the Paleocene-Eocene boundary; its paleoceanographic and paleoclimatic implications | |
57% | 6 31 58 60 125 126 | 1995 | Hall, Robert; Fuller, Michael et al.: The Philippine Sea Plate; magnetism and reconstructions | |
57% | 2 6 6-46 6-47 6-50 6-51 6-52 | 1974 | Gorbunova, Z. N.: Palygorskite in sediments from cores obtained in deep-sea drilling in the Pacific | |
57% | 6 7 21 29 30 44 48 80 82 94 95 | 1990 | Coles, Graham; Ayress, Michael A. et al.: A comparison of North Atlantic and Pacific Cainozoic deep-sea Ostracoda | |
57% | 6 20 20-199 90 90-592 | 1992 | Lin, Ping-Nan: Trace element and isotopic characteristics of western Pacific pelagic sediments; implications for the petrogenesis of Mariana Arc magmas | |
57% | 5 5-40 6 6-51 16 16-159 | 1988 | Ahmad, R.; Dale, L. S. et al.: Cerium anomaly in siliceous microfossils; record of modern and ancient bottom seawater redox | |
57% | 6 6-47 143 143-865 | 1998 | Thomas, Deborah J.; Bralower, Timothy J. et al.: Evidence for true global warming during the latest Paleocene Thermal Maximum | |
57% | | 1971 | Doell, Richard R.: Preliminary paleomagnetic results, leg 6 | download |
49% | 6 6-47 6-55 17 17-167 17-171 29 29-277 29-279 29-281 39 39-357 41 | 1981 | Borzenkova, I. I.: O global'nom trende temperatury v kaynozoye Global temperature trends in the Cenozoic | |
49% | 1 2 3 4 5 6 | 1974 | Rees, A. I.; Frederick, D.: The magnetic fabric of samples from the Deep Sea Drilling Project, Legs I-VI | |
49% | 6 6-52 6-59 20 20-196 20-198 20-199 20-200 | 1976 | Meijer, A.: Pb and Sr isotopic data bearing on the origin of volcanic rocks from the Mariana island-arc system | |
49% | 6 6-47 6-48 6-49 6-50 32 32-305 32-306 | 1974 | Douglas, Robert G.; Savin, Samuel M.: Marine temperatures during the Cretaceous | |
49% | 6 6-47 6-48 7 7-62 17 17-167 32 32-305 | 1978 | Douglas, R. G.; Savin, S. M.: Oxygen isotopic evidence for the depth stratification of Tertiary and Cretaceous planktic foraminifera | |
49% | 6 21 21-208 115 | 1983 | Scott, G. H.: Biostratigraphy and histories of upper Miocene-Pliocene Globorotalia, South Atlantic and South West Pacific | |
49% | 6 | 1971 | Melson, William G.: Volcanic rocks recovered on leg 6 | download |
49% | 6 6-55 8 8-71 31 31-292 31-296 | 1980 | Keller, Gerta: Early Miocene origin of Equatorial Pacific deep circulation driven by Antarctic bottom water; evidence from planktonic foraminifera | |
47% | 6 | 1971 | Heezen, B. C.; Fischer, A. G.: Regional problems | download |
44% | 6 | 1971 | Fischer, A. G.; Heezen, B. C.: Introduction | download |
42% | 6 6-55 8 8-71 9 9-77 18 18-173 31 31-292 31-296 32 32-310 34 34-319 | 1981 | Keller, Gerta: Miocene biochronology and paleoceanography of the North Pacific | |
42% | 6 6-55 8 8-71 9 9-77 31 31-292 | 1981 | Keller, Gerta: Planktonic foraminiferal faunas of the Equatorial Pacific suggest early Miocene origin of present oceanic circulation | |
42% | 4 4-27 4-29 5 5-35 5-38 5-39 6 6-50 6-51 6-52 7 7-66 | 1977 | Edgerton, C. C.; Doyle, P. S. et al.: Ichthyolith age determinations of otherwise unfossiliferous Deep Sea Drilling Project cores | |
42% | 6 6-60 7 7-63 30 30-285 30-287 30-288 30-289 32 32-313 33 33-315 33-316 33-318 | 1976 | Klein, G. DeV.: Resedimentation of biogenic carbonate sediments in DSDP cores from Pacific Ocean | |
42% | 6 6-54 6-57 7 7-61 7-63 16 16-163 17 17-164 19 19-192 | 1978 | Marshall, M.: The magnetic properties of some DSDP basalts from the North Pacific and inferences for Pacific plate tectonics | download |
42% | 6 6-47 6-49 32 32-305 32-306 86 86-577 132 132-810 | 2002 | Kashintsev, G. L.: Magmatism of the Shatsky Rise | |
41% | 6 | 1971 | Bukry, J. David; Douglas, Robert G. et al.: Planktonic microfossil biostratigraphy of the northwestern Pacific area | download |
41% | 6 | 1971 | Douglas, Robert G.: Cretaceous foraminifera from the northeastern Pacific Ocean; Leg 6, Deep Sea Drilling Project | download |
40% | 61 61-462 89 89-462 | 1981 | Site 462; Nauru Basin, western Pacific Ocean, Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 61 | download |
39% | 6 | 1971 | Kling, Stanley A.: Radiolaria, Leg 6 of the Deep Sea Drilling Project | download |
37% | | 1971 | Douglas, Robert G.; Savin, Samuel M.: Isotopic analyses of planktonic foraminifera from the cenozoic of the northwest pacific, leg 6 | download |
35% | 6 6-55 8 8-71 9 9-77 16 16-158 18 18-173 21 21-206 21-207 21-208 29 29-278 29-281 29-284 30 30-289 31 31-292 31-296 32 32-310 33 33-317 34 34-319 | 1981 | Lohmann, G. P.; Carlson, J. J.: Oceanographic significance of Pacific late Miocene calcareous nannoplankton | |
35% | 2 2-10 2-12 5 5-32 6 6-52 6-53 6-57 6-58 6-59 6-60 7 7-66 8 9 14 14-136 16 17 17-164 17-165 17-166 17-167 17-168 18 18-173 | 1974 | Shcherbakova, M. N.: Vulkanogenno-osadochnyy litogenez po dannym glubokovodnogo bureniya Volcanogenic-sedimentary lithogenesis, based on data from deep-sea drilling | |
35% | 6 | 1971 | Heezen, B. C.; Pimm, A. C.: Underway observations | download |
35% | 6 6-44 113 113-690 199 199-1218 | 2010 | Tipple, Brett J.; Meyers, Stephen R. et al.: Carbon isotope ratio of Cenozoic CO (sub 2) ; a comparative evaluation of available geochemical proxies | |
35% | 4 5 6 | 1971 | McIver, Richard D.: Appendix IV; Organic geochemical analyses of six frozen JOIDES core samples from legs 4, 5 and 6 | download |
34% | 6 | 1971 | Bukry, J. David: Coccolith stratigraphy Leg 6, Deep Sea Drilling Project | download |
34% | 6 | 1971 | Pimm, Anthony C.; Garrison, Robert E. et al.: Sedimentology synthesis; lithology, chemistry and physical properties of sediments in the northwestern Pacific Ocean | download |
33% | 6 7 8 10 11 12 15 | 1973 | Takahashi, Taro; Prince, Linda A. et al.: Interstitial water studies, Leg 15, dissolved carbon dioxide concentrations | download |
32% | 7 7-61 7-66 | 1971 | Foreman, Helen P.: Cretaceous Radiolaria, Leg 7, Deep Sea Drilling Project | download |
31% | 33 | 1976 | Winterer, E. L.: Bathymetry and regional tectonic setting of the Line Islands Chain | download |
31% | 7 | 1971 | Winterer, Edward L.; Riedel, William R. et al.: Initial Reports of the Deep Sea Drilling Project, covering Leg 7 of the cruises of the drilling vessel "Glomar Challenger"; Apra, Guam to Honolulu, Hawaii, August-September 1969; Part 2 | download |
31% | 7 7-61 7-62 7-63 7-64 7-65 7-66 7-67 | 1971 | Winterer, Edward L.; Riedel, William R.: Introduction | download |
30% | 6 | 1971 | Pimm, Anthony C.: Grain size results and composition of the sand fraction, Leg 6 | download |
28% | 3 3-15 6 6-44 7 7-62 8 8-71 9 9-77 9-83 9-84 12 12-116 16 16-157 16-158 21 21-206 21-207 21-208 24 24-238 29 29-281 29-284 30 30-289 31 31-292 31-296 32 32-310 36 36-329 39 39-357 41 41-366 47 47-397 47-398 49 49-408 68 68-502 68-503 | 1981 | Moore, T. C., Jr.; Pisias, N. G. et al.: Ocean basin and depth variability of oxygen isotopes in Cenozoic benthic Foraminifera | |
28% | 6 6-55 8 8-71 9 9-77 12 12-116 22 22-214 24 24-237 30 30-289 31 31-292 31-296 33 33-317 34 34-319 39 39-354 39-357 41 41-366 59 59-448 67 67-495 | 1985 | Savin, Samuel M.; Abel, Linda et al.: The evolution of Miocene surface and near-surface marine temperatures; oxygen isotopic evidence | |
28% | 6 33 | 1976 | Natland, J. H.: Possible volcanologic explanations for the origin of flat-topped seamounts and ridges in the Line Islands and Mid-Pacific Mountains | download |
28% | 6 6-58 | 1971 | Heezen, Bruce C.; Fischer, Alfred G. et al.: Site 58 | download |
28% | 2 2-10 3 3-20 6 6-47 12 12-111 17 17-171 21 21-208 22 22-216 22-217 32 32-305 39 39-356 40 40-363 43 43-384 62 62-465 72 72-516 74 74-525 74-527 80 80-548 93 93-605 113 113-689 114 114-698 114-700 119 119-738 120 120-750 121 121-758 | 1993 | Widmark, Joen G. V.: Biogeographic and paleoecological patterns among benthic foraminifera in the Late Cretaceous deep-sea; paleoceanographic implications | |
28% | 6 | 1971 | Manheim, Frank T.; Sayles, Frederick L.: Interstitial water studies on small core samples, Deep Sea Drilling Project, Leg 6 | download |
28% | 6 | 1971 | Shor, G. G.; Einsohn, S. D. et al.: Site surveys from honolulu to tokyo (scan iii) and tokyo to guam (scan iv), leg 6 | download |
28% | 3 3-15 3-16 3-21 4 4-31 6 6-44 6-47 6-55 16 16-157 16-158 17 17-167 17-171 21 21-208 29 29-277 32 32-305 32-310 85 85-572 85-573 85-574 115 115-709 130 130-805 130-806 130-807 154 154-925 154-926 154-927 154-928 154-929 | 2004 | Billups, K.; Rickaby, R. E. M. et al.: Cenozoic pelagic Sr/Ca records; exploring a link to paleoproductivity | download |
28% | 6 6-44 12 12-112 19 19-183 19-192 21 21-207 21-210 29 29-277 29-278 31 31-292 38 38-336 38-338 38-349 40 40-363 48 48-403 48-405 48-406 49 49-407 81 81-552 113 113-689 113-690 113-693 120 120-748 120-749 | 1992 | Aubry, Marie-Pierre: Late Paleogene calcareous nannoplankton evolution; a tale of climatic deterioration | |
28% | 6 | 1971 | Hay, William W.: Preliminary dating by fossil calcareous nannoplankton, Deep Sea Drilling Project, Leg 6 | download |
28% | 6 | 1971 | Blow, W. H.: Deep Sea Drilling Project, Leg 6, foraminifera from selected samples | download |
28% | 6 | 1971 | Pimm, Anthony C.: Carbon carbonate results | download |
25% | 37 | 1977 | Lambert, R. St. J.; Holland, J. G.: Yttrium and other trace elements in basalts from DSDP Leg 37 | download |
25% | 6 | 1971 | Karig, D.: Site surveys in the mariana area Scan iv | download |
25% | 6 6-46 | 1971 | Heezen, Bruce C.; Fischer, Alfred G. et al.: Site 46 | download |
25% | 32 32-305 32-310 32-313 | 1975 | Caron, Michele: Late Cretaceous planktonic Foraminifera from the Northwestern Pacific; Leg 32 of the Deep Sea Drilling Project | download |
25% | 17 17-167 17-171 | 1973 | Douglas, R. G.; Savin, S. M.: Oxygen and carbon isotope analyses of Cretaceous and Tertiary foraminifera from the central North Pacific | download |
25% | 6 7 9 | 1972 | Wehmiller, John F.; Hare, P. E.: Amino acid content of some samples from the Deep Sea Drilling Project | download |
25% | 35 | 1976 | Shishkina, O. V.; Shirshov, P. P.: Some results of the investigation of interstitial waters, DSDP Leg 35 | download |
24% | 6 6-45 | 1971 | Heezen, Bruce C.; Fischer, Alfred G. et al.: Site 45 | download |
24% | 6 6-44 | 1971 | Heezen, Bruce C.; Fischer, Alfred G. et al.: Site 44 | download |
24% | 6 6-52 | 1971 | Heezen, Bruce C.; Fischer, Alfred G. et al.: Site 52 | download |
22% | 6 20 20-194 32 32-303 32-310 63 63-472 | 1975 | Koizumi, I.: Neogene diatoms from the northwestern Pacific Ocean, Deep Sea Drilling Project | download |
22% | 6 | 1971 | Rex, R. W.; Eklund, W. A. et al.: X-ray mineralogy studies; Leg 6 | download |
22% | 6 | 1971 | Krasheninnikov, Valeri A. A.: Cenozoic foraminifera | download |
21% | 7 7-61 | 1971 | Winterer, Edward L.; Riedel, William R. et al.: Site 61 | download |
21% | 6 6-60 | 1971 | Heezen, Bruce C.; Fischer, Alfred G. et al.: Site 60 | download |
21% | 6 6-49 | 1971 | Heezen, Bruce C.; Fischer, Alfred G. et al.: Site 49 | download |
21% | 5 5-40 5-42 6 6-44 6-59 7 7-62 7-63 7-64 7-65 7-66 7-67 8 8-69 8-70 8-71 8-72 8-73 8-75 9 9-77 9-78 16 16-160 16-161 16-162 16-163 17 17-164 17-165 17-166 17-167 17-168 17-170 17-171 20 20-199 30 30-288 30-289 32 32-307 32-313 33 33-314 33-317 33-318 61 61-462 85 85-573 85-574 89 89-462 89-585 92 92-597 92-598 129 129-800 129-801 129-802 130 130-803 130-807 136 136-842 143 143-865 143-869 185 185-801 199 199-1215 199-1216 199-1217 199-1218 199-1219 199-1220 199-1221 199-1222 | 2004 | Moore, T. C., Jr.; Backman, Jan et al.: Paleogene tropical Pacific; clues to circulation, productivity, and plate motion | download |
21% | 6 6-56 | 1971 | Heezen, Bruce C.; Fischer, Alfred G. et al.: Site 56 | download |
21% | 12 | 1972 | Roberts, D. G.: Site survey in Hatton-Rockall Basin (sites 116 and 117) | download |
21% | 59 59-447 59-448 59-451 | 1980 | Friedman, M.; White, M. A.: Structural analysis of selected Leg 59 cores, Deep Sea Drilling Project | download |
21% | 59 | 1980 | Gieskes, Joris M.; Johnson, Jeff: Interstitial water studies, Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 59 | download |
21% | 6 6-47 6-50 32 32-305 32-306 | 1975 | Douglas, R. G.; Savin, S. M.: Oxygen and carbon isotope analyses of Tertiary and Cretaceous microfossils from Shatsky Rise and other sites in the North Pacific Ocean | download |
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