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Score ↓ | Exp/Site/Hole | Year | Author/Title | Full text |
100% | 91 | 1983 | Natland, James H.; Menard, H. W.: Old ocean crust in the SW Pacific; volcanism hydrothermal processes, and sedimentary history revealed by DSDP Leg 91 coring | |
100% | 91 | 1982 | Leinen, M.: Late Pleistocene hydrothermal sedimentation at DSDP Leg 91 "hydrogeology" sites | |
71% | 91 91-596 | 1990 | Zhou, Lei; Kyte, Frank T.: History of hydrothermal material accumulation in the central South Pacific over the past 85 Ma; a proxy for deep water circulation patterns | |
71% | 9 9-83 91 | 1985 | Henry, Marilee; Mellman, George: Comparison of borehole and ocean bottom seismometer earthquake detection thresholds at MSS-83 (SW Pacific) site | |
71% | 91 | 1982 | Hobart, M. A.; Abbott, D. H. et al.: Detailed geothermal surveys on the East Pacific Rise at 19 degrees S | |
71% | 91 91-595 91-596 | 1984 | Winfrey, E. C.; Doyle, P. S.: Preliminary ichthyolith biostratigraphy, Southwest Pacific, DSDP sites 595 and 596 | |
71% | 91 | 1985 | Sereno, T.; Orcutt, J. A.: Oceanic S (sub n) synthesis using wave number integration | |
71% | 91 | 1986 | Shearer, Peter Marston; Orcutt, John A.: Compressional and shear wave anisotropy in the oceanic lithosphere; the Ngendei seismic refraction experiment | |
71% | 91 | 1984 | Adair, Richard; Orcutt, John A. et al.: Comparison of ocean bottom and sub-bottom seismic signal and noise characteristics | |
71% | 91 | 1983 | Jordan, T. H.; Orcutt, J. A. et al.: Ngendie seismic experiment; teleseismic and noise studies | |
71% | 61 83 84 86 88 90 91 | 1983 | Salisbury, Matthew H.: In the Pacific, Deep-sea drilling tallies gains | |
71% | 91 91-596 | 1990 | Zhou, Lei: Characterization of chemical signatures in sediments; applications to selected problems | |
71% | 91 | 1984 | Jordan, Thomas H.; Orcutt, J. A.: Overview of scientific results from the marine seismic system | |
71% | 91 | 1984 | Keene, J. B.: Microstructure and the development of bedding in pelagic cherts from non-calcareous sequences | |
71% | 91 91-595 | 1998 | Carlson, R. L.: Average seismic structure of Pacific oceanic crust | |
71% | 91 | 1983 | Menard, H. W.; Jordan, T. H. et al.: Tectonic evolution of the southwestern tropical Pacific Basin | |
61% | 91 91-595 91-596 | 1987 | Saunders, A. D.: Geochemistry of basalts from Mesozoic Pacific Ocean crust; Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 91 | download |
57% | 21 21-204 91 91-595 | 2000 | Billen, Magali I.; Stock, Joann: Morphology and origin of the Osbourn Trough | download |
57% | 91 91-596 | 1994 | Peucker-Ehrenbrink, B.; Ravizza, G. et al.: Seawater Os-isotope variations over the past 80 Ma | |
57% | 91 91-596 | 1994 | Peucker-Ehrenbrink, B.; Ravizza, G. et al.: The marine Os-isotope record over the past 85 Ma | |
57% | 19 19-183 91 91-595 91-596 123 123-765 | 1993 | Plank, Terry Ann: Mantle melting and crustal recycling in subduction zones | |
57% | 91 91-596 | 1991 | Bohor, B. F.; Betterton, W. J.: Mineralogy of the K/T boundary in a deep-sea core; DSDP 596 | |
57% | 91 91-596 | 1991 | Kyte, Frank T.; Zhou, Lei et al.: Magnesiowuestite; a new high-temperature mineral in K-T boundary sediments | |
57% | 91 91-595 | 1984 | Whitmarsh, R. B.; Orcutt, J. A. et al.: Seismic structure of Late Jurassic crust and mantle in the SW Pacific Basin (a downhole experiment at DSDP Site 595) | |
57% | 86 86-576 86-578 91 91-596 92 92-598 | 1989 | Rea, David K.: Geologic record of atmospheric circulation on tectonic time scales | |
57% | 86 86-577 91 91-596 | 1995 | Evans, Noreen Joyce; Ahrens, Thomas J. et al.: Fractionation of rutherium from iridium at the Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary | |
57% | 21 21-205 91 91-595 | 2007 | Downey, Nathan J.; Stock, Joann M. et al.: History of the Cretaceous Osbourn spreading center | |
57% | 91 91-596 | 2005 | Hu, M.; Lee, C.: Increased oxygenation of the oceans since the mid-Cenozoic as constrained by Cr/Co and Os/Ir ratios in oxic pelagic sediments | |
57% | 21 21-204 91 91-595 | 2005 | Rosner, M.; Bach, W. et al.: Lithium isotope cycling in subduction zones; the Tonga Island arc/back-arc system | |
57% | 86 86-577 91 91-596 | 1994 | Evans, N. J.; Ahrens, T. J. et al.: New evidence for primary fractionation of ruthenium and iridium in the Chicxulub ejecta cloud | |
57% | 86 86-576 91 91-596 | 1994 | Kyte, Frank T.: Detailed geochemical models of sedimentation for Pacific pelagic clays | |
57% | 91 91-595 91-596 123 123-765 | 1990 | Plank, Terry; Langmuir, Charles H.: Estimating bulk compositions of marine sediment sections for crustal recycling calculations | |
57% | 19 19-183 91 91-595 91-596 | 2002 | Vervoort, Jeff D.; Plank, Terry: The Hf-Nd isotopic fingerprint of subducting sediments; a tale of two trenches | |
57% | 91 91-595 91-596 | 2001 | Sutherland, Rupert; Hollis, Chris: Cretaceous demise of the Moa Plate and strike-slip motion at the Gondwana margin | |
57% | 19 19-183 91 91-595 91-596 | 2002 | Vervoort, J. D.; Plank, T. et al.: The Lu-Hf-Nd isotopic signature of subducting pelagic sediments | |
57% | 91 91-596 92 92-598 | 2001 | Peucker-Ehrenbrink, Bernhard: Iridium and osmium as tracers of extraterrestrial matter in marine sediments | |
57% | 91 91-596 | 1992 | Zhou, Lei; Kyte, Frank T.: Sedimentation history of the South Pacific pelagic clay province over the last 85 million years inferred from the geochemistry of Deep Sea Drilling Project Hole 596 | download |
57% | 86 86-577 91 91-596 | 1995 | Kyte, Frank T.; Bostwick, Jennifer A.: Magnesioferrite spinel in Cretaceous/Tertiary boundary sediments of the Pacific Basin; remnants of hot, early ejecta from the Chicxulub impact? | |
57% | 62 62-465 91 91-596 | 2003 | Lee, Cin-Ty Aeolus; Wasserburg, Gerald J. et al.: Platinum-group elements (PGE) and rhenium in marine sediments across the Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary; constraints on Re-PGE transport in the marine environment | |
57% | 86 86-577 91 91-596 | 1995 | Kyte, Frank T.; Bohor, Bruce F.: Nickel-rich magnesiowuestite in Cretaceous/Tertiary boundary spherules crystallized from ultramafic, refractory silicate liquids | |
49% | 62 62-465 86 86-576 86-577 91 91-596 130 130-803 | 1994 | Kyte, F. T.; Bostwick, J. A. et al.: The KT boundary on the Pacific Plate | |
49% | 91 91-596 | 2006 | Mukhopadhyay, S.; Farley, K. A.: New insights into the carrier phase(s) of extraterrestrial (super 3) He in geologically old sediments | download |
49% | 91 91-596 145 145-886 | 2007 | Ravizza, Greg: Reconstructing the marine (super 187) Os/ (super 188) Os record and the particulate flux of meteoritic osmium during the Late Cretaceous | download |
49% | 21 21-204 91 91-595 91-596 | 1997 | Turner, Simon; Hawkesworth, Chris et al.: (super 238) U- (super 230) Th disequilibria, magma petrogenesis, and flux rates beneath the depleted Tonga-Kermadec island arc | |
43% | 91 | 1987 | Jordan, Thomas H.; Menard, H. William et al.: Introduction; Objectives and results of Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 91 and the Ngendei seismic experiment, and explanatory notes for Volume 91 | download |
43% | 91 91-595 91-596 | 1987 | Kim, Isaac I.; Smith, Deborah K. et al.: Seismic reflection site survey; correlation with physical properties, Leg 91, Deep Sea Drilling Project | download |
42% | 62 62-465 86 86-576 86-577 91 91-596 130 130-803 145 145-886 | 1996 | Kyte, Frank T.; Bostwick, Jennifer A. et al.: The Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary on the Pacific Plate; composition and distribution of impact debris | |
42% | 18 18-174 31 31-291 31-294 31-295 67 67-495 91 91-595 91-596 138 138-844 | 2003 | Prytulak, Julie; Vervoort, Jeff D. et al.: Hf-Nd isotope geochemistry of contrasting global sedimentary columns in subduction zones | |
42% | 18 18-174 19 19-183 22 22-211 30 30-286 31 31-291 31-294 67 67-495 91 91-595 145 145-881 | 2005 | Vervoort, J. D.; Yu, C. et al.: Pb (and Hf, Nd) isotope composition of subducting marine sediments | |
42% | 62 62-465 86 86-576 86-577 91 91-596 130 130-803 145 145-886 | 1996 | Bostwick, Jennifer A.; Kyte, Frank T.: The size and abundance of shocked quartz in Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary sediments from the Pacific Basin | |
42% | 91 91-595 91-596 | 1987 | Menard, H. William; Natland, James H. et al.: Initial reports of the Deep Sea Drilling Project covering Leg 91 of the cruises of the drilling vessel Glomar Challenger, Wellington, New Zealand, to Papeete, Tahiti, January-February, 1983 | download |
39% | 91 91-595 91-596 | 1987 | Montgomery, A. F.; Johnson, H. P.: Paleomagnetic studies of Leg 91 basalts and sediments | download |
35% | 86 86-581 88 88-581 | 1987 | Duennebier, Frederick K.; Stephen, Ralph A. et al.: Introduction | download |
35% | 18 18-174 18-178 19 19-183 22 22-211 31 31-291 31-294 31-295 34 34-321 67 67-495 91 91-595 91-596 | 2004 | Vervoort, J. D.; Plank, T. A. et al.: The Hf-Nd isotopic diversity of subducting oceanic sediments | |
35% | 19 19-192 35 35-323 62 62-464 91 91-596 145 145-883 | 2012 | Subt, Cristina; Thomas, Debbie: Pb isotopic composition of Late Cretaceous and early Paleogene Pacific water masses | |
32% | 91 91-595 | 1987 | Whitmarsh, Robert B.; Orcutt, John A. et al.: Velocity bounds on the seismic structure of Mesozoic crust and upper mantle in the Southwest Pacific Basin from down-hole observations at Deep Sea Drilling Project Hole 595B | download |
29% | 91 91-595 | 1987 | Adair, Richard G.; Orcutt, John A. et al.: Preliminary analysis of ocean-bottom and sub-bottom microseismic noise during the Ngendei Experiment | download |
28% | 86 86-581 88 88-581 | 1987 | Ballard, J. Alan: Marine Seismic System (MSS) Project | download |
28% | 18 18-174 19 19-183 22 22-211 30 30-286 31 31-291 31-294 31-295 34 34-321 67 67-495 91 91-595 114 114-701 129 129-801 138 138-844 145 145-881 185 185-801 | 2011 | Vervoort, Jeffrey D.; Plank, T. et al.: The Hf-Nd isotopic composition of marine sediments | |
24% | 91 91-595 | 1987 | Menard, H. William; Natland, James H. et al.: Site 595; coring and downhole seismic experiments in the Southwest Pacific near the Tonga Trench | download |
23% | 61 61-462 89 89-462 89-585 89-586 | 1986 | Saunders, A. D.: Geochemistry of basalts from the Nauru Basin, Deep Sea Drilling Project legs 61 and 89; implications for the origin of oceanic flood basalts | download |
21% | 91 91-595 | 1987 | Adair, Richard G.; Harris, Michael M. et al.: Description and performance of the Marine Seismic System during the Ngendei Experiment | download |
21% | 91 91-595 91-596 | 1987 | Harris, Michael M.; Ballard, J. Alan et al.: Marine seismic system experiment | download |
20% | 91 91-595 | 1987 | Schramm, C. T.; Leinen, M. S.: Eolian transport to Hole 595A from the Late Cretaceous through the Cenozoic | download |
20% | 91 91-595 | 1987 | Shearer, Peter M.; Adair, Richard G. et al.: Simultaneous borehole and ocean bottom seismometer recordings of earthquakes and explosions; results from the 1983 Ngendei Experiment at the Deep Sea Drilling Project Hole 595B | download |
18% | 103 103-637 103-639 103-640 | 1988 | Doyle, P. S.: Remarks on Cretaceous-Tertiary ichthyolith stratigraphy in the Atlantic, Ocean Drilling Program Leg 103 | download |
18% | 320 | 2013 | Yamamoto, Yuhji: Data report; Temporal variation in natural remanent magnetization observed for Pacific Plate basement rocks; compilation from legacy data and new paleomagnetism and rock magnetism data from seafloor basalts cored during Expedition 320/321 | download |
15% | 91 91-596 | 1987 | Menard, H. William; Natland, James H. et al.: Site 596; hydraulic piston coring in an area of low surface productivity in the Southwest Pacific | download |
15% | 91 91-595 | 1987 | Shearer, Peter M.; Orcutt, John A. et al.: The Ngendei seismic refraction experiment at Deep Sea Drilling Project Hole 595B; ocean bottom seismometer data and evidence for crustal and upper mantle anisotropy | download |
15% | 91 91-595 91-596 | 1987 | Orcutt, John A.; Moore, R. D. et al.: Description and performance of the Scripps ocean bottom seismographs during the Ngendei Experiment | download |
14% | 86 86-581 88 88-581 | 1987 | Butler, R.; Duennebier, Frederick K.: Teleseismic observations from OSS IV | download |
14% | 9 9-76 9-77 9-78 9-79 9-80 9-81 9-82 9-83 | 1972 | Sayles, Fred L.; Waterman, Lee S. et al.: Interstitial water studies on small core samples, Leg 9, Deep Sea Drilling Project | download |
14% | 91 91-595 91-596 | 1987 | Winfrey, E. C.; Doyle, P. S. et al.: Preliminary ichthyolith biostratigraphy, Southwest Pacific, Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 91 | download |
14% | | 1984 | Nierenberg, W. A.; Peterson, M. N. A.: Operational technical achievements | download |
13% | 86 86-581 88 88-581 | 1987 | Duennebier, Frederick K.; Stephen, Ralph A. et al.: Site 581; downhole seismometer experiment in the Northwest Pacific | download |
12% | 329 329-U1365 329-U1366 329-U1367 329-U1368 329-U1369 329-U1370 329-U1371 | 2013 | D'Hondt, Steven; Inagaki, Fumio et al.: IODP Expedition 329; Life and habitability beneath the seafloor of the South Pacific Gyre | download |
12% | | 1984 | Nierenberg, W. A.; Peterson, M. N. A.: Operations resumes part VIII; Leg 85 through Leg 96 | download |
11% | 136 136-842 | 1993 | Firth, John V.; Hull, Donna Meyerhoff: Ichthyolith biostratigraphy of deep-sea clays from the southwestern Hawaiian Arch | download |
11% | | 2010 | D'Hondt, Steven; Inagaki, Fumio et al.: Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Expedition 329 scientific prospectus; South Pacific gyre microbiology | download |
11% | 85 86 86-581 88 88-581 | 1987 | Duennebier, Frederick K.; McCreery, Charles S. et al.: OSS IV; noise levels, signal-to-noise ratios, and noise sources | download |
9% | 9 9-76 9-77 9-78 9-79 9-80 9-81 9-82 9-83 9-84 | 1972 | Hays, James D.; Cook, Harry E. et al.: An interpretation of the geologic history of the eastern Equatorial Pacific from the drilling results of Glomar Challenger, Leg 9 | download |
9% | 9 | 1972 | Simoneit, Bernd R. T.; Burlingame, A. L.: Further preliminary results on the higher weight hydrocarbons and fatty acids in the Deep Sea Drilling Project, Leg 9 | download |
9% | 329 329-U1365 329-U1366 329-U1367 329-U1368 329-U1369 329-U1370 329-U1371 | 2011 | D'Hondt, Steven; Inagaki, Fumio et al.: Expedition 329 summary | download |
8% | | 1984 | Nierenberg, W. A.; Peterson, M. N. A.: Design and operation of an extended core barrel | download |
8% | 329 329-U1365 329-U1366 329-U1367 329-U1368 329-U1369 329-U1370 329-U1371 | 2011 | D'Hondt, Steven; Inagaki, Fumio et al.: Proceedings of the Integrated Ocean Drilling Program; South Pacific gyre subseafloor; Expedition 329 of the riserless drilling platform; Papeete, Tahiti, to Auckland, New Zealand Sites U1365-U1371, 9 October-13 December 2010 | download |
6% | 329 329-U1365 | 2011 | D'Hondt, Steven; Inagaki, Fumio et al.: Site U1365 | download |
6% | 329 329-U1366 | 2011 | D'Hondt, Steven; Inagaki, Fumio et al.: Site U1366 | download |
4% | 181 181-1119 181-1120 181-1121 181-1122 181-1123 181-1124 181-1125 | 2004 | Carter, Robert M.; McCave, I. N. et al.: Leg 181 synthesis; fronts, flows, drifts, volcanoes, and the evolution of the southwestern gateway to the Pacific Ocean, eastern New Zealand | download |
2% | 104 104-642 | 1987 | Eldholm, Olav; Thiede, Joern et al.: Site 642; Norwegian Sea | download |
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