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Score ↓ | Exp/Site/Hole | Year | Author/Title | Full text |
100% | 27 27-261 | 1974 | Kuznetsova, K. I.: Distribution of benthonic foraminifera in upper Jurassic and lower Cretaceous deposits at Site 261, DSDP Leg 27, in the eastern Indian Ocean | download |
87% | | 1983 | Logvinenko, N. V.; Popova, E. A.: Clinoptilolite from the Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous of the North Atlantic (based on DSDP data) | |
87% | 103 103-639 | 1987 | Daniel, M. M.; Haggerty, Janet A.: Upper Jurassic-Lower Cretaceous carbonate platform and dolomite at ODP site 639 | |
87% | | 1980 | Enos, Paul: Lower Cretaceous reefs and sea-level changes in the Atlantic and Gulf coasts | |
87% | | 1971 | Worsley, T. R.: Calcareous nannofossil zonation of Upper Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous sediments from the western Atlantic | |
87% | 41 41-370 | 1986 | Kotova, I. Z.: Palinologicheskoye izucheniye nizhnemelovykh otlozheniy tsentral'noy chasti Atlanticheskogo okeana Palynology of Lower Cretaceous deposits of the central Atlantic Ocean | |
87% | | 1984 | Bair, John; Hart, George F.: Palynology of some Lower Cretaceous sediments from the Malvinas area, South Atlantic | |
87% | 25 27 | 1983 | Origlia Devos, Isabelle: Radiolaires du Jurassique superieur; Cretace inferieur; taxonomie et revision stratigraphique (zone du Pinde-Olonos, Grece; zone du Sciacca, Italie; complexe de Nicoya, Costa-Rica et forages du DSDP Upper Jurassic-Lower Cretaceous radiolarians; taxonomy and stratigraphic revision; Pinde-Olonos Zone, Greece; Sciacca Zone, Italy; Nicoya Complex, Costa Rica and DSDP drillings | |
87% | 27 27-263 | 1994 | Holbourn, Ann E.; Kaminski, Michael A.: Lower Cretaceous benthic Foraminifera from DSDP Site 263 (Cuvier abyssal plain, Indian Ocean) | |
87% | 14 14-144 | 1974 | Swain, F. M.: Lower Cretaceous Ostracoda from the Demerara Rise, Atlantic Ocean | |
87% | | 1986 | Pittman, Edward D.; Prezbindowski, Dennis R.: Diagenetic alteration of Lower Cretaceous turbidite sandstone deposits from DSDP Hole 603B; implications for the origin of secondary porosity | |
87% | 77 77-535 77-540 | 1984 | Phair, Ronald Leslie: Seismic stratigraphy of the Lower Cretaceous rocks in the southwestern Straits of Florida, southeastern Gulf of Mexico | |
87% | | 1987 | Cotillon, P.: Recherche d'un enregistrement de l'eustatisme dans les pelagites carbonatees du Cretace inferieur Ouest-Tethysien The eustatic record of Lower Cretaceous pelagic carbonates in the western Tethys | |
87% | | 1980 | Patrunov, D. K.: Izvestkovaya komponenta i siderit v nizhnemelovykh otlozheniyakh yuzhneye Galissiyskoy banki, vskrytykh skv. 398D (Proyekt glubokovodnogo bureniya, reys 47B, vostochnyy sektor Severnoy Atlantiki) Silica components and siderite in Lower Cretaceous deposits of the southern Galicia Bank from Site 398D of the Deep Sea Drilling Project, Leg 47B, eastern North Atlantic | |
87% | 47 | 1980 | Popova, Ye. A.: Kharakteristika mineral'nogo sostava krupnoalevritovoy fraktsii verkhneyurskikh i nizhnemelovykh otlozheniy Tsentral'noy Atlantiki (po dannym glubokovodnogo bureniya) Characteristics of the mineral composition of coarse alluvial sediments and Lower Cretaceous deposits of the Central Atlantic, from Deep Sea Drilling Project data | |
87% | | 1989 | Riegraf, W.; Luterbacher, H.: Benthonische Foraminiferen aus der Unterkreide des "Deep Sea Drilling Project" (Leg 1-79) Benthic foraminifers of the Lower Cretaceous from the Deep Sea Drilling Project, Leg 1-79 | |
87% | | 1980 | Kozlova, G. E.: Radiolyarii iz nizhnemelovykh otlozheniy, vskrytykh skvazhinoy 398D (Vostochnaya Atlantika, Proyekt glubokovodnogo bureniya) Radiolarians from Lower Cretaceous deposits of Site 398D; East Atlantic, Deep Sea Drilling Project | |
87% | | 1984 | Robertson, A. H. F.: Origin of varve-type lamination, graded claystones and limestone-shale "couplets" on the Lower Cretaceous of the western North Atlantic | |
87% | 50 50-416 | 2000 | Kruse, Silke; Mutterlose, Joerg: Coccoliths under stress?; Lower Cretaceous calcareous nannofossil assemblages of nearshore and pelagic settings (NW Africa) | |
87% | | 1992 | Matsuoka, Atsushi: Low-latitude Middle Jurassic to Lower Cretaceous radiolarian stratigraphy in the western Pacific | |
87% | 47 47-398 | 1980 | Danyushevskaya, A. I.; Zhukova, A. V. et al.: Evolyutsiya belkovo-uglevodnykh komponentov v nizhnemelovykh otlozheniyakh Vostochnoy Atlantiki The evolution of protein-hydrocarbon components of organic materials in Lower Cretaceous deposits of the East Atlantic | |
87% | | 1991 | Thierstein, Hans R.; Roth, Peter H.: Stable isotopic and carbonate cyclicity in Lower Cretaceous deep-sea sediments; dominance of diagenetic effects | |
87% | 27 27-263 | 1997 | Kaminski, Michael; Holbourn, Ann et al.: "Neaguammina n. gen.", a new agglutinated foraminiferal genus from the Lower Cretaceous of DSDP Site 263 (Indian Ocean) | |
86% | 129 129-800 129-801 185 185-801 | 1995 | Matsuoka, Atsushi: Middle Jurassic-Lower Cretaceous radiolarian zonation in Japan and the western Pacific, and age assignments based on the Unitary Associations method | |
75% | 159 159-962 | 1996 | Holbourn, Ann E. L.; Moullade, Michel et al.: Onset of marine sedimentation in the Deep Ivorian Basin (ODP Site 962); evidence from Lower Cretaceous foraminifera | |
75% | | 2005 | Kosheleva, V. A.; Kulikov, N. N.: Sostav, stroyeniye i priznaki rudonosnosti osadochnoy tolshchi severnoy priekvatorial'noy chasti Atlanticheskogo okeana Lithofacies, geochemistry and ore-potential of sedimentary strata in the Equatorial Atlantic Ocean | |
74% | | 1994 | Gmur, D.: Wykorzystanie kalpionelli w biostratygrafii pelagicznych facji weglanowich prowincji tetydzkiej Using calpionellids in biostratigraphy of pelagic carbonate facies of the Tethyan Province | |
74% | 113 | 1988 | Gee, Carole T.; Mohr, Barbara A.: Early Cretaceous palynomorphs from the Weddell Sea, Antarctica (ODP Leg 113) | |
74% | | 1980 | Medd, Alan: Nannofossil zonation of the Jurassic/Cretaceous boundary | |
74% | | 1975 | Veevers, J. J.: Wharton Basin; review | |
74% | | 1986 | Bralower, Timothy James: Part A; An integrated Mesozoic biochronology and magnetochronology; Part B, Studies of Cretaceous black shales | |
74% | | 1985 | Ekdale, A. A.: Trace fossils and Mid-Cretaceous anoxic events in the Atlantic Ocean | |
74% | | 1984 | Quilty, Patrick G.: Cretaceous foraminiferids from Exmouth Plateau and Kerguelen Ridge, Indian Ocean | |
74% | | 1978 | Melguen, M.; Le Pichon, X. et al.: Paleoenvironnement de l'Atlantique sud Paleoenvironment of the South Atlantic | |
74% | | 1978 | Glasby, G. P.: Deep-sea manganese nodules in the stratigraphic record; evidence from DSDP cores | |
74% | | 2008 | Locklair, Robert; Hinnov, Linda et al.: Construction of the Cretaceous astronomical time scale; Part 2, Late Cretaceous | |
74% | | 2004 | Bartolini, Annachiara; Erba, Elisabetta et al.: Valanginian weissert oceanic anoxic event | |
74% | | 2000 | Ivanova, Ye. V.: Biogeograficheskaya zonal'nost' Indiyskokgo okeana v pozdnem mezozoye Biogeographic zoning in Indian Ocean in late Mesozoic | |
74% | | 1997 | Holbourn, Ann E. L.; Kaminski, Michael A.: Lower Cretaceous deep-water benthic Foraminifera of the Indian Ocean | |
74% | | 1984 | Baumgartner, Peter O.: A Middle Jurassic-Early Cretaceous low-latitude radiolarian zonation based on unitary associations and age of Tethyan radiolarites | |
74% | 36 | 2009 | Dingle, R. V.: Further visions of Dollo's law through ostracods' eyes; an essay | |
74% | 130 | 1991 | Tarduno, John A.: Rapid formation of Ontong Java Plateau and its implications for Cretaceous climatic dynamics | |
74% | | 2009 | Mutterlose, Joerg; Bornemann, Andre et al.: The Aptian-Albian cold snap; evidence for "Mid" Cretaceous icehouse interludes | |
70% | 93 93-603 93-604 93-605 95 95-603 | 1983 | Wise, Sherwood W.: Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 93 cores Lower Cretaceous deep sea fan complex, Messinian debris flows, and Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary beneath continental rise off eastern USA | |
70% | 11 11-99 11-100 11-101 11-105 | 1975 | Habib, D.: Neocomian dinoflagellate zonation in the western North Atlantic | |
70% | 113 113-692 | 1988 | O'Connell, S.: Lower Cretaceous organic-rich sediments drilled on Antarctic continental margin during ODP Leg 113 | |
70% | 62 62-463 143 143-866 | 1996 | Baudin, Francois; Sachsenhofer, Reinhard F.: Organic geochemistry of Lower Cretaceous sediments from northwestern Pacific guyots (ODP Leg 143) | |
70% | 77 77-535 77-540 | 1985 | Cotillon, Pierre: Les variations a differentes echelles du taux d'accumulation sedimentaire dans les series pelagiques alternantes du Cretace inferieur, consequences de phenomenes globaux; essai d'evaluation Several scale variations of sedimentary accumulation rates in pelagic alternating sections of the Lower Cretaceous as consequences of global events; attempt at evaluation | |
70% | 93 93-603 95 95-603 | 1989 | Holmes, Mary Anne: Lateral distribution of detrital clay minerals in Lower Cretaceous sediment, western North Atlantic and its continental margin | |
70% | 93 93-603 95 95-603 103 103-638 | 1989 | Applegate, Joseph L.; Bergen, James A. et al.: Lower Cretaceous calcareous nannofossils from continental margin drill sites off North Carolina (DSDP Leg 93) and Portugal (ODP Leg 103); a comparison | |
70% | 122 122-763 | 1996 | Meyers, Philip A.: Insights into deposition of Lower Cretaceous black shales from meager accumulation of organic matter in Albian sediments from ODP Site 763, Exmouth Plateau, Northwest Australia | |
70% | 47 47-398 | 1983 | Udintseva, O. G.: Osobennosti formirovaniya sporovo-pyl'tsevykh spektrov v nizhnemelovykh otlozheniyakh skv. 398, proyekt glubokovodnogo bureniya (Severnaya Atlantika, banka Galisiya) Characteristics of the formation of spore-pollen spectra in Lower Cretaceous strata at Site 398, Deep Sea Drilling Project; North Atlantic, Galicia Bank | |
70% | 44 44-390 44-392 | 1979 | Enos, P.; Freeman, T.: Lower Cretaceous peritidal limestones at 2,700-m depth, Blake Nose, Atlantic Ocean | |
70% | 93 93-603 95 95-603 | 1984 | Baltuck, M.: delta (super 13) C and delta (super 18) O signature in Lower Cretaceous sediment cycles, DSDP Leg 93 Site 603 | |
70% | 25 25-249 | 1989 | Riegraf, W.: Benthonische Schelf-Foraminiferen aus dem Valanginium-Hauterivium (Unterkreide) des Indischen Ozeans suedwestlich Madagaskar (Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 25, Site 249) Benthic shelf foraminifers of the Valanginian through the Hauterivian, Lower Cretaceous, of the Indian Ocean, southwestern Madagascar, DSDP Site 249, Leg 25 | |
70% | 93 93-603 95 95-603 | 1984 | Covington, J. Mitchener: Lower Cretaceous deep sea fan complex drilled by DSDP Leg 93 on the lower continental rise of the Atlantic passive margin | |
70% | 93 93-603 95 95-603 103 | 1987 | Wise, S. W.; Applegate, J. L. et al.: Lower Cretaceous calcareous nannofossils from continental margin drill site off North Carolina (DSDP Leg 93) and Portugal (ODP Leg 103); a comparison | |
70% | 13 13-127 | 1973 | Maync, Wolf: Lower Cretaceous limestones from the Hellenic Trough, Ionian Basin, Site 127 | |
70% | 79 79-545 | 2006 | Stuesser, Isabel; Hofmann, Peter et al.: IODP; rapid climate change during the formation of the Lower Cretaceous OAE 1b | |
70% | 27 27-263 | 1995 | Holbourn, Ann E. L.; Kaminski, Michael A.: Lower Cretaceous benthic foraminifera from DSDP Site 263: micropalaeontological constraints for the early evolution of the Indian Ocean | |
70% | 77 77-535 | 1996 | Londeix, Laurent; Pourtoy, Dominique et al.: The presence of Dinogymnium (Dinophyceae) in Lower Cretaceous sediments from the Northwest Tethys (Southeast France and western Switzerland) and Gulf of Mexico areas; stratigraphic and systematic consequences | |
70% | 143 143-865 143-866 | 1994 | Deconinck, Jean-Francois; Baudin, Francois: Environnements des guyots, Allison et Resolution au Cretace inferieur d'apres la mineralogie des argiles (Pacifique NW, ODP Leg 143) The environment of the Allison and Resolution Seamounts during the Lower Cretaceous based on clay mineralogy (Northwest Pacific, ODP Leg 143) | |
70% | 143 143-865 143-866 | 1993 | Winterer, E. L.; van Waasbergen, R. et al.: Topographic effects of erosion and differential compaction of Lower Cretaceous platform limestone, marlstone, and claystone over buried volcanic topography, Mid-Pacific Mts. | |
70% | 129 129-800 129-801 185 185-801 | 1995 | Matsuoka, Atsushi: Middle Jurassic to Early Cretaceous radiolarian occurrences in Japan and the western Pacific (ODP sites 800-801) | |
70% | 76 76-534 | 1995 | Baumgartner, Peter O.; Matsuoka, Atsushi: New radiolarian data from DSDP Site 534A, Blake Bahama Basin, central northern Atlantic | |
64% | 30 30-288 30-289 192 192-1183 192-1185 192-1186 192-1187 | 2004 | Sikora, P. J.; Bergen, J. A.: Lower Cretaceous planktonic foraminiferal and nannofossil biostratigraphy of Ontong Java Plateau sites from DSDP Leg 30 and ODP Leg 192 | |
63% | 40 | 1978 | Foresman, J. B.: Organic geochemistry DSDP Leg 40, continental rise of Southwest Africa | download |
62% | 36 36-330 | 1981 | Scheibnerova, V.: Palaeographical implications of Cretaceous benthic foraminifera recovered by the Deep Sea Drilling Project in the western South Atlantic | |
62% | 80 80-549 | 1985 | Hart, M. B.; Crittenden, S.: Early Cretaceous Ostracoda from the Goban Spur; D.S.D.P. Leg 80, Site 549 | |
62% | | 1988 | Damotte, R.: Ostracodes cretaces du forage 95, Campagne JOIDES 10, Golfe du Mexique Cretaceous ostracods from Well 95, JOIDES 10, Gulf of Mexico | |
62% | 62 62-463 | 1988 | Tarduno, John A.; Sliter, William V. et al.: Possible late Aptian reversal within the Cretaceous normal polarity superchron from Pacific DSDP sediments | |
62% | 104 | 1994 | Schreckenberger, B.; Roeser, H. A.: Seaward dipping reflector sequences as sources for high amplitude marine magnetic anomalies | |
62% | 11 11-100 | 1985 | Zotto, Maria; Habib, Daniel: Restudy of the dinoflagellate stratigraphy at Deep Sea Drilling Project Site 100 | |
62% | 77 | 1982 | Anonymous: Die geologische Fruehgeschichte des suedoestlichen Golfes von Mexiko; Glomar Challenger, Fahrt 77 Geologic history of Southeast Gulf of Mexico Glomar Challenger, Leg 77 | |
62% | 77 | 1982 | Katz, Barry J.: Evidence for migration along fractures within a fine-grained carbonate rock | |
62% | 76 76-534 | 1982 | Channell, James E. T.; Ogg, James G. et al.: Geomagnetic polarity in the Early Cretaceous and Jurassic | |
62% | | 1986 | Stein, Ruediger; Rullkoetter, Juergen et al.: Accumulation of organic-carbon-rich sediments in the Late Jurassic and Cretaceous Atlantic Ocean; a synthesis | |
62% | 44 | 1989 | Fourcade, Eric; Granier, Bruno: Age des carbonates de plate-forme du Site 392A DSDP (Leg 44), arge atlantique du continent nord-americain Age of the platform carbonates from DSDP Site 392A (Leg 44), Atlantic margin of North America | |
62% | | 2000 | Street, C.; Bown, P. R.: Palaeobiogeography of Early Cretaceous (Berriasian-Barremian) calcareous nannoplankton | |
62% | 71 71-511 | 1987 | Mutterlose, J.: Temperature controlled migration of calcareous nannofossils in the NW-European Aptian | |
62% | 41 41-370 | 1988 | Kotova, I. Z.: A new angiosperm pollen species from the Aptian of the Moroccan Basin | |
62% | 12 | 1982 | Odin, Gilles S.: NDS 61; Albian-Cenomanian, K-Ar/glaucony, NW Atlantic Basin | |
62% | 103 | 1986 | Meyers, Philip A.; Dunham, Keith W.: Black shales from the Galicia Margin, ODP Leg 103; organic geochemistry of three depositional episodes | |
62% | 32 32-304 | 1974 | Lehmann, Roger: Crustacean coproliths from topmost Jurassic or basal Cretaceous deposits of the northwestern Pacific | |
62% | | 1980 | Rothe, P.; Tucholke, B. E.: Mineralogical composition of sedimentary formations in the Atlantic Ocean | |
62% | | 1980 | Tissot, B.; Demaison, G. et al.: Paleoenvironment and petroleum potential of Middle Cretaceous black shales in Atlantic basins | |
62% | 20 | 1986 | Jafri, S. H.: Occurrence of hagiastrids in chert associated with Port Blair Series, South Andaman, India | |
62% | 103 | 1986 | Dunham, Keith W.; Meyers, Philip A.: Organic geochemistry of black shales from the Galicia Margin, ODP Leg 103; implications for paleoceanographic conditions in the Cretaceous North Atlantic | |
62% | | 1999 | Cotillon, P.; Huchon, A.: Les Cycles sedimentaires a haute frequence et leur message dans les sediments pelagiques; exemples dans quelques series du Cretace inferieur a l'actuel High-frequency pelagic sedimentary cycles; examples from the Lower Cretaceous to modern times | |
62% | | 2000 | Mutterlose, Joerg: Early Cretaceous climates; from an icehouse to a greenhouse world | |
62% | | 2000 | Srivastava, Shiri; Sibuet, Jean Claude: History of the formation of the Newfoundland Basin and its relation to the development of the hydrocarbon rich basins landward of it | |
62% | 20 89 | 1985 | Wedgeworth, Bruce Steven: Ita Mai Tai Guyot; a comparative geophysical study of western Pacific seamounts | |
62% | 76 76-534 | 1985 | Manivit, H.: Late Jurassic-Early Cretaceous nannofossils and magnetostratigraphic correlations in the Mesogean regions | |
62% | 27 27-261 | 1989 | Cooper, M. Kevin E.: Nannofossil provincialism in the Late Jurassic-Early Cretaceous (Kimmeridgian to Valanginian) period | |
62% | 39 | 1976 | McCoy, F.; Zimmerman, H. B. et al.: Sediment lithofacies in South Atlantic Ocean, early Cretaceous through Pliocene | |
62% | 47 47-397 47-398 | 1979 | Pearson, D. B.; Dow, W. G.: Geochemical analysis of samples from Sites 397 and 398 | download |
62% | 50 50-416 | 1984 | Kotova, I. Z.: Palinologicheskaya kharakteristika nizhnemelovykh otlozheniy Marokkanskoy vpadiny (skv. 416) Palynological characteristics of the Lower Cretaceous deposits of the Morocco Basin | |
62% | | 2006 | Robinson, S. A.; Clarke, L. J. et al.: Oceanic anoxic events in the Early Cretaceous Pacific Ocean; unique records from the Calera Limestone of Central California | |
62% | | 2006 | Jenkyns, H. C.: Oceanic anoxic events; 30 years on | |
62% | 62 62-463 | 2002 | Tremolada, Fabrizio; Erba, Elisabetta: Morphometric analyses of Aptian Assipetra infracretacea and Rucinolithus terebrodentarius nannoliths; implications for taxonomy, biostratigraphy and paleoceanography | |
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