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Score ↓ | Exp/Site/Hole | Year | Author/Title | Full text |
100% | | 1979 | Thunell, R. C.: Pliocene - Pleistocene paleotemperature and paleosalinity history of the Mediterranean Sea; results from DSDP sites 125 and 132 | |
100% | 160 | 1999 | Wehausen, Rolf: Anorganische Geochemie zyklischer Sedimente aus dem oestlichen Mittelmeer; Rekonstruktion der Palaeoumweltbedingungen Inorganic geochemistry of cyclic sediments from the East Mediterranean Sea; reconstruction of paleoenvironmental conditions | |
96% | 13 | 1972 | Fontes, Jean-Charles; Letolle, Rene et al.: Les Forages DSDP en Mediterranee (Leg 13); Reconnaissance Isotopique Deep Sea Drilling Program traverses (Leg 13) in the Mediterranean Sea; reconnaissance of isotopes | |
95% | 13 | 1970 | Deep sea drilling project, Leg 13 | |
83% | 13 13-125 13-132 | 1978 | Thunell, R. C.: Late Neogene paleotemperature and paleosalinity history of the Mediterranean Sea; faunal evidence from DSDP Sites 125 and 132 | |
83% | 107 | 1988 | Mascle, Jean; Rehault, Jean-Pierre: Seismic stratigraphy of the Tyrrhenian Sea (western Mediterranean Sea) based on ODP Leg results; consequences for the basin evolution | |
83% | 13 | 1972 | Lloyd, R. Michael; Hsu, Jinghwa K.: Preliminary Isotopic Investigations of Samples from Deep-Sea Drilling Cruise to the Mediterranean | |
83% | 160 | 1996 | Diester-Haass, Liselotte: Plio-Pleistocene paleoproductivity variations in the eastern Mediterranean Sea (ODP Leg 160) | |
83% | 160 161 | 1996 | Bouloubassi, I.; Rullkoetter, Juergen et al.: Pliocene-Pleistocene sapropels of the Mediterranean Sea; surface seawater temperatures during their formation and aspects of the organic matter sources and preservation | |
83% | | 1975 | Hsu, K.; Montadert, L. et al.: Glomar Challenger returns to the Mediterranean Sea | |
83% | 160 | 1996 | Robertson, A. H. F.: Collision-related crustal processes in the E Mediterranean Sea | |
83% | 160 160-969 | 1996 | Robertson, Alastair: Collision-related sedimentary and tectonic processes in the E. Mediterranean Sea | |
83% | 160 | 1995 | Robertson, Alistair; Emeis, Kay-Christian et al.: Mediterranean Sea Leg I | |
83% | 13 | 2004 | Hanada, Masaaki: The world-wide sea level including the Mediterranean Sea at the late Miocene period (Messinian Stage) was 2,000m lower than that of present | |
83% | 107 | 1993 | van Dijk, J. P.: Three-dimensional quantitative restoration of central Mediterranean Neogene basins; the dynamic geohistory approach | |
83% | 160 | 2004 | Bartole, Roberto; Grando, Gianluca et al.: Structural and seismic stratigraphic analysis of the northern Eratosthenes Basin between the Cyprus continental margin and the Eratosthenes Seamount, Eastern Mediterranean Sea | |
83% | | 2010 | Stegmann, S.; Henry, P. et al.: Drilling and monitoring of natural and man-made landslide trigger mechanisms at the Ligurian Slope (W Mediterranean Sea); the Nice Airport landslide, NAIL | |
82% | | 1973 | Bellaiche, Gilbert; Recq, Maurice: Off-shore seismological experiments south of Provence in relation to "Glomar Challenger" deep sea drillings (JOIDES-DSDP, Leg 13) [letter] | |
82% | | 1984 | Shcherbakova, M. N.: Pliocene-Quaternary vulcanism and marine sedimentation in the Mediterranean region | |
82% | 13 | 1972 | Ryan, W. B. F.: The Pliocene record in deep-sea Mediterranean sediments; preface | |
82% | | 1972 | Cita, M. B.; Ryan, W. B. F.: Time scale and general synthesis | |
82% | | 1971 | Manheim, Frank T.; Sayles, F. L. et al.: Interstitial water studies in the deep sea drilling program | |
82% | | 1981 | Beiersdorf, H.: Die wichtigsten Ergebnisse des internationalen Tiefseebohrprojekts The principal results of Deep Sea Drilling Project | |
82% | | 1972 | Guilcher, Andre: Les forages du JOIDES (Glomar Challenger) dans le lit marin The drillings of JOIDES (Glomar Challenger) in marine beds | |
82% | | 1996 | Eckhardt, J. D.; Stueben, D. et al.: Drilling in the Tyrrhenian Sea? The Quaternary igneous seafloor and hydrothermal deposits | |
82% | | 1981 | Papp, A.: Calibration of Mediterranean, Paratethys and continental stages | |
82% | | 1972 | Et si la Mediterranee avait ete a sec... And had the Mediterranean been dry... | |
82% | | 1975 | Shcherbakova, M. N.: Osobennosti stroyeniya verkhney chasti osadochnogo chekhla okeanov po dannym glubokovodnogo bureniya Structural features of the upper part of the sedimentary cover of oceans from data from the Deep Sea Drilling Project | |
82% | | 2001 | Port, Guido: Climatic signals recorded in rockmagnetic properties of Pleistocene Mediterranean sediments | |
82% | 13 | 1983 | Hsue, Kenneth J.: The Mediterranean was a desert; a voyage of the Glomar Challenger | |
82% | | 2000 | McKenzie, Judith A.: Searching for the deep sub-seafloor biosphere in the deep sediment habitat | |
77% | 107 107-652 107-654 | 1989 | Chamley, Herve: Geodynamic control on Messinian clay sedimentation in the central Mediterranean Sea | |
77% | 13 | 1972 | Nesteroff, Wladimir D.; Ryan, William B. F. et al.: Evolution de la Sedimentation Pendant le Neogene en Mediterranee d'apres les Forages JOIDES-DSDP Evolution of sedimentation during the Neogene in the Mediterranean Sea, according to cores of the JOIDES Deep Sea Drilling Program | |
68% | 13 | 1974 | Kuhn, Robert; Hsu, Kenneth J.: Bromine Content of Mediterranean Halite | |
68% | 107 107-654 | 1988 | Colalongo, M. L.; Pasini, G.: Ostracofauna plio-pleistocenica batiole rinvenute del Pozzo 654A dell'ODP Leg 107 (Mar Tirreno occidentale) Bathyal Plio-Pleistocene ostracofauna from ODP Site 654A, Leg 107, western Tyrrhenian Sea | |
68% | 107 107-652 | 1988 | McKenzie, Judith A.; Sprovieri, Rodolfo et al.: Paleoceanographic conditions during earliest Pliocene flooding and infilling of the Mediterranean Sea; stratigraphic results from ODP Leg 107 | |
68% | 107 107-653 | 1994 | Cachao, Mario: Fractal concept and methodology in time series interpretations | |
68% | 13 | 1970 | Ryan, W. B. F.; Hsu, K. J. et al.: Deep Sea Drilling Project; Leg 13 | |
68% | 160 | 1996 | de Lange, G. J.; Brumsack, Hans-Juergen: Gas hydrates in the eastern Mediterranean; evidence from interstitial waters recovered during ODP Leg 160 on Milano and Napoli dome mud volcanos | |
68% | 42 42-372 42-374 42-376 | 1977 | Hamilton, N.; Hailwood, E. A.: Late Neogene magnetic stratigraphy evidence from DSDP Mediterranean Sea sites 372, 374 and 376 | |
68% | 107 | 1987 | Rehault, J. P.; Moussat, E. et al.: Geodynamic evolution of the Tyrrhenian Sea new multichannel seismic reflexion data (ODP Leg 107 sites survey) | |
68% | 13 13-132 | 1982 | Thunell, Robert C.; Williams, Douglas F.: Late Neogene anoxic events in the Mediterranean Sea | |
68% | | 1982 | Cita, M. B.; Grignani, D.: Nature and origin of late Neogene Mediterranean sapropels | |
68% | 13 | 1973 | Ryan, William B. F.: The Pliocene record in deep-sea Mediterranean sediments | |
68% | | 1974 | McIver, Richard D.: Evidence of Migrating Liquid Hydrocarbons in Deep Sea Drilling Project Cores | |
68% | 13 13-132 | 1974 | Zocchi, M.: Studi sul Pliocene e sugli Strati di passaggio dal Miocene al Pliocene; V, Variabilita' di Globorotalia margaritae Bolli & Bermudez nel Pliocene inferiore tirrenico Studies on the Pliocene and Miocene-Pliocene transition strata; V, Variability of Globorotalia margaritae of the Tyrrhenian lower Pliocene | |
68% | 13 13-132 | 1974 | Zocchi, M.: Studi sul Pliocene e sugli strati di passaggio dal Miocene al Pliocene; V. Variabilita di Globorotalia margaritae Bolli & Bermudez nel Pliocene inferiore tirrenico Studies of the Pliocene and the strata at the Miocene-Pliocene boundary; V, Variability of Globorotalia margaritae in the lower Pliocene of Tyrrhenian Basin | |
68% | | 1976 | Benson, Richard H.: A progress report on the study of ostracodes related to the Messinian salinity crisis for 1975/76 | |
68% | | 1976 | McKenzie, J. A.; Ricchiuto, T. E.: Isotopic studies on Messinian evaporites | |
68% | | 1976 | Late Miocene/Pliocene stratigraphic succession of the North West African margin; biostratigraphy, magnetic stratigraphy | |
68% | 42 42-372 42-375 | 1976 | Wright, Ramil C.: Messinian paleoenvironments, benthic foraminifera and the results of DSDP Leg 42A | |
68% | 42 42-374 | 1982 | Blechschmidt, G.; Cita, M. B. et al.: Stratigraphy of the western Mediterranean and southern Calabrian Ridges, eastern Mediterranean | |
68% | | 1986 | Hodell, David A.; Elmstrom, Kristin M. et al.: Latest Miocene benthic delta (super 18) O changes, global ice volume, sea level and the "Messinian salinity crisis" | |
68% | 160 161 | 1999 | Bethoux, Jean-Pierre; Pierre, Catherine: Mediterranean functioning and sapropel formation; respective influences of climate and hydrological changes in the Atlantic and the Mediterranean | |
68% | 160 | 1999 | Cramp, Adrian; O'Sullivan, Gerard: Neogene sapropels in the Mediterranean; a review | |
68% | 160 | 2000 | Becker, J.; Hilgen, F. J. et al.: High-resolution climatic proxy records of oxygen isotope stages 100-99 from the Mediterranean | |
68% | 13 | 1985 | Mueller, Carla: Late Miocene to Recent Mediterranean biostratigraphy and paleoenvironments based on calcareous nannoplankton | |
68% | 13 | 1973 | Nesteroff, W. D.: Petrographie des evaporties messiniennes de la Mediterranee; comparaison des forages JOIDES-DSDP et des deposts du Bassin de Sicile Petrography of Messinian evaporites of the Mediterranean; comparisons with the JOIDES-DSDP cores and deposits in the Sicily Basin | |
68% | 13 | 1973 | Anonymous: Regional distribution and stratigraphy of late Miocene evaporites and evidence of major depressions in the Mediterranean sea level | |
68% | | 1973 | Bernoulli, Daniel: Sedimentation pelagique dans l'ouest de l'Atlantique central; modele actualiste de la Tethys Pelagic sedimentation in the west-central Atlantic; an actualistic model for the Tethys | |
68% | 160 | 1996 | Kopf, Achim; Flecker, R. et al.: Mud volcanism on the Mediterranean Ridge; insights from the Milano and Napoli mud domes (ODP Leg 160) | |
68% | | 1989 | Friedman, Gerald M.: Messinian (Miocene) evaporites of the Mediterranean Basin; a new approach to an old bandwagon | |
68% | | 1989 | Marsaglia, Kathleen Marie: Petrography, provenance, and diagenesis of arc-related sands and sandstones recovered by the Deep Sea Drilling Project on Circum-Pacific, Mediterranean and Caribbean legs | |
68% | | 1976 | Hsu, K. T.; Montadert, L. et al.: Retour du Glomar Challenger en Mediterranee Return of Glomar Challenger to the Mediterranean | |
68% | 42 42-373 | 1979 | Hamelin, B.; Lambret, B. et al.: Geochemistry of basalts from the Tyrrhenian Sea | |
68% | 160 | 2002 | Daehlmann, A.; Haese, R. R. et al.: Mineral dehydration at eastern Mediterranean mud volcanoes; evidence from stable isotope analyses | |
68% | 201 | 2002 | Cypionka, Heribert; Engelen, Bert et al.: Novel approaches to the cultivation of marine sediment bacteria | |
68% | 13 13-132 | 1979 | Raffi, I.; Rio, D.: Calcareous nannofossil biostratigraphy of DSDP Site 132, Leg 13 (Tyrrhenian Sea; Western Mediterranean) | |
68% | 107 107-650 | 1994 | Calanchi, Natale; Gasparotto, Giorgio et al.: Glass chemistry in volcaniclastic sediments of ODP Leg 107, Site 650, sedimentary sequence: provenance and chronological implications | |
68% | | 1972 | Cita, M. B.; Ciaranfi, N.: Studi sul Pliocene e sugli strati di passaggio dal Miocene al Pliocene [Studies on the Pliocene and on the strata from the Miocene-Pliocene passage]; II, A new species of Sphaeroidinella from late Neogene deep-sea Mediterranean sediments (DSDP Leg XIII) | |
68% | 42 42-372 | 1998 | Maiorano, Patrizia: Miocene quantitative calcareous nannofossil biostratigraphy from Southern Apennines foredeep deposits and Mediterranean DSDP Site 372 | |
68% | 13 13-132 | 1979 | Barbieri, R.; Colalongo, M. L.: Two new species of planktonic foraminifera from the lower Pleistocene | |
68% | | 1972 | Auzende, Jean Marie; Olivet, Jean Louis et al.: La depression nord-baleare (Espagne) The Northern Balearic Depression, Spain | |
68% | | 1996 | Ramsay, A. T. S.; Smart, C. J.: The history of early-middle Miocene Tethyan outflow water | |
68% | | 1989 | Schreiber, B. Charlotte; Helman, Marc L.: What are the problems in forming deepwater Messinian evaporites? | |
68% | 107 | 1989 | Wang, C. Y.; Hwang, W. T. et al.: Why did the Tyrrhenian Sea subside so rapidly? | |
68% | 160 | 1996 | Boettcher, M.; Brumsack, Hans-Juergen et al.: Sulfate reduction, and related element and stable isotope variations in pore waters of sediments from the eastern Mediterranean Basin (Leg 160) | |
68% | 107 107-653 | 1991 | Sprovieri, R.: Plio-Pleistocene paleoclimatic evolution at ODP Leg 107 Site 653 (Tyrrhenian Sea - western Mediterranean) | |
68% | 107 107-653 | 1991 | Cachao, Mario; Rio, Domenico: Pliocene Mediterranean palaeoceanographic evolution based on calcareous nannofossils (preliminary data) | |
68% | 42 42-376 | 1981 | Lohman, William H.; Ellis, C. Howard: A new species and new fossil occurrences of calcareous nannoplankton in eastern Mediterranean | |
68% | 160 160-964 | 1997 | McCauley, Sean E.; DePaolo, Donald J.: Carbonate (super 87) Sr/ (super 86) Sr values reveal Pleistocene/Pliocene freshwater events in the eastern Mediterranean | |
68% | 161 161-976 | 1997 | Comas, M. C.: Contraction tectonics and late Miocene to Recent structure in the westernmost Mediterranean | |
68% | 42 42-374 | 1977 | Hieke, W.: Possible age of the Messina abyssal plain | |
68% | 160 160-967 | 2003 | Wehausen, Rolf; Brumsack, Hans J.: Earth's orbit and the Mediterranean | |
68% | 160 161 | 1999 | Bouloubassi, Ioanna; Rullkoetter, Juergen et al.: Origin and transformation of organic matter in Pliocene-Pleistocene Mediterranean sapropels; organic geochemical evidence reviewed | |
68% | 161 161-976 | 1999 | Soto, J. I.; Platt, J. P.: Petrological and structural evolution of high-grade metamorphic rocks from the floor of the Alboran Sea Basin, Western Mediterranean | |
68% | 107 107-653 | 1989 | Di Stefano, E.: Calcareous nannofossils distribution patterns in the lower Pliocene-lower Pleistocene land section at Monte San Nicola (Gela, Sicily) | |
68% | 160 | 1996 | Jurado, M. J.: Preliminary results on the interpretation of conventional logs and FMS images from Leg 160, eastern Mediterranean | |
68% | 160 | 1996 | Kopf, Achim; Flecker, R.: Problems associated with the interpretation of normal fault distributions in sediments recovered by advanced piston coring during ODP Leg 160, Eastern Mediterranean and the implications for previous ODP Legs | |
68% | 42 42-372 | 1978 | Vergnaud Grazzini, C.: Paleoenvironmental indications from stable isotopes analyses on foraminifera shells in late Miocene Mediterranean deposits | |
68% | 107 107-653 | 1995 | Cachao, Mario; Moita, M. T.: Coccolithus pelagicus, a sort of productivity proxy? | |
68% | 107 107-653 | 1992 | Sprovieri, R.: Mediterranean Pliocene biochronology; an high resolution record based on quantitative planktonic foraminifera distribution | |
68% | | 1996 | Dehghani, G. A.; Hartmann, J. et al.: Crustal structure in the Ionian Sea inferred from gravity and magnetic data | |
68% | | 1977 | Montadert, L.; Letouzey, J. et al.: Messinian event; seismic evidence | |
68% | 13 13-125 13-132 | 1975 | Chamley, H.: Enseignement du Leg XIII DSDP sur la sedimentation argileuse Plio-Pleistocene en mers Tyrrhenienne et Ionienne Data of Leg XIII of DSDP on the Plio-Pleistocene clay sedimentation in the Tyrrhenian and Ionian seas | |
68% | 13 13-132 107 | 1986 | In the Mediterranean; Young Tyrrhenian Sea evolved very quickly | |
68% | 160 160-970 | 2003 | Kopf, Achim J.; Robertson, Alastair H. F.: Mud volcanoes in the eastern Mediterranean | |
68% | | 2004 | Mascle, Jean: Combined-swath bathymetry and seismic; a tool for marine geological mapping? | |
68% | 42 42-373 | 1977 | Dietrich, V.; Emmermann, R. et al.: Tholeiitic basalts from the Tyrrhenian sea floor | |
68% | 161 | 2003 | Duggen, Svend; Hoernle, Kaj et al.: Deep roots of the Messinian salinity crisis | |
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