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Score Exp/Site/HoleYearAuthor/TitleFull text
100%1974Larson, Roger L.: An Updated Time Scale of Magnetic Reversals for the Late Mesozoic
86%1979Klootwijk, C. T.; Peirce, J. W.: India's and Australia's pole path since the late Mesozoic and the India-Asia collision
86%1988Arthur, M. A.; Barron, E. A. et al.: Response of the late Mesozoic-Cenozoic ocean to climatic forcing on tectonic time scales
86%2000Ivanova, Ye. V.: Biogeograficheskaya zonal'nost' Indiyskokgo okeana v pozdnem mezozoye Biogeographic zoning in Indian Ocean in late Mesozoic
82%1973Lisitsyn, A. P.: Sediment thicknesses and sedimentation rates in the oceans during the Mesozoic and Cenozoic, according to the results of deep-sea drilling
82%1973Anonymous: Leg 32; Deep Sea Drilling Project
71%1982Timofeev, P. P.; Koporoulin, V. I.: Conditions of the late Mesozoic and Cenozoic sedimentation in the North-west Pacific
71%1976Kolla, Venkatarathnam; Biscaye, Pierre E.: Fine-grained mineralogy and sedimentation during the late Mesozoic and Cenozoic in the Indian Ocean
71%731983Tauxe, L.; Besse, J. et al.: Paleolatitudes from DSDP Leg 73 sediment cores; implications for the apparent polar wander path for Africa during the late Mesozoic and Cenozoic
1984Varentsov, I. M.: Geokhimicheskaya istoriya pozdnemezozoyskoy sedimentatsii; rasseyannyye elementy (plato Folklend, skv. 511) Geochemical history of late Mesozoic sedimentation; trace elements, Falkland Plateau, DSDP Site 511
71%1983Karl, S. M.: Geochemical and depositional environments of upper Mesozoic radiolarian cherts from the Marin Headlands, California, and from Pacific DSDP cores
71%1986Thiede, Jorn; Ehrmann, Werner U.: Late Mesozoic and Cenozoic sediment flux to the central North Atlantic Ocean
71%1997Liu Guangding; Li Qingmou: The Ocean Drilling Program and logging geology
2005Aubry, Marie-Pierre; Bord, David et al.: Trends in size changes in the coccolithophorids, calcareous nannoplankton, during the Mesozoic; a pilot study
70%1975Van Andel, T. H.: Mesozoic/Cenozoic calcite compensation depth and the global distribution of calcareous sediments
70%1969Pessagno, E. A., Jr.: Mesozoic planktonic foraminifera and radiolaria
70%1985Ehrmann, W. U.; Thiede, J.: History of Mesozoic and Cenozoic sediment fluxes to the North Atlantic Ocean
70%271974Thayer, Paul A.: Textural characteristics of Cenozoic and Mesozoic deep-sea sediments; Deep Sea Drilling Project, leg 27 - eastern Indian Ocean
70%1975Edwards, A. R.: Biostratigraphy and regional unconformities
70%1971Hay, W. W.: Calcareous nannofossils, Legs I-IV Deep Sea Drilling Project
70%1986Bralower, Timothy James: Part A; An integrated Mesozoic biochronology and magnetochronology; Part B, Studies of Cretaceous black shales
70%1979Trotsyuk, V. Ya.: Geokhimicheskiye predposylki neftegazoobrazovaniya v mezozoysko-kaynozoyskoy osadochnoy tolshche Mirovogo okeana Mesozoic and Cenozoic oil and gas genesis in the marine environment
70%201972Hesse, R.: Waltherian sequences in deep-sea pelagic deposits of the Mesozoic-Cenozoic Pacific
70%1995Jacobs, David K.; Lindberg, David L.: Episodic anoxic events in the Mesozoic, on shore-offshore patterns, and deep-sea refugia
70%1984Timofeyev, P. P. (ed.): Problemy litologii Mirovogo okeana; mineralogiya i geokhimiya Atlanticheskogo okeana Problems of lithology of the world ocean; mineralogy and geochemistry of the Atlantic Ocean
70%1984Schlanger, Seymour O.; Arthur, M. A.: Cretaceous organic carbon-rich strata in the world ocean; a Deep Sea Drilling contribution to Mesozoic paleoceanography
70%1985Kamen-Kaye, Maurice: Mesozoic columns below the Seychelles Bank, western Indian Ocean
70%1987Keller, Gerta: Paleoceanographic evolution of the Caribbean; Mesozoic - Tertiary
70%1980Lancelot, Yves: Evolution des paleoenvironnements oceaniques depuis le debut du Mesozoique; seance specialisee de la Societe geologique de France Evolution of oceanic paleoenvironments from the beginning of the Mesozoic; specialized meeting of the Geological Society of France
70%2001Winterer, Edward L.: The oldest biogenous pelagic sediments above Mesozoic oceanic basement; a review
70%1996Hildebrand-Habel, T.; Willems, H.: Proposed research on Mesozoic and Cenozoic calcareous dinoflagellate cysts of the South Atlantic Ocean
70%1978Kidd, R. B.; Davies, T. A.: Indian Ocean sediment distribution since the Late Jurassic
70%1996Anonymous: Seismic images of Mesozoic-aged oceanic crust of the South Atlantic
70%1982Habib, D.: Sedimentation of black clay organic facies in a Mesozoic oxic North Atlantic
70%1971Cita, M. B.: Paleoenvironmental aspects of DSDP Legs I-IV
70%1977Thiede, J.; Van Andel, T. H.: The paleoenvironment of anaerobic sediments in the late Mesozoic South Atlantic Ocean
66%2012Hanada, Masaaki; Hoshino, Michihei: Submersion at the ocean floor from the perspective of DSDP data
2000Thurow, Juergen; Milsom, John et al.: Mesozoic tectono-sedimentary evolution of the Banda Arc area
61%2102006Alves, Tiago M.; Moita, Carlos et al.: Mesozoic-Cenozoic evolution of North Atlantic continental-slope basins; the Peniche Basin, western Iberian margin
58%1981Thiede, Joern: Reworked neritic fossils in upper Mesozoic and Cenozoic central Pacific deep-sea sediments monitor sea-level changes
58%131981Thiede, J.: Reworking in upper Mesozoic and Cenozoic central Pacific deep-sea sediments
58%1983Bassov, I. A.; Ciesielski, P. F. et al.: Mesozoic to Holocene biostratigraphic framework for the Falkland Plateau and Southeast Argentine Basin
58%1985Chamley, H.; Deconinck, J. F.: Expression de l'evolution geodynamique des domaines nord-atlantique et subalpin au Mesozoique superieur, d'apres les successions sedimentaires argileuses Late Mesozoic geodynamic evolution of North Atlantic and subalpine ranges expressed by sedimentary clay successions
58%21975Kossovskaya, A. G.; Gushchina, Ye. B. et al.: Mineralogiya i genezis mezozoysko-kaynozoyskikh otlozheniy Atlanticheskogo okeana po materialam reysa 2 "Glomar Chellendzher" Mineralogy and genesis of Mesozoic-Cenozoic sediments in the Atlantic Ocean, based on results from Leg 2 of the DSDP
58%1131988Hamilton, N.: Late Mesozoic magnetostratigraphy of Maud Rise, ODP Leg 113
58%1979Thierstein, H. R.: Paleoceanographic implications of organic carbon and carbonate distribution in Mesozoic deepsea sediments
58%1982Karl, Susan Margaret: Geochemical and depositional environments of upper Mesozoic radiolarian cherts from the northeastern Pacific rim and from Pacific DSDP cores
58%1292000Foellmi, Karl B.: Phosphogenesis, the phosphorus cycle, and environmental change
58%801982Miles, P. R.; Parson, L. M.: Mesozoic magnetic anomaly identification in the North West Atlantic
58%1982Robertson, A. H. F.; Stillman, C. J.: Mesozoic sedimentary rocks of Maio, Cape Verde Islands; implications for Atlantic palaeo-environments
58%1982Martin, A. K.; Goodlad, S. W. et al.: Cretaceous palaeopositions of the Falkland Plateau relative to southern Africa using Mesozoic seafloor spreading anomalies
58%411980Timofeyev, P. P.; Yeremeyev, V. V.: Mezozoysko-kaynozoyskiye osadochnyye formatsii vostochnoy chasti Atlanticheskogo okeana (po materialam glubokovodmatsii vostochnoy chasti Atlanticheskogo okeana (po materialam glubokovodnykh skvazhin 41-go reysa b/s "Glomar Chellendzher") Mesozoic-Cenozoic sedimentary formations of the eastern part of the Atlantic Ocean; according to data from deep-sea drilling on the 41st leg of the Glomar Challenger
58%1986Tankard, Anthony J.; Peirce, John W. et al.: Mesozoic extension tectonics and stratigraphic response, Atlantic Canada; opportunities for ODP
58%1986Herbin, J. P.; Magniez-Jannin, F. et al.: Mesozoic organic rich sediments in the South Atlantic; distribution in time and space
58%1990ten Haven, H. L.; Rullkotter, Jurgen et al.: Distribution of organic sulfur compounds in Mesozoic and Cenozoic sediments from the Atlantic and Pacific oceans and the Gulf of California
1989Emelyanov, E. M.; Trimonis, E. S. et al.: New Mesozoic and Cenozoic patholithological and geochemical maps and Atlantic development
58%1221988Exon, N. F.; Williamson, P. E. et al.: Sea level, climatic and tectonic implications of Mesozoic and Cainozoic sedimentary sequences in continuously cored ODP holes on the Exmouth Plateau
58%1991Gradstein, Felix M.; Gibling, M. R. et al.: Mesozoic Tethyan strata of Thakkhola, Nepal; evidence for the drift and breakup of Gondwana
58%1994Ross, Malcolm I.; Vail, Peter: Integrated sequence stratigraphic analysis; an example from the Mesozoic/Cenozoic of Australia
58%1973Musich, Lillian: A guide to phase II core material
1977Margolis, S. V.; Kroopnick, P. M. et al.: Cenozoic and late Mesozoic paleoceanographic and paleoglacial history recorded in Circum-Antarctic deep-sea sediments
58%1990von Rad, Ulrich; Schott, M. et al.: Mesozoic sedimentary and volcanic rocks dredged from the northern Exmouth Plateau; petrography and microfacies
58%1221990Von Rad, Ulrich; Haq, B. U.: Mesozoic structural evolution, sedimentation and sea level fluctuations, Exmouth Plateau (NW Australia, ODP Leg 122)
58%1651998Shogenova, Alla; Lind, Ida: Physical properties of claybearing carbonate rocks from the Paleozoic deposits of Estonia and the Cenozoic and Mesozoic deposits of the Caribbean Sea
1978Chamley, H.; Debrabant, P. et al.: Mineralogie et geochimie des sediments secondaires et cenozoiques de la marge atlantique nord-orientale (Leg 47B, 48, 50, D.S.D.P.) Mineralogy and geochemistry of Mesozoic and Cenozoic sediments of the northeastern Atlantic margin; Leg 47B, 48, and 50 of DSDP
58%1977Thierstein, H. R.: Mesozoic calcareous nannofossils from the Indian Ocean, DSDP legs 22 to 27
58%641982Kelts, Kerry: Translational margins; a comparison of the Gulf of California and the Mesozoic Tethys
1992Cotillon, Pierre: Search for eustacy record in deep Tethyan deposits through the study of sedimentary flux variations; application to the upper Tithonian-lower Aptian series at DSDP Site 534 (central Atlantic)
58%1981Thiede, Joern; Strand, Jan-Erik et al.: The distribution of major pelagic sediment components in the Mesozoic and Cenozoic North Atlantic Ocean
58%1984Murdmaa, I. O.: Opyt primeneniya metoda aktualizma k fatsial'nomu analizu mezozoyskikh i kaynozoyskikh otlozheniy okeanov Application of actualistic methods toward facial analysis of Mesozoic and Cenozoic ocean sediments
58%2005Eleson, Jason W.; Bralower, Timothy J.: Evidence of changes in surface water temperature and productivity at the Cenomanian/Turonian boundary
58%1998Mihut, Dona; Mueller, R. Dietmar: Volcanic margin formation and Mesozoic rift propagators in the Cuvier abyssal plain off Western Australiadownload
58%1984Dingle, R. V.; Hendey, Q. B.: Late Mesozoic and Tertiary sediment supply to the eastern Cape Basin (SE Atlantic) and palaeo-drainage systems in Southwest Africa
58%2006Takashima, Reishi; Nishi, Hiroshi et al.: Greenhouse world and the Mesozoic ocean
58%411980Timofeev, P. P.; Eremeev, V. V. et al.: Facies-genetic types of palygorskites in Mesozoic sediments near West Africa (by data of Leg 41 of "Glomar Challenger")
1991Dromart, G.: Slope microbial biostromes as evidence of marine flooding maxima in Jurassic carbonate sequences stratigraphy
58%1991Cotillon, Pierre: Varves, beds, and bundles in pelagic sequences and their correlation (Mesozoic of SE France and Atlantic)
2003Liu Tungsheng: Significance of ocean drilling and China's paleooceanographic studies
58%771988Dallmeyer, R. D.: Tectonic implications of (super 40) Ar/ (super 39) Ar ages from a pre-Mesozoic metamorphic basement penetrated on Leg 77 of the Deep Sea Drilling Project in the southeastern Gulf of Mexico
58%1982Habib, Daniel: Sedimentation rate origin of organic facies in the North Atlantic Mesozoic
58%1981Gradstein, Felix: Oldest oceanic sediments and basement recovered by deep sea drilling
58%1191988Leg 119 studies climatic history
58%1979Nakaseko, K.: On the international correlation by means of radiolarians from the Cretaceous formations in Japan
58%1971Habib, Daniel: Cretaceous dinoflagellate zonation; Joides Deep Sea Drilling Project, Leg 11
58%1974Bukry, David: Stratigraphic Value of Silicoflagellates in Nontropical Regions
58%1976Schlanger, S. O.; Jenkyns, H. C.: Cretaceous oceanic anoxic events; causes and consequences
58%1431993History of Pacific guyots uncovered; ODP Leg 143
58%1971Lisitzin, A. P.: Specific features of the geological history of the Pacific based on the deep-sea drilling on leg VI of the "Glomar Challenger"
58%1986Feazel, Charles T.: If chalk could talk; a sea story over 100 million years old
58%1980Jenkyns, H. C.: Cretaceous anoxic events; from continents to oceans
1983Chamley, H.; De Brabant, P.: Heritage de mineraux metamorphiques et diagenese dans le mesozoique inferieur de la marge atlantique du Maroc Detrital supply, diagenesis and metamorphism in the early Mesozoic deposits of the Morocco margin
2001Truswell, Elizabeth M.; Macphail, Mike K.: Palynology of Cenozoic and Mesozoic sequences on the East Antarctic continental margin; a review
1991Gradstein, Felix M.; von Rad, Ulrich: Stratigraphic evolution of Mesozoic continental margin and oceanic sequences; Northwest Australia and northern Himalayas
2007Harwood, David M.; Nikolaev, Vladimir A. et al.: Cretaceous records of diatom evolution, radiation, and expansion
49%951983Deep Sea Drilling Project; testing the Vail depositional model
49%761981Anonymous: Mid-Jurassic rocks cored off Florida
49%1981Weaver, F. M.; Gombos, A. M., Jr.: Southern high-latitude diatom biostratigraphy
49%1981Mountain, Gregory Stuart: Stratigraphy of the western North Atlantic based on the study of reflection profiles and DSDP results
49%1981Bukry, David: Synthesis of silicoflagellate stratigraphy for Maestrichtian to Quaternary marine sediment
49%1983Kyte, Frank T.; Wasson, John T.: On the nature of the materials accreted at the end of the Cretaceous

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