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Score Exp/Site/HoleYearAuthor/TitleFull text
100%1091986On the Mid-Atlantic Ridge; ODP Leg 109 explores normal ocean crust
100%371975Sources of magnetic anomalies on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge
100%2008Searle, Roger: Mantle extrusion on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge near 13 degrees N
95%821985Drake, Natalie E. R.: Geochemistry of DSDP Leg 82 basalts
83%1985Anderson, Roger N.; O'Malley, Honor: Frequency response and attenuation changes across highly altered fracture zones cross-cutting a fast formation; the oceanic crust of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge
83%371975Keen, M. J.; Ade-Hall, J. M. et al.: Is the Mid-Atlantic Ridge like Iceland?
83%1091988Di Donato, G.; Loubet, M.: Mid Atlantic Ridge peridotites (from ODP Leg 109) geochemical compositions and conditions of partial melting of the upper mantle at slow spreading ridges
1992Girardeau, Jacques; Mercier, Jean-Claude C.: Evidence for plagioclase-lherzolite intrusion in the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, DSDP Leg 37
83%1976Hyndman, R. D.; Von Herzen, R. P. et al.: Heat flow measurements in deep crustal holes on the Mid-Atlantic Ridgedownload
83%1990Bina, M. M.; Henry, B.: Magnetic properties, opaque mineralogy and magnetic anisotropies of serpentinized peridotites from ODP Hole 670A near the Mid-Atlantic Ridge
83%1995Grindlay, N. R.; Weiland, C. et al.: Variations in spreading rates, plate boundary geometry, and magnetic structure of the southern Mid-Atlantic Ridge during the past 12 m.y.
1994Ross, Daniel Kent: Geochemistry of cumulate rocks from the Stillwater layered intrusion and the Mid-Atlantic Ridge; magma evolution recorded by cumulus mineral compositions
83%1061986Honnorez, J.; Detrick, R. S. et al.: Drilling in the Snake-Pit hydrothermal area in Mid-Atlantic Ridge rift valley south of the Kane fracture zone; highlights from ODP Leg 106
1978Violanti, Donata; Cita, Maria et al.: Quantitative evaluation of the dissolution facies of sediments on Mid-Atlantic Ridge
83%371976Hyndman, R. D.; Drury, M. J.: The physical properties of oceanic basement rocks from deep drilling on the Mid-Atlantic Ridgedownload
83%21973Smali, Marina: Foraminiferi campaniano-maastrichtiani della Dorsale Medio-Atlantica Campanian-Maestrichtian foraminifera of Mid-Atlantic Ridge
83%541980Rosendahl, B.; Warren, N.: Velocity-density systematics of basalts from the East Pacific; correlation to iron content, and comparison to Mid-Atlantic Ridge basalts
1993Girardeau, Jacques; Francheteau, Jean: Plagioclase-wehrlites and peridotites on the East Pacific Rise (Hess Deep) and the Mid-Atlantic Ridge (DSDP Site 334); evidence for magma percolation in the oceanic upper mantle
83%371975Gunn, B. M.; Roobol, M. J. et al.: Chemistry of five drill cores from Mid-Atlantic Ridge
83%1061986Sulanowska, Margaret; Humphris, Susan E. et al.: Hydrothermal mineralization in the MARK area, Mid-Atlantic Ridge 23 degrees N
83%2008Edwards, K. J.; Wheat, G. et al.: The deep subsurface biosphere at North Pond; a Mid-Atlantic Ridge microbial observatory
83%461977Honnorez, J.; Bohlke, J. K. et al.: Oxidation and magnetic properties during the low temperature sub-marine alteration of Mid-Atlantic Ridge basalts
1975Bence, A. E.; Taylor, S. R.: Petrogenesis of basaltic rocks from DSDP Leg 37 sites 332A and B; the Mid-Atlantic Ridge
1975Kasahara, J.; Hussong, D. M. et al.: Seismic refraction survey near the Mid-Atlantic Ridge at 23 degrees N (IPOD Site 5) using ocean bottom seismometers
83%1984Zolotarev, B. P.: Sravnitel'naya petrokhimicheskaya kharakteristika bazal'tov Sredinno-Atlanticheskogo khrebta i Vostochno-Tikhookeanskogo podnyatiya Petrochemical comparison of basalts from the Mid-Atlantic Ridge and the East Pacific Rise
1994Ross, Kent; Elthon, Don: Baddeleyite (ZrO (sub 2) ) in a gabbroic cumulate from the Mid-Atlantic Ridge near the Kane fracture zone
83%2092008Casey, J. F.; Gao, Y.: Ultradepleted residual mantle refertilized by enriched percolating melt within megamullion-rich segments of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge between 13 and 16 degrees N
82%1971Cita, M. B.; Gartner, S., Jr.: Deep Sea Upper Cretaceous from the western North Atlantic
82%461976Anonymous: Initial core descriptions; Deep Sea Drilling Project, Leg 46, January 28, 1976-March 10, 1976
82%371976Friedrichsen, H.; Hoernes, S.: Oxygen isotope studies on oceanic basalts of Leg 37
82%1979Anonymous: Deep Sea Drilling Project; Legs 45-62
82%1581995Active hydrothermal system drilled at the Mid-Atlantic Ridge
82%1974Bryan, Wilfred B.: Iron and Magnesium in Submarine Basalt Plagioclase
82%1984Timofeyev, P. P. (ed.): Problemy litologii Mirovogo okeana; mineralogiya i geokhimiya Atlanticheskogo okeana Problems of lithology of the world ocean; mineralogy and geochemistry of the Atlantic Ocean
82%1969Peterson, M. N. A.; Edgar, N. T.: Deep ocean drilling with glomar challenger
82%21969Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 2
82%1973Macdougall, D.: Fission track dating of oceanic basalts
82%371975Aumento, F.: Deep drilling reveals the complexities of oceanic layer 2
82%1977Barash, M. S.; Lavrov, V. M.: Outcrops of Eocene rocks in the equatorial part of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge and their tectonic significance
82%2005Kerr, Richard A.: Pursued for 40 years, the Moho evades ocean drillers once again
82%491991Ogishima, Tomoko; Kinoshita, Hajimu: Alteration of ferromagnetic constituents of oceanic basalt under pressurized hydrothermal liquids in laboratory
82%1999Storetvedt, Karsten M.: Da Jorden ble dekket med plater When the Earth was covered with plates
82%2003Whitmarsh, Bob: Rupturing continents exposed mantle rocks
82%1984Cochran, Wendell: New drillship replaces Challenger
82%2010Breuker, A.; Schippers, A.: Improvement of methods for the quantification of microorganisms in oligotrophic carbonate rich marine sediments of North Pond
1969Joides Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 3 and Leg 4
77%2012Edwards, K.J.; Bach, W. et al.: Mid-Atlantic Ridge Microbiology
68%1531998Pilot, Joachim; Werner, Carl-Dietrich et al.: Palaeozoic and Proterozoic zircons from the Mid-Atlantic Ridge
68%1988Maruyama, S.; Liou, J. G.: Ocean-floor metamorphism at different tectonic settings; a review on the DSDP drilling projects
68%1994Edmonds, Henrietta N.; Gamo, T. et al.: Sampling of hydrothermal fluids from the TAG Mound, Mid-Atlantic Ridge, by Shinkai 6500; preliminary results of fluid chemistry characterization prior to ODP drilling
68%1041994Schreckenberger, B.; Roeser, H. A.: Seaward dipping reflector sequences as sources for high amplitude marine magnetic anomalies
68%1581996Petersen, S.; Herzig, P. M. et al.: Fluid temperature history of the TAG hydrothermal mound, Mid-Atlantic Ridge, 26 degrees N
68%1977Grow, J. A.; Markl, R. G.: IPOD-USGS multichannel seismic reflection profile from Cape Hatteras to the Mid-Atlantic Ridge
1977Flower, M. F. J.; Robinson, P. T. et al.: Magma fractionation systems beneath the Mid-Atlantic Ridge at 36-37 degrees N
68%371977Levi, S.; Banerjee, S. K.: Magnetization of the ocean crust; evidence from DSDP cores and ophiolite complexes
68%821987Mevel, Catherine: Evolution of oceanic gabbros from DSDP Leg 82; influence of the fluid phase on metamorphic crystallizations
1982Varentsov, I. M.: Metalliferous sediments of the North Atlantic and Galapagos rift zone; geochemistry, features of formation
68%1581996Bruegmann, G. E.; Hofmann, A. W. et al.: Os isotopic composition and Os distribution in the active mound of the TAG-hydrothermal system, Mid-Atlantic Ridge
1986Humphris, Susan E.; Bryan, W. B.: Anatomy of Serocki Volcano
68%371974Melson, W. G.; Aumento, F. et al.: Deep Sea Drilling Project; Leg-37, the volcanic layer
68%1980Kastner, Miriam; Perlman, Isadore et al.: Oxygen isotopes and REE of submarine altered tholeitic basalts
1975Dostal, J.; Muecke, G. K.: Trace element geochemistry of a peridotite-gabbro-basalt complex from D.S.D.P. Leg 37
68%451976Rabinowitz, P. A.; Melson, W. G. et al.: Challenger drills on Leg 45
68%371976Hale, C. J.; Dunlop, D. J.: Correlation of magnetic stability, thermomagnetic behaviour and petrology of Leg 37 basalts
1976Wright, T. L.: Differentiation processes in ocean-floor tholeiite; evidence from DSDP Leg 37
1976Macdonald, K. C.: Geomagnetic reversals and the deep drill hole at DSDP Site 332download
68%371976Aumento, F.; Mitchell, W. S. et al.: Interaction between sea water and oceanic Layer Two as a function of time and depth; I, Field evidence
1976Robinson, P. T.; Flower, M. F. J. et al.: Low temperature alteration of sea floor basalts, DSDP Leg 37
1976Bleil, U.; Petersen, N.: Magnetic properties of basement rocks, DSDP Leg 37, Site 332
1976Helmstaedt, H.; Allen, J. M.: Metagabbro from DSDP hole 334; an example of high-temperature deformation and recrystallization near the Mid-Atlantic Ridge
1976Bleil, U.: Notes on the magnetic structure of the oceanic crust
1976Muehlenbachs, K.; Clayton, R. N.: Oxygen isotope composition of the oceanic crust and its bearing on seawaterdownload
1976Crocket, J. H.; Teruta, Y.: Palladium, iridium and gold in mafic and ultramafic rocks drilled from the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, Leg 37, DSDP
68%1531999Whitechurch, Hubert; Chatin, Fabienne: Mantle-melt interactions at low pressure producing high Mg-Al liquids beneath the MARK Zone (Atlantic Ocean)
68%1582000Fujioka, Kantaro; Chiba, Hitoshi et al.: Large change of architecture and fluid passway at the TAG hydrothermal mound, Mid-Atlantic Ridge
68%1979Bryan, Wilfred B.: Episodic extrusion and collapse; a model for crustal accretion at a slow-spreading ridge
68%1973Monteiro, Jose H.: O programa de reconhecimento geologico da margem continental do Atlantico (EACM) da Decada Internacional da Exploracao dos Oceanos Program for the geologic exploration of the East Atlantic Continental Margin (EACM), as part of the international decade for ocean exploration
68%1973Christensen, Nikolas I.; Fountain, David M. et al.: Oceanic crustal basement; a comparison of seismic properties of D.S.D.P. basalts and consolidated sediments
1996Floury, L.; Dupont, J. et al.: NADIA, the logging shuttle developed by IFREMER which made the DIANAUT and OFM campaigns technologically successful
68%371977Dunlop, D. J.; Hale, C. J. et al.: Two characteristic magnetic mineral assemblages in oceanic layer-2 rocks
2004Garces, M.; Gee, J. S. et al.: Paleomagnetic constrains to the evolution of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge from 14 degrees to 16 degrees N
68%1181989Iturrino, Gerardo J.: Physical properties and reflectivity of the oceanic crust from laboratory measurements in gabbros from the Atlantis II fracture zone
68%1979Drever, J. I.; Lawrence, J. R. et al.: Gypsum and halite from the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, DSDP Site 395
1979Gruver, N. A.: Additional proof of the segregation vesicle technique of rock orientation and structural interpretation of some DSDP basement cores
68%1979Melson, W. G.; O'Hearn, T.: Basaltic glass erupted along the Mid-Atlantic Ridge between 0-37 degrees N; relationships between composition and latitude
68%1531993Karson, Jeffrey A.; Cannat, Mathilde et al.: Ocean Drilling Program Leg 153 scientific prospectus; drilling in the western wall of the MARK area
68%1541993Mountain, G. S.; Curry, W. B.: Out on a limb; interpreting Leg 154 survey data, Ceara Rise
68%1141987Ciesielski, Paul F.; Kristoffersen, Yngve: A summary of shipboard scientific results of ODP Leg 114 to the subantarctic South Atlantic
68%1531995Miller, D. J.; Christensen, N. I.: Velocity behavior of the lower oceanic crust and upper mantle
1973Thompson, G.: A geochemical study of the low-temperature interaction of sea-water and oceanic igneous rocks
1978Kelts, K.: Sedimentation on the Middle Atlantic Ridge during euxinic episodes from Middle to Late Cretaceous times
68%1991Storms, M. A.; Harding, B. W. et al.: Ocean Drilling Program: deep water drilling technology
68%1581996Rona, Peter A.; Von Herzen, Richard P.: Special section on Measurements and monitoring at the TAG hydrothermal field, Mid-Atlantic Ridge 26 degrees N, 45 degrees W
68%1979Hall, J. M.: The oceanic crust; investigations by Canadian groups on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge crest and other areas
68%371979Lambert, R. St J.: The thermal history of the Earth in the Archean
68%1980Kasahara, J.; Hussong, D. M. et al.: A seismic study using ocean-bottom seismometers near the Mid-Atlantic Ridge at 23 degrees N
68%1581996Gemmell, J. Bruce: Subsurface architecture of the TAG hydrothermal mound, Mid-Atlantic Ridge; results of Ocean Drilling Program Leg 158
68%1973Seidemann, D. E.: Ar (super 40) /Ar (super 39) studies of deep-sea rocks
1977Plessard, C.; Daly, L.: Quelques aspects de la viscosite magnetique des basaltes sous-marins Aspects of the magnetic viscosity of submarine basalts
68%1977Theyer, F.; Mato, C. et al.: Sediment core descriptions; R/V Kana Keoki, 1973 North central Pacific cruise, 1974 southeastern Pacific cruise, and a 1974 Mid-Atlantic Ridge IPOD site-survey

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