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Score ↓ | Exp/Site/Hole | Year | Author/Title | Full text |
100% | 143 143-866 | 1998 | Chartrousse, Alexandre; Masse, Jean-Pierre: Coalcomaninae (Rudistes, Caprindae) nouveaux de l'Aptien inferieur des Mid Pacific Mountains New early Aptian Coalcomaninae (Rudistae, Caprinidae) from the Mid-Pacific Mountains | |
88% | 62 | 1979 | Dean, W. E.; Thiede, J. et al.: Origin of organic-rich limestones of Mid-Cretaceous age, Mid-Pacific Mountains and southern Hess Rise, central North Pacific Ocean | |
88% | 143 143-865 143-866 | 1993 | Cooper, P.: Milankovitch cycles in geophysical logs from ODP Leg 143, Mid-Pacific Mountains | |
88% | 143 143-866 | 1993 | Flood, Peter G.: Origin of massive dolomite, ODP Leg 143, Site 866A, Resolution Guyot, Mid-Pacific Mountains | |
88% | 32 32-313 | 1981 | Empson-Morin, Karen M.: Campanian Radiolaria from DSDP Site 313, Mid-Pacific Mountains | |
76% | 143 143-866 143-867 143-868 | 1999 | Masse, Jean-Pierre; Arnaud-Vanneau, Annie: Early Cretaceous calcareous algae of the Mid-Pacific Mountains | |
71% | 62 62-463 | 1985 | Varentsov, I. M.; Timofeyev, P. P. et al.: Geokhimicheskaya istoriya postyurskoy sedimentatsii v zapadnykh rayonakh podvodnykh gor Markus-Nekker, skv. 463 Geochemical history of post-Jurassic sedimentation in western Mid-Pacific Mountains, Site 463 | |
71% | 17 17-171 | 1988 | Schwab, William C.; Lee, H. J. et al.: Erosion and slope instability on Horizon Guyot, Mid-Pacific Mountains | |
71% | 143 143-866 | 1996 | Flood, P. G.; Fagerstrom, J. A. et al.: Interpretation of the origin of massive replacive dolomite within atolls and submerged carbonate platforms; strontium isotopic signature ODP Hole 866A, Resolution Guyot, Mid-Pacific Mountains | |
71% | 143 143-866 | 1998 | Flood, P. G.: Origin of white sucrosic dolomite within shallow-water limestones, ODP Hole 866A, Resolution Guyot, Mid-Pacific Mountains; strontium isotopic evidence for the role of sea water in dolomitization | |
71% | 143 143-865 | 1992 | Winterer, E. L.: Preliminary results from drilling on drowned Early Cretaceous carbonate platforms, Mid-Pacific Mountains (ODP Leg 143) | |
71% | 143 143-866 143-867 143-868 | 1993 | Strasser, A.: Small-scale shallow-water carbonate sequences (Barremian to Albian) from Resolution Guyot, western Mid-Pacific Mountains; first results from ODP Leg 143 | |
64% | 62 62-463 | 1981 | Thiede, Joern; Dean, Walter E. et al.: The geologic history of the Mid-Pacific Mountains in the central North Pacific Ocean; a synthesis of deep-sea drilling studies | download |
63% | 62 62-463 | 1981 | Rea, D. K.; Janecek, T. R.: Late Cretaceous history of eolian deposition in the Mid-Pacific Mountains, central North Pacific Ocean | |
63% | 62 62-463 | 1988 | Tarduno, John A.; Sliter, William V. et al.: Possible late Aptian reversal within the Cretaceous normal polarity superchron from Pacific DSDP sediments | |
63% | | 1982 | Timofeev, P. P.; Koporoulin, V. I.: Conditions of the late Mesozoic and Cenozoic sedimentation in the North-west Pacific | |
63% | 62 62-463 | 1981 | Melieres, F.: Etude sedimentaire d'echantillons cretaces en provenance de forages IPOD du Pacifique Central Sedimentological study of Cretaceous samples from IPOD drilling sites in the central Pacific | |
63% | 143 143-866 | 1993 | Sliter, W. V.; Arnaud-Vanneau, A.: Resolution Guyot; the oldest Pacific Island | |
63% | 143 144 | 1996 | Jenkyns, H. C.; Wilson, P. A. et al.: Comparative chemostratigraphy of Cretaceous Pacific guyots | |
62% | 143 | 1993 | Sager, William W.; Winterer, Edward L. et al.: Examining guyots in the Mid-Pacific Mountains | |
62% | 143 143-865 | 2009 | Firth, John V.; Yancey, Thomas E. et al.: CT-scan analysis of early Albian vertebrate remains and amber from a guyot in the Mid-Pacific, ODP Site 865 | |
53% | | 1981 | Clague, David A.: Linear island and seamount chains, aseismic ridges and intraplate volcanism; results from DSDP | |
53% | 17 17-171 62 62-465 | 1997 | Kucera, Michal; Widmark, Joen G. V.: Gradual morphological evolution in a Late Cretaceous deep-sea benthic foraminifer | |
53% | 143 143-866 | 2011 | Blaettler, Clara L.; Jenkyns, Hugh C. et al.: Significant increases in global weathering during Oceanic Anoxic Events 1a and 2 indicated by calcium isotopes | |
50% | 32 62 62-463 62-465 62-466 | 1984 | Dean, Walter E.; Claypool, George E. et al.: Accumulation of organic matter in Cretaceous oxygen-deficient depositional environments in the central Pacific Ocean | |
50% | 62 62-463 143 143-866 | 1996 | Baudin, Francois; Sachsenhofer, Reinhard F.: Organic geochemistry of Lower Cretaceous sediments from northwestern Pacific guyots (ODP Leg 143) | |
50% | | 1989 | Kayen, R. E.; Schwab, William C. et al.: Morphology of sea-floor landslides on Horizon Guyot; application of steady-state geotechnical analysis | |
50% | 143 143-865 143-866 143-867 143-868 | 1996 | History of Pacific guyots uncovered | |
50% | 143 143-866 144 144-877 144-878 | 1993 | Nogi, Y.; Ito, H. et al.: Magnetic structures of seamounts in the Western Pacific Ocean deduced from ODP Leg 143 and 144 downhole magnetometer logs | |
50% | 143 143-865 | 2003 | Coxall, Helen K.; Huber, Brian T. et al.: Origin and morphology of the Eocene planktonic foraminifer Hantkenina | |
50% | 143 143-866 143-867 | 1993 | Roehl, U.; Strasser, A.: Early Cretaceous shallow-water limestones of Allison- and Resolution-Guyot (ODP Leg 143); geochemical trends and diagenetic alterations | |
50% | 143 143-865 143-866 | 1995 | Fullagar, P. D.; Paull, C. K.: Evidence for seawater circulation in mid-Pacific guyots drilled on ODP Leg 143 | |
50% | 62 62-463 62-464 62-465 62-466 | 1980 | Janecek, Thomas R.; Rea, David K.: Accumulation rate and grain size of eolian materials in Cretaceous and Cenozoic sediments from the central North Pacific Ocean | |
50% | 143 144 | 1992 | Jansa, L. F.; Haggerty, J. A. et al.: Preliminary results of drilling reef-bearing guyots and atolls in western Pacific | |
50% | 30 30-288 33 33-317 62 62-463 | 1987 | Tarduno, John A.; McWilliams, Michael O. et al.: Cretaceous absolute motion of Pacific oceanic rises | |
50% | 143 143-865 143-866 | 1995 | Tarduno, John A.; Sager, William W.: Polar standstill of the Mid-Cretaceous Pacific Plate and its geodynamic implications | |
50% | 143 144 | 1995 | Jansa, L. F.: Carbonate platforms, guyots drowning linked to changes in asthenosphere and paleoceanography; Equatorial Pacific | |
50% | 143 144 | 1999 | Jenkyns, Hugh C.; Wilson, Paul A.: Stratigraphy, paleoceanography, and evolution of Cretaceous Pacific guyots; relics from a greenhouse Earth | |
50% | 143 143-865 | 2009 | Kozdon, Reinhard; Kelly, D. Clay et al.: The "cool tropic paradox"; reassessing aberrant delta (super 18) O in Foraminifera by SIMS | |
50% | 143 143-865 | 1995 | Bralower, Timothy J.; Zachos, James C. et al.: Late Paleocene to Eocene paleoceanography of the Equatorial Pacific Ocean; stable isotopes recorded at Ocean Drilling Program Site 865, Allison Guyot | download |
50% | 143 143-865 | 1994 | Ivanova, Elena V.; Murdmaa, Ivar O.: Dissolution of planktic foraminifers on the Mid-Pacific guyots during Cenozoic related to oxygen-minimum zone | |
50% | 6 6-47 143 143-865 | 1998 | Thomas, Deborah J.; Bralower, Timothy J. et al.: Evidence for true global warming during the latest Paleocene Thermal Maximum | |
50% | 143 143-865 | 1998 | Kelly, D. Clay; Bralower, Timothy J. et al.: Evolutionary consequences of the latest Paleocene thermal maximum for tropical planktonic Foraminifera | |
50% | 143 143-865 144 144-871 144-872 | 2000 | Pearson, Paul N.; Palmer, Martin R.: Atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations over the past 60 million years | |
50% | 143 143-865 | 1997 | Cramer, Benjamin S.; Aubry, Marie-Pierre et al.: Stratigraphic and climatic implications of a continuous, thick Paleocene/Eocene boundary, Bass River, NJ (ODP Leg 174AX) | |
50% | 143 143-865 143-866 | 1998 | Cooper, P.: Sedimentary cycles in carbonate platform facies; Fourier analysis of geophysical logs from ODP Sites 865 and 866 | |
50% | 10 10-95 62 62-463 | 2010 | Georgescu, M. Dan: Evolutionary classification of the Upper Cretaceous (Turonian-lower Campanian) planktic Foraminifera with incipient meridional ornamentation | |
50% | 143 143-866 144 144-877 144-878 | 1993 | Pringle, M. S.; Staudigel, H. et al.: 40Ar/39Ar ages of basement lavas at Resolution, MIT, and Wodejebato guyots compared with magneto-and bio-stratigraphic results from ODP Legs 143/144 | |
50% | 143 143-865 198 198-1209 198-1210 198-1212 | 2009 | Nguyen, T. M. P.; Petrizzo, M. R. et al.: Differential dissolution susceptibility in late Paleocene to early Eocene planktonic foraminiferal assemblages; comparing experimental and distributional data from Shatsky Rise (Pacific Ocean) | |
50% | 62 | 1978 | Vallier, T. L.; Thiede, J. et al.: Geologic histories of the Mid-Pacific Mountains and Hess Rise, central North Pacific Ocean; DSDP Leg 62 | |
50% | 143 143-865 143-866 | 1994 | Deconinck, Jean-Francois; Baudin, Francois: Environnements des guyots, Allison et Resolution au Cretace inferieur d'apres la mineralogie des argiles (Pacifique NW, ODP Leg 143) The environment of the Allison and Resolution Seamounts during the Lower Cretaceous based on clay mineralogy (Northwest Pacific, ODP Leg 143) | |
50% | 143 143-865 143-866 144 144-878 144-879 | 1998 | Roehl, U.; Ogg, J. G.: Aptian-Albian eustatic sea-levels | |
50% | 143 143-865 143-866 | 1993 | Winterer, E. L.; van Waasbergen, R. et al.: Topographic effects of erosion and differential compaction of Lower Cretaceous platform limestone, marlstone, and claystone over buried volcanic topography, Mid-Pacific Mts. | |
50% | 32 32-305 62 62-463 207 | 2009 | Friedrich, O.; Norris, R. D. et al.: A Cretaceous benthic Foraminiferal stable isotope compilation; implications for paleoclimate and paleoceanography | |
50% | 143 143-865 198 198-1209 198-1210 198-1212 | 2011 | Nguyen, T. M. Phuong; Petrizzo, Maria Rose et al.: Differential dissolution susceptibility of Paleocene-Eocene planktic Foraminifera from the North Pacific ODP sites | |
50% | 32 32-305 62 62-463 207 | 2011 | Friedrich, Oliver; Norris, Richard D. et al.: Evolution of Cretaceous oceans; a 55 million year record of Earth's temperature and carbon cycle | |
47% | 143 | 1992 | Sager, William W.; Winterer, Edward L. et al.: Introduction and scientific objectives | download |
45% | 62 62-463 62-464 62-465 62-466 | 1981 | Thiede, Joern; Rea, David K.: Mass-accumulation rates of Barremian to Recent biogenic sediments from the Mid-Pacific Mountains (Deep Sea Drilling Project Site 463) and Hess Rise (sites 464, 465, and 466), central North Pacific Ocean | download |
44% | 6 6-45 6-46 6-47 6-48 6-49 6-50 6-52 62 62-463 62-464 62-465 62-466 | 1981 | Yamamoto, Satoshi: Metallic trace elements in some chert nodules of Pacific seamounts; a comparative study | download |
44% | 32 32-306 | 2005 | Sager, William W.: What built Shatsky Rise, a mantle plume or ridge tectonics? | |
44% | 10 10-95 15 15-150 39 39-356 39-357 62 62-463 71 71-511 113 113-690 171B 171B-1050 | 2011 | Georgescu, Marius Dan: A new type of test wall in the Late Cretaceous (late Santonian-Campanian) heterohelicid planktic Foraminifera | |
44% | 5 17 20 | 1973 | Heezen, Bruce C.; Matthews, J. L. et al.: Western Pacific guyots | download |
44% | 62 62-463 | 1999 | Boomer, Ian: Late Cretaceous and Cainozoic bathyal Ostracoda from the Central Pacific (DSDP Site 463) | |
44% | 20 | 1973 | Heezen, Bruce C.; Tharp, Marie: R/V Thomas Washington cruise Aries V; reconnaissance seismic reflection profiles of prospective DSDP sites in the Northwest Pacific | download |
44% | 143 | 1993 | Baudin, F.; Arnaud, H. et al.: Atolls et guyots du Pacifique nord-ouest; resultats preliminaires du Leg ODP 143 Northwest Pacific atolls and guyots; preliminary results from ODP Leg 143 | |
44% | 143 143-866 | 1996 | Baudin, F.: Enregistrement de l'evenement anoxique Aptien inferieur dans les facies peritidaux du Guyot Resolution (Ocean Pacifique NW) Record of the early Aptian oceanic anoxic event in the peritidal facies of Resolution Guyot, NW Pacific Ocean | |
44% | 62 62-463 | 2010 | Erba, Elisabetta; Bottini, Cinzia et al.: Calcareous nannoplankton response to surface-water acidification around Oceanic Anoxic Event 1a | download |
44% | 62 62-463 | 2006 | Ando, A.; Kawahata, H. et al.: Sr/Ca ratios as indicators of varying modes of pelagic carbonate diagenesis in the ooze, chalk and limestone realms | download |
44% | 143 143-865 160 160-966 198 198-1209 198-1210 198-1212 | 2011 | Nguyen Thi Minh Phuong: Experimental dissolution studies on Cenozoic foraminiferal assemblages; improving the reliability of paleoenvironmental reconstructions | |
44% | 10 10-95 15 15-150 62 62-463 | 2011 | Georgescu, Marius D.; Quinney, Ann E. et al.: New data on the taxonomy, evolution and biostratigraphical significance of the Turonian-Coniacian (Late Cretaceous) planktic foraminifer Huberella Georgescu 2007 | |
41% | | 1981 | Schlanger, Seymour O.; Silva, Isabella Premoli: Tectonic, volcanic, and paleogeographic implications of redeposited reef faunas of Late Cretaceous and Tertiary age from the Nauru Basin and the Line Islands | download |
39% | 143 | 1995 | Winterer, Edward L.; Sager, William W. et al.: Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program; scientific results, Northwest Pacific atolls and guyots; covering Leg 143 of the cruises of the Drilling Vessel JOIDES Resolution, Honolulu, Hawaii, to Majuro, Republic of Marshall Islands, sites 865-870, 18 March-19 May 1992 | download |
38% | 32 32-305 32-310 32-313 | 1975 | Caron, Michele: Late Cretaceous planktonic Foraminifera from the Northwestern Pacific; Leg 32 of the Deep Sea Drilling Project | download |
38% | 32 32-308 32-311 32-313 | 1975 | Moberly, R.; Keene, J. B.: Origin and diagenesis of volcanic-rich sediments from North Pacific seamounts; DSDP Leg 32 | download |
38% | 62 62-463 62-465 62-466 | 1981 | Dean, Walter E.; Claypool, George E. et al.: Origin of organic-carbon-rich mid-Cretaceous limestones, Mid-Pacific Mountains and southern Hess Rise | download |
38% | 17 17-171 32 32-305 32-306 32-310 33 33-317 62 62-463 62-465 62-466 | 1982 | Thiede, Jorn; Dean, W. E. et al.: Oxygen-deficient depositional paleoenvironments in the Mid-Cretaceous tropical and subtropical central Pacific Ocean | |
38% | 143 143-866 | 1995 | Jenkyns, Hugh C.: Carbon-isotope stratigraphy and paleoceanographic significance of the Lower Cretaceous shallow-water carbonates of Resolution Guyot, Mid-Pacific Mountains | download |
38% | 62 62-463 | 2003 | Ando, Atsushi: Multidisciplinary paleoenvironmental analysis for the Mid-Cretaceous using terrestrial and marine carbon isotope records from Pacific regions | |
38% | 10 10-95 15 15-150 62 62-463 71 71-511 171B 171B-1050 171B-1052 | 2009 | Georgescu, Marius D.: Transition from the typological to evolutionary classification of the Cretaceous planktic Foraminifera; case study of Anaticinella Eicher 1973 | |
38% | 33 33-317 80 80-548 94 94-608 143 143-865 162 162-980 162-982 167 167-1012 172 172-1055 | 2010 | Hayward, Bruce W.; Johnson, Katie et al.: Cenozoic record of elongate, cylindrical, deep-sea benthic Foraminifera in the North Atlantic and Equatorial Pacific Oceans | |
38% | 113 113-690 143 143-865 198 198-1209 198-1210 | 2007 | Petrizzo, Maria Rose: The onset of the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum (PETM) at Sites 1209 and 1210 (Shatsky Rise, Pacific Ocean) as recorded by planktonic Foraminifera | download |
38% | 143 143-865 | 2001 | Norris, Richard D.; Nishi, Hiroshi: Evolutionary trends in coiling of tropical Paleogene planktic Foraminifera | |
38% | 62 62-463 | 2010 | Ando, Atsushi; Nakano, Takanori et al.: Testing seawater Sr isotopic variability on a glacial-interglacial timescale; an application of latest high-precision thermal ionization mass spectrometry | |
38% | 62 62-463 | 2012 | Bottini, Cinzia; Cohen, Anthony S. et al.: Osmium-isotope evidence for volcanism, weathering, and ocean mixing during the early Aptian OAE 1a | |
36% | 62 62-463 62-464 62-465 62-466 | 1981 | Vallier, Tracy L.; Jefferson, W. S.: Volcanogenic sediments from Hess Rise and the Mid-Pacific Mountains, Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 62 | download |
35% | 143 143-866 | 1995 | Tarduno, John A.; Sager, William W. et al.: Early Cretaceous magnetostratigraphy and paleolatitudes from the Mid-Pacific Mountains; preliminary results bearing on guyot formation and Pacific Plate translation | download |
35% | 62 62-463 | 1981 | Ferry, S.; Schaaf, Andre: The Early Cretaceous environment at Deep Sea Drilling Project Site 463 (Mid-Pacific Mountains), with reference to the Vocontian Trough (French subalpine ranges) | download |
35% | 62 62-463 | 1981 | Rea, David K.; Janecek, Thomas R.: Mass-accumulation rates of the non-authigenic inorganic crystalline (eolian) component of deep-sea sediments from the western Mid-Pacific Mountains, Deep Sea Drilling Project Site 463 | download |
34% | 62 62-463 143 143-866 | 1995 | Sager, William W.: Structural implications of gravity anomalies, Resolution and Heezen guyots, Mid-Pacific Mountains | download |
33% | 143 143-865 143-866 143-867 143-868 143-869 | 1992 | Sager, William W.; Winterer, Edward L. et al.: Synthesis of results, Leg 143 | download |
33% | 143 143-866 | 1995 | Jenkyns, Hugh C.; Strasser, Andre: Lower Cretaceous oolites from the Mid-Pacific Mountains (Resolution Guyot, Site 866) | download |
32% | 144 | 1993 | Premoli Silva, Isabella; Haggerty, Janet A. et al.: Introduction | download |
32% | 32 32-305 32-308 32-313 | 1975 | Luterbacher, Hanspeter: Paleocene and early Eocene planktonic Foraminifera; Leg 32, Deep Sea Drilling Project | download |
31% | 62 62-463 62-464 62-465 62-466 | 1981 | Stout, Larry N. (ed.); Thiede, Joern et al.: Leg 62 of the cruises of the drilling vessel Glomar Challenger; Marjuro Atoll, Marshall Islands to Honolulu, Hawaii, July-September 1978 | download |
31% | 61 61-462 89 89-462 | 1981 | Jenkyns, Hugh C.; Schlanger, Seymour O.: Significance of plant remains in redeposited Aptian sediments, Hole 462A, Nauru Basin, to Cretaceous oceanic-oxygenation models | download |
31% | 32 | 1975 | Luterbacher, H.; Caron, M. et al.: Biostratigraphic summary of Leg 32 | download |
31% | 62 62-463 | 1981 | Varentsov, I. M.; Timofeev, P. P. et al.: Geochemical history of post-Jurassic sedimentation in the central northwestern Pacific, western Mid-Pacific Mountains, Deep Sea Drilling Project Site 463 | download |
31% | 22 22-216 32 32-305 38 38-336 119 119-738 121 121-756 121-757 152 152-918 | 2005 | Clift, Peter D.: Sedimentary evidence for moderate mantle temperature anomalies associated with hotspot volcanism | |
31% | 14 14-137 14-144 143 143-865 144 144-872 | 2007 | Coxall, Helen K.; Wilson, Paul A. et al.: Iterative evolution of digitate planktonic Foraminifera | |
31% | 143 143-865 198 198-1209 198-1210 198-1212 | 2011 | Thi Minh Phuong Nguyen; Petrizzo, Maria Rose et al.: Dissolution susceptibility of Paleocene-Eocene planktic Foraminifera; implications for palaeoceanographic reconstructions | |
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