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Score ↓ | Exp/Site/Hole | Year | Author/Title | Full text |
100% | | 1998 | Gladenkov, A. Yu.: Zonal'naya stratigrafiya oligotsena i nizhnego miotsena Severotikhookeanskogo regiona po diatomeyam Oligocene and lower Miocene diatom zonation of North Pacific | |
100% | | 2000 | Ivanova, Ye. V.: Biogeograficheskaya zonal'nost' Indiyskokgo okeana v pozdnem mezozoye Biogeographic zoning in Indian Ocean in late Mesozoic | |
100% | | 2001 | Basov, I. A.: Novyy etap bureniya v yugo-zapadnoy chasti Tikhogo okeana; 181-y reys "DZhOIDES Rezolyushn" A new stage of drilling in Southwest Pacific; 181st cruise of "JOIDES Resolution" | |
100% | | 1998 | Bogdanov, N. A.; Basov, I. A.: Programma nauchnogo bureniya v Arktike Deep-sea drilling program in the Arctic | |
83% | | 2000 | Shreyder, A. A.; Shreyder, Al. A.: Morskiye geologo-geofizicheskiye issledovaniya i ikh ekologicheskiye posledstviya Marine geologic-geophysical investigations and their ecological consequences | |
83% | 35 | 1993 | Galushkin, Yu. I.; Dubinin, Ye. P. et al.: Printsipy chislennogo analiza termicheskoy evolyutsii litosfery i osadochnykh basseynov passivnykh kontinental'nykh okrain razlichnykh geodimamicheskikh tipov Principles of numerical analysis of thermal evolution of the lithosphere and sedimentary basins of passive continental margins of various geodynamic types | |
83% | | 2003 | Melankholina, E. N.; Sushchevskaya, N. M. et al.: Evolution of tholeiitic magmatism in the North Pacific region | |
83% | 39 39-357 | 2005 | Peive, A. A.: Alkaline volcanism of the Rio Grande Plateau, South Atlantic | |
83% | 47 47-397 | 1999 | Bylinskaya, M. Ye.: Urovni poyavleniya i ischeznoveniya pliotsen-chetvertichnykh planktonnykh foraminifer v skv. 397 DSDP i sravneniye zonal'nykh stratigraficheskikh shkal Pliocene and Quaternary planktonic Foraminifera data from DSDP Site 397 and comparison of zonal stratigraphic schemes | |
83% | 111 111-677 | 2003 | Bubenshchikova, N. V.: Biostratigrafiya pliotsen-nizhnechetvertichnykh otlozheniy skvazhiny 677A i paleookeanologicheskiye rekonstruktsii po planktonnym foraminiferam Pliocene-lower Quaternary biostratigraphy and paleo-oceanological reconstructions with the use of planktonic foraminifers, ODP Site 677A | |
83% | | 1994 | Il'in, A. V.: 150 let geologii fosforitov i ikh prakticheskogo ispol'zovaniya 150 years of phosphate geology and practical utilization of phosphorites | |
83% | 22 22-214 | 2009 | Kashintsev, G. L.; Levchenko, O. V.: Miocene volcanism of the Ninetyeast Ridge | |
83% | 199 199-1219 | 2010 | Gladenkov, Yu. B.: Zonal'naya biostratigrafiya v reshenii fundamental'nykh i prikladnykh zadach geologii Biostratigraphic zoning and its applications for geological problems | |
82% | | 1998 | Basov, I. A.: Programma okeanskogo bureniya na rubezhe stoletiy Ocean drilling program at the turn of the century | |
71% | 145 | 2000 | Gladenkov, A. Y.: North Pacific Cenozoic diatom zonation towards the next millennium; modern state and prospects of detailization | |
71% | | 1999 | Lisitsin, A. P.: Marine geology in the Russian Academy of Sciences | |
71% | | 1993 | Dmitrenko, Olga B.: Evolution of calcareous nannoflora in Cenozoic Atlantic and Indian Oceans | |
71% | | 1999 | Basov, I. A.: Okeanskaya i klimaticheskaya evolyutsiya v miotsene Oceanic and climatic evolution in Miocene | |
71% | | 1992 | Litvinov, E. M.: Neodnorodnosti vtorogo sloya okeanicheskoy kory Heterogeneity of the second layer of the oceanic crust | |
67% | 144 144-871 144-872 144-873 | 1998 | Bogdanov, Yu. A.; Gurvich, Ye. G. et al.: Issledovaniye khimicheskogo sostava pelagicheskikh osadkov gayotov severo-zapadnoy chasti Tikhogo okeana dlya paleookeanologicheskikh rekonstruktsiy Chemical composition of seamount pelagic sediments of Northwest Pacific; paleoceanological reconstructions | |
67% | 182 182-1126 182-1128 182-1131 182-1134 | 2002 | Basov, I. A.: Nakopleniye karbonatov v kholodnykh vodakh (182-y reys "DZhOIDES Rezolyushn") Carbonate accumulation in cold water; 182 JOIDES Resolution expedition | |
67% | 64 64-481 | 1993 | Kodina, L. A.; Vlasova, L. N. et al.: O prevrashcheniyakh organicheskogo veshchestva osadkov v zone gidrotermal'noy aktivnosti basseyna Guaymas po dannym izotopno-geokhimicheskgo issledovaniya Alteration of organic materials in sediments from hydrothermal zones in the Guaymas Basin according to isotopic and geochemical data | |
67% | 94 94-608 | 2004 | Pushcharovsky, Yu. M.; Mazarovich, A. O. et al.: Neotectonics of the central Atlantic | |
67% | | 2004 | Filatova, N. I.: Underplating as a cause of the volcanic continental margin formation during marginal sea spreading | |
67% | 195 195-1200 195-1201 195-1202 | 2003 | Basov, I. A.: 195-y reys "DZhOIDES Rezolyushn" 195th cruise of the JOIDES Resolution | |
67% | 187 188 | 2002 | Basov, I. A.: "Dzhoides Rezolushn" 187-y i 188-y reysy JOIDES Resolution cruises 187 and 188 | |
67% | 190 190-1174 190-1175 190-1176 190-1178 | 2002 | Basov, I. A.: Akkretsionnaya prizma kak model' goroobrazovaniya (190-y reys "DZhOIDES" Rezolyushn) Accretionary wedge as a model of orogeny; 190th cruise of JOIDES Resolution | |
67% | 48 48-403 48-404 48-405 70 70-506 | 1994 | Bylinskaya, M. Ye.: Pozdnekaynozoyskiy izvestkovyy plankton i izmeneniya v ekosisteme Atlanticheskogo okeana Upper Cenozoic calcareous plankton and changes in the Atlantic Ocean ecosystem | |
67% | 47 47-397 94 94-608 94-609 94-611 | 2004 | Bylinskaya, M. Ye.; Golovina, L. A.: Korrelyatsiya zonal'nykh shkal pliotsena i kvarteva po foraminiferam i nannoplanktonu v Severnoy Atlantike Correlation of the Pliocene-Quaternary foraminiferal and nannofossil zonations in the North Atlantic | |
67% | 15 15-153 | 2004 | Sharkov, E. V.; Bortnikov, N. S. et al.: Mesozoic zircon from gabbronorites of the axial Mid-Atlantic Ridge, 6 degrees N, Markov Deep | |
67% | 209 209-1275 | 2008 | Silant'yev, S. A.; Kostitsyn, Yu. A. et al.: Magmaticheskaya i metamorficheskaya evolyutsiya okeanicheskoy kory zapadnogo flanga grebnevoy zony SAKh na 15 degrees 44' s. sh.; rezul'taty izucheniya kerna skvazhin 1275B i 1275D (209-yy reys "Dzhoides Rezolyushn") Magmatic and metamorphic evolution of the oceanic crust in the western flank of the MAR crest zone at 15 degrees 44'N; investigation of cores from Sites 1275B and 1275D (JOIDES Resolution Leg 209) | |
67% | | 2006 | Cherkashin, D. V.; Silant'yev, S. A. et al.: Issledovaniye izotopnogo sostava Sr i Nd v porodakh fundamenta razlomnoy zony "15 degrees 20'" Study of Sr and Nd isotope composition in rocks of fracture zone "15 degrees 20'" basement | |
67% | 209 209-1275 | 2006 | Silant'yev, S. A.; Kostitsyn, Yu. A. et al.: Petrologicheskiye i izotopno-geokhimicheskiye cherty peridotit-gabbro-trond'yemitovogo kompleksa SAKh, 15 degrees 44', skv.1275B i 1275D (209 reys "Dzhoides Rezolushn") Petrological, isotopic and geochemical features of peridotite-gabbro-trondhjemite complex of the North Atlantic Ridge, 15 degrees 44'N, Sites 1275B and 1275D (Leg 209 JOIDES Resolution) | |
59% | 109 109-670 | 1994 | Nazarova, Katherine A.: Serpentinized peridotites as a possible source for oceanic magnetic anomalies | |
59% | | 2000 | Zhirnov, E. A.; Cherkashev, G. A. et al.: Inner structure of the TAG active hydrothermal mound (by ODP materials) | |
59% | 116 | 1998 | Verzhbitsky, E. V.; Lobkovsky, L. I.: Heat flow; mechanism of heating up of the Indo-Australian Plate | |
59% | | 1992 | Belyaeva, Natalia; Burmistrova, Irina: Datum levels and evolution of planktonic and benthonic foraminiferal assemblages in Pleistocene of the east equatorial Indian Ocean | |
59% | | 1991 | Pushcharovskiy, Yu. M.; Kazanskiy, V. I. et al.: Issledovaniye zemnoy kory sverkhglubokim kontinental'nym i glubokim okeanicheskim bureniyem Earth's crust investigation using superdeep continental and deep ocean drilling | |
59% | | 1998 | Nikolaev, S. D.; Oskina, N. S. et al.: Neogene-Quaternary variations of the "pole-equator" temperature gradient of the surface oceanic waters in the North Atlantic and North Pacific | |
59% | | 1998 | Vetrov, A. A.; Romankevich, E. A. et al.: Organic carbon distribution in sedimentary cover of the Pacific and Indian oceans | |
59% | 145 | 1996 | Gladenkov, Andrey Yu.: The Oligocene to early Miocene diatom stratigraphy and paleoenvironmental changes in the North Pacific | |
59% | | 1993 | Ushakova, Maola; Blyum, Natalia: Reformation of the surface oceanic circulation during the Palaeogene; calcareous nannoplankton and oxygen isotope evidence | |
59% | | 1995 | Antipov, M. P.; Shlezinger, A. Ye. et al.: Influence of stratigraphy on acoustic wave fields | |
59% | | 1998 | Levchenko, O. V.; Neprochnov, Yu. P. et al.: Previous results; review of previous geophysical and geological studies | |
59% | 145 145-883 | 1995 | Olshanetsky, D. M.: Paleogene paleoceanological events and benthic Foraminifera response, Northwest Pacific | |
59% | 145 145-883 145-884 | 1995 | Basov, I. A.: Planktonic foraminifer biostratigraphy and biogeography of the subarctic Pacific Paleogene | |
59% | | 2007 | Shipilov, E. V.; Raznitsyn, Yu. N. et al.: New geodynamic model of the evolution of the northern Norwegian-Greenland Basin | |
59% | | 1992 | Krasheninnikov, Valery A.; Basov, Ivan A.: Bathymetric assemblages of benthic foraminifers in the Pliocene-Quaternary sediments of the Timor Trough | |
59% | 22 22-216 | 1995 | Belyaeva, N. V.; Burmistrova, I. I.: Changes in foraminifera fauna and the late Pleistocene paleohydrology in the Indian Ocean (Site 216, Deep Sea Drilling Project) | |
59% | | 2001 | Kruglyakov, V. V.; Ponomareva, I. N.: Problems of mining ocean-floor ferromanganese nodules | |
59% | | 1992 | Basov, Ivan A.; Krasheninnikov, Valery A.: The Pliocene-Quaternary history of subsidence and sedimentation in the Timor Trough | |
59% | | 1998 | Neprochnov, Yu. P.: Geophysical and geological works in the intraplate deformation area; the 22nd cruise of the R/V Professor Shtokman | |
59% | | 1998 | Neprochnov, Yu. P.: Geophysical and geological works in the intraplate deformation area; the 31st cruise of the R/V Dmitry Mendeleev | |
59% | 22 22-216 | 1994 | Burmistrova, Irina I.; Belyaeva, Natalia V.: Deep-sea paleoenvironments over past 500 000 years in the east equatorial Indian Ocean; the foraminiferal record | |
59% | 48 48-400 | 1994 | Radionova, E. P.; Khokholova, I. E.: Comparable analysis of Paleocene-Eocene radiolarian-diatomic associations from Precaspian Basin (site SP-1) and North Atlantic site 400A, Biscay Bay | |
59% | 116 | 1998 | Levchenko, O. V.: Structure of the sedimentary cover; previous seismic reflection profiling | |
59% | 79 79-547 | 1991 | Popov, V. I.: Vozmozhna li "okeanizatsiya" kontinental'noy kory? Is "oceanization" of continental crust possible?; discussion | |
59% | 68 68-501 | 1993 | Skolotnev, S. G.: Structural setting and relationships of clay minerals in the basalts of the Costa-Rica Rift (according to data obtained from borehole 501 DSDP) | |
59% | 17 17-171 171A | 2001 | Basov, I. A.: "DZhOIDES Rezolyushn"; reysy prodolzhayutsya JOIDES Resolution; the cruises continue | |
59% | 178 | 2001 | Basov, I. A.: Evolyutsiya ledovogo shchita Antarktidy (178-y reys "DZHOIDES Rezolyushn") Evolution of the Antarctic ice sheet; Leg 178 of the "JOIDES Resolution" | |
59% | 130 130-804 | 2001 | Kuprin, P. N.: Generation of light liquid hydrocarbons at the early catagenetic stage of lithogenesis | |
59% | 145 145-881 | 1997 | Gladenkov, A. Y.: Environmental changes in the north western Pacific during the latest Pliocene-early Pleistocene according to diatom analysis (material from ODP Hole 881 B) | |
59% | 177 | 2001 | Basov, I. A.: Rol' yuzhnogo okeana v evolyutsii klimata Zemli The role of the Southern Ocean in the evolution of the Earth's climate | |
59% | | 2005 | Gabdullin, R. R.: Upper Cretaceous cyclostratigraphic scale for the Russian Plate and its southern framework; Paper 1, Prerequisites and principles of scale construction | |
59% | 40 40-362 | 1995 | Dmitrenko, O. B.: Nannoplankton neogen-chetvertichnoy chasti razreza skvazhiny 362 (Yuzhnaya Atlantika) Nannoplankton of the Neogene and Quaternary section of DSDP Site 362, South Atlantic | |
59% | | 2011 | Kuznetsov, A. B.; Konstantinova, G. V. et al.: Sr isotope composition in inland seas of the Mediterranean-Black Sea belt | |
58% | 194 194-1192 194-1193 194-1194 194-1195 194-1196 194-1197 194-1198 194-1199 | 2003 | Basov, I. A.: Karbonatnyye platformy i kolebaniya urovnya okeana; 194-y reys "DZhOIDES Rezolyushn" Carbonate platforms and sea level fluctuations; 194th cruise of the JOIDES Resolution | |
58% | 189 189-1169 189-1171 189-1172 | 2002 | Basov, I. A.: Formirovaniye Tsirkum-Antarkticheskogo techeniya (189-y reys "DZhOIDES Rezolyushn) Formation of Antarctic circumpolar current; 189th cruise of JOIDES Resolution | |
58% | 183 183-1135 183-1136 183-1137 183-1138 183-1139 183-1140 183-1141 183-1142 | 2002 | Basov, I. A.: Krupnyye magmaticheskiye provintsii okeanskogo dna (183-y reys "DZhOIDES Rezolyushn") Large magmatic provinces in ocean floors; 183rd JOIDES Resolution expedition | |
58% | 3 3-22 39 39-357 72 72-516 72-517 72-518 | 2004 | Peive, A. A.; Turko, N. N. et al.: Structural features of the Rio Grande Rise, South Atlantic | |
50% | 180 180-1108 180-1109 180-1110 180-1111 180-1112 180-1113 180-1114 180-1115 180-1116 180-1117 180-1118 | 2001 | Basov, I. A.: Basseyn Vudlark; model' dlya izucheniya protsessov rastyazheniya i raskola zemnoy kory (180-y reys "DZhOIDES Rezolyuschn") Woodlark Basin as model for investigating crustal extension; 180th cruise of JOIDES Resolution | |
50% | | 2005 | Pechersky, D. M.; Garbuzenko, A. V.: The Mesozoic-Cenozoic boundary; paleomagnetic characteristic | |
47% | 138 138-844 138-846 138-854 | 2000 | Levitan, M. A.: Miocene-Quaternary history of silica accumulation in the eastern equatorial zone of the Pacific and problems of their reconstruction of paleoproductivity | |
47% | 9 9-83 138 | 1998 | Gurvich, E. G.: History of hydrothermal activity at the East Pacific Rise between 5 degrees S and 12 degrees N for the past 18 My | |
47% | 107 107-650 | 1995 | Limonov, A. F.; Marani, M. et al.: Study area 2 (Tyrrhenian Sea); 2, Seismic profiling; A, Marsili Basin | |
47% | 119 119-738 | 2001 | Borisova, A. Yu.; Belyatsky, B. V. et al.: Petrogenesis of olivine-phyric basalts from the Aphanasey Nikitin Rise; evidence for contamination by cratonic lower continental crust | |
47% | 206 206-1256 309 309-U1256 312 312-U1256 | 2008 | Shilobreeva, S.; Martinez, I. et al.: Carbon and water isotopic compositions in altered oceanic crust from the East Pacific Rise, ODP/IODP Hole 1256D; implications for volatile budget and speciation | |
47% | 145 197 | 2005 | Shapiro, M. N.: Kinematics of the Campanian-Maastrichtian island arcs in northeastern Asia in light of drilling results on the Emperor Seamounts | |
47% | | 1997 | Dmitrenko, O. B.: Palaeoecological groups of nannoplankton in the Paleogene deposits of the Atlantic and Indian oceans | |
47% | 143 143-865 | 1994 | Ivanova, Elena V.; Murdmaa, Ivar O.: Dissolution of planktic foraminifers on the Mid-Pacific guyots during Cenozoic related to oxygen-minimum zone | |
47% | 72 72-516 | 1998 | Dmitrenko, O. B.: Distribution of calcareous nannoplankton of the Rio Grande Rise during the Neogene (the South Atlantic Ocean, Site 516) | |
47% | | 2000 | Dmitrenko, O. B.: Biogeography of the Southern Ocean during the Neogene derived from nanoplankton | |
47% | 40 40-364 40-365 | 1999 | Kots, V. G.; Gusarova, L. V. et al.: Prognozirovaniye geologicheskogo razraza po geofizicheskim dannym v usloviyakh zon mirovogo okeana Predicting geological sections from geophysical data under zonal conditions of the world ocean | |
47% | 146 146-892 | 2001 | Chamov, N. P.; Basilyan, A. E. et al.: On the evolution of the Cascadia accretionary prism, western North American continental margin | |
47% | | 1999 | Verzhbitskii, E. V.; Kaz'min, V. G.: Geothermal regime and specific features of the tectonic evolution of the western Mediterranean basins | |
47% | 72 72-516 | 1999 | Dmitrenko, O. B.: Conditions of formation of the Neogene section at Site 516 in the South Atlantic from nannoplankton data | |
47% | 16 16-160 | 1999 | Zverev, S. M.; Ilinski, D. A.: Crustal structure of Eratosthenes Seamount (eastern Mediterranean collision zone between Africa and Eurasia) from seismic, potential fields and geological studies | |
47% | 38 38-336 152 152-915 | 2004 | Kharin, G. S.: The lateritic weathering crust on prespreading basalts of the northwestern Atlantic and Norwegian-Greenland Basin | |
47% | 143 143-869 | 1998 | Iskhakov, A. Ya.: Behavior of petrogenic elements during secondary alteration of the ocean floor volcaniclastic rocks | |
47% | 118 118-735 176 176-735 | 1997 | Tikhonov, L. V.; Tsel'movich, V. A.: Petromagnetism of gabbroids from Hole 735B (ODP Leg 118, Indian Ocean) | |
47% | 26 26-254 121 121-756 121-757 121-758 | 1998 | Artamonov, A. V.; Kurnosov, V. B. et al.: Alteration of basalts from the Ninetyeast Ridge, Indian Ocean (ODP data) | |
47% | 141 141-863 | 1994 | Kurnosov, Viktor; Murdmaa, Ivar et al.: Accretionary wedge sediments of the Chile Triple Junction, Leg 141 ODP | |
47% | 130 130-806 157 157-953 | 2002 | Os'kina, N. S.: Surface temperature fluctuation in the tropical and subtropical areas of the Atlantic and Pacific oceans during the Pleistocene | |
47% | 22 22-213 22-215 25 25-239 27 27-260 | 1988 | Gurvich, Ye. G.; Levitan, M. A. et al.: Old metalliferous deposits of the Indian Ocean | |
47% | 19 55 62 143 144 | 2007 | Kurnosov, V. B.; Zolotarev, B. P. et al.: Sea water-basalt interaction in the Pacific seamounts; low temperature environments | |
47% | 302 | 2010 | Krupskaya, V.; Krylov, A. et al.: Cretaceous-Paleocene-Eocene sedimentation in Arctic Ocean; results from the clay minerals investigation (IODP-ACEX, 302 data) | |
41% | 5 5-35 | 2000 | Dubinin, A. V.; Sval'nov, V. N.: Geochemistry of rare earth elements in ferromanganese micro- and macronodules from the Pacific nonproductive zone | |
41% | 29 29-277 32 32-305 145 145-883 | 2003 | Ol'shanetskii, D. M.: The Paleogene benthic foraminiferal assemblages and their response to paleoceanological events | |
41% | 139 139-856 139-857 139-858 169 169-856 169-857 169-858 | 2004 | Kurnosov, Victor B.: Hydrothermal mineralization and redistribution of chemical elements on sedimented Juan de Fuca Ridge | |
41% | 4 41 45 46 | 1999 | Krasheninnikov, V. A.; Bylinskaya, M. Ye.: Stratigrafiya i planktonnyye foraminifery pliotsen-chetvertichnykh otlozheniy teplovodnoy oblasti Severnoy Atlantiki Stratigraphy and planktonic foraminifers of Pliocene-Quaternary deposits from the low latitude North Atlantic | |
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