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Score ↓ | Exp/Site/Hole | Year | Author/Title | Full text |
100% | 47 47-397 | 1985 | Stein, Ruediger: Late Neogene changes of paleoclimate and paleoproductivity off Northwest Africa | |
100% | 108 108-658 | 1989 | Dupont, L. M.; Hooghiemstra, Henry: The Saharan-Sahelian boundary during the Brunhes Chron | |
100% | 76 76-534 | 1988 | Sheridan, Robert E.: Recent drilling results document pulsation tectonics as the control of breakup and paleoceanography between Africa and North America | |
100% | | 2001 | Holbourn, Ann; Kuhnt, Wolfgang et al.: Atlantic paleobathymetry, paleoproductivity and paleocirculation in the late Albian; the benthic foraminiferal record | |
85% | | 1996 | Steiner, C.; Roeser, H. A.: On the early history of the North Atlantic off Morocco | |
85% | | 1982 | Anonymous: Salzstock vor Marokko Salt stock off Morocco | |
80% | 108 108-658 | 1996 | Dupont, Lydie M.; Leroy, Suzanne A. G.: Steps toward drier climatic conditions in northwestern Africa during the upper Pliocene | |
80% | 41 41-367 | 1999 | Kuypers, M. M. M.; Pancost, R. D. et al.: A large and abrupt fall in atmospheric CO (sub 2) concentration during Cretaceous times | |
80% | 117 117-721 117-722 | 2002 | Griffin, David L.: Aridity and humidity; two aspects of the late Miocene climate of North Africa and the Mediterranean | |
71% | 39 | 1981 | Perch-Nielsen, Katharina: New Maastrichtian and Paleocene calcareous nannofossils from Africa, Denmark, the USA and the Atlantic, and some Paleocene lineages | |
71% | 41 41-369 | 1983 | Boltovskoy, Esteban: Late Cenozoic deep-sea benthic foraminifera off the coast of Northwest Africa (DSDP Site 369) | |
71% | | 1982 | Rullkoetter, Juergen; Leythaeuser, Detlev et al.: Novel 23,28-bisnorlupanes in Tertiary sediments; widespread occurrence of nuclear demethylated triterpanes | |
71% | | 1983 | Weiss, W.: Heterohelicidae (seriale planktonische Foraminiferen) der tethyalen Oberkreide (Santon bis Maastricht) Heterohelicidae, a serial planktonic foraminiferal family, and biostratigraphy of the Tethyan Upper Cretaceous; Santonian-Maastrichtian | |
71% | | 1990 | Macleod, Norman; Keller, Gerta: Chronostratigraphy of K/T boundary sequences | |
71% | | 1985 | Huessner, H.: Jurassische Karbonate des westlichen Hohen Atlas (Marokko); Mikrofaziesanalyse und plattentektonischer Rahmen Jurassic carbonates of the western High Atlas (Morocco); microfacies analysis and plate tectonic framework | |
71% | | 1979 | von Rad, U.; Arthur, M. A.: Geodynamic, sedimentary and volcanic evolution of the Cape Bojador continental margin; Northwest Africa | |
71% | 41 41-370 | 1987 | Saint-Marc, P.: Biostratigraphic and paleoenvironmental information on a lower Paleogene sequence off the Atlantic coast of Morocco (Site D.S.D.P. 370, Leg 41) | |
71% | | 1983 | Winterer, E. L.: Progress and prospect in scientific ocean drilling | |
71% | 76 76-534 | 1993 | Bergen, James A.; Salomon, Ralph A.: Cretaceous nannofossil zonations; a new look at fossil datums for biostratigraphic applications | |
71% | | 1991 | Meunier-Christmann, C.; Albrecht, P. et al.: Occurrence of dammar-13(17)-enes in sediments; indications for a yet unrecognized microbial constituent? | |
71% | | 1991 | Aubry, Marie-Pierre: Sequence stratigraphy; eustasy or tectonic imprint? | download |
71% | | 1995 | Londeix, L.: Les kystes de dinoflagelles du Golfe de Hammamet (Tunisie); contribution a la reconstitution paleoenvironnementale du Pliocene mediterraneen Dinoflagellate cysts from the Gulf of Hammamet (Tunisia); a paleoenvironmental reconstruction of the Mediterranean Pliocene | |
71% | | 1997 | Widmark, Joen G. V.; Speijer, Robert P.: Benthic foraminiferal ecomarker species of the terminal Cretaceous (late Maastrichtian) deep-sea Tethys | |
71% | | 1999 | Abdeldayem, A. L.: Palaeomagnetism of some Cenozoic sediments, Cairo-Fayum area, Egypt | |
71% | 79 79-547 | 1996 | Boomer, Ian; Ballent, Sara: Early-Middle Jurassic ostracod migration between the Northern and Southern hemispheres; further evidence for a proto Atlantic-Central America connection | |
71% | | 2003 | deMenocal, Peter: Linking African climate change to human evolution | |
71% | 41 41-369 | 1981 | Morlotti, E.; Rio, D. et al.: Calcareous plankton biostratigraphy of Site 369A (Spanish Sahara slope-Western African continental margin) | |
71% | | 2005 | Depreiter, D.; Henriet, J. P.: Gas hydrate stability and focussed fluid seepage in mud volcano settings; IODP 673 Pre-proposal | |
71% | | 1994 | Liu, Chengjie; Olsson, Richard K.: On the origin of Danian normal perforate planktonic foraminifera from Hedbergella | |
71% | | 1983 | Kazakov, O. V.; Mitulov, S. N. et al.: The structure of the sediment cover in the Alboran Sea according to seismoacoustic profiling data | |
71% | 74 74-528 | 1987 | D'Hondt, Steven; Keller, Gerta: Patterns of evolution in some earliest Paleocene lineages of planktic foraminifera | |
71% | 50 50-416 | 2000 | Kruse, Silke; Mutterlose, Joerg: Coccoliths under stress?; Lower Cretaceous calcareous nannofossil assemblages of nearshore and pelagic settings (NW Africa) | |
71% | | 2009 | Johnson, T. C.: IODP-ICDP interactions; comparing and contrasting the drilled paleoclimate records on the African Continent with the ODP records offshore | |
71% | 74 74-525 | 2002 | Abramovich, Sigal: Paleoecology and paleoenvironment of Maastrichtian planktonic Foraminifera; examples from low and middle latitude localities | |
71% | | 1984 | Cotillon, P.: Tentative world-wide correlation of Early Cretaceous strata by limestone-marl cyclicities in pelagic deposits | |
71% | | 1999 | Nederbragt, Alexandra J.: Quantitative biogeography of Cretaceous planktonic Foraminifera from the North Atlantic and circum-Mediterranean | |
71% | | 1998 | Sinninghe Damste, Jaap S.; Koester, Juergen: A euxinic southern North Atlantic Ocean during the Cenomanian/Turonian oceanic anoxic event | |
71% | 307 | 2005 | Henriet, J. P.; Ferdelman, T. et al.: Atlantic carbonate mound drilling; challenges ahead | |
71% | 307 | 2005 | Henriet, J. P.; Foubert, A. et al.: Atlantic carbonate mound drilling; challenges ahead, from Porcupine to the Morocco margin | |
71% | | 1980 | Hinz, K.: Forschungsarbeiten an Kontinentalraendern und in Randmeeren Research work on continental margins and marginal seas | |
71% | 50 | 1980 | Kodina, L. A.; Generalova, V. N. et al.: Geochemical evolution of organic matter in the oceanic sediments (Leg 50 "Glomar Challenger") | |
71% | 43 | 1984 | Peypouquet, J. P.; Grousset, F.: The hydrological paleoenvironment in the Mesogean Sea from the Cretaceous-Tertiary crisis to the Ypresian Stage; a paleooceanographic outlook of the North Atlantic-Mesogean context | |
71% | 79 | 1984 | Wiegand, George E.: Two new genera of calcareous nannofossils from the Lower Jurassic | |
71% | 24 24-231 | 2006 | Feakins, Sarah Janette: Geochemical constraints on northeast African environmental variability during the late Neogene | |
71% | 50 50-416 | 2000 | Wortmann, Ulrich G.; Weissert, Helmut: Tying platform drowning to perturbations of the global carbon with a delta (super 13) C (sub Org) -curve from the Valanginian of DSDP Site 416 | |
71% | 47 47-397 | 1980 | Colombo, M. R.; Cita, M. B.: Changes in size and test porosity of Orbulina universa d'Orbigny in the Pleistocene record of Cape Bojador (DSDP Site 397, eastern North Atlantic) | |
71% | | 1979 | Stanley, D. J.; Sheng, H. et al.: Sand on the southern Mediterranean Ridge; proximal basement and distal African-Nile provenance | |
71% | | 1979 | Watkins, J. S.; Hoppe, K. W.: Seismic reflection reconnaissance of the Atlantic margin of Morocco | |
71% | | 1982 | Harjes, H. P.; Redanz, M.: Seismische Stratigraphie anhand der DSDP-Bohrung 416 (Marokkanisches Becken) Seismic stratigraphy of DSDP 416, Moroccan Basin | |
71% | 159 159-959 | 2004 | Wagner, Thomas: Mid-Cretaceous anoxic events and paleoclimate; the land-ocean linkage at orbital time scales | |
71% | 13 13-121 | 1987 | Tesson, M.; Gensous, B. et al.: Seismic analysis of the southern margin of the Alboran Sea | |
71% | 307 | 2009 | Henriet, Jean Pierre: The giant cold-water coral mound as a nested microbial/metazoan system; physical, chemical, biological and geological picture (ESF EuroDiversity MiCROSYSTEMS) | |
71% | | 2010 | Rimi, A.; Lucazeau, F. et al.: New evaluation of heat flow in Moroccan Atlantic Margin | |
71% | 10 | 2011 | Zobaa, Mohamed Kamal: Applied palynology; multidisciplinary case studies from Egypt, Gulf of Mexico and USA | |
71% | | 2012 | Stassen, Peter: The impact of the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum on benthic foraminiferal shelf communities; paleoenvironmental reconstructions and stratigraphic correlations | |
70% | | 1999 | Griffin, David L.: The late Miocene climate of northeastern Africa; unravelling the signals in the sedimentary succession | |
70% | 11 11-105 41 41-367 | 1984 | Chamley, Herve; Debrabant, Pierre: Paleoenvironmental history of the North Atlantic region from mineralogical and geochemical data | |
57% | 79 79-547 | 1998 | Nederbragt, Alexandra J.; Erlich, Robert N. et al.: Palaeoecology of the biserial planktonic foraminifer Heterohelix moremani (Cushman) in the late Albian to middle Turonian Circum-North Atlantic | |
57% | 79 | 1985 | Jaffrezo, M.; Medina, F. et al.: Donnees microbiostratigraphiques sur le Jurassique superieur du Bassin de l'Ouest marocain; comparaison avec les resultats du Leg 79 D.S.D.P. et de la Campagne Cyamaz (1982) Microbiostratigraphic data on the Upper Jurassic of the western Moroccan Basin, comparison with the results of DSDP Leg 79 and Cyamaz expedition, 1982 | |
57% | 50 103 | 1985 | Winterer, E.; Boillot, G. et al.: Early Cretaceous rifting and exposure of peridotite on the Galicia continental margin; preliminary results of Ocean Drilling Program Leg 103 | |
57% | | 1985 | Renard, M.: Geochimie des carbonates pelagiques, mise en evidence des fluctuations de la composition des eaux oceaniques depuis 140 ma; essai de chimiostratigraphie Geochemistry of pelagic carbonates; evidence of fluctuations in oceanic water composition 140 ma ago; attempt at chemostratigraphy | |
57% | 73 73-524 | 1982 | Perch-Nielsen, Katharina; McKenzie, Judith A. et al.: Biostratigraphy and isotope stratigraphy and the "catastrophic" extinction of calcareous nannoplankton at the Cretaceous/Tertiary boundary | |
57% | 79 | 1982 | Anonymous: Bohrungen in der Mazagan-Region vor Marokko lueften Geheimnisse der Fruehgeschichte des Atlantiks; Glomar Challenger, Fahrt 79 Boreholes in Mazagan near Morocco revealing secrets of the history of the Atlantic; Glomar Challenger, Leg 79 | |
57% | 72 | 1982 | Renard, M.; Delacotte, O. et al.: Le strontium et les isotopes stables dans les carbonates totaux de quelques sites de l'Atlantique et de la Tethys Strontium and stable isotopes in the total carbonates of some sites in the Atlantic and the Tethys | |
57% | 14 14-137 41 41-370 | 1982 | Butt, A.: Micropaleontological bathymetry of the Cretaceous of western Morocco | |
57% | 41 41-369 | 1982 | Diester-Haass, Liselotte; Chamley, Herve: Oligocene and post-Oligocene history of sedimentation and climate off Northwest Africa (DSDP Site 369) | |
57% | 13 13-121 14 14-135 14-136 | 1982 | Cirac, P.; Peypouquet, J. P.: Paleoenvironnements compares des bassins oceaniques neogenes du RHARB (Maroc nord-occidental) de la mer d'Alboran (Mediterranee occidentale) et de la baie ibero-marocaine Comparative paleoenvironments of Neogene oceanic basins in Rharb (northwestern Morocco), Alboran Sea (West Mediterranean) and Ibero-Moroccan Bay | |
57% | 41 41-369 41-370 50 50-415 50-416 | 1996 | Pletsch, T.; Daoudi, L. et al.: Palaeogeographic controls on palygorskite occurrence in Mid-Cretaceous sediments of Morocco and adjacent basins | |
57% | 79 79-546 79-547 | 1983 | Chamley, H.; De Brabant, P.: Heritage de mineraux metamorphiques et diagenese dans le mesozoique inferieur de la marge atlantique du Maroc Detrital supply, diagenesis and metamorphism in the early Mesozoic deposits of the Morocco margin | |
57% | 41 41-369 47 47-397 | 1980 | von Rad, U.; Einsele, G.: Mesozoic-Cainozoic subsidence history and palaeobathymetry of the Northwest African continental margin (Aaiun Basin to D.S.D.P. Site 397) | |
57% | 47 47-397 | 1976 | Arthur, M. A.; Ryan, W. B. F. et al.: Large-scale erosion and gravity transport on a passive margin; N.W. Africa; Deep Sea Drilling Project, Leg 47A | |
57% | 122 | 1991 | Robin, E.; Boclet, D. et al.: The stratigraphic distribution of Ni-rich spinels in Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary rocks at El Kef (Tunisia), Caravaca (Spain) and Hole 761C (Leg 122) | |
57% | 79 79-547 81 81-552 94 94-608 105 105-646 | 1996 | Zhang, Jijun; Scott, David B.: Integrated stratigraphy and paleoceanography of the Messinian (latest Miocene) across the North Atlantic Ocean | |
57% | 138 138-846 162 162-982 | 2006 | van der Laan, E.; Snel, E. et al.: No major deglaciation across the Miocene-Pliocene boundary; integrated stratigraphy and astronomical tuning of the Loulja sections (Bou Regreg area, NW Morocco) | download |
57% | 14 14-137 41 47 47-397 | 1978 | Wiedmann, V. J.; Butt, A. et al.: Vergleich von marokkanischen Kreide-Kuestenaufschluessen und Tiefseebohrungen (DSDP); Stratigraphie, Palaeoenvironment und Subsidenz an einem passiven Kontinentalrand Comparison of data from Cretaceous outcrops in the Morocco coastal area and from Deep Sea Drilling Project sites; stratigraphy, paleoenvironment, and subsidence at a passive continental margin | |
57% | 79 | 1993 | Huon, S.; Cornee, J. J. et al.: Mise en evidence au Maroc d'evenements thermiques d'age triasico-liasique lies a l'ouverture de l'Atlantique Evidence for Triassic-Liassic thermal events in Morocco related to the opening of the Atlantic Ocean | |
57% | 79 79-547 | 1993 | de Kaenel, E.; Bergen, J. A.: New Early and Middle Jurassic coccolith taxa and biostratigraphy from the eastern proto-Atlantic (Morocco, Portugal and DSDP Site 547 B) | |
57% | 79 79-547 | 1993 | de Kaenel, Eric; Bergen, James A.: New ideas on the origin and early evolution of placolith coccoliths in the Early Jurassic; families Bussoniaceae, Biscutaceae, and Ellipsagellosphaeraceae | |
57% | 3 3-21 10 10-95 39 39-356 39-357 | 1991 | Nederbragt, Alexandra J.: Late Cretaceous biostratigraphy and development of Heterohelicidae; planktic foraminiferas | |
57% | 119 119-738 | 1994 | Keller, G.: Global biotic effects of the KT boundary event; mass extinction restricted to low latitudes? | |
57% | | 1986 | Dromart, G.; Elmi, S.: Developpement de structures cryptalgaires en domaine pelagique au cours de l'ouverture des bassins jurassiques (Atlantique Central, Tethys occidentale) Cryptalgal structure development in pelagic environments during the opening of the Jurassic basins; Central Atlantic, Western Tethys | |
57% | 161 161-976 | 1995 | O'Sullivan, G.; Bernasconi, S. M. et al.: Early diagenesis in rapidly accumulating continental margin sediments; preliminary results from ODP Leg 161, western Mediterranean Sea | |
57% | 77 77-536 | 1996 | Rocchia, R.; Robin, E. et al.: Stratigraphic distribution of extraterrestrial markers at the Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary in the Gulf of Mexico area; implications for the temporal complexity of the event | |
57% | 79 79-546 | 1984 | Peretsman, Gail S.; Holser, William T.: Geochemistry of evaporites from the North Atlantic Rift | |
57% | 113 113-690 119 119-738 | 1995 | MacLeod, Norman: Graphic correlation of new Cretaceous/Tertiary (K/T) boundary successions from Denmark, Alabama, Mexico, and the southern Indian Ocean; implications for a global sediment accumulation model | |
57% | 108 108-658 | 1994 | Dupont, Lydie M.; Leroy, Suzanne: Steps toward drier climate conditions in north-western Africa during the upper Pliocene | |
57% | 23 23-225 | 1998 | Lean, Candida B.; Hounslow, Mark W. et al.: Magnetostratigraphy and sedimentary evolution of the late Miocene to early Pleistocene sediments, Quseir region, Egyptian Red Sea | |
57% | 157 157-951 | 1999 | Lindblom, Sten; Kruckenberg, Sofie et al.: Organic geochemistry of slope sediments and abyssal turbidites; a 15 million year continually catastrophic environment? | |
57% | 74 74-528 | 1996 | D'Hondt, Steven; Herbert, Timothy D. et al.: Planktic foraminifera, asteroids, and marine production; death and recovery at the Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary | |
57% | 13 23 23-222 42 42-372 42-374 42-376 47 47-397 | 1978 | Hamilton, N.: Magnetic stratigraphy and the Messinian salinity crisis; a review of palaeomagnetic results from DSDP sites in the Mediterranean Sea and extra-Mediterranean regions | |
57% | | 2003 | Kopf, Achim; Mascle, Jean et al.: The Mediterranean Ridge; a mass balance across the fastest growing accretionary complex on Earth | download |
57% | 41 41-367 | 2004 | Junium, C. K.; Arthur, M. A.: (super 15) N depleted nitrogen isotope values in Cretaceous black shales; paleoceanographic event or diagenesis | |
57% | 157 157-952 | 2003 | Weaver, P. P. E.: Northwest African continental margin; history of sediment accumulation, landslide deposits, and hiatuses as revealed by drilling the Madeira abyssal plain | download |
57% | 42 42-371 | 2004 | Mauffret, Alain; Frizon de Lamotte, D. et al.: E-W opening of the Algerian Basin (western Mediterranean) | |
57% | 160 160-967 | 2010 | Castaneda, Isla S.; Schefuss, Enno et al.: Millennial-scale sea surface temperature changes in the eastern Mediterranean (Nile River delta region) over the last 27,000 years | download |
57% | 108 108-659 | 2008 | Colin, Christophe; Siani, Giuseppe et al.: Restitution de l'histoire de la mousson nord-africaine entre 6.2 et 4.9 Ma et relations possibles avec les evenements tardi-Miocene Reconstruction of the North African monsoon between 6.2 and 4.9 Ma and possible relationships with late Miocene events | |
57% | 41 41-370 50 50-416 | 2008 | Ghorbal, B.; Bertotti, G. et al.: Unexpected Jurassic to Neogene vertical movements in "stable" parts of NW Africa revealed by low temperature geochronology | |
57% | 41 41-367 41-369 41-370 | 1981 | Sittler, C.; Schuler, M. et al.: The Tertiary North-Atlantic organic matter (palynofacies) off NW-Africa reflects ocean-floor spreading and continental drift in Eocene time, and indicates beginning of the desertification of the Sahara in early Miocene | |
57% | | 1981 | Guerin, S.: Utilisation des foraminiferes planctiques et benthiques dans l'etude des paleo environnements oceaniques au Cretace moyen; application au materiel des forages D.S.D.P. de l'Atlantique Nord et Sud; comparaison avec la Tethys Using planktonic and benthonic foraminifers in the study of Middle Cretaceous marine paleoenvironments; application to DSDP boreholes in the North and South Atlantic, comparison with the Tethys | |
57% | | 1981 | Guerin, Sandrine: Utilisation des foraminiferes planctiques et benthiques dans l'etude des paleo-environnements oceaniques au Cretace moyen; application au materiel des forages D.S.D.P. de l'Atlantique nord et sud; comparaison avec la Tethys Use of planktonic and benthic foraminifers in the study of oceanic paleo-environments in the Middle Cretaceous; application to material from D.S.D.P. drilling campaign in N and S Atlantic Ocean; comparison with Tethys sea | |
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