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Score ↓ | Exp/Site/Hole | Year | Author/Title | Full text |
100% | | 2000 | Keigwin, Lloyd D.: Millennial scale climate change in the western North Atlantic | |
93% | | 1986 | Premoli-Silva, Isabella; Boersma, Anne: Paleogene biofacies of the western North Atlantic Ocean | |
93% | | 1986 | Tucholke, Brian E.; Mountain, Gregory S.: Tertiary paleoceanography of the western North Atlantic Ocean | |
87% | 171B | 2001 | Sloan, Lisa Cirbus; Huber, Matthew: North Atlantic climate variability in early Palaeogene time; a climate modelling sensitivity study | |
87% | | 1981 | Mountain, Gregory Stuart: Stratigraphy of the western North Atlantic based on the study of reflection profiles and DSDP results | |
87% | | 1985 | Ehrmann, W. U.; Thiede, J.: History of Mesozoic and Cenozoic sediment fluxes to the North Atlantic Ocean | |
87% | | 1982 | Mueller, Carla; Schaaf, A. et al.: Le cretace de quelques sites DSDP de l'Atlantique nord; chrono et ecostratigraphie The Cretaceous of some DSDP sites from the North Atlantic; chrono- and ecostratigraphy | |
87% | | 1996 | Steiner, C.; Roeser, H. A.: On the early history of the North Atlantic off Morocco | |
87% | | 1989 | Kuhnt, Wolfgang; Kaminski, M. A. et al.: Late Cretaceous deep-water agglutinated foraminiferal assemblages from the North Atlantic and its marginal seas | |
87% | | 1989 | Rothe, P.: Mineral composition of sedimentary formations in the North Atlantic Ocean | |
87% | | 1981 | Palmer, Andrew: Diatom biostratigraphy for the Eocene North Atlantic Ocean | |
87% | | 1995 | Baumann, K. H.; Meggers, H. et al.: Environmental changes in the North Atlantic during the last 3.0 Ma; evidence from calcareous plankton records | |
87% | | 1989 | Vogt, Peter R.; Tucholke, Brian E.: North Atlantic Ocean basin; aspects of geologic structure and evolution | |
87% | | 1984 | Coulon, Herve; Debrabant, Pierre et al.: Donnees petrographiques, mineralogiques et geochimiques sur la transition basalts-sediments dans l'Atlantique Nord Petrographic, mineralogical and geochemical data on North Atlantic basalt-sediment transitions | |
87% | | 1980 | Gruver, Nancy: Structural complexities of DSDP basement cores from the North Atlantic Ocean | |
87% | | 1984 | Nyong, Eyo E.: Campanian to lower Maastrichtian paleobiogeography of the Western North Atlantic region | |
87% | | 1999 | Jansa, L. F.: Paleogeography and paleoceanography of the North Atlantic during the Cretaceous; an overview | |
87% | | 1977 | Nesterova, M. P.; Shcherbakov, F. A. et al.: Glinistyye mineraly kaynozoyskikh otlozheniy Islandskoy kotloviny (severnaya Atlantika) Clay minerals of Cenozoic sediments in the Iceland Basin, North Atlantic | |
87% | | 1990 | Chepstow-Lusty, Alex; Backman, Jan et al.: Palaeoclimatic control of upper Pliocene discoaster assemblages in the North Atlantic | |
87% | | 1992 | Hay, William W.: Reversals of circulation in the central North Atlantic during the Eocene? | |
87% | | 1984 | Keigwin, Lloyd D.: Latest Miocene paleoclimatic record for the high latitude North Atlantic | |
87% | 94 | 1984 | Clement, Bradford M.; Kent, D. V.: Magnetostratigraphy of DSDP Leg 94 sediments and details of polarity transitions from the North Atlantic | |
87% | | 1987 | Miller, Kenneth G.; Katz, Miriam E.: Oligocene to Miocene benthic foraminiferal and abyssal circulation changes in the North Atlantic | |
87% | | 1999 | Dean, Walter E.; Arthur, Michael A.: Sensitivity of the North Atlantic Basin to cyclic climatic forcing during the Early Cretaceous | |
87% | | 1979 | Habib, D.: Sedimentary origin of North Atlantic Cretaceous palynofacies | |
87% | | 1996 | Chamley, Herve: The tectonics, sedimentation and palaeoceanography of the North Atlantic region; book review | |
87% | | 1982 | Habib, D.: Sedimentation of black clay organic facies in a Mesozoic oxic North Atlantic | |
83% | 79 79-546 | 1988 | Holser, William T.; Clement, Gail P. et al.: Evaporite deposits of the North Atlantic Rift | |
83% | 12 12-116 | 1980 | Blanc, P. L.; Rabussier, D. et al.: North Atlantic deep water formed by the later middle Miocene | |
83% | 81 81-552 | 1986 | Ruddiman, W. F.; Shackleton, N. J. et al.: North Atlantic sea-surface temperatures for the last 1.1 million years | |
83% | | 1986 | Herbin, J. P.; Montadert, L. et al.: Organic-rich sedimentation at the Cenomanian-Turonian boundary in oceanic and coastal basins in the North Atlantic and Tethys | |
83% | 76 76-534 | 1986 | Robertson, A. H. F.; Ogg, James G.: Palaeoceanographic setting of the Callovian North Atlantic | |
83% | 79 | 1986 | Jansa, Lubomir F.: Paleoceanography and evolution of the North Atlantic Ocean basin during the Jurassic | |
83% | | 1986 | Tucholke, Brian E.; McCoy, Floyd W.: Paleogeographic and paleobathymetric evolution of the North Atlantic Ocean | |
83% | 81 81-552 | 1986 | Hooper, P. W. P.; Funnell, B. M.: Late Pliocene to Recent planktonic foraminifera from the North Atlantic (DSDP Site 552A); quantitative palaeotemperature analysis | |
83% | | 1986 | Wright, Clifford Lee; Clark, Murlene W.: Dissolution indices from DSDP Site 558A in the western North Atlantic; a foraminiferal study | |
83% | | 1996 | Andrews, John T.; Austin, William E. N. et al.: The late Quaternary paleoceanography of the North Atlantic margins; an introduction | |
83% | 151 | 1995 | Stax, R.; Stein, R.: Organic carbon and biomarker at North Atlantic gateways sites (ODP-Leg 151); a 25 million years old record of paleoenvironment in high northern latitudes | |
83% | | 1992 | Ishman, Scott E.; Dowsett, Harry J.: Pliocene pre-glacial North Atlantic; a coupled sea surface-deep ocean circulation climate response | |
83% | | 1986 | Thiede, Jorn; Ehrmann, Werner U.: Late Mesozoic and Cenozoic sediment flux to the central North Atlantic Ocean | |
83% | | 2007 | Koc, N.: Diatom records; North Atlantic and Arctic | |
83% | | 2004 | Mueller, Ulrich C.; Kukla, George J.: North Atlantic Current and European environments during the declining stage of the last interglacial | |
83% | | 1998 | Sinton, C. W.; Hitchen, K. et al.: (super 40) Ar- (super 39) Ar geochronology of silicic and basic volcanic rocks on the margins of the North Atlantic | |
83% | 162 | 1998 | Oppo, D. W.; McManus, J. F. et al.: Abrupt climate events 500,000 to 340,000 years ago; evidence from subpolar North Atlantic sediments | |
83% | | 1988 | Shackleton, N. J.; Imbrie, J. et al.: The evolution of oceanic oxygen-isotope variability in the North Atlantic over the past three million years; discussion | |
83% | 172 172-1063 | 2005 | Hall, I. R.; Bianchi, G. G. et al.: Comparative reconstruction of North Atlantic deep water variability during MIS 12-10 | |
83% | 162 | 1995 | Jansen, Eystein; Raymo, Maureen et al.: North Atlantic Arctic Gateways II | |
83% | | 1998 | Dean, Walter E.; Arthur, Michael A.: Geochemical expressions of cyclic Neocomian carbonate sequences in the North Atlantic | |
82% | 162 | 2002 | Marchitto, Thomas M., Jr.; Oppo, Delia W. et al.: Paired benthic foraminiferal Cd/Ca and Zn/Ca evidence for a greatly increased presence of Southern Ocean water in the glacial North Atlantic | download |
75% | 162 162-984 | 2005 | Weinelt, M.; Bartoli, G. et al.: Gateway-controlled decline of primary production in the northern North Atlantic at 2.74 Ma? | |
75% | 172 | 2002 | Giosan, Liviu; Flood, Roger D. et al.: Paleoceanographic significance of sediment color on western North Atlantic drifts; II, Late Pliocene-Pleistocene sedimentation | |
75% | 76 76-534 79 79-547 | 1984 | Rullkoetter, Juergen; Mukhopadhyay, Prasanta K.: Jurassic and Mid-Cretaceous carbonaceous claystones in the western (DSDP Leg 76) and eastern (DSDP Leg 79) North Atlantic | |
75% | 162 162-982 | 1997 | Stanton, Cathy L.: History of ice rafted debris at O.D.P. Leg 162, Site 982, in the North Atlantic for the past 2 million years | |
75% | 162 162-983 | 1999 | Kleiven, Helga F.; Jansen, Eystein: Coupling between high-frequency oscillations in North Atlantic Deep Water production and sea surface processes during the mid Pleistocene; evidence from the North Atlantic | |
75% | 172 172-1059 | 2002 | Hagen, Sveinung; Keigwin, Lloyd D.: Sea-surface temperature variability and deep water reorganisation in the subtropical North Atlantic during isotope stage 2-4 | |
75% | 172 | 2002 | Thunell, Robert C.; Poli, Maria-Serena et al.: Changes in deep and intermediate water properties in the western North Atlantic during marine isotope stages 11-12; evidence from ODP Leg 172 | |
72% | | 1983 | Logvinenko, N. V.; Popova, E. A.: Clinoptilolite from the Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous of the North Atlantic (based on DSDP data) | |
72% | 94 94-609 | 1985 | Raymo, Maureen E.; Ruddiman, William F.: Climatic and evolutionary changes in North Atlantic foraminiferal fauna; 3.5-1.0 Ma | |
72% | | 1985 | Chamley, H.; Deconinck, J. F.: Expression de l'evolution geodynamique des domaines nord-atlantique et subalpin au Mesozoique superieur, d'apres les successions sedimentaires argileuses Late Mesozoic geodynamic evolution of North Atlantic and subalpine ranges expressed by sedimentary clay successions | |
72% | | 1988 | Pockalny, Robert A.; Detrick, Robert S. et al.: Morphology and tectonics of the Kane Transform from Sea Beam bathymetry data | download |
72% | | 1988 | Abrams, Lewis J.; Detrick, Robert S. et al.: Morphology and crustal structure of the Kane fracture zone transverse ridge | download |
72% | 11 11-100 | 1985 | Zotto, Maria; Habib, Daniel: Restudy of the dinoflagellate stratigraphy at Deep Sea Drilling Project Site 100 | |
72% | | 1986 | Ehrmann, W. U.; Thiede, J.: Sedimentzusammensetzung, Sedimentations- und Akkumulationsraten im Nordatlantik; Bohrergebnisse des Deep-Sea Drilling Project (Datensammlung) Sediment composition, sedimentation and accumulation rates in the North Atlantic Ocean; results of Deep Sea Drilling Project; data report | |
72% | 76 76-534 | 1982 | Sheridan, R. E.: Evidence for oldest contourite deposits in western North Atlantic Ocean | |
72% | | 1981 | Davydov, A. S.; Dibner, V. D.: Glava 1; Geologicheskaya izuchennost' Chapter 1; Geological investigation | |
72% | 152 152-918 | 1996 | Nemoto, Naoki: Faunal changes of Neogene benthic foraminifers and paleoenvironment in the Irminger Basin, North Atlantic | |
72% | | 1986 | Farrimond, P.; Eglinton, G. et al.: Alkenones in Cretaceous black shales, Blake-Bahama Basin, western North Atlantic | |
72% | 108 | 1988 | Barg, Eunjoo; Tauxe, Lisa et al.: A lower Jaramillo transition record from the eastern Qquatorial Atlantic; comparison with the North Atlantic | |
72% | | 1982 | Shumenko, S. I.: Izvestkovyye nanofossilii v obraztsakh donnykh osadkov Severnoy Atlantiki, otobrannykh v 15-m reyse nis "Akademik Kurchatov" Calcareous nannofossils in samples of bottom sediments from the North Atlantic, collected during the 15th voyage of the scientific research ship "Academician Kurchatov" | |
72% | | 1982 | Dzhinoridze, R. N.; Golikova, G. S. et al.: K biostratigrafii pleystotsenovykh osadkov Severnoy Atlantiki (po diatomeyam) Biostratigraphy of Pleistocene sediments in the North Atlantic, according to diatoms | |
72% | | 1982 | Williams, C. A.; Verhoef, J. et al.: Magnetic analysis of some large linear seamounts in the North Atlantic | |
72% | 81 | 1982 | Zimmerman, Herman B.; Backman, J. et al.: Paleoclimatology of the Quaternary North Atlantic | |
72% | | 1982 | Koreneva, Ye. V.: Palinologicheskiye issledovaniya v Severnoy Atlantike Palynological studies in the North Atlantic | |
72% | 76 76-533 | 1986 | Johnson, Thomas C.; Johnson, A. et al.: Bottom water circulation in the North Atlantic Pleistocene; a comparison of geochemical and physical results | |
72% | | 1980 | Tarney, J.; Wood, D. A. et al.: Nature of mantle heterogeneity in the North Atlantic; evidence from deep sea drilling | |
72% | 41 | 1975 | Lancelot, Y.; Seibold, E. et al.: The eastern North Atlantic | |
72% | | 1986 | Schaeffer, R.; Spiegler, D.: Neogene Kaelteeinbrueche und Vereisungsphasen im Nordatlantik Neogene cooling events and glacial phases in the North Atlantic | |
72% | | 1986 | Clark, Murlene W.; Wright, Clifford L.: Neogene population dynamics of abyssal foraminifera in the western North Atlantic | |
72% | 94 | 1986 | Keigwin, L. D.: North Atlantic record of late Neogene climatic change | |
72% | 103 | 1986 | Dunham, Keith W.; Meyers, Philip A.: Organic geochemistry of black shales from the Galicia Margin, ODP Leg 103; implications for paleoceanographic conditions in the Cretaceous North Atlantic | |
72% | 82 82-563 | 1985 | Melillo, Allan Joseph: Late Oligocene to Pliocene sea-level cycle events in the Baltimore Canyon trough and western North Atlantic Basin | |
72% | 94 94-609 | 1992 | Ciesielski, Paul F.; Bjorklund, Kjell R.: An integrated siliceous and calcareous microfossil biostratigraphy of the northern North Atlantic calibrated to oxygen isotope stages I-114 of DSDP Site 609 | |
72% | 162 162-983 | 1996 | Kleiven, Helga F.; Jansen, Eystein: Mid Pleistocene climate variability changes in the North Atlantic on orbital and sub-orbital time scales | |
72% | 162 162-982 | 1996 | Anderson, Carin; Jansen, Eystein: Miocene intermediate water depth benthic foraminifer stable isotope records from ODP Site 982, Rockall Plateau, North Atlantic Ocean | |
72% | 162 | 1996 | Baumann, K. H.: North Atlantic Arctic Gateways II; preliminary results of ODP Leg 162 | |
72% | | 1989 | Swift, Stephen A.; Stephen, Ralph A.: Lateral heterogeneity in the seismic structure of upper oceanic crust, western North Atlantic | download |
72% | 48 48-403 48-404 | 1984 | Brattseva, G. M.: Palinologicheskiye issledovaniya kaynozoyskikh otlozheniy Severnoy Atlantiki Palynological studies of Cenozoic deposits of the North Atlantic | |
72% | 94 94-607 | 2006 | Dwyer, G.; Cronin, T. M. et al.: North Atlantic deep ocean temperature variability during middle Pliocene (3-3.3Ma) warm period | |
72% | 162 162-980 | 2006 | Warner, J. J.; Schellenberg, S. A.: North Atlantic glacial-interglacial ostracode faunas during the mid-Pleistocene transition (MPT) | |
72% | 105 108 | 1987 | Stein, R.; Littke, R.: Aenderungen von Palaeoproduktivitaet und Palaeoklima im Nordatlantik; Rekonstruktionen nach Untersuchungen an Corg-reichen Sedimenten von ODP-Legs 105 und 108. Variations in paleoproductivity and paleoclimate in the North Atlantic; reconstructions from studies of kerogen-rich sediment from ODP Legs 105 and 108 | |
72% | 151 151-909 | 1995 | Grover, Rochelle; O'Connell, Suzanne: Arctic-Atlantic Miocene sediment history from Fram Strait; ODP Site 909 | |
72% | 94 94-607 | 1993 | Kameo, Koji; Sato, Tokiyuki: Late Pliocene nannofossil biostratigraphy at Site 607, DSDP-IPOD Leg 94 (North Atlantic Ocean) and its oceanographic significance | |
72% | 78 78-541 | 1995 | Clark, Murlene W.; Jessick, Dacia: Watermass related changes in the size distribution of Nuttallides umbonifera | |
72% | 152 | 1994 | Hansen, H.; Nielsen, T. F. D. et al.: Magma types and stratigraphic variations in the earliest lavas of East Greenland during rifting of the North Atlantic | |
72% | 94 94-606 | 1993 | Frances, G.; Sierro, F. J. et al.: Effects of the late Pliocene glaciation on the benthic and planktonic communities in the North Atlantic (DSDP Site 606) | |
72% | 49 | 1993 | Martini, Erlend: Emiliania coronata, a new calcareous nannoplankton species from the North Atlantic Pleistocene | |
72% | | 1986 | Ehrmann, W. U.; Thiede, J.: Correlation of terrigenous and biogenic sediment fluxes in the North Atlantic Ocean during the past 150 my | |
72% | | 1986 | Von Rad, U.; Sarti, M.: Early Cretaceous "events" in the evolution of the eastern and western North Atlantic continental margins | |
72% | | 1998 | Nikolaev, S. D.; Oskina, N. S. et al.: Neogene-Quaternary variations of the "pole-equator" temperature gradient of the surface oceanic waters in the North Atlantic and North Pacific | |
72% | | 1981 | Tucholke, Brian E.: Geologic significance of seismic reflectors in the deep western North Atlantic Basin | |
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