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Score ↓ | Exp/Site/Hole | Year | Author/Title | Full text |
100% | | 1975 | Scholle, P. A.: Applications of North Sea chalk diagenetic studies of petroleum exploration problems | |
83% | | 2011 | Anthonissen, Erik: Tying the regional neritic biostratigraphy of the North Sea to the oceanic record; an improved microfossil zonation for the Neogene of the Nordic Seas | |
82% | | 2002 | Fabricius, Ida Lykke: Porosity loss in chalk facies sediments by physical compaction or by cementation; consequences for P-wave modulus | |
77% | 104 104-643 | 1990 | Goll, R. M.; Skarbo, O. et al.: High-resolution dating of Cenozoic sediments from northern North Sea using (super 87) Sr/ (super 86) Sr stratigraphy; discussion and reply | |
76% | | 2005 | Vejbaek, O. V.; Rasmussen, R. et al.: Modelling seismic response from North Sea chalk reservoirs resulting from changes in burial depth and fluid saturation | |
68% | | 1979 | Kossovskaya, A. G.; Timofeyev, P. P. et al.: Osnovnyye tipy porod i istoriya ikh proiskhozhdeniya v norvezhskoy kotlovine i zapadnoy chasti Lofotenskoy kotloviny The chief types of rocks and the history of their origin in the Norwegian Channel and in the western part of the Lofoten Basin | |
68% | 38 38-338 | 1986 | Boulter, M. C.: Pollen and spore events from the marine Tertiary of North Europe | |
68% | | 1982 | Boersma, Anne; Premoli Silva, Isabella: Paleogene planktonic foraminiferal biogeography and isotopic paleooceanography | |
68% | | 2000 | Mienert, J.; Andreassen, K. et al.: Drilling and mapping continental margin slope stability; potential slip planes and gas hydrates off mid-Norway | |
68% | 145 | 1992 | Barthes, V.; Pozzi, J. P. et al.: Development and field tests of new logging magnetic tools | |
68% | 201 | 2002 | Cypionka, Heribert; Engelen, Bert et al.: Novel approaches to the cultivation of marine sediment bacteria | |
68% | 37 37-334 | 1984 | Leont'ev, O. K.: Principal structural and tectonic features of the ocean floors around Europe | |
68% | 71 71-511 | 1989 | Mutterlose, Joerg: Temperature-controlled migration of calcareous nannofloras in the North-west European Aptian | |
68% | 62 62-463 | 1994 | Erba, Elisabetta: Nannofossils and superplumes; the early Aptian "nannoconid crisis" | download |
68% | 130 130-807 | 2007 | Fabricius, Ida L.; Borre, Mai K.: Stylolites, porosity, depositional texture, and silicates in chalk facies sediments; Ontong Java Plateau; Gorm and Tyra Fields, North Sea | |
68% | | 2008 | Eidvin, Tor; Rasmussen, Erik Skovbjerg et al.: Oligocene to Lower Pliocene deposits of the Norwegian continental shelf, with correlations to the Norwegian Sea, Greenland, Svalbard, Denmark and Fennoscandia morphology | |
67% | | 2003 | Hart, M.; Swiecicki, T.: Stratigraphy of Maastrichtian Foraminiferida from the United Kingdom; the Maastrichtian of Norfolk | |
67% | 90 90-594 | 1985 | Krinsley, David H.; Margolis, Stanley V. et al.: Diagenesis in clay minerals from DSDP Site 594 and Lower Jurassic shales from England | |
58% | 302 302-M0004 | 2010 | Collinson, Margaret E.; Barke, Judith et al.: Did a single species of Eocene Azolla spread from the Arctic Basin to the southern North Sea? | |
54% | 162 162-984 | 1998 | Barthes, V.; Pozzi, J. P. et al.: High-resolution record of magnetic susceptibility obtained by logging and tuned by orbital frequencies | |
54% | 94 94-610 104 104-644 | 1996 | Head, Martin J.: Late Cenozoic dinoflagellates from the Royal Society borehole at Ludham, Norfolk, eastern England | |
54% | | 1983 | Gradstein, F. M.; Berggren, William A. et al.: Paleobathymetry of Late Cretaceous-Paleogene agglutinated ("flysch type") benthic foraminiferal faunas and a modern analog | |
54% | 43 43-384 80 80-549 80-550 | 1994 | Berggren, William A.; Hardenbol, Jan: Late Paleocene-early Eocene magnetobiochronology and sequence stratigraphy of NW Europe | |
54% | 80 80-550 | 1996 | Schmitz, B.; Heilmann-Clausen, C. et al.: Stable isotope and biotic evolution in the North Sea during the early Eocene; the Albaek Hoved section, Denmark | |
54% | 105 105-646 105-647 | 1987 | Kaminski, Michael Anthony: Cenozoic deep-water agglutinated foraminifera in the North Atlantic | |
54% | 39 39-356 43 43-384 | 1984 | Boersma, Anne; Premoli Silva, Isabella: Paleocene planktonic foraminiferal biogeography and the paleooceanography of the Atlantic Ocean | |
54% | 72 72-516 | 1994 | Montanari, A.; Swisher, C., III: Radioisotopic calibration of the Paleocene-Eocene bio-magnetostratigraphic sequence at Gubbio (Italy) | |
54% | 162 162-984 | 2007 | Hemming, Sidney R.; Haflidason, H. et al.: Ar-Ar ages of detrital hornblendes from glacial sediments of the North Sea trough mouth fan | |
54% | 130 130-807 | 2001 | Gommesen, L.; Fabricius, I. L.: Dynamic and static elastic moduli of North Sea and deep sea chalk | |
54% | 96 | 1992 | Kennicutt, Mahlon C., II; Comet, Paul A.: Resolution of sediment hydrocarbon sources; multiparameter approaches | |
54% | 80 80-550 | 1984 | Knox, R. W. O.: Nannoplankton zonation and the Palaeocene/Eocene boundary beds of NW Europe; an indirect correlation by means of volcanic ash layers | |
54% | 165 165-999 | 2008 | Olsen, Casper; Hongdul, Thanong et al.: Prediction of Archie's cementation factor from porosity and permeability through specific surface | |
54% | | 2011 | Collinson, Margaret E.; Barke, Judith et al.: The Eocene Arctic Azolla phenomenon; species composition, temporal range and geographic extent | |
50% | 93 93-603 94 94-610 95 95-603 105 105-646 | 1998 | Head, Martin J.; Norris, Geoffrey: Chronostratigraphic applications of Pliocene and lower Pleistocene dinoflagellates and acritarchs in the North Atlantic region | |
50% | | 2003 | Horst, Peter A.; Maurrasse, Florentin J. M. R.: Astronomical tuning of Cenomanian sediments in the Atlantic section of the Tethys | |
50% | | 2007 | Anthonissen, Erik D.: Integrated microfossil characterization of the Neogene sand members of offshore Norway | |
50% | 80 80-549 80-550 | 1985 | Knox, Robert W. O'B.: Stratigraphic significance of volcanic ash in Paleocene and Eocene sediments at sites 549 and 550 | download |
48% | 162 162-986 | 2000 | Eidvin, Tor: Late Cainozoic stratigraphy of the Norwegian continental shelf | |
48% | 104 | 1990 | Boulter, M. C.: The "Brito-Arctic Igneous Province Flora" around the Palaeocene/Eocene boundary | |
48% | 104 104-642 | 1986 | Hintz, B.: Korrelation von Bohrlochdaten und Reflexionsseismischen Messungen mit Hilfe synthetischer Seismogramme Correlation of well logs and seismic reflection measurements with the help of synthetic seismograms | |
48% | 151 151-913 | 2007 | Eldrett, James S.; Harding, Ian C. et al.: Continental ice in Greenland during the Eocene and Oligocene | |
48% | 104 | 1987 | Thiede, J.: Palaeogene und neogene Ablagerungsgeschichte des Europaeischen Nordmeers (ODP Leg 104) Paleogene and Neogene depositional history of the European North Sea, ODP Leg 104 | |
48% | | 2006 | Krastel, Sebastian; Andren, T. et al.: IODP; towards a Baltic IODP; new results from a seismic pre-site survey in the Kattegat area and the southern Baltic Sea | |
48% | 154 154-926 | 2002 | Libertinova, Jitka; Kosler, Jan et al.: Li isotopic composition of foraminiferal tests and their host sediments | download |
48% | | 1999 | Gruetzner, Jens; Mienert, Juergen: Physical property changes as a monitor of pelagic carbonate diagenesis; an empirically derived diagenetic model for Atlantic Ocean basins | |
48% | 194 | 2007 | Fabricius, Ida L.; Baechle, Gregor et al.: Estimating permeability of carbonate rocks from porosity and V (sub p) /V (sub s) | |
48% | 104 104-643 | 2004 | Berndt, Christian; Buenz, Stefan et al.: Seismic character of bottom simulating reflectors; examples from the mid-Norwegian margin | download |
48% | 26 26-258 | 1997 | Burnett, Jackie A.: New species and new combinations of Cretaceous nannofossils, and a note on the origin of Petrarhabdus (Deflandre) Wind & Wise | |
42% | 43 43-384 74 74-527 | 2000 | Thompson, Elisabet: Paleocene chemical paleoceanography; global paleoproductivity and regional (North Sea) paleoclimate | |
42% | 108 108-659 111 111-677 | 2007 | Delisle, Georg; Grassmann, Stefan et al.: Estimating episodic permafrost development in northern Germany during the Pleistocene | |
42% | 93 93-603 94 94-610 95 95-603 105 105-646 | 2000 | Head, Martin J.; Norris, Geoffrey: Pliocene of eastern England dated by North Atlantic dinoflagellate cyst stratigraphy | |
41% | 164 | 2006 | Zillmer, Matthias: A method for determining gas-hydrate or free-gas saturation of porous media from seismic measurements | |
41% | 77 77-535 103 103-638 | 2006 | Kessels, Kai; Mutterlose, Joerg et al.: Early Cretaceous (Valanginian-Hauterivian) calcareous nannofossils and isotopes of the Northern Hemisphere; proxies for the understanding of Cretaceous climate | |
41% | 104 104-642 151 151-913 | 2011 | Sliwinska, Kasia K.; Heilmann-Clausen, Claus: Early Oligocene cooling reflected by the dinoflagellate cyst Svalbardella cooksoniae | |
38% | 162 162-983 | 2002 | Kleiven, Helga F.; Hall, Ian R. et al.: New sedimentary constraints for changes in conveyor overturning rates and their role in millennial scale climate events of the middle and late Pleistocene | |
38% | | 1995 | Thomas, F. C.: A Paleogene radiolarian event of the South Mara Unit, Banquereau Formation, Jeanne d'Arc Basin, offshore Newfoundland, and its implications | |
38% | 38 38-338 104 104-643 151 151-913 | 2003 | Eldrett, J.; Harding, I. C. et al.: Dinoflagellate and palaeomagnetic stratigraphy of Eocene to Oligocene sediments from the Norwegian-Greenland Sea | |
38% | | 1996 | Meggers, Helge: Pliozaen-quartaere Karbonatsedimentation und Palaeozeanographie des Nordatlantiks und des Europaeischen Nordmeeres; Hinweise aus planktischen Foraminiferengemeinschaften Pliocene-Quaternary carbonate sedimentation and paleoceanography of the North Atlantic and the European North Sea; indications from planktonic foraminiferal assemblages | |
38% | 80 80-550 | 2006 | Brooks, Kent: When the Sun died over northern Europe; the unique geology of Denmark's inland islands | |
38% | 12 12-116 12-117 81 81-555 | 2002 | Edwards, J. W. F.: Development of the Hatton-Rockall Basin, North-east Atlantic Ocean | |
38% | 104 104-644 | 2003 | Sejrup, Hans Petter; Larsen, Eiliv et al.: Configuration, history and impact of the Norwegian Channel ice stream | |
38% | 115 115-709 | 1995 | Nemethy, Sandor: Molecular paleontological studies of shelled marine organisms and mammal bones | |
38% | | 2010 | Trampe, A. F.; Spiess, V. et al.: Results of a high resolution seismic IODP pre-site survey in the southwestern Baltic Sea; Anholt Loch and Hano Bay, Bornholm Basin | |
34% | 41 41-367 | 2004 | Hopmans, Ellen C.; Weijers, Johan W. H. et al.: A novel proxy for terrestrial organic matter in sediments based on branched and isoprenoid tetraether lipids | download |
34% | 104 104-643 | 2006 | Davies, Richard J.; Huuse, Mads et al.: Giant clastic intrusions primed by silica diagenesis | |
34% | 189 189-1168 | 2005 | van Simaeys, Stefaan; Brinkhuis, Henk et al.: Arctic dinoflagellate migrations mark the strongest Oligocene glaciations | |
34% | 80 80-549 80-550 113 113-690 | 1996 | Aubry, Marie-Pierre; Berggren, William A. et al.: The upper Paleocene-lower Eocene stratigraphic record and the Paleocene-Eocene boundary carbon isotope excursion; implications for geochronology | |
32% | 81 | 1984 | Roberts, David G.; Morton, Andrew C. et al.: Late Paleocene-Eocene volcanic events in the northern North Atlantic Ocean | download |
29% | | 2008 | Trampe, Anna Frederike; Krastel, Sebastian et al.: The depositional Quaternary history of Anholt Loch; results of a high resolution seismic pre-site survey | |
25% | 301 301-U1301 | 2006 | Bube, Kenneth P.; Klenke, Thomas et al.: An algorithm for detecting layer boundaries in sediments | download |
24% | 12 12-112 14 14-140 14-141 29 29-283 35 35-323 36 36-328 38 38-346 38-347 38-349 38-350 39 39-355 39-358 41 41-367 41-368 | 1981 | Gradstein, Felix M.; Berggren, W. A.: Flysch-type agglutinated Foraminifera and the Maestrichtian to Paleogene history of the Labrador and North Seas | |
24% | | 1989 | Pallant, Amy; Kaminski, Michael A.: Bolboforma from Leg 105, Labrador Sea and Baffin Bay, and the chronostratigraphy of Bolboforma in the North Atlantic | download |
24% | 162 162-986 | 2011 | Rosell-Mele, A.; Balestra, B. et al.: Alkenones and coccoliths in ice-rafted debris during the last glacial maximum in the North Atlantic; implications for the use of U (super K) (sub 37) ' as a sea surface temperature proxy | |
24% | 124 124-767 | 1991 | Kaminski, Michael A.; Huang, Zehui: Biostratigraphy of Eocene to Oligocene deep-water agglutinated foraminifers in the red clays from Site 767, Celebes Sea | download |
23% | 48 48-403 48-404 | 1979 | Harrison, R. K.; Knox, R. W. O. et al.: Petrography and mineralogy of volcanogenic sediments from DSDP Leg 48, Southwest Rockall Plateau, sites 403 and 404 | download |
21% | 152 | 1998 | Jolley, David W.: Early Eocene palynofloras from Holes 915A, 916A, 917A, and 918D, East Greenland | download |
20% | 12 12-112 105 105-647 | 1989 | Kaminski, Michael A.; Gradstein, Felix M. et al.: Paleogene benthic foraminifer biostratigraphy and paleoecology at Site 647, southern Labrador Sea | download |
20% | 104 104-642 104-643 | 1989 | Krissek, Lawrence A.: Bulk mineralogy of nonbiogenic sediments from ODP sites 642 and 643, Norwegian Sea; implications for sediment provenance and recycling | download |
19% | 38 38-338 38-339 38-340 38-341 38-342 38-343 | 1978 | Talwani, M.: Surveys and selection of sites 338, 339, 340, 341, 342, and 343 on the Voring Plateau | download |
19% | 42 | 1978 | Pastouret, L.: Examination of some DSDP Leg 42A samples containing Pteropoda | download |
19% | 122 122-762 122-763 | 1992 | Jones, R. W.; Wonders, Antonius A. H.: Benthic foraminifers and paleobathymetry of Barrow Group (Berriasian-Valanginian) deltaic sequences, sites 762 and 763, northwest shelf, Australia | download |
19% | 162 162-986 | 1999 | Eidvin, Tor; Nagy, Jeno: Foraminiferal biostratigraphy of Pliocene deposits at Site 986, Svalbard margin | download |
19% | 104 104-642 104-642E | 1989 | Boulter, M. C.; Manum, S. B.: The Brito-Arctic igneous province flora around the Paleocene/Eocene boundary | download |
18% | 114 114-698 114-699 114-700 114-701 114-702 114-703 114-704 | 1991 | Crux, Jason A.: Calcareous nannofossils recovered by Leg 114 in the subantarctic South Atlantic Ocean | download |
17% | 104 104-642 104-643 104-644 | 1989 | Donnally, Diane M.: Calcareous nannofossils of the Norwegian-Greenland Sea; ODP Leg 104 | download |
17% | 151 151-909 151-913 | 1996 | Osterman, Lisa E.; Spiegler, Dorothee: Agglutinated benthic foraminiferal biostratigraphy of Sites 909 and 913, northern North Atlantic | download |
17% | | 1979 | Roberts, D. G.; Montadert, L.: Objectives of passive margin drilling | download |
17% | 48 48-400 48-401 48-402 48-403 48-404 48-405 48-406 | 1979 | Montadert, L.; Roberts, D. G. et al.: Initial reports of the Deep Sea Drilling Project covering Leg 48 of the cruises of the Drilling Vessel Glomar Challenger, Brest, France to Aberdeen, Scotland, May-July, 1976 | download |
17% | 104 104-642 104-643 104-644 | 1989 | Malz, Heinz: Cenozoic ostracodes of the Voring Plateau (ODP Leg 104, Sites 642, 643 and 644) | download |
17% | 80 80-548 80-549 | 1985 | Harland, Rex: Quaternary dinoflagellate cysts from holes 548 and 549A, Goban Spur (Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 80) | download |
17% | 76 76-534 | 1983 | Henderson, Jeremy; Davis, Earl: An estimate of the heat flow in the western North Atlantic at Deep Sea Drilling Project Site 534 | download |
16% | 150 | 1996 | Hesselbo, Stephen P.: Spectral gamma-ray logs in relation to clay mineralogy and sequence stratigraphy, Cenozoic of the Atlantic margin, offshore New Jersey | download |
16% | 48 | 1979 | Roberts, D. G.; Montadert, L.: Margin paleoenvironments of the Northeast Atlantic | download |
15% | 80 80-548 80-549 80-550 80-551 | 1985 | de Graciansky, Pierre Charles; Poag, C. Wylie: Geologic history of Goban Spur, Northwest Europe continental margin | download |
15% | 104 104-643 104-644 | 1989 | Osterman, Lisa E.; Qvale, Gunnbjorg: Benthic foraminifers from the Voring Plateau (ODP Leg 104) | download |
15% | 38 38-338 38-348 | 1976 | Schrader, H.-J.; Bjoerklund, K. et al.: Cenozoic biostratigraphy, physical stratigraphy and paleooceanography in the Norwegian-Greenland Sea, DSDP Leg 38 paleontological synthesis | download |
15% | 81 81-552 81-553 81-554 81-555 | 1984 | Morton, Andrew C.: Heavy minerals from Paleogene sediments, Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 81; their bearing on stratigraphy, sediment provenance, and the evolution of the North Atlantic | download |
15% | 11 11-106 93 93-604 95 95-612 | 1987 | Poag, C. Wylie; Karowe, A. L.: Bolboforma (Chrysophyta?) from the western North Atlantic | download |
14% | 48 48-400 | 1979 | Harland, R.: Dinoflagellate biostratigraphy of Neogene and Quaternary sediments at holes 400/400A in the Bay of Biscay (Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 48) | download |
14% | 124 124-768 | 1991 | Betzler, Christian: Data report; occurrence of dolomite at Site 768 (Sulu Sea) | download |
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