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Score Exp/Site/HoleYearAuthor/TitleFull text
100%1972Loncarevic, B. D.; Ruffman, A. S.: A look at the bottom marine geology of the Northwest Atlantic
87%1995Schafer, C. T.; Thibaudeau, S. et al.: Ocean Drilling Program proposal; Northwest Atlantic Margin Project; high resolution record of sediment fluxes to the Northwest Atlantic Ocean basin
1988Nishimura, A.: Paleocene radiolarian biostratigraphy at DSDP 384, Northwest Atlantic
71%1985Heusser, Linda E.: Quaternary palynology of marine sediments in the Northeast Pacific, Northwest Atlantic, and Gulf of Mexico
1992Nishimura, Akiko: Paleocene radiolarian biostratigraphy in the Northwest Atlantic at Site 384, Leg 43, of the Deep Sea Drilling Project
60%1981Mountain, Gregory Stuart: Stratigraphy of the western North Atlantic based on the study of reflection profiles and DSDP results
60%1979Cool, T. E.: Cretaceous calcareous nannoplankton biostratigraphy, sedimentation history, and paleoceanography of western North Atlantic Ocean
60%2000Keigwin, Lloyd D.: Millennial scale climate change in the western North Atlantic
1994Vanderaveroet, Patricia; Deconinck, Jean-Francois: Sedimentation argileuse cenozoique sur la marge passive du New Jersey (NW Atlantique, Leg ODP 150) Cenozoic clay sedimentation on the passive margin off New Jersey (Northwest Atlantic, ODP Leg 150)
2002Chaisson, W. P.; Billups, K. et al.: Millennial-scale variation of upper-ocean thermal stratification in subtropical Northwest Atlantic during MIS 10 through 12
1991Reale, Viviana; Monechi, Simonetta: New biostratigraphic data based on calcareous nannofossils of the Middle-Upper Jurassic interval in the Northwest Atlantic (Sites 534A and 105) and in the Umbria-Marche area
2007Hall, Ian R.; Becker, Julia: Deep Western Boundary Current variability in the subtropical Northwest Atlantic Ocean during marine isotope stages 12-10download
57%1721999Franz, Sven-Oliver; Tiedemann, Ralf: Submilankovitch climate variability in the subtropical Northwest Atlantic during marine isotope stages 8 to 10 (ODP Leg 172)
2009Xu, Yunping; Eyles, Nick et al.: Terrigenous organic matter sources in mid-Pleistocene sediments from the Orphan Knoll, Northwest Atlantic Ocean
1997Keigwin, Lloyd; Rio, Domenico et al.: Northwest Atlantic sediment drifts
50%1983Mudie, P. J.; Keen, C. E.: Dinoflagellate distribution and Quaternary glacial-interglacial records in the Northwest Atlantic and Baffin Bay
50%1985Poag, C. Wylie: Cenozoic and Upper Cretaceous sedimentary facies of New Jersey continental slope and rise
50%1987Blanc-Vernet, L.: Foraminiferes benthiques et paleoenvironnements pliocenes et quaternaires dans l'Atlantique nord-occidental d'apres les donnees de forages DSDP (Legs 76 et 93) Benthic foraminifera and Pliocene and Quaternary paleoenvironments in the Northwest Atlantic from DSDP, legs 76 and 93 drilling data
50%1101987Fisher, Andrew T.; Hounslow, Mark W.: Heat flow through the toe of the Barbados accretionary complex; implications for sediment dewatering
50%1091987Bosum, W.; Kopietz, H.: Temperatur- und Magnetometermessungen auf Leg 109 Temperature and magnetometer measurements at Leg 109
50%801982Miles, P. R.; Parson, L. M.: Mesozoic magnetic anomaly identification in the North West Atlantic
50%1982Masran, Theodora C.: Particulate organic matter of Jurassic-Cretaceous "black shales" in deep North Atlantic Ocean
50%1501996van der Smissen, J. H.; Rullkoetter, Juergen: Organofacies variations and climate signals in continental margin sediments off New Jersey (ODP Leg 150)
50%1980Laine, Edward P.: New evidence from beneath the western North Atlantic for the depth of glacial erosion in Greenland and North America
1976Hertling, M. M.: Origin of the Layer A and A' Eocene cherts and their correlatives from the Jicara Formation of Puerto Rico
1982Shepley, Susan I.: Taxonomy and biostratigraphy of Paleogene age sediments from cores in the Northwest Atlantic and Caribbean using diatoms
1985Melillo, Allan Joseph: Late Oligocene to Pliocene sea-level cycle events in the Baltimore Canyon trough and western North Atlantic Basin
50%501979Lancelot, Y.; Sliter, W. V. et al.: Evidence of direct transformation of radiolarians into zeolites in mid-Cretaceous deep sea clays
1996Floury, L.; Dupont, J. et al.: NADIA, the logging shuttle developed by IFREMER which made the DIANAUT and OFM campaigns technologically successful
50%1989Swift, Stephen A.; Stephen, Ralph A.: Lateral heterogeneity in the seismic structure of upper oceanic crust, western North Atlanticdownload
50%1101989Behrmann, J. H.; Prior, D. J.: Mudstone microfabrics, deformation mechanisms and fluids in the Lesser Antilles Forearc
50%1101989Lallemant, S. J.; Henry, P. et al.: Near-surface fluid flow paths at the toe of the Barbados accretionary prism (ODP Leg 110 area)
50%1641996Thiery, R.; Dubessy, J. et al.: Geochemistry of gas hydrates and associated fluids in a passive margin (the Blake Outer Ridge, Leg 164); preliminary results
50%1501996Deconinck, J. F.: Glacioeustatic control of terrigenous clay mineral fluxes off New Jersey during the Cenozoic (NW Atlantic, ODP Leg 150)
50%1561996Jurado, M. J.: Interpretation of logging while drilling (LWD) data from the northern Barbados accretionary prism, ODP Leg 156
50%1641996Naehr, T.; Wehner, H.: Leg 164 (gas hydrates); targets and preliminary results
50%1561996Foucher, J. P.; Becker, K.: Long-term observation and testing in boreholes; the ODP Leg 156 experiment
50%541979Schrader, E. L.; Furbish, W. J.: Geochemical characteristics of oceanic hydrothermal and diagenetic Mn deposits; possible economic applications
2006Pletsch, T.; Cramer, B.: Overpressure and sill fracturing at ODP Site 1276, Newfoundland margin?
1995Lee, Myung W.: Application of heat flow equation to analyses of bottom simulation reflections
1979McNulty, C. L.: Meridionally ornamented hedbergellid foraminifers from western Atlantic, Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 43, Site 386
50%21972Marks, P.: Remarks on Globotruncana calcarata Cushman
50%1984Masran, T. C.: Sedimentary organic matter of Jurassic and Cretaceous samples from North Atlantic deep-sea drilling sites
50%1990Gradstein, F. M.; Jansa, L. F. et al.: Aspects of North Atlantic paleo-oceanography--Paleo-oceanographie de l'Atlantique Nord
50%1101991Tribble, Jane Schoonmaker; Mackenzie, Fred T. et al.: Physical property changes accompanying deep burial of clay-rich sediments, Barbados convergent margin
50%174A2000Flemings, Peter B.; Metzger, John M. et al.: Middle Miocene vs. late Miocene-Pliocene sequences of offshore New Jersey; controls of long term sea level change on stratigraphic architecture
50%1989Einsele, G.: In-situ water contents, liquid limits, and submarine mass flows due to a high liquefaction potential of slope sediment (results from DSDP and subaerial counterparts)
50%174A1999Vanderaveroet, P.; Berne, S.: ODP Leg 174A; variations eustatiques de l'Oligocene au Pleistocene sur la marge continentale du New Jersey; un test pour la stratigraphie sequentielle ODP Leg 174A; Oligocene to Pleistocene eustatic variations on the New Jersey continental margin; a test for sequence stratigraphy
50%1977Mountain, G.; Tucholke, B. E.: Horizon beta ; acoustic character and distribution in the western North Atlantic
50%1996Austin, J. A., Jr.; Mountain, G. S. et al.: Deciphering the sea-level history of the icehouse; continuation of the New Jersey transect
50%1501992Mountain, Gregory; Miller, Kenneth: ODP rises to the sea-level challenge
1983Alt, Jeffrey C.: Alteration of the upper oceanic crust; DSDP Site 417
50%2072004Erbacher, Jochen: Diagenetically uncompromised sections give new insights for a better understanding of Cretaceous palaeoceanography and palaeoclimate
50%1501993Blum, P.; Miller, K. G. et al.: Sea-level changes and slope processes reflected on the New Jersey continental slope; ODP Leg 150
2008Pawlowski, Robert: The use of gravity anomaly data for offshore continental margin demarcation
50%2072008Junium, Christopher K.; Mawson, Deborah H. et al.: Unexpected occurrence and significance of zinc alkyl porphyrins in Cenomanian-Turonian black shales of the Demerara Rise
50%2072006Bornemann, Andre; Norris, Richard D.: Photosymbiosis and depth habitats of Late Cretaceous planktic Foraminifera
50%2072004Meyers, Philip A.; Bernasconi, Stefano: Nitrogen isotopic evidence of magnified cyanobacterial organic matter production in black shales
50%1642008Johnson, Art: Gas hydrate; an emerging energy resource
50%1984Robertson, A. H. F.: Origin of varve-type lamination, graded claystones and limestone-shale "couplets" on the Lower Cretaceous of the western North Atlantic
2009Henderson, Samuel Straker: Tracking deep-water flow on Eirik Drift over the past 160 kyr; linking deep-water changes to freshwater fluxes
50%2072010Blair, Stacie A.: Cenomanian-Santonian calcareous nannofossil biostratigraphy of Demerara Rise, Western Equatorial Atlantic (ODP Leg 207); black shales and a better refined biostratigraphic framework
50%1977Houghton, R. L.; Thompson, G. et al.: Petrological and geochemical studies of the New England seamount chain
50%171A1997Screaton, Elizabeth; Ge, Shemin: Overpressures in front of the northern Barbados accretionary complex; the role of sedimentation
50%2072006Erbacher, Jochen (ed.); Danelian, Taniel (ed.) et al.: Demerara Rise (ODP Leg 207); equatorial Cretaceous and Palaeogene stratigraphy and palaeoceanography
50%2072006Erbacher, Jochen (ed.); Danelian, Taniel (ed.) et al.: Demerara Rise (ODP Leg 207); equatorial Cretaceous and Palaeogene stratigraphy and palaeoceanography; Part II
50%1721998Lund, Steve P.; Acton, Gary et al.: Geomagnetic field excursions occurred often during the last million years
50%1721999Franz, Sven-Oliver; Tiedemann, Ralf: Changes in deep water circulation and current intensities of the DWBC in the NW-Atlantic during marine isotope stages 8 to 10 (250-350 ka)
2005Muntener, O.; Jagoutz, O. et al.: Petrology of upper mantle peridotites and gabbros at Site 1277 (ODP Leg 210); inherited high degrees of melting in a slow extensional system?
50%1501994Fulthorpe, C. S.; Mountain, G. S. et al.: Mapping of Neogene depositional geometries, New Jersey continental slope, ODP Leg 150 drilling area
50%2072007Junium, C. K.; Arthur, M. A. et al.: A compound specific nitrogen isotope record utilizing multiple geoporphyrins and chlorins for Oceanic Anoxic Event 2 at Demerara Rise
50%1501995Fulthorpe, C. S.; Austin, J. A., Jr.: Sequence stratigraphic geometries and Neogene evolution of the New Jersey continental margin
50%1641999Tinivella, Umberta; Lukas, Dirk et al.: Two models for the quantitative estimation of gas hydrates concentrations based on borehole data; application to ODP Leg 164 results
50%2000Quillevere, Frederic; Norris, Richard D. et al.: 59.2 Ma and 56.5 Ma; two significant moments in the evolution of acarininids (planktonic Foraminifera)
2000Lipson-Benitah, Shulamit; Almogi-Labin, Ahuva: A revision of the Albian planktonic Foraminifera Biticinella breggiensis (Gandolfi)
50%1752000Duncan, Laurie; Goff, John et al.: CHIRP sonar reveals Hudson River channels on the New Jersey inner shelf
50%2102004Shryane, Therese; Feely, Martin: ODP Leg 210, drilling on the North Atlantic; what lies beneath?
50%1642008Zhao Luanxiao; Geng Jianhua et al.: 1-D controlled source electromagnetic forward modeling for marine gas hydrates studies
1994Goldberg, David; Yin, Hezhu: Compaction effect on porosity and sonic velocity; integration of core and LWD from the Barbados accretionary prism
1996Kerr, Richard A.: Ancient sea-level swings confirmed
50%1501996Vecsei, A.; Compton, J. S. et al.: Carbonate and opal diagenesis along sequence boundaries in Eocene-Miocene slope sediments off New Jersey (ODP Leg 150)
50%171A1998Teas, P. A.; Dileonardo, C.: A detailed look at the structural development of the Barbados accretionary prism
50%1999Borowski, Walter S.; Paull, Charles K. et al.: Global and local variations of interstitial sulfate gradients in deep-water, continental margin sediments; sensitivity to underlying methane and gas hydrates
50%1999Keigwin, Lloyd; Gutierrez, Ben et al.: High-resolution acoustic surveys of two proposed drill sites using a CHIRP sonar
50%1721997Acton, Gary D.; Clement, Bradford M. et al.: High-resolution geomagnetic and rock magnetic records from Pleistocene sediment drifts in the NW Atlantic, ODP Leg 172
2000Matveeva, T. V.; Soloviev, V. A.: Some geological factors controlling gas hydrate distribution on the Blake Outer Ridge, North-west Atlantic
1994Reale, Viviana; Monechi, Simonetta: Cyclagelosphaera wiedmannii, new species, a marker for the Callovian
50%171B2001Kroon, Dick (ed.); Norris, Richard D. (ed.) et al.: Western North Atlantic Palaeogene and Cretaceous palaeoceanography
50%171B2000Wade, Bridget S.; Kroon, Dick et al.: Upwelling in the late middle Eocene at Blake Nose?
50%2072005Junium, C. K.; Mawson, D. H. et al.: Diversity and variability of geoporphyrins and chlorins during Cretaceous Oceanic Anoxic Event II
50%2072006Friedrich, Oliver; Erbacher, Jochen et al.: IODP; evidence for warm saline bottom waters in the Cretaceous tropical Atlantic Ocean
50%1722001Bianchi, G. G.; Vautravers, M. et al.: Deep flow variability under apparently stable North Atlantic deep water production during the last interglacial of the subtropical NW Atlanticdownload
50%1501993Miller, K. G.; Mountain, G. S.: Ages of icehouse sequences on the New Jersey margin; preliminary results of ODP Leg 150 and the Coastal Plain Drilling Project
1996Urbat, Michael; Schlicht, P. et al.: Rock magnetic characteristics of sedimentary unconformities; ODP Hole 902 D
1997Rendle, Rebecca; Reijmer, John J. G.: Mineralogy and sedimentology of the Pliocene/Pleistocene at Site 1003 (ODP Leg 166, Bahama transect)
1985Renz, Otto; Habicht, Konrad: A correlation of the Tethyan Maiolica Formation of the Breggia section (southern Switzerland) with Early Cretaceous coccolith oozes of Site 534A, DSDP Leg 76 in the western Atlantic
50%1501996Hoppie, Bryce William: The sequence stratigraphy of fine-grained sediments and transform margin basins
1997Hesse, Reinhard; Egeberg, Per et al.: Effects of diffusion, advection and gas-hydrate decomposition on stable isotope signatures (Cl, O, H) of interstitial waters from ODP Site 997, Leg 164, Blake Ridge
50%1501995Hoppie, Bryce W.: Sea-level records from sequence stratigraphic data on continental slopes; use caution (and multi-disciplinary data)
50%2072007Junium, Christopher K.; Arthur, Michael A.: Nitrogen cycling during the Cretaceous, Cenomanian-Turonian Oceanic Anoxic Event IIdownload

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