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Score ↓ | Exp/Site/Hole | Year | Author/Title | Full text |
100% | 117 117-722 | 1990 | Krissek, L. A.; Clemens, S.: Mineralogic variations in Pleistocene eolian input to the Owen Ridge, western Arabian Sea (ODP Site 722); implications for source area conditions and monsoon history | |
100% | 117 117-722 | 2004 | Huang, Yongsong; Clemens, Steven et al.: A 10 million year, high-resolution record of C4 and C3 plant evolution from Arabian Sea ODP Site 722 | |
71% | 117 117-722 | 1992 | Krissek, L. A.; Clemens, S. C.: Evidence for aridity-driven dust flux to the Northwest Arabian Sea and for decoupling of the dust and upwelling systems | |
71% | 117 117-721 117-722 | 1996 | Auras-Schudnagies, A.: Supralysoclinal dissolution and its effect on Neogene faunal assemblages (sites 721B and 722B, western Arabia Sea) | |
71% | 108 108-658 117 117-722 | 1993 | Thompson, Roy; Clark, R. M.: Quantitative marine sediment core matching using a modified sequence-slotting algorithm | |
71% | 117 117-722 | 1990 | Murray, D. W.; Prell, W. L.: Biogenic sedimentation on the Owen Ridge, northwestern Arabian Sea during the past one million years; evidence for changes in monsoon-induced upwelling | |
71% | 117 117-722 | 2007 | Alpert, Alice E.; Cleaveland, Laura C. et al.: Global and regional controls on alkenone sea surface temperature and productivity records for the Pleistocene from the Arabian Sea | |
71% | 117 117-722 | 1998 | Altabet, Mark A.; Murray, David W. et al.: A 1 Ma record of water column denitrification in the Arabian Sea; evidence from sediment nitrogen isotopic ratio | |
57% | 117 117-722 | 2000 | Ding Xuan; Fang Nianqiao et al.: Monsoon climate and paleo-oceanographic records of the Bay of Bengal during the late Quaternary | |
57% | 117 117-722 117-723 117-728 | 1988 | Busch, William H.: Paleoceanographic implications of cyclic variation of wet-bulk density and sediment color at ODP Leg 117 sites, western Arabian Sea | |
57% | 117 117-722 117-728 | 1989 | Busch, William H.: Sediment color and bulk density cycles in Oman margin and Owen Ridge sediments; paleoceanographic implications for the western Arabian Sea | |
57% | 117 117-721 117-722 | 1997 | Brown, Francis H.; deMenocal, Peter B.: Continuous marine sediment record of East African tephrostratigraphy; intercalibrations of astronomic and radiometric timescales | |
57% | 117 117-722 132 132-810 | 1999 | Maher, Barbara A.; Hounslow, M. W.: Palaeomonsoons II; Magnetic records of aeolian dust in Quaternary sediments of the Indian Ocean | |
57% | 117 117-721 117-722 | 1990 | Bloemendal, Jan; King, J. W.: Origin of the rock-magnetic signal at ODP sites 721 and 722 on the Owen Ridge, Arabian Sea | |
57% | 108 108-659 117 117-721 117-722 160 160-967 | 2009 | Trauth, Martin H.; Larrasoana, Juan C. et al.: Trends, rhythms and events in Plio-Pleistocene African climate | |
57% | 117 117-722 | 1999 | Altabet, Mark A.; Murray, David W. et al.: Climatically linked oscillations in Arabian Sea denitrification over the past 1 m.y.; implications for the marine N cycle | download |
57% | 117 117-722 | 1998 | Clemens, Steven C.: Dust response to seasonal atmospheric forcing; proxy evaluation and calibration | download |
57% | 115 115-709 115-711 117 117-722 | 1999 | Maher, Barbara A.; Hounslow, Mark W.: The significance of magnetotactic bacteria for the palaeomagnetic and rock magnetic record of Quaternary sediments and soils | |
57% | 117 117-721 117-722 | 2006 | Behrensmeyer, Anna K.: Climate change and human evolution | download |
57% | 112 112-682 112-683 112-685 112-688 117 117-721 117-722 | 1992 | Nigrini, Catherine; Caulet, Jean Pierre: Late Neogene radiolarian assemblages characteristic of Indo-Pacific areas of upwelling | |
57% | 117 117-722 | 1992 | Murray, David W.; Prell, Warren L.: Late Pliocene and Pleistocene climatic oscillations and monsoon upwelling recorded in sediments from the Owen Ridge, northwestern Arabian Sea | |
57% | 117 117-721 117-722 | 2002 | Griffin, David L.: Aridity and humidity; two aspects of the late Miocene climate of North Africa and the Mediterranean | |
57% | 117 117-722 121 121-758 | 1993 | Bassinot, Franck C.: Sonostratigraphy of tropical Indian Ocean giant piston cores; toward a rapid and high-resolution tool for tracking dissolution cycles in Pleistocene carbonate sediments | |
57% | 117 117-722 | 1992 | Shimmield, Graham B.: Can sediment geochemistry record changes in coastal upwelling palaeoproductivity? Evidence from Northwest Africa and the Arabian Sea | |
57% | 117 117-721 117-722 | 2000 | Demenocal, Peter B.; Brown, Francis H.: Correlation of East African volcanic ash layers into the deep-sea; constraining African climate and evolution hypotheses | |
49% | 108 108-659 108-661 108-662 108-663 108-664 117 117-721 117-722 | 1995 | deMenocal, Peter B.: Plio-Pleistocene African climate | |
49% | 108 108-662 117 117-722 138 138-846 184 184-1146 | 2007 | Cleaveland, Laura C.; Herbert, Timothy D.: Coherent obliquity band and heterogeneous precession band responses in early Pleistocene tropical sea surface temperatures | download |
49% | 117 117-722 | 1999 | Khan, Athar Ali: Accumulation of organic carbon in northwestern Arabian Sea sediments | |
49% | 117 117-722 121 121-758 | 1994 | Bassinot, Franck C.; Beaufort, Luc et al.: Coarse fraction fluctuations in pelagic carbonate sediments from the tropical Indian Ocean; a 1500-kyr record of carbonate dissolution | download |
49% | 117 117-720 117-721 117-722 117-731 | 1991 | Sato, Tokiyuki; Kameo, Koji et al.: Coccolith biostratigraphy of the Arabian Sea | |
49% | 117 117-722 121 121-758 | 2006 | Kawagata, Shungo; Hayward, Bruce W. et al.: Benthic Foraminiferal extinctions linked to late Pliocene-Pleistocene deep-sea circulation changes in the northern Indian Ocean (ODP Sites 722 and 758) | download |
49% | 117 117-722 121 121-758 145 145-885 145-886 | 2001 | An Zhisheng; Kutzbach, John E. et al.: Evolution of Asian monsoons and phased uplift of the Himalaya-Tibetan Plateau since late Miocene times | |
49% | 24 24-231 108 108-659 108-661 108-662 108-663 108-664 117 117-721 117-722 | 1997 | deMenocal, Peter: African climate and human evolution; the ODP link | |
49% | 75 75-532 112 112-680 112-688 117 117-722 117-723 | 1993 | Emeis, K. C.; Morse, J. W.: Zur Systematik der Kohlenstoff-Schwefel-Eisen-Verhaeltnisse in Auftriebssedimenten Systematics of carbon-sulfur-iron conditions in upwelling sediments | |
49% | 117 117-722 119 119-738 119-744 121 121-758 122 122-763 | 2009 | Sabaa, Ashwaq T.; Hayward, Bruce W. et al.: Causes of evolution and extinction of deep-sea benthic Foraminifera in the Indian Ocean | |
49% | 117 117-722 | 2011 | An Zhisheng; Clemens, Steven C. et al.: Glacial-interglacial Indian summer monsoon dynamics | download |
42% | 108 108-662 117 117-722 138 138-846 184 184-1146 | 2010 | Herbert, Timothy D.; Peterson, Laura Cleaveland et al.: Tropical ocean temperatures over the past 3.5 million years | download |
42% | 117 117-721 117-722 | 1991 | deMenocal, Peter; Bloemendal, Jan: High- and low-latitude climate interactions; evidence for enhanced aridity of Asian monsoon dust source areas after 2.4 Myr from ODP Leg 117 magnetic susceptibility data | |
42% | 24 24-231 94 94-607 108 108-661 108-662 108-663 117 117-721 117-722 | 1996 | deMenocal, Peter B.; Bloemendal, Jan: Plio-Pleistocene climatic variability in subtropical Africa and the paleoenvironment of hominid evolution; a combined data-model approach | |
42% | 94 94-607 117 117-722 138 138-846 167 167-1012 167-1020 | 2008 | Liu, Zhonghui; Cleaveland, Laura C. et al.: Early onset and origin of 100-kyr cycles in Pleistocene tropical SST records | download |
42% | 117 117-721 117-722 | 2004 | Bonnefille, R.; Potts, R. et al.: High-resolution vegetation and climate change associated with Pliocene Australopithecus afarensis | |
42% | 117 117-722 | 2007 | Huang, Yongsong; Clemens, Steven C. et al.: Large-scale hydrological change drove the late Miocene C (sub 4) plant expansion in the Himalayan foreland and Arabian Peninsula | |
42% | 117 117-722 162 162-980 165 165-1000 | 2007 | Hayward, Bruce W.; Kawagata, Shungo et al.: Last global extinction in the deep sea during the mid-Pleistocene climate transition | download |
42% | 117 117-722 117-724 | 2011 | Moebius, Juergen; Gaye, Birgit et al.: Influence of diagenesis on sedimentary delta (super 15) N in the Arabian Sea over the last 130 kyr | |
42% | 117 117-722 | 2011 | Caley, Thibaut; Malaize, Bruno et al.: The monsoon imprint during the 'atypical' MIS 13 as seen through north and equatorial Indian Ocean records | |
35% | 117 117-722 119 119-738 119-744 121 121-758 122 122-763 | 2010 | Hayward, Bruce W.; Sabaa, Ashwaq T. et al.: Cenozoic record of elongate, cylindrical, deep-sea benthic Foraminifera in the Indian Ocean (ODP Sites 722, 738, 744, 758, and 763) | |
35% | 117 117-720 117-721 117-722 117-723 117-724 117-725 117-726 117-727 117-728 117-729 117-730 117-731 | 1991 | Nigrini, Catherine A.: Composition and biostratigraphy of radiolarian assemblages from an area of upwelling (northwestern Arabian Sea, Leg 117) | |
35% | 117 117-721 117-722 130 130-806 138 138-846 138-847 145 145-882 177 177-1090 | 2010 | Martinez-Garcia, Alfredo; Rosell-Mele, Antoni et al.: Subpolar link to the emergence of the modern Equatorial Pacific cold tongue | download |
35% | 108 108-659 117 117-721 117-722 160 160-967 184 184-1143 | 2011 | Ao Hong; Dekkers, Mark J. et al.: An updated astronomical timescale for the Plio-Pleistocene deposits from South China Sea and new insights into Asian monsoon evolution | |
28% | 7 7-62 20 20-200 22 22-214 30 30-289 31 31-292 31-296 57 57-438 57-440 58 58-445 59 59-451 68 68-502 81 81-552 86 86-577 94 94-606 117 117-722 130 130-806 138 138-846 138-847 159 159-958 165 165-999 165-1000 167 167-1014 175 175-1084 188 188-1165 202 202-1237 202-1239 202-1241 | 2010 | Robinson, Marci M.; Dowsett, Harry J.: ePRISM; a case study in multiple proxy and mixed temporal resolution integration | |
28% | 47 47-397 68 68-502 81 81-552 85 85-572 94 94-606 94-607 94-610 100 100-625 108 108-659 117 117-722 121 121-758 130 130-806 138 138-849 138-851 154 154-925 154-927 154-929 162 162-982 165 165-999 167 167-1014 167-1018 184 184-1143 184-1148 | 2005 | Mudelsee, Manfred; Raymo, Maureen E.: Slow dynamics of the Northern Hemisphere glaciation | download |
18% | 117 117-720 117-721 117-722 117-723 117-724 117-725 117-726 117-727 117-728 117-729 117-730 117-731 | 1989 | Prell, Warren L.; Niitsuma, Nobuaki et al.: In situ pore-water sampling and downhole temperature measurements | download |
18% | 13 13-132 19 19-183 28 28-266 28-274 32 32-310 35 35-323 41 41-366 45 45-396 46 46-396 49 49-410 58 58-445 72 72-516 73 73-521 75 75-532 78 78-541 79 79-546 80 80-548 81 81-552 85 85-573 86 86-579 86-580 89 89-586 90 90-592 93 93-603 94 94-606 94-607 94-608 94-609 94-610 95 95-603 105 105-646 108 108-659 108-661 108-667 110 110-672 111 111-677 113 113-690 113-693 113-695 114 114-699 114-704 117 117-722 119 119-736 119-745 120 120-747 120-748 120-751 124 124-769 130 130-806 138 138-847 138-852 145 145-881 145-883 145-887 151 151-907 151-909 151-911 162 162-907 167 167-1014 167-1021 202 202-1237 | 2010 | Dowsett, Harry J.; Robinson, Marci M. et al.: Mid-Piacenzian mean annual sea surface temperature analysis for data-model comparisons | |
18% | 117 117-720 117-722 117-728 | 1991 | Beets, C. J.; Klaver, G. T. et al.: (super 10) Be contents of late Cenozoic sediments from sites 720, 722, and 728 in the western Arabian Sea | download |
15% | 117 117-722 | 1991 | Krissek, Lawrence A.; Clemens, Steven C.: Mineralogic variations in a Pleistocene high-resolution eolian record from the Owen Ridge, western Arabian Sea (Site 722); implications for sediment source conditions and monsoon history | download |
14% | 117 117-722 | 1991 | Beets, C. J.: The late Neogene (super 87) Sr/ (super 86) Sr isotopic record in the western Arabian Sea, Site 722 | download |
14% | 117 117-722 117-731 | 1991 | Weedon, Graham P.; McCave, I. N.: Mud turbidites from the Oligocene and Miocene Indus Fan at sites 722 and 731 on the Owen Ridge | download |
14% | 117 117-720 117-721 117-722 117-723 117-724 117-725 117-726 117-727 117-728 117-729 117-730 117-731 | 1989 | Prell, Warren L.; Niitsuma, Nobuaki et al.: Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program, Oman margin/Neogene package, covering Leg 117 of the cruises of the drilling vessel JOIDES Resolution, Port Louis, Mauritius, to Port Louis, Mauritius, sites 720-731, 19 August 1987-17 October 1987 | download |
12% | 117 117-722 | 1991 | Shimmield, Graham B.; Mowbray, Stephen R.: U-series disequilibrium, particle scavenging, and sediment accumulation during the late Pleistocene on the Owen Ridge, Site 722 | download |
12% | 117 117-722 | 1991 | Kroon, Dick; Steens, Tineke N. F. et al.: Onset of monsoonal related upwelling in the western Arabian Sea as revealed by planktonic foraminifers | download |
12% | 117 117-720 117-722 117-723 117-725 117-728 117-731 | 1991 | ten Haven, H. Lo; Rullkotter, J.: Preliminary lipid analysis of sediments recovered during Leg 117 | download |
12% | 117 117-721 117-722 117-731 | 1989 | Prell, Warren L.; Niitsuma, Nobuaki et al.: Background and summary of drilling results; Owen Ridge | download |
12% | 117 117-720 117-721 117-722 117-723 117-724 117-725 117-726 117-727 117-728 117-729 117-730 117-731 | 1991 | Bertrand, Philippe; Lallier-Verges, Elisabeth et al.: Organic petrology of Neogene sediments from North Indian Ocean (Leg 117); amount, type, and preservation of organic matter | download |
12% | 117 117-722 145 145-885 145-886 184 184-1147 184-1148 | 2011 | Tang, Hui; Micheels, Arne et al.: Regional climate model experiments to investigate the Asian monsoon in the late Miocene | download |
11% | 117 117-722 117-724 | 1991 | Weedon, Graham P.; Shimmield, Graham B.: Late Pleistocene upwelling and productivity variations in the Northwest Indian Ocean deduced from spectral analyses of geochemical data from sites 722 and 724 | download |
11% | 75 75-532 117 117-722 117-723 | 1991 | Emeis, Kay-Christian; Morse, John W. et al.: Organic carbon, reduced sulfur, and iron in Miocene to Holocene upwelling sediments from the Oman and Benguela upwelling systems | download |
11% | 117 117-722 117-723 117-728 | 1991 | Emeis, Kay-Christian; Whelan, Jean K.: Pyrolytic character of organic matter in Cenozoic sediments on the Oman shelf | download |
10% | 184 | 1998 | Prell, Warren L.; Wang Pinxian et al.: Ocean Drilling Program; Leg 184 scientific prospectus; South China Sea | download |
10% | 117 117-722 | 1991 | Clemens, Steven C.; Prell, Warren L.: One million year record of summer monsoon winds and continental aridity from the Owen Ridge (Site 722), Northwest Arabian Sea | download |
9% | 117 117-721 117-722 117-723 117-724 117-725 117-731 | 1991 | Hayashida, Akira; Bloemendal, Jan: Magnetostratigraphy of ODP Leg 117 sediments from the Owen Ridge and the Oman margin, western Arabian Sea | download |
9% | 117 117-720 117-721 117-722 117-723 117-724 117-725 117-726 117-727 117-728 117-729 117-730 117-731 | 1991 | Pedersen, Thomas F.; Shimmield, Graham B.: Interstitial water chemistry, Leg 117; contrasts with the Peru margin | download |
9% | 117 117-721 117-722 117-723 117-724 117-727 117-728 117-730 117-731 | 1991 | Niitsuma, Nobuaki: Layer-by-layer correlation of drilled sediments from Owen Ridge, Oman margin, and Indus Fan | download |
9% | 117 117-720 117-721 117-722 117-723 117-724 117-725 117-726 117-727 117-728 117-729 117-730 117-731 | 1991 | Spaulding, Stacia A.; Bloemendal, Jan et al.: Magnetostratigraphic and biostratigraphic synthesis, Leg 117, Arabian Sea | download |
9% | 117 117-720 117-722 117-723 117-728 117-731 | 1991 | Callaway, J. Sybil; Busch, William H.: Burial transformation of sediment fabric at Ocean Drilling Program sites in the western Arabian Sea | download |
9% | 117 117-720 117-721 117-722 117-723 117-725 117-726 117-728 117-730 117-731 | 1991 | Debrabant, Pierre; Krissek, Lawrence A. et al.: Clay mineralogy of Neogene sediments of the western Arabian Sea; mineral abundances and paleoenvironmental implications | download |
9% | 117 117-721 117-722 | 1991 | de Menocal, Peter; Bloemendal, Jan et al.: A rock-magnetic record of monsoonal dust deposition to the Arabian Sea; evidence for a shift in the mode of deposition at 2.4 Ma | download |
9% | 117 117-722 117-728 | 1991 | Busch, William H.: Analysis of wet-bulk density and sediment color cycles in Pliocene-Pleistocene sediments of the Owen Ridge (Site 722) and Oman margin (Site 728) | download |
7% | 117 117-722 117-724 | 1991 | Shimmield, Graham B.; Mowbray, Stephen R.: The inorganic geochemical record of the Northwest Arabian Sea; a history of productivity variation over the last 400 k.y. from sites 722 and 724 | download |
7% | 130 | 1993 | Krissek, Lawrence A.; Janecek, Thomas R.: Eolian deposition on the Ontong Java Plateau since the Oligocene; unmixing a record of multiple dust sources | download |
7% | 117 117-722 | 1991 | Murray, David W.; Prell, Warren L.: Pliocene to Pleistocene variations in calcium carbonate, organic carbon, and opal on the Owen Ridge, northern Arabian Sea | download |
7% | 117 117-720 117-721 117-722 117-723 117-724 117-725 117-726 117-727 117-728 117-729 117-730 117-731 | 1989 | Prell, Warren L.; Niitsuma, Nobuaki et al.: Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program, Oman margin/Neogene package, covering Leg 117 of the cruises of the drilling vessel JOIDES Resolution, Port Louis, Mauritius, to Port Louis, Mauritius, sites 720-731, 19 August 1987-17 October 1987; explanatory notes | download |
7% | 94 94-607 111 111-677 117 117-722 130 130-806 138 138-846 154 154-925 162 162-980 162-982 162-983 167 167-1020 177 177-1090 181 181-1123 184 184-1143 184-1146 | 2011 | Lang, Nicola; Wolff, Eric W.: Interglacial and glacial variability from the last 800 ka in marine, ice and terrestrial archives | download |
5% | 117 117-720 117-721 117-722 117-723 117-724 117-725 117-726 117-727 117-728 117-729 117-730 117-731 | 1991 | Prell, Warren L.; Niitsuma, Nobuaki et al.: Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program, Oman Margin; covering Leg 117 of the cruises of the drilling vessel JOIDES Resolution, Port Louis, Mauritius, to Port Louis, Mauritius, sites 720-731, 19 August 1987-17 October 1987 | download |
5% | 117 117-722 | 1989 | Prell, Warren L.; Niitsuma, Nobuaki et al.: Site 722 | download |
5% | 184 | 2000 | Wang Pinxian; Prell, Warren L. et al.: Leg 184 summary; Exploring the Asian monsoon through drilling in the South China Sea | download |
4% | 117 117-720 117-721 117-722 117-723 117-724 117-725 117-726 117-727 117-728 117-729 117-730 117-731 | 1989 | Simmons, Gregory: Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program, Oman margin/Neogene package, covering Leg 117 of the cruises of the drilling vessel JOIDES Resolution, Port Louis, Mauritius, to Port Louis, Mauritius, sites 720-731, 19 August 1987-17 October 1987; underway geophysics | download |
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