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Score ↓ | Exp/Site/Hole | Year | Author/Title | Full text |
100% | 119 119-744 | 2013 | Jaramillo-Vogel, David; Strasser, Andre et al.: Neritic isotope and sedimentary records of the Eocene-Oligocene greenhouse-icehouse transition; the Calcare di Nago Formation (northern Italy) in a global context | |
85% | 12 12-112 12-116 12-117 38 38-338 38-345 41 41-369 48 48-406 77 77-540 79 79-547 80 80-549 95 95-612 | 1993 | Damassa, Sarah P.; Williams, Graham L.: Provincialism and current events; North Atlantic Eocene-Oligocene dinoflagellates | |
71% | 12 12-111 12-116 12-117 38 38-338 38-345 41 41-369 48 48-405 48-406 77 77-540 79 79-547 80 80-549 95 95-612 | 1996 | Damassa, Sarah Pierce; Williams, Graham L.: Species diversity patterns in North Atlantic Eocene-Oligocene dinoflagellates | |
53% | 198 198-1209 198-1211 | 2006 | Hancock, Haidi J. L.; Dickens, Gerald R.: Carbonate dissolution episodes in Paleocene and Eocene sediment, Shatsky Rise, west-central Pacific | download |
37% | 95 95-612 | 1987 | Poag, C. Wylie; Low, Doris: Unconformable sequence boundaries at Deep Sea Drilling Project Site 612, New Jersey Transect; their characteristics and stratigraphic significance | download |
37% | 16 | 1973 | Heath, G. R.; Bennett, R. H. et al.: Introduction | download |
35% | 95 95-612 | 1987 | Thein, Jean E.: A tektite layer in upper Eocene sediments of the New Jersey continental slope (Site 612, Leg 95) | download |
35% | 189 189-1168 189-1170 189-1171 189-1172 | 2004 | Stickley, Catherine E.; Brinkhuis, Henk et al.: Late Cretaceous-Quaternary biomagnetostratigraphy of ODP Sites 1168, 1170, 1171, and 1172, Tasmanian Gateway | download |
34% | 171B | 2001 | Ogg, James G.; Bardot, Leon: Aptian through Eocene magnetostratigraphic correlation of the Blake Nose transect (Leg 171B), Florida continental margin | download |
31% | 16 | 1973 | van Andel, T. H.; Heath, G. R. et al.: San Cristobal, Panama to Honolulu, Hawaii; February-March 1971 | download |
31% | 7 7-61 7-62 7-63 7-64 7-65 7-66 7-67 | 1971 | Gealy, Elizabeth L.; Winterer, Edward L. et al.: Methods, conventions, and general observations | download |
28% | 93 93-605 95 95-613 | 1987 | von Rad, Ulrich; Kreuzer, Hans: Composition, K-Ar dates and origin of a mid-Eocene rhyolitic ash layer at Deep Sea Drilling Project sites 605 and 613, New Jersey Transect, Legs 93 and 95 | download |
26% | 189 | 2004 | Exon, Neville F.; Kennett, James P. et al.: Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program; scientific results; the Tasmanian gateway; Cenozoic climatic and oceanographic development; covering Leg 189 of the cruises of the drilling vessel JOIDES Resolution; Hobart, Tasmania, to Sydney, Australia; Sites 1168-1172; 11 March-6 May 2000 | download |
25% | 90 90-588 90-592 90-593 | 1986 | Martini, Erlend: Paleogene calcareous nannoplankton from the Southwest Pacific Ocean, Deep Sea Drilling Project, Leg 90 | download |
25% | 55 | 1980 | Jackson, E. Dale; Koizumi, Itaru et al.: Explanatory notes for DSDP Leg 55 site chapters | download |
25% | 152 | 1998 | Jolley, David W.: Early Eocene palynofloras from Holes 915A, 916A, 917A, and 918D, East Greenland | download |
24% | 95 | 1987 | Poag, C. Wylie: The New Jersey Transect; stratigraphic framework and depositional history of a sediment-rich passive margin | download |
21% | 115 115-714 115-714A 115-715 115-715A | 1990 | Nicora, Alda; Premoli Silva, Isabella: Paleogene shallow-water larger foraminifers from Holes 714A and 715A, Leg 115, Indian Ocean | download |
21% | 189 | 2001 | Exon, Neville F.; Kennett, James P. et al.: Explanatory notes | download |
20% | 189 | 2004 | Exon, Neville F.; Kennett, James P. et al.: Leg 189 synthesis; Cretaceous-Holocene history of the Tasmanian gateway | download |
20% | 189 | 2004 | Williams, G. L.; Brinkhuis, Henk et al.: Southern Ocean and global dinoflagellate cyst events compared; index events for the Late Cretaceous-Neogene | download |
18% | | 1970 | Cita, Maria B.; Nigrini, Catherine et al.: Biostratigraphy, Chapter 19 in initial reports of the Deep Sea Drilling Project - v. 2, leg 2 of cruises of "Glomar Challenger", Hoboken, N.J., to Dakar, Senegal, Oct.-Nov. 1968 | download |
18% | 21 | 1973 | Edwards, A. R.: Southwest Pacific regional unconformities encountered during Leg 21 | download |
18% | 33 | 1976 | Schlanger, S. O.; Jackson, E. D. et al.: Honolulu, Hawaii to Papeete, Tahiti; November-December 1973 | download |
18% | 61 61-462 89 89-462 89-585 89-586 | 1986 | Baltuck, Miriam; Moberly, Ralph et al.: Introduction and explanatory notes, Leg 89 | download |
18% | 61 61-462 89 89-462 89-585 89-586 | 1986 | Moberly, Ralph; Schlanger, Seymour O. et al.: Initial reports of the Deep Sea Drilling Project covering Leg 89 of the cruises of the Drilling Vessel Glomar Challenger, Yokohama, Japan, to Noumea, New Caledonia, October-November, 1982 | download |
18% | 120 120-747 120-748 120-749 | 1992 | Berggren, William A.: Paleogene planktonic foraminifer magnetobiostratigraphy of the southern Kerguelen Plateau (sites 747-749) | download |
18% | 207 | 2004 | Erbacher, Jochen; Mosher, David C. et al.: Explanatory notes | download |
18% | 73 73-519 73-520 73-521 73-522 73-523 73-524 | 1984 | Hsue, Kenneth J.; Percival, Stephen F., Jr. et al.: Numerical ages of magnetostratigraphically calibrated biostratigraphic zones | download |
18% | 32 32-308 | 1975 | Cheetham, Alan H.: Preliminary report on early Eocene cheilostome bryozoans from Site 308, Leg 32, Deep Sea Drilling Project | download |
18% | 189 189-1168 | 2004 | Brinkhuis, Henk; Munsterman, D. K. et al.: Late Eocene-Quaternary dinoflagellate cysts from ODP Site 1168, off western Tasmania | download |
18% | 182 182-1126 182-1130 182-1132 182-1134 | 2004 | Li, Qianyu; McGowran, Brian et al.: Eocene-Oligocene planktonic foraminiferal biostratigraphy of Sites 1126, 1130, 1132, and 1134, ODP Leg 182, Great Australian Bight | download |
14% | 61 61-462 89 89-462 | 1981 | Premoli Silva, Isabella; Brusa, Chiara: Shallow-water skeletal debris and larger foraminifers from Deep Sea Drilling Project Site 462, Nauru Basin, western equatorial Pacific | download |
14% | 112 112-679 112-680 112-681 112-682 112-683 112-684 112-685 112-686 112-687 112-688 | 1988 | Suess, Erwin; von Huene, Roland et al.: Explanatory notes; Leg 112 | download |
14% | 24 | 1974 | Roth, P. H.: Calcareous nannofossils from the northwestern Indian Ocean Leg 24, Deep Sea Drilling Project | download |
14% | 151 151-913 | 1996 | Firth, John V.: Upper middle Eocene to Oligocene dinoflagellate biostratigraphy and assemblage variations in Hole 913B, Greenland Sea | download |
14% | 29 | 1976 | Hajos, M.: Upper Eocene and lower Oligocene Diatomaceae, Archaeomonadaceae, and Silicoflagellatae in southwestern Pacific sediments, DSDP Leg 29 | download |
14% | | 1970 | Hay, W. W.: Calcareous nannofossils from cores recovered on leg 4, Chapter 23 | download |
14% | 189 189-1172 | 2004 | Brinkhuis, Henk; Sengers, S. et al.: Latest Cretaceous-earliest Oligocene and Quaternary dinoflagellate cysts, ODP Site 1172, east Tasman Plateau | download |
14% | | 2009 | Sluijs, Appy; Brinkhuis, Henk: A dynamic climate and ecosystem state during the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum; inferences from dinoflagellate cyst assemblages on the New Jersey Shelf | download |
14% | 182 | 2000 | Feary, David A.; James, Noel P.: Seismic stratigraphy and geological evolution of the Cenozoic, cool-water Eucla Platform, Great Australian Bight | download |
14% | 189 189-1172 | 2011 | Sluijs, Appy; Bijl, Peter K. et al.: Southern ocean warming, sea level and hydrological change during the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum | download |
13% | 189 | 2001 | Exon, Neville F.; Kennett, James P. et al.: Leg 189 Summary | download |
12% | 207 207-1257 207-1258 207-1259 207-1260 207-1261 | 2007 | Suganuma, Yusuke; Ogg, James G.: Campanian through Eocene magnetostratigraphy of sites 1257-1261, ODP Leg 207, Demerara Rise (western Equatorial Atlantic) | download |
12% | 144 | 1993 | Premoli Silva, Isabella; Haggerty, Janet A. et al.: Explanatory notes | download |
11% | 85 85-574 | 1985 | Mayer, Larry A.; Theyer, Fritz et al.: Site 574 | download |
11% | 207 207-1257 207-1258 207-1259 207-1260 207-1261 | 2007 | Mosher, David C.; Erbacher, Jochen et al.: Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program; scientific results; Demerara Rise; equatorial Cretaceous and Paleogene paleoceanographic transect, western Atlantic; covering Leg 207 of the cruises of the Drilling Vessel JOIDES Resolution; Bridgetown, Barbados, to Rio de Janeiro, Brazil; sites 1257-1261; 11 January-6 March 2003 | download |
9% | 210 210-1276 | 2004 | Tucholke, Brian E.; Sibuet, Jean-Claude et al.: Site 1276 | download |
9% | 171B 171B-1052 | 1998 | Kroon, Dick; Norris, Richard D. et al.: Site 1052 | download |
9% | 171B 171B-1051 | 1998 | Kroon, Dick; Norris, Richard D. et al.: Site 1051 | download |
9% | 342 | 2012 | Norris, Richard D.; Wilson, Paul A. et al.: Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Expedition 342 preliminary report; Paleogene Newfoundland sediment drifts; 1 June-30 July 2012 | download |
7% | 313 | 2010 | Mountain, Gregory; Proust, Jean-Noel et al.: Site M0027 | download |
7% | 207 207-1260 | 2004 | Erbacher, Jochen; Mosher, David C. et al.: Site 1260 | download |
7% | 207 207-1259 | 2004 | Erbacher, Jochen; Mosher, David C. et al.: Site 1259 | download |
7% | 302 302-M0001 302-M0002 302-M0003 302-M0004 | 2004 | Backman, Jan; Moran, Kathryn et al.: Sites M0001-M0004 | download |
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