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Score ↓ | Exp/Site/Hole | Year | Author/Title | Full text |
100% | | 1981 | Kennett, James P.: Marine tephrochronology | |
100% | 41 | 1976 | Harrington, J.: Effects of burrowing organisms in deep ocean sediments on the distribution of chemical elements and the preservation and orientation of microfossils | |
100% | | 1996 | Smart, C. W.; Murray, J. W. et al.: New observations on Seabrookia rugosa Watanabe, 1989 (Foraminifera) | |
100% | 31 | 1976 | Ujiie, H.: Prosphaeroidinella, n. gen.; probable ancestral taxon of Sphaeroidinellopsis (foraminifera) | |
100% | | 1983 | Will, G.; Hinze, E. et al.: Porosity, electrical conductivity and permeability of rocks from the Deep Drilling Urach 3 and the Hot Dry Rock Project of Falkenberg (West Germany) | |
100% | | 1984 | Blueford, Joyce R.: Defining radiolarian species; in search of solutions | |
100% | | 1991 | Norris, Richard D.: Parallel evolution in the keel structure of planktonic foraminifera | |
100% | 39 | 1977 | Krinsley, D. H.; McCoy, F. W.: Significance and origin of surface textures on broken sand grains in deep-sea sediments | |
100% | | 1995 | Johnston, Joel Edward: Physical properties of rocks; shale anisotropy and basalt seismic velocities | |
100% | 112 | 1992 | Resig, Johanna M.: Parabolivina peruensis, a new oxygen minimum foraminifer from the Peru margin | |
100% | | 1996 | Maybury, Caroline A.: Crevice foraminifera from abyssal South East Pacific manganese nodules | |
100% | | 1984 | Minoura, Koji; Nakaya, Shu: Origin of radiolarian bedded cherts; Part II | |
100% | 28 28-265 | 1988 | Driever, B.: The size of the coccoliths of Dictyococcites perplexa Burns | |
100% | | 1997 | Johnston, Joel E.; Christensen, Nikolas I.: Seismic properties of layer 2 basalts | |
83% | | 1998 | Matsukage, Kyoko; Arai, Shoji: Jadeite, albite and nepheline as inclusions in spinel of chromitite from Hess Deep, Equatorial Pacific; their genesis and implications for serpentinite diapir formation | |
83% | | 1983 | Logvinenko, N. V.; Popova, E. A.: Clinoptilolite from the Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous of the North Atlantic (based on DSDP data) | |
83% | 39 | 1981 | Perch-Nielsen, Katharina: New Maastrichtian and Paleocene calcareous nannofossils from Africa, Denmark, the USA and the Atlantic, and some Paleocene lineages | |
83% | 171B 171B-1050 | 2000 | Villa, Giuliana; Persico, Davide: Morphology of Eprolithus and comparison to Micula decussata | |
83% | 30 30-289 | 1985 | Barrera, Enriqueta; Savin, Samuel M.: Carbonate diagenesis and the utility of O (super 18) /O (super 16) ratios of Paleogene foraminifera in paleoclimatic studies | |
83% | 32 32-304 | 1985 | Ohashi, Masayoshi: Depositional environments and chemical compositions of manganese micronodules | |
83% | 56 57 | 1985 | Fujioka, Kantaro: Geology of volcanogenic sediments of the Japan Trench area and Tertiary explosive volcanism of the NE Japan Arc | |
83% | | 1988 | Maliva, Robert G.; Siever, Raymond: Pre-Cenozoic nodular cherts; evidence for opal-CT precursors and direct quartz replacement | |
83% | 39 39-354 | 1982 | Biolzi, Milena; Perch-Nielsen, Katharina: Helicosphaera truempyi, a new early Miocene calcareous nannofossil | |
83% | 96 | 1984 | Constans, Richard E.; Parker, Mary E.: A summary of the calcareous nannofossil biostratigraphy of DSDP Leg 96 drill sites | |
83% | 38 38-341 | 1986 | Powell, A.: A new species of Bolboforma (Incertae Sedis) from the Miocene of the Voring Plateau, Northern Norway | |
83% | 28 | 1987 | Hampton, Monty A.; Kravitz, J. H. et al.: Geology of sediment cores from the George V continental margin, Antarctica | |
83% | 72 72-516 | 1988 | Wei, Wuchang: Heliolithus bukryi; a new Paleocene calcareous nannofossil | |
83% | 92 92-600 | 1986 | Kastner, Miriam; Gieskes, Joris M. et al.: Carbonate recrystallization in basal sediments; evidence for convective fluid flow on a ridge flank | |
83% | 16 16-158 | 1986 | Hasson, Phyllis F.; Fischer, Alfred G.: Observations on the Neogene of northwestern Ecuador | |
83% | | 1986 | Dix, G. R.; Mullins, Henry T.: Oceanographic controls on shallow-burial diagenesis of periplatform carbonates, Bahamas | |
83% | | 1986 | Zachos, J. C.; Arthur, M. A.: Paleoceanography of the Cretaceous/Tertiary boundary event; inferences from stable isotopic and other data | download |
83% | 181 181-1125 | 2000 | Kim, Jin-wook; Lee, Yir-Der E. et al.: Effects of laboratory consolidation on petrophysical properties of fine-grained marine sediments; electron microscopic observations | |
83% | 131 131-808 132 196 196-808 | 1992 | Lu, Ran: A study of the effect of matrix properties on postdepositional remanent magnetization (pDRM) | |
83% | 201 | 2004 | Gettemy, G. L.; Cikoski, C. et al.: Poroelastic parameters of Peru margin sediments; implications for flow and transport at multiple scales in the marine biosphere | |
83% | | 1996 | D'Hondt, Steven; Arthur, Michael A.: Late Cretaceous oceans and the cool tropic paradox | |
83% | | 1979 | Drever, J. I.; Lawrence, J. R. et al.: Gypsum and halite from the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, DSDP Site 395 | |
83% | 39 | 1978 | Krinsley, D.; Wellendorf, W. et al.: The significance of broken quartz grains from Leg 39, Deep Sea Drilling Project | |
83% | 123 123-766 | 1995 | Holbourn, Ann E. L.; Kaminski, Michael A.: Valanginian to Barremian benthic Foraminifera from ODP Site 766 (Leg 123, Indian Ocean) | |
83% | | 1983 | Fisher, Julie C.; Davis, Andrew N. et al.: Qualitative and semi-quantitative SEM/EDS analysis of very fine-grained sediments | |
83% | 80 80-550 | 1983 | Jennings, Robert; Mazzullo, James M.: Shallow burial diagenesis of chalks and related sediments from Site 550 on the Goban Spur | |
83% | | 1991 | Jaiprakash, B. C.: Late Pleistocene planktonic Foraminifera from northern Indian Ocean | |
83% | | 1991 | Busson, G.; Noel, D.: Les Nannoconides, indicateurs environnementaux des oceans et mers epicontinentales du Jurassique terminal et du Cretace inferieur Nannoconids as environmental indicators of Late Jurassic and Early Cretaceous oceans and epicontinental seas | |
83% | 74 74-528 | 1993 | Wei, Wuchang: Clarification of Coccolithus crassus Bramlette and Sullivan, an index fossil of Coccolithophoridae | |
83% | 110 | 1993 | Ogawa, Yujiro: Destruction and dissolution of radiolarian tests in relation to the present and ancient decollement zones, Barbados accretionary complex, Ocean Drilling Program Leg 110 | |
83% | 146 146-893 | 1993 | Butch, Jennifer; Lumsden, David N.: Dolomite in late Pleistocene to Holocene sediments of the Santa Barbara Channel; ODP Leg 146, Site 893 | |
83% | 86 86-577 | 1993 | Robin, E.; Froget, L. et al.: Evidence for a K/T impact event in the Pacific Ocean | |
83% | 30 30-289 | 1986 | Barrera, Enriqueta; Savin, Samuel M.: Diagenesis of foraminiferal calcite in deep-sea sediments | |
83% | | 1998 | Coxall, Helen K.; Pearson, Paul N. et al.: Morphological evolution and stable isotopic evidence for habitat change in the Eocene Hantkeninidae | |
83% | 37 37-332 | 1977 | MacRae, N. D.; Fleet, M. E. et al.: An occurrence of secondary sulfides from Leg 37 basalts | |
83% | 112 | 1993 | Lamboy, Michel: Phosphatization of calcium carbonate in phosphorites; microstructure and importance | |
83% | | 1987 | Wetzel, Andreas: Sedimentological significance of strain and sonic velocity anisotropy in fine-grained turbiditic and hemipelagic deep-sea sediments; an example from the Mississippi Fan | |
83% | 110 | 1991 | Vrolijk, Peter; Sheppard, Simon M. F.: Syntectonic carbonate veins from the Barbados accretionary prism (ODP Leg 110); record of palaeohydrology | |
83% | | 1989 | Gorbunova, Z. N.: Highly dispersed minerals and the evolution of sedimentation conditions in the northwestern Atlantic Ocean (based on deep-sea drilling data) | |
83% | 156 | 1996 | Ogawa, Y.; Takizawa, S.: Decollement zone of the Barbados accretionary prism; SEM, TEM and thin section study of the scaly cleaved radiolarian-rich clayey sediments | |
83% | | 1983 | Keller, Gerta; D'Hondt, Steven et al.: Multiple microtektite horizons in upper Eocene marine sediments; no evidence for mass extinctions | |
83% | 36 36-329 | 1978 | Boltovskoy, E.: On the age of the Neogen deposits at Site 329 (DSDP, Leg 36) | |
83% | 11 112 | 1990 | Kemp, A. E. S.: Sediment lamination style as an indicator of upwelling history | |
83% | 110 110-671 | 1991 | Buatier, Martine D.; Peacor, D. R. et al.: Origin and evolution of clays in the sediments of the Barbados accretionary wedge (Site 671B, Leg 110) | |
83% | 114 114-699 | 1995 | Westall, Frances; Boni, Laurita et al.: The experimental silicification of microorganisms | |
83% | | 1986 | Hess, Jennifer; Bender, Michael L. et al.: Evolution of the ratio of strontium-87 to strontium-86 in seawater from Cretaceous to present | |
83% | 73 | 1986 | Peterson, Nikolai; von Dobeneck, Tilo: Fossil bacterial magnetite in deep-sea sediments from the South Atlantic Ocean | |
83% | | 1986 | Gely, J. P.; Loreau, J. P.: La diagenese calcaire et ses modalites par comparaisons petrographiques des oolithes et de leur matrice micritique dans des carbonates resedimentes du Barremien du Pacifique (D.S.D.P. site 463) Limestone diagenesis and new features from comparative petrography of ooids and their micritic matrix in Barremian resedimented carbonates from the Pacific Ocean, D.S.D.P. Site 463 | |
83% | 302 | 2010 | St. John, K. K.; Passchier, S. et al.: Paleoenvironmental interpretation of quartz surface textures, from the middle Eocene central Arctic IRD record | |
83% | | 2003 | Muehlenbachs, Karlis; Furnes, Harald et al.: Controls on sub-seafloor bioalteration of mid-ocean ridge basalt glass | |
83% | 28 28-265 | 1988 | Shemesh, A.; Mortlock, R. A. et al.: Determination of Ge/Si in marine siliceous microfossils; separation, cleaning and dissolution of diatoms and Radiolaria | |
83% | | 1984 | Minoura, Koji; Nakaya, Shu: Origin of radiolarian bedded cherts; Part I | |
83% | 302 | 2009 | Onodera, Jonaotaro; Takahashi, Kozo: Taxonomy and biostratigraphy of middle Eocene silicoflagellates in the central Arctic Basin | |
83% | 112 | 1994 | Lamboy, Michel: Nannostructure and genesis of phosphorites from ODP Leg 112, the Peru margin | |
83% | | 1984 | Maruyama, Toshiaki: Miocene diatom biostratigraphy of onshore sequences on the Pacific side of Northeast Japan with reference to DSDP Hole 438A; (Part I) | |
83% | 167 167-1010 | 2000 | Pike, Jennifer: Backscattered electron imagery analysis of early Pliocene laminated Ethmodiscus ooze, ODP Site 1010 | |
83% | | 1991 | Hathon, Eric G.; Underwood, Michael B.: Clay mineralogy and chemistry as indicators of hemipelagic sediment dispersal south of the Aleutian Arc | |
83% | 127 127-797 | 1991 | Lo, Pei-hua; Tieh, Thomas T.: Clays in sediments of Yamato Basin, Japan Sea | |
83% | 168 168-1026 | 1998 | Monnin, Christophe; Buatier, Martine: Calcium carbonate stability in oceanic ridge flank sediments | |
83% | 74 74-528 | 1996 | Wei, Wuchang: Clarification of an index nannofossil species for the Paleocene/Eocene boundary | |
83% | 169S | 1998 | Vaan, Alastair A.; Dean, Jean M. et al.: A scanning electron microscope study of sediment microfabrics from Holocene laminated sediments, Saanich Inlet, British Columbia (ODP Leg 169S) | |
83% | 38 38-342 | 2001 | Mork, M. B. E.; Leith, D. A. et al.: Origin of carbonate-cemented beds on the Naglfar Dome, Voring Basin, Norwegian Sea | |
83% | 177 177-1093 | 2001 | Grigorov, Ivo; Pearce, Richard B. et al.: Southern Ocean laminated diatom ooze; potential for palaeo-flux studies, ODP Leg 177, Site 1093 | |
83% | 192 192-1184 | 2002 | Banerjee, Neil; Muehlenbachs, Karlis: Bioalteration in a subseafloor tuff; the link between rocks and sediments | |
83% | 76 76-534 | 1994 | Reale, Viviana; Monechi, Simonetta: Cyclagelosphaera wiedmannii, new species, a marker for the Callovian | |
83% | 115 115-709 | 1991 | Spezzaferri, Silvia: Evolution and taxonomy of the Paragloborotalia kugleri (Bolli) lineage | |
83% | | 1991 | Rahman, A.; Roth, P. H.: Upper Jurassic calcareous nannofossils from the DSDP Site 534 in the Blake Bahama Basin, western North Atlantic | |
83% | 11 11-100 | 1987 | Zotto, M.; Drugg, W. S. et al.: Kimmeridgian dinoflagellate stratigraphy in the southwestern North Atlantic | |
83% | 158 | 2001 | Al-Hanbali, Hakam S.; Sowerby, Stephen J. et al.: Biogenicity of silicified microbes from a hydrothermal system; relevance to the search for evidence of life on Earth and other planets | |
83% | 114 114-699 | 1991 | Westall, F.; van der Gaast, S. et al.: First TEM studies in diatom ooze containing fossilized microbes | |
83% | | 2000 | Kemp, Alan E. S.; Pike, Jennifer et al.: The "Fall dump"; a new perspective on the role of a "shade flora" in the annual cycle of diatom production and export flux | |
83% | 62 62-463 | 2002 | Price, G. D.; Hart, M. B.: Isotopic evidence for Early to Mid-Cretaceous ocean temperature variability | |
83% | 131 | 1992 | Venec-Peyre, Marie-Therese; Boulegue, Jacques et al.: Vent activity in a subduction area (Nankai Wedge); the foraminiferal test records | |
83% | 27 27-263 | 1997 | Kaminski, Michael; Holbourn, Ann et al.: "Neaguammina n. gen.", a new agglutinated foraminiferal genus from the Lower Cretaceous of DSDP Site 263 (Indian Ocean) | |
83% | 94 94-610 | 2008 | de Schepper, Stijn; Head, Martin J.: New dinoflagellate cyst and acritarch taxa from the Pliocene and Pleistocene of the eastern North Atlantic (DSDP Site 610) | |
83% | | 1997 | Pike, Jennifer; Kemp, Alan E. S.: Early Holocene decadal-scale ocean variability recorded in Gulf of California laminated sediments | download |
83% | | 1983 | Cole, T. G.; Shaw, H. F.: The nature and origin of authigenic smectites in some Recent marine sediments | |
83% | | 2005 | Nakagawa, S.; Inagaki, F. et al.: Unique thermophiles supported by the ocean crustal fluids exiting from a borehole in the eastern flank of Juan de Fuca Ridge | |
83% | 190 | 2002 | Sunderland, E. Blanche; Morgan, Julia K.: Changes in clay mineral preferred orientations during progressive sediment accretion in the Nankai accretionary prism | |
83% | 193 | 2002 | Bennett, A. J.; Benning, L. G. et al.: Concentration and distribution of gold in pyrite grains from the Pacmanus hydrothermal system, Papua New Guinea (ODP Leg 193, initial reports) | |
83% | 206 206-1256 | 2006 | Jiang, Shijun; Wise, Sherwood W., Jr.: Taxonomic note; Discoaster stellulus Gartner, 1967, emended | |
83% | 302 | 2008 | Immonen, N.; Strand, K.: Quartz grain surface textures of the Lomonosov Ridge sediments characterizing Cenozoic glaciations (IODP Arctic Coring EXpedition 302) | |
83% | 310 | 2010 | Westphal, H.; Heindel, K. et al.: Genesis of microbialites as contemporaneous framework components of deglacial coral reefs, Tahiti (IODP 310) | |
83% | 303 303-U1304 | 2010 | Xuan, Chuang: Tests for orbital influences on the geomagnetic field, and Quaternary magnetic records from North Atlantic and Arctic deep-sea sediments | |
67% | 87 87-582 87-583 | 1983 | Stein, C. L.; Smith, A. J.: Carbonate nodules from the Nankai Trough, Japan | |
67% | 30 30-288 30-289 33 33-316 | 1983 | Kim, D. C.; Manghnani, M. H. et al.: Effect of diagenesis on the physical properties of deep-sea carbonate sediments | |
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