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Score ↓ | Exp/Site/Hole | Year | Author/Title | Full text |
100% | 127 127-794 128 128-794 | 2004 | Yamamoto, Kiyohiko; Sato, Namiko et al.: Driving force of the intra-plate crust as inferred from the stresses measured in the eastern part of Kitakami Mountains, northeastern Honshu, Japan | |
100% | 127 128 | 2001 | Hanagata, Satoshi; Motoyama, Isao et al.: Geologic ages of the last occurrence of Spirosigmoilinella compressa and first occurrence of Miliammina echigoensis (benthic Foraminifera), and their paleoceanographic implications; response to the latest Miocene-earliest Pliocene sea level changes | |
90% | 31 31-299 31-301 | 1978 | Sibley, D. F.; Pentony, K. J.: Provenance variation in turbidite sediments, Sea of Japan | |
89% | 31 | 1974 | Ingle, J. C., Jr.: Marginal Western Pacific; results of deep sea drilling in the Philippine Sea and Sea of Japan | |
89% | | 1992 | Kinoshita, H.; Kulinich, R. et al.: Tectonic feature of the Sea of Japan | |
89% | | 1973 | Ingle, James C., Jr.: Leg 31; Western Pacific floor | |
75% | | 1985 | Kobayashi, Kazuo: Sea of Japan and Ryukyu Trench-Arch back-arc system | |
75% | 31 31-299 | 1979 | Koizumi, I.: DSDP Site 299, the Sea of Japan | |
75% | 31 31-301 | 1979 | Koizumi, I.: DSDP Site 301, the Sea of Japan | |
75% | 31 31-302 | 1979 | Koizumi, I.: DSDP Site 302, the Sea of Japan | |
75% | 127 128 | 1993 | Cramp, A.; Follmi, K. et al.: Late Quaternary cyclic sedimentation in the Sea of Japan | |
75% | 128 128-798 | 1993 | Piper, D. Z.; Isaacs, C. M.: Early Quaternary sediment in the Sea of Japan; minor-element record of a 41000-year cycle of water-column sulfate reduction | |
75% | | 1991 | Kheradyar, T.; Ingle, James C., Jr.: Pleistocene surface temperature and circulation within the Sea of Japan | |
75% | 128 128-799 | 1991 | Scott, Steven D.; Marumo, Katsumi: Successful test of the failed rift hypothesis for kuroko-type massive sulfide deposits, ODP Site 799, Sea of Japan | |
75% | 94 | 1987 | Sato, Tokiyuki; Takayama, Toshiaki et al.: Calcareous microfossil biostratigraphy of the uppermost Cenozoic formations distributed in the coast of the Japan Sea; Part I, Niigata area | |
75% | | 1988 | Kobayashi, Kazuo (ed.): Preliminary report of the Hakuho Maru Cruise KH86-2; Geophysical and geological investigation of the northeastern part of the Sea of Japan and Japan Trench (ODP site survey) with an annex for preliminary report of the Tansei Maru Cruise KT 87-6; Investigation on the sea-floor spreading tectonics in the northeastern part of Japan Basin (ODP site survey) | |
75% | 127 | 1990 | Cousens, B. L.; Allan, J. F. et al.: Sediment contamination of the mantle beneath the Sea of Japan, ODP Leg 127 | |
75% | 127 | 1992 | Brumsack, H. J.; Zuleger, E.: Boron and boron isotopes in pore waters from ODP Leg 127, Sea of Japan | |
75% | 127 128 | 1990 | Follmi, Karl B.: Paleoceanographic implications from high-frequency dark/light rhythms in the Sea of Japan (ODP legs 127 and 128) | |
75% | 128 | 1990 | Scott, S. D.; Pouclet, A.: ODP Leg 128 Sea of Japan: preliminary results of petrological studies in a mature backarc | |
75% | 127 128 | 1992 | Pouclet, A.: Tephrochronology, geochemistry and mineralogy of ash layers from the Sea of Japan, the ODP legs 127 and 128 results | |
75% | | 1986 | Otofuji, Yo-ichiro; Hayashida, A. et al.: When was the Japan Sea opened? Paleomagnetic evidence from Southwest Japan | |
75% | 128 | 1994 | deMenocal, Peter: Downhole logs as paleoclimate tools; a case study from ODP Leg 128, Sea of Japan | |
75% | | 2006 | Tada, Ryuji: Outline of IODP Proposal 5Full2 "Onset and evolution of millennial-scale variability of Asian monsoon and its possible relation with Himalaya and Tibetan uplift" | |
65% | 31 31-299 31-300 31-301 31-302 | 1975 | Ingle, J. C., Jr.: Pleistocene and Pliocene foraminifera from the Sea of Japan, Leg 31, Deep Sea Drilling Project | download |
63% | 127 127-794 128 128-794 | 1997 | Shirai, Masaaki; Tada, Ryuji et al.: Identification and chronostratigraphy of middle to upper Quaternary marker tephras occurring in the Anden Coast based on comparison with ODP cores in the Sea of Japan | |
63% | 127 127-795 | 1997 | Oi, Keiichi; Fukusawa, Hitoshi et al.: Last 2.4 Ma changes of monsoon and westerly activities in East Asia, detected by clay mineral composition in loess-Paleosol sequences in inland China and deep-sea sediments of the Japan Sea | |
60% | 128 128-798 | 1990 | Demenocal, Peter; Bristow, James F.: Downhole measurement data as paleoclimate indicators; a Plio-Pleistocene record of Asian eolian dust deposition to the Sea of Japan | |
60% | | 2003 | Lee, Gwang Hoon; Kim, Han-Joon et al.: Opal-A/opal-CT phase boundary inferred from bottom-simulating reflectors in the southern South Korea Plateau, East Sea (Sea of Japan) | download |
60% | 31 | 1983 | Bahk, K. S.; Chough, S. K.: Provenance of turbidites in the Ulleung (Tsushima) back-arc basin, East Sea (Sea of Japan) | |
60% | 21 21-210 31 31-299 | 1983 | Klein, G. de Vries: Relative rates of tectonic uplift in sediment sources as determined from preserved episodic turbidite deposition in marine basins | |
60% | 128 128-798 128-799 | 1994 | Dersch, Michaela; Stein, Ruediger: Late Cenozoic records of eolian quartz flux in the Sea of Japan (ODP Leg 128, sites 798 and 799) and paleoclimate in Asia | |
60% | 127 127-794 127-797 128 128-794 | 1992 | Heusser, Linda E.: Stratigraphic and paleoenvironmental implications of Neogene palynology of ODP Sites 794, and 797 in the Sea of Japan | |
60% | 21 21-210 31 31-299 | 1984 | Klein, G. deV.: Determination of relative tectonic uplift rates in sediment source terrains from analysis of preserved turbidite frequencies occurring in submarine fans | |
60% | 127 127-794 128 128-794 | 1990 | Scott, Steven D.; Pouclet, Andre: ODP Leg 128 sea of Japan; basement rocks, volcanism and a Kuroko massive sulfide environment in a failed rift | |
55% | 31 | 1975 | Ingle, J. C., Jr.: Summary of late Paleogene-Neogene insular stratigraphy, paleobathymetry, and correlations, Philippine Sea and Sea of Japan region | download |
52% | 21 21-210 30 30-287 31 31-299 | 1984 | Klein, George de Vries: Relative rates of tectonic uplift as determined from episodic turbidite deposition in marine basins | |
52% | 120 120-747 | 2003 | Hiroki, Y.; Matsumoto, R.: Correlation of Miocene (18-12 Ma) sequence boundaries in central Japan to major Antarctic glaciation events | download |
52% | 128 128-798 | 2006 | Pletnev, S. P.; Sukhanov, V. V.: Dynamics of planktonic foraminiferal community in the Sea of Japan during the last 2 My | |
52% | 210 210-1277 | 2006 | Muentener, Othmar; Manatschal, Gianreto: High degrees of melt extraction recorded by spinel harzburgite of the Newfoundland margin; the role of inheritance and consequences for the evolution of the southern North Atlantic | download |
49% | 31 | 1975 | Bouma, A. H.: Sedimentary structures of Philippine Sea and Sea of Japan sediments, DSDP Leg 31 | download |
46% | 31 31-299 | 1975 | Bouma, A. H.: Deep-sea fan deposits from Toyama Trough, Sea of Japan | download |
45% | 128 128-798 | 1992 | Burckle, Lloyd H.; Sturz, Anne et al.: Dissolution and preservation of diatoms in the Sea of Japan and the effect on sediment thanatocoenosis | |
45% | 127 127-794 127-797 128 128-794 | 1992 | Meredith, Jeffrey A.; Tada, Ryuji: Evidence for late Miocene cyclicity and broad-scale uniformity of sedimentation in the Yamato Basin, Sea of Japan, from Formation MicroScanner data | |
45% | 127 128 | 1992 | Cousens, Brian L.; Allan, James F.: A Pb, Sr, and Nd isotopic study of basaltic rocks from the Sea of Japan, Legs 127/128 | |
45% | 128 128-798 128-799 | 1992 | Bristow, James F.; Broglia, Cristina et al.: Data report; Geochemical logging results from the Sea of Japan; Sites 798 and 799 | |
45% | 127 127-794 127-795 127-797 128 128-794 | 1992 | Nomura, Ritsuo: Miocene benthic foraminifers at sites 794, 795, and 797 in the Sea of Japan with reference to the Foram Sharp Line in the Honshu Arc | |
45% | 127 127-794 127-795 127-797 128 128-794 | 1992 | Heusser, Linda E.: Neogene palynology of holes 794A, 795A, and 797B in the Sea of Japan; stratigraphic and paleoenvironmental implications of the preliminary results | |
45% | 128 128-798 | 1992 | deMenocal, Peter B.; Bristow, James F. et al.: Paleoclimatic applications of downhole logs; Pliocene-Pleistocene results from Hole 798B, Sea of Japan | |
45% | 128 128-798 | 1992 | Dersch, M.; Stein, R.: Pliocene-Pleistocene fluctuations in composition and accumulation rates of eolo-marine sediments at Site 798 (Oki Ridge, Sea of Japan) and climatic change; preliminary results | |
45% | 128 128-798 | 1992 | Getliff, J. M.; Fry, J. C. et al.: The potential for bacteria growth in deep sediment layers of the Japan Sea, Hole 798B, Leg 128 | |
45% | 127 127-794 128 128-794 | 1992 | Pouclet, Andre; Bellon, Herve: Geochemistry and isotopic composition of volcanic rocks from the Yamato Basin; Hole 794D, Sea of Japan | |
45% | 127 128 | 1992 | Allan, James F.; Gorton, Michael P.: Geochemistry of igneous rocks from legs 127 and 128, Sea of Japan | |
45% | 128 128-798 128-799 | 1992 | Ling, Hsin-Yi: Late Neogene silicoflagellates and ebridians from Leg 128, Sea of Japan | |
45% | 128 128-798 128-799 | 1992 | Ling, Hsin-Yi: Radiolarians from the Sea of Japan; Leg 128 | |
45% | | 2003 | Arai, Shoji; Abe, Natsue: Petrological model of sub-oceanic mantle and its bearing on the scientific strategy for IODP | |
45% | 184 184-1144 | 2010 | Takahara, Hikaru; Igarashi, Yaeko et al.: Millennial-scale variability in vegetation records from the East Asian Islands; Taiwan, Japan and Sakhalin | |
42% | 31 | 1975 | White, S. M. (ed.): Apra, Guam to Hakodate, Japan; June-August 1973 | download |
37% | 31 31-300 | 1975 | Ingle, J. C., Jr.; Karig, D. E. et al.: Site 300 | download |
37% | 127 128 | 1992 | Burckle, Lloyd H.; Brunner, Charlotte A. et al.: Biostratigraphic and biochronologic synthesis of Legs 127 and 128; Sea of Japan | |
37% | 31 31-299 | 1975 | Ingle, J. C., Jr.; Karig, D. E. et al.: Site 299 | download |
32% | 31 | 1975 | Trabant, P.; Bryant, W. R. et al.: Consolidation characteristics of sediments from Leg 31 of the Deep Sea Drilling Project | download |
32% | 31 31-302 | 1975 | Ingle, J. C., Jr.; Karig, D. E. et al.: Site 302 | download |
32% | 31 31-297 31-298 31-301 | 1975 | Watanabe, T.; Von Herzen, R. P. et al.: Geothermal studies Leg 31, Deep Sea Drilling Project | download |
31% | 128 128-799 | 1989 | Ingle, James C., Jr.; Suyehiro, Kiyoshi et al.: Site 799 | download |
30% | 58 58-444 58-446 | 1980 | McKee, Edwin H.; Klock, Paul R.: K-Ar ages of basalt sills from Deep Sea Drilling Project sites 444 and 446, Shikoku Basin and Daito Basin, Philippine Sea | download |
29% | 128 128-798 | 1989 | Ingle, James C., Jr.; Suyehiro, Kiyoshi et al.: Site 798 | download |
29% | 127 127-794 128 128-794 128-798 128-799 | 1989 | Ingle, James C., Jr.; Suyehiro, Kiyoshi et al.: Introduction, background, and principal results of Leg 128 of the Ocean Drilling Program, Japan Sea | download |
27% | 127 127-794 127-795 127-796 127-797 128 128-794 | 1990 | Tamaki, Kensaku; Pisciotto, Kenneth A. et al.: Background, objectives, and principal results, ODP Leg 127, Japan Sea | download |
26% | 56 56-435 | 1980 | Haq, Bilal U.; Goreau, Margaret: Calcareous nannofossils from the Japan Trench upper slope, Leg 56, Deep Sea Drilling Project | download |
26% | 31 | 1975 | Koizumi, I.: Neogene diatoms from the western margin of the Pacific Ocean, Leg 31, Deep Sea Drilling Project | download |
26% | 87 87-582 87-583 | 1986 | Pouclet, Andre; Fujioka, Kantaro et al.: Petrography and geochemistry of volcanic ash layers from Leg 87A, Nankai Trough (South Japan) | download |
26% | 59 | 1980 | Balshaw, Katherine M.: Cenozoic clay-mineral stratigraphy in the South Philippine Sea, Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 59 | download |
26% | 190 190-1175 190-1176 | 2005 | Underwood, Michael B.; Steurer, Joan F.: Composition and sources of clay from the trench slope and shallow accretionary prism of Nankai Trough | download |
25% | 31 31-296 31-297 31-298 31-299 31-300 31-301 31-302 | 1975 | Ling, H. Y.: Silicoflagellates and ebridians from Leg 31 | download |
25% | 31 31-301 | 1975 | Ingle, J. C., Jr.; Karig, D. E. et al.: Site 301 | download |
22% | 61 61-462 89 89-462 | 1986 | Takigami, Yutaka; Amari, Sachiko et al.: (super 40) Ar/ (super 39) Ar geochronological studies of basalts from Hole 462A, Nauru Basin, Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 89 | download |
22% | 51 51-417 52 52-417 52-418 53 53-418 102 102-418 | 1980 | Richards, A. F.; Fager, E.: Water content and Atterberg limits of sediments at Deep Sea Drilling Project holes 417A and 418A, legs 51 and 52, West Atlantic Ocean | download |
21% | 31 | 1975 | Ellis, C. H.: Calcareous nannofossil biostratigraphy; Leg 31, DSDP | download |
19% | 186 186-1151 | 2003 | Kurita, Hiroshi; Obuse, Akiko: Middle Miocene-uppermost lower Pliocene dinoflagellate cyst biostratigraphy, ODP Leg 186 Hole 1151A, off Sanriku coast of northern Japan, northwestern Pacific | download |
19% | 18 18-173 | 1973 | Ingle, James C., Jr.: Biostratigraphy | download |
19% | 31 31-299 31-302 | 1975 | Baker, E. W.; Smith, G. D.: Chlorophyll derivatives in DSDP Leg 31 sediments | download |
19% | 31 31-299 31-302 | 1975 | Erdman, J. G.; Schorno, K. S. et al.: Geochemistry of carbon; DSDP Leg 31 | download |
19% | 56 56-436 57 57-438 57-439 87 87-584 | 1986 | Fujioka, Kantaro: Synthesis of Neogene explosive volcanism of the Tohoku Arc, deduced from the marine tephra drilled around the Japan Trench region, Deep Sea Drilling Project Legs 56, 57, and 87B | download |
18% | 131 131-808 132 196 196-808 | 1991 | Taira, Asahiko; Hill, Ian Ashley et al.: Geological background and objectives | download |
18% | 31 31-291 31-292 31-302 | 1975 | Garrison, R. E.; Rowland, S. M. et al.: Petrology of siliceous rocks recovered from marginal seas of the western Pacific, Leg 31, Deep Dea Drilling Project | download |
18% | 145 | 1995 | Heusser, Linda E.; Morley, Joseph J.: Preliminary results from pollen analysis of selected samples from Leg 145 | download |
18% | 186 186-1150 186-1151 | 1999 | Sacks, I. Selwyn; Suyehiro, Kiyoshi et al.: Leg 186 summary | download |
18% | 186 186-1150 186-1151 | 1999 | Sacks, I. Selwyn; Suyehiro, Kiyoshi et al.: Explanatory notes | download |
17% | 31 | 1975 | Bouma, A. H.; Moore, J. C.: Physical properties of deep-sea sediments from the Philippine Sea and Sea of Japan | download |
16% | 31 | 1975 | Ling, H. Y.: Radiolaria; Leg 31 of the Deep Sea Drilling Project | download |
16% | 86 86-579 86-580 186 186-1150 186-1151 | 2003 | Koizumi, Itaru; Sakamoto, Tatsuhiko: Paleoceanography off Sanriku, Northeast Japan, based on diatom flora | download |
16% | 143 143-865 143-866 | 1995 | Cooper, Patricia: Milankovitch cycles from Fourier analysis of logs from sites 865 and 866 | download |
15% | | 1980 | Shih, Tai-chang: Magnetic lineations in the Shikoku Basin | download |
15% | 107 107-650 107-651 107-652 107-654 | 1990 | Channell, James E. T.; Hawthorne, Teresa et al.: Contrasting magnetic properties in Leg 107 sediments; preservation and alteration of titanomagnetite at adjacent sites | download |
15% | | 1990 | Burkle, Lloyd H.: Late Neogene paleoceanography of the Sea of Japan based upon diatoms | download |
15% | 136 | 1992 | Dziewonski, Adam M.; Wilkens, Roy H. et al.: Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program, Hawaiian Arch, covering Leg 136 of the cruises of the drilling vessel JOIDES Resolution, Honolulu, Hawaii, to Honolulu, Hawaii, sites 842-843, 3 March-20 March 1991 | download |
15% | | 1992 | Tsuji, Kohsuke: Tectonic framework and hydrocarbon potential of the back-arc basins in northwestern Japan | download |
15% | 142 142-864 | 1993 | Storms, Michael A.; Briggs, James E. et al.: Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program; initial reports, East Pacific Rise; covering Leg 142 of the cruises of the drilling vessel JOIDES Resolution, Valparaiso, Chile, to Honolulu, Hawaii, Site 864, 12 January-18 March 1992 | download |
15% | 127 127-794 128 128-794 128-798 128-799 | 1989 | Ingle, James C., Jr.; Suyehiro, Kiyoshi et al.: Explanatory notes | download |
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