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Score Exp/Site/HoleYearAuthor/TitleFull text
100%471980Vasilenko, L. V.: Bentosnyye foraminifery senomana v skvazhinye 398D (reys 47, Proyekt glubokovodnogo bureniya) Benthonic foraminifera of the Senonian in Site 398D; Leg 47, Deep Sea Drilling Project
1984Bourgois, Jacques; Azema, Jacques et al.: The geologic history of the Caribbean-Cocos Plate boundary with special reference to the Nicoya ophiolite complex (Costa Rica) and D.S.D.P. results (Legs 67 and 84 off Guatemala); a synthesis
85%1994MacLeod, K. G.; Huber, B. T. et al.: The biostratigraphy and paleogeography of Maastrichtian inoceramids
85%1975Veevers, J. J.: Wharton Basin; review
85%1984Olsson, R. K.: Paleoslope models of foraminifera
85%1993Firth, John V.: Dinoflagellate assemblages and sea-level fluctuations in the Maastrichtian of Southwest Georgia
85%1984Nyong, Eyo E.: Campanian to lower Maastrichtian paleobiogeography of the Western North Atlantic region
85%1970Sclater, John G.; Cox, Allan: Palaeolatitudes from JOIDES deep sea sediment cores
85%1986Colwell, Jim; Coffin, Mike et al.: French expeditions to the southern Kerguelen Plateau
85%1999Smit, J.: The global stratigraphy of the Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary impact ejecta
85%1999Petronotis, Katerina E.; Gordon, Richard G.: A Maastrichtian palaeomagnetic pole for the Pacific Plate from a skewness analysis of marine magnetic anomaly 32
85%2001Skinner, Ethan Smith: The upper Campanian Marshalltown Sequence of the New Jersey Coastal Plain, Bass River and Ancora Boreholes
85%2002Otto-Bliesner, Bette L.; Brady, Esther C. et al.: Late Cretaceous ocean; coupled simulations with the National Center for Atmospheric Research climate system
85%1993MacLeod, Norman: The Maastrichtian-Danian radiation of triserial and biserial planktic foraminifera; testing phylogenetic and adaptational hypotheses in the (micro)fossil record
71%391981Perch-Nielsen, Katharina: New Maastrichtian and Paleocene calcareous nannofossils from Africa, Denmark, the USA and the Atlantic, and some Paleocene lineages
1981Scheibnerova, V.: Palaeographical implications of Cretaceous benthic foraminifera recovered by the Deep Sea Drilling Project in the western South Atlantic
1981Robert, C.: Santonian to Eocene palaeogeographic evolution of the Rio Grande Rise (South Atlantic) deduced from clay-mineralogical data (DSDP legs 3 and 39)
71%1985Barron, John A.: Diatom biostratigraphy of the CESAR 6 core, Alpha Ridge
71%21975Kossovskaya, A. G.; Murav'yev, V. I.: O tozhdestve okeanicheskikh i platformennykh tseolit-kristobalitovykh porod Similarity of oceanic and platform zeolite-cristobalite rocks
71%1988Damotte, R.: Ostracodes cretaces du forage 95, Campagne JOIDES 10, Golfe du Mexique Cretaceous ostracods from Well 95, JOIDES 10, Gulf of Mexico
71%1990MacLeod, Kenneth G.; Ward, Peter D.: Evidence for a late Maastrichtian, but not terminal Cretaceous, extinction of Inoceramus (Bivalvia)
71%1990MacLeod, Kenneth G.; Ward, Peter D.: Extinction pattern of Inoceramus (Bivalvia) based on shell fragment biostratigraphy
71%1994Droxler, Andre W.: Shallow carbonates drilled by DSDP and ODP; oceanic benchmarks and dipsticks for continental margins and volcanic aseismic ridges
1992Ehrendorfer, Thomas W.: Diversity changes in the calcareous nannoplankton during the Maestrichtian in southern high latitudes (ODP Hole 690C, Maud Rise, Weddell Sea)
1986Lentin, J. K.; Manum, Svein B.: A new peridinioid dinoflagellate from Campanian sediments recovered from DSDP Leg 22, Site 217, Indian Ocean
1989Mehrotra, K. K.; Biswas, S. K.: Age of the Deccan Trap flow in the Kutch offshore area
1994Opdyke, B. N.; Wilson, P. A.: Why elemental Sr residence times were longer in the Late Cretaceous
71%1131987Huber, Brian T.; Webb, Peter-Noel et al.: Upper Cretaceous planktonic foraminifera from the Weddell Basin, Antarctica (ODP Leg 113)
71%1983Weiss, W.: Heterohelicidae (seriale planktonische Foraminiferen) der tethyalen Oberkreide (Santon bis Maastricht) Heterohelicidae, a serial planktonic foraminiferal family, and biostratigraphy of the Tethyan Upper Cretaceous; Santonian-Maastrichtian
1985Chen Jin-shi: Stratigraphy and stable isotops of carbon and oxygen
71%731980Tauxe, L.; LaBrecque, J. L. et al.: Paleogene magnetostratigraphy from DSDP Leg 73
71%1974Kolodny, Yehoshua; Epstein, Samuel: The Stable Isotope Record of DSDP Cherts
71%1986Zachos, J. C.; Arthur, M. A.: Paleoceanography of the Cretaceous/Tertiary boundary event; inferences from stable isotopic and other datadownload
71%1992Meyers, Philip A.: Changes in organic carbon stable isotope ratios across the K/T boundary; global or local control?
71%1985Monechi, Simonetta; Thierstein, Hans R.: Late Cretaceous-Eocene nannofossil and magnetostratigraphic correlations near Gubbio, Italy
71%1996D'Hondt, Steven; Arthur, Michael A.: Late Cretaceous oceans and the cool tropic paradox
1979Wind, Frank H.: Late Campanian and Maestrichtian calcareous nannoplankton biogeography and high-latitude biostratigraphy
71%1978Hofker, Jan: Analysis of a large succession of samples through the Maastrichtian and the lower Tertiary of Drill Hole 47.2, Shatsky Rise, Pacific, Deep Sea Drilling Project
71%1993Frank, Gabriela: Paleobiological changes and the influence of geochemical and extraterrestrial aspects concerning black shale developments
1995Boltovskoy, E.; Watanabe, S. et al.: Benthic foraminifers from DSDP Site 516 (upper Maestrichtian-Quaternary, South Atlantic)
1991Corbin, J. C.; Galbrun, B. et al.: Manganese fluctuations and oceanic ridge expansion
71%1201991Mao, Shaozhi; Mohr, Barbara A. R.: Late Cretaceous (Campanian-Maestrichtian) dinoflagellates from the Kerguelen Plateau, southern Indian Ocean (ODP, Leg 120, Site 748C)
71%1994Sliter, William V.: Late Cretaceous hiatuses and global change
71%1979Wind, F. H.: Maestrichtian-Campanian nannofloral provinces of the southern Atlantic and Indian oceans
1993Huber, B. T.; Hodell, D. A.: Early Campanian warming maximum during the last 35 m.y. of the Cretaceous period
1981Empson-Morin, Karen M.: Campanian Radiolaria from DSDP Site 313, Mid-Pacific Mountains
1985Steel, J. E.: Upper Cretaceous magnetic polarity zones from DSDP Site 612
71%1996Konnecke, L. K.; Coffin, M. F.: Terrigenous sediment and subaerial lava flows on the Cretaceous Kerguelen Plateau; implications from ocean bottom seismometer and multichannel seismic data
71%61973Swain, Frederick M.: Upper Cretaceous Ostracoda from the northwestern Pacific Ocean
71%21973Smali, Marina: Foraminiferi campaniano-maastrichtiani della Dorsale Medio-Atlantica Campanian-Maestrichtian foraminifera of Mid-Atlantic Ridge
71%1992Ward, Peter D.; MacLeod, Kenneth G.: Maastrichtian-aged lithostratigraphic patterns in the European Tethys; implications for sea level change and end-Cretaceous extinction patterns
71%1995Antipov, M. P.; Shlezinger, A. Ye. et al.: Influence of stratigraphy on acoustic wave fields
71%1997Widmark, Joen G. V.; Speijer, Robert P.: Benthic foraminiferal ecomarker species of the terminal Cretaceous (late Maastrichtian) deep-sea Tethys
1998Zepeda, Maybellyn A.: Planktonic foraminiferal diversity, equitability and biostratigraphy of the uppermost Campanian-Maastrichtian, ODP Leg 122, Hole 762C, Exmouth Plateau, NW Australia, eastern Indian Ocean
1996Erba, E.; Larson, R. L.: Death in the tropics; Cretaceous and Paleogene atolls in the Pacific Ocean
71%1651996Sigurdsson, H.; Carey, S.: Episodes of explosive volcanism in Central America; new evidence from ODP Leg 165
71%1591996Watkins, David K.; Bellier, J. P. et al.: Evidence from the Ivorian Basin on the opening of the Equatorial Atlantic gateway
71%1979Schlich, R.; Muller, C. et al.: Le Maestrichtien du site 239 (D.S.D.P. ocean Indien) dans son cadre regional et son incidence sur l'echelle chronologique des inversions du champ magnetique terrestre The Maestrichtian at DSDP Site 239, Indian Ocean; regional framework and significance for the time-scale of terrestrial magnetic field reversals
71%1191990Sakai, Hideo; Funaki, Minoru et al.: Paleomagnetic study of ODP Leg 119; Kerguelen Plateau and Prydz Bay
71%1591995Scrutton, Roger A.; Allerton, Simon: The evolution of the marginal ridge at the Cote d'Ivoire-Ghana transform margin from ODP Leg 159
71%3022004Backman, Jan; Moran, Kate: Arctic Coring EXpedition; palaeoceanographic and tectonic evolution of the central Arctic Ocean
71%2072004Meyers, Philip A.; Bernasconi, Stefano: Nitrogen isotopic evidence of magnified cyanobacterial organic matter production in black shales
71%1992MacLeod, Kenneth G.; Ward, Peter D.: The disappearance of inoceramid bivalves and mid-Maastrichtian ecological change
2003Friedrich, Oliver; Meier, K. J. Sebastian: Stable isotopic indication for the cyst formation depth of Campanian/Maastrichtian calcareous dinoflagellates
71%2072010Blair, Stacie A.: Cenomanian-Santonian calcareous nannofossil biostratigraphy of Demerara Rise, Western Equatorial Atlantic (ODP Leg 207); black shales and a better refined biostratigraphic framework
71%1995D'Hondt, Steven; Arthur, Michael A.: Interspecies variation in stable isotopic signals of Maastrichtian planktonic Foraminiferadownload
71%1998D'Hondt, S.; Arthur, M. A.: Getting into deep water in the late Maastrichtian Ocean
71%3022007Stein, Ruediger: Upper Cretaceous/lower Tertiary black shales near the North Pole; organic carbon origin and source rock potential
2002Abramovich, Sigal: Paleoecology and paleoenvironment of Maastrichtian planktonic Foraminifera; examples from low and middle latitude localities
71%1996Firth, John V.: An uppermost Campanian to lower Maastrichtian organic-walled phytoplankton assemblage from the central Arctic Ocean, Core FL-533, Alpha Ridge
1996Erba, E.; Mutterlose, J. et al.: Campanian dwarf calcareous nannofossils from the Central Pacific Ocean; results of ODP legs 143, 144
71%441983Mulder, E.; Marks, P.: Umbilical structures of Globotruncana fornicata Plummer and G. contusa (Cushman) in exceptionally well-preserved material from Blake Escarpment (D.S.D.P. Leg 44, Site 390A)
71%1997Kucera, M.; Malmgren, B. A. et al.: Foraminiferal dissolution at shallow depths of the Walvis Ridge and Rio Grande Rise during the latest Cretaceous; inferences for deep-water circulation in the South Atlantic
71%431984Peypouquet, J. P.; Grousset, F.: The hydrological paleoenvironment in the Mesogean Sea from the Cretaceous-Tertiary crisis to the Ypresian Stage; a paleooceanographic outlook of the North Atlantic-Mesogean context
71%1994Herbert, Timothy D.; Premoli Silva, I. et al.: Cyclostratigraphy; is it ready to do something?
71%2004Habib, Daniel; Saeedi, Farnosh: The Manumiella global spike; cooling and regression at the close of the Maastrichtian
71%1980Vallier, Tracy L.; Rea, David K.: Cretaceous volcanic episodes in the western Pacific Ocean; a synthesis of Deep Sea Drilling results
2009Linnert, Christian; Mutterlose, Joerg: Biometry of the Late Cretaceous Arkhangelskiella group; ecophenotypes controlled by nutrient flux
1998Nederbragt, Alexandra J.: Quantitative biogeography of late Maastrichtian planktic Foraminifera
71%731981LaBrecque, John L.; Hsue, Kenneth J.: Contributions of DSDP Leg 73 to Paleogene correlation
71%1996Watkins, David K.; Wise, Sherwood W., Jr. et al.: Upper Cretaceous calcareous nannofossil biostratigraphy and paleoceanography of the Southern Ocean
2004Wagner, Thomas: Mid-Cretaceous anoxic events and paleoclimate; the land-ocean linkage at orbital time scales
71%1998Firth, John V.; Clark, David L.: An early Maastrichtian organic-walled phytoplankton cyst assemblage from an organic-rich black mud in core Fl-533, Alpha Ridge; evidence for upwelling conditions in the Cretaceous Arctic Ocean
71%2072007Junium, Christopher K.; Arthur, Michael A.: Nitrogen cycling during the Cretaceous, Cenomanian-Turonian Oceanic Anoxic Event IIdownload
71%2005Gabdullin, R. R.: Upper Cretaceous cyclostratigraphic scale for the Russian Plate and its southern framework; Paper 1, Prerequisites and principles of scale construction
1994D'Hondt, Steven; Lindinger, Matthias: A stable isotopic record of the Maastrichtian ocean-climate system; South Atlantic DSDP site 528
71%1977Tucholke, B. E.; Mountain, G.: The Horizon-A complex; lithostratigraphic correlation and paleoceanographic significance of reflectors in the western North Atlantic
71%1995Widmark, Joen G. V.: Multiple deep-water sources and trophic regimes in the latest Cretaceous deep sea; evidence from benthic foraminifera
2004Dumitrica, Paulian: Maastrichtian Challengeriidae (phaeodarian Radiolaria) from deep sea sediments of SW Pacific
71%3022007Stein, Ruediger; Backman, Jan et al.: The Arctic Coring Expedition; a breakthrough in Arctic Ocean geoscientific research
71%3022011Setoyama, Eiichi; Kaminski, Michael A. et al.: Late Cretaceous palaeobiogeographic distribution of Foraminifera in the Tethyan-Atlantic-Arctic transect
70%1983Waples, Douglas W.: Reappraisal of anoxia and organic richness, with emphasis on Cretaceous of North Atlantic
1983Lang, Thomas H.; Watkins, David K. et al.: Cenozoic calcareous nannofossil assemblages from DSDP Leg 77, southeastern Gulf of Mexico
1983Watkins, David K.; Bowdler, Jay L.: Cretaceous calcareous nannofossils from DSDP Leg 77, southeastern Gulf of Mexico
1981Williams, Douglas F.; Healy-Williams, Nancy et al.: Stable carbon and oxygen isotope records from DSDP Leg 72, South Atlantic
1998Mai, Hartmut; Hildebrand-Habel, Tania et al.: Paleocene coccospheres from DSDP Leg 39, Site 356, Sao Paulo Plateau, S Atlantic Ocean
1985Gresham, Cyane W.: Cretaceous and Paleocene siliceous phytoplankton assemblages from DSDP sites 216, 214 and 208 in the Pacific and Indian oceans
1985Varentsov, I. M.; Sakharov, B. A. et al.: Geokhimicheskaya istoriya postyurskoy sedimentatsii v severnom rayone vozvyshennosti Khessa, skv. 464 Geochemical history of post-Jurassic sedimentation in northern Hess Rise, Site 464
1975Keating, B.; Helsley, C. E. et al.: Late Cretaceous Reversal Sequence
1982Perch-Nielsen, Katharina; McKenzie, Judith A. et al.: Biostratigraphy and isotope stratigraphy and the "catastrophic" extinction of calcareous nannoplankton at the Cretaceous/Tertiary boundary

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