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Score ↓ | Exp/Site/Hole | Year | Author/Title | Full text |
100% | 40 40-361 | 1992 | Dingle, Richard V.; Robson, Simon H.: Southwestern Africa continental rise; structural and sedimentary evolution | |
91% | 36 36-327 36-330 | 1984 | Dingle, R. V.: Mid-Cretaceous Ostracoda from southern Africa and the Falkland Plateau | |
88% | | 1982 | Martin, A. K.; Goodlad, S. W. et al.: Cretaceous palaeopositions of the Falkland Plateau relative to southern Africa using Mesozoic seafloor spreading anomalies | |
72% | 39 | 1981 | Perch-Nielsen, Katharina: New Maastrichtian and Paleocene calcareous nannofossils from Africa, Denmark, the USA and the Atlantic, and some Paleocene lineages | |
72% | 96 | 1995 | Bouma, Arnold H.: Geological architecture of fine-grained submarine fan reservoirs | |
72% | 175 175-1085 | 2005 | Perry, V. R.; Shackford, J. K. et al.: Grain size analysis of terrigenous sediments from the SW African margin | |
72% | | 1984 | Dingle, R. V.; Hendey, Q. B.: Late Mesozoic and Tertiary sediment supply to the eastern Cape Basin (SE Atlantic) and palaeo-drainage systems in Southwest Africa | |
71% | | 1973 | Orr, William N.: Micropaleontology and the Deep Sea Drilling Project | |
71% | 36 36-327 36-330 | 1982 | Dingle, R. V.: Distribution of benthic ostracods during the early separation of Southern Africa and the Falkland Plateau | |
71% | | 2006 | Wigley, Rochelle A.; Compton, John S.: Late Cenozoic evolution of the outer continental shelf at the head of the Cape Canyon, South Africa | download |
68% | 25 25-249 | 2003 | McMillan, I. K.: The Foraminifera of the late Valanginian to Hauterivian (Early Cretaceous) Sundays River Formation of the Algoa Basin, Eastern Cape Province, South Africa | |
58% | 72 72-516 | 1992 | D'Hondt, Steven L.; King, John W. et al.: Precessional cycles and Late Cretaceous chronostratigraphy at South Atlantic DSDP Site 516F | |
58% | 25 25-249 | 2011 | Uenzelmann-Neben, G.; Watkeys, M. K. et al.: Palaeoceanographic interpretation of a seismic profile from the southern Mozambique Ridge, southwestern Indian Ocean | |
51% | 94 | 1986 | Keigwin, L. D.: North Atlantic record of late Neogene climatic change | |
51% | | 1996 | Barron, John A.; Cronin, Thomas M. et al.: Middle Pliocene paleoenvironments of the Northern Hemisphere | |
51% | | 1996 | Milner, Simon C.; le Roex, Anton P.: Isotope characteristics of the Okenyenya igneous complex, northwestern Namibia; constraints on the composition of the early Tristan Plume and the origin of the EM 1 mantle component | |
51% | | 1996 | Castillo, P. R.; Janney, P. R.: Isotopic evolution of Pacific MORB; implications for the isotopic diversity of modern MORB | |
51% | 40 40-362 | 1978 | Siesser, William G.: Aridification of the Namib Desert; evidence from oceanic cores | |
51% | 108 108-658 | 1991 | Dupont, Lydie M.; Beug, Hans-Juergen: Marine palynological studies off NW Africa | |
51% | 36 36-330 40 40-361 | 2003 | van der Spuy, D.: Aptian source rocks in some South Africa Cretaceous basins | |
51% | | 2008 | Frey, F. A.; Pringle, M. S. et al.: Geochemical constraints on the origin of the Ninetyeast Ridge, Indian Ocean | |
51% | 175 175-1085 175-1086 175-1087 | 2005 | Udeze, C. U.; Oboh-Ikuenobe, F. E.: Neogene palaeoceanographic and palaeoclimatic events inferred from palynological data; Cape Basin off South Africa, ODP Leg 175 | download |
51% | 153 153-920 | 2003 | Lee, Cin-Ty Aeolus; Brandon, Alan D. et al.: Vanadium in peridotites as a proxy for paleo-fO (sub 2) during partial melting; prospects, limitations, and implications | download |
44% | 118 118-735 176 176-735 | 1999 | Dick, Henry J. B.; Natland, James H. et al.: Leg 176 summary | |
44% | 118 118-735 176 176-735 | 1999 | Dick, Henry J. B.; Natland, James H. et al.: Site 735 | |
44% | 118 118-735 176 176-735 | 1999 | Marin, Jennifer A. (ed.); Scroggs, John M. et al.: Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program; initial reports, return to Hole 735B; covering Leg 176 of the cruises of the drilling vessel vessel JOIDES Resolution; Cape Town, South Africa, to Cape Town, South Africa; Site 735, 8 October-9 December 1997 | |
44% | 118 118-735 176 176-735 | 1999 | Dick, Henry J. B.; Natland, James H. et al.: Explanatory notes | |
43% | 175 175-1085 | 2000 | Christensen, Beth A.; Kalbas, J. E. et al.: Deep water connections between the hemispheres during the intensification of Northern Hemisphere glaciation; evidence from ODP Leg 175 Site 1085 | |
43% | 175 175-1085 | 2010 | Dickson, Alexander J.; Leng, Melanie J. et al.: Oceanic, atmospheric and ice-sheet forcing of South east Atlantic Ocean productivity and South African monsoon intensity during MIS-12 to 10 | |
41% | 73 | 1984 | Bode, Gerald W.: Appendix I; Carbon and carbonate analyses | |
41% | 40 40-362 75 75-532 | 1987 | Diester-Haas, L.: History of the Benguela Current off SW Africa (DSDP sites 362 and 532) | |
41% | 41 41-367 108 108-658 108-659 108-661 | 1987 | Hooghiemstra, H.: Survey of palynologically analysed deep-sea cores in the Northeast Atlantic off Northwest Africa | |
41% | 5 5-40 40 40-362 | 1982 | Caratini, C.; Tissot, C.: Palynological study of Pleistocene sediment cores from Walvis Ridge | |
41% | 74 74-525 74-527 74-528 | 1982 | Richardson, S. H.; Erlank, A. J. et al.: Correlated Nd, Sr and Pb isotope variation in Walvis Ridge basalts and implications for the evolution of their mantle source | |
41% | 175 175-1081 175-1085 | 1998 | Lange, C. B.; Berger, W. H. et al.: Origin and paleoceanographic significance of the early Matuyama diatom maximum off SW Africa, Benguela Current System (ODP Leg 175) | |
41% | 40 40-362 75 75-532 | 1987 | Meyers, P. A.; Diester-Haass, L.: Carbonate dissolution cycles in sediments from DSDP sites 362 and 532, Walvis Ridge continental terrace | |
41% | 180 | 2008 | Gardien, Veronique; Lecuyer, Christophe et al.: Dolerites of the Woodlark Basin (Papuan Peninsula, New Guinea); a geochemical record of the influence of a neighbouring subduction zone | |
41% | 115 | 1986 | Dick, H. J. B.; Gallo, D. G. et al.: The geology of the Atlantis II f. z., SW Indian Ridge, and the potential for mantle drilling | |
41% | 25 25-248 25-249 | 1994 | Ben-Avraham, Zvi; Niemi, Tina M. et al.: Mid-Tertiary changes in deep ocean circulation patterns in the Natal Valley and Transkei Basin, Southwest Indian Ocean | |
41% | 14 14-141 41 41-366 47 47-397 | 1984 | Stein, R.; Sarnthein, Michael: Late Neogene events of atmospheric and oceanic circulation offshore Northwest Africa; high-resolution record from deep-sea sediments | |
41% | 177 177-1089 | 1999 | Latimer, Jennifer C.; Filippelli, Gabriel M. et al.: Sediment geochemistry and dust sources from the South Atlantic ocean; ODP Leg 177, Site 1089 | |
41% | 62 62-463 | 2007 | van Breugel, Yvonne; Schouten, Stefan et al.: Synchronous negative carbon isotope shifts in marine and terrestrial biomarkers at the onset of the early Aptian oceanic anoxic event 1a; evidence for the release of (super 13) C-depleted carbon into the atmosphere | download |
41% | 90 90-588 | 1997 | Compton, John S.: Origin and paleoceanographic significance of Florida's phosphorite deposits | |
41% | 175 175-1085 | 2004 | Westerhold, Thomas; Bickert, Torsten: Middle to late Miocene oxygen isotope stratigraphy of ODP Site 1085 (SE Atlantic); new constrains on Miocene sea-level fluctuations | |
41% | 74 74-527 74-528 | 2008 | Class, C.; Le Roex, A. P. et al.: Is plume shape variability real? Evidence from Tristan-Gough-Discovery | |
41% | | 2000 | Alloway, Brent; Fromont, Mairie et al.: A high resolution terrestrial record of distal Quaternary volcanism; implications for New Zealand's largest urban centre | |
41% | 108 108-668 | 2000 | Bird, Michael; Cali, Joe: A million year fire history for the African Sahel from ODP-668B, Sierra Leone Rise | |
41% | 117 117-721 117-722 | 2000 | Demenocal, Peter B.; Brown, Francis H.: Correlation of East African volcanic ash layers into the deep-sea; constraining African climate and evolution hypotheses | |
41% | 162 162-986 | 2000 | Vutt, Faisal A.; Elverhoi, Anders et al.: Relief of the Barents Sea during Plio-Pleistocene and its implications for Northern Hemisphere glaciations | |
41% | 175 175-1075 | 2000 | Dupont, Lydie; Jahn, Britta et al.: Vegetation changes in west Equatorial Africa in connection to the mid-Pleistocene climate transition (0.9-0.5 Ma) | |
41% | | 2011 | Ellis, S. M.; Wallace, L. M. et al.: Causes and consequences of abrupt change in interseismic locking depth along the Hikurangi plate interface and its relation to slow slip | |
38% | 40 | 1978 | Siesser, W. G.: Leg 40 results in relation to continental shelf and onshore geology | download |
36% | 175 175-1075 175-1076 175-1077 175-1078 175-1079 175-1080 175-1081 175-1082 175-1083 175-1084 175-1085 175-1086 175-1087 | 1998 | Wefer, Gerold; Berger, Wolfgang H. et al.: Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program; Initial reports; Benguela Current, covering Leg 175 of the cruises of the drilling vessel JOIDES Resolution, Las Palmas, Canary Islands, to Cape Town, South Africa, sites 1075-1087, 9 August-8 October, 1997 | |
36% | 175 175-1075 175-1076 175-1077 175-1078 175-1079 175-1080 175-1081 175-1082 175-1083 175-1084 175-1085 175-1086 175-1087 | 2002 | Berger, Wolfgang H. (ed.); Wefer, Gerold (ed.) et al.: Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program, scientific results, Benguela Current; covering Leg 175 of the cruises of the drilling vessel JOIDES Resolution; Las Palmas, Canary Islands, to Cape Town, South Africa; sites 1075-1087; 9 August-8 October 1997 | |
36% | 40 40-361 40-364 75 75-530 | 2012 | Hartwig, Alexander; di Primio, Rolando et al.: Source rock characteristics and compositional kinetic models of Cretaceous organic rich black shales offshore southwestern Africa | |
36% | 119 | 1988 | Barron, John A.; Larsen, Birger et al.: Ocean Drilling Program; early glaciation of Antarctica | |
36% | 178 178-1098 178-1099 | 1999 | Baker, Peter F.; Camerlenghi, Angelo: An approach to Antarctic glacial history; the aims of Leg 178 | |
36% | 172 172-1060 | 2007 | Hoogakker, B. A. A.; McCave, I. N. et al.: Antarctic link to deep flow speed variation during Marine Isotope Stage 3 in the western North Atlantic | download |
36% | 161 161-976 161-978 161-979 | 2002 | Hernandez-Molina, F. J.; Somoza, L. et al.: Quaternary stratigraphic stacking patterns on the continental shelves of the southern Iberian Peninsula; their relationship with global climate and palaeoceanographic changes | |
36% | 175 175-1081 175-1082 175-1083 175-1084 | 2002 | Gorgas, Thomas J.; Wilkens, Roy H.: Sedimentation rates off SW Africa since the late Miocene deciphered from spectral analyses of borehole and GRA bulk density profiles; ODP sites 1081-1084 | |
36% | 175 175-1085 | 2011 | Mickulesku, Kristy; Robinson, Marci et al.: Sea surface temperature estimates from the Pliocene Benguela Current upwelling system | |
31% | 25 | 1974 | Girdley, W. A.: Appendix III; carbon and carbonate analyses, Leg 25 | download |
31% | 73 73-519 73-520 73-521 73-522 73-523 73-524 | 1984 | LaBrecque, John L.; Phillips, J. et al.: Appendix II; The crustal age and tectonic fabric at the Leg 73 sites | |
31% | 28 28-266 29 29-284 36 36-328 71 71-513 71-514 80 80-548 90 90-588 | 1987 | Mercer, J. H.: The Antarctic ice sheet during the late Neogene | |
31% | 178 | 1999 | Barker, Peter F.; Camerlenghi, Angelo et al.: Leg 178 summary | |
31% | 40 40-363 40-364 | 1978 | Scheibnerova, V.: Aptian and Albian benthic foraminifers of Leg 40, sites 363 and 364, southern Atlantic | download |
31% | 74 74-525 | 2006 | Class, Cornelia; Le Roex, Anton P.: Continental material in the shallow oceanic mantle; how does it get there? | |
31% | 175 175-1087 | 2005 | McClymont, Erin L.; Rosell-Mele, Antoni et al.: Alkenone and coccolith records of the mid-Pleistocene in the South-east Atlantic; implications for the U (sub 37) (super K') index and South African climate | download |
31% | 178 | 1999 | Barker, Peter F.; Camerlenghi, Angelo et al.: Explanatory notes | |
31% | 175 175-1085 | 2005 | Robert, Christian; Diester-Haass, Liselotte et al.: Clay mineral assemblages, siliciclastic input and paleoproductivity at ODP Site 1085 off southwest Africa; a late Miocene-early Pliocene history of Orange River discharges and Benguela Current activity, and their relation to global sea level change | download |
31% | 177 177-1089 177-1094 | 2011 | Freeman, Tiffany C.; Latimer, Jennifer C.: Fine fraction mineralogy as an indicator of detrital provenance in the southeastern Atlantic Ocean | |
31% | 202 202-1232 202-1233 | 2012 | Verleye, Thomas J.; Mertens, Kenneth N. et al.: Average process length variation of the marine dinoflagellate cyst Operculodinium centrocarpum in the tropical and Southern Hemisphere oceans; assessing its potential as a palaeosalinity proxy | |
31% | 177 177-1089 | 2012 | Krueger, S.; Leuschner, D. C. et al.: North Atlantic Deep Water and Antarctic Bottom Water variability during the last 200 ka recorded in an abyssal sediment core off South Africa | |
29% | 122 122-761 122-761B 122-762 122-762C 122-763 122-763B 122-763C 122-764 122-764A | 1992 | Damotte, Renee: Data report; Cretaceous ostracodes from holes 761B and 764A (Wombat Plateau) and holes 762C, 763B, and 763C (Exmouth Plateau) | download |
29% | 71 71-511 | 1983 | Kotova, Ida Z.: Palynological study of Upper Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous sediments, Site 511, Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 71 (Falkland Plateau) | download |
29% | 175 | 1998 | Wefer, Gerold; Berger, Wolfgang H. et al.: Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program; initial reports; Benguela Current; covering Leg 175 of the cruises of the drilling vessel JOIDES Resolution, Las Palmas, Canary Islands, to Cape Town, South Africa, sites 1075-1087, 9 August-8 October, 1997 | download |
27% | 36 36-330 | 1977 | Beckinsale, R. D.; Tarney, J. et al.: Rb-Sr and K-Ar age determinations on samples of the Falkland Plateau basement at Site 330, DSDP | download |
26% | 25 | 1974 | Sigal, Jacques: Comments on Leg 25 sites in relation to the Cretaceous and Paleogene stratigraphy in the eastern and southeastern Africa coast and Madagascar regional setting | download |
26% | 100 100-625 177 177-1088 177-1089 177-1090 177-1091 177-1092 177-1093 | 1999 | Gersonde, Rainer; Hodell, David A. et al.: Leg 177 summary; Southern Ocean paleoceanography | |
26% | 178 178-1098 178-1099 | 1999 | Barker, Peter F.; Camerlenghi, Angelo et al.: Palmer Deep (sites 1098 and 1099) | |
26% | 198 198-1209 | 2007 | Dawber, C. F.; Tripati, A. K.: Early Cenozoic glaciation; exploring the paradigm of an "ice-free" middle Eocene | download |
26% | 113 189 | 2007 | Grube, Rene; Mohr, Barbara: Deterioration and/or cyclicity? The development of vegetation and climate during the Eocene and Oligocene in Antarctica | download |
26% | 198 199 | 2007 | Tripati, A. K.; Dawber, C. F. et al.: Evidence for synchronous glaciation of Antarctica and the Northern Hemisphere during the Eocene and Oligocene; insights from Pacific records of the oxygen isotopic composition of seawater | download |
26% | 178 178-1098 | 2007 | Shevenell, A. E.; Ingalls, A. E. et al.: Orbital and atmospheric forcing of western Antarctic Peninsula climate in the Holocene; the TEX (sub 86) paleotemperature record of Palmer Deep | download |
26% | 51 51-417 52 52-417 52-418 53 53-418 69 69-504 70 70-504 83 83-504 92 92-504 | 2007 | Furnes, Harald; Banerjee, Neil R. et al.: Comparing petrographic signatures of bioalteration in recent to Mesoarchean pillow lavas; tracing subsurface life in oceanic igneous rocks | download |
26% | | 2007 | Pekar, S. F.; Christie-Blick, Nicholas: Showing a strong link between climatic and pCO (sub 2) changes; resolving discrepancies between oceanographic and Antarctic climate records for the Oligocene and early Miocene (34-16 Ma) | download |
26% | 178 | 1999 | Barker, Peter F.; Camerlenghi, Angelo et al.: Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program; initial reports; Antarctic glacial history and sea-level change; covering Leg 178 of the cruises of the drilling vessel JOIDES Resolution; Punta Arenas, Chile, to Cape Town, South Africa; sites 1095-1103, 5 February-9 April 1998 | download |
26% | 100 100-625 177 177-1088 177-1089 177-1090 177-1091 177-1092 177-1093 | 1999 | Gersonde, Rainer; Hodell, David A. et al.: Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program; initial reports; Southern Ocean paleoceanography; covering Leg 177 of the cruises of the drilling vessel JOIDES Resolution; Cape Town, South Africa, to Punta Arenas, Chile; sites 1088-1094; 9 December 1997-5 February 1998 | |
26% | 178 178-1100 178-1102 178-1103 | 1999 | Barker, Peter F.; Camerlenghi, Angelo et al.: Shelf transect (sites 1100, 1102, and 1103) | |
26% | 177 177-1088 | 1999 | Gersonde, Rainer; Hodell, David A. et al.: Site 1088 | |
26% | 177 177-1090 | 1999 | Gersonde, Rainer; Hodell, David A. et al.: Site 1090 | |
26% | 177 177-1089 | 1999 | Gersonde, Rainer; Hodell, David A. et al.: Site 1089 | |
26% | 177 177-1091 | 1999 | Gersonde, Rainer; Hodell, David A. et al.: Site 1091 | |
26% | 177 177-1092 | 1999 | Gersonde, Rainer; Hodell, David A. et al.: Site 1092 | |
26% | 177 177-1093 | 1999 | Gersonde, Rainer; Hodell, David A. et al.: Site 1093 | |
26% | 100 100-625 177 | 1999 | Gersonde, Rainer; Hodell, David A. et al.: Site 1094 | |
26% | 178 178-1095 | 1999 | Barker, Peter F.; Camerlenghi, Angelo et al.: Site 1095 | |
26% | 178 178-1096 | 1999 | Barker, Peter F.; Camerlenghi, Angelo et al.: Site 1096 | |
26% | 178 178-1097 | 1999 | Barker, Peter F.; Camerlenghi, Angelo et al.: Site 1097 | |
26% | 178 178-1101 | 1999 | Barker, Peter F.; Camerlenghi, Angelo et al.: Site 1101 | |
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