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Score Exp/Site/HoleYearAuthor/TitleFull text
100%1989Carsey, Frank; Cimino, JoBea et al.: A unique, timely opportunity; the first SAR flights over Antarctica, the Southern Ocean and South America
82%1982Flueh, Ernst Rudolf: Geodynamische Entwicklung der noerdlichen Anden Geodynamic evolution of the Northern Andes
82%1121987On the Peru Trench; Leg 112 studies continental margin
68%1551994McDaniel, D. K.; McLennan, S. M. et al.: Sediment mixing and recycling in the Amazon River basin as recorded by the geochemistry of muds from the Amazon continental shelf and deep-sea fan
1997Ibaraki, Masako: Closing of the Central American Seaway and Neogene coastal upwelling along the Pacific Coast of South America
68%1990von Huene, Roland: Structure of the Andean convergent margin and some implications for hydrocarbon resources
1985Moore, David G.: Plans for future Caribbean and Latin American deep sea drilling
68%1121992Tsuchi, Ryuichi: Neogene events in Japan and on the Pacific coast of South America
68%1988Manum, Svein B.: Deep-sea palynology; past and present
68%1551998Erickson, Stephanie N.; Jarrard, Richard D.: Velocity-porosity relationships for water-saturated siliciclastic sedimentsdownload
68%1973Scheibnerova, Viera: Non-tropical Cretaceous foraminifera in Atlantic deep-sea cores and their implications for continental drift and palaeoceanography of the South Atlantic Ocean
68%2002Piper, David J. W.; Migeon, Sebastien: Sedimentation processes on terrigenous continental margins
67%1976Gombos, Andrew M., Jr.: Neogene and Paleogene diatom stratigraphy in the region of the Falkland Plateau
2002Harris, Sara E.; Mix, Alan C.: Climate and tectonic influences on continental erosion of tropical South America, 0-13 Ma
2003Theissen, Kevin Matthew: Geochemical investigations of Quaternary paleoclimate and environmental change from Lake Titicaca, South America and Prydz Bay, Antarctica
64%2012Le Roux, J. P.: A review of Tertiary climate changes in southern South America and the Antarctic Peninsula; Part 1, Oceanic conditions
58%1121994Yeh, Chiu-Chuan: Uranium-series disequilibrium dating of ODP Leg 112 and other phosphorites from the Peru margin
58%1121990Masako, Ibaraki: Late Pleistocene planktonic foraminiferal assemblages of the coastal upwelling area off Peru (ODP Leg 112)
58%1979Uyeda, S.: Subduction zones; facts, ideas, and speculations
58%1121987Convergent tectonics and coastal upwelling; a history of the Peru continental margin
58%1121992Resig, Johanna M.: Parabolivina peruensis, a new oxygen minimum foraminifer from the Peru margin
58%1141987Leg 114 finds complete sedimentary record
58%1551995Drilling the fantastic Amazon fan
58%1977Barker, P. F.; Burrell, J.: The opening of Drake Passage
2000Maslin, M. A.; Durham, E. et al.: Palaeoreconstruction of the Amazon River freshwater and sediment discharge using sediments recovered at Site 942 on the Amazon Fan
1976Swain, F. M.: Lower and middle Cretaceous Ostracoda from the Atlantic Ocean off Guiana and off West Africa
1994Hooghiemstra, Henry; Ran, Eva T. H.: Late Pliocene-Pleistocene high resolution pollen sequence of Colombia; an overview of climatic change
54%1992003Gleason, James D.; Rea, David K. et al.: Downcore contrasts in the provenance of Cenozoic pelagic and hemipelagic sediment, central North Pacific; deep ocean vs. near-continental margin sites
2004Peterson, L. C.; Haug, G. H. et al.: Climate and hydrologic conditions over northernmost South America as recorded in Cariaco Basin sediments
1999Weber, M. E.; Pisias, N. G.: Spatial and temporal distribution of biogenic carbonate and opal in deep-sea sediments from the eastern Equatorial Pacific; implications for ocean history since 1.3 Ma
2005Mora, German; Martinez, J. Ignacio: Sedimentary metal ratios in the Colombia Basin as indicators for water balance change in northern South America during the past 400,000 yearsdownload
2009Lamy, Frank; Kaiser, Jerome: Glacial to Holocene paleoceanographic and continental paleoclimate reconstructions based on ODP Site 1233/GeoB 3313 off southern Chile
54%1997Goncalves, C. A.; Harvey, P. K. et al.: Prediction of petrophysical parameter logs using a multilayer backpropagation neural network
2003Thomas, Ellen; Barker, Peter: Onset and development of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current
50%2072005Mosher, David; Erbacher, Jochen et al.: Stratigraphy of the Demerara Rise, Suriname, South America; a rifted margin, shallow stratigraphic source rock analogue
50%2003Horst, Peter A.; Maurrasse, Florentin J. M. R.: Astronomical tuning of Cenomanian sediments in the Atlantic section of the Tethys
2001Haug, G. H.; Peterson, L. C. et al.: A marine record of rapid climate change in tropical South America during the glacial and Holocene
2002Cunha, Armando A. Scarparo: Correlacao entre eventos transgressivos e erosivos do Neocenomaniano-Turoniano na parte sul do Atlantico Sul Correlation between transgression and erosion events in the late Cenomanian-Turonian of the southern South Atlantic
2010Hessler, Ines; Dupont, Lydie et al.: Millennial-scale changes in vegetation records from tropical Africa and South America during the last glacial
50%1772012Noble, Taryn L.; Piotrowski, Alexander M. et al.: Greater supply of Patagonian-sourced detritus and transport by the ACC to the Atlantic sector of the Southern Ocean during the last glacial period
48%1983Hunt, John M.: Introduction; offshore oil and gas; past, present, future
48%1983Bassov, I. A.; Ciesielski, P. F. et al.: Mesozoic to Holocene biostratigraphic framework for the Falkland Plateau and Southeast Argentine Basin
48%1121988Oberhaensli, H.; Wefer, G. et al.: Neogene Sedimentationsgeschichte des peruanischen Kontinentalrandes (ODP Leg 112) Neogene sedimentary history of the Peruvian continental margin, ODP Leg 112
48%1988Hinz, K.: Neue geophysikalische Ergebnisse ueber den geologischen Aufbau und die Entwicklung des Argentinischen Kontinentalrandes New geophysical results on the geological structure and evolution of the Argentinian continental margin
48%1982Wilson, Graeme J.; Clowes, Christopher D.: Arachnodinium, a new dinoflagellate genus from the lower Tertiary of Antarctica
48%1121987Wefer, G.: Geschichte des Kuestenauftriebs vor Peru; Erste Ergebnisse von Leg 112 History of the coastal uplift at Peru; initial results from Leg 112
48%1121994Hagen, R. A.; Moberly, R.: Tectonic effects of a subducting aseismic ridge; the subduction of the Nazca Ridge at the Peru Trench
48%1551994Cisowski, S. M.; Hall, F. R.: Ultra-high resolution records of the Lake Mungo Excursion and the Blake Event from ODP Leg 155 cores drilled in the Amazon Fan
1988Caulet, J. P.; Nigrini, C. A.: A comparison of upwelling radiolarian faunas from the Peru and Arabian margins (ODP legs 112 and 117)
1988Miller, John J.; von Huene, Roland et al.: A quantitative analysis of a gas hydrate reflection in seismic records near ODP Drill Site 688 off Peru
48%1988von Huene, Roland; Miller, J.: Erosion and accretion along the southern Peru margin, 12 degrees S
48%1121988Kvenvolden, Keith A.; Kastner, Miriam: Gas hydrates in sediment of the Peruvian continental margin
1996Lueckge, A.; Rullkoetter, Juergen et al.: Organic matter preservation in immature sediments along the continental margins of Peru and Oman
1980Ciesielski, P. F.: On the age of the Neogene deposits at Site 329 (DSDP, Leg 36); discussion
1986Hasson, Phyllis F.; Fischer, Alfred G.: Observations on the Neogene of northwestern Ecuador
1999Haberle, Simon G.; Maslin, Mark A.: Late Quaternary vegetation and climate change in the Amazon Basin based on a 50,000 year pollen record from the Amazon Fan, ODP Site 932
48%1990Morse, John W.; Emeis, Kay C.: Controls on C/S ratios in hemipelagic upwelling sediments
2000Cunha, Armando A. Scarparo: Dry-wet climatic cycles in the Turonian sequences of the Sergipe (NE Brazilian continental margin) and Angola (SW African continental margin) Basins
48%2000Alves, E. C.; Baptista Neto, J. A. et al.: Geophysical, geological and oceanographic parameters used in the selection of a marine area in Brazil to locate low radioactive waste
1992Schrader, Hans: Coastal upwelling and atmospheric CO (sub 2) changes over the last 400,000 years; Peru
48%1121996Brothers, R. J.; Kemp, A. E. S. et al.: Mechanical development of vein structures due to the passage of earthquake waves through poorly-consolidated sediments
48%1121996Schillhorn, Thies; Kukowski, Nina: Numerische 3D-FD Modellierungen zum Fluid- und Waermetransport im Akkretionskomplex vor Peru bei 9 Grad Sued Numerical 3D-FD models of fluid transport in an accretionary complex in Peru at 9 degrees south
48%2012004Gettemy, G. L.; Cikoski, C. et al.: Poroelastic parameters of Peru margin sediments; implications for flow and transport at multiple scales in the marine biosphere
48%1411992Behrmann, Jan H.; Lewis, Stephen D. et al.: Deep drilling in the hanging wall of a subducting active oceanic spreading ridge at the Chile triple junction; objectives and achievements of Leg 141 of the Ocean Drilling Program (ODP)
48%1984Bair, John; Hart, George F.: Palynology of some Lower Cretaceous sediments from the Malvinas area, South Atlantic
48%2002Concheyro, Andrea; Angelozzi, Gladys N.: Nanofosiles calcareos Calcareous nannofossils
48%1551995Hazelton, Happy: The use of grain size analysis in determining sediment transport of the Amazon deep-sea fan
48%1121996Schillhorn, T.; Kukowski, N.: 3D modeling mass and heat flow in the Peruvian subduction zone at 9 degrees S
48%1121995Kukowski, Nina; Pecher, Ingo A. et al.: BSR formation and structurally controlled fluid flow in the convergent margin accretionary complex off Peru
48%1551995Deptuck, M. D.: Amazon deep-sea fan facies classification scheme
48%1991Kohnen, Math E. L.; Sinninghe Damste, Jaap S. et al.: Identification and geochemical significance of cyclic di- and trisulphides with linear and acyclic isoprenoid carbon skeletons in immature sediments
48%1994Hooghiemstra, Henry; Ran, Eva T. H.: Late and middle Pleistocene climatic change and forest development in Colombia; pollen record Funza II (2-158 m core interval)
48%1993Martin, Jonathan B.; Gieskes, Joris M. et al.: Bromine and iodine in Peru margin sediments and pore fluids; implications for fluid origins
48%1993Suits, Neil S.; Arthur, Michael A. et al.: C-S-Fe systematics in Peru margin muds
48%1981Coulbourn, W. T.: Geologic structure and sedimentation along the convergent margins of Guatemala and Peru-Chile at the Arica Bight
48%1411991Behrmann, Jan H.; Lewis, Stephen D. et al.: Ocean Drilling Program, Leg 141 scientific prospectus, Chile triple junction
48%1121993Lamboy, Michel: Phosphatization of calcium carbonate in phosphorites; microstructure and importance
48%1121993Lewis, C. A.; Rowland, S. J.: Quantitative assessment of changes occurring in organic matter during early diagenesis
48%1121987Reed, T. B., IV; Bartlett, W. A. et al.: SeaMARC II imagery and bathymetry of the Peru Fore-arc
48%1551995Nanayama, Futoshi: Growth pattern of the Amazon deep-sea fan by glacio-eustatic sea-level changes; results of the ODP Leg 155
48%1121990Bourgois, Jacques; Huchon, P. et al.: Tectonics of the Peru active margin
1989Bourgois, J.: Tectonic history of the Peruvian margin with special reference to tectonic erosion
2003Phillips, Neil: Economic geology
48%1995Glenn, C. R.; Burnett, W. C. et al.: Peru margin phosphorites and paleoceanography
48%1977Scheidegger, K. F.; Corliss, J. B. et al.: Evidence for the compositional uniformity of a crustal segment of the Nazca Plate
1996Boomer, Ian; Ballent, Sara: Early-Middle Jurassic ostracod migration between the Northern and Southern hemispheres; further evidence for a proto Atlantic-Central America connection
1996Hooghiemstra, Henry: Environmental and paleoclimatic evolution in the late Pliocene-Quaternary Colombia
48%1551995Frinsko, Meredith L.: Grain size analysis of Amazon deep sea fan sediments and the relationship to physical properties in seismically inferred architectural units
48%1990Ahmad, R.; Dale, L. S. et al.: Rare earth and trace element distribution in fish-debris apatite obtained from the core sediments of the Peru Continental Shelf/Slope: implications for the determination of ancient bottom seawater redox
1990Kemp, A. E. S.: Sediment lamination style as an indicator of upwelling history
48%1995Donnelly, Thomas W.; Sinton, Chris et al.: The Caribbean Cretaceous plateau basalt; a major LIP
1992Ibaraki, Masako: Neogene planktonic foraminiferal biostratigraphy on the coast of Peru and its paleoceanographic implications
48%1121992Ibaraki, Masako: Planktonic Foraminifera of the crustal upwelling area off Peru since the Pleistocene
48%2012002Neretin, L. N.; Schippers, A. et al.: Quantitative molecular techniques to study the abundance and activity of microorganisms in the marine deep subsurface
2004Phipps, M. E.; Mix, A. C.: A reconstruction of millennial-scale changes in sub-surface watermasses off of central Chile
48%2012004Skilbeck, Greg; Rolph, Timothy et al.: Correlation of palaeo-El Nino archives across the Pacific Ocean from LGM to present
2004Mauclaire, Laurie; Zepp, K. et al.: Direct in situ detection of cells in deep-sea sediment cores from the Peru Margin (ODP Leg 201, Site 1229)
48%1988Stein, R.: Deposition of organic carbon-rich sediments in narrow marine basins and open-marine upwelling environments; new results from the Ocean Drilling Program
48%1121988Aplin, A. C.; Curtis, C. D. et al.: Distribution of Fe and S species in organic-rich sediments from the Peru-Chile margin
1992Powell, A. James; Lewis, Jane et al.: The palynological expressions of post-Palaeogene upwelling; a review

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